Category:First Business
"first business"
Pages in category "First Business"
The following 56 pages are in this category, out of 56 total.
- According to Vaisnava philosophy, the first business is to take shelter of a bona fide spiritual master
- According to Vedic culture, first protection: to the cows, to the women, to the brahmanas, to the children and to the old man. This is the first business of the government, to give protection
- Always remember that our first business is preaching and distributing literatures, never mind we have to live under a tree
- Because my (Prahlada) spiritual master gave me blessing, therefore I see You. So my first business is to serve him. - This is Vaisnava conclusion
- Before this picturesque sight, Lord Krsna appeared as a child. He felt hungry, and to increase His mother's love, He wanted her to stop churning. He indicated that her first business was to let Him suck her breast, and then she could churn butter later
- First business is to accept spiritual master. Adau gurv-asrayam. Who will train him? He is already fool, rascal. He must be trained up. So he must be trained up by the representative of Krsna
- First business of management
- First thing is, first business, is to accept a bona fide guru. Otherwise there is no devotion. It is simply false imitation. This is the injunction of Rupa Gosvami in Bhakti-rasamrta sindhu
- For those who are cultivating Krsna consciousness, the first business is hearing
- His (Dvivida's) first business was to set fires in villages, towns and industrial and mining places, as well as in the residential quarters of the mercantile men who were busy dairy farming and protecting cows
- His (Krsna's) first business is to give pleasure to His devotees, and His second business is to kill the demons, who are always giving the devotees trouble
- I have already told you, your first business is to see about the publication of my books
- If a new temple site in Los Angeles is absolutely required to be moved in a bigger place, that should be your first business. For my place you may find a place near the temple, and it should be independent of any other tenants
- If one goes to any place of pilgrimage, his first duty is to take a bath and sometimes to shave his head. That is the first business. After taking a bath, they worshiped the deities and then distributed charity in the holy places
- If you are serious about understanding spiritual life and executing, then the first business is initiation, taking shelter of a bona fide spiritual master. This is our process
- In the execution of Krsna consciousness, our first business is to know Krsna and our relationship with Him
- In the execution of Krsna consciousness, our first business is to know Krsna and our relationship with Him - CC Intro
- In this human form of life, one should be inquisitive to understand what is Brahman. That is the first business of human society. But they have now forgotten
- My advice to you under the circumstances is that at least for one hour you must all go to have Sankirtana outside on the streets or in the park. That is your life and soul, first business
- My first business is to give the devotees the proper knowledge and engage them in devotional service, so that is not very difficult task for you, I have given you everything, so read and speak from the books and so many new lights will come out
- One has to understand himself. That is the basic principle of spiritual life. You go to the spiritual master, our first business is inquiry. That inquiry is - Who am I
- One who is serious to take Krsna consciousness, his first business is to break these four pillars of sinful life so there will be no chance of sin. Krsna says in the Bhagavad-gita, yesam anta-gatam papam
- Our first business is to be situated in knowledge. Jnanavasthita-cetasah
- Our gurukula means how to teach them to become self-controlled. That is first business. This literary education secondary, grammar secondary. The first necessity is how to create them santa, danta, self-controlled
- The disciple should not consider whether he is going back home, back to Godhead; his first business should be to execute the order of his spiritual master
- The first business is hearing. Tad-vijnanartham. Vijnanartham. If you want to know some science, you must hear from the authorized person. Similarly our process is to hear from Krsna, the most authorized person
- The first business is how to control the mind so that it may not be influenced by the base quality, lusty desires and greediness. We have seen in Paris old man, seventy-five years old, he is going to the night club, because the lusty desire is there
- The first business of human being is to inquire about the spiritual subject matter. Athato brahma jijnasa. This is the Vedanta philosophy
- The first business of one trying to advance in spiritual life is to control the mind and senses
- The first business of the gopis is to chant the glories of both the hero (Krsna) and the heroine (Radharani). Their second business is to gradually create a situation in which the hero may be attracted to the heroine and vice versa
- The first business of the sannyasi is to preach Krsna consciousness, but if, by the grace of Krsna, facilities are available, then he may construct temples and monasteries to give shelter to the serious students of Krsna consciousness
- The first principle is that every devotee must try to rise early in the morning. That is first business. This practice should be done first. No one should sleep more than six hours
- The standard must be very high. Neatness and cleanliness are the first business of temple worship
- This is the bhakti-marga, means, the first thing is sravanam, hearing. Just like these books are being written to give chance people to hear. That is first business. If we don't hear about God we simply imagine something. No. We must hear about God
- To save us from death... That is the first business of humankind. We are teaching this Krsna consciousness movement for this purpose only