Our present life, at the present moment, present life means so long we possess this material body, it is full of inauspicity. Mokṣyase aśubhāt. Aśubhāt means inauspicity. So what is that confidential knowledge? Now Kṛṣṇa says, again stressing:
- rāja-vidyā rāja-guhyaṁ
- pavitram idam uttamam
- (BG 9.2)
This confidential knowledge is rāja-vidyā. Rāja means . . . rāja means "king," or "royal." Just like we have got experience, we have got palaces or houses. But when we come to the royal palace, that is the best. In a city, of course, nowadays the royal palaces are abolished, but still somewhere, just like in London we have seen the Buckingham Palace. That is the best house in London. Similarly, rāja-vidyā. There are different types of education and learning, but this knowledge which Kṛṣṇa is now imparting to Arjuna, He says it is rāja-vidyā. Rāja-vidyā means the king of all education.
There are education, different types of education, different departmental education, but this is the best of the royal education. Rāja-vidyā rāja-guhyaṁ. And most confidential. It cannot be understood by ordinary person. Rāja-vidyā rāja-guhyaṁ pavitram. Why it is . . . (break) . . . so confidential and it is called rāja-vidyā, the king of knowledge? Pavitram. Pavitram means the purest, not contaminated. Not contaminated means not material knowledge. It is spiritual knowledge. Material knowledge is contaminated. There are three qualities in the material world: sattva-guṇa, rajo-guṇa and tamo-guṇa—goodness, passion and ignorance. So it is above; above goodness. Passion is condemned, ignorance is condemned, even this material so-called goodness, that is also condemned.