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Pages in category "Recognize"
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- A bad man, even if he is so-called learned and scientist, he is also ferocious, demons. Bad man means who does not recognize the supremacy of God. Bad. Demon
- A devotee's business is to offer obeisances to the Lord and the spiritual master constantly. This principle is the recognized way to come to the platform of bhakti
- A fighting soldier is honored by the government. He maybe dies, he is recognized by the government, "Here is a soldier, laid down his life by fighting." So we prefer that life. We shall die fighting with maya
- A foolish person who manufactures his own ways and means through mental speculation and does not recognize the authority of the sages who lay down unimpeachable directions is simply unsuccessful again and again in his attempts
- A spiritual master is recognized as an actual guru when it is seen that he has changed the character of his disciples
- Acaryavan puruso veda. You have to follow the acaryas. In our country there are acaryas, Ramanujacarya, Madhvacarya, Visnu Svami, Caitanya Mahaprabhu, those who are recognized authority
- According to the Vedic civilization, a wife cannot call her husband by name. In the present civilization the wife calls her husband by name, but in Hindu civilization she does not. Thus the inferiority and superiority complexes are recognized
- After exchanging the boy for the girl, he (Vasudeva) returned to the prison of Kamsa and silently put the girl on the lap of Devaki. He again clamped the shackles on himself so that Kamsa could not recognize that so many things had happened
- After you pass the examination, there is no more test. But before coming to the post of recognized devotee, Krsna tests very severely. That one has to pass
- Agnidhra appreciated Purvacitti's raised breasts. After seeing the girl's breasts, he became almost mad. Nevertheless, he could not recognize whether Purvacitti was a boy or a girl, for as a result of his austerity, he saw no distinction between the two
- All the asramas are recognized for spiritual progress, and therefore although the grhastha-asrama gives a kind of license for sex life for a certain time, it does not allow unrestricted sex life
- All these various speculative philosophers are one in denying the existence of the Supreme Lord Visnu, and they are very much enthused to propagate their own theories and be recognized by the people
- Also, one who hears this narration three times will become very reputable if he is not recognized in society, and he will become a great scholar if he is illiterate
- Although I am recognized as such by the great forefathers of the living entities, who offer me respectful obeisances, still I cannot understand Him, the Lord, the very source of my birth
- Although King Satrajit was known to everyone, he could not be recognized because of the dazzling effulgence of the Syamantaka jewel
- Although qualified medical men may consider him (a man who becomes a doctor by practical knowledge) a quack, the government will recognize his work
- Although the supreme source is one, the emanations from this source should be separately regarded as inferior and superior. The difference between the Mayavada and Vaisnava philosophies is that the Vaisnava philosophy recognizes this fact
- Among people of the lower classes, intermarriage and the drinking of wine are allowed, for these people do not recognize such conduct as sinful among themselves
- An ignorant living being does not recognize his actual profit. Because of ignorance and material pride, he sometimes considers profit a loss, but when his pride is cut down he can actually see his true benefit
- An unauthorized devotee should never be recognized as a pure devotee. By assimilation of such messages from the Vedic literatures, one can see the all-pervading localized aspect of the SPG within his own self constantly. This is called samadhi
- Any sampradaya, either the Sankara sampradaya or Vedanta-sampradaya, if they have no standing on the Vedanta-sutra, they are not recognized
- As far as education is concerned, one can become recognized in society as a great learned scholar simply by hearing Srimad-Bhagavatam and Bhagavad-gita, wherein the pastimes of the Lord and His devotees are described
- As long as it does not turn iron into gold by its touch, no one can recognize an unknown stone to be a touchstone
- As the brahmanas are recognized by their particular qualification of inclination towards the transcendental knowledge of Vedic wisdom also the ksatriyas are recognized by the power to protect society from the disturbing elements of thieves and miscreants
- As the mother is the only authority to identify the father of a child, so the mother Vedas, presented by the recognized authority such as Brahma, Narada or Siva, is the only authority to inform us about the Absolute Truth
- At the present moment everyone is in a diseased condition: people are thinking they are something other than servants of Krsna. Now this movement is trying to bring everyone to the position of recognizing that they are eternal servants of Krsna
- Atri Muni said, "That jagad-isvara, the Lord of the universe, must be one of you, but since three of you have appeared, I cannot recognize whom I have called. You are all so kind
- Because the son is part of the body of the father, the relationship between them cannot be broken; it may be forgotten for some time, but as soon as one recognizes his father or son, immediately affection develops
- Bhagavad-gita is recognized and accepted as scripture by all classes of men in India, and as far as outside India is concerned, many scholars, theologians, and philosophers accept Bhagavad-gita as a great, authoritative work
- Bhagavad-gita is recognized, so far India is concerned, cent percent. Either they may be theist or atheist, that doesn't matter. Bhagavad-gita is accepted by all classes of men in India
- Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati did not recognize the caste gosvamis because they were not in the line of the six gosvamis in the renounced order who were direct disciples of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Buddha philosophy, they do not recognize the soul. They, according to them, that the combination of matter at a certain stage produces consciousness. But that philosophy, that argument, can be refuted
- By accepting the six Gosvamis as his instructing spiritual masters, the author specifically makes it clear that one should not be recognized as a Gaudiya Vaisnava if he is not obedient to them
- By literary contribution, one's intelligence is tested. All big, big men of the material world, scientists, philosophers, even technicians, they are recognized by their writings, by their contribution, not by their gigantic body
- Even if one is not known or recognized by society, he becomes very famous and important if he takes to devotional service and preaching
- Even though he may be born in a family of dog-eaters, he is recognized by learned scholars. But although a person may be a learned scholar in Vedic knowledge, he is not recognized if he is an atheist
- Everyone who is in this material world, forgotten God, or Krsna, he is already intoxicated. Just like intoxicated man, he cannot recognize even his father, mother, or even his sister or mother. It has been practical
- Everything appears to be very nice, and your service in this connection is recognized. You have done a great service by meeting with Mr. John Lennon
- Faith we must have. Without faith, we cannot make progress. But not blind faith, but to accept something which is recognized
- Five types of upper-class brahmanas are recognized by the surname Pippalai
- For the conditioned soul busy in sense gratification, a mahajana is recognized according to the proportion of sense gratification he offers
- From this ocean of milk the moon was born, but the fish in the milk ocean could not recognize that the moon was not another fish and was different from them
- Haridasa Thakura was born in a Muslim family and was later recognized as a great Vaisnava, but nevertheless the brahmanas were very critical of him
- He (Sukadeva Gosvami) was recognized when he spoke on the subject of Bhagavatam, and he never attempted jugglery like a magician. Outwardly he appeared to be a retarded, dumb madman, but in fact he was the most elevated transcendental personality
- He wants to give service, but because his service is not rightly placed, he is frustrated. Just like in our country, Mahatma Gandhi, he gave so much service to his country, and his countrymen shot him down, dead. Not recognized
- How was he (Srila Sukadeva, the son of Vyasa) recognized by the citizens when he entered the city of Hastinapura (now Delhi), after wandering in the provinces of Kuru and Jangala, appearing like a madman, dumb and retarded?
- I am glad that Purusottama is trying to get our Society recognized in the U.N. as a non-government organization. And if it is successful, then we shall be able to perform Kirtana in the U.N. stage
- I am recognized Acarya of this movement
- I have always stressed that we must become recognized not only by the mass but also by the class
- I was at that time new man - not exactly new man, but not recognized disciple. I did not go. So he (My Guru Maharaja) saw that I am sitting, I did not go to parikrama. He very much appreciated. I preferred to hear him than go to parikrama
- I wrote a personal letter to Gandhi that "Mahatma Gandhi, you are recognized all over the world as a very pious man, and you are supposed to be very devotee of Bhagavad-gita
- If he (the spiritual master) sees that a disciple has become competent and purified by the process of chanting, he offers the sacred thread to the disciple just so that he will be recognized as one-hundred-percent equal with a brahmana
- If one believes in the Vedic literatures, one must accept all the Vedic literatures recognized by the great acaryas, but the Mayavadi philosophers accept only the nyaya-prasthana and sruti-prasthana, rejecting the smrti-prasthana
- If one can execute his duty in the disciplic succession of Narada Muni, his service will surely be recognized
- If one does not follow the four recognized disciplic successions, his mantra or initiation is useless
- If somebody is at all interested for some spiritual enlightenment, then, unfortunately, mandah sumanda-matayah, they adopt some spiritual method which is not recognized
- If the qualities of one group are found in the men of another, those men should be recognized by their qualities, by their symptoms, not by the caste of the family in which they were born
- If the scientists, philosophers, they take up seriously then it will be good for the general mass of people. Yad yad acarati sresthah. You are recognized leaders, so if you help them to accept, that will be great service
- If they (communists or capitalists) do not recognize the proprietorship of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, all the property they claim to be their own is stolen
- If we are recognized by the representatives for different nations, then we may be invited from different parts of the world, then our Sankirtana movement will be successful
- If we stick to our principle, certainly very soon we shall be recognized as a bona fide institution; and who can give better information than us in the matter of Spiritual understanding?
- If you do something criminal, you will suffer. If you do something benevolent for the state, for the people, then you are recognized; you are sometimes given a title. This is good and bad karma
- If you get some scholarship stipend from the foundations, that will be a great achievement. Not for the money, but the foundations will gradually recognize what valuable service we are rendering to the human society
- If you go on with your work sincerely, by following the footsteps of our predecessors, certainly our movement will be recognized by the people in general
- If you meditate on something nonsense, what is the use? This is going on. "Real father don't recognize; we are meditating." Misleading
- If you say that "I have studied all the medical books," the government will not recognize you as a medical practitioner
- If you want to be medical student there are five years', six years' course; if you study for two years and give it up, then you cannot have that title, or you cannot be recognized as a medical practitioner
- If Yudhisthira is a sinner in his daily discharge of duties, in royal administration of state affairs, wherein killing of man & animals is a recognized art, then we can just imagine the amount of sins committed by the untrained population of the Kali-yuga
- In both cases the comparison is equally good because both of them (Brahma and Yudhisthira) are recognized representatives of the Supreme Lord, and thus both of them have to maintain mental equanimity, being engaged in welfare work for the living being
- In England the rule is that when a man is recognized as knight or lord by his activities, in order to continue the family as lord family, they have to deposit a certain amount of money
- In every sastra the spiritual master is recognized as personally the Supreme Lord. Why he is recognized? Kintu prabhor yah priya eva tasya. Because he's the most dear servant of the Lord
- In Oriental civilization, when a woman goes out onto the street, she must be fully covered so that no man will recognize who she is. All these methods are to be accepted for purification
- In some readings, the word darah is not used, but the word used then is rayah, which means "wealth." In India there are still wealthy persons who are recognized by the state as raya
- In the material world the living being is still more conditioned, until he surrenders unto the Lord by reviving his original state of eternal servitorship. That is the last instruction of the Bhagavad-gita and all other recognized scriptures of the world
- In the present civilization the wife calls her husband by name, but in Hindu civilization she does not. Thus the inferiority and superiority complexes are recognized
- In this age of a godless civilization, the sages of world-recognized religious sects who believe in God must come out of their secluded places and preach the science of God, the Supreme Will, to the people in general
- In Vaisnava society there are many types of Vaisnavas. Some of them are called gosvamis, some are called svamis, some are prabhus, and some are prabhupada. One is not recognized, however, simply by such a name
- India there are six kinds of philosophies, but they are not recognized. Rsibhih, just like Devala Rsi, Narada Rsi, Vyasadeva, Asita Rsi, Valmiki Rsi, they are recognized. Rsibhir bahudha gitam. So they have got different philosophical ways to understand
- Intelligent persons like Maharaja Pariksit do not recognize mental speculators, however great they may be, but hear from the authorities like Sukadeva Gosvami, who is nondifferent from the Supreme Personality of Godhead by the parampara system
- It is explained any religion which does not recognize or do not understand the principles of religion, so that is cheating religion
- It is just as when, sometimes, it is found that a person who never attended school or college may be recognized as a great scholar, or an honorary degree from great universities may be offered to him
- It is not that BG rejects the meditational yoga process; it recognizes it as a bona fide method, but it further indicates that it is not possible in this age. Thus the subject in the Sixth Chapter of BG is quickly dropped by Sri Krsna and Arjuna
- It is not that we have blind faith, but that we accept something that is recognized
- It is said, phalena pariciyate: one is recognized by the result of his actions
- It must be recognized that we are not just a religious sect. People are being kept in darkness, so we are trying our best to give this to the world; we must work in that spirit and become qualified
- Just like a person, when he's ghostly haunted, he calls his father by ill names, but he cannot recognize even his father. So all of us, we are already under the clutches of maya. That is the position of intoxication
- Just like fighting soldiers, they are facing danger for the country. They are recognized. Similarly, those who are preachers - on behalf of Krsna preaching people to take to Krsna consciousness - they are great soldiers
- Kardama Muni wanted to marry Devahuti in the recognized manner of marriage prescribed in the scriptures
- Krishna will give us all strength, and printing of Bhagavatam and other Vaisnava literature is my life and soul, so press is the biggest mrdanga, recognized by my Guru Maharaja
- Krsna said that, You (Arjuna) are recognized, one of the maha-rathas. So what the other maha-rathas will think of you? They will not consider that out of compassion you did not fight. They will think that out of fear you have left the battlefield
- Krsna's energy - His maya-sakti, or svarupa-sakti - is one, but it is manifested in varieties. The difference between Vaisnavas and Mayavadis is that Mayavadis say that this maya is one, whereas Vaisnavas recognize its varieties
- Let your daughter's desire for marriage, which is recognized in the Vedic scriptures, be fulfilled. Who would not accept her hand? She is so beautiful that by her bodily luster alone she excels the beauty of her ornaments
- Lord Brahma recognized the brahminical qualifications of Brhaspati, who was the spiritual master of the demigods because of his awareness of the Supreme Brahman
- Lord Buddha did not recognize the presence of transcendental forms and spiritual activities beyond the material world. He simply described voidism beyond this material existence
- Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu propounded the sankirtana movement or yajna for all practical purposes, and the people of the present age are strongly recommended to follow this sure and recognized path
- Lord Visnu said, "Saints are My heart, and only I am their hearts. They do not know anyone but Me, and therefore I do not recognize anyone besides them as Mine"
- Meditation means concentration upon the lotus feet of the Lord. Lotus feet indicate the SPG. But those who are impersonalists do not recognize the lotus feet of the Lord, and therefore their object of meditation is something impersonal
- Mucukunda continued, "This beautiful body may be recognized as a royal body while in the living condition"
- My translation of the Srimad-Bhagavatam (published in three volumes first canto) is recognized by the Government of India both central and states education department
- No one can excel God in any capacity, and therefore no one can be equal to or greater than Him, nor can anyone attain the stage of equality with God by any kind of endeavor. Jnana, yoga and bhakti are three recognized processes of spiritual realization
- No one will be able to disobey the orders of Prthu Maharaja. After conquering the world, he will completely eradicate the threefold miseries of the citizens. Then he will be recognized all over the world
- No recognized institution where students can be educated in the brahmacari principles
- None of the inhabitants of Dvaraka, including Lord Balarama, could recognize the sannyasi to be Arjuna; therefore all of them offered their respects and obeisances to the sannyasi without knowing the actual situation
- Not recognize the authority
- Not recognized disciple
- Nothing should be accepted which is not recognized. You see? So this (harer nama eva kevalam) is recognized method. Now it depends on us. Let us follow this process and see how we are making progress in the spiritual path
- Nowadays it has become the custom that unless you have got a university degree, either you may be in knowledge . . . mayaya apahrta-jnanah, you are not recognized as a pandita. But in the Vedic scripture, the pandita is different person
- O Narayana, O supreme and oldest person, please forgive us. Because of our ignorance, we failed to recognize Ajamila as a servant of Your Lordship, and thus we have certainly committed a great offense
- Of all these devotees, the gopis are recognized as superior because they do not know anything other than satisfying Krsna. Nor do the gopis expect any return from Krsna
- One should culture knowledge in the following way: One should become a scientist or philosopher and conduct research into spiritual knowledge, recognizing that spiritual knowledge is permanent whereas material knowledge ends with the death of the body
- One should not be jealous of members of other castes or nations. It is not that only Indians or brahmanas can become Vaisnavas. Anyone can become a Vaisnava. Therefore one should recognize that the bhakti cult must be spread all over the world
- One should recognize the difference between activities of the body and spiritual activities by which one understands that he is not the body. BG 1972 purports
- Our books are already recognized by the academic section of universities. They are a standard, authorized collection and I hope you will give us proper facilities to utilize the opportunity
- Our institution is duly incorporated in the state of New York as a religious society and is recognized by the United Nations, being listed in the N.G.O. section
- Our Movement is now growing like anything all over the world, and practically it is being recognized as the best solution for the general world crisis
- Our society is a registered, recognized religious society. So we can consult some lawyer whether such religious institution where we are teaching specifically how to become moral in character
- People are recognized I am great. Don't make me small. I'll not give you much trouble, but I am now invalid. What can I do?
- People do not recognize that the real distresses in life are the four principles of birth, death, old age and disease
- Personally, I may not be perfect, but because we are carrying the message of Krsna and presenting as it is, therefore it is perfect. This is our process. That is the recognized process, Vedic process, srota parampara
- Please therefore purchase a house here in New York & let me work very seriously for this mission of Bhagavatam culture & I am sure that your goodness will not only be recognized by the Lord by you will be recognized by the whole Hindu community
- Recognized by the university
- Recognizing himself to be full of desire and energy, the worshipful Brahma, the creator of the living entities, evolved from his own invisible form, from his navel, the hosts of Sadhyas and Pitas
- Regarding your question, the Supreme Personality of Godhead is recognized through the sastras not otherwise
- Sakara Mallika was the name of Sanatana Gosvami, and Dabira Khasa was the name of Rupa Gosvami. They were recognized by these names in the service of the Muslim King; therefore these are Muslim names
- Samskara, reformatory. He has become humble, meek, well-versed in sastra. When these qualifications are there, then guru says, Now I recognize you. Upanayana. Upa means near and nayana means bringing. So gradually the spiritual master brings him nearer
- Seeing the glowing effulgence of the four Kumaras, the masters of all mystic Power, the King (Prthu) and his associates could recognize them as they descended from the sky
- Similarly, when we offer anything with devotion and faith, what we offer does not belong to us, nor does it enrich the opulence of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. But if one offers whatever he has in his possession, he becomes a recognized devotee
- Since 1965, I am trying in my humble way to spread this movement in this part of the world. I am recognized Acarya of this movement
- So I shall request you to think on this matter how we can organize a small party of Brahmacaris' school, so that government may recognize it, and that will be a nice program
- So more and more I am urging my students to recognize the grave responsibility which is theirs for saving this fallen human society from gliding down into hell
- Speculative philosophers, however, do not recognize the sanction of the Lord; they try to find out the cause of sufferings in their own way, as will be described in the following verses
- Spiritual communism recognizes the supreme proprietorship of the Supreme Lord
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu accepted this principle and recognized Srila Haridasa Thakura as the acarya of the holy name, although Thakura Haridasa appeared in a Mohammedan family
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is in the renounced order of life. Consequently He does not recognize discrepancies. As a matter of fact, a sannyasi is not affected by eating food from anywhere and everywhere
- Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura has given some practical hints to the effect that an uttama-adhikari Vaisnava can be recognized by his ability to convert many fallen souls to Vaisnavism
- Srimad-Bhagavatam is recognized Vedic wisdom, and the system of receiving Vedic knowledge is called avaroha-pantha, or the process of receiving transcendental knowledge through bona fide disciplic succession
- Such men (mayayapahrta-jnana), unable to recognize their own foolishness, never consider how it is that God can be entrapped by maya, His own illusory energy
- Sukadeva Gosvami, being a recognized liberated soul and the topmost transcendentalist, was accepted by all of the topmost sages present in the meeting during the last seven days of Maharaja Pariksit
- The administrators should not simply pass resolutions for anticorruptional steps, but they must be ready with sharp swords to kill the persons creating corruptions from the angle of vision of the recognized sastras
- The asuras do not accept any evidential proof from the revealed scriptures, nor do they recognize the authority of the great acaryas. They want to see with their own eyes at once
- The Bon Maharaja, he was coming from a brahmin family; he had to throw away his old sacred thread, and he was further initiated. He (my Guru Maharaja) did not recognize anyone as brahmin or high class. No
- The brahmana inquired as follows: Who are you? Whose wife or daughter are you? Who is the man lying here? It appears you are lamenting for this dead body. Don't you recognize Me? I am your eternal friend
- The Buddhists do not recognize the authority of the Vedas; therefore they are considered agnostics
- The conditions of the material world are so made that one has to commit sins willingly or unwillingly, and the best example is Maharaja Pariksit himself, who was a recognized sinless, pious king
- The equality of the Supersoul and the individual soul is misconceived by the impersonalist. Here (in SB 3.29.27) it is distinctly mentioned that the individual soul should be recognized in relationship with the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The Europeans, Americans, they are not born in brahmana families, but we are giving and recognizing them as brahmanas because they are being qualified, and they are working
- The first condition is that the audience must be very sincere and eager to hear. And the speaker must be in the line of disciplic succession from the recognized acarya
- The followers of Buddha do not recognize that there is anything beyond the body; the followers of Sankara conclude that there is no separate existence of the Paramatma, the Supersoul
- The human society should recognize the importance of the cow and the bull and thus give all protection to these important animals, following in the footsteps of Maharaja Pariksit
- The material scientists can discover laws of nature, but they are unable to recognize the lawmaker
- The Mayavadi philosophers, try to equate the minute living entities with the supreme living entity. Because they recognize no distinctions between them, their philosophy is called Advaita-vada, or monism. Factually, however, there is a distinction
- The Mayavadis do not recognize the personal form of the Lord as spiritual and full of bliss. This is a great sin. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's statements are actually factual
- The neophyte or third-class devotee is one whose faith is not strong and, at the same time, does not recognize the decision of the revealed scripture
- The nondevotee do not recognize that "It is Krsna's prasadam; by mercy of Krsna I have got it." That is nondevotee. And a devotee recognizes. This is the distinction between devotee and nondevotee
- The only self-purifying process mentioned (in SB 3.6.34) is to worship the Lord under the recognized method - under the guidance of the bona fide spiritual master. That is the natural way of purification, and no other method is recommended as bona fide
- The pancaratrika-vidhi, they do not recognize anybody as qualified brahmin. Everyone sudra, beginning from the lowest stage. Get him conversant in Krsna consciousness, and then initiated, and gradually elevate him by this process
- The position of Lord Siva is accepted by Lord Brahma, so Daksa, Sati's father, should also recognize him. That was the point of Sati's statement
- The saintly brahmana said: O best of the asuras, Prahlada Maharaja, who are recognized by advanced and civilized men, you are aware of the different stages of life because of your inherent transcendental eyes, with which you can see a man's character
- The scriptures known as the Pancaratra-sastras are recognized Vedic scriptures that have been accepted by the great acaryas
- The transcendentalists do not recognize such a process of generalization but pass over direct perception to receive the knowledge of deduction in its various stages - from authorities who have actual revelation of transcendental knowledge
- The two stages of executing devotional service are, 1) first, the stage of practicing devotional service with our present senses under the regulations of the recognized scriptures
- There are 4 different sects of Vaisnava acaryas - the Suddhadvaita, Visistadvaita, Dvaitadvaita and Acintya-bhedabheda. All Vaisnava acaryas in these schools have written commentaries on the Vedanta-sutra, but Mayavadi philosophers do not recognize them
- There are millions and trillions of, without any limit of numerical strength, living entities all over the universe, and they are being maintained by the Supreme Lord. That is admitted in every scripture of the world, recognized religious scripture
- There is no doubt that the Vedas stand as the most recognized books of knowledge, from every angle of vision
- These four brahmacaris, the Kumaras, are recognized scholars in the Vedas and other sastras. Their unlimited volumes of knowledge, backed by austerities and penances, are exhibited by their sublime, ideal character
- They (Krsna and Balarama) learned the art of performing magical feats. Within the magical field there is an art called bahu-rupi, by which a person dresses himself in such a way that when he approaches a friend he cannot be recognized
- They (the demoniac) do everything whimsically, according to their own desire, and they do not recognize any authority. BG 1972 purports
- They (the great sages Kavi, Mahavira and Savana) could understand that the Supersoul within the heart is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and they could recognize their identity with Him
- They (the Mayavadis) do not recognize the existence of the Supreme Personality of Godhead or they claim that His existence is a product of the material conception (maya). These are characteristics of asuras, or demons
- They do not recognize any authority
- This (Krsna expanding Himself to 16,108 times) may seem difficult to believe, but it is stated in Srimad-Bhagavatam, and the great sages of India recognize this as scripture and recognize Krsna as God
- This Krishna consciousness is authorized, practical and simple and those who have enough intelligence will recognize this fact and will join with us
- This Krsna conscious movement is based on this (pancaratrika-vidhi) process, that we accept everyone as lowborn. Even my Guru Maharaja, even if he is born of a brahmin family, he would not recognize that he is a brahmana
- This method of worship is recommended in the pancaratrika system, which is both recognized and authorized
- This world, however faithfully you give service, it will be never recognized - because it is hallucination, illusion. You are serving your senses. You are not serving any person
- This yoga system recognizes the soul, and thus it is distinct from the so-called yoga process for controlling the cells of the body, which has been discovered in the modern age
- Those who are atheistic, i.e., who do not believe in Visnu, or who only recognize the impersonal part of Krsna as the Supreme, cannot have the divine vision. BG 1972 purports
- Throughout the world there are many institutions for different departments of knowledge, but there is no recognized institution where students can be educated in the brahmacari principles. BG 1972 purports
- To understand the Absolute Truth, there are four recognized sampradayas: the Brahma-sampradaya, the Rudra-sampradaya, the Kumara-sampradaya, and the Sri-sampradaya
- Ultimately, when a person comes to understand that his self is the spirit soul and that the spirit soul is nothing but a part and parcel of the Supreme Lord, he recognizes the Supreme Lord as the ultimate goal of love and then surrenders unto Him
- Unless one has received knowledge from the bona fide spiritual master who is in the recognized line of disciplic succession, one cannot have the real thing as it is
- We are trying at the moment to get our society recognized by them as a bona fide religious institution, and if this is successful, rest assured that there will be no trouble for you
- We have been recognized by the draft board as a religious society
- We have enough matter to qualify a person in academic career. At least we can offer the degree of DD - Doctor of Divinity by affliating ourselves with some neighboring recognized university
- We must find out a way to take permission from the draft board that our institution is a recognized religious institution of Hindu Vedic origin, and we are training students for preaching God-consciousness
- We train them in austerities and penances and recognize them as brahmanas by awarding them sacred threads. Thus the caste brahmanas of India are very displeased by our activities in the Western world
- When Krsna was present before us on this earth, not that all people of the world or all people of India could recognize. Only few people -- the Pandavas and the inhabitants of Vrndavana, inhabitants of Dvaraka, some of them could understand
- When one deviates from his original consciousness, he loses the capacity to remember his previous position or recognize his present one. When remembrance is lost, all knowledge acquired is based on a false foundation
- When Sanatana Gosvami went to see Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, he could not be recognized by Candrasekhara Acarya. The conclusion is that the Supreme Personality of Godhead is situated in everyone's heart
- When the women saw Pradyumna, dressed in yellowish garments, with very long arms, curling hair, beautiful reddish eyes, a smiling face, jewelry and ornaments, they at first could not recognize him as a personality different from Krsna
- Where is the way to understand? The conclusion is, mahajano yena gatah sa panthah (CC Madhya 17.186): "Mahajana, great personalities, recognized acarya, what they say, you follow." That is the best system
- Who can give better service than Mahatma Gandhi? Who can become such honest man, ideal man. He was addressed as mahatma. Still, his service was not recognized. He was killed. So that is the result of material service
- Within the magical field there is an art called bahu-rupi, by which a person dresses himself in such a way that when he approaches a friend he cannot be recognized
- Yoga is also recognized, but that was meant for in the Satya-yuga when all people were very much all virtuous, cent percent virtuous. There was no, I mean to say, sinful men at all
- You (Lord Krsna) are the eternally irreproachable factor covered by the curtain of deluding energy. You are invisible to the foolish observer, exactly as an actor dressed as a player is not recognized
- You are recognized all over the world as a very pious man, and you are supposed to be very devotee of BG. You fought for independence. Now you have got your independence. So I request you to take the teachings of BG to preach all over the world
- You must hear the medical book from a medical man in the college, medical college. Then you will be qualified. And if you say: "Sir, I have read all the medical books. Recognize me as a medical practitioner," no, that will be not