Category:Go There
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Pages in category "Go There"
The following 164 pages are in this category, out of 164 total.
- A man is known by his company. - Because all these rascals and fools go there (one rascal, his name is Sai Baba), therefore he is a fool and rascal. It is concluded
- A sadhu like Vidura is meant to awaken such blind persons and help them go back to Godhead, where life is eternal. Once going there, no one wants to come back to this material world of miseries
- Although you are seeing, you cannot go. You are so limited, conditioned. You see so many planets twinkling at night, but there is no possibility of going there
- Although you cannot go there, it is far, far beyond your reach, but you can understand that the sunshine is coming from the sun globe. There is no doubt about it. Similarly this vibration, this shining, is coming from Krsna, Goloka
- Another place nearby (Garbhavasa) is named Hantugada. It is said that Lord Nityananda Prabhu brought all the holy places there. Therefore the people in the surrounding villages go there instead of to the Ganges to take bath
- Answer (for what is next after civilized form of life) is there in the Vedic literature that there is higher planetary system. We can see at night, there are so many millions and millions of planets. So we can go there. That is stated in the Bhagavad-gita
- Canakya Pandita says, or somebody, some authority says, that - In a place whether, where there is no friend, no temple and no river, don't go there
- Concerning the Nellore project, it will automatically be dropped. Simply forget it, and there is no need to go there. Let them rather drop it instead of we dropping it
- Crows, they will go where you throw all rubbish things. They'll go there. You see nature. People say everyone is equal. How you can say equal? Even in the bird society there is no equality, in the animal society there is no equality
- Dharma-ksetra everyone knows. Kuruksetra is still dharma-ksetra. Everyone goes there for religious performances. Where is the difficulty? Why you make it difficult
- Doctor's duty is to warn you not to go to that area, "It is now infected with smallpox." But in spite of doctor's instruction, if you go there and if you infect that disease and suffer, then it is your fault
- Don't you think that the body is full of danger? Then, why are you going there, taking repeated birth
- Either hell or heaven, that doesn't matter. So how do you go there
- Even Caitanya Mahaprabhu, He was training Haridasa Thakura, Nityananda, "Go there. Preach there. Do that." My Guru Maharaja was doing that
- Even in this material world the so-called scientists, philosophers and mental speculators strive to merge into the spiritual sky, but they can never go there
- Everyone goes out of India. They go there to exploit. But it is for the first time that India is giving something to the outsiders, this spiritual knowledge. And the proof you can see. We are giving, we are not taking
- Everyone knows that the mind is so swift that in even one ten-thousandth of a second it can take us millions of miles. If we have seen something millions of miles away, the mind can go there immediately
- Gaudiya Vaisnavas go there to see the duplicate Vrindaban Deities such as Govindaji, Radha Damodaraji, etc. So I want to open a duplicate Krishna Balarama temple in Jaipur
- Go there and adjust everything. I want only the payment, not his life
- Gurukula boys are chanting about Krsna, they are rising early in the morning, attending mangala-aratrika. Anyone goes there... Even the education superintendent came to visit our temple. He was astonished that "How these children are happy"
- Haridasa Thakura replied, "I cannot go near the temple because I am a low-caste, abominable person. I have no authority to go there"
- He (Acyutananda) is alone there, and when you go you will be two, and maybe another two American disciples may go there so jointly you can develop a nice center for the foreign students who may go to visit the holy birthplace of Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- He (the brahmana) thought, "If I go there I shall be able to see the Lord personally. That will be a great opportunity, even if I don't ask any material benefit from Him (Krsna)"
- He is under the influence of the material nature. The tiger may be very powerful, but he remains always hungry. Because the other animals, they know that in that corner of the forest there is tiger, nobody goes there. Where he can get food?
- He is very much anxious to have me visit there, so I have consented that on my way to Russia I will go there for some time. I asked that you correspond with this boy in my previous letter but he makes no mention of it
- He may be an American, he may be an Indian, he may be Christian, he may be Jew, he may be Hindu or Muhammadan. Doesn't matter. He's a practiced medical practitioner, so he's a qualified man. I have gone there for my treatment
- Here in Bombay city, people are earning money, lots of money, but we see there are lots of cinemas advertised, and people go there - there are hundreds and thousands of cinema houses - and spend their money
- His (Dhruva Maharaja's) real mother advised him, "If God gives you, then you can get. Otherwise it is not possible." So he went to the forest. He inquired from his mother, - Where is God? I shall go there
- I (Jagadananda Pandita) cannot go there, however, without the Lord's permission, which at present He (Caitanya Mahaprabhu) denies me. He says, 'You are going because you are angry at Me'
- I also desire to decorate myself with the ornaments given to me by my father and go there with you to participate in that assembly
- I am glad that you like the Glasgow temple and that you are going there to preach. We want that the Indian people participate in this movement of Lord Caitanya
- I am very much anxious to go there to Florida, because I have heard so much about this city, and because many retired men go there to settle. I am always anxious to open a center there to attract these retired men
- I am very much worried the whole thing will collapse if Tusta Krishna must go away. You go there and send me full report. There is such good potential
- I can appreciate that you have opened so many centers now, all over the world, so never mind if some others may have to go there in your place
- I could not go without Your Lordship's permission. Now You must give me permission, and I shall certainly go there
- I have noted that you would like to go to the New York center for some time. If you think that program is nice then I have no objection to your going there and living with the devotees in the temple there
- I shall go by the staircase and reach the upstair at the end of the day when office will be finished, - then you can do that. But if you are intelligent, you shall take the advantage of the elevator; within a minute you go there
- I understand that the Birla Guest House along with other guest houses has been already booked and occupied by pilgrims and guests. I informed you to go there more than one week before they were supposed to be occupied
- I was told by some authority, a very responsible man, that in Germany there are musical institution, so when a student who goes there who knows something about musical art, he is charged more. Is it a fact
- If one prepares oneself one may go to the higher planetary systems, or similarly one may go to the Pitrlokas. There one may meet one's forefathers, if they have been eligible to go there
- If somebody invites you to come to his apartment but you know it is full of danger, do you think you would like to go there? "Oh no," you will say, - I am not going there. If it is full of danger, why shall I go
- If somehow we are transported to a country where we are informed that we will no longer have to undergo birth, old age, disease, and death, will we not be happy? If we heard of such a place, surely we would try as hard as possible to go there
- If we can go there, then you'll haven't got to come back again in this darkness. This is Krsna consciousness movement
- If you go there through India, overland, of course that will be cheaper for you, but it will also be a very, very difficult journey with many unfortunate or disturbing incidents
- If you like, you may contact the temple president in Paris and find out from him if he thinks it is a good idea for you to go there. Please chant 16 rounds and follow the 4 regulative principles strictly and read my books with great care
- If you prepare yourself to go to the higher planetary system, Candraloka, Suryaloka, Indraloka, Svargaloka, Brahmaloka, Janaloka, Maharloka, Tapoloka - there are so many, hundreds. If you want to go there, then you prepare in that way
- If you take this responsibility, it will be a great help. If you so desire, Brahmananda can also go there for some time to train you how to do this press management
- If you want to go to the moon planet, oh, there is no necessity of going by some sputnik or by mechanical arrangement. You can go there simply by following the consciousness to go to the moon planet. That is there in the Vedic literature
- If you want to go to the sun planet or moon planet - there are many heavenly planets - you can go there. Yanti deva-vrata devan. Then you have to prepare in this life how to go there. You cannot go there by force, with your sputnik or some jet
- If you want to speak to a friend a thousand miles away, you have to go there and find him, or he has to come. The process is there. By electricity (telephone), immediately he comes. Is it not be possible?
- In a great forest, honeycombs are very important. People often go there to collect honey from the combs, and sometimes the bees attack and punish them
- In any planet, you can raise yourself, you can elevate yourself, you can go there, but the four principles of material existence are there. What is that? Birth, death, disease and old age
- In India there is still that place, Kuruksetra, and religious men go there especially on the occasion of solar eclipse. So recently there was solar eclipse
- In ripe old age, Srila Rupa Gosvami could not go there, but he had a desire to see the beauty of Gopala
- In that very beautiful land (of Vraja), where many cows reside, Rohini, the wife of Vasudeva, is living at the home of Nanda Maharaja. Other wives of Vasudeva are also living there incognito because of fear of Kamsa. Please go there - SB 10.2.7
- In those days (of Caitanya) in Bengal there were many places known as Kanai Natasala, where pictures of the pastimes of Lord Krsna were kept. People used to go there to see them. This is called krsna-caritra-lila
- India has many holy places of pilgrimage, such as Gaya, Benares, Mathura, Prayaga, Vrndavana, Haridvara, Ramesvaram and Jagannatha Puri, and still people go there by the hundreds and thousands
- Indra, he thought that, "This man (Visvamitra Muni) is so strongly meditating, it may be that I may be deposed and he come to my seat." Then he arranged one of his society girls, Menaka, to go there and allure this muni
- Instead of being attached to this false enjoyment like cats and dogs, like the animal is running after the false water, the human life is meant for understanding that - The animal is running after false water. Why I shall go there? I am not animal
- Instead of fighting with them (Kurus), He (Balarama) wisely thought, "let Me go there and see the situation, and let Me try to see if the fight can be settled by mutual understanding"
- Intelligent persons must go there (the holy places) at the end of life, and for that matter, after fifty years of age, to live a life of spiritual regeneration for the sake of being freed from family attachment
- It costs nothing. If you simply come here, you understand everything. We don't charge anything. But they will not come. They go to a rascal who will charge fifty dollars for meeting and all talk nonsense. They'll go there
- It is a common sense affair that if somebody takes the trouble of doing so many things for the last ten or twenty years and go there and touch the moon planet, come back, it is successful. So it may be complacence for him, but I don't think it is success
- It is impossible for earthmen to go to the moon and live there for very long. Otherwise the whole Vedic literature would be false. We can attempt to go there, but it is not possible to live there. This knowledge is in the Vedas
- Jaipur is visited by many Vaisnavas as a holy place of pilgrimage. Especially Gaudiya Vaisnavas go there to see the duplicate Vrindaban Deities such as Govindaji, Radha Damodaraji, etc. So I want to open a duplicate Krishna Balarama temple in Jaipur
- Jaya Govinda's idea that if you go there to Bombay, Mr. Karambar may force him to marry his daughter, is simply imagination, because his daughter is only 9 or 10 years old. How she can be married in this tender age?
- Just consider the position of Bhismadeva. He was lying on deathbed with all these... Of course, the Pandavas, they were their grandson. It is their duty. But why Krsna should go there
- Just like there are physicians for treatment of the disease, there are highly learned brahmanas who are called bhattacaryas. People go there: "Sir, I have committed this sin. What I have to do?" So they prescribe that - You do like this
- Krsna continued, "Kindly go there (Hastinapura) and study how Dhrtarastra is dealing with the Pandavas. On receipt of your (Akrura's) report, I (Krsna) shall consider how to favor them"
- Kuruksetra is a fact, and it is a dharma-ksetra. Still many millions of Indians go there to visit, especially during the solar eclipse occasion they go there
- Kuruksetra is a place which is still a place of pilgrimage. The Hindus, those who are followers of Vedic rites, they go there. They perform religious rituals. And there is Vedic injunction, kuru-ksetre dharmam acaret, dharma yajet
- Kuruksetra is still there, and it is a dharma-ksetra. From Vedic order, Kuruksetra is dharma acaret. Still, people go there by thousands and by millions as pilgrimage. So where is the difficulty, dharma-ksetre kuru-ksetre, unless you make difficulty
- Madhudvisa has already gone there as desired by you, and I am sure he will be very helpful. He is now a veteran trained man, and the Los Angeles temple is now an ideal place for all centers to take example
- Mahatmas, they'll travel so that the householders, who are cripple-minded and full of sinful activities, they'll go there and make them purified. This is the idea of sannyasa
- Many of these people (Mayavadi sannyasis, prakrta-sahajiyas, etc.) go there to solve their economic problems by becoming beggars. Although anyone living in Vrndavana somehow or other is benefited, the real Vrndavana is appreciated only by a pure devotee
- My principle is that where my other Godbrothers cannot preach I shall go there. On my behalf you should follow this principle, also
- On Makara-sankranti, in the month of January-February, thousands of people still go there (Ganga-sagara) to bathe, hoping to be liberated. That they can actually be liberated in this way is confirmed herein - SB 5.17.9
- On that Ratha-yatra festival day, after dancing before the Lord, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu will enter the Gundica garden. At that time you should go there alone, without your royal dress
- Once on Ekadasi in the house of Jagadisa and Hiranya Pandita there were arrangements for preparing special prasadam for Lord Visnu, and Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu asked His father to go there to ask for the visnu-prasadam because He was feeling sick
- One millennium means 4,300,000s of years. So multiply it, increase it by one thousand times, that is the duration of Brahmas one day. So it is beyond our mind and speculation; still, they are within the material world. So if you like, you can go there
- One should be interested in information about the spiritual Vaikuntha planets, and in particular the planet known as Goloka Vrndavana, and should learn the art of going there by the simple method of devotional service, beginning with hearing
- Our aim should be to go there (spiritual world), and every human being should be given the chance. That is real education. That is called samskara, the process of purification
- People from all over the universe, including the seven islands, the nine khandas, the planets of the demigods, Gandharvaloka and Kinnaraloka, would go there in the forms of human beings
- People still go there (Navadvipa). We have a temple center there. It is also a sacred place of pilgrimage. Caitanya Mahaprabhu appeared there, and He started this mass sankirtana movement, which is conducted without discrimination
- Places of pilgrimage are always infected by the sins left by the sinners who go there, but when a personality like Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu visits such a place, all contaminations vanish
- Radha continued, "He has many new girlfriends, who are no doubt happy in His association. Because the lusty, burning sensation of their breasts has been satisfied by Krsna, they are happy. If you go there, glorify Krsna, they may be pleased to reward you"
- Regarding my going to Germany, I am actually very much eager to go there and speak in the Indo-German branches about the importance of our Krishna Consciousness Movement
- Regarding your preaching in Poland, you go there immediately. Take this opportunity. I want that our preaching be pushed in the Eastern European countries
- Sanga means execution. When you associate with medical association or sharebrokers' association, simply go there and sit down is not your business. You have to do something. You have to do something. Sat-sanga means that
- Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya suggested, "On that Ratha-yatra festival day, after dancing before the Lord, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu will enter the Gundica garden. At that time you (King Prataparudra) should go there alone, without your royal dress"
- Sati said to Lord Siva: I also (like my sisters) desire to decorate myself with the ornaments given to me by my father (Daksa) and go there (the great sacrificial ceremony of Daksa) with you to participate in that assembly
- So if you want to go to the Pitrloka, you can go there. If you want to go to the higher planetary system, in the devaloka, you can go there. And if you want to remain here, you can remain here
- So in one sense, the Western boys and young generation, they are actually hankering after some spiritual life. So any Indian, so-called sadhu and guru comes, they go there. But they are cheated unfortunately
- So this endeavor to go there (to some planets) by so-called scientific advancement is simply defeat, because you will not be allowed, neither you can go there. And actually it is happening so. What they have achieved so far? Nothing
- Sometimes Caitanya Mahaprabhu mistook the small parks of the city for Vrndavana. Sometimes He would go there, dance and chant and sometimes fall unconscious in spiritual ecstasy
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu replied, "Your duty is to carry out My order. You have come near Vrndavana. Now you should go there"
- Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura specifically hints that since Gajendra was in such a difficult position and was praying for the mercy of the SP of Godhead, the demigods, who could have immediately gone to his rescue, hesitated to go there
- Still there is Kuruksetra, and people go there to perform religious ritualistic ceremonies. And in the Vedas it is written clearly, kuruksetre dharmam acaret. That is the statement of the Vedas
- Suppose a sputnik is flying on the outer space and we are getting knowledge of this from the newspaper. You are not going there, but you are receiving the knowledge from some authority whom you believe. So don't you think Krsna is the highest authority
- Svargaloka is not so very comfortable. Above the Svargaloka there is Janaloka, Maharloka, Tapoloka, Satyaloka, Brahmaloka, like that, seven lokas. So who will go there
- Tattva-darsinah means one has seen the truth, not superficially knowing. One who understood that - This is the truth, so go there and submit there
- The (KC) movement requires energy. We are printing so many books. For spreading this knowledge, that must be distributed. Home to home, place to place, man to man, this literature must go there
- The age is so strong, the Kali-yuga, that it will dictate. Maya will dictate, "Why you go there? What is there?" But actually, those who have come to us, those who are following, they are so much changed
- The American government may create prison departments, but why you are interested there? Why you are going there? The real position is: because you are criminal, therefore government has to create such department
- The government doesn't want further development of Vrndavana. They are neglecting the city in such a way that no gentleman will go there. The old city is so... Formerly, it was planned that "So many pilgrims come here. It should be nicely developed"
- The government may create a prisonhouse, but why do you go there? Does the government invite you there? No, you become a criminal and go there
- The Krsna consciousness movement has established its center in Mayapur, the birthsite of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, to give men the great opportunity to go there and perform a constant festival of sankirtana-yajna
- The Kuruksetra is dharma-ksetra. Still Kuruksetra is there in India. People go there for performing religious ritualistic ceremonies. So where is the difficulty to understand
- The Lord's sva-dhama does not require any sunlight or moonlight or electricity for illumination. That dhama, or place, is supreme, and whoever goes there never comes back to this material world
- The man who is talking, he is also bad man. Everyone is bad man. Here there is no good man. Do you think in the prison house any good men go there? All criminals
- The modern scientists, we are trying to go to the moon planet. It is failure. They will never be able to go there. I have discussed this point. We are conditioned
- The moon is too cold for the inhabitants of this earth, and therefore ordinary persons who want to go there with earthly bodies are attempting to do so in vain
- The other part is dark, now how it can remain dark if the shining from the earth is going there? Every planet is rotating. How it is possible?
- The pilgrimage site of Kedaranatha still exists near Kashmir. It is almost always covered by snow, but for part of the year, during the month of July, it is possible to see the deity, and devotees go there to offer their respects
- The private programs you held in homes in Allahabad were very nice. I would also like you to arrange a suitable place for us to have a tent at the Kumba Mela. We shall go there and have a nice festival
- The proprietor of this village, Govardhana-dhari, is lying in the bushes. Let us go there and rescue Him from that place
- The standard of living condition is thousand times better. Therefore it is called heavenly. So if you like, you can go there
- There are different procedures and rules and regulations which are followed in temples of Visnu, and devotees go there and see the Deity, the vigraha, and spiritually enjoy the form because all of the Deities are benevolent
- There are so many hospitals. So people who are interested in hospitals, they can go there. Here is spiritual hospital. The disease is, the other hospital, they cannot stop death, but our hospital can stop death
- There is so much land still uncultivated. And if the overpopulated people are allowed to go there and cultivate and grow their food grains, ten times of the living entities on this face of the globe can be fed without any difficulty
- There is the supreme judgment: "He has done like this. All right, let him be promoted in the heavenly planet." He goes there
- They (modern scientists) are now silent. They cannot go there (moon planet); neither ever they went there. This is the conclusion. So that is a controversial point, controversial, but we have to see the result
- They (persons who identify with the body) do not know that beyond that is the spiritual kingdom, or kingdom of God, and they have no knowledge that one can go there. Thus they are bereft of transcendental knowledge
- They are trying to go there, Mars planet, Moon planet, by rising on the sky by their aeroplanes, sputniks. But they have not been able to understand what is the position of these planets. This is called aroha-pantha
- They do not like to come to us to chant. That is the difficulty. "Oh, we'll have to go there and chant Hare Krsna." So they are afraid. So what can I do?
- They go to worship Lenin's tomb every day. Many other fools also go there, tourists, that Red Square. They tried in India for Jawaharlal Nehru's tomb, for Gandhi's tomb. So in the beginning there was little crowd. Now nobody goes
- Thinking like this, the Lord took His morning bath in the Ganges and started for Nilacala, saying "I shall go there"
- This is the country, Moscow. I have got practical experience in going there. And always suspicious. And the people in general, they are very unhappy, very unhappy, because they have no freedom. A young man cannot go out of the country
- This moon planet expedition is, up to this date, it is a failure. So how can I believe that they have gone there?
- Those who are averse to taste the honey in Krsna consciousness, they are rogues. They are rogues. And the Yamaraja is advising, "Go there. Bring them here, and I shall chastise them nicely." That is Yamaraja
- Those who are working in sattva-guna, they will go to the higher planetary systems. There are Janaloka, Maharloka, Tapoloka, Brahmaloka, Satyaloka, Siddhaloka. You'll go there
- To go to the moon, one must have the qualification of pious activities. Then one may go there and live. If one has gone to the moon, why should he return to this planet, where life is of a very short duration
- To serve the servant of Krsna is better than to serve directly Krsna, because if the servant of Krsna promises something, if the servant of Krsna says, "I'll take you to Krsnaloka," you must go there
- Try to approach Stockholm University Nobel Prize authority in this connection. If things are going nicely, next summer I may go there
- Veda means you have to approach acarya. He knows everything - unless he is not followers of the Vedas, sruti, he's a rascal. What is the use of going there
- Vrndavana is situated between Nandesvara and Mahavana. Formerly the cowherd men had shifted to Mahavana, but still there were disturbances. Therefore the cowherd men selected Vrndavana, which was between the two villages, and decided to go there
- We are hovering over the mental plane. We have given power of attorney to the mind, and the mind is driving us - "Come here, go there." One has to stop such nonsense
- We are practically purchasing many churches. They are vacant. I have seen in London, hundreds of churches are vacant. Nobody goes there
- We are thinking we are free. This is foolishness. We are so much controlled by the material nature, exactly like a small child is pulled by the ear by his mother. "Come here." He comes here. "Go there," and goes
- We cannot immediately make an experiment and go there (where God lives). That is not possible. But we have so many descriptions of the supreme planet in Vedic literature
- We have to catch again mind: "Why you are going there? Come here. Think of Krsna." Then that is practice. That is called yoga. You cannot allow the mind
- We should love God without any cause. Just like we go to temple, church, with a motive. We go there: "O God, give us our daily bread. I have come to You for my bread." That is not love of God. That is love of bread
- We should not open more centers at this time, especially in the smaller cities, it is better to go there with traveling Sankirtana parties, that was my point. And the deities in a moving vehicles is all right, providing they are cared for properly
- We understand that Kuruksetra is a place that still exists, and according to the Vedic version it is a dharma-ksetra, or a place of pilgrimage. People still go there to perform Vedic sacrifices
- When I went to America, I did not go there to turn the Christian to become Hindu. No, I never said that
- When some men go there to Calcutta from here, they will take one big pair of marble Deities for installation there; the brass Dieties from Gorakhpur will be installed in Mayapur
- When Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu enters the Gundica garden, you (King Prataparudra) should also go there and read the five chapters of Srimad-Bhagavatam about Lord Krsna's dancing with the gopis. In this way you can catch hold of the Lord's lotus feet
- When you go there, on co-operation with him you can establish a center in Bangladesh by mutual arrangement, and that will be very suitable for your preaching
- When you go there, try to preach. You have learned how to speak English, so you can preach nicely. Always try to give some service, and that will make you successful
- Yoga means to connect or to link up with the Supreme Absolute Truth. Now suppose he is in the topmost platform. So everyone is trying to go there
- You can associate with Krsna and Arjuna every twenty-four hours, by reading Bhagavad-gita. Why you require to go there? It is already here. You see. You read the Bhagavad-gita, and you are immediately in the battlefield of Kuruksetra
- You can do a great service by gathering local support and do whatever has to be done to allow Vaikunthanath and his wife, or any other of my disciples, to go there and establish one very nice center
- You can go there (planetary system of demigods) if you prepare yourself to go, next life. But you cannot go by these sputniks. That is not possible
- You can go there and present the introduction letter and he will do the needful
- You can go there, heavenly planets. There you can live for ten thousands of years. Ten thousands of years, and that is also not our year. The higher planetary system, their one day - our six months
- You forced Krsna to allow you to come. Just like sometimes a child forces the father. Father says: "My dear son, do not do this. Do not go there." But he insists, "Father, I must go. I must go." "All right, you go at your risk." That's all. And you suffer
- You get another body (after our death). Just as when you change your apartment: you fix up your new apartment first; then you leave this one and go there
- You have to prepare yourself to go there (moon planet). First of all you cannot go in this body because the temperature is so low, you cannot live there
- You may go there again and take some responsible post for correcting the situation, that will be your real duty, not that there is some disagreement and I go away disgusted, no. That is not Vaisnava standard
- You see so many planets twinkling at night, but there is no possibility of going there. You cannot go to the nearest planet, even the moon planet, by your mechanical arrangement