Category:Does Not Matter
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Pages in category "Does Not Matter"
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- A class of common men maintain that it does not matter how the Absolute Truth is addressed, for all names are one and the same. They give the example of a man with many names; if he is called by any of those names, he will answer
- A devotee's always servant of God. Whatever service is required, as a brahmin, as a ksatriya, as a vaisya, it doesn't matter. We are ready
- A devotee, his business is that "Because I have got this material body and because I had my past misdeeds, although I am suffering, it does not matter. It comes and goes. It does not matter. Let me do my duty." That is advice of Krsna
- A human being should be considerate. Everyone has got religion. Either he is Hindu or Muslim or Christian, it doesn't matter, there must be discrimination between sinful activities and pious activities
- A karmi, he is thinking that "I am poor man. If I become rich man, I will be happy." He is thinking in that way. Jnani is thinking that "Poor and rich doesn't matter. I am Brahman. I am spirit soul. If I merge into the Supreme Brahman I will be happy"
- A person who always desires to serve Krsna is interested in ways to convince people that there is a Supreme Personality of Godhead & that the Supreme Personality of Godhead is Krsna. That is his ambition. It doesn't matter whether he is in heaven or hell
- A pure devotee does not even want to stop the repetition of birth and death. To a pure devotee, it does not matter whether he has to take birth again in the various species of life. His only ambition is that he not forget the lotus feet of the Lord
- A Spiritual Master must be liberated. It does not matter if he has come from Krishna Loka or he is liberated from here. But he must be liberated
- According to law. It may be it is man-made law, it is wrong, but the principle is that whatever is judgement of the sastra, we have to take. It doesn't matter who is that man and how great he is
- According to our Gosvami's program, everyone should sacrifice fifty percent of his income for Krsna. And Gosvami, Rupa Gosvami' actually did it. It doesn't matter whether your income is five lakhs per month or five rupees per month
- Accredited or not accredited, it doesn't matter, I simply want to present this great philosophy to serious students who will understand it and deliver the world from the present-day ignorance of misinformation
- Actually it doesn't matter if one is householder of brahmacari. Sincerity of purpose is the only qualification for Krishna Consciousness
- Actually that mentality is sannyasa. It doesn't matter whether we have changed the dress or not, but if we decide it, that "I am eternal servant of Krsna; my only duty is to serve Krsna," that is sannyasa
- Actually, this material life is our bondage. Just like gold handcuff or iron handcuff. So handcuff is bondage; either it is made of gold or iron, it doesn't matter
- Animal life, however, means you can do whatever you like. On the road, animals may keep to the right or keep to the left; it doesn't matter. Their irregularity is not taken as an offense, because they are animals
- Any devotee of Lord should not be blasphemed. It doesn't matter in any country. Just like Lord Jesus Christ, he is a great devotee. And even Muhammad, he's also a devotee
- Any kind of knowledge, it doesn't matter whether it is political or scientific or philosophical or mathematical - there are different - but the ultimate aim should be to understand what is God. That is knowledge
- Any religion, it doesn't matter. The process should be quest of God. What is God? What is Absolute Truth? Wherefrom everything has come? What we are? What is our relationship with God? Religion means this science
- Any religious system - it doesn't matter whether it is Hindu religion or Christian religion or Muhammadan religion - it is the question of how the followers are covering the steps
- Any religious system you follow, it doesn’t matter - but the test is whether you are increasing your love of God, the Supreme. That is the test of religion
- Any system of religion which revives this consciousness is first-class religion. It doesn't matter whether it is Christian religion or Hindu religion or Muhammadan religion
- Any type of religion - it doesn't matter what it is - which teaches this philosophy of life, that is first-class religious system
- Any way my (Devahuti) husband may be, whatever he may be, because I have accepted some gentleman as my husband I must look to his comforts, and whatever his position, it doesn't matter. - This is the duty of the woman. That is Vedic instruction
- Anyone who has no religion, it doesn't matter what kind of religion he has got, but he must have some religion. Without religion he is animal
- Anyone who is atheist, nondevotee, he is a rascal number one. Bas. It doesn't matter what post he holds. Our conclusion is that he is a rascal number one. That's all
- Anyone who is narayana-parayana, he does not fear whether he is going to hell or heaven, because wherever he goes he is with Narayana, he is safe. It doesn't matter whether it is hell or heaven
- Anywhere, hell or heaven, it doesn't matter. You induce people to chant. This is the sum and substance of devotee
- As a householder even there is some flaws in following the rules and regulations, it doesn't matter. You should try your best and with Krishna's help - Krishna will help you
- As living representative of Krsna, our duty is to save these fallen conditioned souls. That is our duty. One may agree to come or not come. It doesn't matter. You try your best to bring him to this Krsna consciousness position
- As soon as we find anyone does not surrender to Krsna, does not understand Krsna, he is rascal. Anyone. It doesn't matter. That is the first test. Then you come to the details
- As soon as you get this body, you'll suffer, either white body or black body or yellow body. It doesn't matter. Either man's body or animal's body, as soon as you get this body, you must suffer. This is the punishment of nature
- As stated in (BG 4.36), it does not matter what we were in our past lives. Because we were in ignorance, we may have committed so many abominable actions
- As you are a very nice, good soul, Krishna will certainly bless you with all benedictions. It doesn't matter whether or not you remain in this part of the world or in India
- Be master of something. It doesn't differ. Either you follow Lord Jesus Christ or Lord Buddha or Krsna, it doesn't matter much. But do it perfectly. That is our request
- Because we have to take prasadam, remnants of foodstuff, Krsna, therefore He says, "Give Me this: food grains, milk, or fruits and flowers." Prepared or unprepared, it doesn't matter. Krsna wants that
- Because you have committed, executed vikarma, therefore you have got this body. It doesn't matter whether it is rich body or poor body, everyone has to undergo the threefold miserable condition of life
- Behind the laws of nature is the living brain of God, just as there is always a lawmaker behind all the laws of the state. It does not matter whether or not we see the lawmaker behind the common laws; we must admit that there is a lawmaker
- Bhagavad-gita is recognized, so far India is concerned, cent percent. Either they may be theist or atheist, that doesn't matter. Bhagavad-gita is accepted by all classes of men in India
- Bhagavata says it doesn't matter what is your occupation, but simply try to see whether by your activities or a particular type of occupation you have satisfied the Supreme Lord. That's all
- Brahmana, ksatriyas, vaisyas, sudras. So these four divisions are always. Now you can name in a different way - that doesn't matter - but in every society and for all time these divisions are there
- Brahmeti paramatmeti. Some of them are brahma-parayana; some of them paramatma-parayana; some of them are bhakta. It doesn't matter. But they're all spiritual. They have no interest in this material world. Tattva-vit. They know what is truth
- By knowing he may refrain for some time from sinful activities, but again he does it. He's forced. - Let me do it. All right, I shall suffer. Doesn't matter
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu has recommended (CC Madhya 8.128) - Whether one be a brahmana or a sudra or a sannyasi or a householder, it doesn't matter. If he knows the science of Krsna, he's a bona fide spiritual master
- Caturmasya should be observed by all sections of the population. It does not matter whether one is a grhastha or a sannyasi. The observance is obligatory for all asramas
- Comfortable or uncomfortable, it doesn't matter. If Krsna wants it, I must do it. - That is wanted. As soon as I discriminate, "This is comfortable, this is uncomfortable," that is material
- Crude men say that one who adopts any of these methods achieves the Supreme Personality of Godhead’s favor. They claim that it doesn’t matter what kind of method one adopts
- Don't think that it (Krsna consciousness movement) is a sectarian religion. We are making people God conscious. It doesn't matter whichever religion you may belong, we want to see whether you are actually God conscious
- During the construction, the Deities can be moved to some temporary place. The worship must continue, it doesn't matter if the Deities are moved
- Educated or not educated, it doesn't matter. Rich or poor, it doesn't matter. Ahaituky apratihata. The devotional service, bhakti-yoga, is without any cause and without impediment
- Education means to find out the ultimate goal, Absolute Truth. In whatever field of education you may be, that doesn't matter. But try to find out the ultimate. Because in the Vedanta-sutra it is said - What is Absolute Truth
- Either any yoga system, any spiritual life is called yoga. Yoga means to link. We are part and parcel of the supreme absolute, Brahman or Bhagavan, whatever you call, Paramatma, it doesn't matter. But yoga means linking
- Either he (a devotee) goes to hell or heaven, it doesn't matter. You see? If Krsna goes with him, then it is no longer hell
- Either he's externally a brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, sudra, American, Indian, black, white, it doesn't matter. That is bodily. When you come to the spiritual platform, that is one. Because spirit is one
- Either hell or heaven, that doesn't matter. So how do you go there
- Either way you say, incarnation of Sadasiva or Maha-Visnu, it doesn't matter. But Advaita Acarya is isvara-tattva. He's not sakti-tattva. He's isvara-tattva. And we are all sakti-tattva. Therefore there is difference. Sakti-saktiman
- Either you are rich man or poor man or American or Indian or white or black, it doesn't matter. The problems, the four problems of material existence, will always trouble you
- Either you take Christian religion or Hindu religion or Muslim religion, the idea is to understand God. Therefore, any religion you take, it doesn't matter. If you understand what is God and if you know what is your relationship with God, you are perfect
- End justifies the means. End is that everyone should have a Krsna literature. Doesn't matter what is the means. Because he has taken one Krsna literature, that justifies everything. This is the principle
- Even in full material opulence we can become a perfect devotee, provided you follow the principles. It doesn't matter
- Even Lord Caitanya Himself, He married twice. So marriage is not prohibited, but everything should be under regulative principle according to the law. Then either one is sannyasi or a married man or a brahmacari, it doesn't matter
- Even they are chanting Hare Krishna in mockery, still, it doesn't matter. Just so long they are chanting Hare Krishna, that is the success of our mission
- Even though he has got some bad habits due to his past life, it doesn't matter, because this will stop. Because he has taken to Krsna consciousness, all nonsense habit will stop. The switch is off
- Even though the people are in the status of sudra, they should be given opportunity for spiritual advancement, and that is Caitanya's special gift, and very easy, that "Whatever you may be, that doesn't matter. Chant Hare Krsna and gradually realize
- Every civilized country has some scripture - it may be Christian, Hindu, Moslem or Buddhist. That doesn't matter. The point is that the book of authority, the scripture, is there. One who does not follow its injunctions is considered an outlaw
- Every civilized nation, every civilized man has got his scripture. May he be a Christian, may be a Hindu, may be a Muhammadan or may be a Buddhist. It doesn't matter. But everyone has got his authority, book of authority, scripture
- Every devotee aspires to see the Lord. That is natural. But Caitanya Mahaprabhu says that - It doesn't matter. Whether I see Krsna or not, it doesn't matter
- Every devotee likes to see the Lord, but Caitanya Mahaprabhu teaches that "Even if You make me broken-hearted, not being seen for life or perpetually, it doesn't matter. Still, You are my worshipable Lord." That is pure devotee
- Every house should have our books, every gentleman, in any language. It doesn't matter. That is our propaganda. Now you are getting all languages, so we can capture the whole world
- Every one of us is spirit soul, living entities. It does not matter whether I am a human being or other than human being - lower animal, birds, beasts, trees or higher celestial beings
- Everywhere, everyone is trying to become master. It doesn't matter it is a small circle or big circle. This is material disease
- Factually the qualifications of a spiritual master depend on his knowledge of the science of Krsna. It does not matter whether he is a brahmana, ksatriya, sannyasi or sudra
- Faith - "I believe in this, I may not believe in this" - that is different thing. But law means you must. There is no question of you believe or not believe. You believe or not believe, it doesn't matter. Law is law
- Faith is created according to one's sense. It is not very essential. If there is something positive, you have faith in the negative, so it doesn't matter
- Follow the instruction. Then you are secure anywhere. It doesn't matter. Just like I told you that I saw my Guru Maharaja not more than ten days in my life, but I followed his instruction. I was a grhastha, I never lived with the Matha, in the temple
- For heaven or hell, it doesn't matter. That is pure devotion. Anyabhilasita-sunyam (Brs. 1.1.11), without any desire
- For myself, I may live or not live. It doesn't matter
- Formerly there was only one veda-patha, or set of religious principles. Now there are many. It doesn't matter which set of religious principles one follows: the only injunction is that he must follow them strictly
- Formerly, people were religious. It doesn't matter whether one constructed temple or church. It doesn't matter. There was prayer to the Supreme. But now people are forgetting
- From the acts of Srila Dhruva Maharaja we can understand that somehow or other if one becomes Krsna conscious - it does not matter what his motivation is in the beginning - he will eventually realize the real truth by the grace of the Lord
- From the very beginning of life, they are hearing Hare Krsna maha-mantra. They are associating with Vaisnava, chanting, dancing. Imitation or fact, it doesn't matter. So they are very, very fortunate children
- Give them nice prasadam by which they are attracted. It doesn't matter khicuri, puri, kacuri, ladu. That I want
- God has given us land, God has given us producing experience, so wherever you live, it doesn't matter. If you have got a little plot of land and a cow, your whole economic question is solved. Why you should work so hard day and night
- Grhastha or sannyasa it doesn't matter. First we have to know the science of Krishna consciousness
- He (a devotee) prays to the Lord, My dear Lord, it does not matter where I am born, but let me be born, even as an ant, in the house of a devotee
- He (a pure devotee) says - Wherever Krsna will keep me, I shall remain there. It doesn't matter whether heaven or hell. I don't care for it
- He (Caitanya) has openly said that anyone - doesn't matter in what, which family or in which country he has taken his birth, anyone who knows this science of Krsna, he's eligible to become a Vaisnava or a spiritual master
- He (Krsna conscious person) may be a perfect celibate, a restrained householder, a regulated vanaprastha or a tridandi-sannyasi in the renounced order. It doesn’t matter
- He (Lord Caitanya) said that it does not matter whether the preacher is in the renounced order of life, or a family man, or a brahmana or a sudra - nothing is hampering in the process of preaching Krishna Consciousness
- He may be an American, he may be an Indian, he may be Christian, he may be Jew, he may be Hindu or Muhammadan. Doesn't matter. He's a practiced medical practitioner, so he's a qualified man. I have gone there for my treatment
- He may take this dress or not, that doesn't matter. Anyone who has sacrificed his life for service of the Supreme Lord, he's a sannyasi
- Here a Hindu coming from very respectable brahmana family and another man is coming from the dog-eater's family. It doesn't matter. As soon as one becomes Vaisnava he is classless society
- Human being, in any part of the world, it doesn't matter, even uncivilized, there is an inquisitiveness to search out what is the Absolute Truth
- Human civilization begins when there is religious conception of life. Therefore all over the world - it doesn't matter whether Europe, America or India or China, Japan - there is some kind of religion
- I am always praying to Krishna to give you His all blessings for bringing you back to Home, back to Godhead. Wherever you may be, it doesn't matter, but don't give up the principles of spiritual life, that is my request
- I have already explained that anything which is not utilized for Krsna, that is material. Either you are vegetarian or not vegetarian, it doesn't matter. If it is not utilized for Krsna, that is material
- I have got some infection, so I am diseased. You may know it or not know it, that doesn't matter. If you infect, knowingly or unknowingly, you will be diseased
- I have received the German magazine and it appears very nice. Of course I could not read a single letter, but that doesn't matter. It was looking very nice
- I may not be liberated birth after birth, it doesn't matter. But I wish that, I wish to live with the devotees
- I want to see all my disciples to live peacefully and execute such Krishna Consciousness. That is the perfection of life. It does not matter whether one is Brahmacari or householder, the real test is how he is executing Krishna Consciousness
- If a person is advanced in devotional service, it does not matter whether he was born in a candala family. He becomes purified
- If by chance one gets a sad-guru, it doesn’t matter whether one is in the temple or the forest. If the sad-guru, the bona fide spiritual master, agrees, one can be initiated immediately, without waiting for a suitable time or place
- If Caitanya Mahaprabhu is pleased, then He can give krsna-prema, love of Krsna, to anyone, doesn't matter what is his qualification. He gives
- If I am actually pious, I should not get this material body. Just like to remain in the prison house means criminal. You may be a first-class prisoner, it doesn't matter, but you are a prisoner, you are a criminal
- If I go away from the within the body, then there is no more seeking after happiness. Either you throw it on the street or it is in extreme cold or extreme heat, it doesn't matter. Then who is seeking happiness? That they do not know
- If one actually wants to serve Krsna, it doesn’t matter whether one is a sudra, vaisya or even a woman
- If one has lower birth or whatever, it doesn't matter. The Bhagavad-gita offers transcendental subject matter everyone can understand provided he goes along with the principle as stated in the Fourth Chapter
- If one lives only for the satisfaction of Krsna, it does not matter whether he belongs to this order of life or that order of life
- If people become irreligious in the name of secularism, then they are simply animals. So it is the government duty to see that the citizens are not becoming animals. He may profess a type of religion. That doesn't matter. But he must be religious
- If somebody questions how the most degraded of the human society be more than a Brahmin? That is confirmed in Vedic language that it does not matter if one is born of low grade family or chandalas, if he is a devotee of the Lord, he is first class man
- If the society chants Hare Krsna seriously, then it is all right. Never mind whatever is done. It doesn't matter. Papi tapi jata chilo, hari-name uddharilo. This is the power of hari-sankirtana
- If we actually want peace, then we must learn how to surrender to the Supreme Lord. It doesn't matter through which process. Either by Hindu, Muslim or Christian religion, it doesn't matter. We want to see that everyone is becoming a perfect lover of God
- If we take to Krsna consciousness full, even due to our past habits, we are attached to all things, Krsna says it doesn't matter. But you keep yourself always in Krsna consciousness
- If you are impure, it doesn't matter that you go to the forest or you are in your apartment - the nature will not excuse you
- If you are serious, you can keep yourself pure anywhere. It doesn't matter whether you stay in America or India. But you must know how to keep yourself purified. That's all
- If you are white, you cannot become black, or if you are black, you cannot become white. That is not possible. But you can become first-class Krsna conscious person. Either you are black or white, it doesn't matter
- If you ask somebody, "My dear friend, please once chant Hare Krsna," that is your duty finished. He may accept or not accept - that doesn't matter. You have finished your spiritual mastership
- If you can preach Lord Buddha or Krsna, it doesn't matter. I have already explained Lord Buddha is expansion of Krsna
- If you follow religious principle, then it doesn't matter whether you are Christian or Muhammadan or Hindu or Buddha. Then you are religious. But if you do not follow any religious principle, then how you become religious
- If you have become actually lover of God, then your religion - it doesn't matter whatever religion you profess - that is perfect
- If you keep this parampara system and if you try to satisfy the Supreme Personality of Godhead, then whatever you do, that is perfection. It doesn't matter. The test is whether Krsna is satisfied, whether your spiritual master is satisfied
- If you say that "Your dream is also wrong," yes, I do not dream. I take the facts from the authority. We do not dream. Dream is dream, either yours or mine. It doesn't matter
- If you think that this Krsna name is not very suitable, you can accept any name. That doesn't matter. Our proposition is you chant God's name. That is our proposal
- If you understand what is God and if you know what is your relationship with God - in this way your goal of life how to learn to love God, that is achieved - then it doesn't matter through which religion you achieve that perfection
- If you want to conquer over this unconquerable Krsna, then, according to the prayer of Brahma and appreciated by Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu: "You remain in your place, it doesn't matter, but you become very humble. Don't be puffed up"
- If you want to understand Krsna through philosophy, science and everything that we have got, that is also the same thing, and if anyone blindly accepts Krsna, the same thing. It doesn't matter. Because Krsna is Krsna
- In any human society, there is a kind of dharma, religion. It doesn't matter whether it is Christian religion, or Hindu religion, or Buddha religion, or Muhammadam religion, some sort of religious propensities are there
- In Caitanya Mahaprabhu's Movement, everyone is preacher, whether man or woman it doesn't matter
- In human society there is some sort of religious system. It does not matter what is that religion - may be Hinduism or Christianism or Muhammadanism or Buddhism - in the civilized human society there is some conception of religious principle
- In human society, whether you are a Christian or a Muhammadan or a Hindu or a Buddhist, it doesn't matter. But there must be some system of religion - that is human society
- In London there may be a temple or not, it does not matter; you are doing very nicely, more than having a temple. If Krishna gives us a better temple that is all right, otherwise, your engagement in Kirtana is very very nice
- In our Krsna consciousness movement, our first provision is that no one should be allowed to eat any kind of flesh. It does not matter whether it is cows' flesh or goats' flesh, but we especially stress the prohibition against cows' flesh
- In the beginning there may be offenses. It doesn't matter. It will be rectified. Offenseless chanting means mukti, and then pure chanting means love of Godhead
- In the Bhagavad-gita it is stated that one can serve the Lord by offering the result of one's own work; it does not matter what one does. Generally men may say that whatever they are doing is inspired by God, but that is not all
- In the military line, too, the order of the captain or the commander is there. The soldier has to execute it. He does not consider whether it is pious or impious. That does not matter
- In the Mukunda-mala-stotra compiled by King Kulasekhara, one of the prayers says, "My dear Lord (Krsna), You are the deliverer of living entities from the hellish condition of materialistic life, but that does not matter to me"
- In the state, in an organized state, as we have seen in foreign countries, especially in USA, very organized state, everyone has got the facilities, it doesn't matter whether he is rich man or poor man. Everyone has got
- In the transcendental loving service of the Lord, it doesn't matter whether we are working, cooking, painting, writing, chanting, or whatever, they are all the same. There are no such distinctions of higher and lower on the transcendental platform
- "In warfield, and you are talking of nonviolence, rascal. There is no question of nonviolence. You have to fight." So he (Arjuna) was still arguing. Then He (Krsna) finally said, "My dear Arjuna, you fight or don't fight. It doesn't matter"
- Instead of dying, train jerking (laughs) or aeroplane jerking, why not parikrama? Die or live, it doesn't matter
- ISKCON or FISKCON, bring students. (laughter) So that I want. I want the number. It doesn't matter ISKCON or FISKCON
- It did not matter that he (Haridasa Thakura) was born in a family which was not following the Vedic rules and regulations. Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Advaita Prabhu accepted him as an authority because he was offenselessly chanting the name of the Lord
- It does not matter how and where one has taken his birth. Krsna will bestow His benediction upon anyone who takes to Krsna consciousness, without any doubt
- It does not matter if one is born of low grade family
- It does not matter if the reaction is good or bad; if our activities are not dovetailed with the desire of the Supreme Lord, or if we do not act in Krsna consciousness, then we shall be responsible for the results of all our activities
- It does not matter that he (Brahma) was born of a lotus and not of any man, animal or material father. A lotus is also material
- It does not matter that the land is not ours, that we can negotiate later, but we can utilize for the time being and negotiate later to purchase or not, or even he may contribute outright to us
- It does not matter that you are in the material world. You should always, continuously, hear the instructions and messages given by Me and always be absorbed in thought of Me, for I am the Supersoul existing in the core of everyone's heart
- It does not matter to the pure devotee if he has to go to hell to preach. The Supreme Lord lives in the heart of a hog, although the Lord is in Vaikuntha
- It does not matter to what category of this world the audience belongs. If one meekly and submissively hears about the activities of the Lord from a realized soul, he will be able to conquer the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- It does not matter what is that religion. May be Hinduism or Christianism or Mohammedanism or Buddhism. In the civilized human society there is some conception of religious principle. Without religious principle, we are cats and dogs
- It does not matter what one is, whether a brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, sudra or a degraded woman. If one engages seriously in devotional service, working with body, mind and intelligence, he is sure to be successful in going back home, back to Godhead
- It does not matter what one is. One must dedicate everything in the service of the Lord. If one is a learned scholar, scientist, philosopher, poet, etc., then he should employ his learning to establish the supremacy of the Lord
- It does not matter what one's position is; if one aims at reaching Krsna by performing his occupational duty under the direction of the spiritual master, his life is successful
- It does not matter whether a man is king, or a poor mendicant. Everyone has the facility to become the greatest devotee of the Lord
- It does not matter whether a person is a vipra (learned scholar in Vedic wisdom) or is born in a lower family, or is in the renounced order of life - if he is master in the science of Krsna, he is the perfect and bona fide spiritual master. BG 1972 pur
- It does not matter whether he is a Christian or a Muslim or a Hindu or Buddhist. It does not matter. But if he strictly abides by the laws given in that religion, then he is a good man, religious man
- It does not matter whether his duty is violent or nonviolent. If it is sanctioned and ordered by the Supreme Lord, it must be performed. An Aryan performs his duty. It is not that the Aryans are unnecessarily inimical to living entities
- It does not matter whether one is a brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya or sudra. If one sticks to his position and properly executes his particular duty, he is considered a civilized human being. Otherwise he is no better than an animal
- It does not matter whether one is a brahmana, sudra, grhastha or sannyasi. These are all material designations. A spiritually advanced person has nothing to do with such designations
- It does not matter whether one is a man or woman. Anyone who, with great respect, hears this narration of Maharaja Prthu will become the father of many children if he is without children and will become the richest of men if he is without money
- It does not matter whether one is born in India or outside India. Those who are naturally very heroic and who tend to rule over others are called ksatriyas
- It does not matter whether one is Christian, Muslim or whatever. He simply must accept the sublime position of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and render service unto Him
- It does not matter whether one is engaged in pious or impious activities, for both are causes for further entanglement in material bodies
- It does not matter whether one lives in a holy place like Vrndavana, Navadvipa or Jagannatha Puri or in the midst of European cities, where the materialistic way of life is very prominent
- It does not matter whether one refers to Balarama or to Lord Ramacandra when chanting Hare Rama, for there is no difference between Them
- It does not matter whether there is increase of population. But if the people are unfaithful, they must be punished with starvation. That is God's will. It is not that they will not be fed. There is no question of overpopulation
- It does not matter whether they (so-called brahmanas) offer respect, nor whether they accept these sannyasis (of the Krsna Consciousness Movement) as bona fide, for the sastra describes punishment for such disobedient so-called brahmanas
- It does not matter whether we are born in papa-yoni or punya-yoni. Punya-yoni, those who are born in punya-yoni, in nice family, for them it is very easy and natural
- It does not matter you learn to love God through Christianism or Hinduism or Muslimism, any "ism," but the result should be how much you have advanced in the art of loving God
- It doesn't matter (whether you have been Krsna Conscious in last life). But you can become. Take advantage of our Krsna consciousness movement
- It doesn't matter how we have learned to love God, either Christian religion or Hindu religion or Muhammadan, but if you have got that success, that you have learned how to love God, then your life is successful
- It doesn't matter I leave this body. Even in death I'll live. One year before or one year after... Now as far as possible, I have trained you. Try to follow the principles. And go ahead. Don't be set back by maya's tricks. Go ahead, forward, at any cost
- It doesn't matter if one is householder of brahmacari. Sincerity of purpose is the only qualification for Krishna Consciousness
- It doesn't matter if things are going a little slow; but make everything slow but sure. That is a good principle. To do things hastily and incorrectly is not good
- It doesn't matter to a devotee whether or not he takes birth life after life, as long as he remains a devotee
- It doesn't matter what his position is, whether he is a son, a boy, a sudra, brahmana, sannyasi or grhastha. One should simply learn from one who knows. That is Caitanya Mahaprabhu's instruction
- It doesn't matter what kind of religion you are following, but if the religious system teaches you how to become a devotee to Adhoksaja-adhoksaja means beyond our sense perception, the Supreme Lord - then your life is perfect. Then you will be happy
- It doesn't matter what kind of religion you are following. If your love for God has enhanced, if you understand what is God, what is your relationship with God, and what is the end of or the object of human life, then your life is successful
- It doesn't matter whether a man is convinced or not, but your sincere attempts to convince others will help you progress
- It doesn't matter whether a person is born as a sudra, a woman or a vaisya; if he associates with devotees repeatedly or always (sadhu-sangena), he can be elevated to the highest perfection. Narada Muni is explaining this in relation to his own life
- It doesn't matter whether first-class eating, second-class. But still, they have got a home, and there they live peacefully. The wife cooks for the husband, and the husband eats, and the child is also taken care. It is not killed
- It doesn't matter whether he's Indian, American, or black and white. No, no conception. Or even human being or animal. He is kind to everyone, friend, well-wisher of everyone. He does not create any enemies. Such... These are the qualifications of sadhu
- It doesn't matter whether it is Christianity or Hinduism or Muslim or... Knowledge is knowledge. Wherever knowledge is available, you must pick up
- It doesn't matter whether it is Hindu religion or Christian religion or Muslim religion. It doesn't matter. But human civilization, a civilized human being must follow some religious principles. That is the aim of human life
- It doesn't matter whether it is Hinduism, Christianism or Buddhism or Muhammadanism, but there must be a religious system. Without this system, that human society is not considered as human society. That is animal society
- It doesn't matter whether it is in India or America or Australia. Any human being, if he tries and if he reads the scriptures - never mind, Bible, Bhagavad-gita, Bhagavata - then he will understand God
- It doesn't matter whether one is a karmi, jnani, yogi, philanthropist, politician or whatever; if one has no love for the lotus feet of the Lord, one falls down. That is the verdict given by Lord Brahma in this verse - SB 10.2.32
- It doesn't matter whether one is born a brahmana or not. No one is born a brahmana; everyone is born a sudra. But by the guidance of a brahmana and by samskara, one can become dvija, twice-born, and then gradually become a brahmana
- It doesn't matter whether one is brahmacari or householder or a sannyasi. He must try to become confidential servant of the Lord
- It doesn't matter whether one is Christian, one is Hindu or one is Muslim. Our simply request is that whatever you may be, you make cultivation of God consciousness. That is our program
- It doesn't matter whether one is illiterate or literate. Everyone has got these ears. So we should hear from the realized person, guru Vaisnava, not professional, no. That will not help us
- It doesn't matter whether there is any future prospect for opening permanent center or not, but to attempt to distribute Krishna Consciousness in that part of the country is very much encouraging
- It doesn't matter whether they are initiated or not. If they are coming in large number, that is the success of our mission
- It doesn't matter whether we accept a material body or a spiritual body; our only ambition should be to serve the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- It doesn't matter whether you are Christian or Hindu. People must be raised to God consciousness scientifically. Otherwise it is doomed. It is not progress. It is already doom. They are simply inviting war after few years
- It doesn't matter whether you are following Christianism or Hinduism or Muhammadanism. Just try to understand how much you have developed your God consciousness to love God. Then in your any religion is nice, very nice
- It doesn't matter whether you are grhastha or sannyasi or brahmacari. You must become actual representative of Krsna. That is mahajana. And that is also not very difficult
- It doesn't matter whether you are Hindu or Muslim. Whether you are interested to satisfy God? That is first-class religion. Otherwise, it is third-class, fourth-class or whatever... Whether your interest is to satisfy God. Then it is first-class
- It doesn't matter whether you develop love of Godhead from this scripture or that scripture. Your aim should be whether you are developing love of Godhead or developing love of non-God. That should be the test
- It doesn't matter whether you kill a big animal or a small plant. You are responsible. Just like a soldier. He kills hundreds and thousands of men and he is given gold medal. And as soon as he kills one man for his sense gratification he is hanged
- It doesn't matter whether, what you are. Chant Hare Krsna and you'll be purified. Then you'll understand everything, what is God, what you are, what is your relation. This is Krsna consciousness movement
- It doesn't matter which mahajana we are discussing. The real mahajana is he who is strictly following the principles enunciated by God. Then he is following a real religious system. Otherwise, there is no question of religion
- It doesn't matter you are a very great swimmer. When you are in the Pacific Ocean, you are in danger. So similarly, when that very man is taken away from the Pacific Ocean and put into the land, then he becomes prasannatma, - Oh, I am saved
- It doesn't matter you Europeans, Americans, not born in brahmana family. That is Caitanya Mahaprabhu's approval. If you try to understand the science of Krsna and if you behave properly, you can teach about Krsna all over your country, all over the world
- It doesn't matter, either he is in family life or he's in sannyasi life, if he's a devotee, then his life is successful
- It doesn't matter, let us grow slowly but surely. Let us try our best to spread this Krishna Consciousness movement with sincerity. And Krishna will give us all facilities
- It doesn't matter. He may be European, he may be American, he may be Indian. It doesn't matter. If he knows the science, yei krsna-tattva-vetta sei guru haya
- It doesn't mean that you follow this religion or that religion. You may follow any religion. It doesn't matter, either Hindu religion or Christian religion or Mohammedan religion, anything you like. But we have to test
- It doesn't require that one has to learn Sanskrit. We have got so many disciples. It is not that they first of all learned Sanskrit. They heard. It may be in Sanskrit language or in English. It doesn't matter. Let him hear the real fact. That is wanted
- It doesn’t matter of whether it is Christian religion or Hindu religion or Muslim religion the formula is, sa vai pumsam paro dharmo yato bhaktir adhoksaje. That religion is first-class which teaches the follower how to love the Supreme Absolute Truth
- It doesn’t matter whether one is poor or rich, learned or foolish, black or white, old or still a child - anyone who simply hears about the SP of Godhead and takes prasadam is certainly elevated to the transcendental position of devotional service
- It is no secret. Simply we must be serious that this institution must be there for educating the whole human society. Never mind a very small number. It doesn't matter. But ideal must be there
- It is not possible to repeat all that one has heard from his spiritual master, but one can narrate as far as possible by one's honest endeavor. It does not matter whether the Lord's glories are fully explained or not
- It is not that if you do not come in that dress in our temple you will not understand our philosophy. That is not... We don't mean that. But it is convenient. But anyone who does not want to change this dress, that does not matter. We don't insist
- It is not that the asuras will remain asura. It doesn't matter. Even born in the asura family one can become sura. Just like Prahlada Maharaja. His father was asura, but he was perfect sura. That is possible. It is not prohibited to anyone
- It may be a monarch or it may be a president - it doesn't matter - but there must be one chief executive officer on the head. That you cannot avoid. That is essential
- It may be Christian religion, it may be Hindu religion, it may be Buddhist religion, or it may be Muhammadan religion, Jewish religion - it doesn't matter. Any civilized form of human society must have a sort of religion. Otherwise it is animal society
- It really does not matter how these living entities or superior entities of the Supreme Lord have come in contact with material nature. The Supreme Personality of Godhead knows, however, how and why this actually took place. BG 1972 purports
- It really doesn't matter what activity a man engages in. If he can simply satisfy the Supreme Lord, his life is successful
- Jagannatha Misra replied, "This boy may be a demigod, a mystic yogi or a great saintly person. It doesn't matter what He is, for I think He is only my son
- Jesus Christ said "son of God." So it is very good. It doesn't matter, if we remain son of God or servant of God faithfully, then it is first-class religious system
- John Lennon was follower of this. "Sex anyone. It doesn't matter. It is a bodily necessity. That's all." They learn this art from the hogs, hog philosophy
- Just always chant Hare Krsna. - (Caitanya Mahaprabhu gives the formula) Never mind whether you are in a factory or in a hell, in a shack or in a skyscraper - it doesn't matter. Just go on chanting Hare Krsna
- Just like Dronacarya. He was brahmana, but he was teaching military art to the Pandavas. General teacher class will be the brahmanas. It doesn't matter what he's teaching. But teaching, perfectly teaching, how to become a military man
- Just read from my books and try and explain the meaning in your own words. It does not matter that you are not so expert at Sanskrit
- Kali-yuga symptom, that position in society, if you want to be respectable man, you somehow or other gather money. Never mind how we have gathered, what is the method. It doesn't matter. Get some money and you become respectable
- Karyam means "It is my duty. Doesn't matter what is the result. I must do it sincerely to my best capacity. Then I don't care for the result. Result is in Krsna's hand"
- Kiba sudra kiba vipra nyasi kene naya, yei krsna-tattva-vetta, tattva-vetta, sei guru haya (CC Madhya 8.128). He becomes spiritual master. It doesn't matter what he is. Sudra, or vipra it does not matter
- Knowledge has to be received from a superior source; then one can become wise. It doesn't matter whether one is a five-year-old boy or a fifty-year-old man. As it is said - By wisdom one becomes an old man, even without advanced age
- Krsna also wants somebody friendly. It doesn't matter whether he is a sannyasi or grhastha. So any grhastha, whose only aim is how to keep friendship with Krsna, he is also mahat, mahatma
- Krsna consciousness movement is trying little bit. Success or no success does not matter. As we are servant of Krsna, it is our duty to present the real thing. Now you accept, not accept. That is not my business
- Krsna is the isvara, controller of the whole creation. So if He gives you something to do for His satisfaction, you do that. It does not matter whether you are doing the same thing
- Krsna knew that he (Vidura) was giving in devotion, and Krsna can eat anything, provided there is devotion. It does not matter whether it is materially tasteful or not
- Krsna transmits information both from within and from without. We simply have to receive it. If knowledge is received in this way, it doesn’t matter whether it is inconceivable or not
- Krsna transmits information both from within and from without. We simply have to receive it. If knowledge is received in this way, it doesn’t matter whether it is inconceivable or not - CC Intro
- Krsna, or Visnu, has got many thousands of names. Any name will be profitable. That doesn't matter. But because we have to follow the footsteps of great personalities, great devotees, therefore, as we are following the footsteps of Lord Caitanya
- Krsna-katha, talks about Krsna, you, either you understand it or not understand it, it doesn't matter, if you simply sit down to receive, give aural reception to such message, you become pious. Immediately
- Kulasekhara said, "Whether I am elevated to the heavenly platform or remain on this earthly planet or am dispatched to some hellish planet, that does not matter at all to me"
- Let everyone be engaged to his specific duty. It doesn't matter what it is. But if you want to see that whether your function is perfected, then you have to test it, whether by your activities Krsna is satisfied
- Let us do our duty. It is . . . we have to satisfy Krsna only. People may take advantage of it or not. It doesn't matter
- Let us get this chance. Simple method. So we'll go. Let us go everywhere, hell or heaven. It doesn't matter. Let us have this chance and speak something about God. That's all
- Liberation is not very important business - it doesn't matter if he (a devotee) is liberated or nonliberated. The idea is that nobody should serve Krishna with motive, even up to liberation, he should serve for service sake
- Live like grhastha, but don't leave... So remain as grhastha and render your service. There is no harm. If one could not proceed, it doesn't matter. Failure is the pillar of success. Then try. Again you shall try
- Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu says: "Anyone who knows this science (Krsna Consciousness), he becomes spiritual master. It doesn't matter what he is." He has actually said: kiba sudra kiba vipra nyasi kene naya yei krsna-tattva-vetta, sei 'guru' haya
- Lord Jesus Christ is son of God, the best son of God, so we have all respect for him. Yes. Anyone who is teaching people about God consciousness, he is respectful to us. It does not matter in which country, in which atmosphere, he was preaching
- Maharaja Pariksit’s expression of anxiety is explained in this verse. He says, “Let whatever is destined to happen take place. It doesn’t matter. Just let me see that not a moment of my time is wasted without a relationship with Krsna”
- Mahatmas are always anxious to preach the universal message of peace mentioned in the Bhagavad-gita and it does not matter in whatsoever Asrama he belongs to
- Majority or minority, it doesn't matter. But why you should take Bhagavad-gita to establish your rascal theories? That means you are cheating
- Married life is called grhastha-asrama. It is as good as sannyasa-asrama. Asrama means where there is bhagavad-bhajana. It doesn't matter whether one is sannyasi or one is grhastha or a brahmacari. The main principle is bhagavad-bhajana
- Matrvat para-daresu. From the very beginning of life, all women they are treated as mother. That is the system, Vedic system. Everyone will call a woman as "Mother." Never mind whether she is younger or older. It doesn't matter
- My point is, that whatever you want at the end, that doesn't matter, but you worship Krishna, and He will award whatever you desire
- Nityananda Prabhu was injured. Still prasanta. This is sadhu. Yes. "My dear Jagai-Madhai, you have injured Me. It doesn't matter. Chant Hare Krsna please." This is prasanta
- Nityananda's not disturbed: "Oh, you have injured Me. I shall go to the police." No. Peaceful - All right, never mind. You do not know how to behave; you have injured Me. It doesn't matter. Please chant
- No one can say that he is free from sinful activity. But according to Bhagavad-gita, this does not matter. Just by knowing the science of Krsna, one becomes free
- Not personal satisfaction, Krsna's satisfaction. That is Krsna consciousness. Whatever you do, it doesn't matter. You have to test it, whether you are doing it for Krsna. That is your perfection
- Now the occupational duties have expanded, but it doesn't matter whether one is an engineer, a doctor or whatever. Simply try to serve Krsna by the results of work. That is bhakti
- Now we have got a little place here. If by combined effort, it doesn’t matter it takes time, but slowly but surely we can develop this center. Especially Bhuvanesvara is going to be the capital of Orissa
- Now you can begin a new life. It does not matter that you do not live within our temple, since you say your health does not permit. But you can make your home a temple for Krsna
- Now you can say that "Arjuna was a fighter, and there was great need of the Kuruksetra fighting, so he satisfied Krsna, but I am a poor man, I am not Ksatriya, not (indistinct)." That doesn't matter
- Once we go to Krsna, we live forever with Him in either of these (tree, plant, water, cows, land, cowherd boys, father, mother or gopis.) capacity. - Let me live at Vrndavana in any capacity. It doesn't matter. But live there
- One has to work for Krsna. Either he's a brahmacari or sannyasi, it doesn't matter, or householder. Otherwise he'll be captured by maya
- One may be a grhastha or sannyasi - it doesn't matter - but he must be Krsna-tattva-vit. He must know the science of Krsna. That is required
- One may remain a householder, a medical practitioner, an engineer or whatever. It doesn’t matter. One only has to follow the instruction of Sri Caitanya, chant the Hare Krsna maha-mantra and instruct relatives and friends in the teachings of the BG & SB
- One person may be or may not be inclined to accept Krishna Consciousness, but that doesn't matter, but if we try our best to make one person Krishna Conscious, then our duty is carried nicely. That is recognized by Krishna
- One should attempt to write for self-purification. It may be published or it may not be published, but that does not matter
- One should become very humble and meek; it doesn't matter where he is situated institutionally
- One should work only for Krsna. It does not matter in what kind of work one engages, but that work should be done only for Krsna. That is the standard of devotional service. BG 1972 purports
- Only by sincerely engaging in the service of the Lord according to the injunctions of scripture can one gradually become a qualified devotee of the Lord, and it does not matter whether it takes many repetitions of birth and death, life after life
- Others may be done by others. You print it. Even there is some mistake, that doesn't matter
- Our definition of religion is to accept the orders of God. That's all. It doesn't matter what religion you are following. You may be Christian, I may be Hindu, that may be Muhammadan, but the test of religion is how one has developed his God consciousness
- Our Krsna consciousness movement is just to educate man that you believe or not believe, it doesn't matter. There is God. There is the proprietor, but He's coming personally and He's saying, bhoktaram yajna-tapasam sarva-loka-mahesvaram
- Our Krsna consciousness movement is teaching how to serve Krsna from any position. It doesn't matter. Whether you are a brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, sudra, lawyer, engineer, or film actor or anything, it doesn't matter
- Our main business is preaching. Either do it as a grhastha or as sannyasi, it does not matter. This is only formality. The real work is preaching
- Our mission is not to make a nonvegetarian a vegetarian. No. Our mission is that "Either you are vegetarian or nonvegetarian, it doesn't matter. You become Krsna conscious." That is our mission
- Our mission is that "Either you are vegetarian or nonvegetarian, it doesn't matter. You become Krsna conscious." That is our mission
- Our only ambition should be to serve the Lord. It does not matter where the service is demanded. It is exactly like the soldiers are asked to come forward to fight and there is no question of selecting the place
- Our proposal is, that is first-class religion which teaches the followers to go back home, back to Godhead. It does not matter whether it is Christianity or Muhammadanism. Just like if I want to return to India, I shall see which plane goes faster & safe
- Our Vedic culture means whatever you do, it doesn't matter; you must satisfy the Supreme Lord. That is culture. Sva-karmana tam abhyarcya samsiddhim labhate narah
- Pariksit Maharaja was very pious. That was the system. A king, monarch, is supposed to give protection everyone within the kingdom. It doesn't matter whether he is man or animal
- People become puzzled which one should be first vibrated. So any one you can vibrate. Either you chant Hare Krsna or Hare Rama in the beginning, it doesn't matter. There is no difference between the holy name of Krsna and Rama
- People may make a distinction between lower class and higher class, but Krsna says, - Even though one may supposedly be of a lower class, that doesn't matter. If he surrenders to Me he is also eligible to come back home, back to Godhead
- Please do not put me into forgetfulness. Please always remind me to chant, even You send me to hell, it doesn't matter, just so long as I can always chant Hare Krishna
- Prahlada Maharaja was a pure devotee. Therefore he does not make any business with God that, "I offer You my prayer to take something from You." We shall discuss these prayers of Prahlada Maharaja one after another
- Pure life, village - doesn't matter village or city. If you become devotee, then pure life
- Ramananda was a confidential devotee of Caitanya, but a householder and responsible government official, he has given open instruction that it does not matter what is the social or ecclesiastical order, if one is fully in KC, he can act as Acarya
- Real civilization is how to understand your relationship with God, the supreme father. That is real civilization. You may learn it through any process. It doesn't matter
- Regarding distribution of my books, somebody may say something, but that doesn't matter. Somehow or other they are taking our Krishna book. However it should be done so there is not legal implication
- Regarding distribution of my books, somebody may say something, but that doesn't matter. Somehow or other they are taking our Krishna book. However it should be done so there is not legal implication. And aggressiveness is not good
- Regarding the presentation of "Govindam'' as well as other mantras, the vibration is always pure. I will give the theme and if the sound is Westernized that does not matter
- Regarding the Radha-Krishna Murtis, first of all, as you are searching out a permanent place, the best thing will be to install Them in that permanent place. It doesn't matter if it is on rent or purchased
- Religion means how to love God, and any religion which teaches how to love God - that is perfect. It doesn't matter whether you are Christian or Muslim or Hindu
- Religion means to abide by the laws of the Supreme. That is religion. It doesn't matter whether it is Christian religion or Muhammadan religion or Hindu religion
- Require staunch faithful devotion. Then you are perfect. Then doesn't matter what you are, what you are doing. Whether the real point is fixed up
- Requires staunch faithful devotion. Then you are perfect. Then doesn't matter what you are, what you are doing. Whether the real point is fixed up. Bhajate mam ananya-bhak
- Residential quarters in a temple of Visnu, the Supreme Lord, are in Vaikuntha. It doesn’t matter where the temple is situated; the temple itself, wherever it may be, is Vaikuntha
- Ritualistic process may be different. Hindus may be following a different kind of ritualistic process. The Christian may be following a different kinds of ritualistic process. That does not matter
- Samah means equal to all living entities, to see the spirit soul. It doesn't matter whether he is man or cat or dog or tree or ant or insect or big man. They are all parts and parcel of God. They are simply dressed differently
- Sannyasa means you can become a sannyasi even with your, this coat-pant. It doesn't matter, provided you have dedicated your life for the service of God. That is called sannyasa
- Sannyasi does not mean simply changing the dress and thinking otherwise. No. Sannyasi, anyone, it does not matter whether the dress is changed or not, if one is fully engaged by his body, mind and words
- Sarve sukhino bhavantu. This is the test. A devotee wants to see that everyone is happy. It doesn't matter whether he is a Hindu or a Muslim or a Christian. It doesn't matter. We want to see that everyone is happy
- Sastra says, that, These four necessities of life you'll get, any form of life. Any insignificant form or very important form, it doesn't matter. You'll get all . . . this is arranged." You have no anxiety for that. Krsna has given you
- Secular means they have meant like that, that "You do all nonsense; we don't care. You pay me tax, that's all. Income tax. And you go to hell. It doesn't matter"
- Service means that you obey the order of the master. It doesn't matter what it is
- Simple boys and girls. But their devotion is exalted, because they did not know anything beyond Krsna. That's all. Krsna is their life. Never mind to know that Krsna is God or not
- Simply by satisfying the central point, Krsna, then you get samsiddhi. It doesn't matter whether you are a sudra or a brahmana or engineer or lawyer. The real point is how to satisfy Krsna
- So anything - it does not matter what it is - when it is sanctioned by Krsna, it has no reaction. That is the real work
- So Krsna can eat anything, provided there is devotion, real devotion. It does not matter whether it is materially tasteful or not. Similarly, a devotee also take Krsna prasadam. Whether it is materially tasteful or not, he should accept everything
- So long we are engaged in devotional service with proper guidance certainly we are always in transcendental position, and transcendental position is unlimited, it doesn't matter whether you are in Vrindaban or U.S.A
- So that regulative principle may be a little, little different from my country to your country or my Veda to your Bible, but that does not matter. That is made according to the time, condition and the mentality of the population
- So we Krsna consciousness movement, we are simply trying to make the asuras as sura. This is our movement. Anyone who is not devotee, he is asura. It doesn't matter whether he is born in some country or some family
- So your remembering or forgetful doesn't matter. The law of nature must work severely. It doesn't matter whether you forget or you do not know the law. Forgetfulness of law is no excuse. You must suffer
- Some more money is spent or less money, that doesn't matter. We want to see whether the result is there. I understand in that way
- Some way or other, we should be attached to Krsna. That is our only business, how we can be it doesn't matter, in broken language. There are many Sanskrit, I mean to say, not properly pronounced. But the Krsna name is there. Therefore it is sufficient
- Someone may be rich, someone may be middle class, and someone may be a poor beggar - it doesn’t matter. As long as one is under the spell of the three modes of material nature, he must continue to experience these divisions
- Sometimes it is argued that mostly devotees are not very much educated. It doesn't matter. This external, academic education has no value for spiritual advancement
- Sometimes our Krsna consciousness movement is criticized for mingling men and women, but Krsna consciousness is meant for anyone. Whether one is a man or woman does not matter
- Son or anyone, if he knows the science of Krsna, he becomes guru. This is the Vedic system. It doesn't matter. Caitanya Mahaprabhu approved this
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu indicated that it does not matter whether the spiritual master is a grhastha (householder), a sannyasi or even a sudra
- Sri Nama, CD 3 - Either you stay at your home as a householder, or you stay in the forest as the renounced order of life, it does not make difference, but you have to chant the maha-mantra, Hare Krsna
- Srila Vyasadeva was a householder, yet his residential place is called an asrama. An asrama is a place where spiritual culture is always foremost. It does not matter whether the place belongs to a householder or a mendicant
- Still in Hindu society, every woman is addressed by an unknown man, "mother." It doesn't matter if a person is unknown. He can speak with another woman, addressing her first, "mother," mataji. Then nobody will be offended. This is the etiquette
- Suppose I am a fool number one. That doesn't matter. I may be fool, but if I follow the previous authorized acaryas, then I am all right
- Suppose you have got a piece of land as agriculturist, and you produce your food grain in large quantity or small quantity. It doesn't matter. Similarly, this body we are utilizing
- Temporarily I may become very rich or poor, it doesn't matter. But people are being taught, "Oh, you are poor? You become rich.'' That's all
- That is first-class religious system which teaches the follower how to love God - It doesn't matter what is the type of religion, religious process. Phalena pariciyate: the thing is proved by the result, how one has learned to love God
- That is highest knowledge. It doesn't matter whether you are Muhammadan, Christian or Hindu or this or that. Whether you know God and you have fully surrendered to Him, then it is perfect. Otherwise, it is simply waste of time
- That is the Bhagavata definition - that how much you have enhanced your love of God. You call "Krsna" or something else, that doesn't matter. Phalena pariciyate. The result. Your religious principle, what is the result
- That religious system is first class wherein God consciousness, or love of God, is taught. - It doesn't matter whether it is Christian religion or Hindu religion or Muhammadan religion
- That system of religion is first class which teaches for this thing that, "Come to platform of God consciousness and love God." Then that is first-class system of religion. It doesn't matter what is the designation
- The asuras, they do not want to be purified. They want to remain in the degraded stage of life. That is the difficulty. Otherwise it doesn't matter what he is, which family he's born. It doesn't matter
- The best source of our income should be by accepting contributions from the sympathetic public, and selling our own books and literature. That is also a sort of business, but it doesn't matter
- The brahmastra is something like atomic weapon, nuclear weapon. It can go to the enemy wherever the enemy is. It doesn't matter. It will go and kill. That is called brahmastra
- The challenge was that "If you are servants of Dharmaraja, then explain what is dharma." It doesn't matter whether a man is civilized or uncivilized or good-looking or bad-looking, but if he has got proper guide, then he can speak the right thing
- The conditioned soul must make mistakes, because that is the nature of conditioned life. The mistake may be very great or very slight - that doesn't matter - but a human being conditioned by material nature is sure to commit mistakes
- The contamination of material world is called sin. That is sin. Just like you infect some disease, germ, you become diseased. I have got some infection, so I am diseased. You may know it or not know it, that doesn't matter
- The devotee is not interested in liberation, but in serving; as such, the devotee is already liberated. So liberation is not very important business--it doesn't matter if he is liberated or non-liberated
- The first thing is one must have rigid, staunch faith in Krsna. That is the qualification. Other things may be little deviation. It doesn't matter. The first thing is whether he is sticking to Krsna consciousness. Then he is sadhu
- The government's duty is to see that everyone is actually religious and moral. It doesn't matter if he follows some type of religion
- The hell or heaven doesn't matter. The next life is there. How you say "one life"? That is defective theory. Therefore this philosophy cannot be accepted. Anything which is defective is not to be accepted
- The human form of life, one should take advantage of the spiritual culture because in other forms of life it is not possible. This is the main thing. You become Indian or American, it doesn't matter
- The inhabitants of Vrndavana said, "By the will of the supreme authority and according to the results of our own work, we may take our birth anywhere. It doesn’t matter where we are born, but our only prayer is that we may simply be engaged in KC"
- The King was satisfied, thinking, Let there be a son. It does not matter if he is not very obedient
- The kings said, "We do not want liberation from the entanglement of material existence. By Your (Krsna's) will we may take birth in any species of life; it does not matter. We simply pray that we never forget Your lotus feet under any circumstances"
- The laws of nature is applicable to everyone. You believe this religion or that religion, it doesn't matter
- The living entity - it does not matter whether he is a man or animal - he is part and parcel of God, but he desired certain dress or certain body, so prakrti, nature, has given him
- The Lord says in Bhagavad-gita (BG 18.65), man-mana bhava mad-bhaktah: "Always think of Me." It doesn't matter which way one thinks; the very thought of the Personality of Godhead is the basic principle of bhakti-yoga
- The mayavadis (impersonalists) say that one can worship any form of the Lord and that it doesn't matter because one reaches the same destination anyway
- The miseries are three kinds of miseries. It is not the question of one religion or another religion. The miserable condition of life is for everyone, either he is Hindu or he is Muslim or Christian or Jew. It doesn't matter
- The non-fallen condition is Krsna consciousness. So long one can maintain pure Krsna consciousness he is not fallen down. As soon as he becomes out of Krsna consciousness immediately he is fallen down. It does not matter where a living entity stays
- The real purpose of life is to become a devotee of the Lord. It does not matter where one is situated
- The regulative principles are not only for the brahmacaris (celibate students) to follow, but are applicable for all. It doesn't matter whether one is a beginner - a brahmacari - or if one is very advanced - a sannyasi
- The regulative principles may differ from country to country or from scripture to scripture, but that doesn't matter, for they are made according to the time and circumstances and the mentality of the people
- The specific function of brahmastra is that when this weapon is released, it will kill the particular man wherever he is; it will go there and kill him. It doesn't matter whether he is in front or in somewhere
- The thing is, our main business is to distribute books, either here or there it doesn't matter. So if there is transcendental competition for increasing sale of books, that is good
- The training of course, there are somewhere, but not very strictly. So that doesn't matter. Chant Hare Krsna. Begin Hare Krsna. Then everything will come
- The whole idea is that action, either in ignorance or passion or goodness - we have discussed that point - that doesn't matter. That action should be done from the spiritual consciousness platform. That's all. Then you transcend the reaction
- The whole movement of Krsna consciousness is to purify the consciousness. It doesn't matter what kind of brain one has because if he simply transfers his consciousness from matter to Krsna, his life becomes successful
- The whole Vedic civilization is based on this, that you must know what is your relationship with God. It doesn't matter whether you are Hindu, Muslim, Christian or Buddhist. A civilized man must have some religious process. That is all over the world
- The wise man becomes by knowledge, not by age. Even an old man, if he has no knowledge, what is...? He is not wise man. Wise means one who has attained knowledge. He may be young, he may be old. It doesn't matter
- The word nrnam indicates that lower animals are not expected to engage in the devotional service of the Lord. But in perfect human society everyone should engage in the ds of the Lord. It does not matter whether one is born poor or rich, black or white
- There are different kinds of dry grasses, some are very strong, very weak, very small, some are big - but you set fire, then everything is gone. It doesn't matter, either the strong, small, big. You follow this, and your sinful life will be mitigated
- There are so many land; houses are for sale. If we can organize. Now you utilize these lands for growing fruit, flower, anything, whatever you can grow. But utilize this land. It doesn't matter what you would grow. Anything
- There is great necessity to propagate God consciousness to the people. It doesn't matter what religion is there. Religion is one. That is God consciousness, to abide by the orders of God
- There may be loss or gain, there may be victory or defeat, there may be distress or happiness, it doesn't matter. He's not affected with this duality. That is being taught now
- There may be many gurus, it doesn't matter, but their philosophy must be one: to teach everyone that Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- There was a prostitute whose charges was one lakh of pieces of diamond. It doesn't matter, a big diamond or small diamond. That was her charges. So one man was suffering from leprosy
- These arca forms of the Lord may be considered idols by the atheists, but that does not matter for persons like Vidura or His many other servants. The forms of the Lord are mentioned here (SB 3.1.18) as ananta-linga
- These people might be impersonalists, so far I can understand from the handbill, but still, we can perform Kirtana in any place. It does not matter what they are. By our Kirtana process we have to influence others
- They (American boys and girls) do not know what is happening from day to day, and it does not matter. All of this is a waste of time. It is better that they read literatures like Srimad-Bhagavatam and Bhagavad-gita. Why waste one's valuable time
- They'll give us description of the land, and before our going, they'll make a camp. Small, big, that doesn't matter. And in the morning, the former camp broken, and go to the next camp with kirtana
- This (CC Madhya 16.186) is a quotation from Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 3.33.6). According to this verse, it does not matter what position a person holds
- This catur-varnyam maya srstam (BG 4.13), brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, sudra . . . it doesn't matter one is sudra or one is brahmana, but everyone has got the facility to become connected in relationship with the Supreme Lord
- This injunction (the qualifications of a spiritual master depend on his knowledge of the science of Krsna. It does not matter whether he is a brahmana, ksatriya, sannyasi or sudra) given by Caitanya is not at all against the injunctions of the sastras
- This is Caitanya Mahaprabhu's teaching. Whoever is qualified in Krsna consciousness can become a guru. His family or material identity does not matter. He simply must know the science
- This is gopi. It doesn't matter the whole world is going to hell, but if Krsna is satisfied, a devotee's prepared to do that. That is, that is called uttama bhakti
- This is the test. Sarve sukhino bhavantu. A devotee wants to see that everyone is happy. It doesn't matter whether he is a Hindu or a Muslim or a Christian. It doesn't matter. We want to see that everyone is happy
- This life is not at all assured; at any time one can die. It does not matter whether one is a young man or an old man. So before death takes place, we must be fully Krsna conscious
- This system (of keeping bed in Deity room) should immediately be introduced in all our centers. It does not matter whether the bed is big or small; it should be of a size the Deity room can conveniently accommodate, but there must be at least a small bed
- This varnasrama college is very essential. Proper training. It may be extensive and intensive... Doesn't matter
- Those on the level of hogs and dogs will never appreciate such a great attempt (as the Sankirtana movement). Yet this does not matter to the preachers of Sri Caitanya's cult, for all over the world they will continue to perform this responsible work
- Those who are fixed up in the words of guru, so - Guru has ordered me to do it. Oh, that is my life. I do not know whether I will be promoted to heaven or hell. It doesn't matter. I shall execute
- To accept one guru is not a fashion. Nowadays it has become a fashion that accept some guru, Guru Maharaja. Whether he knows or does not know, it doesn't matter, and whether one is inquisitive or not. It is a fashion. No
- To spread KC, one need only be cognizant of the science of the spirit soul. It does not matter whether one is a brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, sudra, sannyasi, grhastha or whatever. If one simply understands this science, he can become a spiritual master
- To take birth low-grade family, or animal family, these are called papa-yoni. Krsna says that it doesn't matter if one is born in the papa-yoni, low-grade family
- Truth may be palatable or unpleasant - that does not matter. Everything is palatable to somebody, unpalatable to others - "One man's food, another man's poison." That does not matter. But the thing should be presented as it is
- We are always remembering Krsna. So the real process is... Either you think of Krsna or son of Krsna, it doesn't matter, but you should always think of Him. That is the requisition
- We are concerned with the laws of God. God may be dead or alive - it doesn't matter. Suppose by law we are prisoners, we are in the prison house, and all of a sudden the president or the king dies. Does it mean you shall be free? No. You have to rot
- We are not introducing caste system, that any rascal born in a brahmana family, he becomes a brahmana. We don't accept that. A man who is first-class trained up to become a brahmana, we accept him. It doesn't matter whether he is India, Europe or America
- We are preaching love of God. So it doesn't matter what type of religion one is following; we simply want to see that he has love for God
- We are preaching the principle that it does not matter whether a man is a sannyasi or grhastha (householder). One simply has to increase his attachment for Krsna, and then his life is successful
- We are so foolish that we do not believe in the next life. That is simply foolishness. There is next life, especially when Krsna says. You can say, "We don't believe it." You don't believe or not believe, it doesn't matter
- We are trying to make some first-class men. That's all. This is our aim. Even if he is fourth-class man, it doesn't matter. If he takes up the training, he becomes first class. And as soon as he becomes a first-class man, urdhvam gacchanti
- We are trying to organize this institution that, "You come. Whatever you do, that doesn't matter. Everything will be adjusted by and by." Everything will be adjusted as our mind becomes clear, clear, clear, simply by hearing
- We are under the grip of laws of nature. You cannot violate. If you have touched fire, it doesn't matter whether you are elderly person or a child, innocent or knowingly or unknowingly, the fire must burn. There is no excuse
- We cannot violate the state laws, either criminal or civil; it doesn't matter. But if we violate the civil law, there is no such strong punishment, but if we violate the criminal laws, then it is very strong
- We don't ask you to press your nose, or put your head downwards, or make some gymnastic. No. In whatever condition you are, it doesn't matter; you simply chant these sixteen names. There is no secrecy
- We have got tremendous business. Village to village, distribute these books and sankirtana. You don't require language. Chant Hare Krsna and distribute the... Bas. And prasada distribution. It doesn't matter who is doing
- We have named this "Krsna conscious society." Anyone can join it. It doesn't matter what he is. And actually, it is. . . Practically we are doing. We are collecting, recruiting members from all parts of the world without any distinction
- We have to carry out simply Krsna's order or His representative's order. Then it is all good. Either killing or not killing, it doesn't matter because it is coming directly from the Supreme. And that is spiritual
- We have to remain faithful to our master. We don't mind whether ones taking this philosophy or not, that doesn't matter. We have to try our best. But as soon as this service is done with some selfish motive, personal interest, then it is spoilt
- We have to simply carry the message of Krsna and try to convince people. If one is convinced, it is good; if not, doesn't matter, I am not . . . going . . . then you are recognized by Krsna
- We Krsna conscious people wherever we live it doesn’t matter, Pittsburgh, Los Angeles our business is to chant the maha-mantra and so long we shall continue to chant this maha-mantra we shall perpetually remain in Vaikuntha
- We may be imperfect, it doesn't matter, but because we are accepting the words and statement of Krsna, then our knowledge is not imperfect
- We require a person who is in the knowledge of Krishna, that is the only qualification of a person speaking. It doesn't matter what he is
- We say that you follow any religious path. That doesn't matter. We want to see whether you are lover of God. That is our propaganda. And if one is serious about loving God, it doesn't matter in which way he'll develop that dormant love
- We shall take every opportunity. We are the best opportunists. Anukulyena krsnanu... This is anukula. This is favorable for spreading Krsna consciousness. We shall immediately accept. It doesn't matter what it is
- We should lay out the subject matter (of BTG) as nicely as possible to our intelligence and capacity, and without any ambition that it must attract customers. They may attract or not attract, it doesn't matter
- We should not speak beyond what is spoken by Krsna. Take Bhagavad-gita and try to preach the principles, speak whatever is spoken in the Bhagavad-gita. Then it doesn't matter whether you are a grhastha or sannyasi or brahmacari. You become guru
- We should remember that in the Western part of this world, where we are pushing on this Krsna consciousness, we should not be dejected that because you are not born in high family or not so much trained in the Vedic knowledge. It doesn't matter
- We simply invite persons to come and chant with us. It doesn't matter what he is, what is his language, what is his religion. We don't take into account all these things
- We want simply to chant Hare Krsna and remember Krsna. That is Krsna consciousness. It doesn't matter whether it is in the hell or heaven
- What is our dharma, living entities? We are living entities. We may be in different forms; it doesn't matter, 8,400,000's of forms. But what is the actual business? The actual business is that every one of us giving service to others. This is our dharma
- What is the method of religion? To accept the authority of God. That is the primary principle of every religion, may be Christian religion or Hindu religion or Muhammadan religion. It doesn't matter
- Whatever department of knowledge or whatever department of activities you are engaged in, it doesn't matter. But if you can find out the Supreme by your pursuit of knowledge, that is your perfection
- Whatever you are, that doesn't matter. But act it on the platform of consciousness. And that platform, acting on the consciousness, is Lord Caitanya has made very easy
- Whatever you do, it doesn't matter. You have to test it, whether you are doing it for Krsna. That is your perfection. Not only perfection, that is the perfection of your mission of human life
- When a child goes to a guru-kula, he becomes a brahmacari and works like a menial servant. He may be the son of a great brahmana or a great king; it doesn't matter
- When a man or a woman is attracted by the opposite sex, it does not matter whether the opposite sex is beautiful or not. The lover sees everything beautiful in the face of the beloved and thus becomes attracted
- When I came to your country, I saw nice boys and girls, finely educated, belonging to respectable family, and they are taking to any kind of work - doesn't matter. So I was very much pleased
- When one is a professional, there may be something wrong. That doesn't matter. But you try to discharge your duties, rightly, whatever you are prescribed to do. Then everything will come to the right point
- When one is elevated to the platform on which he can worship the Deity, his previous birth does not matter
- When that original consciousness (svarupa) is completely spiritual, it is called Krsna consciousness. One who lives in such consciousness is actually living in Vrndavana. He may live anywhere; material location doesn’t matter
- When the spiritual master comes to the residence of his disciples, the disciples should follow in the footsteps of the former hunter. It doesn’t matter what one was before initiation. After initiation, one must learn the etiquette mentioned herein
- When there is fight, my Guru Maharaja used to say, "Some of our soldiers will die. It doesn't matter." You don't expect that not a single soldier of your party will not die. No, some of them will die. Still fight must go on. Fight cannot be stopped
- When you have come to fight, you must kill the opposite party. It doesn't matter whether he is my beloved son or grandson or great-grandson. This is duty
- Whenever there is need of my lecture, I am always prepared to serve; it doesn't matter whether big or small
- Wherever you may be, it doesn't matter, but don't give up the principles of spiritual life, that is my request
- Whether I (Advaita) am going to hell or heaven, it doesn't matter. But I love You
- Whether I am present or not present, it doesn't matter. As Krsna is living eternally, similarly, living being also lives eternally. But kirtir yasya sa jivati: "One who has done service to the Lord lives forever"
- Whether one is a ksatriya, a vaisya, or a sudra doesn't matter, if he serves, by his work, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- Whether one is male or female, it doesn't matter, simply chant Hare Krishna and follow the four regulative principles and your life will be perfect
- Whether you follow the Christian mahajanas or the Vedic mahajanas, it doesn't matter. But you have to follow the mahajanas. If a Christian says, "I don't believe in St. Thomas," what kind of Christian is he
- Whether your husband likes to take responsibility as your spiritual guide or not, that does not matter. He must do it. It is his duty because he has taken you as his wife. Therefore he must take full responsibility for you the rest of his life
- While you are discharging your devotional service even being immature you fall down, it doesn't matter even if you fall down
- Will you live forever? Then why do you speak that many are living? You cannot live. That is nature's law. You must die - today or tomorrow, it doesn't matter
- Yamaraja was foolish man, that he is addressing a cow as mother? This is civilization. It doesn't matter one is appearing as a cow or a man or a dog or a demigod or a civilized man, uncivilized man
- Yei krsna-tattva-vetta, sei 'guru' haya. Anyone who is fully Krsna conscious and fixed-up in devotional service, knowing fully well what is Krsna, he is guru. It doesn't matter whether he is a sannyasi or grhastha or brahmana and sudra. It doesn't matter
- You (judges) rascal, you are talking of my (Socrates') this body. So body is already material. You put it in the grave or in the hell, it doesn't matter. But I am eternal. You cannot capture me. - So this is knowledge. This abhayam
- You act as a brahmin, as a ksatriya or a vaisya or a sudra. It doesn't matter. But you try to satisfy Krsna. That is the program. That is enjoined in the Srimad-Bhagavatam - SB 1.2.13
- You are a human being, and I am a human being. Even if I am not a Christian, even if you are not a Hindu, still we are human beings. Similarly, the soul may not be Krsna conscious, or he may be Krsna conscious - it doesn't matter. But the soul is the soul
- You are dressed with shirt and coat in different colors and different shape. Similarly, the living entity - it does not matter whether he is a man or animal - he is part and parcel of God, but he desired certain dress or certain body, so nature, has given
- You believe or not believe, things are going to happen. That's all. That is laws of nature. If you don't believe that you are going to die, it doesn't matter. You have to die
- You call Him by any name, it doesn't matter, either you call Jehovah or Krsna or something, Allah, that doesn't matter
- You can accept sannyasa even from Mayavadi. It doesn't matter. But you have to transcend the limits of Vedic rules. That is Krsna consciousness
- You can prepare yourself to go to hell or heaven. That doesn't matter, because that is also temporary
- You do not require to change your position. Even if you require to remain as a Christian or as a Muhammadan or a Hindu or a Jewish or Buddhist, it doesn't matter. Please try to see whether by your activities God is satisfied
- You follow any kind of religion, that doesn't matter. But the test will be how much you have developed God consciousness or Krsna consciousness. That is the test. If that is lacking, then you have simply wasted your time
- You have been taught to serve Krsna, and with Krsna we'll live eternally. Our life is eternal. A temporary disappearance of this body, it doesn't matter. Body is meant for disappearance. So live forever by serving Krsna
- You have to act like a brahmin, and you have to acquire the qualification of a brahmin. Then you can become a brahmin. There is no impediment. Never mind wherever you were born. That doesn't matter
- You have to work for Krsna sincerely, intelligently, and victory or defeat, it doesn't matter. Just like Jatayu was defeated fighting with Ravana. His wings were cut off. Ravana was very strong. And Lord Ramacandra, He did his last funeral ceremonies
- You infect some disease knowingly or unknowingly, it doesn't matter, but the disease will be manifest. Suppose you have infected smallpox infection, contamination. Then it will be manifest. So this education is lacking now
- You keep your intimate relationship with Krsna, it doesn't matter whether you are in family or without family. Just like I have given already example. Arjuna, he is a family man, he is not a sannyasi. But he was prepared to sacrifice everything for Krsna
- You know or not know, that doesn't matter. The original cause is Krsna. The microphone, the original cause is Krsna. These karatalas, the original cause is Krsna. This pitcher, original cause is Krsna
- You may be a brahmana, you may be a ksatriya, you may be a sudra. It doesn't matter. If you act according to the order of Krsna, by the order of Krsna, then your karma will not entangle you. Because or you are doing according to the order of Krsna
- You may be a businessman, you may be engineer, you may be whatever you may be; it doesn't matter. But bhakti must be added there. Then you are successful. If you are devoid of bhakti, then it is useless, waste of time. That is the verdict of the sastra
- You may be a medical practitioner. You may be engineer. You may be any other man, mercantile man. Whatever you may be, it doesn't . . . you may be a learned man. You may be a foolish man. It doesn't matter. But you hear
- You may be a millionaire; that doesn't matter. But you have to show the respect to the policeman because he's a government officer. If you don't, then you'll be fined
- You may become Hindu, Muslim, Christian, or brahmin, ksatriya . . . whatever you may be, it doesn't matter. But if you are a religious person, the test is how much you have developed love of Godhead. Then it is tested, - Yes, you are nice
- You may follow Christianism or Hinduism or Buddhism or Muhammadanism - it doesn't matter. The test is how far you have developed love of God. That is the test
- You may have some particular type of religious system which you are following. It doesn't matter
- You may put him (one dog) on the throne; that's doesn't matter. But the doggish quality, you cannot change. Similarly this svabhava. Svabhava means the material nature
- You must be faithful that - I am engaged in Krsna's service. I may go to hell or heaven, it doesn't matter. I am going to serve Him. It is sure that Krsna will give me protection
- You remain as Christian. It doesn't matter. But there is no harm in hearing Bhagavad-gita. There is no harm. You'll get knowledge. You'll get knowledge. You'll become better Christian. You'll become better American
- You remain in your position. Don't change. Either you are brahmana or sudra or grhastha or sannyasi, it doesn't matter. But you hear about Krsna. This is the process
- You remain in your position. It doesn't matter what you are. - Kindly give aural reception to the words, authoritative words, of Bhagavad-gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam, like that
- You remain whatever you are, that doesn't matter. If you simply hear, sthane sthitah sruti-gatam, if you simply give your aural reception to these transcendental words, the result will be that God, who can never be conquered, you'll conquer God
- You will see, a hogs, he does not care whether mother, sister or anyone, daughter. It doesn't matter. So this is hog civilization. Simply eating and getting strength of the senses and enjoy it