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Buddha philosophy has gone outside India - China, Burma, Japan - because here in India they are very strong in the standing of Vedas. Sankaracarya established that, - This Buddha philosophy is non-Vedic. It cannot be accepted

Expressions researched:
"Buddha philosophy has gone outside India—China, Burma, Japan—because here in India they are very strong in the standing of Vedas. Śaṅkarācārya established that," |"This Buddha philosophy is non-Vedic. It cannot be accepted"

Conversations and Morning Walks

1972 Conversations and Morning Walks

Buddha philosophy has gone outside India—China, Burma, Japan—because here in India they are very strong in the standing of Vedas. Śaṅkarācārya established that, "This Buddha philosophy is non-Vedic. It cannot be accepted." That was Śaṅkarācārya's propaganda.

Lord Buddha appeared, just being compassionate to the poor animals. Sadaya-hṛdaya-darśita-paśu-ghātam. Sadaya. He became very compassionate that, "All these poor animals are being killed unnecessarily." So he promulgamated a new type of religion—ahiṁsā paramo dharmaḥ. "Don't commit violence. If I pinch your body, you feel pain. You should not pinch others." That is his religion. So, but he . . . because others, they will argue, "Oh, in the Vedas . . ." As I told you, that Vedas is the evidence so, "Here is . . . animal killing is ordered. How you are stopping it?" Therefore he said: "I don't care for your Vedas." And because he did not care for the Vedas, therefore in India, later on, nobody accepted Buddha philosophy.

Therefore Buddha philosophy has gone outside India—China, Burma, Japan—because here in India they are very strong in the standing of Vedas. Śaṅkarācārya established that, "This Buddha philosophy is non-Vedic. It cannot be accepted." That was Śaṅkarācārya's propaganda. So by the propaganda of Śaṅkarācārya the Buddhism were driven away. There are so many things that one has to study.

So Lord Buddha, we accept him as the incarnation of God. And his name is mentioned in the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam. And his business is also mentioned: sammohitaṁ sura-dviṣām. His business is to cheat the atheist class of men. That cheating is not cheating. It is for the good. Just like the father sometimes cheats the small child. You see? So that does not mean father is cheater. "Well, he has got some business to do that. That's all."

Page Title:Buddha philosophy has gone outside India - China, Burma, Japan - because here in India they are very strong in the standing of Vedas. Sankaracarya established that, - This Buddha philosophy is non-Vedic. It cannot be accepted
Created:2024-07-19, 18:43:00.000
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