There are 8,400,000's of species of life, and, out of which, human society, human beings, are a very small number, say, about 200,000 species of life. Balance eight hundred , two hundred thousand species of life, they are animal and aquatics, birds, beasts, uncivilized men, so many species of life. They have no economic problem. They have no economic problem. There is no question of starvation. They are eating, they are sleeping, they are having their mating, opposite sex, and they are defending also in their own way. So they have no problem. Only the civilized men, they have got problem. Only that small number of civilized men, so-called civilized men, they have got.
They do not believe that God protects everyone. By advancement of civilization they have learned this art, to refuse God. They want to make their economic problem solved by themselves. God is giving them sufficient grain, sufficient fruit, sufficient vegetable, sufficient milk. No, they want to make solution of their problems by killing other poor animals. But they do not believe in God. They do not believe in God that, "I am killing poor animals. They are also sons of God as much I am . . . as we are sons of God. God is maintaining that poor animal. God is maintaining me. Why should I encroach upon others' life?" You see? They have no such sense, because they don't believe in God. They have no such faith. This is going on.