Prahlāda Mahārāja is also instructing in this way that, "This human form body should be utilized fully for understanding our real position, our relationship with God, and our transaction, and dealings, and the basis of our relationship with God and what is the real goal of life." Caitanya Mahāprabhu has said that the real goal of life is premā pum-artho mahān (Caitanya-mañjusā). Prema, to attain love. Of course, in this material world, so many things are going on in the name of love. But actually there is no love; they are all lust, but going on in trade in the name of love. Love is possible only with Kṛṣṇa, or God. Premā pum-artho mahān.
So Caitanya Mahāprabhu's . . . not any other thing. Dharma artha kāma mokṣa (SB 4.8.41, CC Adi 1.90). Generally, people understand eating, sleeping and mating and fearing. That is the lowest grade of life. A little higher grade of life, they try to understand about some religious principle, and they are generally become religious for some gain, some material gain. Just like in the churches or in the temples they go, they ask some benefit from God, "O God, give us our daily bread."
Or somebody goes to temple, asks some benefit. So dharma, artha, kāma. Why they ask some benefit? Now, just to satisfy their senses, that's all. They have no other aim. Dharma artha kāma and mokṣa. And when they are dissatisfied or frustrated in sense gratification, then mokṣa, they want to become one with God.
So dharmārtha-kāma-mokṣa (SB 4.8.41). These are the general demands. The lower class of men, they are simply demands of the body—something eating, something sleeping, defending and mating. And the higher class, little elevated, they are after religiosity and some material gain and sense gratification or, utmost, to become one with the Supreme. But they have no other ideas generally. But Caitanya Mahāprabhu says, "No, above that there is another thing." That is prema, to love God. That is transcendental.