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These things (Drinking tea, drinking wine, smoking, meat-eating, Prostitution) should be taken care of - at least a class of men must be ideal for people, others will see. And the training should go on, just like we are doing

Expressions researched:
"these things should be taken care of—at least a class of men must be ideal for people, others will see. And the training should go on, just like we are doing"

Conversations and Morning Walks

1975 Conversations and Morning Walks

Tea was taken in our childhood if somebody is coughing, sometimes they used to tea. That was also later on. But it was unknown. Drinking tea, drinking wine, smoking, meat-eating—these things were unknown. Prostitution. There was prostitution. Not that everyone is prostitute. Very strict. So these things should be taken care of—at least a class of men must be ideal for people, others will see. And the training should go on, just like we are doing. We are inviting people to come to chant with us, to dance with us, take prasādam. And gradually they are becoming. The same stuff, addicted to drinking, addicted to prostitution, addicted to meat-eating, he is becoming saintly person. This is practical. You can see, what was their previous history and what they are now.

Prabhupāda: Indian society, they did not know how to drink tea even. In our childhood we have seen that Britishers started tea garden. There was no tea plants before Britishers. The Britishers saw the labor is very cheap, and they want to do business, they started. Just like they are doing in Africa, so many gardens, coffee and tea. So they started, and the tea was transferred to be sold in America. They were after business. So the. . . Now, so much tea, who will consume? The government started a tea sets committee. All the tea garden holders, they would pay government. And road to road, street to street, their business was canvassing, preparing tea, very nice, palatable tea, and they were advertising if you drink tea, then you will not feel very much hungry, and your malaria will go away and so on, so on. And people began to drink tea. "Nice cup." I have seen it. Now they have got a taste. Now gradually, now a sweeper also, early in the morning, is waiting in the tea shop to get a cup of tea. Tea was taken in our childhood if somebody is coughing, sometimes they used to tea. That was also later on. But it was unknown. Drinking tea, drinking wine, smoking, meat-eating—these things were unknown. Prostitution. There was prostitution. Not that everyone is prostitute. Very strict.

So these things should be taken care of—at least a class of men must be ideal for people, others will see. And the training should go on, just like we are doing. We are inviting people to come to chant with us, to dance with us, take prasādam. And gradually they are becoming. The same stuff, addicted to drinking, addicted to prostitution, addicted to meat-eating, he is becoming saintly person. This is practical. You can see, what was their previous history and what they are now.

Page Title:These things (Drinking tea, drinking wine, smoking, meat-eating, Prostitution) should be taken care of - at least a class of men must be ideal for people, others will see. And the training should go on, just like we are doing
Created:2023-07-07, 07:36:10
Totals by Section:BG=0, SB=0, CC=0, OB=0, Lec=0, Con=1, Let=0
No. of Quotes:1