Category:At Least
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Pages in category "At Least"
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- At least three or four brahmanas available to worship the Deity
- Kindly keep me informed of your zone's activities at least once a week or once fortnightly. In this way I will be encouraged and can give you direction and inspiration
- Of all the regulative principles, the spiritual master's order to chant at least sixteen rounds is most essential
- Reading at least one hour
- Wherever a Sankirtana temple will be established, I shall require at least three pictures, namely your Spiritual Master, my Spiritual Master and the Pancatattva
- A big lawyer means who is quite aware of the laws of the state. Similarly, a religious person means who knows completely, at least - partially also - the laws of God. That is dharmic. That is dharma
- A brahmana boy cursed him (Pariksit) that "You shall die within seven days." So these 7 days there was life, there was some assurance that at least 7 days he would live. But for us, we do not know whether we shall live another 7 minutes or seven seconds
- A devotee is always nonviolent; he is qualified with all good characteristics. But, in the common world, when there is mischief made by others, he should not forget to become angry, at least for the time being, in order to drive away the miscreants
- A devotee never thinks to himself, "I am master," only "I am servant." That is the difference between maya and reality. He at least knows: "I am never master. I am always a servant." When a servant is thinking, "I am master," that is called illusion
- A man is dead, his relative is crying. He says he's gone. He's still seeing. The body is there. That means he has never studied who is his relative. Then at least, he must know after death that the body is not my relative. Something else beyond this body
- A person who has heard a good deal about the path of devotional service, but who is not attached to it, who is not Krsna conscious, is like a pot of liquor. Such a person cannot be purified without at least a slight touch of devotional service
- A philosopher at least thinks that "Why shall I work so hard for this, only a glass of . . .?" So therefore he is a little better than these karmis. Karmi, jnani. And they are restless, because they are falsely thinking that they will get some benefit
- A rough estimate is that the Gita was spoken at least 120,400,000 years ago; and in human society it has been extant for two million years
- According to one's position, one should properly receive anyone who comes to one's home. At least a seat and a glass of water should be offered, so that the guest will not be displeased
- According to the dadati principle, an advanced devotee is supposed to spend at least fifty percent of his income on the service of the Lord and His devotees
- According to Vedic ritual, after taking a bath in a river, one should stand at least half submerged and murmur the Gayatri mantra
- Actually in this age one should live at least one hundred years, but because we do not follow hygienic rules, do not live nicely, extravagantly, therefore the duration of life is reduced. And we are proud that we are improving
- Actually the human effort cannot trace out the history of Krsna consciousness, but taking consideration of the present history, it is at least as old as five thousand years
- Actually this movement was started by Krsna Himself in the Battlefield of Kuruksetra. At least five thousand years ago the movement was presented by Krsna in the Bhagavad-gita
- Actually we have need of many men in India, at least another 50 or 60. But they need not be important men. Assistant men will do nicely. So if you can arrange to send 50 or 60 men here for propaganda work in Calcutta and Bombay, that will be very nice
- Actually, to understand one verse of Srimad-Bhagavatam it requires at least seven months. Janmady asya yatah anvayad (SB 1.1.1). My Guru Maharaja explained this verse in Dacca for three months, janmady asya. Actually, it is so important. The beginning
- Adhyatmika, adhibhautika, adhidaivika, three kinds of miseries, there must be. Either three or two or at least one must be
- After birth the child may forget about the difficulties of his past lives, but when we are grown-up we can at least understand the grievous tortures undergone at birth and death by reading the authorized scriptures like Srimad-Bhagavatam
- After death according to Vedic regulations, pinda-udaka, pinda, offering Visnu prasada and water at least once in a year it is required by the family members
- After touching to one's head all the flowers and water offered to the Deity, one should throw them into a sacred place. Then one should feed at least two brahmanas with sweet rice
- All learned scholars cleanse head. Yes. And at least we get relief. A little hair growing is also burdensome. We cleanse. So it is personal convenience. So that is not the point of preaching
- All of my students should read our books very diligently at least one or two hours daily and try to understand the subject matter from varieties of angles
- All of our devotees in the Western countries give up their old habits of illicit sex, intoxication, meat-eating and gambling. Of course, five hundred years ago these practices were unknown in India - at least in eastern India
- All of us must chant at least 16 rounds daily to keep us fit on the Krishna Consciousness transcendental platform
- All our members, the members of the Krsna consciousness society, should be ideal. At least people may see that "Here is a class of men - ideal character, ideal behavior, spiritual advanced, and very frugal and very nice"
- All our members, the members of the Krsna consciousness Society, should be ideal. At least people may see that "Here is a class of men - ideal character, ideal behavior, spiritual advanced, and very frugal and very nice." That is
- All the camps of our various camps may at least cooperate in the matter of special activities, and I may be able to provide any number of men who may be now inclined to come here and work under my direction
- All the presidents of our centers should see that all the members are strictly observing the brahminical standards, such as rising early, cleansing at least twice daily, reading profusely, attending arati, like that
- All the vegetables were served in pots made of banana leaves taken from trees producing at least thirty-two bunches of bananas. These pots were very strong and big and did not tilt or totter
- Also describe Deity worship, wherein one should offer food to Krsna at least five times daily and in due time place Him on a bed
- Also inquire from them if they are interested in being the sole selling agency in India. In this case, they must purchase at least 500 books. If not, they can help us by sending a list of leading book sellers in India who can help in selling our books
- Animals who have four legs can flee from the forest fire or can at least try to flee, but the snakes are immediately killed. Similarly, the blazing fire of Krsna consciousness is so strong that the snakes of ignorance are immediately killed
- Anyone serious about studying the Sanskrit language should first learn grammar. It is said that simply to finish studying Sanskrit grammar takes at least twelve years
- Anyone who takes to Krsna consciousness is understood to be fully purified. He is at least engaged in the process of purification, and if he sticks to the principle of Krsna consciousness he will very soon be fully purified
- Anyone who will stop chanting, he will be a victim of maya. Always remember it. Therefore we insist, "Please do not forget to chant at least sixteen rounds." That is minimum. The maximum is 300,000
- Arundhati and Syama Dasi shall be in charge of composing at least four hours alternately. In this way, the machine should be used from 7:00 in the morning till 10:00 at night
- As a daily duty, he regularly offered one thousand obeisances to the Lord, chanted at least one hundred thousand holy names and offered obeisances to two thousand Vaisnavas
- As an Indian and a man of good sense with practical business-brain you should not at least indulge in such organisation under the influence of unauthorised person
- As controller every one of us has got some scope or facility to control. At least we are controlling our cats and dogs. In that controller sense everyone is god. But we are not supreme controller. The supreme controller is called Godhead
- As far as our information goes, Srila Jiva Gosvami composed & edited at least 25 books. They are all very much celebrated, & they are listed as follows: (19-25) 7 sandarbhas: the Krama-, Tattva-, Bhagavat-, Paramatma-, Krsna-, Bhakti- & Priti-sandarbha
- As far as our information goes, Srila Jiva Gosvami composed & edited at least twenty-five books. They are all very much celebrated, & they are listed as follows: (17) a description of the lotus feet of Srimati Radharani, (18) Gopala-campu - in two parts
- As far as our information goes, Srila Jiva Gosvami composed and edited at least twenty-five books. They are all very much celebrated, and they are listed as follows: (1) Hari-namamrta-vyakarana, (2) Sutra-malika, (3) Dhatu-sangraha, (4) Krsnarca-dipika
- As far as our information goes, Srila Jiva Gosvami composed and edited at least twenty-five books. They are all very much celebrated, and they are listed as follows: (11) a commentary on the Brahma-samhita, (12) a commentary on the Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu
- As far as our information goes, Srila Jiva Gosvami composed and edited at least twenty-five books. They are all very much celebrated, and they are listed as follows: (13) a commentary on the Ujjvala-nilamani, (14) a commentary on the Yogasara-stava
- As far as our information goes, Srila Jiva Gosvami composed and edited at least twenty-five books. They are all very much celebrated, and they are listed as follows: (15) a commentary on the Gayatri-mantra, as described in the Agni Purana
- As far as our information goes, Srila Jiva Gosvami composed and edited at least twenty-five books. They are all very much celebrated, and they are listed as follows: (16) a description of the Lord’s lotus feet derived from the Padma Purana
- As far as our information goes, Srila Jiva Gosvami composed and edited at least twenty-five books. They are all very much celebrated, and they are listed as follows: (5) Gopala-virudavali, (6) Rasamrta-sesa, (7) Sri Madhava-mahotsava
- As far as our information goes, Srila Jiva Gosvami composed and edited at least twenty-five books. They are all very much celebrated, and they are listed as follows: (8) Sri Sankalpa-kalpavrksa, (9) Bhavartha-sucaka-campu, (10) Gopala-tapani-tika
- As far as possible try to help me in this mission at least in the publication of my books from India and if possible meet Sriman Joshi with this letter and talk with him
- As for the GBC members, if we study one sloka daily in our classes it will take you more than 50 years to finish Srimad-Bhagavatam alone, so at least 50 years matter is already there minimum
- As I am old man, I am traveling all over the world, now to give me relief, the GBC members . . . I shall expand into twelve more, so that they can exactly work like me. Gradually they will (be) initiators. At least first initiation
- As I have told you several times that I want at least twelve trained devotees and let us tour all over the world for preaching the gospel of Krishna Consciousness. That will satisfy me
- As Krsna is all-attractive, you become attracted at least to some. Krsna is all-attractive. You cannot become all-attracted. At least you become attracted to some
- As soon as we fall from the service of the Lord, our brilliance and illumination will immediately be extinguished, or at least stopped for some time
- As there is now great difficulty for getting money from India therefore I am requesting you to allow me the place for use of the International Institution For God consciousness at least for some time
- At least 5000 years ago, Sukadeva ascertained the existence of Maru in Kalapa-grama and said that Maru, having achieved a yoga-siddha body, would continue to exist until the end of Kali-yuga. Such is the perfection of mystic power
- At least a certain percentage of the human society must be brahmin, otherwise the society cannot make any progress in spiritual life. And if we cannot make progress in spiritual life, then our human life is frustrated
- At least a certain section of the American population should be ideal. That will also do. Not that . . . we cannot expect cent percent will take Krsna consciousness. That is not needed
- At least a poverty-stricken man can realize how painful poverty is, and therefore he will not want others to be in a painful condition like his own - SB 10.10.13
- At least a section of man must be first-class so that others can see that what is the ideal character of man. So this Gurukula means from the childhood age we are training them so that in future it will be easier. That is the purpose of Gurukula
- At least at present this decision will be good
- At least at the present moment, nobody knows that he has to satisfy the Supreme Lord. That is the aim of life. He does not know. He does not know even what is God. They are making research what is God, the theosophists, the theologists, making research
- At least everyone is engaged in earning a livelihood in some profession or occupation. In these dealings, one has to meet many undesirable people, and their behavior is compared to the biting of mosquitoes. This creates very undesirable conditions
- At least five thousand years ago, Lord Sri Krsna expressed His desire that everyone surrender to Him (sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja (BG 18.66)). Why is it that people cannot do this?
- At least for the time being, they (warriors on the battlefield) knew that Krsna has come. Suppose a prominent man comes in a big meeting. Is not everyone conscious of that person?
- At least four drums are required and ten sets of karatalas. Otherwise there are no instruments here for the kirtana, and that will be a great dishonor for displaying the sankirtana movement to people of Bombay
- At least human body is guaranteed, even one fails to complete the Krsna consciousness. Because he gets another chance. To get birth in a rich family means he has no economic problem. He can completely engage himself to understand what is God
- At least if we keep a section of people ideal to the human society, they will be guided. At the present moment, there is no ideal section. Everyone is rascal, demons, rogues, everything. There is no ideal character
- At least in India there are many great acaryas - Ramanujacarya, Madhvacarya, Visnu Svami, and even Sankaracarya and Guru Nanak. All of these have accepted Krsna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Why, then, should we reject Him
- At least in India there must be an institution that is strictly following the principles of Bhagavad-gita. This is my institution. We don't want anything more, other help. We simply request them that "Give some of our men permanent residentship"
- At least in India, all the great personalities, saintly persons, sages and acaryas, they have cultivated this spiritual knowledge so nicely and fully, and we are not taking advantage of it
- At least in India, it has become a fashion, that everyone is coming out and he declares himself, "I am God. I am God." As if the God has become a very cheap thing, and it can be had in the market, wherever you go
- At least in your country, create these two classes, brahmana and ksatriya. The world will be saved, and you will be saved, and Krsna will be pleased
- At least one section of people should know the science of the soul
- At least our young men in India, at least still inquiring. That is the culture. "What is God?"this is the beginning of human life, when one inquires about Brahman
- At least sixteen men, four mrdangas. Practice mrdanga like that. And twelve cymbals, and one chanting and all others responding. Oh, it will be tremendous. Take some flags, "ISKCON, Hare Krsna" flag, red flag. You see? And conchshell, mrdanga
- At least ten students among my disciples, who may come for further study in the matter of K.C., as enunciated by the authorized Goswamis, who are direct disciples of Lord Chaitanya
- At least the brahmanas, the priestly heads of religion, the king and the public leader, they should stop these four sinful activities. The leaders of the society, they must be sinless. Then the human society will make nice progress
- At least the Christian religion accept that supreme father, God, and the material nature is mother. And we are all sons. Not only human beings, every living being, even the dogs. This is philosophy, real philosophy
- At least theoretically one must be convinced that a living entity is neither male nor female
- At least these things should be accepted as they are in the Bible, "Thou shalt not kill. Thou shalt not covet." Illicit sex life, intoxication, and killing of animals. These are in the Bible. Why they are not accepted?
- At least this (severe criticism) will give our movement good publicity and you will be able to enlighten in general by pointing out the bad state of affairs of present day society
- At least this is the proof that Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead because there is no other parallel book like this Bhagavad-gita
- At least those who are claiming Buddhist, they are killing animals. Bruce, is it not? Yes. But in the Buddhist religion there is no sanction for killing animals
- At least those who are Vedic followers, they take cow dung as pure. Anywhere impure, they smear with cow dung. And that is fact also. Cow dung is full of antiseptic properties. It has been analyzed
- At least three times a day I should offer my respectful obeisances unto the lotus feet of my spiritual master
- At least to have a guarantee that our next life is going to be human life, everyone should take to Krsna consciousness. From mundane profit point of view. There is a story, Savitri-Satyavan. It is not a story. It is historical fact
- At least up to the time of Maharaja Pariksit, no one could imagine the wretched conditions of the cow and the bull
- At least you do not understand
- At least, in the lower grades of forms, there are eighty-one lakhs, or 8,100,000, and above that, about 400,000 forms of human being
- At least, ten percent of the population become Krsna consciousness, there is guarantee, peace in the world
- At least, we have got this experience in India. There are so many unemployed, educated. Because they have been educated as dog, they must find out a master. Otherwise, they have no independent power to work
- At the age of seventy years, nobody goes out. At least from Vrndavana nobody goes at the age of seventy years. But Krsna asked me. I thought that I must go, Guru Maharaja wanted it, Caitanya Mahaprabhu... Let me try
- At the present moment everyone is a butcher. Who is religious man? There was division, at least one class, first-class man, second-class man, third-class man
- At the time of separation, Ramananda fell at the feet of Caitanya and prayed: dear Lord, You have come just to deliver me from this mire of nescience. I request that You remain here for at least ten days to purify my mind of this material contamination
- Bahulasva said, "My dear Lord (Krsna), I beg to request You and Your companions, the great sages and brahmanas, to remain at my place at least for a few days so that this family of the famous King Nimi may be sanctified by the dust of Your lotus feet"
- Because by chance I was born blind, - he (Dhrtarastra) thought, "I could not inherit the throne of the kingdom, and instead it went to my younger brother. Now he is dead, so at least my sons should get the throne." This is the materialistic propensity
- Because I want to deliver the real thing, therefore in my feeble health I am prepared to go. If one man can understand, that I want to see. I am traveling all over the world to see that at least one man may understand
- Because the prostitute was not married to Ajamila, her sons were not Ajamila's sons. They were all sons of the prostitute. Therefore, at least still in India, a prostitute's son has no position in the society
- Before returning to India, if I am able to run at least three centers like the one in New York, another in San Francisco and the other in Montreal, then I shall feel successful in my mission
- Before the birth of Manu, the Gita was spoken by the Lord to His disciple, the sun-god Vivasvan, a rough estimate is that the Gita was spoken at least 120,400,000 years ago; and in human society it has been extant for two million years. BG 1972 purports
- Being fortunate, he (Maharaja Pariksit) got at least seven days to prepare himself to meet death, and so he properly utilized the time in the association of Sukadeva Gosvami, the great saint and devotee of the Lord
- Being so insulted, he (Jayadratha) went to Gangotri in the Himalayas and undertook a severe type of penance to please Lord Siva. He asked his benediction to defeat all the Pandavas, at least one at a time
- Being very thoughtful, a vanaprastha should remain in the forest for twelve years, eight years, four years, two years or at least one year. He should behave in such a way that he will not be disturbed or troubled by too much austerity
- Better situated are those who desire sense gratification and promotion to the heavenly planets. Such people want to enjoy themselves like denizens of heaven in the gardens of paradise. They at least retain their individuality in order to enjoy life
- Bhagavad-gita is popular in your country, at least amongst the scholars and theosophists and theologists, going on, for the last two hundred years at least. But nobody understood Krsna
- Birds, beast, you will find the pigeons, the dogs, they are enjoying sex at least four times in a hour. So there are men also like that. So here in this material world the sex life is this top pleasure. But it is very abominable
- Bombay is a very big city, people are rich, so we can give you nice room, nice prasadam. Come here, live here (gurukula) at least once in a week and learn Vedic literature, Vedic civilization. The essence of Vedic literature is Srimad-Bhagavatam
- Brahma said, "Even one striving for Brahman realization or Paramatma realization cannot understand these features of Your personality unless You bestow on him the result of at least a slight bit of devotional service"
- Brahmanahood is not so easy job that one can be turned into a brahmana all of a sudden. We initiate our students into brahmanahood only after seeing their behavior for at least one year
- Brahmanism is not a system meant to create a monopoly for a particular class of men. Everyone should be educated so as to become a brahmana. At least there must be an opportunity to allow everyone to attain the destination of life
- Bring at least one thousand horses, each as brilliant as moonshine and each having one black ear, whether right or left
- But at least, they could not go there. Otherwise, why they are giving up this job? They could not go there. That's a fact. Their plan was to... They were selling land even on the moon planet
- By hearing Krsna katha, we will be freed from the stages of ignorance and passion. We will be situated in the mode of goodness. At least we'll have the real knowledge - knowledge of what we are
- By Lord Caitanya's mercy we have been given all concessions possible for this age, so at least we should always remember that neglect of our prescribed duties in devotional service will not make us successful in the mission we have undertaken
- By Sanatana Gosvami it is directed that the spiritual master and the disciple must meet together at least for one year so that the disciple may also understand that, - Here is a person whom I can accept as my guru
- By the grace of Krsna and Caitanya Mahaprabhu there will be no trouble. You'll be happy. Try to preach this Krsna consciousness movement in India at least for some time, and help them to rise to their standard of Krsna consciousness
- By the gradual process of devotional service under the guidance of a proper spiritual master & following the principles of the Bhagavatam, one must be able at least to control the gross sex desire before one accepts the renounced order of life factually
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu recommends, kirtaniyah sada harih (CC Adi 17.31), always chant; that is the principle. But we cannot do that because we are so much overwhelmed by the influence of Kali. So at least sixteen rounds. Don't miss this
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu wanted everyone, at least in India, to become a preacher of this mission. In other words, one should become a guru and preach the Lord's instructions all over the world for the peace and prosperity of humanity
- Certainly at that time I shall drive on my Rolls Royce car with great pleasure at least for three months. Pray to Krishna that I may execute my touring program without any disturbance
- Chant 16 rounds daily, attend mangala arati and classes, etc. and you will be very happily engaged in the service of the Supreme Lord, Sri Krishna. Never let a moment go by without engaging in at least one of the nine devotional processes
- Chanting 16 rounds without fail, performing Kirtana at least twice daily, morning and evening, discussion on Bhagavad-gita, and Srimad-Bhagavatam in the class, and work diligently and cooperatively amongst yourselves is my fervent request
- Coconut, you collect, and each one of you use at least two coconuts daily, drinking water and the pulp. It is very digestive and nutritious. The pulp is very nutritious and digestive
- Collect the money for your ticket there and then immediately go to Africa to help there. I think that will be nice. Make sure that you follow all of the rules and regulations, & chant at least 16 rounds daily. That will make you out of the reach of Maya
- Combined together, you will be able to develop a very nice center, perhaps our own temple of Radha Krishna in that good spot, which is very attractive for me at least
- Continue with this program of standing orders. It is very important preaching work. At least if they read our books they will not speak nonsense that kirtana is nuisance
- Demons always think that Visnu can be killed. Therefore, being absorbed in thoughts of Visnu's form to kill Him, at least they have the opportunity to think of Visnu unfavorably
- Devahuti is indirectly asking that in his (Kardama Muni's) absence from home there be at least one male child to give her relief from her anxieties. This relief means spiritual instruction. Relief does not mean material comforts
- Devaki said "You have been advised by demoniac friends to kill my children. But now I beg you to excuse this girl at least. Let her live as my daughter"
- Devotees in the line of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu must chant at least sixteen rounds daily, and this is the number prescribed by the International Society for Krishna Consciousness
- Devotional service starts from the point when one is freed from at least two forms of material modes, namely the mode of passion and the mode of ignorance. The result is exhibited by the signs of being freed from kama and lobha
- Dhrtarastra was advised by Vidura at least to become a dhira in the beginning if it were impossible for him to become a sannyasi or a narottama
- Don't make it a stool society. You see? Make it a honey society. At least, give chance, those who are seeking after honey. Don't cheat people. So they'll come
- Each and every verse is so important that if a serious student studies each and every verse, each verse will take at least one month to understand. And there are eighteen thousand verses
- Each of His arms and legs had become three cubits long; only skin connected the separated joints. The Lord's body temperature, indicating life, was very low. All the joints in His arms, legs, neck and waist were separated by at least six inches
- Each planet, there are millions and trillions of living entities. Now if not all, some of them are offering sacrifices, at least the sober section, in all the universes, and Krsna is enjoying
- Eating is not prohibited, but if we eat voraciously we shall certainly sleep more than required. Sense gratification ensues, and we may be degraded to a lower life form. In that way our spiritual progress may be checked at least for the time being
- Elephant is a big animal, and at least fifty times more than cow, there is flesh. But it is not recommended. But the cow protection is recommended because it has got the miracle food, milk, and from milk you can prepare hundreds of preparation
- Entire, whole world. They are going on. They are fighting on this bodily concept of life. Of course, you cannot stop fighting. But at least a section of men must be in right knowledge
- Especially in these days, people do not believe in a next life or in the court of Yamaraja and the various punishments of the sinful. But at least one should know that one who cheats others to acquire money will be punished by the laws of the government
- Even an animal like a tiger has this loving propensity at least in a dormant stage, and it is certainly present in the human beings. The missing point, however, is where to repose our love so that everyone can become happy
- Even fifty years ago, I saw that in the villages of Bengal and the suburbs of Calcutta, people engaged in hearing Srimad-Bhagavatam daily when all their activities ended, or at least in the evening before going to bed. Everyone would hear the Bhagavatam
- Even if one is not able to go back to Godhead in one life, the Vedic civilization at least gives one the opportunity to be promoted to the higher planetary systems, where the demigods live, and not glide down again to animal life
- Even if one is unable to attain complete Krsna consciousness in this life, he is guaranteed at least to take his next birth in a human family. He cannot be sent into a hellish condition
- Even in this feeble health also, I am working four hours at least, at night. And they are also helping me. So this is our individual attempt
- Even the poorest of the householders keep at least ten cows, each delivering twelve to twenty quarts of milk, and therefore no one hesitates to spare a few pounds of milk for the mendicants
- Even there is some disagreement at times, that is not taken very seriously. In this way, in mature life they become happy. I want to introduce this system of arranged marriages in the Western countries, amongst my disciples at least
- Even those who take advantage of karma-kanda and jnana-kanda, but are not at least slightly devoted cannot be purified simply by following these other paths
- Every day make chanting at least for one hour in the temple. And do your activities as usual. Don't be disappointed. Krsna will see His own business
- Every family in every society can conduct sankirtana-yajna at least every evening. In this way there will be no disturbance or scarcity of rain
- Every intelligent man should at least experiment with Krsna consciousness. He should say - All right. I have been enjoying this eating and sleeping for so many lives. These things were available for me to enjoy in my bird and animal bodies
- Everybody has got something. That is called artha. Prana, artha, and everyone has got intelligence, and everyone has got the power to speak. So we have to engage all these four things. Either four or three or two, at least one, we must engage
- Everyone has to adjust things in his particular way, but I again repeat that at least one hour should be set aside for chanting the beads. I hope this will help you both ways and I pray to Krishna that He will give you all protection
- Everyone is welcome to appear in the Bhakti-sastri examination and take the title. But one must be acquainted with Krishna philosophy at least for one year
- Everyone's life must be so arranged that the last stage of life, say at least the last fifteen to twenty years prior to death, can be absolutely devoted to the devotional service of the Lord to attain the highest perfection of life
- Everyone, at least all the presidents, should be experienced in performing marriage ceremonies
- Everyone, I shall request you to chant Hare Krsna. We have enjoyed so many lives in the past, or suffered. Now, this life, at least one life may be devoted for chanting Hare Krsna and see the result. That is our request
- Fifth class means candala, pancama. Candala, they eat pigs and dogs - dog-eaters, pig-eaters. Just like even at the present moment, there are different classes of men, and pig-eaters or dog-eaters, at least dog-eaters, that is not very much common
- First class means ahaituki, without any cause. Not that "I shall go to church, I shall go to mosque, I shall go to temple for asking something from God." That is not first class. That is good in this sense, that these rascals have at least come to pray
- First of all try to become sinless: no illicit sex life, no intoxication, no meat-eating, no gambling. Observe these four regulative principles and chant Hare Krsna mantra as far as possible, at least sixteen rounds
- First of all your guru, then his guru, then his guru - at least four, five generation, because the spiritual knowledge is received through the parampara. I have received from my guru; you are receiving from your guru; and my guru received from his guru
- First of all, select who will be your spiritual master. You must know the preliminary law. Just like if you want to purchase gold, at least you must know where gold is available
- First of all, whether they are going to the Moon planet, that is doubtful. At least, I am doubtful
- Follow the regulative principles, chant at least 16 rounds of beads daily, read our literatures, go for street sankirtan, etc. In this way keep yourself engaged in Krishna’s business 24 hours and you will be really happy in this life
- Follow the regulative principles, chant at least 16 rounds of beads daily, read our literatures, go for street Sankirtana, etc. In this way keep yourselves engaged in Krishna's business 24 hours and you all will be really happy in this life
- Follow the regulative principles, chant at least 16 rounds of beads daily, read our literatures, go for street Sankirtana, etc. In this way keep yourselves engaged in Krishna's business 24 hours and you will be really happy in this life
- Foolish propaganda by atheists that temples were constructed only in later days is refuted here (in SB 3.1.23) because Vidura visited these temples at least five thousand years ago, & the temples of Visnu were in existence long before Vidura visited them
- For composing I think Rayarama has not given you the right time. It must be ready within one and a half months after the machine is there. By rough calculation, one can compose at least 10 pages per day, so for 400 pages it takes utmost 40-45 days
- For Deity worship at least 10 brahmanas are required
- For example, it may be said that one should chant the Hare Krsna mantra at least 100,000 times daily on his beads. But if this is not possible, then one must minimize his chanting according to his own capacity
- For her (Laksmana) dowry, he (Duryodana) first gave 1,200 elephants, each at least 60 years old; then he gave 10,000 nice horses, 6,000 chariots, dazzling just like the sunshine, and 1,000 maidservants decorated with golden ornaments
- For preaching work, especially in India, preachers are generally sannyasi. And I know that even in Buddha philosophy, a Buddhist, a person following Buddhist religion, he has to take sannyasa at least for some time
- For proper Deity worship at least two men will be required for full time engagement. So I do not know how to solve this problem because you are alone
- For ten months, because he is unconscious at least for seven months, he cannot understand. But after seven months, when the child becomes conscious, it is very intolerable
- For the neophytes the routine of devotional service may be very painful, but at least they have the hope that they will ultimately be able to avoid all kinds of distresses and achieve the highest perfectional stage of happiness
- For the present, at least two of my disciples must come to India to assist me there both for the sake of my health and for the editorial work of Srimad-Bhagavatam
- Formerly, at least in the Indian society, at an early age they were married. There is no quality in that quality. But gradually, remaining together, the quality of love increases. Then the wife takes care of the husband
- From a practical point of view, as I have not yet finished Srimad Bhagawatam and we have got now 100 branches, so by the time I am finished with Bhagawatam there must be at least 1000 branches. I have worked alone, now you are so many
- From four in the morning until ten at night (from mangala-aratrika to sayana-aratrika), there must be at least five or six brahmanas to take care of the Deity
- From Mahabharata we understand that the Pandavas, at least up to Maharaja Pariksit, he ruled over the whole world. Bharatavarsa means the whole world, and the capital was here, Hastinapura
- From milk you can prepare hundreds and thousands of preparations. We actually make. At least ten, twenty kinds of sweet preparation we make from the cheese. Therefore as recommended in the Bhagavad-gita, krsi-go-raksya-vanijyam
- From your letter it appears that you are doing nicely distributing books and if you say that with help you could make at least one life member daily, then why not continue on in Madras for a month as you suggest or until there is no more field
- Gaura Nitai Deities may be approved and ordered by the local Temple presidents with consultation of the GBC. There should be at least three or four brahmanas available
- General mass of people, at least the so-called educated, five to ten percent people, they are lost - Indian culture
- Generally, at least in, say, three thousand years ago, all the inhabitants of India were strictly followers of Vedic principles. After the advent of Lord Buddha, a different religious system developed
- Generally, we recommend our disciples to chant at least 16 rounds on their japa beads daily, and this should be completed
- Get the books widely reviewed in different papers and that is the only standard method of promoting this publication. By such reviews as soon as there is some demand all the book sellers will purchase from the publisher at least three copies each
- Ghost means that those who are too much sinful, they do not get this gross body. They are punished with the position, to remain in the subtle body, at least for some time. That is ghostly life
- Go to a friend, "Sir, I want to take little flower to offer to Krsna," at least if he is human being he will never deny. "Yes, take it." If he's a dog, that is a different thing. If he's a human being you can collect this little flower and fruit anywhere
- God exists, and God's energy also exists, so if we cannot see God we can at least see His energy. We may not see the electric powerhouse and the engineer within it generating power, but we use electricity in so many ways
- God is great. That is the definition of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. So at least within this material world, while He was present, Krsna proved that there was no greater personality within the universe
- God is not so cheap thing that in every street, every village, there is incarnation of God. Don't accept that. You must know what is meaning of God. At least we followers of Krsna consciousness, we do not accept such cheap God
- Going to the forest is compulsory for everyone. It is not a mental excursion upon which one person goes and another does not. Everyone should go to the forest at least as a vanaprastha
- Govinda kept accumulating the food, and soon it filled a corner of the room. There was quite enough to feed at least a hundred people
- He (Indra) thought himself, at least for the time being, as powerful as Krsna. Indra said, "Just see the impudence of the inhabitants of Vrndavana"
- He must be always clean. Three times he must take bath at least. All the clothing, all, everything is clean. And then he must know all what is what, knowledge, and practical application, and firm faith in Krsna. This is brahmana
- He wants me travelling throughout the whole Western part of the world and therefore I think it is Krishna's desire that now I shall shift my activities at least for some time in the European countries
- Here in Vrindaban I have secured full cooperation of my god-brother Swami Bon, and he has very kindly offered me full tuition, room, boarding, etc., for at least ten students among my disciples, who may come for further study in the matter of K.C.
- Hold classes at least five hours. As in the schools and colleges there are regular classes, forty-five minutes' class, then five or ten minutes' recess, again forty-five minutes' class, in this way, so we have got enough subject matter to study
- Holding the elephant by its tail, Krsna began to pull it, and with very great strength He dragged it for at least twenty-five yards, just as Garuda drags an insignificant snake
- How they can train up their children. Here is the prescription how to train up. So in this age, although it is very difficult task, at least if we teach our children to chant Hare Krsna maha-mantra, then everything is possible
- How we can increase our attachment for Krsna unless we know Krsna, at least something about Him? Just like a girl becomes attached to a young boy when she knows about something about that boy. The more she knows, she becomes attracted
- How you can deny the living force behind this gigantic mechanical arrangement? Call it material world, material machine or whatever you may call. How you can deny? At least from your practical experience you cannot deny
- Human society must take this KC movement and teach people at least how to become second class, third class, if not first class. But there must be first-class men, second-class men. Then everything, social affair, political affair, will go very smoothly
- I (Prabhupada) have presented a summary study, and the summary study has come to 407 pages. If we would have elaborately described each and every verse, then it would have come to at least thousand pages
- I am always urging my students to follow the regulative principles without fail and to resist the onslaught of Maya by chanting Hare Krishna at least 16 offenseless rounds daily
- I am chanting on beads. There are 108 beads and each bead we chant sixteen names, Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare. So my disciples, they chant at least sixteen rounds
- I am coming to India soon, at least by October, and I want to see that the building projects in Bombay, Mayapur and Vrndavana are going on nicely
- I am getting older day by day, so if I can see in my lifetime that all of you have opened at least 108 branches of ISKCON institution that will be a great pleasure for me
- I am here in Vrindaban at least up to September 25th or longer, as I am leaving for South Africa in the first week of October. Kindly come here so we can discuss
- I am hoping that you will fulfill your promise to chant at least 16 good rounds a day and to follow all of the four regulative principles. These things are of the utmost importance
- I am in receipt of your telegram regarding the avocado tree. As far as possible killing the tree should be avoided. If possible the tree should at least be transplanted
- I am making here a series of lecture on K.C. yoga system. They are tape recorded. If Mr. Kallman wants to make some gramophone records on this series of lectures, he can do so at least in those long time records
- I am now confident that at least one dozen of you have understood the philosophy and the matters by which it can be handled
- I am old man. If some of you at least understand this science and take up this science, you become future hope of this country or the world. That is my request to you, that you should take this chance and become a spiritual master for all the people
- I am so glad to hear that the Educational Department will take our books. They should take at least 50 copies of each book
- I am so pleased that you will be holding a grand scale Rathayatra Ceremony, and in London also they are planning a very glorious function with at least 5,000 guests participating
- I am staying here (in Bhuvanesvara) at least until Feb. 2nd for laying the cornerstone of our new temple, then sometime afterwards, I will be going to Mayapur
- I am thinking very seriously if we can print the 20,000 or more copies of BTG in our own press, as well as at least 4 books (the size of my Srimad-Bhagavatam) in a year
- I am traveling all over the world to see that at least one man may understand. They have spoiled the whole situation by misinterpreting, by malinterpreting, and by bringing some rascal and pose as leader. The whole world is spoiled
- I am trying to live at least up to the time I finish my translation of Bhagavatam. I do not wish to die before I finish
- I am very anxious to know that things are progressing nicely under the new management of the Governing Body Commissioners. So please write at least once in a fortnight
- I am very glad that you are worshiping Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Nityananda Prabhu. So continue to do this. There is no need of installing Radha-Krsna, at least at the present moment
- I am very glad to note that you are so much sincere and enthusiastic devotee of Krishna. That is wanted. If I do not do anything else, at least let me produce one such sincere devotee that's all
- I am very glad to understand that you have at least relished some of the transcendental bliss of Krishna Consciousness. It is a great fortune for you
- I am very much pleased to know that you are chanting at least the prescribed number of rounds daily and studying our literatures so carefully. Especially for girls this is absolutely necessary, and that will uplift you position in Krishna Consciousness
- I approached many respectable friends for giving me at least one boy from each family to be trained up in this line of self-realization, but I was not successful. The parents had no interest, the same difficulty of sudra mentality
- I came to your country. Today is the tenth anniversary. So at least from material calculation
- I can also pass away at any moment. That is nature's law. Nobody can check it. So that is not very astonishing, but my appeal to you on this auspicious day of the departure of my Guru Maharaja, that at least to some extent you have understood the essence
- I can give you one brahmacari, 12 years old, named Birbhadra, whom I want you should teach Sanskrit from the very beginning. We want a few students who know Sanskrit and Bengali, or at least Sanskrit
- I can understand that there is immense potency in England for spreading Krishna Consciousness. I want that there may be at least four or five centers here
- I do not know why our disciples are so anxious to take sannyasa, at least those who are outside. Everyone comes: "Give me sannyasa." What is the idea?
- I do not know why you are so much worried about your son's accepting brahmanahood. Anyway, rest assured that your son will not be initiated in brahmanahood at least for one year henceforward, unless he is so prepared with your sanction
- I do not mind a long walk, if it is flat land and not hills. Here I am walking at least 2 miles daily voluntarily
- I do not want to see that everything deteriorates by your management. If you cannot increase then you should at least maintain what I have established
- I do not wish that Gurukula should be closed down in Dallas. So you kindly arrange to send your child back to Gurukula. One thing is at least for the time being, you must arrange to pay the tuition for your child
- I further understand that the attack was for the second time. Here in Mayapur there are reports of dacoity at least once, twice in a month surrounding our place. So we have now taken two guns under regular license from the government
- I give you special permission as follows: You find out of 24 hours at least one hour conveniently for chanting Hare Krishna with great attention, either by the Deities or any place, without being disturbed by anyone else
- I have advised Pradyumna to go there and teach students primary Sanskrit lessons at least to learn the alphabet, so that in the future when they go to India they may learn Sanskrit very easily
- I have asked that Jayapataka send at least 25 complete sets of books there immediately so you should be receiving them soon
- I have begun dictating the synonyms, and tape no. 6 was sent directly to Pradyumna. To finish these synonyms will take at least one month
- I have come back to my home, Vrndavana. If anything should go wrong, at least I will be here in Vrndavana. Vrndavana is for residence, Bombay is office for organization, and Mayapur is for worship of the Supreme Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- I have given my program. You tackle, GBC men. At least, don't make me Alexander the Great in my lifetime
- I have got ambition to start at least 108 centers. My disciples are already scattered from Hamburg to Tokyo, and from Tokyo to Sydney. And more youngsters are joining us daily in this movement
- I have got considerable experience now because I am wandering East and West, not only once, at least twice, thrice in a year. So far Krsna consciousness movement is concerned, we have no such thing, East and West
- I have heard from Tamala Krishna that this press arrangement is made very nicely and you are doing excellently. Now my manuscripts for books are ready for at least 12 books
- I have instructed them that if they want to do it, they must send me at least 100,000 dollars monthly - not less
- I have made it a policy that there must be at least ten initiated brahmanas in a temple before deities are installed
- I have read your Vyasa Puja offering, so it will be a great pleasure to know whether Vyasa Puja was officially held in Nairobi. I am always anxious to know about Nairobi affairs. If you kindly send a report at least once a month, that will be appreciated
- I have received a letter from Gargamuni. It is very much depressing. I thought that your father and mother will receive him as beloved child, but instead they are ill treating, or at least not treating as beloved child. I am very much sorry for this
- I have traveled over the world at least fourteen times. I have seen there is enough land, especially in Africa, in Australia, in America, and we can produce so much food grains that ten times of this present population can be easily maintained
- I hope you are chanting regularly at least 16 rounds. Sometimes Maya disturbs us but that does not mean any serious drawback. So if you feel too much uneasy, you can come and live with me for some time, and everything will be set up
- I know that even in Buddha philosophy, a Buddhist, a person following Buddhist religion, he has to take sannyasa at least for some time. Is it not?
- I know you are a sincere, silent worker, and if it is not too much inconvenient for you, you can send me at least one letter in a fortnight. That will encourage me and I can then give you necessary instructions how to develop
- I never criticized church, mosque, never. Because whatever it may be, at least there is God consciousness. So they're good. I criticize only these rascals, disobey the commandments
- I pray to Krishna that you both live for at least 100 years so that you may spread Krishna consciousness to the full extent
- I quite approve your planning on becoming a householder, and at the same time serve the cause of our society. A Krishna Conscious member even though he is a householder may spend at least 50% of his income for the society
- I request you, don't you become hippies again by growing hair. Keep your head cleansed at least once in a month. That is my request. Neither I can chastise you, I am an old man and you are young men
- I say that every, at least, religious sect. I don't say others, nonreligious or agnostic. There are Christian, Muhammadan, Hindu, Sikhs, or any religious system, they have accepted that there is God, Supreme Truth
- I still maintain the idea of a world Sankirtana Party, so we have got men now in Los Angeles, in Montreal, in Boston, in New York, in New Vrindaban, and in London, who can form a nice group of Sankirtana, at least with 25 heads
- I stress in every letter, "Chant Hare Krsna at least sixteen times. Follow the principles."
- I thank you so much for having nicely appreciated the Bhagavad-gita As It Is. This book should be read by all of my students at least one chapter per day, and in kirtana class it should be discussed sloka after sloka
- I thank you very much for your sincere efforts and you have my blessings that you will without a doubt be successful if you stick to the regulative principles and chant at least 16 rounds a day
- I think it is Krishna's desire that now I shall shift my activities at least for some time in the European countries
- I think that Jagat Purusa is a suitable man to come here for at least one month and you can arrange to do this immediately
- I think you may introduce the ceremony of strolling the Deities round about the temple. If not every evening, then it can be done at least one day per week at a fixed up time
- I want at least 25 devotees to stay there regularly for taking prasadam, occasionally holding festivals also for distributing prasadam to anyone who visits the temple. I am hoping that you can give me your considerate opinion as to how it can be done
- I want at least 25 men to become ideal followers of these Gosvamis
- I want that Mayapur be self-sufficient by having its own production of grains, vegetables, fruits and milk products etc., to the extent that you will be able to feed at least 500 men daily
- I want that you shall distribute prasadam at least to hundreds of persons daily, and advertise very widely all over Nadia Province for people to come there and take prasadam daily without charge
- I want the benediction of at least one million ears, for thus I may be able to hear about the glories of Your lotus feet from the mouths of Your pure devotees
- I want to have in India a nice center so that foreign students will go. College for students from America who travel (indistinct). So I want to keep at least one hundred students here
- I was expecting to fight that case at least for some years, but by Krsna's grace he has given on the first day the judgment
- I was surprised when I came to your country. I saw young girls and ladies, they have no bangles, no ornaments. At least, I was surprised. And smoking cigarettes. What is this opulence?
- I was very pleased to see how you are getting top-ranking men to read my books. That is real preaching. If all the government officers at least purchase some of our books, it will be a great credit so do it very nicely
- I wish that at least four or five centers may be started in England of this Krishna Consciousness Movement
- I wish that you establish at least ten centers in Australia or in the adjoining islands. That is my desire
- I wish to form a nice Kirtana party consisting of 12 heads - 2 mrdanga players, 1 harmonium player in melody, 1 tambura player, and at least 6 cymbal players. In this way 12 heads shall perform Kirtana very rhythmically and melodiously
- I wish to speak on the great philosophy of Bhagavata Dharma at least once in a week on Television, so if arrangement is made by you for this, then you will be doing the highest service for Krishna
- I would only request you to retire from politics at least for a month only and let us have discussion on the Bhagavad-gita. I am sure, thereby, that you shall get a new light from the result of such discussions
- I would suggest that you now retire from family life and accept at least vanaprastha order of life
- I'm begging the Englishmen, the Canadians, the Australians, "Please come and stay." Because huge establishment, who will manage? I am managing with them, but there is economic question. For each person I have to spend ten thousand rupees at least
- If a living entity says that he is not controlled but that he is free, then he is insane. The living being is controlled in every respect, at least in his conditioned life. BG 1972 Introduction
- If anyone tries to understand these impersonalist Mayavadi philosophers, then his, I mean to say, progress is blocked for good. Not for good, of course. Nothing can be for good. But for the present at least his progress is blocked
- If he understands that he's spirit soul, at least, then he becomes brahmana. Etad viditya. And one who does not understand, he is krpana. Krpana means miser. Brahmana means liberal. These are the sastric injunction
- If one commits any of the above offenses, one must read at least one chapter of Bhagavad-gita. This is confirmed in the Skanda-Purana, Avanti-khanda
- If one has the proper means and wealth, he should occasionally invite the devotees of Caitanya who are engaged in preaching all over the world and hold a festival at home simply by holding congregational chanting for at least three hours in the evening
- If one is interested to understand God, then he must take all these items (sravanam kirtanam visnoh, smaranam pada-sevanam, arcanam vandanam dasyam, sakhyam atma-nivedanam) or some of them or at least one of them
- If one purposefully falls victim to sense gratification, he has to be punished, at least for one lifetime, like Bharata Maharaja
- If one takes one book, at least one day he'll read it: "Let me see what is this book I have purchased the other day." And if he reads one line his life will be successful
- If our body at present is engaged in the activities of Krsna consciousness, then it is guaranteed that we will have at least a human body in our next life
- If someone has a sentiment for getting the blessings of Ganesa in order to get large amounts of money for Krishna's service, then it is alright, but anyone who takes up this kind of worship must send me at least 100,000 dollars monthly—not less
- If the host is a poor man, he should at least offer a straw mat as a sitting place and a glass of water to drink. Krsna and Balarama welcomed Akrura in a way just befitting his exalted position
- If the intelligence and the mind are always engaged in the thought of the Supreme Lord, naturally the senses are also engaged in His service. at least, the activities of the senses remain the same, but the consciousness is changed. BG 1972 Introduction
- If there are sufficient men, and if we have got sanction by the authorities, it is always better to have at least a small party chanting along with as many distributers of books as possible
- If these recordings can be attuned in the same technical perfection, then under my direction we can produce at least one dozen Hare Krishna recordings in varieties of tunes
- If we are entangled with rajas-tamas, then our perpetual desire for lusty sense enjoyment and greediness will not stop. But if we give up these two qualities, the remainder quality means goodness, that sattve, you will get, at least, peace of mind
- If we go village to village. The village people are still pure, at least not so polluted as the town people, or especially the so-called educated
- If we have got our own press then we shall print at least four books yearly, and 50,000 magazines every month. Then you will have ample opportunity for printing Krishna Consciousness literature
- If we steadfastly perform daily program of rising early, cleansing, chanting 16 rounds, holding kirtana wherever we are at least twice daily, reading, worshiping the deity, going on Sankirtana - then our all success is guaranteed in whatever we do
- If we study all these books, to finish them it will take at least twenty-five years. So you are all young men. I request you to engage your time in reading books, in chanting, in Deity worshiping, in going to preach, selling books. Don't be lazy
- If we take into account the Supreme Personality of Godhead in our daily affairs, we can see Him or at least perceive His presence everywhere
- If we take Krsna's shelter, at least we shall get little intelligence. Dadami buddhi-yogam tam: "He gets the intelligence directly from Me." And that is wanted
- If we take Vivekananda's version, and be engaged in the service of the daridra-narayana, then I am misled. Preaching this daridra-narayana-seva for hundreds of years, at least one hundred years, but still, there are daridras
- If we want to purchase a mango from the market, we must at least know what type of food a mango is and what it looks like. Similarly, we must have some preliminary knowledge of the qualifications for a bona fide spiritual master
- If you are interested in the skin, if you are interested in the flesh, so at least wait for the time the animal will die. There is no doubt about it. So at least let him, let her die natural death. Why you should kill?
- If you are miserly and do not give Me the offerings, every one of you will have an old husband with at least four co-wives
- If you are receiving from me so many things and if you do not at least acknowledge your gratitude, then you are a thief
- If you are so foolish that you go to a butcher shop and ask him to supply diamond or gold, then you'll be cheated. You must know at least where to go and purchase gold or diamond. These are valuable things. That requires little intelligence and sincerity
- If you at all accept somebody as spiritual master, you must test him. You must test him for at least one year if you have got doubts. And when you are convinced that, "Here is a person whom I can follow blindly," then you accept
- If you can analyze the characteristics of the living entity, then you can at least understand what is God, what is the characteristics of God. Therefore the beginning of spiritual education is to understand one's self, this self-realization
- If you can organize some opinion, at least the Vaisnava sect, in your Gujarat, there are so many Vaisnavas. All over there are so many Vaisnavas. So they should come forward to cooperate with me, then it will be a very nice organization
- If you cannot increase it, you should at least maintain what I have given you. You cannot accuse me that I have not given you anything. So it is a great responsibility you now have
- If you organize this kind of play, at least they'll be appreciated by the saintly order. The sannyasis also can see. But parts played by women, the sannyasis cannot see. That is strictly prohibited
- If your mind becomes absorbed at least one or two hours daily in the transcendental subject matter of Srimad-Bhagavatam, Bhagavad-gita, and other books then very easily you will make your advancement in Krishna Consciousness
- Ignorance means dull stone. So if your senses are purified, at least you can know who is God, what you are, what is this world, what is your relationship. These things will be revealed. Not that you can become the supreme controller
- In Africa, there are millions of elephants, and each elephant is eating at least eighty-two pounds at a time. But who is supplying the food? They have no economic problem. They have no bank balance
- In any case, it appears that Jnana das is restless. It is not a good idea for him to bring Lilavati's daughter to Kilifi as he has described the living conditions as very poor and now she is at least nicely situated in Gurukula
- In British time there was no begging at least. Now their independence means they are begging. So these are all false notions. Nobody is independent. He is dependent in some way or other under the laws of nature
- In business you go to a storekeeper. He'll say, "Oh, you are my great friend. I am not taking a farthing profit from you." But you must know that he is taking profit, at least fifty percent. So this is called cheating propensity
- In comparison to other countries, there are so many facilities in America. At least, one can earn money like anything. So people are inclined to become citizen. But that is not easy, even within this planet. So how you will easily enter moon planet
- In every chapter of Srimad-Bhagavatam you'll find brahma-sutra-bhasya: "This is real commentary on the Brahma-sutra." So one should read daily at least one, two hours. That is human life
- In every publication house all printing matters are edited at least three times. So we should be very much careful about grammatical and printing mistakes. That will mar the prestige of the press and the institution
- In human society, for at least peaceful living, the human society must have religion, dharma. And artha means economic development, good condition, economic
- In India still the system is a householder keeps at least, in the village, at least ten to twelve cows. But he hasn't got to pay anything for keeping these. The cows go to the pasturing ground and in the evening comes back
- In India the Brahmacaris collect alms and subscription but here it is not possible to do like that: therefore all Brahmacaris may work at least part time so that our financial difficulty may be minimized
- In India, the catur-varnyam, the brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, sudra, so at least the most intelligent class of men, the brahmanas, they were interested to understand brahma-jijnasa. Athato brahma jijnasa. But at the present moment they are all sudras
- In my childhood I have actually seen my father receive not less than four guests every day, and in those days my father’s income was not very great. Nonetheless, there was no difficulty in offering prasadam to at least four guests every day
- In my opinion, because you wanted permission of your parents, you should wait at least for such time when your parents will permit you. But if you are strongly desirous, then you can disregard your father's desire and make advancement in KC
- In order to be initiated by us, one has to chant at least 16 times around his japa beads daily (the HK maha-mantra), he has to follow strict rules such as: no meat, fish, eggs, no intoxication - including tea and cigarettes, no illicit sex, & no gambling
- In our KC movement we are teaching our followers to chant the Hare Krsna mantra continuously on beads. Even those who are not accustomed to this practice are advised to chant at least sixteen rounds on their beads so that they may be trained
- In our Krsna consciousness movement after six months or a year, he (who has got first initiation with hari-nama and chanting at least 16 rounds a day) is initiated for the second time and given the sacred thread with the regular sacrifice and rituals
- In our Krsna consciousness movement when one is found to be regularly following these principles (no illicit sex, gambling, meat-eating & intoxication), he is given the first initiation (hari-nama), and he regularly chants at least sixteen rounds a day
- In our Krsna consciousness movement, we have recommended that the neophyte chant at least sixteen rounds. This chanting of sixteen rounds is absolutely necessary if one wants to remember Krsna and not forget Him
- In our lifetime, if we can fix up at least one soul in Krishna Consciousness, Krishna immediately recognizes the service
- In rare cases where the father is completely unable to give a dowry, it is enjoined that he must at least give a fruit and a flower
- In the beginning we were very much disappointed for at least one year because no one came forth to help this movement, but by the grace of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, some young boys joined this movement in 1966
- In the Bible, the first injunction is "Thou shall not kill." This means the people were, in those days, at least people who were all around Christ, they were very much expert in killing. Otherwise why he says first, "Thou shall not kill"?
- In the Krsna consciousness movement we welcome everyone who agrees at least to follow the movement's regulative principles - no illicit sex, no intoxication, no meat-eating and no gambling
- In the material world, three modes of nature which are named ignorance, passion & goodness, are always found mixed together. In other words these modes are never found pure but if there's one mode there's sure to be at least a tinge of another mode also
- In the Tenth Chapter you'll find that how Krsna is understood by Arjuna. After hearing not all, at least seventy-five percent of the instruction of Bhagavad-gita
- In this age Kali-yuga, ninety-nine percent, or at least ninety percent, they live by serving others. Therefore it is said, "In the Kali, in this age, almost everyone is sudra." There is no brahmin, no ksatriya, no vaisya
- In this chapter I (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami) have to some extent described the essence of the pastimes of Lord Caitanya at the end. If I die in the meantime and cannot describe them in detail, at least the devotees will have this transcendental treasure
- In this movement, throughout the whole world, there are at least ten to twelve thousand devotees like that. And before this life they were addicted to all kinds of sinful life
- In this parampara system, this knowledge has come to your country, America. You are intelligent. You are prosperous. So take this knowledge seriously and at least distribute this knowledge properly for the benefit of your people
- In this way the Lord danced for at least three hours. Sometimes the symptoms of ecstasy were visible, including pleasure, moroseness and many other waves of ecstatic emotional love
- In those days - those days means at least five thousand years ago - they selected a place and, "Let us fight and decide our fate," ksatriyas. Why the public should suffer? So in this way Kuruksetra was selected to fight between the two parties
- In those days if my father would spend twenty-five rupees, it was a great festival. Why not? In those days, fifty, sixty years ago, the money value was at least twenty times
- In Western countries especially, we first observe whether a potential disciple is prepared to follow the regulative principles. Then he is given the name of a Vaisnava servant & initiated to chant the Hare Krsna maha-mantra, at least sixteen rounds daily
- In Western countries, in comparison to our country, every home is aristocratic. At least their standard of living is so high. So what we call aristocratic, that is a common affair
- In your country there are at least fifty different editions of the Bhagavad-gita, written by different men. Similarly, in England, in Germany, in France and in all other countries, you will find hundreds of editions of the Gita. So, who can be more famous
- In your last letter I understood that you are collecting at least $70 to $80 weekly by selling books. That is a great service to the society
- India, of course, Krsna consciousness movement is known since a very, very long time. At least, everyone in India knows what is Krsna consciousness, and he may not be seriously engaged in Krsna consciousness, but even a street man knows what is Krsna
- Indian people are more intelligent. There is no doubt about it. I... At least I see that during British period there were so many railway collisions. Now it is not there
- Indirectly, Devahuti requests her husband (Kardama Muni) to remain at home a few days more, or at least until a male child is born
- Isvara means controller. So we small living entities, very minute, still, we are controller. We control. At least, we control our family members, my wife, my children
- It (research work) may not be for the mass of people, but at least one, two intelligent class of men, he (government) pays, qualified: "Let them have this opportunity." So this is like that. KC movement is not for ordinary men, but it is very important
- It has been our practical experience that the first instruction of our spiritual master infused us with Krsna consciousness so that now we are at least on the path of Krsna consciousness and can understand the philosophy
- It is a huge project and we require intelligent men to supervise construction and son on. Men who come here, they should be prepared to stay here for at least two years. And they must be very strict in following the rules and regulations
- It is a soul-killing civilization. We have to fight against it, to save at least a few men. So you are thoughtful young man. You try to understand this philosophy, and you try to spread. You have got good field for teaching students
- It is advised that one read them (the life and history of Prthu Maharaja) at least three times. Those who are materially afflicted will so benefit by hearing of the Supreme Lord and His devotees that they need not go to any demigod
- It is believed that such inauspicious living creatures (like Dakini & Sankhini) cannot go near a nima tree. At least medically it is accepted that nima wood is extremely antiseptic, & formerly it was customary to have a nima tree in front of one’s house
- It is better to refrain from comparing the Lord's position to ours, and it becomes a simple truth as soon as we understand at least a partial calculation of the Lord's transcendental position
- It is estimated from authoritative sources of Vedic literature that Bhagavad Gita is eternal truth and was first revealed within our knowledge at least 120 millions of years ago
- It is estimated that at least four hundred men descended in this dynasty (of Raghunandana). All their names are recorded in the village of Sri Khanda
- It is generally thought, at least in the Western world, that the yoga system involves meditating on the void. But the Vedic literatures do not recommend meditating on any void
- It is my ambition that I want to establish at least 108 centers; beginning from Hamburg, crossing over the Atlantic to your country, USA, then the Pacific, covering Hawaii and reaching to Tokyo, Japan
- It is my ambition that Indian Vaisnavas may contribute at least one pair of Murtis, following your nice example, and we can establish them in each and every center of our Society
- It is my practical experience. Syamasundara had to waste at least two to three hours to secure rice, fruits. Only milk and butter could we get
- It is not a new movement, because as I told you, that this is based on the principles of Bhagavad-gita, and Bhagavad-gita is not new. At least from historical point of view, it is five thousand years old
- It is not infrequent for a person overly attached to the material body to request a physician to prolong his life at least for some time
- It is not possible for human being. But at least, not maha-bhava but bhava, that we can. . . Bhava
- It is not possible to go back to Godhead in one life, but in the human form one should at least understand the goal of life and begin Krsna consciousness
- It is not that cent percent men will be trained up spiritually. But even a small percentage ideal men there are in the society, at least people will think, "Oh, here is ideal." But there is no such facility
- It is said in Srimad-Bhagavatam that after hearing the details from Bhrgu Muni the sages were astonished because although Lord Brahma & Lord Siva were immediately agitated, Lord Visnu, in spite of being kicked by Bhrgu Muni, was not agitated in the least
- It is stated here (SB 5.14.32) that the vanara (monkey) is very much attracted to sex. Each monkey keeps at least two dozen wives, and he jumps from one tree to another to capture the female monkeys. Thus he immediately engages in sexual intercourse
- It is stated in the Skanda Purana that during this period (Caturmasya), if someone circumambulates the temple of Visnu at least four times, it is understood that he has traveled all over the universe
- It is still a respectful practice to circumambulate the Lord in Hindu temples. Especially in Vaisnava temples there is an arrangement for people to offer their respects to the Deity and circumambulate the temple at least three times
- It is the practice of the yogi, brahmacari, vanaprastha and sannyasi to bathe at least three times daily - early in the morning, during noontime and in the evening
- It takes at least seven months. And they went in four days, and the man's mother . . . His photograph was there. She said, "Oh, at last my son has gone there." You have seen that photograph? I have seen it. Mother was satisfied. This is going on
- It would be better to live perpetually cramped within the airtight bag of a mother's womb, where one can at least remember the lotus feet of the Lord, than to live in a place where there is no opportunity to remember His lotus feet
- Jnanis at least know what is sinful and what is pious, and they very cautiously act according to the injunctions of the sastras
- Just like a good son, when he feels that "Father has done so much for me. I must repay it, or at least I must accept obligation what my father has done for me," this much feeling is called Krsna consciousness
- Kasyapa Muni continued: If you (Diti) perform this ceremony called pumsavana, adhering to the vow with faith for at least one year, you will give birth to a son destined to kill Indra
- Kasyapa Muni said: My dear gentle wife (Diti), if you follow my instructions regarding this vow for at least one year, you will surely get a son who will be able to kill Indra
- Kasyapa Muni said: My dear gentle wife, if you follow my instructions regarding this vow for at least one year, you will surely get a son who will be able to kill Indra
- KCM is to bring every person to the platform of goodness. Not even on the platform of passion, because urdhvam gacchanti sattva-stha (BG 14.18). At least, if you remain on the platform of goodness, then you can be promoted to the higher planetary system
- Kindly write one book, at least small book, supporting this (Krsna Consciousness) movement. That will be great service. Actually this should be supported by all sane men, it is so nice
- Kirtaniyah sada harih: (CC Adi 17.31) "The holy name of the Lord should be chanted twenty-four hours daily." In this Krsna consciousness movement we request the devotees to chant at least sixteen rounds on their beads daily
- Krishna Consciousness process is not to be presented in this way as mechanical achievement, at least we find no evidence from previous scriptures to support such technique. So I do not approve of this book
- Krsna consciousness movement is trying to create at least one section first-class men so that people may see, "Oh, here are ideal men"
- Krsna consciousness movement means that we are requesting everyone that give a trial this life at least
- Krsna five thousand years ago appeared on this planet, but still He's famous. His worship is going on still. In India there are hundreds and thousands of temples like this. Not only in India, now outside India there are least hundreds of temples like this
- Krsna said at that time that the cows are worshiped even by the demigods, and He practically demonstrated how to protect the cows. At least people who are in Krsna consciousness should follow in His footsteps and give all protection to the cows
- Krsna said, "As they were washing My cheeks, My dear elder brother, for at least one moment I completely lost Myself"
- Krsna says in Bhagavad-gita (BG 4.1), imam vivasvate yogam proktavan aham avyayam: "I spoke this science of God - Bhagavad-gita - to the sun-god at least forty million years ago
- Krsna says: "I spoke." So it is millions and millions, at least, four hundred thousand millions of times, millions of years ago, according to the calculation of Manu. So Krsna said millions and millions of years ago this Bhagavad-gita He remembers
- Krsna used to put a vaijayanti garland around His neck. This vaijayanti garland is made of at least five differently colored flowers. The length of such a garland was always touching Krsna's knees or feet
- Krsna went on speaking, "But at least if you utter the name of Balarama, they may prefer to give in charity to a ksatriya rather than to Me, because I am only a vaisya"
- Ksatriyas and vaisyas are especially advised to give in charity at least fifty percent of their accumulated wealth
- Kubja told Krsna, "My dear friend, kindly remain with me at least for a few days and enjoy with me. My dear lotus-eyed friend, I cannot leave You immediately. Please grant my request"
- Laksmana said - His (Arjuna) arrow at least touched the fish, and so he proved himself better than all the other princes
- Last Monday we were at a law college and at least one hundred law students were up and chanting and dancing along with us
- Leaders, the propaganda should be that the, at least the priests, who are conducting religious activities, they, the priests and the leaders and the administrators, they must be sinless
- Let this life be dedicated for satisfying Krsna's senses. That is Krsna consciousness. One life. We have, several lives, we have tried to satisfy our personal senses. Let this life, at least one life, let me try, what happens
- Lila refers to the pastimes of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Never . . . nobody says that the living entity has come in this material world for lila. At least, the Vaisnava philosophers do not agree that
- Little spiritual asset in this human form of life will at least guarantee your next life in a very nice family
- Lord Buddha's propaganda was to make the rascals at least to stop animal-killing. Ahimsa paramo dharma. Lord Buddha's appearance is described in the Srimad-Bhagavatam and many Vedic literatures
- Lord Caitanya's order is to become a spiritual master under the direction of Him by following the regulative principles, chanting daily at least sixteen rounds of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra, & preaching the cult of Krsna consciousness all over the world
- Lord Krsna said, "A person who takes away a brahmana's property, whether it was originally given by him or by someone else, is condemned to live for at least sixty thousand years as a miserable insect in stool"
- Make sure that everyone is pure by following the four regulated principles and chanting at least 16 rounds daily. Without these things, there is no spiritual life
- Mare krsna rakhe ke. When Krsna desires to vanquish, nobody can save you. Finished. Still, these rascals say, "There is no God." Simply rascals. At least expose these rascals
- Markata-vairagya means that a monkey is renounced. He does not dress, naked. And he lives in the forest. And he eats also fruit, vegetarian. But the nature is that he must have at least three dozen wives
- Material body means three kinds of miseries, threefold miseries always. And at least threefold miseries are exhibited in four kinds of distresses, namely birth, death, old age, and disease
- Material facilities, I think you American boys and girls, you have got material facilities better than any other nation. At least better than India, that I can say by my experience
- Material world means there are innumerable universes. Just like you cannot count the stars and planets. Every day you are seeing, at least at night you see, but can you count it?
- Mayavadi, at least they say that "There is Brahman. He is truth. But this phenomenal world is not truth. Manifestation of material energy, that is not true." So according to our philosophy, Vaisnava philosophy, we don't say that
- Mayavadis may be considered nearer to spiritual perfection because at least they have realized what spiritual life is
- Meditation is sometimes recommended as a way to check distracting materialistic activities. Meditation means stopping all nonsensical activities, at least for the time being
- Meditational yoga cannot be performed in an assembly, at least not according to Bhagavad-gita. It is not possible to concentrate the mind in the meditational system upon the Supersoul except in a secluded place
- Mode of goodness is that in that position we can understand, at least theoretically, "What I am, what is this world, what is God, what is our interrelation?"
- Moon is the cooling effect. Desert will make a cooling effect. (laughter) Just see. At least I shall not believe that this is desert and rock. I'm not so fool
- My advice to you both is that you immediately leave the unhealthy and envious association of Bon Maharaja and either proceed to Germany as I have instructed you, or at least go to someone who will be competent to act as siksha guru
- My advice to you under the circumstances is that at least for one hour you must all go to have Sankirtana outside on the streets or in the park. That is your life and soul, first business
- My aim is that I want to start at least 108 centers during my lifetime. So there are about 23 centers already existing, and your list completes another 16
- My ambition is to open centers as many as possible. At least, I want to see that centers are opened in very important places
- My ambition is to spread these books far and wide all over the world so that everyone shall read at least one of our books and that will change his life. If only 1% become devotees, that will change the world
- My dream is that at least one dozen students shall remain in Vrindaban and trained up nicely, and sent for preaching work all over the world
- My Guru Maharaj used to lament many times for this reason and he thought if one man at least had understood the principle of preaching then his mission would achieve success
- My Guru Maharaj used to say that if he could save one person then He would consider His mission successful. Similarly, if we individually could save at least one person, many of the suiciding men can be saved
- My Guru Maharaja used to advise us to read Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu. Everyone, after initiation. At least, he advised me
- My Guru Maharaja's desire and Caitanya Mahaprabhu's prediction is now being fulfilled. At least, it has begun to be fulfilled. So it is a genuine movement, authorized movement, and India's original culture
- My health is not yet recovered, but it is improving very slowly. So, I have been advised to stay here for at least four months, June, July, August and September. After that time it may be possible for me to go to Hyderabad
- My idea is that we should print at least 100,000 of this magazine every month; if not immediately, then in the very near future. And it will be quite possible to do it easily because we have got our own press
- My intention of calling him is that he expressed a strong desire to live with me in Montreal, so I wish to keep him with me at least for some time and train him to act as secretary
- My next program is to distribute at least 20,000 copies of Back To Godhead from four centers, namely New York, London, Los Angeles, and San Francisco
- My only desire for my disciples is that they chant Hare Krishna Mantra at least 16 rounds, follow the rules and live in association of devotees then you will be happy and peaceful and not disturbed
- My plan is that personally I shall try to retire from active participation, but I want a place where I can live with at least 15 devotees engaged in editorial work, recording work, photographic work, painting work, etc.
- My position is that I want to see that at least one disciple has become pure devotee
- My position is that I want to see that at least one disciple has become pure devotee. Of course, I have got many sincere and pure devotees. That is my good luck. But I would have been satisfied if I could find out one only
- Naturally a devotee takes bath at least twice in a day and rises early in the morning for devotional service. Thus he is naturally clean both inwardly and outwardly. BG 1972 purports
- New York, which is the most important city in the world, and if I am able to do anything for Krishna and my Spiritual Master, even I am at the fag-end of my life, at least let me try for it there
- Next time I am not going to initiate anybody who has not attended our classes at least for 3 months, and is not recommended by the leading members of the society. Less intelligent persons cannot take to Krishna Consciousness
- No one can be situated in the personal feature of the Supreme Personality of Godhead without being situated at least in santa-rasa
- No one can know the Personality of Godhead in full, but at least to a certain extent one can know the Absolute Truth, the Personality of Godhead, by self-surrender and a devotional attitude, and by nothing else
- No sane man or woman can tolerate the nondevotees' giving trouble to devotees. Diti, therefore, was reluctant to give birth to her babies; she waited for one hundred years so that at least she could save the demigods from the disturbance for that period
- Nobody is allowed to study law unless he is a graduate of the degree college. At least in India that is the law
- Not only it (Krsna Consciousness) is authoritative; it is accepted by millions and thousands. At least in India there are many. And in the Western countries also, they are also accepting because it is scientific. They are not fools and rascals
- Now I am encouraging my young disciples to all try to learn at least one Indian language, like Hindi or Bengali
- Now if our students strictly follow the chalked out plan; namely chanting 16 rounds daily, following the restrictive regulations and reading at least one chapter from our books, then automatically they become ordained ministers
- Now my request to you is that you go on faithfully chanting daily 16 rounds at least and follow all our principles, and Krsna will help you advance in Krsna consciousness
- Now we are at the Dallas school and it is very nice place and just suitable for educating your son here when he becomes old enough, at least four or five years old
- Now we have "Mrdangas" and cymbals. Let us organize a Kirtana party both at New York and at San Francisco and on our off days at least twice in a week let us have our Kirtana outside
- Now, at least for me, this Krsna consciousness movement is no more theoretical. It is practical. I can solve all problems
- Of all the regulative principles, the spiritual master’s order to chant at least sixteen rounds is most essential - CC Madhya 22.113
- Of course it is not possible to visit all the temples, but there are at least one dozen very big and important temples which were started by the Gosvamis and which should be visited
- Of course we shall not expect students immediately to come into the temple, like that, but if at least the seed is planted and they begin chanting rounds and following the principles while continuing their studies at school, that is our great victory
- Of course, it is not possible for everyone to get Krsna as his son, but at least one can get very good sons and daughters for the benefit of human society
- Of course, we must be careful to prepare foodstuff, because we are going to offer to the Lord, and we must offer things which is acceptable by the Lord, at least
- Of the three divisions, one was arranged on a metal plate, and the other two were arranged on plantain leaves. These leaves were not bifurcated, and they were taken from a banana tree that held at least thirty-two bunches of bananas
- On inquiring he (Vasudeva) was confident that the mystery of Krsna's birth and His being placed in the care of Yasoda was still hidden. There was no danger, since Kamsa at least could not learn what had already happened
- Once Caitanya said, "You must at least have enough sense to test to find out who is a spiritual master and who is not." For instance, if we want to purchase something, we must at least have some idea of what that thing is, otherwise we will be cheated
- One can cultivate a garden. Anyone who has land-in India, at least, any poor man has a certain amount of land-can utilize that for Krsna by growing flowers to offer Him. He can sow tulasi plants. BG 1972 purports
- One can engage in all nine devotional processes, or eight, or seven, or at least in one, and that will surely make one perfect. BG 1972 purports
- One has to raise himself at least to the mode of goodness before the path to understanding the Supreme Lord can be opened. BG 1972 purports
- One is accumulating money to give to the children. He is anxious that "After all, they are my children. They must get at least five lakhs of rupees." This is his business. But it is not his children
- One may not be very advanced, but one should try at least to do something to understand God
- One must become a devotee of the Lord at least at the last stage of one's life. A sincere soul of the Lord like Maharaja Yudhisthira must abide by this instruction of the Lord for his own interest
- One must circumambulate the temple building at least three times. (In every temple there is an arrangement to go around the temple at least three times. Some devotees go around more than three times - ten times, fifteen times - according to their vows)
- One name is sufficient. If you can chant one name only, that is sufficient. But that is not possible. So to understand the value of name at least we must have some numerical strength. All the Gosvamis used to do that. We follow their footprints
- One person is the executive head, like the president or the king. And the other person is the religious preacher. And the other person is the public leader. So at least these three, four heads of the men's human society, they must be of ideal character
- One should at least refrain from illicit sex
- One should not try to worship Krsna unfavorably; otherwise he must be punished, at least for one life, to be purified
- One should read daily at least one, two hours. That is human life. They are going to the libraries for reading newspaper and nonsense literature, but they will not come to hear Bhagavad-gita, SB. Srimad-Bhagavatam is the essence of Vedic literature
- One should touch the lotus feet of the Lord with one’s head. This may not be possible for everyone, but at least the pujari should do this. (57) The flowers offered on the previous day should touch one’s head
- One should worship the brahmanas & Vaisnavas by offering them all kinds of endowments & sweet words, & if one has no means to offer anything, he must at least use sweet words to pacify them. The Lord personally exhibited this behavior towards the Kumaras
- One thing for Caitanya Mahaprabhu's Appearance Day, I want that there be published one volume of Caitanya Caritamrta. You have got the Adi lila from Chapter Seven onwards. So at least one volume must be published of 400 pages, hardbound edition
- One thing is that at least in Bengal they do not require much information because this Caitanya Movement is their movement. It is simply a plea
- One who always thinks of Krsna must attain vimukti, special salvation as the Lord's personal associate, not necessarily in Vrndavana, but at least in Vaikuntha. This is called sarupya-mukti
- One who directly hears Krsna can understand confidential knowledge (of BG). If one does not come to the disciplic succession, he cannot hear Krsna; therefore his knowledge is always imperfect, at least as far as understanding BG is concerned. BG 1972 pur
- One who follows the path of the acaryas knows things as they are. Such a person can know Krsna as He is, at least to some extent
- One who is interested in chanting the holy name of Krsna or who by practice likes to chant Krsna's names should be accepted as a Vaisnava and offered respects as such, at least within one's mind
- Others rascals may be misled, but in India at least there must be an ideal class. That I want. Why India's name should be defamed?
- Our children should be given milk at least 8 ounces a day if possible 16 ounces a day
- Our process will remain the same eternally, namely, to begin with Sankirtana and prolong it at least for 1/2 hour, then speak something from Bhagavad-gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam, Brahma Samhita, etc. and invite questions and answer them
- Our request to all our students is that they daily chant at least sixteen rounds of this harer nama maha-mantra (CC Adi 17.21) offenselessly, following the regulative principles. Thus their success will be assured without a doubt
- Our Srimad-Bhagavatam will be finished in sixty volumes, and Caitanya-caritamrta is already finished in seventeen volumes. So altogether at least we'll have hundred volumes of books, small and big, to give sruti-pramana
- Our vision is different. We are not under the control of maya. At least we should be like that. Then we remain in the transcendental state
- People are accepting knowledge from a school, college, university, but at the present moment at least, how many people know that he is not body? Unless we understand this first principle of knowledge, there is no question of spiritual advancement of life
- People are becoming meat-eaters nowadays. There is no secrecy. Formerly, at least in India, the meat-eaters used to eat meat very secretly. We had seen in our childhood
- People are not very serious. They're so much in ignorance: "All right, let it happen, whatever may happen. We may enjoy life." This is not very good position. At least in human form of life, one should be very sober, considerate (of) what is happening
- People do not care for knowledge, at the present moment at least. They care for material opulence
- Personal service to the spiritual master means to follow his instructions. My request is the same for everyone: that they follow strictly the regulative principles and chant at least sixteen rounds daily
- Please come here, sit down at least once in a week, study all these books, try to understand the philosophy of life, and spread all over the world. That is the mission of Bharatavarsa
- Please consider on this point (secure at least $100 per month for Back To Godhead) and let me know your ideas
- Please follow the regulations and chant 16 rounds daily at least without any offense
- Please keep fit with regular habits at least once a day take your bath and timely eat drink and sleep. Now you are married man you have got facility for sex life, but also this should be regulated
- Please note that every farthing of this money will be employed in the service of the Lord, and the Lord is so kind and grateful that He will bestow upon you benediction at least ten times more than that you have done for Him
- Please send me a letter at least once in a week, that will give me a great pleasure. Naturally I am anxious to know how different centers are working, and when I get good reports from them it gives me great solace
- Please try and render devotional service very carefully following all of the rules and regulations mentioned in our books. Always chant at least 16 good rounds daily. If you try very sincerely to do these things Krishna will help you
- Please try to convince him that my presence in U.S.A. is essential because I have got to supervise at least 8 branches in U.S.A. I am qualified Religious Minister
- Please try very hard to remain fixed-up in devotional service to Lord Krishna, always chanting Hare Krishna (at least 16 rounds), following the four rules, and reading my books frequently
- Please write to Tamala Krsna at least once a week what are your activities
- Prahlada Maharaja recommended that in due time, at least after one's fiftieth year, one must give up household life and go to the forest. Vanam gato yad dharim asrayeta (SB 7.5.5). There one should seek shelter at the lotus feet of Hari
- Prakrti, nature, will offer the body, and there are so many varieties of body. So one should know at least what kind of body I'm going to get next. That is intelligence. And if he becomes other than human being, that is not very good proposal
- Pranipata means you must have the qualification to, at least, to find out a person who is actually qualified to give you real instruction. That you have to do. That remains on you
- Putra has got a duty, to save the forefathers. Therefore one has to, it is his duty to keep a putra. At least one son he must leave. But people are not very much anxious to have putra. Rather to kill putra. They are so sinful
- Radharani is the most confidential servant of the Lord and Hladini Dasi means the servant of Radharani. So please always be engaged in chanting Hare Krsna mantra at least sixteen rounds daily and work sincerely and eagerly in the service of the Lord
- Regarding BTG printing, I have already written to Brahmananda that this must be printed in our own press. So far as my books are concerned, I think there are materials for at least ten books which are ready for printing
- Regarding Kirtana Party: My idea is that at least one dozen persons should form a Kirtana Party. Two persons play mrdangas, eight persons play karatalas, one person playing tamboura, and one person playing melodious harmonium
- Regarding my residence, I have already decided that Los Angeles will be suitable, at least for eight months of the year
- Regarding our Indian centers, it is already decided that in Bombay we must have a center first and negotiation is going on seriously. If we cannot open many centers in India, at least one center must be opened in Bombay before we go back to the States
- Regarding sannyasa, yes, according to Vedic principles, as a married man, you must give your wife at least one boy child
- Regarding the bus, now I am serious to purchase one bus at least and I have secured money. So, arrange for this immediately with the help of Sridhara
- Regarding the devotees coming to Mayapur-Vrindaban, I would have liked they come all at least once in a year, so let the other trustees consider. If they come once every five years, then it will be five years vacant. the installment plan is better
- Regarding those unable to take to the Deity worship in the temple, there is the following statement in the Agni Purana. Any householder devotee unable to worship the Deity must at least see the Deity worship, and in this way he may achieve success also
- Regarding your marriage, I have no objection, but if you accept a girl for marriage she should be younger than you. At least she should not exceed your age
- Rising early, cleansing, chanting 16 rounds, holding kirtan wherever we are at least twice daily, reading, worshiping the deity, going on Sankirtan, --if this routine work is always done nicely and never neglected, then our all success is guaranteed
- Sankara-sampradaya, they perform very austere penance and principles. They take three times bath at least, three times. And no clothing; simply one loincloth
- Sankhya-purvaka-nama-gana-natibhih. Sankhya-purvaka, keeping a strength, a numerical strength, just like we are advised at least sixteen rounds. So these things were going on
- Sankirtana is very good, but grhasthas under condition can do other business, only if they give at least 50%, but sankirtana is the best business
- Sannyasa is very respectable position. Still it is honored in India. Anyone where a sannyasi goes, at least in the villages, they offer respectful obeisances and gives all kinds of comforts, still now
- Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya then caught hold of the Lord's lotus feet and submissively begged, "Please accept lunch for at least ten days"
- Sastra has given concession that you require sex life, but enjoy it in married life, but no illicit sex. At least, stop this
- Searching after a spiritual master. Now, just like you search after some school. You search after some school. So when you are searching after some school, you must have at least some preliminary knowledge what a school means
- Sethji wants to contribute two Pair of Deities provided the freight is paid by somebody else. So I agree to this proposal. Kindly arrange to send at least two Pairs of Radha Krishna Deities, brass, as per specification given to you before
- She should construct the temple according to our design and we shall keep at least ½ dozen men there for keeping the Deity nicely and eventually to organize an ashram there also. She should give us proper facility. How else we will work?
- Since he (Visvakarma) was engaged to construct the residential quarters of Bali Maharaja, the buildings and palaces on the planet Sutala must at least equal those on the heavenly planets
- Since India is situated in the tropical zone, the atmosphere is always dry. Dust always accumulates on the streets and roads, so they must be sprinkled with water at least once a day, and in big cities like Calcutta twice a day
- Situated in the mode of goodness, we can understand, at least theoretically, what I am, what this world is, what God is, and what our interrelationship is. This is the mode of goodness
- Six hours of sleep is sufficient, but a man in the mode of ignorance sleeps at least ten or twelve hours a day. Such a man appears to be always dejected, and is addicted to intoxicants and sleeping. BG 1972 purports
- Small animals praising the big animals, that's all. At least they say something about God. They are not zero. But they have no clear conception of God
- So by the grace of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, at least, I am hopeful that this movement can be accepted by anyone. It is not so hopeless as I thought
- So far as householders are concerned, they may contribute at least half of their income to Krishna. Then life is sublime
- So far as Krsna is concerned, I understand that you did not keep any copy of the manuscript. Generally it is the custom to make at least four copies, so how is it that you have neglected this?
- So far as our Krishna Consciousness is concerned, we can supply millions of pictures of Krishna, Visnu & Their multi-incarnations, as well as Their transcendental Pastimes. We have to create a unique position for this paper, at least in the western world
- So far grammar is concerned, one has to learn Sanskrit grammar for at least 12 years, then he becomes an expert grammarian
- So for maintaining the Gurukula at least the cost price for the books must be paid. Gurukula can take the profit for its maintenance. BBT cannot pay for maintenance of the temples. BBT can only pay for printing and temple properties and construction
- So formerly the kings were trained up in such a way that one man is sufficient to govern the whole universe, whole..., at least one planet. That was the system
- So I was praying to Krishna that He may save Kirtanananda from his misunderstanding and if ever he chanted Hare Krishna at least once in sincere heart, I am sure Krishna would not allow him to go out of his influence
- So it is good that you are seeing that they are happy and healthy. They should be given milk at least 8 ounces a day if possible 16 ounces a day. Dahl, capati, rice, vegetable this will keep them fit. If possible a little bit of fruit also
- So it is our humble attempt only, this Krsna consciousness movement. At least, we inform people that "This is the way of happiness." Sukham atyantikam yat tat
- So long the regulative principles are followed, everything else will follow, and at least we shall command the respect of the public. People may not have the impression that they are the same hippies under different dress
- So people say that I have done miracle. Maybe. At least it is the first time in the history that Vedic culture in its true form is being distributed all over the world
- So the leaders must be perfect. Therefore, according to Vedic civilization, at least three persons in the society... The first: the priest or the spiritual master, who are engaged in teaching people about religiosity, he must be perfect, above suspicion
- So the way for you to increase the capacity of receiving Krishna's Mercy is to chant Hare Krishna regularly, at least 16 rounds per day, to associate with devotees of Krishna, and to follow the rules and regulations
- So there is a big field, in India 600,000,000 people. In every home there should be at least one BBT publication, so the field is very big
- So this assembly, this Krsna consciousness movement, is an attempt to make people fortunate - from the unfortunate position, to become fortunate. Everyone is unfortunate, at least in this age
- So this world at the present moment at least, it is a fool's paradise. Nobody is learned. Because everyone is working under the bodily concept of life. This is chastise
- So we should not imitate, but at least we must be very careful to complete the sixteen rounds, the minimum. Nama-gane sada rucih. We have to increase our taste for singing and chanting
- So we small living entities, very minute, still, we are controller. We control. At least, we control our family members, my wife, my children. Or if I am bigger, I control my office, or I control my factory, I control the country, I become president
- So-called modern civilization, they have no knowledge of God, although they are trying to study the laws of God. But they should accept at least theoretically there must be God
- Somebody is worshiping his mind, somebody is worshiping his country, somebody is worshiping his something else, something else, or somebody is worshiping some other demigods also. But that is not recommended in the sastra, at least in the Bhagavad-gita
- Somebody will take the money and spoil it. Better, if you spend it for Krsna, at least your service will be recognized. Krsna will see that this man is spending his hard-earned money for Me. That is called ajnata-sukrti
- Somehow or other, if people stop animal killing and accept Lord Buddha, then he becomes at least one step forward to God realization. So in a cheating process he made good to others
- Sometimes after many, many years, a bad king would come. Throughout the history, at least in Srimad-Bhagavatam, we find this one king only, Vena, who declared the sacrifice, charity illegal
- Sometimes it is impossible to get all sixty-four items; therefore we recommend that at least on the first day of installation all sixty-four items should be available
- Sometimes it is seen that a dying man requests the physician to increase his life at least for a few years so that the family maintenance plan which he has begun can be completed
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu compares His mind to one of the mystic yogis known as baulas, who make at least ten disciples
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was not accustomed to taking prasadam in small quantities. He therefore put on each plate what at least five men could eat
- Sri Ramananda Raya frankly requested Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, "Please show Your lotus feet to the King at least once"
- Sri Ramananda Raya said, "You have come here just to show me Your causeless mercy. Therefore stay here for at least ten days and purify my polluted mind"
- Sridhara Swami said in his verse, "My dear Lord, I wish that my mind may also be fixed somehow or other on Your lotus feet, at least for some time"
- Srikanta then told Sanatana Gosvami, "Stay here for at least two days and dress up like a gentleman. Abandon these dirty garments"
- Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura used to say that unless one chants at least sixty-four rounds of japa (one hundred thousand names), he is considered fallen (patita)
- Srila Jiva Gosvami composed and edited at least twenty-five books
- Srila Nityananda Prabhu continued, "If You invite at least one hundred sannyasis to Your home and feed them sumptuously, Your offense will be nullified"
- Srila Rupa Gosvami recommends that even if one cannot live permanently on the banks of Radha-kunda, he should at least take a bath in the lake as many times as possible
- Such circumambulation should be performed outside the temple structure at least three times daily.) 8) One should not spread his legs before the Deity
- Suppose . . . this boy is Gary. So I've given him the name of Gaurasundara. Gaurasundara is Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. So at least he chants . . . at least, when I ask him, "Gaurasundara," then I get the opportunity of chanting Lord's name
- Suta Gosvami was presiding in a very learned assembly at a place which is known as Naimisaranya. It is long, long ago, at least four thousand years ago, but that place, Naimisaranya, is still in India
- Svarupa Damodara said, "There is no egoistic pride like this within the three worlds. At least I have never seen it or heard of it"
- Sweet will help you digest. Don't give three - at least four
- That (preaching the holy name of God) does not mean I am God, but I am equal to God. Or at least, you should see like that
- That I want. Do it. We want to give degrees, at least B.A., M.A., and Ph.D., according to the advancement of knowledge
- That is mosquito and gun. (laughter) Student, you have got four. And managers? Three hundred. One manager requires three rooms, another four rooms. This is waste. One manager, first see at least fifty students. Then you can become manager
- That is the Vedic civilization, to understand Krsna. Vedais ca sarvair aham eva vedyo vedanta-vid vedanta-krt ca aham. So at least this knowledge from India must be spread all over the world. We are making a humble attempt
- The Absolute Truth, the Personality of Godhead, is at least partially understood by devotees of the Lord, but the Mayavadi philosophers, who unnecessarily speculate to understand the Absolute Truth, simply waste their time
- The Age of Kali is so strong that it affects even the so-called followers of Lord Caitanya. At least the followers of Caitanya Mahaprabhu must come out of India to preach His cult all over the world, for this is the mission of Lord Caitanya
- The arrangement should be made in such a way that after some time the process will produce at least fifteen tapes completely in one month or 30 days. The process should be in the same way as I have suggested for painting of the pictures
- The basic principle of material enjoyment is sex. Therefore, you will find sex not only in human society but in cat society, dog society, bird society - everywhere. During the daytime, a pigeon has sex at least twenty times. This is his enjoyment
- The best policy is to chant Hare Krishna all together husband, wife, and son at least a half hour daily. If your wife joins with you in chanting, then the whole problem will be solved
- The Brahmacaris are dedicated their life and everything but the householder should spare at least 50% of income for the society. That is the standard distribution of money example set by our predecessors, Srila Rupa Goswami, and Srila Sanatana Goswami
- The brahmana descendants of Bhrgu decided that although Bali was situated on the throne of Indra, he would not be able to stay there unless he performed such sacrifices. Therefore they advised Bali to perform at least as many asvamedha-yajnas as Indra
- The brahmana must possess the qualities mentioned in the Bhagavad-gita (18.42) and take bath at least twice a day to maintain external cleanliness as well as always chanting the maha mantra for internal cleanliness
- The brahminical stage is the highest stage of human life because of its good qualities. So one cannot be a devotee unless one at least qualifies as a brahmana
- The cart in Philadelphia was done very nicely. If you are unable to make three strong carts, then make at least one very nicely. But, if you can make three very strong, then I have no objection
- The common man, if he has no time to worship the Lord, may at least engage his hands for a few seconds in washing or sweeping the Lord's temple
- The common man, who is expected to become at least a third-class devotee, is advised herein (SB 2.3.21) to visit the temple of the Lord and bow down before the Deity, even though he may be a very rich man or even a king with a silk turban or crown
- The common man, who is expected to become at least a third-class devotee, is advised to visit the temple of the Lord and bow down before the Deity, even though he may be a very rich man or even a king with a silk turban or crown
- The conditioned soul must be disturbed by at least one of these three miseries (adhidaivika, adhyatmika and adhibhautika). There is no escape
- The disciple renders devotional service under the guidance of the spiritual master or his representative for at least six months to a year. He is then recommended for a second initiation, during which a sacred thread is offered
- The essence of our program is to chant daily Hare Krishna mantra at least sixteen rounds without fail, and thus one remains strong in spiritual life
- The fact is that every householder, regardless of his position or economic condition, can at least receive saintly guests with great devotion and offer them drinking water, for drinking water is available always
- The father and mother's duty is to unite them so that they may not be spoiled, they may not be like cats and dogs. At least there will be some regulative principles they will follow
- The first basic principle of religious life, according to Vedic principle, the students are expected to go to the spiritual master's place and learn how to live without any sex life. For twenty-five years or at least for twenty years
- The Gaudiya Math institution has become smashed, at least stopped its program of preaching work on account of personal ambitions
- The German people declared war against the English to ruin them, but the result was that both parties were ruined. Although the Allies were apparently victorious, at least on paper, actually neither of them were victorious
- The goal of our life, at least in this human form of life, in the Aryan civilization, the goal of life is to understand our constitutional position, "What I am. What I am." If we do not understand "What I am," then I am equal to the cats and dogs
- The Govindam record is so nice that I am playing it at least once in a day and it is giving me transcendental pleasure with tears in my eyes
- The hard sweets made of coconut, mukuta narikela, the sweetballs, the many kinds of sweet drinks and all the other preparations were at least a month old, but although they were old, they had not become tasteless or stale
- The householder should earn money by business or by profession and spend at least fifty percent of his income to spread Krsna consciousness; twenty-five percent he can spend for his family, and twenty-five percent he should save to meet emergencies
- The husband and wife should chant at least fifty rounds before going to sex. The recommended period is six days after the menstruation period
- The idea is that we should follow in the footsteps of great devotees. If we are unable to execute all the different items of devotional service, we must try to execute at least one of them, as exemplified by previous acaryas
- The individual soul and the Supersoul cannot be one, at least not in the bhakti conception, the devotional conception of life. BG 1972 purports
- The karmis, the rascals, he knows also that he will die - at least, theoretically accept - but he wants to enjoy, since the death does not come, to the fullest extent. That is the present condition of the society
- The king of Hastinapura (now Delhi) used to be the emperor of the world, at least till the time of the son of Emperor Pariksit
- The Krsna consciousness is existing since the creation, but at least for the last five thousand years, when Krsna was present on this planet, He personally instructed Krsna consciousness, and the instruction is left behind Him, this is Bhagavad-gita
- The law is you cannot marry more than one wife. The rascal lawgiver. So many women, there must be... One husband, at the present moment, must marry at least one dozen wives, otherwise they're going to hell
- The Lord is situated in everyone's heart. It is natural that one should be able to see the Lord at least within himself. But that is not possible for those whose internal vision has been covered by external activities
- The Lord said, "I wish to beg you for one favor in charity. You must pledge that this sankirtana movement will not be checked, at least in the district of Nadia"
- The manuscript you take. I want to see at least manuscript is not left idle
- The menstrual period prolongs at least for 5 days, so after this 5 days, one can have sex life provided he desires to get a child. And as soon as the wife is pregnant, no more sex life, until the child is born and is grown up at least for 6 months
- The mercy of the spiritual master is always there, but we have to take it. Just like the sun, it is there for everyone, but we at least have to stand in a receptive place to get the benefit
- The natural ambition of a girl is to possess not only more than one child but at least half a dozen
- The new men should also go out for samkirtan, chanting or distributing my books. This will make them strong. Also, they must study my books at least three hours a day (including classes)
- The oil smeared over the body of the Deity should be scented. To perform the maha-snana, at least two and a half manas (about twenty-four gallons) of water are needed to pour over the body of the Deity
- The pilgrims take a bath, worship the deity and give charity; they are also recommended to fast one day. They should go to a place of pilgrimage and stay there at least for three days
- The planets in the spiritual sky are at least three times the number of those in the material sky. Such planets, being spiritual, are in fact transcendental to the material modes; therefore they are constituted in the mode of unalloyed goodness only
- The president, secretary and treasurer (of Calcutta) elected by the members of the center cannot be changed at least for one year; better to continue it for three years. All combined together should be responsible for keeping correct accounts
- The principles of the Bhagavad-gita were expounded by the Personality of Godhead long before the Battle of Kuruksetra - at least some 120,000,000 years before
- The process is before accepting a guru, one must hear him at least for one year
- The process is simple. Follow the regulative principles, chant at least 16 rounds of beads daily, read our literatures, go for street Sankirtana, etc.
- The process should be at least 4 to 6 men must be competent to begin the chanting with instruments and the members of the audience should be requested to join them. If you can make this practice successful, you can go anywhere
- The queen suggested that "At least you make him (Buddhimanta Khan) a Muhammadan. Then that will be the punishment." So the king, or the Nawab, said, "All right, I shall make him." Because in those days, to make a Hindu a Muhammadan, it was very easy
- The result of gaining all these advantages (of having good looking bodies) is that they have simply taken to hog worship. Such hog worship was anticipated long, long ago and was described in Srimad-Bhagavatam, which was compiled at least 5,000 years ago
- The river fishes sometimes go to the sea, but the sea fishes, they never come to the river. Similarly, there are living entities in the spiritual world. They never come in this material world. Their number is greater, at least three times greater
- The rules and regulation are that nobody should accept blindly any guru, and nobody should blindly accept any disciple. They must behave, one another, at least for one year
- The science of soul is necessity - it does not mean that everyone will be the transcendentalist or the scientist about soul. But at least one section of people must be there who knows perfectly well about the science of soul
- The shipping will be free by a special arrangement. Everything considered, it will probably take at least 2 to 3 months to receive the deities in Toronto, or maybe little sooner. It appears it is Krishna's desire to come to Toronto at this time!
- The spiritual world is at least three times greater than this material world. That information we get from Bhagavad-gita
- The Supreme Lord became too much compassionate when He saw that people are unnecessarily killing animals, as it is going on still. Instead of . . . at least those who are claiming Buddhist, they are killing animals
- The temple of the King of Jaipur is situated within the palace, but the public is allowed to assemble; if one goes there, he will see that the temple is always crowded with at least five hundred devotees
- The vayasyas said, "We are very much aggrieved to see You in this position. If You think that Sudama is not able to support Govardhan Hill, then at least You should change hands"
- The Vedas say, svadharma-nisthah sata janmabhih puman virincatam eti: "One who strictly follows the principles of varnasrama-dharma for at least one hundred births will be rewarded with the post of Lord Brahma
- The Vedic civilization . . . I mean to say, before three thousand years, the whole world was under Vedic civilization, the Aryans. The Aryans, at least they were under Vedic civilization. And that Vedic civilization is Krsna consciousness
- The Western people keep themselves in the modes of ignorance. That is very risky civilization. So at least you Europeans and Americans, you should know it, and you distribute this knowledge. It is your duty to save them
- The whole world is - I may say whole world, but at least the majority portion - everyone is under the impression that "I am this body." But I am not this body. I am soul
- The word deula refers to the temple where the Supreme Personality of Godhead is situated. The present temple of Jagannatha Puri was constructed by King Ananga-bhima. Historians say this temple must have been constructed at least two thousand years ago
- The word samvidam is significant in this verse (of SB 8.6.32). The demigods and demons both agreed to stop fighting, at least for the time being, and endeavored to produce nectar
- The words matuh anugrahat ("by the mercy of their mother") refer to the breast milk of their mother. In India it is a common belief that if a baby is fed his mother's milk for at least six months, his body will be very strong
- The worshippers of the demigods at least have fear of some higher personality, and that may eventually develop into fear of the Supreme Personality. But the impersonalists think that everything is Brahma, everyone is God
- The yajna is very simple - chanting the holy name of the Lord. So why not introduce that every home, every factory, every community, every place, they should sit down at least for half an hour and chant the holy name of the Lord ?
- Then the thread ceremony for the twice-born was inaugurated, as were the rules to be followed for at least one year after acceptance of the Vedas, rules for observing complete abstinence from sex life, and the vocations in terms of Vedic injunctions
- There are at least 25 important cities in your country, so in each city, if we distribute at least 1,000 copies, there is potency of distributing 25,000 copies in your country only, and what to speak of other countries, like England
- There are four types of brahmacaris. The first is called savitra, which refers to a brahmacari who, after initiation and the sacred thread ceremony, must observe at least three days of celibacy
- There are four types of brahmacaris. The next is called prajapatya, which refers to a brahmacari who strictly observes celibacy for at least one year after initiation
- There are many thieves. At least in India I have seen. Their business is stealing, and they are put into the jail, and as soon as he comes out, again commits the same thing and put into the jail for many days
- There are miseries arising from the body and mind, from other living entities and from natural catastrophes. We are either suffering from all three of these miseries, or at least from one
- There are nine processes of devotional service - hearing, chanting, remembering, serving, worshiping the Deity in the temple, praying, carrying out orders - and one should always keep engaged in at least one of these nine processes
- There are nine processes of devotional service - serving the Lord as friend, and sacrificing everything for Him - and one should always keep engaged in at least one of these nine processes
- There are so many so-called sages, that "I live naked. I live in the jungle. I have given up the society." So monkey is doing that. Huh? (laughter) Naked, vegetarian, no home. But the rascal has got at least two dozen wives. That is monkey
- There is a prescription that one should go during this time, maghamela, and live in the confluence, on the bank of the confluence of Gaìga and Yamuna and at least three days he must live. Then he becomes eligible to enter into the heavenly kingdom
- There is chance of uniting all these different parts of India by Krsna consciousness. You have to organize. At least you organize here, Manipur center, Burma and Bangladesh and Assam. It will be successful
- There is no question of high percentage. I said that even a small percentage, there must be some ideal men. At least people will see that "Here is the ideal man." Just like we are having
- There is no such word as "Hindu religion," at least in the Vedas. The religion is translated into Sanskrit as "characteristic." Religion is not a kind of faith. Just like chemical composition. Sugar is sweet - that is religion
- There is not a single Hindu temple here at least in New York or all the places so far I have traveled in this country. Regarding management of the temple is concerned for the present I have called for one of my disciples from Delhi
- There is so much risk, as running these cars so many people are dying. There is record, it is very dangerous. At least I feel as soon as I go to the street, it is dangerous. The motorcar are running so speedy, and what is the business?
- There should be ideal life, at least the leaders, the president, the GBC. They will show the example, and they will follow. Then it is beneficial. And all of them are fools? Then it is fool's paradise
- There were thousands of rsis in Naimisaranya... When you go to India, you must see this place, Naimisaranya. It is very, very old place. At least, from historical point of view, modern estimate is it is five thousand years old
- These (a man in the mode of ignorance sleeps at least ten or twelve hours a day. Such a man appears to be always dejected and is addicted to intoxicants and sleeping) are the symptoms of a person conditioned by the mode of ignorance
- These 24 element; they are acting with 3 gunas, and they are creating so many varieties. As I have explained, that three into three equal to nine, and nine into nine equal to eighty-one. So at least eighty-one varieties of living entities there should be
- These animal sacrifices are recommended in the name of religion, but actually animal sacrifice is meant for persons in the mode of ignorance. When such people kill animals, they can at least do so in the name of religion
- These boys run our cars. And you'll be very pleased that in each and every temple we have got at least four cars, nice. Especially one car for me and two cars for carrying them for sankirtana movement. Very good arrangement
- These outdoor kirtanas should be rigidly followed at least one hour daily. That will make our movement popular there. We have good experience here in every city, especially Los Angeles, New York, Boston, and here in Columbus
- These politicians, these old men, they cannot do now. So give them some false position, that 'You are president, acarya.' They will not rebel at least
- These principles (bathe at least three times daily) are strictly followed even by some grhasthas, especially brahmanas, who are elevated in spiritual consciousness
- These rascals say, "There is no God." Simply rascals. At least expose these rascals. We have no power to kill them, but at least we can expose them. That is also great service
- These things (Drinking tea, drinking wine, smoking, meat-eating, Prostitution) should be taken care of - at least a class of men must be ideal for people, others will see. And the training should go on, just like we are doing
- They (devotees) are going for Krsna, that is happiness. They forget the trouble. Don't be doubtful about this at least. You might do or not do, but at least you be convinced that this is the nicest thing we have got. Yes. And there is no comparison
- They (Sri Radha-Madana-mohana, Sri Radha-Govindadeva and Sri Radha-Gopinathaji) are very dear to the Gaudiya Vaisnavas there, who visit the temples at least once a day
- They are sudras. They do not know how to spend money. And formerly, before this, people were little intelligent, or at least they had some religious faith. So they constructed temple, churches, mosque. Nowadays these things is stopped
- They are trying for the last fifty years. Why the capitalism is not yet gone? Fifty years at least. They started their movement in 1917. Huh? So how many years? More than fifty. Sixty years. What they have done, progress
- They can purchase books from the temple at regular wholesale price and sell, and whatever profit there is above wholesale price they must give at least 50% to the local temple out of good will. That will be nice
- They don't want to see people very enlightened. "It is folly to be wise where ignorance is bliss." But at least how to become wise, that injunction has been given to you. Now you try to save the country, how to do it
- They shall operate wherever they are allocated, that they shall only sell books, no collecting without selling books, and that, above the wholesale price of the book, any profit there is must be given at least 50% to the local temple
- They should be taught how to worship the Supreme Lord at least twice in a day, sayam pratah, "in the morning and in the evening." Tri-sandhya. The prescription is for tri-sandhya. One should take bath three times
- They will show like that in a very advanced and vairagya and taking three times bath and everything, but they have got connection with at least three, four woman. This is their bhajana
- This (getting a cat's body, dog's body, tree's body) is going on perpetually. Not perpetually - at least for many, many millions of years. But because we are fool, especially in this age of Kali, we do not understand it
- This (KC) movement is specially meant for making first-class, 2nd-class men at least. Or even 3rd class, 4th class. But what is this? You are producing sixth-class men, and you expect that there will be no crime, people will be happy, it will be peaceful
- This (observing the regulative principles strictly & chant at least sixteen rounds of beads daily) is essential for understanding our philosophy practically to advance in Krishna Consciousness. And we should always avoid mental speculations
- This (worshiping themselves as God) is also a type of God worship, for they can understand that they are not the material body but are actually spiritual soul; at least, such a sense is prominent. BG 1972 purports
- This bhakti-yoga practice. Actually, this was the practice in India in every home. There was Deity. At least, brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, they had Deity, Radha-Krsna, Sita-Rama or Laksmi-Narayana or Narayana sila. Every house, it was being worshiped
- This chanting of Hare Krsna is so nice that if you give in an experimental way... You can see. You chant for at least one week and you see how much you have changed
- This is KCM, ante narayana-smrtih. So it is very important movement. Those who are very intelligent, they can take to it. Or you become intelligent or not intelligent, but know, at least, unless one is pious, he cannot take to this movement
- This is to introduce Srimati Lalita Bose, who is our friend and well-wisher. Wherever in our centers she goes, she should be received free of boarding and lodging at least for three days
- This Krsna consciousness movement is giving everyone a chance to engage in devotional service for at least some time. A little service will give one an impetus to advance and thus make one's life successful
- This Krsna consciousness movement is meant for creating some real brahmana. At least, there may be head. They are all mad after the influence of the material energy. So there is need of some brahmana who can give advice to the people how to live
- This Krsna consciousness movement means to become trained up sufficiently how to enter Krsna's great family. In Krsna's family there is no sannyasi. Have you seen, anyone, a sannyasi in Vrndavana? At least in the books?
- This means that at least up to the regime of Maharaja Pariksit, the four symptoms of Kali-yuga were practically unknown, and as soon as they were slightly detected, he wanted to root them out
- This past weekend in San Francisco there was a gigantic Rathayatra Ceremony just on the order of the one held at Jagannath Puri, and at least 10,000 people were chanting and dancing along with us in full transcendental ecstasy
- This procedure (distributing prasadam and talking about Krsna during the day and holding congregational chanting for at least three hours in the evening) must be adopted in all centers of the KC movement. Thus they will daily perform sankirtana-yajna
- This sandesh can be kept at least for a fortnight without damage, but cheese cannot be kept more than three days
- This state of affairs in the world is not very satisfactory at least for the advanced and civilized human society
- This word yoga is very popular in the Western countries. Practically everyone knows the word at least, yoga. And many so-called yogis come here - USA
- Those engaged in brahmacarya cannot sleep until seven or nine o'clock in the morning. They must rise early in the morning, at least one and a half hours before the sun rises, and offer oblations, or in this age, they must chant the holy name of the Lord
- Those who are born in high-class, rich family or brahmana family, they are not ordinary. But there is no brahmana family now. So at least the richer section, they can be induced to send their boys to learn Sanskrit and English and Bhagavad-bhakti
- Those who are in KC at least should not beget children like cats & dogs but should beget them so they may become Krsna conscious after birth. That should be the advantage of children born of a father or mother absorbed in Krsna consciousness. BG 1972 pur
- Those who are little advanced in understanding Bhagavad-gita, the A-B-C-D of spiritual knowledge, at least theoretically, one knows that he is not this body. But still, when the body is in danger, we become fearful
- Those who are satisfied with temporary life, temporary pleasure, and temporary facilities are not to be considered intelligent, at least not according to Bhagavad-gita
- Those who have taken this movement very seriously, they should be very sober and understand at least you must expose all these rascals. That will be very much appreciated by Krsna
- Those who suffer from diseases of the stomach must be unable to control the urges of the belly, at least according to this analysis
- Thousands of Caitanya Mahaprabhu temples may be established all over Australia so that I may receive one invitation card at least every month
- Thus a jnani is considered superior to a karmi because he at least refrains from the blind activities of sense enjoyment. This is the verdict of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- To accept sannyasa means to commit civil suicide, but sannyasa is compulsory, at least for every brahmana, every first-class human being
- To dance with the wives of others at the dead of night is immoral, at least according to the Vedic civilization. Even today in India, a young woman will never be allowed to go to a young man at the dead of night to dance with him
- To give charity is one of the householder's main functions, and he should be prepared to give in charity at least fifty percent of his hard-earned money
- To give training to at least 7 to 10 educated young men in the "parampara lessons of Bhagavad-gita and then to "Brahma Sutra, Bhagavata & Caitanya Caritamrta
- To keep advancing in your spiritual power always be sure to chant at least the prescribed sixteen rounds of beads daily. This is the fundamental program for advancing more and more in Krsna Consciousness
- To love Krsna, you don't require any material acquisition. No, it will not help. So if somebody says: "I have to bring fruit and flower at least, and incense to the temple, otherwise..." Yes. That is the sign of love. The sign of love is six
- To perform a sacrifice successfully, at least four expert priests are needed: one who can offer (hota), one who can chant (udgata), one who can kindle the sacrificial fire without the aid of separate fire (adhvaryu), and one who can supervise - brahma
- To punish the girls unwilling to offer Him the naivedya, Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu apparently wanted to curse them to be married to men who had at least four wives
- To take advantage of the methods of atonement, one must be at least somewhat devoted; otherwise there is no chance of one's being purified
- To the Western devotees, we are advising them - at least, those who are accepted as our disciples, they must - no meat-eating. They are accustomed to meat-eating
- Today is very important day, Lord Caitanya's birthday ceremony. At least in India, specially in Nabadwip, there is very, very great ceremony today. Thousands and millions of people are gathering to observe this important ceremony
- Tomorrow I want to see at least 500 men. Make arrangement like that. I came here to see that, not to sit down in a room peacefully
- Train our men to follow all of the rules and regulations very carefully, as well as to chant at least 16 good rounds daily and to read all of our books
- Try to remember Krsna always by following the principles as you know them, namely, rising early, taking bath, cleansing, attending aratrika, reading scriptures at least one hour or two hours daily, chanting sixteen rounds on beads of Hare Krsna mantra
- Try to understand our philosophy thoroughly and distribute it. Janma sarthaka kari' kara paropakara. At least nobody can defeat our philosophy in the whole world. That position we have
- Ultimately, all yajnas are meant for gradual promotion to the transcendental position. For ordinary men, at least five yajnas, known as panca-mahayajna, are necessary
- Under the circumstances, I have asked Hansadutta to come to me at Hawaii. There I shall try to rectify the mistakes and as previously arranged, the GBC's should act as my secretary at least one month in a year
- Under the circumstances, if you and other devotees can secure at least $100 per month for Back To Godhead, then it will not be necessary for you in San Francisco to obtain money by getting advertisements
- Under the present circumstances, of course, we cannot see such huge birds (the eagles or syena), but at least we know of eagles that can capture monkeys and then throw them down to kill and eat them
- Under the pretext that "Krsna said," "My spiritual master has said," "Prabhupada has said," we manufacture something. Don't do that. Unless you are directly ordered, you cannot do at least such things as to chastise a brahma-bandhu
- Unless one achieves at least the brahminical qualifications, one cannot understand the Vedic hymns. Mahabharata is also a division of the Vedas, but it is meant for women, sudras and dvija-bandhus, the worthless children of the higher section
- Unless the children are married, the father's or the mother's responsibility continues. That is our social system, at least in India
- Unlike professional spiritual masters who accept disciples regardless of their condition, Vaisnavas do not accept such cheap disciples. One must at least agree to abide by the rules and regulations for a disciple before a Vaisnava acarya can accept him
- Unqualified guru means who does not know how to guide the disciple. Guru's duty is to guide. So such kind of guru can be at least rejected
- Vasudevah sarvam iti sa mahatma sudurlabhah (BG 7.19). This is wanted. At least, one must know. Why they should be kept in darkness? What is this civilization? They have got light. The knowledge is there. They can be educated
- Vedic culture has taken advantage of keeping cows & chanting the holy name of Visnu since the beginning of history, and persons who are still following the Vedic ways, especially the householders, keep at least one dozen cows & worship the Deity of Visnu
- Vrndavana-dhama is very soft due to the mercy of the Supreme Lord, & it is especially opulent due to conjugal love. The transcendental glories of the son of Nanda are exhibited here. Under the circumstances, not the least anxiety is awakened within us
- We are all trying to achieve peace and freedom from these (three categories) miseries, at least unconsciously, and in the higher intellectual circles there are attempts to get rid of these miseries by ingenious plans and designs
- We are chanting Hare Krsna maha-mantra, but if we become at least once in life in ecstasy in chanting Hare Krsna, then all our sinful reaction of life is finished
- We are in this age very much irresponsible. First of all, our life is very short; we are not living for many days. Our forefathers lived for a hundred years at least, but we are living fifty, sixty, average
- We are interested in preparing acarya, but the etiquette is, at least for the period the guru is present, one should not become acarya. Even if he is complete he should not
- We are making a very gorgeous plan at Mayapur and if you altogether can give shape to this plan, it will be unique if not in the whole world then at least in all of India
- We are offering only minimum of sixteen rounds. It will take about, utmost, three hours. Out of twenty-four hours, you should engage at least three hours for chanting. So this is the beginning of initiation
- We are publishing so many books on the basis of BG and Srimad-Bhagavatam, and people are appreciating very much all over the world. So it is the duty of every Indian to make his life perfect by understanding Bhagavad-gita at least, and spread the message
- We are so much overwhelmed by the influence of Kali. So at least sixteen rounds. Don't miss this. Don't miss this. What is the difficulty, sixteen rounds? At most it will take two hours
- We are spending at least, at the present moment, eight hundred thousand dollars per month on this propaganda, all over the world. And we are selling our books, not less than forty thousand dollars per month
- We are stressing on pushing on these books because a modern man, if he purchases one book, then at least he will see one line, "What these nonsense have written?" So if he reads one line, if he is intelligent man, he will understand the value
- We are taking authoritative version from the sastra. And we are . . . our program is to publish at least one hundred books of this size. There are so many information. They can read all these books and take information
- We are teaching them what kind of leaders should be selected. The king, the public leader, the brahmana, and . . . at least these three men, they should be free from the four kinds of sinful activities
- We are trying our best. So only request is, those who do not comply with our rules and regulation, at least they may chant Hare Krsna wherever they may remain
- We can accommodate many devotees, and if the opportunity is offered to us, we can organize a very strong Sankirtana Party here and establish at least four or five branches in England. But the climate is not at all suitable for me
- We can produce sufficient food grains for our maintenance, and the whole world has got sufficient land. I have traveled over the world at least fourteen times
- We can supply millions of pictures of Krishna, Visnu, and Their multi-incarnations, as well as Their transcendental Pastimes. So we have to create a unique position for this paper, at least in the western world
- We cannot become the Supreme. At least, we don't find in authorized Vedic literature that a living entity can become as powerful as God. No. It is not possible
- We chant at least 16 times around the string of 108 beads daily (one full mantra on each bead). This keeps us strong in spiritual consciousness
- We do not have so many men; it requires at least five men to maintain a center, so I approve of your plan to close the center and travel in South Africa
- We do not know what is divorce. In our country there is no divorce, at least in Hindu law. Yes. Wife and husband, once combined, that is for life. There is no question of separation, in all circumstances. Either in distress or in happiness
- We have enough matter to qualify a person in academic career. At least we can offer the degree of DD - Doctor of Divinity by affliating ourselves with some neighboring recognized university
- We have got already published at least twelve books, four hundred pages. You try to understand. If you want to understand this movement through science and philosophy, we are ready
- We have got desires, different types of desires. The 8,400,000 bodies means at least we have got 8,400,000 different types of desires. That we have to learn from authorities like Krsna. Therefore He says: "You try to understand." You cannot speculate
- We have got many books, at least two dozen books, big, big, voluminous. So you can read them, you can try to understand this movement, and join with us
- We have got so many branches all over the world, and each and every branch you will find devotees like this. At least twenty-five devotees, up to one hundred devotees we have got
- We have no education about that living force, and the original living force is Krsna, or God. So we have no information. So therefore this education is very, very essential, at least at the present moment
- We have often heard a storekeeper say, "Because you are my friend, I won't make any profit off you." But in actuality we know that he is making at least 50% profit. There are so many instances of this cheating propensity
- We have prescribed in our Society that all our students must chant at least sixteen rounds daily. Such chanting must be offenseless in order to be of high quality
- We have to discuss so many things, immense field. Go out . . . At least you have to accept that "I am blind." So how you can show others the path? You are blind
- We have to keep this ideal at least, varnasrama
- We have to make our brain very clean. And for that purpose you require to drink not very much - at least one pound or half-pound milk daily. That is essential. But no meat-eating. This is intelligence
- We hope that all of you who are present here will try to cooperate with this movement, and let us meet at least so long as I am here. That will be very beneficial
- We initiate our students. The preliminary initiation is offering chanting. Then we observe at least for one year, how he is chanting, how he is doing. Then the second initiation confirms. That is the system
- We invite everyone. At least after the age of fifty they should come here in Vrndavana. They should live peacefully and take shelter at the lotus feet of Krsna-Balarama and be happy in this life and get salvation in next life
- We shall always remember that we are reading Bhagavad-gita, and whatever is spoken in the Bhagavad-gita, we have to, at least, we have to accept that. Otherwise, there is no question of reading this Bhagavad-gita
- We shall require at least one dozen students to go to India and stay there at least for 6 months, and be completely trained up on our line of activities
- We should at least theoretically accept Sri Krsna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and with that submissive spirit we can understand the Bhagavad-gita
- We should at least theoretically accept Sri Krsna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and with that submissive spirit we can understand the Bhagavad-gita. BG 1972 Introduction
- We should be known as shaven-headed, not long-hair-headed. This is discrepancy. At least once in a month you must be clearly shaven-headed
- We should not imitate him (Rupa Gosvami), but the devotees of the Krsna consciousness movement must at least be very careful to complete their sixteen rounds, their minimum amount of prescribed chanting
- We should not open centers with only two persons; we shall have at least four men
- We want to create some ideal men. People will see them, and at least they will understand that "Here are the ideal men." They will be ashamed. So those who are in Krsna consciousness movement, they should be sreyan - the best men in the society
- What I want to do immediately are as follows: To hold consecutive meetings at different Mohallus & houses of Delhi for impressing the ideas of the mission. To give training to at least 7 to 10 educated young men in the parampara lessons of Bhagavad-gita
- What is the value of the millions of stars? But one moon, oh, dissipate the whole darkness of night. Similarly, at least those who have taken to Krsna consciousness, you become, each of you become a moon and enlighten the world
- What we are doing there. Everyone can do it. Everyone can . . . that is Vedic culture. And everywhere Visnu, Narayana-sila is worshiped. At least the higher caste, brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya - not the sudras
- Whatever the Spiritual Master gives in His own hand, it should be accepted immediately as His grace. In the beginning in New York I was cooking myself and was distributing at least one or two capatis to all my disciples
- Whatever we earn, if not the whole thing, but if at least some portion of our income we engage in the service of the Lord for propagating the teaching of God consciousness, that is engaging our fruitive activities
- Whatever you do, you just become Krsna conscious, and at least he will feel that, "I am . . . my future hope is there. There is Krsna." That is successful life. At least he is hopeful that he is going to Krsna, even he is working very hard, never mind
- When a ksatriya prince is married, at least a dozen maidservants of similar age are given along with the bride. After giving the cows & maidservants, the King enriched the dowry by giving 9,000 elephants and a hundred times more chariots than elephants
- When Angira Rsi came to see the King, the King requested the great sage to enable him to have at least one son. Because of the blessing of Angira Rsi, a child was sent by the grace of maya, but the child was not to live for long
- When Guru Maharaja was speaking, at least my brain was puzzled. Even he would speak in Bengali, it was very difficult to understand
- When he (Duryodhana) revived he said, "You have killed all our hopes. I had hoped that in our family at least these five sons would survive, but now you have killed them." Thus in lamentation he died
- When human life is there, at least one must be awakened to this consciousness that, "Actually I am not happy." That is the beginning of human life, not to remain in darkness like cats and dog
- When I came to the compound, to the yard of this house, I was very happy to hear the chanting Hare Krsna, because in this great city of sense gratification, at least in one corner there is the vibration of Hare Krsna mantra
- When I was alone in your New York, I was thinking, who will listen to me in this horrible, sinful place? All right, I shall stay little longer, at least I can distribute a few of my books, that is something
- When one understands fully Krsna - fully it is not possible; at least partially - he is conquering over death. Tyaktva deham punar janma naiti. That is real human life, how to conquer over death
- When the government is very strong, all the thieves and rogues disappear or hide themselves. Of course Vena was not a very good king, but he was known to be cruel and severe. Thus the state at least became freed from thieves and rogues
- When the work has to be done, do it first, then chant. But you must fulfill at least 16 rounds daily
- When there was no so-called advancement of civilization, people used to eat on utensils made of silver, gold, at least metal. Now they're using plastic. And still, they are proud of advancement of civilization
- When they see the Americans have come, they'll take it little seriously. And now we have got philosophy. At least the educated class will understand
- When we get our attachment for hearing about Krsna, then at least we can consider that we have become free from material contamination
- When You go through the jungle, there will be no brahmana available from whom You can accept lunch. Therefore please give permission for at least one pure brahmana to accompany You
- Whenever pure topics of the transcendental world are discussed, the members of the audience forget all kinds of material hankerings, at least for the time being. Not only that, but they are no longer envious of one another
- Where ever you deliver your lectures to students try to introduce at least our small books. If the students purchase these cheaper, smaller books, they will get a permanent impression of Krishna Consciousness
- Where there is no sunshine, all the leaves fall down, and as soon as there is sunshine, immediately millions and trillions of leaves come out. At least in this way you have to understand how Krsna's potency is working. That is the Vedic information
- Wherever I go Devananda and Purusottama go also as my personal assistants. I do not know if you are prepared to send fare for three, but if my presence will be nice there, send the money for at least two
- Wherever you are, you should always be sure to chant at least 16 good rounds daily and to read my books very carefully, as well as following all the rules and regulations strictly
- Wherever you remain you don't forget our routine work and hold kirtan at least twice daily, morning & evening. Kirtan is our life & soul
- Whole world is understanding Krsna is the supreme teacher. At least at the present moment they are accepting
- Why do they not accept this simple philosophy? If God is the supreme father and in every religion they accept that, at least the Christian religion accept that supreme father, God, and the material nature is the mother, and we are all sons
- Why people are dying nowadays, fifty years, sixty years, seventy years? No. One should live for at least hundred years. But because they unduly indulge in sex life, they die early. Their duration of life is reduced
- Why was the King of Hastinapura, at least till the time of Maharaja Pariksit, accepted as the Emperor of the world? The only reason is that the people of the world were happy because of the good administration of the emperor
- With folded hands I request you, don't you become hippies again by growing hair. Keep your head cleansed at least once in a month. That is my request. Neither I can chastise you. I am also old man; you are young men
- With reference to our meeting on March 20, 1976 at Haridaspore, I beg to propose that immediately we require at least Rs. 50,000 - for development of the place. Kindly let me know exactly what is the area of the land (include a sketch of the land)
- Without cow protection and cultivation of the brahminical qualities in human society, at least for a section of the members of society, no human civilization can prosper at any length
- Yajna means satisfying the Lord. Just like we are chanting this Hare Krsna mantra. It is yajna, sacrifice. At least we are sacrificing little time
- Yasoda prayer, "My dear creator, won't you kindly bring my dear son Krsna back to me so that I can see Him at least for a moment"
- Yes, you may perform the marriages in the Temple room, but after the legal marriage has lasted at least 6 months to a year. Then we can know they are faithful and serious
- Yes. That if you want to eat meat and chicken, then you first of all sacrifice before their deity. So at least they'll be restricted from eating meat purchased from slaughterhouse
- You are sane, that you do not accept me as President... That is one thing. At least you are not insane. So if I say, "I am God," and you accept, then how much insane you are. Just try to understand
- You can arrange one or two Bengali experts in making and fitting the heads of the kholes. They must be prepared to stay with us for at least one year. We will pay their transportation to Hawaii and return and also a small salary
- You can just see that that minute particle of the soul within this body, how wonderful things we are doing. Everything, whatever material manifestation, at least in this world
- You can take sannyasa from the very beginning, but if it is not possible, at least at the fag end of your life everyone should take sannyasa and completely devote in understanding the science of God. That is called sannyasa
- You cannot avoid the natural occurrence of various social divisions. Nature's caste system will remain. Take, for example, the brahminical quality of truthfulness. All over the world, wherever you go, you'll find at least one person who is truthful
- You cannot work more than us, because I am an old man, seventy-nine years old, and I am traveling always, all over the world, twice, thrice in a year. You cannot work so much, at least
- You go on posting leaflets regularly at least daily 100 to the addresses of respectable gentlemen taking from an authorized mailing list or else from the telephone book. After a week from the posting date you can ask the gentlemen by phone as follows
- You have got some good souls assisting you, and that is a good sign. Please take care of these boys and keep them fixed up in Krishna Consciousness. In our lifetime, if we can fix up at least one soul in KC, Krishna immediately recognizes the service
- You have no experience. In India we have got experience. Each and every monkey has got at least hundred girls with him. Hundred, one hundred. So what we able to enjoy?
- You have to take sankirtana party. That should be the main business. And the..., at least sixteen men, four mrdangas. Practice mrdanga like that. And twelve cymbals, and one chanting and all others responding
- You may get yourself married, provided that you can meet the responsibility of grhastha life. If you marry you will have to work to provide for your wife and family and try to spend at least 50% for Krishna Consciousness
- You must at least avoid sinful activities. Then one can practice Krsna consciousness
- You must have first-class children. That requires tapasya. So at least we should follow the standard, how to raise our children to become first class
- You must make sure that all of these devotees are following the regulative principles very nicely. Everyone must rise early, take bath attend mangala arati, chant at least 16 good rounds, attend class, and follow the four regulative principles strictly
- You should produce enough food grains, enough fodder for the cows, and live peacefully, chant Hare Krsna, make this life. At least one life we should do like that. It is very happy life
- You, at least, introduce in your country: "Chant Christ's name and stop animal killing"