Prabhupāda: Everlasting. This is the word. Everlasting. Then why I am not everlasting now? This is my diseased condition. People should take it like this. Here it is stated that the living entity is everlasting, but my present position is not everlasting. I'm temporary. So why shall I be in this temporary . . . such abominable condition? I am everlasting.
So they are so rascal fools they do not search out how he can be everlasting. They are trying to (sic) oint this body. That's all. Everlasting body by ointment, you see? That is not possible. That is their foolishness. They are trying to make this body, by so-called science, everlasting. That will never be possible.
Your everlasting position is that you are spirit soul. You have to transfer yourself in that healthy condition, not this diseased cond . . . this is disease. My birth and death is disease. You have to cure this disease. That is your problem, real problem. But they are not serious about curing . . . solving this real problem, birth and death.
They are thinking, "So long I live, let me enjoy senses as far as possible, and let me enjoy." That's all. That's their philosophy. Child's philosophy. Just like child does not look forward his future. He's very playful. He sees that "This playing will make me happy." Similarly, these rascals, they are simply enjoying senses, forgetting their future life.
So this is a rascal civilization. This is not a good civilization. You see? Childish civilization. However they may be proud of their advancement of knowledge, it is childish civilization, because they have no future. Everlasting. "How I am going to be everlasting," they do not think of it. You see?
This one word can give so many volumes of thoughts to the real philosopher, to the real thinker. Here it is sta . . . stated that the living entity is everlasting, and where is that living entity everlasting? Why it is not so? This is the problem.
Viṣṇujana: "It is said that the soul is invisible, inconceivable." (BG 2.25)
Prabhupāda: Yes, invisible. That is a fact. I am soul, you are soul, but I cannot see with these eyes. I am seeing your body. Just like I am seeing my son or husband or brother, and as soon as my son or husband or son, anyone, dies, "Oh, my son is gone." Where has your son gone? He's lying here. Why do you say gone? "No, he's gone. He's gone." Then what is that son? Have you ever seen him? That is the problem. He has never seen his son or husband. He has seen this body as husband or son or father. Therefore invisible.
You cannot see even a small particle of soul which is spiritual; you want to see God immediately without preparing your eyes? Just see. They want to see God. They cannot see even the small particle of God, the soul, and they want to see immediately God.
Yes, one can see God—but not immediately. You have to prepare your eyes. You'll see God, you'll see soul, everything. Everything will be visible. At the present moment it is invisible because we have got material eyes. With material eyes we cannot see anything spiritual. It is blocked.
Go on.
Viṣṇujana: "Knowing this, you should not grieve for the body." (BG 2.25)
Prabhupāda: Yes. Because we cannot see. Just like the same example. A man is dead, his relative is crying. He says he's gone. He's still seeing. The body is there. That means he has never studied who is his relative. Then . . . at least, he must know after death that the body is not my relative. Something else beyond this body.
Viṣṇujana: Purport: "As described above, the magnitude of the soul is such that for our material calculation he cannot be detected even by the most powerful microscope. Therefore he is invisible. As far as his existence is concerned, nobody can establish his experimental stability beyond the proof of śruti, or Vedic wisdom."
Prabhupāda: Yes. Now, here Kṛṣṇa says that "Don't care for this body. There is soul." That is śruti. Śruti means you hear from Kṛṣṇa; then you understand. Otherwise there is no possibility to understand. The same example, as I have several times said, that who is your father? That you can under(stand) simply by hearing from your mother. That's all.
The mother says: "He is your father." What is the evidence? Hearing from the mother. That's all. Similarly anything spiritual, spiritual identity, spiritual God, spiritual kingdom, you have to learn simply by hearing from authorities. There is no other process. There is no other, second process. Simply you have to hear.
Just the same example: Who is your father, you have to simply believe your mother. Even if he . . . of course, it is not expected that she'll give a false information. Understanding the mother is nice, she'll give me. So that is the only way. You have to believe your mother, and that's all.
Similarly, if you want to understand anything spiritual, you have to take information by hearing from such authorities as Kṛṣṇa or His representative, and there is no other alternative. Other alternative, it will ever remain invisible and not understandable and so many things, negative.