Category:Must Know
Must know
Pages in category "Must Know"
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- A common man cannot understand the Lord. He must first know the real position of his life under the influence of the illusory energy
- A devotee must know the importance of simultaneously understanding Vedanta philosophy and chanting the holy names. If by studying Vedanta one becomes an impersonalist, he has not been able to understand Vedanta
- A devotee should not ignore any living entity. The devotee must know that in every living entity, however insignificant he may be, even in an ant, God is present, and therefore every living entity should be kindly treated
- A living being may forget all that he might have done in his past or present life, but one must know that in the same tree of the material body, the individual soul and the Supreme Soul as Paramatma are sitting like two birds
- A man is dead, his relative is crying. He says he's gone. He's still seeing. The body is there. That means he has never studied who is his relative. Then at least, he must know after death that the body is not my relative. Something else beyond this body
- A sane person must know for certain that a living being, however powerful he may be, is neither absolute nor independent
- A servant must know the instructions of his master. The servants of Yamaraja claimed to be carrying out his orders, and therefore the Visnudutas very intelligently asked them to explain the symptoms of religious and irreligious principles
- Acinoti sastrani: he must know all the principles from authorities, and he should apply in his life those principles. Not that he knows but does not apply. He cannot be acarya
- All sorts may go, but you must know the real message, that within this machine - the owner of the machine, the driver of the machine
- Always think like that, that as soon as you are chanting Hare Krsna, you must know that you are touching Krsna with your tongue
- Anitya means they are not permanent. Agamapayino 'nityah. They are seasonal changes. They will come and they will go. Simply ethereal arrangement only, we must know, external arrangement. It is, rather, illusion
- Arjuna was grhastha. So yei krsna-tattva-vetta sei guru haya (CC Madhya 8.128). One must know the science of Krsna. Then you can become preacher
- As a citizen, good citizen, you are expected. Similarly, we must know what is dharma, what is God. That is humanity
- As soon as we speak "Krsna," you must know there are so many associates. Krsna . . . just like if I say the president is coming, so one should know the president is not coming alone. He must be accompanied by his secretaries, by his military aide-de-camp
- As soon as you become devotee, the test is that all those twenty-six qualities will develop. You have to test yourself, "Out of the twenty-six qualities, how much I have developed?" If I am lacking, then you must know that you are not developing
- As soon as you see one man is sitting on the bench of the high court, you must know he is very learned man and learned lawyer - he has passed already. That is the test
- Atma-darsana, one must know what he is. He is spiritual being. Spiritual being, he has nothing to do with this material world, but somehow or other, we have fallen in this material world
- Because it is fight against maya, why we shall be afraid of being killed? Where there is fight, one must know that "Either I am going to be killed or gain victory." Jivo va maro va
- Bhagavata-dharma means relationship with God and execution of our duties in that relationship. That is called Bhagavata-dharma. First of all we must know what is God
- Brahmaji, being the greatest living entity within this universe and being directly instructed by the Lord, must know more than anyone within this universe, although such knowledge may not be complete
- Brahmana's business is that, preaching. Brahma janati. One must know Brahman, and distribute the knowledge of brahma-jnana. That is the business of brahmanas
- By culture of Vedic knowledge one must know Lord Krsna and should not falsely speculate on the word aham, or "I." The only method for understanding the Supreme Truth is devotional service
- Civilization is that you must know what is your real position and act accordingly, and then you become liberated
- Civilized society means he must know, he must undergone the all the regulative principles. But at the present moment, in the Bhagavata it is said, asamskrta: Without any reformatory method
- Education means that you must know what is your position
- Even in our distressed condition we must know that we are being protected by Krsna. We should not be disturbed. Because we create so-called distress and happiness
- Every king must know that his responsibility in administration is not merely to exact taxes from the citizens but to see personally that the citizens under him are being trained in Visnu worship
- Everyone should be interested, especially in this human form of life, not to remain here like animals, cats and dogs, but to become brahma-bhutah. Aham brahmasmi. One must know
- First of all he must know what he is actually saving. That he does not know. He is thinking of his country. Suppose next birth he becomes a cow and his countrymen will send him to the slaughterhouse. So what is the use of having your country?
- First of all one must know what he is, whether he is this body or something beyond this body. This is the beginning of spiritual knowledge
- First of all one must know what is Krsna. That is being explained by Krsna Himself in the Bhagavad-gita, and when he understands what is Krsna, then he can hear further about Krsna. The books are there, SB and NoD, TLC
- First of all you must know from the authorities what is the truth. Then you speak. Don't speak nonsense. It will not help you or your followers. That is called anukirtaya
- First of all you must know it, athato brahma jijnasa, that superior knowledge. That is required. But everyone is neglecting
- First of all you must know what is the truth. If your standard of truth is different and my standard of truth is different, then where is the use of talking nonsense? If you have any other truth than Krsna, you be satisfied
- First of all you must know what is your identity. Your identity is . . . that I have already explained. You are part and parcel of God. So far we understand, our philosophy is, from Bhagavad-gita: mamaivamsah
- First of all, select who will be your spiritual master. You must know the preliminary law. Just like if you want to purchase gold, at least you must know where gold is available
- Full knowledge means that the jiva-atma, the living entity, must know both his position and the Supreme's position. That is full knowledge
- God became many for His enjoyment because He is the enjoyer. We are not enjoyer; we are enjoyed. So we must know our constitutional position, that we are not enjoyer; we are enjoyed
- God is not so cheap thing that in every street, every village, there is incarnation of God. Don't accept that. You must know what is meaning of God. At least we followers of Krsna consciousness, we do not accept such cheap God
- He also taught about God. Krsna consciousness means God consciousness. So why Jesus? Anyone speaks . . . but one must know. There are degrees
- He must be always clean. Three times he must take bath at least. All the clothing, all, everything is clean. And then he must know all what is what, knowledge, and practical application, and firm faith in Krsna. This is brahmana
- Henceforward I am not sanctioning any more marriages, and those who want to marry must know in advance and be prepared to make outside income to support wife and home separately from the temple, and in the temple husband and wife shall live separately
- Higher mathematics does not mean that some other figures are brought in. The same one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. But you must know how to adjust these nine figures - one, two, three - and that is science of God
- Household life or in city life we should not be extravagant, unnecessarily eating, unnecessarily enjoying. No, that is not the path. "One man's food, another man's poison." We must know this philosophy
- Human life is not like animals. They must know that, - We are in threefold miserable condition of life, adhyatmika, adhibhautika, adhidaivika. And we do not want these all miserable condition
- If despite this opportunity (for spiritual realization) for human life we are unable to revive our natural affection for the Lord, we must know that we are wasting our life for nothing
- If he is serious to know about these things, then he must know it from the proper channel. You cannot learn music from a carpenter. If you want to learn music, then you have to approach an expert musician
- If somebody comes, "What is Krsna?" You say: "Yes, I am serving Krsna, but I do not know what is Krsna," what is his service? He must know, because here it is said, asamsayam samagram (BG 7.1), without any doubt
- If someone gives you one piece of paper, "Yes, it is $10 note," then are you not cheated? You must know what is $10 note. Otherwise you'll be satisfied with a paper, piece of paper. That's all. If you do not know God, then how you can see God?
- If something is taken before being offered to the Deity, the entire preparation is polluted and can no longer be offered. Those engaged in Deity worship must know this very well so that they may be saved from committing offenses in Deity worship
- If the acarya, guru, is satisfied, then we must know certainly that Krsna is satisfied. So this is the principle, and the acaryas give us direction. It is not very difficult. Simply we have to become very serious and sincere. Then everything is all right
- If we are sufficiently intelligent, we must know that there is someone who has created the entire cosmic manifestation
- If we are sufficiently intelligent, we must know that there is someone who has supplied and has become the ingredients for this cosmic manifestation, who is eternally existing, but who is not within the cosmic manifestation
- If we give service in ignorance, without knowing what is wanted, that kind of service may lead us to become punished. So we must know what kind of service we shall give
- If we have actually found out a person who is self-realized and we have surrendered there honestly, with enquiry and service, then we must know that our spiritual salvation is guaranteed. Guaranteed. There is no doubt about it
- If we see the universal affairs going on nicely, we must know that behind them is a good controller. And who is that controller? That controller is Krsna, as stated in BG (9.10). Therefore Kunti addresses Him as visvesa, the controller of the universe
- If we trust in God, we must know that God is actually the only trustworthy person. Then if I put my trust in Him, that is sensible
- If we want jnana - because the jnanamaya-yajna is recommended the highest yajna - if we actually want jnana, then we have to first of all find out a person who is tattva-darsi. Just like if you have to purchase gold, you must know where gold is available
- If we want to stop this miserable condition of getting another material body, then we must know what is karma, what is vikarma. That is Krsna's proposal
- If you actually trust, then you must know that God is trustworthy
- If you are serious, you can keep yourself pure anywhere. It doesn't matter whether you stay in America or India. But you must know how to keep yourself purified. That's all
- If you are unaware of what is God, what do you mean by God, and you are very, very religious, that is useless. One must know God. So therefore, those who are in the lowest grade of human life, they cannot understand
- If you are unsuccessful, you must know it firmly that without Krsna's desire, nothing can happen. If you are unsuccessful, then you should.... That is Krsna conscious.... You should know also that "It is Krsna's desire." It is Krsna's desire
- If you can actually grow this Tulasi plant, and I am sure you will do it, then you must know it for certain that your devotion for Krsna is testified
- If you do not give service to Krsna, then you must know you are simply spoiling your energy. That's all. Because this service will never give you satisfaction; neither to the served
- If you do not take Krsna consciousness seriously in this human form of life, then you must know that you are drinking poison knowingly. Don't neglect it. Try to understand. It is based on science, philosophy, sastra, knowledge. It is not a blind faith
- If you don't infect a certain disease, then you don't grow it. And if you infect... Therefore you must know or you must know the rules and regulation, how you can save yourself from infection
- If you engage yourself in the service of Krsna, you'll find new and new encouragement. That is spiritual. If you find it hackneyed, then you must know that you are not yet serving spiritually, you are serving materially
- If you have a tilaka and a kanthi, that does not mean that you belong to the Krsna consciousness movement. Any cheater can do that. You must know the philosophy
- If you want good government, then - this is democratic age - then you must be good. You must know who is good. Then you can elect: "Here is good man"
- If you want to enter into spiritual life, you must know that you, spirit soul, you are eternal. You don't die; you are not finished. That after the destruction of this body, you accept another body, tatha dehantara praptir
- If you want to save somebody who's drowning, you must know that, I may not be washed away. I have to remain strong; then I can save him
- In business you go to a storekeeper. He'll say, "Oh, you are my great friend. I am not taking a farthing profit from you." But you must know that he is taking profit, at least fifty percent. So this is called cheating propensity
- In the beginning one must know that he is not this body; He is spirit soul. Don't bring in controversy, but try to convince that you are not this body
- In the Brahma-samhita it is stated, isvarah paramah krsnah (Bs. 5.1). Isvara means controller. So parama means the supreme. So every one of us, we are more or less controller. But we are not supreme controller. We must know this
- In the Caitanya-caritamrta (CC Adi 2.117) it is said: Anyone trying to become fully Krsna conscious must know the Lord's glories as far as they are possible to understand
- In the preliminary stages we require to stick to the formulas of religious scripture. But we must know that the whole idea is targeted to understand my real position. That is the whole idea of all scripture
- Is it very difficult job? Let him define what is God. - If you say that I am God, then you must know what is God. If you falsely claim 'God,' then how you can be God?
- It is not a question of religious process. You must know things as they are. Religion is that, because religion means to know the real law. That is religion. Not . . . religion does not mean sentiment
- It is not possible to solve problems by passing resolutions in the United Nations. One must know the actual method of solving problems
- It is very easy thing that, - Leader must be faithful. A leader must know what is God and how to trust in Him. And he must be free from all sinful activities
- It is very simple to understand. The same example. Your position, you first of all you must know what is your position. The position is, Krsna says that, "All these living entities are My part and parcel." That is your position
- Jnana means knowledge. Knowledge means one must know that "I am spirit soul, part and parcel of God. Somehow or other, I have been entangled in this material body"
- Jnana, this knowledge, most confidential knowledge, it is not sentiment. Vijnana-sahitam. It is science. Just like in scientific knowledge you must know theoretically and practically
- Jnana-vairagya-yuktena. Not sentimental. We must know very clearly what is Krsna - that is jnana - what is my relationship with Krsna - that is jnana - and what is my duty to Krsna - that is jnana
- Just like good citizen means he knows what is the government and what is the law of government. He is following. Similarly, religious person means he must know what is God and what are the words of God
- KC is so beneficial it easily counteracts material nature's contamination resulting from one's possessing a material body. BG therefore teaches, in the beginning, that whether one is man or woman one must know he or she isn't the body but a spiritual soul
- Knowledge means ultimately he must know what is God. That is knowledge. Ye krsna tattva vetta sei guru haya. Anyone who knows Krsna, he becomes guru. Otherwise not
- Krsna continued, "My dear friends, you (the gopis) might be aggrieved by My words and acts, but you must know that sometimes I do not reciprocate My devotees' dealings with Me"
- Krsna is born, He takes part in a battle with Arjuna, He has a father by the name of Vasudeva & a Mother Devaki and a family - what can be considered transcendental? Krsna says, evam yo vetti tattvatah - we must know of His birth and activities in truth
- Krsna is everywhere - this is Krsna consciousness. But one must know how he can derive Krsna from the features of Krsna's form in wood or iron or metal
- Krsna is present within the universe, within our hearts, and even within the atom. So it is not difficult to find Him, but one must know the process by which to do so
- Krsna knowledge means God consciousness. We must know that we are part and parcel of Krsna, or God
- Krsna says knowledge means one must know this is my real, acute miserable condition of life, janma-mrtyu-jara-vyadhi-duhkha-dosanudarsanam (BG 13.9). This is knowledge
- Krsna says to Arjuna, "This science of God, Bhagavad-gita, krsna-tattva..." Caitanya Mahaprabhu said: yei krsna-tattva vetta sei guru hay. Guru does not become. Guru is not so cheap thing. One must know what is krsna-tattva
- Nanda Maharaja and the other gopas exclaimed: My dear friends, you must know that Anakadundubhi, Vasudeva, has become a great saint or a master of mystic power. Otherwise how could he have foreseen this calamity and predicted it to us? - SB 10.6.32
- Not that anyone will come: "I am a sadhu." No. We must know by the characteristic of sadhu. That has been described
- On the Absolute world there is no such relativities as a success and failure. The one thing in the Absolute world is to serve Krishna. Don't care for the result. Krishna must know that we are working very seriously and that is our success of life
- One must be a devotee of Krsna. Yei krsna-tattva-vetta sei guru haya (CC Madhya 8.128). One must know the science of Krsna. Then he can preach to others. Sei guru haya. That is our purpose
- One must be intelligent enough to see God. Now, this bird I do not see, but I am hearing the sound. So one must know there is a nice bird. Because the varnasrama-dharma is lacking, nobody is being educated as a brahmana. They have lost all knowledge
- One must certainly know that although Caitanya Mahaprabhu is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, because He accepted the ecstasy of a devotee one should not misunderstand His pastimes and place Him in exactly the same position as Krsna
- One must know from the above description of creation and annihilation that the supreme consciousness, being omnipresent, can take care of everything with perfect attention. That is the fact of the omnipresence of the Supreme Lord
- One must know God, and one must know what God desires. That is religion. Just like you must know your government, and you must know what government wants, expects from you. If you do that, then you are a good citizen
- One must know his relationship with the Lord and act accordingly. Then the fulfillment of his life’s mission will be possible
- One must know that he is finite and that the Lord is infinite. Thus it is not possible to actually become one with the Lord even if one aspires for this
- One must know what are sinful activities. Apart from any other scripture, in Christian scripture it is said, "Thou shall not kill. Thou shall not covet. Thou shall not do this." These are sinful activities
- One must know what is the necessity of the body and what is the necessity of the soul. The real necessity of life is to supply the comforts of the soul. And the soul can be comforted not by material adjustment
- One who defies temple worship without any knowledge of the science must know that his so-called turban or crown will only succeed in further drowning him in the water of the ocean of material existence
- One who offers prayers to the Lord to fulfill his different desires must know that the highest perfectional fulfillment of desire is to go back home, back to Godhead
- One who represents someone else must fully know that person's mission. The devotees in the Krsna consciousness movement must therefore be fully aware of the mission of Krsna and Lord Caitanya; otherwise they will be considered foolish
- One who wants to get out of this material existence must know this tree thoroughly through analytical study. Then he can cut off his relationship with it. BG 1972 purports
- People are after peace, santi, but this is the santi formula, that we must know Krsna - the supreme enjoyer of everything. If tapasya, you undergo severe austerities... Suppose you are doing business; that is also tapasya. You have to work very hard
- People must know that "Here is diamond. If I want it, I must pay the proper price." That I want to establish
- People must know that our Krishna philosophy will save the world from all kinds of dangerous conditions. We prove that when we compare our philosophy with any kind of ordinary so-called philosophy--we can defeat them all very easily
- Phalena pariciyate. We have to understand by the result. If the result is not very satisfactory, then you must know that progress is not very nice
- Real education is different: that one must know his own position and act accordingly. That you can get from Vedic knowledge
- Real education is, first of all, you must know what you are. You are this body or something else than the body
- Religion or faith, you can change from one to another, but you must know the essential value of your life
- Running means just like the river is running in great tide, flowing, but the destination is the sea. When the river comes to the sea, then its destination gone. So similarly, we must know what is the destination. The destination is Visnu, God
- Sarvam idam means the whole body, idam. But your consciousness is not spread in others bodies. You must know it
- Scientists who are attempting to explore outer space and are trying to reach other planets by mechanical arrangements must know for certain that organisms adapted to the atmosphere of earth cannot exist in the atmospheres of other planets
- Showing compassion and mercy is a relative activity. It is not the Absolute Truth. Apart from this, we also must know what actual mercy is. To give a sick man something forbidden for him to eat is not mercy. Rather, it is cruelty
- Simply by dressing in white cloth one becomes grhastha? And simply by dressing one, in this saffron cloth, he becomes sannyasi? By changing dress he becomes everything? He must know that what is the aim of life
- Simply trust in God is not sufficient. We must know what is God. Trusting something oblivion, something fantasy, that is no trust. You must know where to put your trust. That is Bhagavad-gita. You have to know this, what is God
- So many religious systems, they are all rascaldom. One religion: that is the order of God. That is religion. If you want one religion, then you must know who is God and you must abide by the order of God. That is religion
- Some may have faith or no faith, but that bank is trustworthy. You know that your money deposited in the bank will not be cheated. Similarly, if you trust in God, then you must know whether God is trustworthy
- Somebody says that, "I am searching after the truth." But you must know what is the truth. Otherwise, how you will search out truth
- That (I am not this body) realization takes time. But when we are actually advancing in Krsna consciousness, we must know our duty. Sleeping not more than six hours. Utmost eight hours
- That is the process (we must know God before we can love Him) given in the Bhagavad-gita. There are eighteen chapters, and the whole eighteen chapters are education - how to know God
- The Absolute Truth is scientific knowledge. It is not sentiment - "I accept somebody as God by votes." That is not bhagavat-tattva-vijnanam. One must know what is the definition of God
- The conception of the universal form of the Lord gives a chance to the materialist to think of the Supreme Lord, but the materialist must know for certain that his visualization of the world in a spirit of lording over it is not God realization
- The criterion is that a devotee must know what Krsna wants him to do. This understanding can be achieved through the medium of a spiritual master who is a bona fide representative of Krsna
- The first thing is that you must know what you are. You should know that the mother is nature and the father is God. I am the child. Then you try to understand the father, and the son, obedience to father
- The impersonalist must know from this verse that the Lord is not impersonal, for He has His genitals, on which all the pleasurable objects of sex depend
- The king must know that human life is meant for liberating the encaged soul from the bondage of material conditions, and therefore his duty is to see that the citizens are properly looked after to attain this highest stage of perfection
- The leaders must know first of all how they can do good for their followers, by understanding the real method of karma-yoga, or work with transcendental results. If the physician is himself a diseased fellow, how can he endeavor to heal others?
- The leaders must know that the real disease of the people in general is their aversion to serve the almighty Godhead, Visnu
- The main business is that one must know God. It is not that because I approach some person and he did not know, he could give me the right knowledge of God, then I give up this idea of knowing God. No. That will not..., that is not good for human life
- The monkey's duty is no duty. A man must know what is duty, and he should execute
- The parts of the body are related to the body; similarly, the living being must know his relationship with the Lord
- The people's government, or government by the people, should not allow killing of innocent animals by the sweet will of foolish government men. They must know the codes of God, as mentioned in the revealed scriptures
- The purpose of religion is, if religion is the code given by God, then we must know. Just like a child. A child is abiding by the laws, but he does not know who is the law-giver, how the street is managed, what are the laws
- The servant must know what is God, what does He do, how He is satisfied: these things should be preached to them. How one is accepted as God, what are the symptoms: these things they should learn
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead can appear before us in many forms, as he likes, but we must know the true facts: janma karma ca me divyam evam yo vetti tattvatah - BG 4.9
- The whole Vedic civilization is based on this, that you must know what is your relationship with God. It doesn't matter whether you are Hindu, Muslim, Christian or Buddhist. A civilized man must have some religious process. That is all over the world
- The woman, created by the Lord, is the representation of maya, and one who associates with such maya by accepting services must certainly know that this is the way of death, just like a blind well covered with grass
- The yogis, by their mind concentrating upon God, they try to see Him. So you must know what is God. Just like our institution, they know what is God, description of God. They can think of God. But if you have no idea of God, how you'll think of Him?
- There cannot be different description of God. God is one. One must know who is that God. That is education. Now, we are teaching that, "Here is God, Krsna." Now it is up to you to test whether Krsna is God or not God
- There must be a standard of dealing, and there must be a result out of that. This is called Bhagavata-dharma. You must know what is your position, you must know what is God, and you must know what is your relationship with God
- These philosophers theorizing so many "I believe." So these things will not do. These things will not do. That is useless, simply waste of time. You must know there is God. How we can deny it? There is supreme power. I am being controlled every moment
- They (most people) have some conception of God, but actually they do not know what God is. But religion means you must know God and love Him
- They (the mlecchas) must know that even for the animals they must produce grass and vegetables, otherwise the animals cannot live. And to produce grass for the animals, they require sufficient rains
- They (the sahajiyas) do not try to understand Radha-Krsna through the channel chalked out by Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Gosvamis. We must know. Radha-Krsna is not ordinary. Radha krsna-pranaya-vikrtir hladini sakti
- They're all thinking like that, "I am this body." They're asses. And the whole world is suffering by thinking like that: "I am American," "I am Indian," "I am Russian," "I am this," "I am that." That's all. We must know how to think
- This is Caitanya Mahaprabhu's teaching. Whoever is qualified in Krsna consciousness can become a guru. His family or material identity does not matter. He simply must know the science
- This is my mission, to educate people to understand himself. They are under this misconception that, "Every one of us, we are this body." That is misconception. You must know who is within the body. That is real education
- This is our false, I mean to say, idea, that "We shall die out of starvation if we do not make economic condition better." You do it, but you must know that food is already there
- This is the first step of spiritual understanding. That one must know that he's not this body. Actually anyone can understand. It is a very simple thing
- This soul-killing civilization is misleading us. We must know this, this very misleading civilization. Our real aim of life is to understand our spiritual identification and search out our relationship with God, Krsna. That is our real business
- This verse (SB 4.20.11) describes how one can become liberated from material bondage. The first point is that one must know that the soul is different from his body
- To become a brahmin means first of all, he must know what is Brahman and he must be actually situated in the activities of Brahman
- To spread the Krsna consciousness movement, devotees have to face many dangers and impediments all over the world, but a faithful servant who preaches with great devotion to the Lord must know that Lord Nrsimhadeva is always his protector
- To understand that Brahman, the Supreme, is conscious is not sufficient. One must know how He consciously acts through His different energies
- We are preaching. This is actually good for, that he must know what he is and what is the ultimate goal of life. This is required. Material preaching has no value. That is stated in the Caitanya-caritamrta, ei bhala ei manda, saba manodharma
- We cannot be happy. First of all we must know that. There is no question of happiness here. We are simply hankering
- We cannot either renounce or enjoy. Both are illegal. Simple thing is that we must know that as it is formulated here, that everything belongs to God, so everything should be engaged for the service of God. That is real knowledge
- We do not know when we shall die. But we must know we have committed so many sinful activities; therefore before death, we have to make the atonement
- We have a different peace formula. The real peace formula is that one must know that God is the proprietor of all this universe, including the United States of America
- We have already discussed this point, that we must know the responsibility of our next life. Just like a child is given education for the next life, to become youthful, to get into higher education, admission
- We have to purify. That purification means one must know that "I am not this body. I am spirit soul"
- We must also know that happiness, unbroken happiness exchanged with the Supreme Person, the Personality of Godhead as described in this verse (SB 2.7.47), transcends the impersonal conception of the Upanisads
- We must know conclusively that our material condition of suffering has been allotted to us by the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- We must know definitely that the Lord is present wherever such pure transcendental service is performed, and thus the performer of offenseless kirtanam has positive association with the Lord
- We must know for certain that the particular position in which we are now set up is an arrangement of the supreme will in terms of our own acts in the past
- We must know for certain that the qualities of the Lord have nothing to do with mundane qualities. All of them are full of bliss, knowledge and eternity
- We must know how to conquer the repetition of birth and death
- We must know that nobody can favor us unless it is sanctioned by the Supreme Person. We must always know. Not that because one is very, in a very superior position, he can favor me. No, he cannot favor you unless it is sanctioned by the Supreme
- We must know that the goal of our voyage is to reach the Absolute Truth, Visnu, the all-pervading Godhead. Sri Krsna confirms this goal of life by saying that everything must be performed for the satisfaction of Visnu, or Yajna
- We must know that the juice has already been taken out of that sugarcane. What will one get by chewing it? However, there are animals who are simply interested in chewing the chewed
- We must know that we are dependent. We are dependent on the laws of material nature, and the material nature is working under the direction of Krsna
- We must know that we have got little freedom, so we may not misuse it. That is determination. If you misuse it, that is not good determination
- We must know that we have to leave this body, and we must prepare for that. Unless we don't prepare for that, all of a sudden, if death comes, then our whole life is spoiled. That is the whole system
- We must know the nature of those temporary states of material happiness and distress. It would be sheer stupidity to ignore them, or to remain indifferent in matters concerning the spirit soul, around which the material body and mind exist
- We must know then for certain that there is a controller; that is the beginning of knowledge. Why should we deny this truth
- We must know thoroughly how Krsna is acting. That is all explained in the Bhagavad-gita. If we study Bhagavad-gita very carefully, as it is, we can understand
- We must know what is dharma and what is adharma. Simply rubberstamp, "I am Christian," "I am Hindu," "I am Muslim," "I am this . . ." like the tilaka and mala. No. You must know the science
- We must know what is God, whether actually we can put our faith and trust in Him, whether He is trustworthy, what is that God. This science should be introduced
- We must know what is God. We must remember always God. We must become a devotee of God. In that way we can save ourself from the anxiety
- We must know what is our constitutional position. That we do not know. We are sat, eternal; therefore we shall act in such a way that will benefit my eternal life
- We must know, however, that they are only passing as adherents of religion and are not so in fact. Unfortunately, bewildered persons accept them as religious, and being attracted to them, they spoil their life
- We must know, we must find out guru who knows sastra, the essence of sastra, Vedic, Vedas. What is the essence of Vedas? Vedanta. Vedanta means to know Krsna
- We should not die like cats and dogs. That is the difference. We may die. We must die. Nobody can escape death, but before death we must know what is self and self-realization
- We should not identify ourself with the body. We must know that, "I am different from the body. Somehow or other I have been encaged within this body." This is self-realization. It is very simple thing
- What is his religion? If you do not know what is God, a vague idea, that is not religion. You must know what is God. Just like to become American citizen, it requires to know something of the history of America
- What is religion. In the name of religion, so many things are going on, but the real religion is that we must know that our natural function is to render service to the Lord. That's all. That is real religion
- What is that final intelligence? That we must know. That is God. Just like the sun. If we think that beyond this sun there is no more planet, that is not correct. You cannot go beyond this sun
- What is the purpose of becoming religious? That you must know. That is intelligence. Simply don't be proud by saying that, "I am Christian," "I am Hindu," - I am Muslim
- When a man sees anything, he must know that his seeing is secondary and the Lord's seeing is primary. One cannot see anything without the Lord's having first seen it. That is the instruction of the Vedas and the Upanisads
- When a man's eyes, arms and thighs all quiver constantly, one must know that something is going to happen which is undesirable. These undesirables are compared to fire in a forest
- When a woman has got a child, produced a child, you must know that she had connection with a man, the purusa. So it is common sense
- When one is mature in knowledge of self, he must know what is the duty of the self. The impersonalist due to poor fund of knowledge, forgets of the self
- When so many rascal dharma is introduced, that is dharmasya glanih. So we must know this. Then we can understand what is the mission of Bhagavan
- When there are natural disturbances, we must know that there is some demonic principle. That is stated in the all vedic scriptures
- When you get a human form of body you must know that your food and shelter is already ordained. You don't require to try for this
- When you see light, you must know there is a source of light
- Whenever we'll find disturbance, you must know there is atheistic population. And peaceful country or a godly persons, they are never disturbing
- With so many imperfectness (commiting mistake, illusioned, cheat & imperfect senses), if we try to become a teacher, then I am a cheater. I am not a teacher. We must know first of all
- Without jnana, without willing, nothing is produced. So whenever you find something produced, you must know behind that production there is that will, the supreme will, the supreme knowledge
- Without knowing, following, that is absurd. You must know that this is the order of God. And if you follow that, then that is honesty
- Yes (Lord Jesus was in pure KC). He also taught about God. KC means God consciousness. So why Jesus? Anyone speaks . . . but one must know. There are degrees. Somebody knows to some extent, other knows to some extent
- You don't, you do not want, you want or not want, that is not the question. First of all you must know what is your real identity. You do not want and do want, that independence you have got always. That is a different thing
- You may be very expert swimmer, but simply swimming will not save you. You must know how to save
- You must know how to train. That knowledge is lacking, how to train. That we are giving, this Krsna consciousness movement
- You must know the particular work you are advised to act by the superintendent or the director, not that you can manufacture your duty. If you execute that duty, then you are dutiful. Otherwise, you are simply creating trouble, just like a monkey
- You must know the science of Krsna consciousness. That makes you guru, not this dress
- You must know what Vivekananda said, what is his ultimate goal of life. You must be intelligent. Now we are speaking of Krsna and the Supreme Person
- You must know, "Now, here is God. I must surrender." Eighteen chapters describe God and how to know God, and then Krsna proposes, "Surrender unto Me." Then Arjuna does it: "Yes." So without knowing God, how can you surrender to Him? It is not possible
- You said that your job is maya, but you must know that maya is illusion. As soon as there is absence of Krishna Consciousness - that is maya. But you are working just to help and push Krishna's interest; therefore, it is not maya