Category:Pages Needing Audio - SHARMISTHA
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- A bad man, even if he is so-called learned and scientist, he is also ferocious, demons. Bad man means who does not recognize the supremacy of God. Bad. Demon
- A big political leader, in the beginning he is interested with his family members, but sometimes he takes to national interest, for all members of the country or the society, community. And then there is fight between one community to another community
- A big science there is. Unfortunately there is no education for this science. Maybe in future they will take interest. As we are publishing the books and going to the universities and to the professors, there may be
- A bird is in the cage, and if you take care of the cage and don't take care of the bird within the cage . . . the bird is crying, "Give me food. Give me food," but you are taking care of the cage. This is foolishness
- A black snake. In Bengal it is said if a brahmin is black, he is dangerous
- A book purchased will remain, and once even one line is read, that will benefit the reader
- A brahmacari is forbidden to see even young girl. Even the spiritual master's wife is young . . . Adau mata guru-patni. There are seven mothers. So real mother, adau mata. Guru-patni, the spiritual master's wife, she is also mother
- A brahmacari is trained to refrain from sex life, celibacy. But if he is still not able, then he is allowed to accept grhastha life. There is no cheating, hypocrisy, that I proclaim myself as brahmacari or sannyasi, and I secretly do all nonsense
- A brahmacari is trained up in that way, that he may continue a brahmacari life. Naisthika-brahmacari. But if he's unable, then he's allowed to marry. That is called grhastha life, householder life
- A brahmana, well qualified, he must be a very learned scholar, pathana. And he must be able to make his disciple also very learned. Pathana pathana. He must worship the Deity, yajana yajana. And he should worship for others
- A brahmin is estimated the high-class man. Why? That is also materially estimation. But if he has no devotion to the Lord, then that is . . . that means he has no spiritual qualification
- A Brahmin was respected because his behavior was so nice. He was truthful, he was clean, he was man of knowledge, he was faithful in scriptures, and so many qualifications
- A child goes to capture a fire because his consciousness is not developed. But that does not mean the child has no consciousness
- A child of a Brahmin, a son of a Brahmin, was so powerful that he could curse a great king like Maharaja Pariksit that "You have insulted my father. So that snake will bite you within seven days, and you will die." This was the version
- A child talks all foolish things; nobody cares for it. But the same child, when he gets another body, if he talks foolish, then he will be called, "Oh, you are so fool, you are talking like this." Because the body has changed
- A child, a boy twelve years old, he cursed Pariksit Maharaja that "Within seven days you'll be bitten by a serpent," and it came to be true. So brahmana does not require any sword or any arrow to kill a man. His very word is sufficient
- A child, he knows that his body will be changed. Nobody will remain a baby. Nobody will remain a child. Nobody will remain a boy. Next life is awaiting. It is very simple philosophy. And then after this body, another body is waiting. That's a fact
- A composition which is even in broken language, if it is meant for glorifying the Supreme Lord, that is appreciated
- A cow was sacrificed in the fire, and by mantra, by chanting of the mantra, the cow will come out with a new body, young body. That was not killing
- A criminal, if you say: "In the beginning, how he became criminal," is that very intelligent question
- A devotee does not care for heavenly kingdom. A devotee cares a very fig in any planet within this material world
- A devotee does not care for mukti. Mukti . . . why they will care for mukti? As soon as he's a pure devotee, mukti is on his leg
- A devotee does not care for mukti. Mukti's not very important thing for them because, actually, one who is pure devotee, he's already mukta, liberated
- A devotee has nothing to fear. He is protected from the attack of enemies, from the attack of Yamadutas. How is that? There are many hundreds and thousands of instances - Prahlada Maharaja, Haridasa Thakura
- A devotee is not weak, but they think that, these devotees, they are weak. They cannot do any materialistic work. They cannot build skyscrapers. They cannot build a subtle machine. So they have taken to Krsna consciousness. They are chanting Hare Krsna
- A devotee knows that, Nobody can become my enemy unless Krsna desires. So why shall I think of him as my enemy? Krsna has desired him to act as my enemy just to correct me, to make me more advanced in spiritual life. Why shall I take any action upon him
- A devotee neither claims; neither it is possible. Even he may be very, very big devotee, he will never claim any credit for his glorious activities. His glorious activities means to make Krsna glorious
- A devotee never commits any sinful activities. They are so careful, so sober, and because they are protected by Krsna they never think of acting anything sinful. But sometimes it happens because this material world, sometimes we are prone to fall down
- A devotee never prays to Krsna. They have to undergo so much trouble; still they never pray to Krsna . . . jai. They know that, Krsna will give us ultimately protection. Let us do our duty
- A devotee of the Lord who is niskincana, who has nothing to do with this material world, who is simply interested in Krsna. If one has got the opportunity of touching his head to the dust of the lotus feet of such a great devotee, then it is possible
- A devotee should not desire anything except this, that "Let me live with the society of devotees and chant Hare Krsna maha-mantra." This is our life
- A devotee should not desire even for moksa. What is moksa? Moksa is very insignificant thing for a devotee
- A devotee thinks of Krsna because he develops love for Krsna. And as soon as we develop our love for Krsna, we must have to think of Krsna
- A devotee understands what is what and he does according to the direction of God. Therefore he is demigod
- A devotee who is actually intelligent, they should show the way how our intelligence can be utilized
- A devotee who is always in KC, for him there is nothing unknown. Just like we can give information of the whole creation - not only of this material world, of the spiritual world. Clear conception: where is where, what is what. Everything. That is KC
- A devotee's position is ajata-satru: he has no enemy. He has no enemy. Ajata-satru. Nirmatsara. Nirmatsara means because they are not envious. A devotee is always open to everyone
- A devotee's sinful activities is excused, and if he is repentant, then he is again elevated to his original position. That is the verdict of all sastras
- A devotee, an unflinching devotee, without any other desires, who is dedicated to the service of the Lord, he is sadhu
- A devotee, his business is that "Because I have got this material body and because I had my past misdeeds, although I am suffering, it does not matter. It comes and goes. It does not matter. Let me do my duty." That is advice of Krsna
- A devotee, if he is educated, he tries to apply his educational qualification in describing Krsna by so many literatures, so many publications. That is the proper use
- A diseased man is accustomed to eat bitter medicine, not very palatable, & so many things, passing stool & urine. As soon as they inform that after being cured there is also passing of stool & urine & eating, but that is palatable, he cannot understand
- A diseased man: he's lying down on the bed and eating there, passing stool there, passing urine there, and he cannot move, and very bitter medicine. So many inconvenience. He's lying down. So he's thinking of committing suicide
- A first-class man is by these qualities, samo damo titiksa. It is not by the fat salary. By the first-class qualities
- A frog lives within the well, he's calculating the length & breadth of Atlantic Ocean. How it is possible? We are the frogs in the well. We have got limited capacity to understand. Our senses are limited. We are thinking Krsna, or God, He is also limited
- A glossary and index to Sanskrit verses and a general index have been added for the convenience of scholars. This monumental work is immensely valuable alike to historians of religion, linguistic scholars, cultural anthropologists, pious devotees
- A guru is necessary for him, not for some asirvada, for curing some material disease or getting some gold. No. He has no necessity for guru. Guru is necessary for that person who is inquisitive about understanding Brahman. Jivasya tattva-jijnasa
- A householder, a gentleman or a person living with family, wife and children, his real aim is how to achieve the relationship, lost relationship, with the Supreme Personality of Godhead. His only aim is how to achieve that perfection
- A human being can become philosopher. But the, so long I'm in the bodily concept of life, I'm in the line of cats and dogs. So how we can become philosopher? There is no question of philosopher. But they're philosophizing, means bluffing
- A human being is called rational animal. If you come to the rationality, that is required. If you remain also another animal, another type of animal, that will not help you
- A human being should be considerate. Everyone has got religion. Either he is Hindu or Muslim or Christian, it doesn't matter, there must be discrimination between sinful activities and pious activities
- A human being should be given chance to understand the philosophy of life. And that is Vedas
- A human being should be inquisitive to know these things: Who I am? Wherefrom I have come? Where I have to go? Why I am put into this uncomfortable position
- A human being should realize the aim of human life. This direction is given in all the Vedic literature, and the essence is given in the Bhagavad-gita. Vedic literature are meant for the human being and not for the cats and dogs
- A human being, he should learn about the Bhagavata-dharma from the beginning of his kaumara age, not that keep it aside, "When I shall become old man, then I shall read the scriptures." No. Kaumara, from the boyhood. Kaumara acaret prajnah
- A human being, if he tries, if he consults books of knowledge just like Bible or Bhagavad-gita or similar other scriptures, he can know what is God, how great He is, how omnipotent He is, and what is our relationship with God
- A human being, there is law, because human being is intelligent. So you cannot kill any other human being. You cannot murder. Then you'll be hanged
- A hungry man is eating, he's getting strength, and his hunger is being satisfied. So he can understand himself. Nobody requires to certify. Similarly bhakti, Krsna consciousness, is so perfect that pratyaksa avagamam, one can understand directly
- A jnani knows, "So why shall I bother myself for these temporary designation?" That is jnani. He is jnani. He is man in knowledge
- A Krsna conscious person cannot sit idly. He thinks that "Such a nice philosophy of life, why it should not be distributed?" That is his mission
- A ksatriya may speak lies. That is allowed, because he has to be diplomat, politician. But a brahmin, oh, he's not allowed to speak lie. This is the system, caste system or varnasrama system
- A ksatriya never goes back from the promise, never refuses any challenge. If a ksatriya is challenged by somebody that, "I want to fight with you," oh, he cannot refuse
- A Ksatriya who alone can fight with another thousand Ksatriyas, he's called maha-ratha
- A Ksatriya who alone can fight with another thousand Ksatriyas, he's called maha-ratha. So it does not mean to become bhagavata means . . . to become devotee, one has to stop all other activities. No
- A ksatriya who is fighting for the real cause, as sanctioned by the dharma-sastras, then both ways he's profited. If he becomes victorious, he's profited, but if he's killed in the battle, he's also profited
- A Ksatriya will never beg, "Give me, sir, without . . ." No. If they can own by fighting, then they will claim. This is Ksatriya spirit
- A lot of migratory fish and crabs, for example, are no longer migrating to their traditional breeding grounds. So our work, our approach, is to attempt first to understand what has happened
- A machine, there is electronics working very wonderfully. But behind that electronic work, there is a great scientist who is pushing the button. It is very simple to understand
- A man in knowledge, he never commits any mistake lawfully. So he is not a member or subjected to be punished in the prison house, because he has got full knowledge of the law
- A man is dead, his relative is crying. He says he's gone. He's still seeing. The body is there. That means he has never studied who is his relative. Then at least, he must know after death that the body is not my relative. Something else beyond this body
- A man is to be understood in knowledge when he is giving, I mean to say, importance to the spiritual side. He is called jnani. Otherwise they are fools
- A man that is very beautiful, he is also powerful, or a woman is beautiful, she is powerful - she attracts so many. In this way, when all the six opulences are together in fullness, he is God
- A man without brain, so-called education, is just like a jewel on the head of a serpent
- A man, if he is thrown into the ocean, he may be very expert swimmer, but simply by swimming over the ocean, he cannot be happy there, because he is put in a different condition of life
- A master can control maya, but we are not master; we are servant. How we can control maya? It is impossible. But if you become servant of Krsna, maya will not touch you. That's all
- A needy person has desire. But a man who is full, why he shall be desire
- A patient who is suffering for, suppose from birth, he cannot understand that there is activities after being cured of this disease. He cannot understand. He thinks activity means lying down on the bed and drinking all bitter medicine and pass stool
- A patient, since his birth he is sick, lying in the hospital, cannot walk or cannot eat nice things. All bitter medicine, injection, always suffering. If he is informed that, "After your cure, you shall be able to eat nice rasagulla," he cannot believe
- A person born in brahmana family is not acting as a brahmana, he's varna-sankara. So when there are number of people varna-sankara class, then the whole society becomes hell
- A person coming out from the lowest grade of human society, sva-paca, candala, if he's a Vaisnava, he can become guru. This is the verdict of the sastra
- A person in devotional service, even though born of a very low family who are eating dogs’ flesh, he is better than a qualified brahmin who is not a devotee of the Lord
- A person in knowledge should be in, I mean to say, happiness. That is a sign of knowledge. So one who is in knowledge, he is not disturbed
- A person is required, who will apply his brain. So how is that, that without brain the whole cosmic manifestation, it is controlled? That is not very reasonable
- A person like Rupa Gosvami, why he will waste time talking with a nonsense? No. Actually, teaching is for the student, not for outsiders. Student means who has surrendered. Otherwise, what is the use of wasting time? There is no use
- A person so dedicated, so nice, but he followed the wrong path
- A person who is always absorbed in thought of Krsna within himself, he is greater than all such big, big yogis. Greater than the greatest yogi
- A philosopher is not a philosopher if he does not agree with other . . . if he does not agree other philosophers. So in this way, you are perplexed. Therefore it is advised, we should accept the authority, and then we shall be benefited
- A pious man lives long. Impious man dies very soon. Even one who is pure devotee, he can prolong his duration of life more than what is destined for him
- A preacher has to see 4 classes of men, or 3. First of all isvara, the Supreme Person. Then tad-adhinesu, those who have taken shelter of isvara. Balisesu, means those who have no sufficient knowledge. And dvisatsu, a class of men who are envious of God
- A prisoner, criminal, is living in the prison house since a long time, and if you raise this question, "In the beginning, how he became a criminal," is that very intelligent question
- A pure devotee, who is constantly engaged in devotional service, maya cannot touch him. He's already liberated
- A rich man's son, he has forgotten that his father is very rich, or his father has left immense property. But forgetting his real position, he's loitering in the street, hungry. You can call him, "All right, you take some food." That is not real benefit
- A secret mantra we don't approve. It must be very open. There is no secret. The sastra never says that mantra can be secret
- A set of rascals, going on in the name of religion. But, how long they can cheat others? So you can cheat all for some time, and you can cheat some for all time, but not all for all time
- A sixteen-year-old boy can go safely all over the world, but a sixteen-year girl cannot. That is not possible. By nature, they are weak. So they require protection
- A small child, you let him be free, he will catch up sometimes this, catch up sometimes that, catch up sometimes that. He does not know what is his real interest
- A spiritual master means he does not place anything which is not in the scriptures. Similarly, sadhu, saintly person, also does not say anything which is not mentioned in the scriptures. He does not manufacture anything by mental concoction
- A sudra means one who is simply to satisfy the master. He cannot live independently. He must seek out
- A sudra, actually those who are by qualification sudra . . . sudra means lamentation, simply changing. They accept something, and then they find it's useless, and they lament. The so-called scientists, philosophers, they're all sudras
- A Vaisnava does not desire even liberation, what to speak of dhanam, janam, rupavati bharya. That is real Vaisnava. He wants simply Krsna, to serve Him. That's . . . anyabhilasita . . . So that happiness is perfect happiness. That is real santi
- A Vaisnava is not disturbed. They simply reserve the prerogative to become a devotee. Never mind - next life. Hundreds of lives there may be. Caitanya Mahaprabhu says, mama janmani janmanisvare bhavatad bhaktir ahaituki tvayi
- A Vaisnava is not only thinking of the community or society or family, he is thinking of all living entities. That is Vaisnava. Lokanam hita-karinau, all planets
- A Vaisnava is para-duhkha-duhkhi. He knows what is the real suffering of humanity
- A Vaisnava, because he is Krsna conscious, he knows what is real suffering, because he understands from Krsna
- A very nice example: just like Jesus Christ. So what was his fault? But the sura-dvisam, the envious person, killed him. And if we find, if we analyze, what is the fault of Jesus Christ, there is no fault. The only fault he was preaching about God
- A very nice thing is there," mahan gunah, "very great opportunity, great boon. Simply by chanting this Hare Krsna mantra, one can become freed from all contamination, and he'll be eligible to be promoted to the spiritual param
- A woman can be better Krsna consciousness, because they are very simple. They can accept any religious system. Generally the women, they accept it, because they are very simple. They have no crooked mind
- A woman's duty is not to give up her husband, even he is not of good character or if he is unfortunate, if he is old or if he is diseased. Still, husband is worshiped by the wife
- A young boy sees another young man or a young man sees another young girl - natural sex appetite, natural. But one who can control that, that is dhirah. That is dhirah. Dhiras tatra na muhyati. That is yoga practice
- Abhimanyu, Arjuna's son, he went to fight in the battle. He was so great warrior. So seven big men required to kill him: Bhisma, Drona, Karna, Duryodhana, like that, all combined together. So there is no mercy
- About 40 years before, Sripada Bon Maharaj, guided by our senior old Tirtha Maharaj were sent to London, and perhaps Gaudiya Mission was established at that time
- Absolute cannot be zero or impersonal, because controller, controller must have brain. Without brain, how he can control
- Absolute Truth is Radha-Krsna, the same purusa and prakrti. But Radharani is the servitor, serving. Radharani is so expert that She always attracts Krsna by Her service. This is Radharani's position
- Absolute Truth, it cannot be two; but there are different phases of understanding the Absolute Truth. Therefore here it is plural number, tattvanam. Tattva is one
- Acarya means one who knows the regulative principle or direction in the sastra. He practically behaves in terms of the sastra regulative principle and teaches his student also in the same way
- Acarya-upasana is very essential. In all the Vedic sastras the injunction is that. Anyone who is inquisitive to understand higher truths, he must surrender to guru
- Acaryas means great teachers, bona fide teachers - perhaps you have heard their name - just like Ramanujacarya, Madhvacarya, Nimbarka, Visnu Svami, Lord Caitanya
- Acaryopasana. Krsna says. That is the way of knowledge
- Acaryopasana. We have to worship the acaryas. That is recommended in the Bhagavad-gita for making progress in spiritual life
- Acaryopasanam (BG 13.8). You have to first of all worship the acarya. Tad-vijnanartham sa gurum evabhigacchet (MU 1.2.12). Guru and acarya, the same thing. So these are the process
- Acaryopasanam is there. And still in India the acarya's parampara system existing, sampradaya. Ramanuja-sampradaya, Madhvacarya-sampradaya, Nimbarka, going on
- Acaryopasanam, accepting spiritual master, this is also one of the items, twenty items, for advancing in knowledge
- Acaryopasanam, in the Bhagavad-gita it is recommended. We have to go to the acaryas. Acaryavan puruso veda: One who has accepted acarya in the disciplic succession, he knows the things
- Acaryopasanam. Acarya-upasana. Not only worshiping the Lord, but also the acarya. Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, guru-krsna-krpaya paya bhakti-lata-bija (CC Madhya 19.151). Guru, acarya and Krsna. One should seek favor of both of them
- Acaryopasanam. If you want to advance in knowledge, then you must worship the acaryas. Otherwise, what knowledge you will get
- Acaryopasanam. In the Bhagavad-gita: "One should worship acarya." This is the beginning of spiritual life
- Acaryopasanam. Krsna is personally acting as acarya. He's coming again as acarya, Caitanya has got so many representatives acarya: Ramanujacarya, Madhvacarya, Nimbarka, Visnu Svami, so many acaryas. Evam parampara-praptam. So take lesson from the acaryas
- Acaryopasanam. Mahajano yena gatah sa panthah (CC Madhya 17.186). If we follow the footprints of the acaryas, then we find there is no distinction between Vedanta and Bhagavad-gita
- Acaryopasanam. That is required. But these yogis, jnanis, karmis, they have no acarya. They are self-made
- Acaryopasanam. The Sankaracarya even, although he is impersonalist, he has accepted Krsna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and what to speak of others
- Acaryopasanam. This is the recommendation of Vedic knowledge: one should worship the acarya. So Sanatana Gosvami was made acarya. Haridasa Thakura was made acarya. Acarya means one who knows the meaning of sastra
- Acaryopasanam. You have to approach an acarya. That is the way of learning transcendental knowledge in all Vedic scriptures
- Acaryopasanam: we have to understand through the acaryas. That is our process. That is recommended in the Bhagavad-gita, evam parampara-praptam imam rajarsayo viduh
- Acceptance of tapasya means that tapasya is itself Krsna. You associate with Krsna. When you voluntarily give up meat-eating or intoxication, this giving up, this process, is Krsna
- Accepting that the soul is immortal and it never dies, still, if some relative dies, we feel pain. Is it not a fact
- According to astronomical calculation, the planets and the universe, they can increase. So the Absolute Truth, that is eternally increasing. There is no comparison of Brahman's increasement and magnitude. Sanatana: and that is also eternal
- According to astronomical calculations. Therefore we, we follow the astrology according to the constellation. The child born, everything has connection, the constellation of the star has influence on the child
- According to Ayurvedic medical science this body is working under three elements: kapha, pitta, vayu. Therefore it is called tri-dhatu. So the whole world is going on on this concept of life
- According to Ayurvedic medicine system, this body is made of tri-dhatu: tejo-vari-mrd. That is also stated in the Bhagavata, tejo-vari-mrd. That means heat, water and earth
- According to Bhagavad-gita, the existence of soul is accepted in the Vedic literature. Just like after Lord Buddha, Sankaracarya, Sankaracarya came. He gave hint about the spiritual nature of the soul, and he said, brahma satyam jagan mithya
- According to Canakya Pandita's Niti, it is said that the boys, the children, should be given complete freedom to do anything he likes up to five years; not more than that
- According to Canakya Pandita, the fight between husband and wife should not be taken very seriously. Let them fight for some time; they will stop automatically
- According to our calculations, they (spaceships) have not gone. It is false propaganda. They cannot go
- According to our proportion, we are to minimize. Then you do. So our Society, therefore, minimizes. Not stops - minimizes. Just like we say no illicit sex. We don't say no sex
- According to our sastra the planets are held on the hood of Ananta. He is carrying. But they say they are staying on account of law of gravitation
- According to our Vedic information, from the very beginning the one person, one living creature, was Brahma, the most intelligent person. Not that he developed from monkey. The intelligence is coming from the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- According to our Vedic information, the sky which you are seeing, this is the sky of one of the universes. And there are millions of universes. We get this information from Vedic literature, Brahma-samhita: yasya prabha prabhavato jagad-anda-koti
- According to our Vedic information, this is only one universe, which is within our vision, this sky, the dome. That is one universe. The other universes are outside this universe. That is the Vedic information
- According to seasonal changes you'll get fruits, flowers and drugs and everything. During Maharaja Yudhisthira's time all these things were being supplied by nature because Maharaja Yudhisthira was Krsna conscious
- According to the anthropologists, there is nature's law of struggle for existence and survival of the fittest. But they do not know that behind the law of nature there is the supreme direction of the Supreme Lord Personality of Godhead
- According to the body, our occupational duties change. But real occupational duty is of the soul. When you come to that platform - the occupational duty of the soul - that is the highest class of religion
- According to the capacity of understanding, in every civilized human society there is a system called religion. It may be Hindu, Christian or Buddha religion - these are major religious systems - but the aim is to make a solution of the problems of life
- According to the modern anthropologists, they say that ten thousand years ago there was no human being. These are the not the Vedic version
- According to the seasonal changes the ice become melted and the water is supplied. It comes through the river. The same thing is there, but because we have turned to become demons, the river sometimes overflood, killing so many men & animal, at the loss
- According to the Vedic literature, dharma is not a kind of faith. Faith can be changed, but dharma cannot be changed
- According to the Vedic literature, the foremost occupational duty for humanity in this age of Kali is nama-sankirtana, or congregational chanting of the holy name of the Lord. The incarnation for this age especially preaches this process
- According to the Western Darwin's theory, they do not give any nice description of the varieties. But the varieties of living entities are there before creation. They become manifest in next creation
- According to this varnasrama, there must be training. Some classes of men must be trained as nice brahmins. Some people must be trained as nice ksatriyas. Some people must be trained as nice vaisyas
- According to time, according to place, according to the audience, they (who comes as representative of God) may speak, speak something which is, which may be different from the Vedic conclusion, but they are accepted as powerful incarnation
- According to Vedic civilization you cannot mix with any other woman except your wife. That is not allowed
- According to Vedic civilization, a pot in which wine was kept, it is impure forever. It is impure forever. You cannot use for any other purpose, it is so abominable
- According to Vedic civilization, all knowledge is received from the Vedas, perfect authorized source. Sruti-pramana, evidence from the sruti, from the Vedas, that is perfect
- According to Vedic civilization, any person, he may be very big man, but if he does not know beyond his body, then he is no better than animal. This is Vedic version
- According to Vedic civilization, anyone who is thinking, "I am this body," and doing accordingly - for the bodily pleasure he is working so hard - so that is not knowledge
- According to Vedic civilization, nobody can mix with other's wife or other woman. Even in moral principle, as Canakya Pandita said, matrvat para-daresu: All women should be treated just like mother
- According to Vedic civilization, the progressive march towards perfection of life is to realize one's relationship with Krsna, or God
- According to Vedic communism, in your house if there is a lizard, if there is an insect, if there is a rat, if there is snake, you have to see that everyone has got his food. That is Krsna consciousness
- According to Vedic culture, one has to judge by the result. Not by if you simply talk nonsense, one has to accept
- According to Vedic culture, the higher class, in every home there is narayana-sila for worship, especially of the brahmins
- According to Vedic information, the original person is Lord Brahma. When there was creation, the first created being was Lord Brahma. Then from Brahma, all other living entities expanded. This is the creation understanding
- According to Vedic information, there are fourteen different spheres of planetary system: seven down and seven up. So we are in the middle. This is called Bhurloka
- According to Vedic literature, we understand in the sun planet also there are varieties of living entities, but their bodies are made of fire. As our body is made of earth, similarly, their bodies are made of fire
- According to Vedic principle, everyone has some authorized duty. The classification is brahmin, ksatriya, vaisya, sudra. They are followers of the enjoined duties. Others, they are called pancama; they are out of this core
- According to Vedic principles, sex life cannot be performed without a married life that is sanctioned by religion. Therefore in human society there is system of marriage
- According to Vedic principles, there are three different types of evidences. Everything must be proved by evidence. So these are primarily three evidences. Pratyaksa, direct perception. Pratyaksa, anumana and sruti
- According to Vedic system, one takes sannyasa at the fag end of life, just like I have taken. While I was going to die, I took sannyasa. Something is better than nothing. Now you have taken sannyasa in prime youthful life. You are all far better than me
- According to Vedic system, there are seven mothers. And cow is accepted one of them. Because she gives milk, and we take her milk, therefore she's our mother. So this is our philosophy
- According to Vedic system, there are three kinds of evidences: direct, and . . . pratyaksa . . . pratyaksa means direct. And then aitihya and then sruti. Sruti. Sruti means hearing from the authority
- According to Viraraghava Acarya, candalas, or conditioned souls who are born in lower than sudra families, can also be initiated according to circumstances. The formalities may be slightly changed here and there to make them Vaisnavas
- According to Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura, simply calling the name of his son was not sufficient. He remembered Narayana. But according to sastra, the holy name of the Lord, if one chants even neglectfully, he also gets the chance of being liberated
- According to Vyasadeva, dharma artha kama moksa, that is not very essential thing. Real thing is how to advance in the science of loving God, Krsna
- According to your body, your eating problem, your sleeping problem, your sense gratification problem and defending problem are already settled. That is the verdict of the sastra
- Accusing others. You cannot become happy in that way, then he will be accuse, "He is the cause. He is the impediment of my perfect happiness." Envious, the same enviousness
- Actual fact is there is no love in this material world. That is false propaganda. What they call "love" here is lust only, desire for personal sense-gratification
- Actual philosophy is this: the religion means surrender to Krsna. Anything else which does not surrender to Krsna, that is not religion. That is rejected in the Srimad-Bhagavatam, dharmah projjhita-kaitavo (SB 1.1.2): all cheating religion is rejected
- Actually brahmacari, the guru also, they were living in the forest, and brahmacari used to go that guru-grha. So the deerskin in the forest is very essential
- Actually he's self-realized who is working for the Lord, from satam
- Actually I am not this body. That is a fact. You analyze your body. From every point of view
- Actually it is not your land; it is God's land. The land was there before you came here, and still there. And maybe after some hundred years or so you may vacate, and somebody may come. This is going on
- Actually Krsna has no enemy. Here it is said, na yasya kascid dayitah. Dayitah means favor. Nobody is favored. Na yasya kascid dayito 'sti karhicid dvesyas. And nobody is His enemy
- Actually the food price is increasing daily. Nobody knows where it will end. This is called . . . even people will not get alms. Alms, to beg from door to door and live on alms and begging, this will not be possible. Nobody will give alms
- Actually the human effort cannot trace out the history of Krsna consciousness, but taking consideration of the present history, it is at least as old as five thousand years
- Actually the land is there. It belongs to God, and we are claiming, "This is my land," "This is my land," and therefore there is struggle, there is war, there are animosity and so on
- Actually the sum and substance is those who are impersonalist, they are envious. Impersonalists are on the spiritual platform, but because they are envious of the Person, they fall down to the material world
- Actually there is breadth and length, but we cannot measure it. Similarly, the magnitude of the spirit soul is smaller than the point. We cannot measure it with our material measuring instruments
- Actually there is no goodness, because here people dress like in the platform of goodness, but thinking just like animals. That kind of goodness has no value
- Actually we accept cow dung as pure to purify any place. Out of panca-gavya the cow dung is there, cow urine is there
- Actually we are busy with something which is not permanent - a temporary arrangement by the laws of nature. Therefore those who are too much full of anxiety for all these things, they are called demons
- Actually we are claiming that "This is mine," but you have no right to claim it. You're dependent
- Actually we are engaged in human society for economic development, for advancement of so many things - actually, for eating, sleeping, mating and defending. Whatever we do, these four things are there
- Actually we are understanding about the sun not by our direct eyes but through the authoritative knowledge, through the sastra, through the books. Sruti-pramanam. That is evidence
- Actually we have given up the real problem to understand what is Brahman, what is soul. We are entrapped, involved in so many problems of so-called eating, sleeping, mating and defense. So this kind of civilization is not very correct
- Actually we see that we are conditioned, and there is no possibility to trace out the history. Many, many Brahma's life . . . not only one Brahma's; there are so many Brahmas changed, and we are conditioned. Therefore we are called eternally conditioned
- Actually we should not increase our foolishness. Human life is meant for utilizing our intelligence. That is human life. Instead of utilizing intelligence, if we increase our foolishness, that's the wrong type of civilization
- Actually, at the present age, nobody is interested in spiritual subject matter. Nobody is interested. So nobody is coming to surrender to you. Therefore you have to canvass, "Please surrender. Please surrender." This is our position
- Actually, if one is self-realized, he is no more fearful or concerned with the bodily necessities of life. That is liberation
- Actually, in this material world we are all suffering. Duhkhalayam asasvatam (BG 8.15). You cannot make it a happy place. That is not possible. Krsna says, who has created this material world, He says, duhkhalayam asasvatam
- Actually, one should not explain Bhagavad-gita or any Vedic sastra unless one has agreed to become a disciple. But devotees are so kind that they preach even amongst the nondisciples just to take them to Krsna consciousness
- Actually, rice is not producing the scorpion; it is coming out under some chemical fermentation process
- Actually, self is beyond this body, beyond this mind, beyond this intelligence. That is the position. Those who are grossly on the bodily concept of self-realization, they are materialist
- Actually, that is the fact. We are not independent. We are dependent on God in so many things. God has engaged the servant, the sun-god. He's also demigod. He is working under the order of the Supreme Lord
- Actually, the sacrificer, the ingredients, just like grains, and gee is being offered in the fire. So, the fire is also Brahma, the ingredients are also Brahma, the person who is offering ingredients, he is also Brahma. But in different categories
- Actually, they are rascals. They do not know the value of life and the real problem of life. Simply like animals they are eating, sleeping, having sex life and dying. That's all
- Actually, to understand Krsna is not easy job. Krsna says, manusyanam sahasresu kascid yatati siddhaye (BG 7.3): "Out of millions." But Caitanya Mahaprabhu's mercy, we are trying to understand little, little. Otherwise, it is very difficult to understand
- Actually, we are engaged in Krsna's service. We are dressing Krsna directly. We are offering flower, Krsna. Krsna has kindly accepted the arca-murti incarnation to be handled by me
- Acyuta means the Supreme Lord who never falls
- Adahyo 'yam. This is the nature of the soul, adahya. Asosyo 'yam, asosyo 'yam. The. . . that is the distinction between the soul and the matter
- Adanta-gobhir visatam tamisram. If your senses are not controlled, then your senses will drag you to the darkest region of hell. That is another problem
- Adhah means where aksaja, the direct perception of material senses, is cut down. There is no possibility. He is called adhoksaja. Therefore, Krsna's another name is Adhoksaja: beyond the sense perception knowledge
- Adhama means lowest of the mankind; patita means fallen. If one does not understand his real interest, he is called fallen
- Adhoksaja - you cannot perceive God by any other senses. You cannot see God, you cannot smell God, you cannot touch God, you cannot taste God - but you can hear. That is a fact
- Adhoksaja means beyond our sense perception. Therefore we have to know Krsna from Krsna, not by our speculation. Krsna may . . . that is frog philosophy. Frog philosophy. He's simply calculating with reference to his teeny well, three feet
- Adhoksaja, God, cannot be seen by your these blunt senses, but when you develop pure senses, sarvopadhi-vinirmuktam tat-paratvena nirmalam (CC Madhya 19.170). When our senses are nirmalam, without any designation, you can see God
- Advaita Acarya is the typical example how to become acarya. All are our acaryas: sri-krsna-caitanya prabhu-nityananda, sri-advaita gadadhara srivasadi-gaura-bhakta-vrnda. All of them are acaryas because they are following Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Advaitam acyutam anadim ananta-rupam adyam. He's the original. Purana, the oldest. Then why Krsna does not look like old man? Just like in some other religious sect they present God as very old man. But Krsna is, nava-yauvanam ca, just like a young man
- Advancement in self-realization means purification from material contamination. That is real advancement. This is practical
- Advancement of material education means advancement of the snares of the illusory energy of Krsna. Mayara vaibhava
- Advaya-jnana, no duality. Everything is one, absolute. Krsna is absolute, Krsna's instruction is also absolute, Krsna's pastimes absolute. Everything. That is Absolute Truth. There is no difference
- Advertise cigarettes, just to pull them down again, go to hell. Punar musiko bhava. They do not know what dangerous civilization this is dragging them
- After all, anyone who is coming to Krsna consciousness, man or woman, boys or girls, they are welcome. They are very fortunate
- After anartha-nivrtti, one is firmly fixed up in devotional service. And if the anarthas are disturbing him, then he's not fixed up. He'll fall down
- After being cured of this material disease, when one is healthy . . . that healthy activities are the devotional activities. Therefore Krsna says, mam ca avyabhicarini yogena yah sevate. Sevate means there is activities
- After day, there is night; after night, there is day. As these, these are cycles one after another, similarly, we are changing body one after another. And natural conclusion is that after changing this body I'll get another body
- After death you have to change the body. As you are changing from childhood to boyhood, boyhood to youthhood, similarly this old body, when it is no more usable, that means death
- After death, he sees, "Yes. The body is not my son. The body is not my husband." So that is foolishness. The foolish person understands late, and intelligent person understands very quickly. That is the difference
- After death, my mind and intelligence carry me to another separate body according to my thinking at the time of death. So false ego. This false ego is that "I am something of material product." This is called false ego
- After finishing this body there is nothing. This is ignorance. Actually that is not the fact. The fact is, tatha dehantara-praptir (BG 2.13): after death, after finishing this body, you get another body
- After going to see the doll exhibits people can sit there comfortably, take, you know, rest on the bench. And it can be seen from outside
- After he became devotee, he was expressing his experience, that "Since I have taken to Krsna consciousness and I am enjoying the ecstatic love for Krsna, whenever I think of sex with woman, I spit on it." This is the result
- After instructing Arjuna, Krsna will ask him, "Now what you want to do?" Because Krsna does not force. Krsna says that, "You surrender unto Me." He does not force that, "You must surrender. I am God. You are My part and parcel." No, He'll never say that
- After seeing the visvarupa Arjuna was afraid. He was in friendly relationship with Krsna, and when he saw His visvarupa, he became too much perturbed in his mind
- After sitting in a secluded place, in a sanctified place, and according to the sitting arrangement, with tiger skin or deer skin and straw, as it is recommended, then one should sit down there. He should not change his asana, sitting place
- After taking sannyasa there is no other business than to take shelter of Krsna's lotus feet
- After the last great war the existing body of the present United Nations was formed, but what real benefit there has been to be mentioned of for the worldly people. The ISKCON movement has got together all nations in the world & spreading Krishna's name
- Again "to be." Again, at the end of this month, again "to be." Again "will be." Say "We have no money." That's all. Why do you say indirectly? "It will be." So many managers and so many discrepancies
- Aghavan means sinful. Agha means sin, and van means . . . just like bhagavan. Bhagavan means one who has bhaga, or opulence, or fortune. That is called bhagavat. And just the opposite is called aghavan
- Aham brahmasmi, "I am Brahman. I am not this matter." This is perfection. A man who has made sufficient progress to this realization is more perfect - this is the way of perfection
- Aim is toward Krsna. That is very nice example. It is very ordinary. Everyone will understand it
- Ajamila is described as fool, rascal, and without sufficient knowledge. Why? Because he's attached to the child, and he does not know that death is coming now. Death is there. This is our position
- Ajamila lived for more than eighty-eight years, but what is the use of prolonged life? Aghayuh. Just like trees, they are standing for thousands of years
- Ajamila was attached to his son, so naturally he wanted to call somebody to save him, so he called his affectionate son, whose name was Narayana. This is the opportunity
- Ajamila was engaged in maintaining the family. Everyone is engaged like that. Cats and dogs also do that. It is not very extraordinary thing. Sometimes they say, "It is my duty." Yes, it is duty, but the prime duty is to solve the real problems
- Ajamila was very much attached to the youngest son, whose name was Narayana. So, unconsciously he was chanting the holy name of Narayana, although he never meant that he's calling real Narayana. He's asking his son
- Ajamila's example is given, how he was downtrodden and fallen. Still, by the grace of Narayana, he was elevated, that is history, which is, Suta Gosvami is citing, how Krsna consciousness is powerful. That is the motive of narrating Ajamila udha
- Ajamila, although he's a cheat, he has learned all the bad quality, but still the sneha, the affection, that is not lost. So this is natural. Similarly, we have got a natural feeling for Krsna. If you study thoroughly, that is called meditation
- Ajamila, he practiced this unfair way of livelihood. Bandy-aksaih kaitavais cauryair garhitam vrttim asthitah (SB 6.1.22). So vrtti means livelihood. If one adopts abominable livelihood, there is no, I mean to say, hope of spiritual advancement
- Ajna means one who has no sufficient knowledge. He is called ajna. And mudha means ass, rascal
- Akhilam jagat means the whole cosmic manifestation is a display of the multi-energies of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. So because He is fully energetic, therefore He is attractive and cause of all causes
- Akledyo 'yam asosya 'yam: by the reaction of the five elements, earth, water, fire, air, that is not applicable in the soul. So if they're not applicable to the soul, which is minute particle of the Supreme Soul, how it is applicable to the Supreme Soul
- Aksa means eyes or senses. So He is not perceived by these blunt material senses. Therefore He is known as Adhoksaja, adhah-krta aksaja-jnanam yatra, where this direct experimental knowledge is defeated
- Akuto-bhayah means "without any fear." You can keep yourself in Krsna consciousness as it is prescribed. Then your life is secure, akuto-bhayah. Therefore no more fear
- All debauch. Because they're getting good fat salary. What they'll do? They do not know how to use it. Wine, woman, restaurant, dance - finish
- All foolish talking or foolish literature, it has no value. So it has to be controlled. That is called controlling the vaco vegam
- All four hundred pages, like this. We don't publish a book less than this volume. So just imagine how much we have to learn about our spiritual life. In no other religious system you may call, or cultural system - can give you so many books to read
- All living entity, anyone who has come into this material world, under different body or different dress they are suffering in this material world. Therefore the sastra is meant for the human being so that he can understand his awkward position
- All of the devotees all over the world are simply praying now. They have been placed into great transcendental anxiety, Srila Prabhupada. They are simply praying for your recovery. Do you think that this powder has been successful
- All of you who have come to Krsna consciousness movement, that is our request, that you, all of you, become guru but don't speak nonsense. That is request. Simply speak what Krsna has said. Then you become brahmana, you'll be guru, and everything
- All our disciples in Europe, America, they were habituated to so many bad habits, and because they are chanting, they are now cleansed. So it is small-scale. If you propagate it large-scale, everyone will be cleansed
- All our members, the members of the Krsna consciousness Society, should be ideal. At least people may see that "Here is a class of men - ideal character, ideal behavior, spiritual advanced, and very frugal and very nice." That is
- All over the world people are chanting Hare Krsna maha-mantra. And practically we see, those who are chanting, they're becoming free from the contamination
- All rascals should be challenged vigorously. They are misleading the whole population, and blaspheming the Indian spiritual culture. People are depending so much on this culture for their upliftment, and they are blackmailing for money’s sake
- All rascals. They do not understand even one line. If they study only one line, they'll be able to bring a great transforming
- All raw materials was being taken away, and this necessities of India, especially cloth, was being supplied. And the local weavers, their hands cut off. So many thing
- All serious, thoughtful men should take it that Krsna consciousness movement is very, very essential in this world
- All the bhaktas who have basically accepted that "God is great; I am small, very small particle. Therefore, as the small serves the great, my real duty is to serve God," this is liberation
- All the big Vaisnavas, those who are representatives of Krsna, they are called thakura
- All the big, big devotees we see. Narada Muni, before becoming Narada Muni, he had to pass through severe examination, test. So that chance is there in the human form of life, to pass the examination, test
- All the commanders there in the battlefield of Kuruksetra were maha-ratha. They are described in the Bhagavad-gita. Especially Bhisma and Karna, Dronacarya, they were very, very great commanders. Still, Arjuna could kill them by the grace of Krsna
- All the inhabitants of Vrndavana, they love Krsna, and they do not know anything except Krsna. This is Vrndavana life
- All the living entities who are in this material world, they have rebelled. They have refused to give service. And they are all put into this material world. And in this material world there are different varieties of living entities
- All the planets, they are of different atmosphere, and each and every planet there are varieties of living entities. So even if you divide so many thousands and hundreds, still, 8,000,000. This is God's creation
- All the professors from foreign countries, they were instructed to learn Bengali language, local language. That was the system
- All the rasas in relationship with Krsna is perfect. But according to different devotees' taste. Everyone says: My relationship with Krsna is the best
- All the rules & regulation that are there, it may be painful, but we cannot give it up. We have to learn how to tolerate. Therefore Krsna advises, tams titiksasva bharata: My dear Arjuna, the good descendant of Bharata Maharaja, you try to tolerate this
- All the scriptures they are advising you to search out your real father. To search out your real father then you will be happy. Don't try to be happy by this false dress and false father, false platform. No
- All the state laws are applicable to the human being, not to the animals. Because if an animal goes to the wrong path or if an animal takes away something from your possession, he is not punished, neither anybody goes to complain in the police court
- All the Vaisnavas, they are expert. Just like Rupa, Sanatana, expert managment, even in worldly affairs. Not that "I am so much big devotee that I cannot manage worldly affairs." Expert. Must be expert
- All the varieties of life, they are under the control of the material nature, and therefore you see varieties of life
- All the verdict of the sastra is the same. It is simply our misfortune that we do not understand the verdict of the sastra
- All these Darwin's theory, chemical evolution, simply they are basing that from matter life has come
- All these GBC members, they must be well expert in explaining; otherwise what is the use of this writing, taking so much labor, books? They should go, preach, understand. And when there is difficulty, I am present
- All these living entities born in this material world in different forms of life, abodha jata, all rascals. All rascals. We can prove they're all rascal. Nobody is intelligent. As soon as he'll become intelligent, krsna ye bhaje seva-ucate se bada catura
- All these living entity, they are never created; neither they ever die. Nityah sasvatam na hanyate hanyamane sarire (BG 2.20). They are eternal, ever existing
- All these queens are spiritual. All the gopis, they are spiritual. Ananda-cinmaya-rasa-pratibhavitabhis (Bs 5.37): and they are all made of ananda-cinmaya-rasa
- All these so-called nationality, big, big nations, big, big races, caste and so on, so on, what is their position? The position is that all of them are animals. That's all. This is the verdict of the sastra
- All these young boys, they were Christians and they are attracted, attached to Swami, and they are so nice. They can appreciate that their character and their behavior, everything is so godly. They are astonished
- Alone in this world I am struggling, and the so-called intelligent persons, they will not come. They have business. Why? If it is actually beneficial to the human society, why I should alone try
- Alpa-buddhayah: less intelligent. They are simply busy with these bodily necessities of life. There is no education of the real living force
- Alpa-medhasam & su-medhasam, they are two words in the Vedic language. Medha means brain substance. One who has got su-medhasa, nice brain substance, they will understand something & one who has got no brain substance, they will understand something else
- Although Ajamila fell down from his standard of devotional service, but he got the opportunity of chanting Narayana. Ante narayana smrtih (SB 2.1.6). When we are afraid of something, we chant, we call somebody who is very dear. This is very psychological
- Although by law you are condemned to death, but if you appeal to the supreme executive, the king or the president, if he likes, he can excuse you
- Although He's cause of everything, but He hasn't got to work. Na tasya karyam karanam ca vidyate. That is Vedic information; in the Upanisad you'll find. He has nothing to do
- Although Krsna is the maintainer of everyone, sometimes He takes the part of a beggar. He begs to benefit the charitable. Who is giving in charity, he is benefited. Just like Bali Maharaja, he gave everything to Vamanadeva. There are different devotees
- Although people are forced to act by the influence of the three modes, they make an artificial show of humility, pretending to be weak, lowly, and penniless beggars. This sort of cheating mood is most undesirable
- Although she is mother, she has given birth to the child, but she has become now dependent on this child for good instruction. This is ideal society
- Although sunshine is not different from the sun, still, if you simply study scientifically, scientifically, what is the molecules, what are these rays, where this brilliant illuminative thing . . . so many things you can go on studying
- Although they are medicine, but they are bitter medicine. Not very palatable. Neither everyone can take it
- Although this body is temporary, we can utilize it for the best purpose. What is that best purpose? Realization of Krsna
- Although this world is dead body, when there is Krsna consciousness, it becomes enlivened. That is our movement. We are trying to inject Krsna consciousness in everything dead within this world
- Although we are minute particle of God, if we dovetail ourselves with the consciousness of God, or Krsna consciousness, then we become equally spirit. This is the technique
- Although we are running after false water, it does not mean there is no water. Water is there, but not in the desert. That is intelligence. So happiness is there, but not in this material world. It is in the spiritual world
- Although we find in the neophyte devotee some bad behavior, so we should not take him as nondevotee. Sadhur eva sa mantavyah (BG 9.30). He is sadhu - if he sticks to Krsna consciousness. And the bad habits which are visible now, it will disappear
- Although you are young men - there are many difficulties to keep sannyasa - but if you keep faith, full faith in Krsna, the maya will not be able to touch you
- Always chant Hare Krsna mantra, be in touch with Krsna in so many ways, then you are secure. Maya will not be able to touch you
- Always keep company with devotees. Don't keep company with nondevotee. Then it . . . everything will be spoiled
- Always reading should be continually going on in our centers. These books, regularly should be discussed and preached: the ideal life of Krsna, ideal grhastha, householder, what He is doing
- Always remember Krsna. Then maya will not be able to touch you. Mam eva ye prapadyante mayam etan taranti (BG 7.14). Maya cannot touch
- Always think of Krsna, then there is no question of falling down. Man-mana bhava mad-bhakto mad-yaji mam namaskuru (BG 18.65). These four things, if strictly done, he is safe. Always think of Krsna, become His devotee, offer Him obeisances & worship Him
- Amayo yas ca bhutanam (SB 1.5.33). Is very important verse. Actually, this is the essence of Krsna consciousness movement. What is that? People become diseased by sense gratification. Everyone knows. Too much sense gratification means creating disease
- Ambarisa Maharaja was a devotee. Unnecessarily he was harassed by Durvasa Muni. But because Ambarisa Maharaja was a pure devotee, advanced, he was not afraid of being killed
- Ambarisa Maharaja, he was the emperor of the world. He had to manage many political affairs. But he was one of the topmost devotees at the same time
- America will be the best person to be educated in this line and to lead, to become the leader. They're already leader, but they must be real leader
- American people are materially comfortable. But why they are producing hippies now
- Americans happy by having big, big cities? No. That is not possible. Now they are trying to imitate, but that is a false attempt. That is not the life
- Amongst the various paraphernalia of worshiping the Lord, the srngara is very essential, srngara and tan-mandira-marjanadi, and cleansing the temple. The more you cleanse the temple, the more you decorate the Deity, more your heart becomes cleansed
- Ananda. Here is no ananda. In this material world . . . ananda means pleasure, bliss. But here it is not possible. First of all, you have to die. You may manufacture some so-called ananda, but you'll die
- Anandamayo 'bhyasat (Vedanta-sutra 1.1.12), because my nature is to enjoy. That enjoyment cannot be done in the impersonal or void philosophy. That is not possible
- Ananta means you cannot get the limit that, "So many millions or so many thousands." No. You cannot count. So all these jivas, we, living entities, we are being maintained by that one. This is the Vedic information. Eko bahunam yo vidadhati kaman
- Ananta-rupam means millions and millions. The Manu is also incarnation of Krsna. So in one day of Brahma there are fourteen Manus. So Brahma lives for one hundred years. Just see how many incarnation of Manus are there even for one Brahma
- Ananya-bhavena, without any deviation, unflinching, staunch devotee, they are called sadhu. So we have to associate with sadhu. Satam prasangat. When you discuss about Krsna with sadhu or devotees, it becomes very pleasing
- Anartha-nivrttih syat tato nistha. If his anartha is decreased, then he becomes firmly fixed up. There is no question of decreasing
- Anasinah: it cannot be destroyed. Although it is very minute, aprameyasya . . . you cannot measure. You have no such measuring method, that you can measure the soul's breadth and . . . length and breadth
- And as soon as there is varna-sankara, full of unwanted children, this world will be hell
- And Krsna, one, He married, and He was expanded in sixteen thousand forms and features. Now, the feature, the body, is the same, but in different house with different devotees, the exchange of feelings is different. That is called vaibhava-prakasa
- And so far economic question is concerned, the bird, beast, animals, they have no economic concern. Why you have got? You are less than bird and beast, you have created this economic problem
- And so long we are attached to this nonpermanent body, there should be anxiety. Prahlada Maharaja says, asad-grahat, sada samudvigna-dhiyam asad-grahat (SB 7.5.5). Because we have accepted this temporary body, therefore we are full of anxiety
- And somebody, they are coming, going. So you cannot check them, because they are not our paid servants. If they are very kind that they have come here, cooperating with us
- Anger has got some utilization; not that I should not be angry. I should use my anger on some particular occasion
- Animal education means when at the present moment the education system is so bad that it is practically animal education
- Animal education means when we are too much interested with eating, sleeping, mating and defending, that is animal education
- Animal has no capacity to understand Vedic knowledge or the BG. Even though we have got the intelligence, if you do not utilize it to understand the instruction in the BG & Vedic knowledge, then purposefully we keep ourself within the category of animals
- Animal is killed or sacrificed under certain religious rituals, in the lower stage. In the higher stage there is no such animal sacrifice. Just like this Krsna consciousness movement, there is no ritualistic process as animal sacrifice
- Animal life means there is no sin. It is promotion. Because they are animal, their consciousness is not developed. Just like a child - a child, if he steals, that is not sin. He will not be criminally charged
- Animal society, they do not know what is freedom. Ours also, the so-called freedom. But still, we have got some consciousness that we fight for freedom. And they fight for eating. That's all
- Animals are simply interested in eating, sleeping, mating and fearing. So we have got better intelligence, so we must utilize it
- Anitya means they are not permanent. Agamapayino 'nityah. They are seasonal changes. They will come and they will go. Simply ethereal arrangement only, we must know, external arrangement. It is, rather, illusion
- Anna means food grains. So annad bhavanti bhutani (BG 3.14). Every living entity lives. Nowadays there are scarcity of food grains. Even the human being cannot eat sufficiently. But formerly the kings, they used to maintain elephants
- Annad bhavanti bhutani (BG 3.14). Simply by dry lecture, how they will feel happy? There must be sufficient food grains so that people may live happily, the animal may live happily
- Another important thing is acaryopasanam. If you want to make progress, then you have to approach acarya. Just like if you want to be educated, you go to school, you go to college, you go to university
- Another meaning may be krsna-varnam ete. One way you can take, krsna-varnam means caste, or category. So if He comes to the category of visnu-tattva, or Krsna, but His color, complexion, is not Krsna, not black
- Antakam means death. So death is called maya. You are thinking, "Now I have arranged everything. Things are going very nicely. Now I'm very happy." But, all of a sudden, the death comes. That you cannot avoid
- Antara means "another." Now, there are varieties of bodies; that you can see. There are fish body, there are tree body, plant body, beast body, bird's body, insect body, reptile body - in this way gradual process of evolution, you come to this human body
- Ante narayana-smrtih (SB 2.1.6). That is the perfection of life. Ante, at the time of death, if you remember Krsna, then your life is successful. Tyaktva deham punar janma naiti mam eti kaunteya
- Anukulyena. Whatever Krsna orders, if you discharge that, that is bhakti, simply favorable to Krsna. Whatever Krsna says
- Anxiety is spiritual anxiety and material anxiety. Spiritual anxiety means you are advancing in spiritual life, and material anxiety means you are going downhill
- Any asura, mayayapahrta-jnanah . . . he may be M.A., Ph.D., from academic career, but his real knowledge is taken away. Therefore he is atheist. Actual knowledge is to know God
- Any civilized form of society has got this system of marriage, because without marriage sex life is irreligious
- Any civilized human society, there is the system of marriage. And beyond marriage, if there is sex life, that is called illicit sex life. That is never indulged in any society. So what to speak of transcendental life
- Any country you go, if you are strictly adherent to the rules and regulation of chanting sixteen rounds, that is your spiritual strength, and following the, I mean to say, prohibitive rules, then you will be honored everywhere
- Any local language we can speak. They'll simply show their movement. Speaking somebody, he will show like that. In cinema they do that
- Any man can be trained up. Not cent percent, but even one percent man becomes ideal, the ninety-nine percent will see and follow. But there is no ideal man. That is the defect
- Any nation, any empire, any man, as soon as one begins to defy the authority of the Supreme Lord, like Ravana, he'll be finished. Sooner or later, he's going to be finished
- Any one of us who are sitting here, nobody can vouchsafe that he has not committed any mistake in life. No, that is natural. To err is human
- Any philosophy, er, any science you take, you have to accept some axiomatic truth. Then you go on
- Any rascal, if he gets vote somehow or other, then he acquires the exalted post. That is also written in the Srimad-Bhagavatam, that in the Kali-yuga there will be no consideration who is fit to occupy the exalted post of presidentship or royal throne
- Any religious system you follow, it doesn’t matter - but the test is whether you are increasing your love of God, the Supreme. That is the test of religion
- Any sane man can understand that things are being carried systematically - the seasonal changes, the seasonal fruits and flowers, the sunrise, the moonrise, the birth, death, old age, disease - everything systematically going on
- Any science, you cannot learn it automatically by yourself. No. Then we shall create so many mental speculators, so many things. That will be not a science. Even all scientists, they accept a formula from an authority: Law of gravitation. They accept it
- Any scripture of any country, not only of this BG, but any scripture, they are aiming simply how to get us back to Godhead. That is the purpose. take for example any of the great religious reformer or acaryas of any country, like, Jesus or Buddha
- Any society you conceive, unless there are these four divisions, there will be chaos. It will be . . . not be properly, I mean to say, going on, smoothly going on. There will be some disturbance
- Any stage of life in Krishna consciousness may be a victim of strong material energy. Therefore we have always to take care and strictly follow the rules and regulations. You are a good boy and sincere devotee and I hope you will understand me right
- Any type of knowledge you want, there is in the Vedic literature. So it is meant, Veda, jnane, knowledge is meant for the human society. It is not meant for the animals. Animals cannot study Veda
- Any type of religion - it doesn't matter what it is - which teaches this philosophy of life, that is first-class religious system
- Any way do not disturb them (the Bengalis) or any one about their personal affairs but give every one the chance of joining us in Kirtan that will pave the path of Krishna Consciousness. You are intelligent enough and I hope you will understand me right
- Any yoga system means an endeavor to connect our relationship with the Supreme Lord. That is called yoga. Someone is trying to make the connection, karma-yoga. Someone is trying by jnana-yoga. Someone is trying hatha-yoga. But the real aim is bhakti-yoga
- Anybody who is chanting Hare Krsna, even for a moment, it will never go in vain. It will act. It will act, and it will act so nicely that sometimes you'll be saved from the greatest danger
- Anyone can deliver a letter to you. It does not require any educational qualification. Simply he must be honest not to alter the text of the letter according to the peon's whims
- Anyone can pronounce this word "Hare Krsna." Actually we are seeing all over the world. There is no difficulty to chant this mantra. It is open. There is no secrecy
- Anyone says: "God," he should be killed. That is the example given by Krsna. He should be killed. No other remedy. Only kill him. That's all. Then this false propaganda will stop
- Anyone who becomes engaged in this loka-hitam, beneficial to the human society, he will be happy. But he has to control over these things: ahara-nidra-bhaya-maithunam ca. These animal propensities should be controlled
- Anyone who comes as representative of God, or as God, as powerful incarnation, they are all welcome
- Anyone who determines that "I shall simply serve Krsna," that simple determination will save him. Kevalaya bhaktya
- Anyone who does not believe in God, he's asura. This is the verdict of the sastra. And this asuric civilization is going on all over the world. So we are making little effort to make the asuras devotees. That's all
- Anyone who does not follow the scriptural injunction, his attempt will be failure. He'll never be happy. And what to speak of being promoted to the spiritual world
- Anyone who does not take to Krsna consciousness and is busy in other business, he's a vimudhan. Don't remain a vimudhan. Become intelligent
- Anyone who has accepted this material body, even a small ant, and the demigods, Indra and Lord Brahma, by their pious activities they have got big, big post as demigods, long, prolonged life and many other facilities. But they are all living entities
- Anyone who has become competent to control the tongue, to control the mind, to control the anger, to control the belly & control the genital, if 6 kind of control is there, he is fit for becoming spiritual master; he can make disciples all over the world
- Anyone who has come to this material world, he is illusioned. But advancement of so-called material education means the increasing of the same illusory propaganda
- Anyone who has developed how to exploit the resources of nature, that nation is called to be very highly civilized, or advanced. But that is the lowest stage of civilization
- Anyone who has got this consciousness that, "It is my duty to serve Krsna. I must serve Him with my life and soul and everything," he's a sannyasi. Not the dress
- Anyone who has no teacher, no protector, simply trying himself, if he commits any mistake there is nobody protecting him. Therefore jnana-marga, the path of knowledge, is risky
- Anyone who has taken birth in India as a human being will kindly make his life successful. And after making his life successful he should distribute this knowledge throughout the whole world for the welfare of the human society. This was Caitanya's order
- Anyone who has taken birth in India, Bharatavarsa, because he has got the facilities, the Vedas - the Bhagavad-gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam, Vedanta-sutra - all these things are cultivated in India. So they have got the facilities
- Anyone who is claiming to be superior, should not claim to become such and such unless they are able to save the subordinate from the imminent danger of death. Because death is there so long one is not spiritually advanced
- Anyone who is desiring to go back to home, back to Godhead, he has to learn to be tolerant and forbearing. That is the instruction of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, trnad api sunicena taror api sahisnuna
- Anyone who is in Krsna consciousness perfectly, for him, after leaving this body, he's coming to Me. This is His assurance. So we haven't got any doubt, Krsna has assured. So let us do our duty perfectly, as far as possible
- Anyone who is narayana-parayana, he does not fear whether he is going to hell or heaven, because wherever he goes he is with Narayana, he is safe
- Anyone who is not a devotee of the Lord, he cannot be possessing any good qualities. That is not possible. He must be dishonest if he is a not devotee of the Lord. He must be dishonest. This is the verdict of the sastras
- Anyone who is not a devotee, Krsna conscious devotee of God, then he may be in a exalted post, but he is praised by some people who are exactly like sva. Sva means dog
- Anyone who is not spiritually advanced, he cannot avoid the sex
- Anyone who is preaching about God is empowered incarnation. Krsna-sakti vina nahi krsna nama-pracara. That is there in the Caitanya-caritamrta
- Anyone who is preaching something else other than God consciousness, he is a cheater. He is a cheater. Sumanda-matayo. Because real progress of life is to become God conscious. That is the real progress
- Anyone who is pushing on this Krsna consciousness movement, he is immediately recognized. Because Krsna wants. . . We are all sons of Krsna. He wants us back to home, live with Him comfortably, without any disadvantage of conditional life. Freedom
- Anyone who is simply exploiting the resources of nature, the so-called industrialist, others, they are taking all goods from Krsna
- Anyone who is sincerely serving to his greatest capacity becomes dear in the eyes of the Lord
- Anyone who is too much materially affected, he also talks nonsense
- Anyone who is very much inquisitive and, at the same time, eager to understand his relationship with God, he is called a jnani, a man in knowledge, and he is very dear to Krsna
- Anyone who understand what is Krsna's birth . . . His birth and my birth is not the same. That means you have to study the subject matter very scientifically. Then you will understand
- Anyone, hook and crook you get your votes, democracy, and occupy . . . and whatever you may be - you may be rascal number one - but you will be posted on the supreme exalted presidential post
- Anything favorable for advancement of Krsna consciousness should be accepted; anything unfavorable, that should be rejected. This is saranagati
- Anything, it has got six changes. Anything material, it has got birth, it has got growth, it has got after-effect, then dwindles, and then finished - everything, anything you take, the material. This is called sad-vikara, six kinds of changes
- Anything, it requires four pillars. So to remain steadily on the platform of dharma, these four legs required: dharma, artha, kama, moksa
- Anyway, if somebody thinks that "This 'Krsna' is Indian name. Why shall I chant 'Krsna'?" You chant any other name, but it must be God's name. Then it will be effective
- Anyway, we can read. Not once reading we can understand. Repeatedly, punah punah, we shall have to. Then the stock which we have already got, you can study and take lessons from the Vedic literature and make your life perfect
- Anywhere there is fight, there is enmity, and if you want to settle up, it is more troublesome. So duhkhausadham tad api duhkham. The remedial measure is more troublesome than the disease, than the painful condition
- Anywhere you keep cows. And what cows to maintain? No expenditure. The fruits? The skin thrown away, and the cow will eat. And in exchange it will give you nice foodstuff, milk
- Api cet suduracaro bhajate mam ananya-bhak, sadhur eva sa mantavyah (BG 9.30). He is sadhu. He is saintly man. Even if you find some defect in his character, because he is sticking to Krsna consciousness, he is saintly
- Apparently it is contradictory. If He has no leg, then how He can walk more speedily than anyone? These are Vedic mantra
- Arca means the form of the Lord established in some temple and worshiped. That is also incarnation of God. That is not idol worship. People who do not know that this is an authorized process of realizing God, they cannot understand
- Arca-murti, the form worshiped in the temple, if somebody thinks it is made of wood, it is made of stone, that is naraki-buddhih
- Arcana, the Deity worship, very essential. Everyone should try. The system is: anyone comes to the temple, he brings something - patram puspam phalam toyam - just to offer to the Deity. It is the beginning
- Arcana-marga means practice. Immediately you cannot expect that your mind is completely fixed up with Krsna. But if we follow the regulative principles, then it will mature. Mature. And mature stage, there will be love
- Arcana-marga, temple worship. Everyone can establish a small temple in his house, and he can begin family-wise: himself, his wife, his children. That is wanted
- Are you following blindly, or you have experience of Krsna? Yes. What will be the answer? It's a very intelligent question. People will ask you, perhaps they ask, "Have you seen Krsna?" "Why you are Krsna conscious?" What is your answer
- Argumentative power is a special gift. Suppose you can argue very nicely, that's all. I cannot. But somebody may come - he's more powerful in arguments - he can defeat you
- Arjavam means even an enemy enquires from me, "What is your secret?" I shall say: I have no secret. This is my position. This is called arjavam
- Arjuna became perplexed in this connection, not knowing whether he should execute the fighting with the risk of committing unnecessarily violence, although it is the duty of the ksatriyas, or whether he should not and prefer instead to live by begging
- Arjuna has described in the Bhagavad-gita: param brahma param dhama pavitram paramam bhavan (BG 10.12): Your personality is unknown to the so-called scholars. But authorities like Vyasa, Devala, Narada, Asita, they accept Your this form
- Arjuna in the beginning was declining to serve Krsna on consideration of his bodily attachment, but at the end he decided, "No, it is my duty to serve Krsna, not to serve my senses." And that is the instruction of Bhagavad-gita
- Arjuna is asking, "What is the real meaning of atma?" Atma means the soul. You are also atma. I am also atma. Every one of us, the minute particle, part and parcel of Krsna
- Arjuna is mahajana. He's directly Krsna's friend. He knows what is Krsna. Therefore he submitted that, Krsna, it is perplexity. I do not like to fight, and You are asking me repeatedly to fight. So it is very awkward position. I cannot understand
- Arjuna is very nice example, that he dovetailed; he dovetailed his consciousness with Krsna. He did not want to fight, but after hearing Bhagavad-gita he dovetailed his senses. One has to fight with senses. Non-sense cannot fight
- Arjuna knew that Krsna is the Supreme PG. So he said, sisyas te 'ham sadhi mam prapannam (BG 2.7): "Krsna, no more friendly talks. We are wasting time. Now I become Your disciple." Sisya means disciple. "You kindly advise me. I'm surrendering unto You
- Arjuna knew that, "Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, it is my duty to serve Him." This was known to Arjuna. Therefore he is bhakta. Bhakta means who has dedicated his life to serve Krsna
- Arjuna proposed that, "Krsna, why shall I fight with my brothers? After all, they are my brothers. They are enjoying the kingdom. Let them enjoy. I shall better live by begging. Why shall I fight with them?" It is a very good proposal
- Arjuna says Krsna, param brahma: "Krsna, You are the Supreme Brahman," param dhama, "the supreme resort for everything, and" pavitram paramam bhavan, "and the supreme pure." So nobody can approach Krsna if he's impure. That is not possible
- Arjuna says that, "Krsna, no more friendly talking. I agree to become Your disciple." So when he agreed to become disciple of Krsna, then He explained Bhagavad-gita
- Arjuna says, We have spoken so many subject matter, so there are so many doubts arising in my mind. So out of so many things, whichever is the best process . . . "Kindly speak to me that one with certainty." This is called pariprasna
- Arjuna surrendered to Krsna and said: The questions which have arisen in my mind, it cannot be solved by ordinary person, therefore he selected. He told Him that, I can understand, without Your Lordship nobody can mitigate all the doubts in my mind
- Arjuna understood like this, that Krsna is the Supreme Brahman, SPG, then you understand everything. This is called parampara. You don't require to, I mean, to tax your brain, what is Krsna. Because now we have got poor intelligence. We cannot do that
- Arjuna was a pure devotee. He was always thinking of Krsna. He had no other business
- Arjuna was maha-ratha. Still, these commanders were very, very powerful. But by the grace of Krsna he could kill Karna, he could kill Bhisma, he could kill Dronacarya, and came out victorious
- Arjuna was told by Krsna that "This system, parampara system, disciplic succession of spiritual masters, is now lost." Sa kalena yogo nastah: That yoga, that system of yoga, is now lost. Therefore I am making you again My disciple
- Artha means how to satisfy Krsna. This is artha. It is said, arthadam. Arthadam. You can get real interest in this life
- Artha. Artha means profit. So real profit is spiritual profit. That is real profit, because that will never be lost
- Arthadam means you can realize your self. That is the greatest achievement, if you can realize your self, whether you are this body or you are soul
- Artificially you can increase so many things for eating purposes. But you must eat. That is the economic question. It is not that you should starve
- Aryan means advanced. So if you claim to belong to the Aryan family, then it is your duty to study Vedic literature and understand your position and make your life successful. That is Krsna consciousness
- Aryans civilization means who is progressive, advancing. They are intelligent. They are fair-complexioned. Therefore Aryans means progressive
- As a living entity, as part and parcel of Krsna, you want ananda. So ananda is required society, friendship and love. That is ananda. That is not impersonalism. That is personalism
- As a matter of fact, even among the educated classes in the United States, there is no culture. There are no cultural roots
- As a matter of philosophy and book of knowledge, it is (Bhagavad-gita) very popular all over the world
- As a matter of social etiquette, I am addressed as 'pandita.' Pandita means learned. Learned scholar, he is called pandita
- As controller every one of us has got some scope or facility to control. At least we are controlling our cats and dogs. In that controller sense everyone is god. But we are not supreme controller. The supreme controller is called Godhead
- As controller you are god, but because you are controlled by somebody, something else, therefore you are not Godhead. We are speaking of Godhead. Krsna is Godhead
- As everything has got some particular characteristic, similarly we living entities, we must have some particular characteristic. And what is that? That is dharma and jnana, to understand. Jnana means knowledge
- As far as possible live, for we have got rooms like that. Live there and take little prasadam, and fully devote time how to advance in Krsna consciousness. That is success of life. So it is authorized by the sastras
- As God knows where to use anger, similarly, devotee should also know where to use anger. "I am not angry. You can beat me with shoes, I am not angry." That is not devotional
- As human being, as we are trying to solve our problems . . . the real problem we have to solve. And why we are in material condition and miserable condition? Because we have got this material body. This is the problem, real problem
- As I was talking the other day, scientific division of the human society. The most intelligent class, they should be trained up as brahmana. Less, little less intelligent should be trained up as administrator
- As king, he (Maharaja Pariksit) has to punish the debauchers, the rogues, the thieves. So immediately he become alert. He said, nisamya vartam anatipriyam, when he got news. So although no enemy is there attacking, but Kali is attacking
- As Krsna is ajata-satru, no enemy can harm to Him, there are satrus or enemies of Krsna, as you will read from the Krsna . . . thousands and thousands of the demons, from the very beginning of His birth there are enemies
- As long as the mind is impure, consciousness is unclear. And as long as one is absorbed in fruitive activity, he has to accept a material body
- As Narada Muni was expert physician for curing material disease, similarly, he made Vyasadeva expert physician; Vyasadeva made Madhvacarya expert physician. So one has to come down in that disciplic succession and become bona fide spiritual master
- As one intelligent person puts himself under the treatment of a physician to get out of the disease, similarly, human life is meant for putting himself to the expert physician who can cure you from your material disease. That is your business
- As soon as I die, again I will have to enter into the womb of a particular mother to take birth again. So where is the happiness? In the womb of the mother to live for ten months in a very awkward position - we have forgotten - that is not very happiness
- As soon as I understand that "I am not this body, I am spirit soul, and my symptom is consciousness," and that consciousness, as it is purified by this process, the whole material miseries will be over
- As soon as one associates with Krsna's name, he associates with Krsna. Therefore asat, maya, cannot touch him. If he's purely chanting, without any offense, maya cannot touch him
- As soon as one becomes self-realized, he becomes jubilant, jolly. So long one identifies with this body, he is unhappy, full of anxiety
- As soon as one comes to me for becoming disciple, I place before him that "You have to give up all these habits." When he agrees, then I accept him. And therefore I have got some selected, trained-up men
- As soon as one is cleansed of the dirty things in the heart, then he can understand that, I am part and parcel of Krsna. My duty is to serve Krsna. So let me be engaged in His service and become successful in this human form of life
- As soon as one is grown up, reaching youthful time, the sex desire is very strong, very strong
- As soon as one realizes his self, immediately he becomes joyful. So long there is demand for our sense gratification, you cannot be joyful
- As soon as one realizes that "I am brahma. I have nothing to do with this material world," his all anxieties immediately finished. Brahma-bhutah prasannatma na socati na kanksati
- As soon as our enthusiasm is agitated, it is better to sit down in any temple suitable and chant Hare Kṛṣṇa. There is no question of being disappointed. After all, we commit so many mistakes. That is human nature. To err is human
- As soon as somebody says: "I am God," kick him on his face. Yes. "Yes, you are God, I am God. I am the kicking God." That should be the answer. "I am the shoe-beater God. Now you protect yourself if you are God." Don't accept this false God
- As soon as the bhajana-kriya, immediately there is anartha-nivrttih syat. All unwanted things: no smoking, no intoxication, no illicit sex, no meat-eating, no gambling. We make this condition before making a student
- As soon as the body is dead or the spirit soul is out, it begins to decompose. The same body, as long as carrying the soul, there is no such thing. Therefore, if you keep your body spiritualized, then there is no question of decomposition or diseases
- As soon as the body is finished, everything is finished. Then again you have to take birth. There is no guarantee what kind of birth. Suppose you get birth again in human society. Then you have to take again education, again endeavor
- As soon as the calf is there, in front of the mother they are killed. You see? So if these things go on without any brain, without any intelligence, you may make hundreds of organization, the society will never be happy. This is our verdict
- As soon as the discipline broken, then everything is lost. Now you can dance like a dog
- As soon as the electric energy is stopped, the fan is stopped. The room is dark. So there is powerhouse behind this electric energy, and the powerhouse is being managed by one engineer. This is natural conclusion
- As soon as the soul is out of this body, it is useless, dead matter. So what is there important talking about this dead body? It is made of this earth, earthly ingredient, bhumir apo 'nalo (BG 7.4), and it will become again. It will go away
- As soon as the soul is out of this body, what is the value of this lump of matter? It will be thrown in the street, and somebody will kick on the face. Nobody will care
- As soon as the spirit soul is out of this body, then it is useless, a lump of matter. Therefore the living force, or the spirit soul, is important. That you have to accept
- As soon as there is a child born, milk immediately required. Old man, milk is life. Diseased person, milk is life. Invalid, milk is life. So therefore Krsna is teaching by His practical demonstration how He loves this innocent animal, cow
- As soon as there is darkness, your eyes are finished. And you are so much proud, oh. Therefore Vedic injunction - sastra-caksusa: "You must be seeing everything through the sastra, not with your these rascal eyes." It has no value
- As soon as there is little impurity, the whole thing will deteriorate and go to hell. Therefore I am praying that all my advanced disciples, GBC men, sannyasis, temple officers, all of you will become sober-minded and feeling always very much responsible
- As soon as there is scarcity of food grain, so many so-called association will come out, "Give us grain. We have to feed such and such person, such and such village." So it is not going to the village. It is collected, and they use at their own
- As soon as this blazing fire of material existence is extinguished, immediately you come to the platform of blissfulness
- As soon as this body is finished, whatever I acquired by my material qualification, that is all finished
- As soon as this consciousness is over, the body is called dead body. Now what is this consciousness? This consciousness is the symptom of the soul
- As soon as you are able to control your senses, naturally you shall be able to control your mind. That is called samah. We have to practice this process and learn this process from reliable sources and assimilate them in our life
- As soon as you become Krsna conscious, everything is finished. But don't commit again. Stick to Krsna consciousness. Then you are safe
- As soon as you begin chanting Hare Krsna maha-mantra, you gradually become self-realized, aham brahmasmi, simply by chanting
- As soon as you come to that platform of self-realization, then you will be joyful, immediately
- As soon as you fail to keep your promise, then you're fallen. You have to rectify yourself
- As soon as you get the spiritual body, the sun has no power to take it away
- As soon as you get your spiritual body, then there is unlimited happiness
- As soon as you go to a physician, you have to accept something "do not" and something "do." That is called regulative principle. Without regulative principle you cannot correct yourself
- As soon as you surrender to Krsna, all this maya, misconception, will go. You'll become right person, in knowledge. That is Krsna consciousness, to become perfect man
- As soon as you understand Krsna, you understand everything. That is stated in the Vedic language, yasmin eva vijnate sarvam eva vijnatam bhavati (Mundaka Upanisad 1.3): One who understands that one Supreme, he understands everything, immediately
- As soon as your animal is dead you give them (muci) information. They will come. They'll take the animal. They will get the skin for nothing. So they'll tan it and make shoes for selling. So they will get the raw materials free of charges
- As stated in the Srimad-Bhagavatam that nobody can count how many incarnations are there, but some of the chief incarnations are mentioned, and Lord Ramacandra is one of them
- As the drunkard becomes big drunkard, you become a big devotee. The beginning is that you must be little anxious that, "How I can understand God?" This is the qualification
- As the human being requires protection, similarly, the cows . . . not only cows; everyone requires protection by the government. Why they should be not protected
- As the mother heard that he gave a parata to him, she began to beat him, "Why did you give?" it was affection and sympathetic, but the result was beating with shoes. So if we do not know where charity should be given, then we are under the laws of nature
- As the Post Office kindly places a box before your house to facilitate your business, similarly Krsna, goloka eva nivasati, He is living in the Goloka Vrndavana, but He expands Himself as Deity to accept your humble service
- As the sannyasi knows what is the aim of life, similarly, a grhastha also may know. So such grhastha, sex life is allowed, who knows the aim of life. And one who does not know the aim of life, simply enjoys sex, he is called grhamedhi
- As these rascals are simply trying to extinguish the blazing fire of material existence by so-called bucketful of water, it will not save. It will be waste of time. If the cloud comes, then it will be saved. So guru is the cloud
- As this material creation has begun from material sound under the agitating, impelling method by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, similarly, by spiritual sound you can get out of it, because sound is the central point
- As we experience dehantara, different types of body, we are getting one after another, similarly the soul is immortal; he'll get another body
- As we have got experience of this material sound and therefore the material sky, similarly, there is spiritual sound and there is spiritual sky. Without sky, there is no sound
- As we have got experience, the banyan tree, the root is very strong. Very strong. So it is also compared, this material world is compared with the asvattha tree, banyan tree. Very strong root
- As we have got this natural instinct, similarly, God has also the same instinct. If we study ourself analytically, we can understand what is God, because we are the sample of God
- As we learn from Bhagavad Gita, it is said there that a person who does not reach to the final goal of Krishna Consciousness is again given the opportunity to fulfill the mission of achieving perfection
- As we make advance in Krsna consciousness and we develop, "I have got this relationship with Krsna as a friend, as a conjugal lover, paternal relationship, master and servant," so many, just like we have got experience. That is called svarupa-siddhi
- As we require to go to a physician, to a medical man, for curing our material, I mean, bodily diseases, similarly, to cure our material disease, one has to approach an expert spiritual . . . bona fide spiritual master. Otherwise it is not possible
- As yogamaya gradually withdrew her action, then others could understand, especially Balarama, and inquired from Krsna
- As you are changing constantly our body - that's a fact - similarly, when this body is no more useful, then you're transferred to another body. That's very simple to understand
- As you are controlling the aeroplane by air condition or by controlling the air, similarly all these planets are there. It is by His plan it is moving with the air. Big, big planets, there is no question of gravitation
- As you have got a material space, similarly, there is spiritual space. As you have got material body, similarly, you have got spiritual body
- As your consciousness is a symptom of your presence, you are spirit soul, similarly, the supreme consciousness is the symptom of the supreme soul, or God, the supreme God. This is the position
- As your energy can produce so much wonderful thing, why not Krsna's energy, or God's energy, is very strong? Yes. It is very strong. Just like you are also energy, but why you are not strong
- Asa-bandhah samutkantha nama-gane sada rucih (CC Madhya 23.18-19). This is the sign of pure, advanced devotee. He's never disappointed. Ahaituki. There is no motive. "My Lord is there. My duty is to serve." That's all
- Asadhu, or demon, means persons who deny the authority of God. They are called demons
- Asakti, that tendency of attachment, should be transferred to Krsna. That is Vrndavana life. In Vrndavana the center of asakti is Krsna
- Asat means which will not stay, nonpermanent, for the time. Just like we have accepted this body. This is asad-graha. This body will not stay. Everyone knows, but still, I am too much attached to this body. This is called asad-graha
- Ask any one of them, these European, American boys, "Are you sticking to Krsna consciousness sentimentally or understanding?" Ask them. They will explain, "Yes, understanding." Not blindly. Blindly one cannot stick - that is not possible
- Ask any so-called scholar that "What is the aim of life?" He cannot say. The aim of life is the same, like the dog: eat, drink, be merry, and enjoy and die. That's all. So where is education? There is no education
- Ask anybody, very learned scholar, scientist, philosopher, or medical man, engineer, lawyer, that "What is the aim of life?" Nobody knows. They think aim of life - eat, drink, be merry and enjoy, that's all. This is aim of life
- Association is required. Otherwise why we are opening so many centers? Just to give them the facility of association
- Association, the influence of association. If you go to a drunkard association, you become a drunkard. And if you go to a saintly association, you become a saint. Sangat sanjayate kamah
- Astikya means belief, faith, faith in scripture, faith in God
- Astikyam means faith in God, faith in scripture. That is called astikyam. According to Vedic version, astikyam means faith in the Vedas. Nobody can refute the Vedas. That is called faith: no argument
- Astikyam means to have faith in the authoritative Vedic knowledge. That is called astikyam
- Astikyam, full faith in the sastras and in God, that is called astikyam. If you have full faith in the revealed scriptures, then you are astikya
- Asuci means unclean. Peaceful life means purification. So if you purify and again become unclean, that we have discussed hasti-snana, the elephant
- Asura, demons, demonic civilization, demonic people, they do not know what is pravrtti and what is nivrtti. Pravrtti means material civilization, and nivrtti means spiritual civilization
- At least a certain percentage of the human society must be brahmin, otherwise the society cannot make any progress in spiritual life. And if we cannot make progress in spiritual life, then our human life is frustrated
- At least a certain section of the American population should be ideal. That will also do. Not that . . . we cannot expect cent percent will take Krsna consciousness. That is not needed
- At night the moon is there. There are so many witnesses. And the Supreme Personality of Godhead is also witnessing within. You cannot escape. He's witnessing from inside, from outside. So how you'll escape your sinful activities? No. That is not possible
- At the age of ten years Jiva Gosvami left home and went to Benares, the seat of Sanskrit scholars. He learned there Sanskrit very nicely, became a very great scholar, and then joined their uncles in Vrndavana
- At the dawn of modern history, the Armageddon fought in India over a political question. On that historic battlefield the problem of human suffering and its permanent solution was discussed, and this discussion was compiled in the form of Bhagavad-gita
- At the fag end of life, they are thinking, if intelligent person, that "What I have done actually?" If one has sense, he should come to this understanding
- At the fag end of life, we are disappointed, we are frustrated. Brdhya kala aula saba sukha pagala. When we cannot again . . . no more we can enjoy with our senses, then we become very much depressed
- At the last stage of his life he (Pariksit) was cursed by a brahmana boy to die within seven days. So within seven days he had to prepare himself for the next birth. So he was little perplexed
- At the present moment education means many Indians are coming to America to learn how to polish motorcar parts or how to create technology. This is not education. Europeans & Americans, they are going to India for learning brahma-vidya. That is education
- At the present moment education means to get some service. What is the value of that education? If you become dependent on others, then what is the value of this education? Therefore kalau sudra-sambhavah, everyone is a sudra
- At the present moment in the name of meditation, simply cheating and bluffing going on. They do not know what is the subject matter of meditation
- At the present moment the asuras are so advanced that they don't think of future life also. Don't think. Therefore pralayantam. Pralayantam means annihilation
- At the present moment the government means that the same rogues and rascals come to become minister and take fat salary and sleep
- At the present moment the human civilization is a very risky civilization, so in order to save them from this state of ignorance, this Krsna consciousness movement is essential
- At the present moment the human civilization is very much proud of advancement of knowledge, but they are concerned with these four principles of life, namely eating, sleeping, defending and mating
- At the present moment the mind is controlling me, go-dasa. Mind is dictating me
- At the present moment the people have become rascals. They have given up the Vedic knowledge. They are hankering after technical knowledge. That is India's main fault. Otherwise real knowledge is there
- At the present moment the president, they don't care for public opinion. Irresponsible. They say: "Responsible government." They are most irresponsible
- At the present moment there is no education, because education means to understand my identity. The so-called education which is going on, that is called art
- At the present moment they are neglecting (religion). But in every country, either there may be temples or churches or mosque, people were very religious-minded before this age
- At the present moment, all the government men, their first qualification is whether he went to jail during this movement. Yes. The more one suffered imprisonment, he is given more exalted post. Not only jail; in the jail they were beaten very severely
- At the present moment, amongst the scientists the knowledge is going on that life is made of matter, from matter, chemical evolution theory. And such person also being awarded with Nobel Prize
- At the present moment, education means how to become expert servant. That means sudra. So we cannot expect any good things from sudra. That is not possible
- At the present moment, education means to give facilities for sense gratification. That's all. Boys and girls in the school and colleges, just from the very beginning they are given all liberty for sex life
- At the present moment, in spite of so much arrangement by the government, nice school, nice university, colleges, but they are producing hippies. They're so much frustrated. So they are now worshiping hog
- At the present moment, nobody asks this question. But this is very intelligent question. We are completely under the laws of nature
- At the present moment, without head ghost. A civilization of ghosts, without brain
- At the present moment, without knowledge of the self, the whole world is going on under the bodily concept of life
- At the time being, my consciousness is not purified. It is polluted, because I am thinking "I am Hindu," another is thinking "I am Muslim," one is thinking "I am man," another is thinking "I am dog," "I am cat" - so many consciousness
- At the time being, my consciousness is not purified. It is polluted, because I am thinking "I am Indian," you are thinking American, another is thinking African - so many consciousness
- At the time of death the mental condition will give you another body. There is proof also, just like Maharaja Bharata. He was advancing in spiritual life - he left his kingdom - but at the time of death he was thinking of a deer, so he became a deer
- At the time of death there are so many disturbance. We have got experience, but you have forgotten because bhutva bhutva praliyate (BG 8.19). But these things are observed by the sinful person
- At the time of death, when finishing this body, mind works. So, according to that process, the mind carries the small spirit soul to another body, just like the air carries the flavor
- Atheism means anyone who does not believe in scriptures, standard scriptures. That is called atheism
- Atheist means who does not take the authority of the Vedas. From philosophical point of view, he is taken as atheist. But we Vaisnava, we know that he is God. He is God, incarnation of God
- Atma-darsana, one must know what he is. He is spiritual being. Spiritual being, he has nothing to do with this material world, but somehow or other, we have fallen in this material world
- Atma-ghatam means killing the soul. How we are killing the soul? We forget that, I am spirit soul
- Atmaramanam, self-satisfied. There are two kinds of men: atmarama and apasyatam atma-tattvam (SB 2.1.2) - one who does not know what is the soul and what is the business of the soul
- Atmavat sarva-bhutesu, and treating everyone equally, as he wants to be treated himself. If by pinching your body or giving pain to your body, if you feel pain, you should not give such pain to any living entity
- Atmendriya-priti-vancha-tare bali 'kama' (CC Adi 4.165): "When I want to satisfy my senses, that is kama." But krsnendriya-priti-iccha dhare 'prema' nama: "And when we want to satisfy the senses of Krsna, then it is love, prema." That is the difference
- Attachment for Krsna, begins from the temple worship and ends into maha-bhagavata. Maha-bhagavata means who simply sees Krsna
- Attachment, that is my natural instinct. I cannot be free from attachment. I shall be either attached to this matter or I shall be attached to spirit. If I am not attached to spirit, then I must be attached to matter. This is the process
- Attraction is wealth, attraction is strength, attraction is reputation, attraction is wisdom, and attraction is beauty, and attraction is renunciation. These six kind of things. In Vedic literature, because it is perfect, it gives the definition of God
- Aula, baula, kartabhaja, neda, daravesa, sani sahajiya, sakhibheki, smarta, jata-gosani, they have been condemned by Bhaktivinoda Thakura, smarta and jata-gosani. Smarta-pandita. Very serious about performing ceremonial rituals, they are called smartas
- Authentic literatures, they give proof that Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. And by His wonderful activities we can understand that He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. But still, the atheistic rascal will not accept
- Authorities like Rupa Gosvami says that, "What I shall chant with one tongue? If I would have millions of tongues, then I could chant a little more." So he's aspiring to have millions of ears and trillions of tongue to relish this chanting Hare Krsna
- Authorized scriptures like Bhagavad-gita contain the transcendental teachings of the Lord Himself or of self-realized personalities. These scriptures are free from four human frailties: illusion, mistakes, limited senses, and the cheating propensity
- Avidya. If somebody is kept into darkness, then there is no use of this punishment, or prayascitta. So he proposes that the man in darkness should be educated. Vimarsanam. Vimarsanam means cultivation of knowledge
- Axiomatic truth. How it is truth? You may not have sufficient intelligence, but if you go deep into the matter you will find it is all truth: "Yes, it is all right." That is called Vedic injunction
- Bad brain means to become implicated more and more. They do not know . . . because they have got bad brain, they do not know how spirit soul is transmigrating from one body to another, how he is becoming entangled
- Balarama was surprised to see the action of yogamaya; therefore He inquired from Krsna, "What is happening in this scene? What is that mystery
- Bali Maharaja, he secured the whole three worlds. He became the master of the three worlds, means the upper planetary system, down planetary system, middle planet. So, but he was a devotee also. Therefore Krsna came to him as Vamana
- Bali Maharaja, he was a devotee. He said, "My Lord, don't be worried. Still there is. It is my head. Place Your other feet on my head." So Vamanadeva said, Now you have purchased Me by your charity. I shall remain your doorkeeper
- Bali Mardana was punished by Krsna, he is not ordinary person; he is authority. So even a person punished by Krsna becomes authority. Krsna is so nice
- Basic principle is love of God. That is religion. Don't bother about the ritualistic process. Just try to see how much you are increasing your love of God. Then you are religious
- Basically one must be first-class ideal man. That is wanted
- Be sure that you are advancing in Krsna consciousness. And that will save you from the dangerous civilization which do not understand the future of life
- Because "To err is human." Anyone commits mistake. There is no doubt about it. But after committing mistake, if I stick to that mistake, that is foolishness. When it is detected that it is mistake, you must admit. That is greatness
- Because a human body is very much advanced, has got the power to kill animals, therefore they are speaking this nonsense that the animal has no soul. Why the animal has no soul? What is the symptom of possessing soul
- Because anyone who is not a devotee of the Lord - he is not rajarsi, devarsi - he is not praiseworthy at all. He is a fool. He is a rascal. That is our conclusion. No, it is real conclusion
- Because asuri bhavam, because he has accepted the atheistic principle, "There is no Krsna. There is no God." Only for this reason, in spite of educational qualification, he cannot understand Krsna
- Because Bhagavad-gita is such nice book, if you can understand one line, you advance hundred years
- Because educated class means wine, women, meat, and Vivekananda allows this. That is the point
- Because everyone has got that tendency, the sastra gives them chance to act, fruitive activities. Because by working, working, one day it will come when he will be not interested working any more. Then athato brahma jijnasa
- Because everyone is imperfect. How they can give you perfect happiness? It is not possible
- Because He (Krsna) has expanded Himself in so many hearts of the living entities, that does not mean that He is finished in His own abode. No. Still He's there. That is Krsna. Purnasya purnam adaya purnam evavasisyate. This is the Vedic information
- Because he has taken to the principle of atheism, all these educational qualification, his brain is utilized for doing something harmful to the human society
- Because he was very proud of his possession, so Vamanadeva came to Bali Maharaja: "Maharaja, you are ksatriya. You are very charitable, I have heard. If you can give me little land?" So Bali Maharaja was very much pleased: Yes, I will give You
- Because he's a rascal. He'll eat meat, and for this eating meat you have to maintain thousands and thousands of, what is called, organized slaughterhouse
- Because he's chanting, sometimes a person get very false ego, that he has become a very big devotee, he's serving the Lord
- Because human being can understand the Krsna philosophy, therefore we hold meetings of the human being. But still, whenever we get opportunity, we give protection to the animals
- Because I am following the standard method, so my spiritual life will really be perfected - We must have this confidence
- Because I am put into jail, "All right, it is very good. Without working, I am getting two times food. Let me remain in the jail," oh, that is not very intelligent question. You see? We must get out of the jail
- Because I cannot understand Krsna's transcendental activities unless I am actually dovetailed with Him. So, let us develop this Krsna consciousness, and gradually we shall have . . . now, that is called svarupa-siddhi
- Because I know that, "I have chanted the holy name. Now my all sinful reaction of my life is now vanished. Then why shall I commit again sinful activities?" That is the natural conclusion
- Because in the mundane philosophers, mundane scholars, they want to give his own interpretation of everything. That is their habit. They don't accept the interpretation of the higher authorities
- Because in the sastras everything is there about Krsna. Simply we have to take it, accept it. And if we do not believe sastra, then there is no, I mean, use of understanding Krsna. Sastra-caksusa. You have to see
- Because it is Krsna's book, if somebody purchases, if he pays something, he'll look at it, that "What this nonsense has written? Let me see." Then he will get some idea. And if he reads one line, he comes hundred times forward to Krsna consciousness
- Because it is mixed up with that medicine of Krsna consciousness it will cure your material disease. That is the process. Because it is mixed up with some medicine which is called KC, it will not entangle you. It will give more and more enlightenment
- Because it is said by the Vedas, you have to accept it. This is Vedic knowledge. You cannot argue. There is no scope of argument. Whatever is said, you have to accept. Otherwise how Vedas become authority? You can change in your own way
- Because Krsna is everything, that does not mean I have to worship the dog
- Because Krsna is giving the brahminical culture. Without brahminical culture, useless. That is not civilization. Therefore Krsna is offered obeisance, namo brahmanya-devaya go-brahmana-hitaya ca
- Because Krsna is in everybody's heart, how can everyone be Krsna? Then dog is also Krsna. So why one should go to the temple? He can worship his dog at home
- Because Krsna is infallible. Whatever knowledge we get from the infallible, that is perfect knowledge
- Because Krsna is missing, with uncontrolled mind, senses, you cannot capture Krsna. That is not possible
- Because Krsna, the Supreme Lord, is described here, satvatam patim. Satvata, a devotee. Then you get everything. If you know Krsna, then you know everything
- Because life is divided into four parts: brahmacari, grhastha, vanaprastha and sannyasa. So woman has got three positions. They require protection. Women is never allowed to become in renounced order of life
- Because man is rational animal. Man is rational. Man is animal, but rational animal. The special gift to man is that he can decide what is good, what is bad. He has got an extra knowledge than the animals
- Because maya is very strong, so we should be always fearful that "Maya may not catch me." Always stick to Krsna's lotus feet so maya will not be able to touch you
- Because my mind, my senses, everything imperfect, so how can I have perfect knowledge? So this is not the process of acquiring right knowledge. Our process of acquiring knowledge: to hear from the right
- Because nowadays it is democratic government, teach people how to select the real leader
- Because of all their false propaganda, everyone is asking, What is Hare Krsna? What is Hare Krsna? And that is our triumph. They're chanting Hare Krsna
- Because our senses are limited. How you can have the Supreme Truth known by these imperfect blunt senses
- Because people are becoming more and more in the modes of darkness, they are eating so many abominable things. And prakrti also, I mean to say, minimizing the supply of sattvika food. Just like nowadays it has become scarcity of grains, of milk, of sugar
- Because people are in darkness, we require many millions of gurus to enlighten them. Therefore Caitanya Mahaprabhu's mission is, He said, that "Every one of you become guru." Amara ajnaya guru haya tara ei desa
- Because people are misled. So they should be given opportunity to study, to understand what is God consciousness, what is Krsna consciousness. So through the sastras. That is also required. The Gosvamis practically demonstrated in their life everything
- Because people are so poor in knowledge that any magic shown, they think this is not ordinary thing: "I cannot do it." Little magical feats makes the incarnation
- Because Sanjaya could understand the feelings of his master that he wanted the fight, no compromise, ksatriya spirit: "Let my sons and my brother's sons fight." That is ksatriya spirit
- Because that stool and urine is also useful. Cow is so important. They'll eat and they'll pass stool and urine. That is also important. If they supply milk, it is well, very good. Otherwise the stool and urine is also important
- Because the child is talking some nonsense, you cannot say there is no soul. There is soul, but the consciousness is not developed
- Because the consciousness is there, therefore any part of the body, if we pinch, we can feel pains and pleasure. And when the consciousness is not there, the man is dead
- Because the human society is producing children like cats and dogs, the whole human society is in trouble. How you can expect peace and prosperity in the society of cats and dogs
- Because the husband mixes with so many other women, he cannot satisfy his wife. This is the psychology
- Because the living being takes the superior position for explosion of matter or reaction of matter, therefore in the Bhagavad-gita it is admitted that the matter is handled by the living being; it is inferior energy
- Because the living entities, they are trying to exploit the resources of this material nature. That is going on all over the world. A country is supposed to be very rich which has become able to exploit the material resources
- Because the living entity is the minute particle of God, mamaivamso jiva-bhutah (BG 15.7), therefore his intelligence, his power, is also very minute. But God's power is unlimited. By unlimited power Krsna knows the past, future and present, everything
- Because the people of this age are not very strong, spiritually inclined, therefore for this particular age of Kali the tapasya has been, I mean to say, decreased
- Because the soul is immortal, eternal, so if somebody kills somebody, the body is destroyed, but the soul is not destroyed
- Because the spirit soul is within the heart, I can pinch any part of my body, I feel that this is consciousness
- Because the spiritual master enlightens the divya-jnana, one feels obliged to him. So this guru-puja essential. As the Deity worship essential . . . It is not cheap adoration. It is the process of enlightening the divya-jnana
- Because the system of religion has become polluted, we should not give up religion. That is our prime duty. Dharma hi tasya eka visesa. What is the difference between animal and man? The animal has no religion
- Because the teachers were very much cautious that, "This Prahlada has got tendency to become a devotee," so they were very careful
- Because there are different varieties of living entities, beginning from Brahma down to the insect, insignificant. In the middle, there are so many varieties - aquatics, trees, plants, demigods, and men, human being
- Because there are so many, I mean to say, authentic literatures. So if we don't take advantage of these literatures, then we cannot make our life perfect
- Because there is a minute particle of God's part and parcel, the soul, this body is so valuable
- Because there is no training of brahminical culture how to become truthful. People think that "What is wrong, I shall speak untruth?" So the value of truthfulness will decrease & the importance of religion will decrease. This is the symptoms of Kali-yuga
- Because these Mayavadis, they are after mumuksa, so mumuksubhih parityagah, if they are giving up, then phalgu-vairagya. It is called phalgu-vairagya, false renunciation. The world is not false, but the so-called renunciation is false
- Because they are so poor that they cannot purchase diamond. But diamond must be there. They are so poor-hearted, their education has been so poorly given that they cannot understand
- Because they had very good tendency for learning Sanskrit to know so many things. That was their research. They knew it that in Sanskrit language there are so many wonderful things
- Because they have no information of the Vaikuntha planets, they again come to these material planet. That is stated in the Srimad-Bhagavatam. Because they have no rest, they become perturbed
- Because they make research in their teeny brain, they come to the conclusion voidism and impersonalism that, "Make it zero, this botheration." That is also imperfect. So when they come to Bhagavan and engage himself in the service, then it is perfect
- Because they say, "Man is rational animal." So if you are devoid of rationality, then again you are animal
- Because they wanted to become like that, and God has given him the chance, "All right. You want to become like this and enjoy life? All right, you become like this." So this is arrangement
- Because they were sannyasis, renounced order of life, Caitanya Mahaprabhu offered His respect by bowing down before them. It is the duty of everyone, not only between the sannyasi and sannyasi. It is the custom of Vedic system
- Because this world is dark, therefore you can conclude by logical argument there must be another world which is full of light. That is not very difficult to understand
- Because we are all minute part and parcel of Krsna, therefore if Krsna is Brahman, Para-brahman, we are also minute particle of Brahman. There is no doubt about it
- Because we are bewildered, we are misdirected, so . . . so guru's word, that should be taken seriously. Ara na koriya . . . "No more, anything." That is . . . Therefore how much difficult it is to find out such guru
- Because we are eternal - nityo nityanam cetanas cetananam (Katha Upanisad 2.2.13) - we should be after eternal happiness, eternal benefit. That should be our business
- Because we are in this material world, we shall act in such a way that nobody can accuse us. Therefore Rupa Gosvami has said: The dealings should be very honest
- Because we are Krsna's sons or we have got very intimate relationship with Krsna and we have given Him up and we have forgotten Him, therefore we are suffering
- Because we are materially diseased, we are in the difficult position of birth, death, old age and disease. Krsna says. This is real problem. Janma-mrtyu-jara-vyadhi-duhkha-dosanudarsanam
- Because we are minute particle of God, we have also minute inconceivable power. We do not know how the hairs are growing, but the energy is there within me. Similarly, so many things come out from the inconceivable power of Krsna
- Because we are minute particle of Krsna . . . we have got qualities of Krsna not cent percent; seventy-eight percent. When they are perfect, so minute quantity, then we can also become a little more advanced than at the present moment
- Because we are not meant for this service. We are, as Caitanya Mahaprabhu teaches, jivera svarupa haya nitya-krsna-dasa (CC Madhya 20.108-109). Our main business is to serve Krsna
- Because we are now in the material world, we have got the propensity to enjoy, to exploit the resources of material nature. Krsna has given us the opportunity
- Because we are part and parcel of God, so we have got good qualities. It is covered by material contamination. Gold is gold - but it is covered by mud, dirty things, one cannot understand whether is it gold or something else. So our position is like that
- Because we are part and parcel of God, therefore we are also have got the same chemicals, but not proportionally the same quantity. That is the difference
- Because we are part and parcel of God, we have got all the qualities of God. But because we are minute part and particle of God, therefore all the qualities of God are there in minute particle
- Because we are part and parcel of Krsna we have got the same quality. So you see Krsna, He is enjoying with the gopis, with the cowherd boys, friends, in Vrndavana, in the forest, with cows, with calves. This is enjoyment - variety
- Because we are part and parcel of Krsna, our original consciousness is that, "I have got intimate relationship with Krsna as His part and parcel." That is Krsna consciousness
- Because we are part and parcel of the Supreme, sac-cid-ananda-vigraha - eternity, blissful and knowledge - therefore, although we are minute particles, minute particle . . . but the minute particle has got so much energy
- Because we are so advanced, there are so many hundreds and thousands of men, there is no fixed purpose of life. Even in your rich country we see such men without any purpose, without any aim of life. So they are called manda-bhagyah, most unfortunate
- Because we are so weak in this age and there are so many problems, it is very, very difficult to make a solution. Therefore sastra says that, You simply take to the chanting of the holy name of God
- Because we cannot control our senses, we are driving, we are being pushed towards the darkest region of material existence, very hard to leave
- Because we cannot see the Supreme Personality of Godhead with these blunt eyes, He has assumed the form of a stone. This is called arca-murti. It is His mercy
- Because we do not know what is spirit, and we think spirit is something just opposite to this matter, and matter we find manifestation, form, therefore spirit should be formless. That is their conclusion
- Because we have been put into some awkward position of this material existence, therefore we are . . . although constitutionally we are joyful, we do not find anything joyful
- Because we have fallen down, therefore we have got this material body. But Krsna, or God, never falls down
- Because we have forgotten our intimate relationship with Krsna, and trying to become happy in this material world, therefore we have to undergo so much tribulations. This is the position
- Because we have got blunt material senses, we cannot understand what is Krsna, what is Krsna's service; atah sri-krsna-namadi . . . what is Krsna's chanting of name. We are thinking that this is chanting, just like we chant so many vibrations
- Because we have got the circumstances, because we have got unclean body, therefore there is birth and death. Just like as soon as you are infected, there is fever, similarly, the birth and death is a kind of disease. It is also listed with disease
- Because we have got this body, we suffer the pains of cold and heat. This is only one example. It is given in the Bhagavad-gita, matra-sparsas tu kaunteya sitosna-sukha-duhkha-dah. Sita means cold. Just like in winter we suffer. In summer also, we suffer
- Because we have got varieties of desires, we dress ourselves in different fashionable clothes. So this varieties of life mean they have different desires, and Krsna is fulfilling their desires. Ye yatha mam prapadyante
- Because we have got very limited knowledge. Atmavat manyate jagat. The same Dr. Frog. Dr. Frog is calculating in his own way, and he is puzzled how there can be an Atlantic Ocean or Pacific Ocean. Because he has never experienced, he has no idea
- Because we have to say we are servant of Krsna; therefore we have to teach everyone to surrender to Krsna. Not that, I am God, you surrender to me
- Because we have to take prasadam, remnants of foodstuff, Krsna, therefore He says, "Give Me this: food grains, milk, or fruits and flowers." Prepared or unprepared, it doesn't matter. Krsna wants that
- Because we know rightly, and as we are part and parcel of God, minute particles, therefore our duty is to serve God
- Because you are a rascal, you do not know what is your future. You do not harm others, but you are harming yourself
- Because you are attached to the skin and bone, therefore you feel sometimes pains and pleasure. But that will not endure. Better tolerate it. Tolerate. That is spiritual, tapasya. That is called tapasya. When one can learn how to tolerate
- Because you are doing the field work of book distribution, Krishna has immediately recognized them as true servants. Just like during war, a farm boy or ordinary clerk who goes to fight for his country, immediately becomes a national hero for his effort
- Because you are habituated to commit sinful life only, so if you want to be saved, then you take to Krsna consciousness. Otherwise, you have to be punished, in this life or next life
- Because you are imperfect; your senses are imperfect. Although you have got your eyes, you cannot see which is situated a very long distance away. Just like you see the sun like the disc. Huh? So the sun is not like a disc if you get closer. It is big
- Because you are impersonalist, you worship dog
- Because you are soul, therefore you are inquiring. As soon as the soul is out of your body, you cannot inquire anymore. Inquiry finished
- Because you have got leg and hand, therefore the coat has got leg and hand. You can . . . everyone can understand. It is very easy. So the original, the spirit soul, has got form. Therefore the cloth has been cut into form. It is very easy to understand
- Because you have no information of serving Krsna, then come down again to this material world and serve maya - so-called hospitals and other things, philanthropic work
- Become authority. That is . . . We said that. You become guru, authority. But you learn first of all as cela from the guru. And then you become guru
- Before Darwin's theory there should be one. That is called chemical evolution. That is called pre-biotic chemistry. Means before biological evolution started there should be chemical evolution
- Before ending this life, if one fortunately becomes Krsna conscious, certainly he at once attains the stage of brahma-nirvana
- Before my birth, the land was there. And after my death, the land will be there. If you trace out history, go on tracing, when the land was not there, you'll never find. Therefore the land is God's. The earth belongs to God. Everything belongs to God
- Before reaching to that point of frustration, if you take to Krsna consciousness, then you reach the real standard of happiness, because everything belongs to Krsna
- Before these motorcars, the people were living very happily. They were transporting. But there was no such civilization that for your earning livelihood you have to go hundred miles away from your home to work there. Therefore you require vehicle
- Before this universal creation, Krsna took the form of Mahavisnu, and Mahavisnu's breathing period is the creation and annihilation. So long the breathing goes on, exhaling, that is the creation period; inhaling, the destruction, annihilation
- Behind the material nature is Krsna. Therefore our business is to surrender to Krsna and take knowledge from Him, and then you become perfect
- Better die young, in good health, chanting Hare Krsna. What is the use of prolonged life? The prolonged life . . . the trees are also prolonged life. Does it mean it is happy
- Better to leave this place as soon as possible. Not to come again. That should be our serious attention
- Between Brahma and ant, there are millions of other living entities, 8,000,000. They're all imperfect because they have accepted this material body, either Brahma or ant. But your perfection will come when you do not accept this material body
- Beyond nirvana there is brahma-nirvana, and beyond that there is Paramatma, and above that there is Bhagavan
- Bhagavad-gita begins education, instruction. Immediately He puts forward that you are not this body. That is the beginning of education
- Bhagavad-gita has been so important book throughout the whole world that there is a sect in Germany who are called Indo-German religious sect
- Bhagavad-gita is also Veda. It is spoken by Krsna. So you cannot make any addition, alteration. You must take it as it is. Then you get the right knowledge
- Bhagavad-gita is read all over the world, irrespective of religious considerations
- Bhagavad-gita is the complete knowledge of the Vedic wisdom. The whole Vedic knowledge is infallible
- Bhagavad-gita is understood by a person who has similar qualities like Krsna. That means he must be a devotee, he must be in relation, direct relationship with the Lord
- Bhagavad-gita points out that you may feel very happy with your so-called material senses, but you should see to the real problem of life, janma-mrtyu-jara-vyadhi: birth, death, old age and disease
- Bhagavad-gita says that sukham atyantikam yat (BG 6.21). If you want supreme happiness, then you have to search out beyond the sense happiness
- Bhagavad-gita says you are not this body. That is the beginning of education. And now education means be nationalist
- Bhagavad-gita says, sa gunan samatitya etan: One has to transcend even the quality of goodness, the so-called goodness
- Bhagavad-gita says: "One who is thinking of Me, Krsna, always, He is the greatest yogi." He's the greatest yogi. Yoginam api sarvesam
- Bhagavad-gita sloka, Bhagavata sloka, and doll exhibition. So you prepare. I will give you the suggestion
- Bhagavad-gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam, it is not meant for Indians only. That is not the idea. But nowadays everything is seen through national consciousness. But in the BG you will not find anything as so-called nationalism or communism. That is spiritualism
- Bhagavan is Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and bhagavata means in relation with Bhagavan, who has got relationship with Bhagavan
- Bhagavan means the most opulent, topmost place, bhagavan. And aghavan means lowest place. So here it is said that one has to become aghavan to the stage of bhagavan. This is Krsna consciousness: not to remain aghavan, but to become bhagavan
- Bhagavan means the Supreme Personality of Godhead. But those who are very, very advanced, recognized by Bhagavan, they are also sometimes called bhagavan. Just like Lord Siva, Lord Brahma, Narada Muni, on their status, sometimes they are called bhagavan
- Bhagavan, the S Personality of Godhead, beyond the sense perception. This impersonal concept of the Absolute Truth is in negation of the material duality. But that is not absolute knowledge. Absolute knowledge is that when we reach bhagavantam adhoksajam
- Bhagavat means one who has power to possess the Supreme Lord. He is called bhagavata
- Bhagavat-sabda means bhagavan, and bhagavata means those who are in connection with Bhagavat, Bhagavan
- Bhagavata begins that janmady asya yatah (SB 1.1.1), what is the origin, source of creation. Not abruptly Krsna. Then after developing all such knowledge, one can understand what is Krsna
- Bhagavata means "by the Supreme Personality of Godhead," and gitam means "spoken." They say: "sung by." You can say. But gitam means "spoken by." Therefore it is called Bhagavad-gita
- Bhagavata means . . . God is called Bhagavan. Bhagavat, the original word is bhagavat, and one who has got intimate relation with bhagavat, he is called bhagavata
- Bhagavata means any authoritative literature, they must give evidence
- Bhagavata means anything in relationship with the Supreme Lord. That is called bhagavata
- Bhagavata means from the word bhagavan. Bhagavan means the person who has got all the six opulences in full. He is called Bhagavan, or God
- Bhagavata means great devotee, first-class devotee
- Bhagavata means in relationship with Bhagavan, Krsna. So these boys are engaged in reading Bhagavatam, in reading Bhagavad-gita and other literatures which gives them knowledge about the Supreme Personality of Godhead. And bhagavata means the devotee
- Bhagavata means in relationship with Bhagavan. One who has dedicated his life only for the service of the Lord, Bhagavan, he is called bhagavata
- Bhagavata means in relationship with God. So our this Krsna consciousness movement is bhagavata-dharma. Bhagavata-dharma means we are presenting God
- Bhagavata means one who has his relation with Bhagavan. From Bhagavan . . . Bhagavan comes from the word bhagavata
- Bhagavata means pertaining to Bhagavan. And Bhagavan means to the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Bhagavata means pertaining to God and His devotees. That is called bhagavata. Just like this book is called Bhagavata because it deals only with the subject matter of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, nothing more
- Bhagavata means pertaining to God. Bhagavan means God, and bhagavata, pertaining to God
- Bhagavata means pertaining to God. So whatever your idea of God may be, that must be impressed from the childhood that, "There is God." Actually there is God. To deny God or "God is dead" is simply rascaldom
- Bhagavata means pure devotee of the Lord. One bhagavata is this book Bhagavata, another bhagavata, the person bhagavata. Who lives on the book Bhagavata, he is person bhagavata. 2 kinds of bhagavata. We have to learn Bhagavatam from the living bhagavata
- Bhagavata means the book Bhagavata and the person bhagavata. The person bhagavata is spiritual master or any exalted devotee. He is bhagavata, maha-bhagavata
- Bhagavata means the complete knowledge. Bhagavata, from bhagavan it is called bhagavata
- Bhagavata means the glories of Bhagavan and devotees. That's all
- Bhagavata means the glories of the Lord, Bhagavan, and the glories of the devotees - both. There is no difference between Bhagavan and bhagavad-bhakta
- Bhagavata means the grantha-bhagavata, the book Bhagavata, and the devotee bhagavata. So either you read Srimad-Bhagavatam . . . but Srimad-Bhagavatam should be relished, understood through person bhagavata. It is recommendation
- Bhagavata means the Lord, and bhagavata means pertaining to the Lord
- Bhagavata means the Supreme Lord, and bhagavata means about Him, or about His devotees
- Bhagavata means this . . . one who is related with Bhagavan
- Bhagavata means Vyasadeva is giving direction, that, If you want this profit, then worship this demigod. So he's playing childish, foolish things
- Bhagavata says that, "Even though you are very much anxious to get all these things (beauty, opulence and good generation)," sriyaisvarya-praja, "still, we recommend that you worship the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Bhagavata says, dharmah projjhita-kaitavah atra: "All cheating type of religious system is kicked out, rejected." Actually, it is not required. It is simply bogus. Real dharma is here, to abide by the laws of God. That is real dharma
- Bhagavata-dharma is not a faith. It is a fact, characteristic of the human being. Bhagavata means in relationship with God, Bhagavan, bhagavata-tattva
- Bhagavatam says svarat. Svarat. Svarat means He is independent. His consciousness is not dependent on others' consciousness. Svarat. God, He has got all the knowledge
- Bhagavatam should not be finished . . . now they have become, made a business, finish within seven days, Bhagavata-saptaha. So what they will understand Bhagavata? One sloka, you cannot understand in seven months
- Bhajan means execution of devotional service. Gradually it should be strong and ripe. But if one falls down, even it is not ripened, bhajann apakvo, sastra says that "What is the wrong there? What is the loss there? Because he has begun this line of DS
- Bhakti is different. Bhakti is transcendental. It has nothing to do with this material world
- Bhakti, devotional service, begins when one is actually self-realized. Before that, sa bhaktah prakrtah smrtah (SB 11.2.47). Anyone who has got the identification of this body, he is engaged in Deity worship, but he does not actually realize his self
- Bhakti-yoga is not sentiment, it is a science. Therefore we have to take it from authorized Vedic instruction. Srila Rupa Gosvami has advised that science means you have to take it from the Vedic knowledge
- Bhakti-yoga means buddhi-yoga, one who is highly intelligent. Or somehow or other he has become intelligent that, "I shall take to Krsna consciousness." Then his life is perfect immediately, and gradually he will realize Krsna
- Bhakti-yoga means this, not to try artificially to control the mind the senses. That will be failure
- Bhakti-yoga means vairagya, detachment for material enjoyment. That is the sign. Not that "I am a big, big devotee, but I have got very great attachment for material enjoyment." That is not bhakti
- Bhakti-yoga requires little tapasya, not playthings. Tapasya, that, "We are addicted to so many sinful activities. We must give it up." That is tapasya. "We must observe fasting on Ekadasi day, on Lord's birthday." These are tapasya
- Bhakti-yoga, devotional service, is so powerful that simply by taking to the bhakti-yoga according to the rules and regulation one is supposed to be purified
- Bhaktivinoda Thakura has said, ei 'ta kali-cela: here is a disciple of Kali. Nake tilaka galai mala: but has got a tilaka on the forehead and neckbeads on the neck, but is kali-cela - number one disciple of Kali
- Bhaktivinoda Thakura said, "Out of all the senses, the tongue is very difficult to control, formidable enemy." So in order to control the tongue, He has given nice prasadam
- Bhaktivinoda Thakura was a great, responsible government officer, magistrate, but a great devotee of the Lord, and he's one of the acaryas
- Bhaktivinoda Thakura was against giving sannyasa. He didn't like these babajis. They were markata-vairagya, superficially . . . markata-vairagya means monkey. They live naked, eat fruits, live in the jungle. That is vairagya. But three dozen wives
- Bhaktivinoda Thakura was grhastha; he produced Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati. That is wanted. So in this way, if there is ideal institution, ideal mode of living, it is happy; everything is all right
- Bhaktya means devotional service, submission, submission to the Supreme Lord. Bhaktya means bhaja. It is Sanskrit word. The root meaning is bhaja-dhatukti. Bhaja. Bhaja means service. So bhaja-dhatukti bhakti, bhaktya
- Bhaktya. Just like a paid servant, he is also engaged in satisfying the master very nicely, very faithfully, but there is no bhakti. Why? Because he is after the money the master pays. He does not serve the master, but he serves the money
- Bhava-maha-davagni, the forest fire of material existence, is blazing continually. So you have to extinguish it by the rainfall from cloud, and that rainfall means sravana-kirtana. Sravana means hearing, and kirtana means chanting. This is the only way
- Bhava-roga. We have to cure this disease & come to our healthy standard of life. That opportunity is here in this human form of life. If you want to cure this material disease & revive healthy condition of eternal spiritual life, the opportunity is here
- Bhisma means very solid, firmly fixed. So he was a brahmacari. For the sake, for the satisfaction of his father's senses, he remained brahmacari
- Bhismadeva supported Krsna, that - He is greater brahmacari than me. I think I could not save myself, keeping myself amongst the young girls. But Krsna can do so. He is real brahmacari. Therefore His another name is Acyuta, he never falls down
- Bhogi means takes the thing and utilizes for his own sense gratification. That is called bhogi, sense gratification
- Bhumir apo 'nalo vayuh, this material body is composition of five gross elements: earth, water, air, fire and ether. So mind, intelligence, ego, that is apara, inferior energy
- Big, big professors, big, big scientists, they are putting the theories that life has come from chemicals, chemical evolution, and they are getting Nobel Prize
- Big, big professors, they say that "This body is everything. After the body is finished, everything is finished." But that is not the fact. That is the first spiritual education to understand, that "I am not this body." Aham brahmasmi: I am spirit soul
- Big, big sannyasis, they gave up this material world - brahma satyam jagan mithya - because they did not engage themselves in devotional service, they again come back to this material world for philanthropic work, for altruistic work, for charity
- Big, big stalwart acaryas, mahajanas, they are accepting; therefore we accept. That is sense. And if you sit down, "No, no, I have no faith," you'll sit down and remain a rascal, that's all
- Birds, beast, you will find the pigeons, the dogs, they are enjoying sex at least four times in a hour. So there are men also like that. So here in this material world the sex life is this top pleasure. But it is very abominable
- Birth can be stopped? They cannot think of. They're trying in a different way - contraceptive method or killing the child. That is not the way of stoppage. No. Nature's law is so strong that if you kill the child in the womb then you'll be also killed
- Birth, death, old age, disease, the real problems of life. It does not mean that because we have advanced in so-called material civilization, you have avoided birth, death
- Black market means anyayenartha-sancayan, getting money by unfair means. That is called anyayena artha-sancayan. Anyaya means illegal; nyaya means legal
- Boba satru naya. In Bengali, if one is dumb, he has no enemy, but he cannot speak anything
- Bodily pains and pleasure come and go; they are not permanent. Tams titiksasva bharata. So you have to learn how to tolerate these bodily pains and pleasure, but you have to take care of the soul
- Bombay is so important that if you want to get a place you have to pay no less, fifty thousand, lakh of rupees to stand. Then do business
- Both the devotees and non-devotees, they must obey the laws of Krsna. There is no exception
- Brahma is accepting the Supreme Personality of Govinda, Krsna in Vrndavana. Venum kvanantam: He is engaged in playing flute
- Brahma is the original person to understand Vedic knowledge. So after his birth he meditated for hundreds of years, and by meditation, through his heart the knowledge of Vedas, sruti, became revealed
- Brahma says that, This form is bhuvana-mangalam mangalaya. This form, Krsna, is meant for all auspicity for everyone
- Brahma was approached by the mother earth. She felt overburdened by the sinful activities of the demons. So Brahma approaches Narayana. Not directly he can see, but he can stand on the bank of the ocean of milk, and from there he can submit his petition
- Brahma's post is so exalted that when there is no living entity available, then Lord Visnu Himself becomes Brahma, the post is so important. My point is that although he's so pious, greatly exalted, still, he had to purify himself
- Brahma-bhutah prasannatma (BG 18.54). This is the stage of perfection of jnana. Na socati na kanksati. He has nothing to do with the material world. That is jnani
- Brahma-nirvana is also siddhi, but more than that siddhi is to be engaged in the service, Brahman service
- Brahma-nistham, firmly fixed up in Brahman. To know Brahman means to know not only the impersonal brahma-jyotir, but also Paramatma and Bhagavan. Brahmeti paramatmeti bhagavan iti sabdyate. This is knowledge
- Brahma-samhita. It is written by Lord Brahma. And when Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu was present on this planet, He collected the copy of this book from South India, Adi-Kesava Mandira, and presented it to His devotees that, This is authorized book
- Brahmacari is instructed in such a way that he'll remain brahmacari throughout the whole life. A brahmacari is open to accept either a grhastha asrama or vanaprastha asrama or sannyasa asrama
- Brahmacari is taught that how he should behave in society, what is the aim of life. That is brahmacari
- Brahmacari means student life, vanaprastha means retired life and sannyasa means renounced life. For them the minimum necessities of life is prescribed. And they should be automatically minimum
- Brahmacari, working under the guidance, under strict disciplinary guidance, of a spiritual master, he is blessed
- Brahmacarya is very, very essential. And that is, when one becomes detestful to sex life, that is the beginning of spiritual life
- Brahmacārī is taught from childhood how to keep brahmacārī, brahmacarya. This is the . . . anyone who is taught from the beginning of life, "No sex life," then at young age he can control
- Brahmaloka mean where the topmost planet. They have calculated, the modern astronomers and the planet-goers, that it takes about forty thousands of years to go to the topmost planet of this universe. So these things are there
- Brahman includes everything - nirakara, sakara, and whatever you can speak. But Brahman ultimately is sakara. It's not nirakara. That is the verdict of the sastra
- Brahmana is satyah samo damah, he is practicing how to become truthful, how to become clean, how to control the mind and senses, how to become simple, how to become full cognizant of the Vedic literature, how to become firmly fixed up in conviction
- Brahmana means as it is, they will describe. That is brahmana. And if one has got some motive, that "Bhagavad-gita is popular book. Let me utilize it and make my rascal philosophy popular . . ." That is wrong. That is sudra
- Brahmana means one who has acquired these qualifications, satya sama damo titiksa. The first qualification of brahmana is to become truthful. He'll never speak lies. That is the first qualification. Satya sama, then controlling the senses
- Brahmana means to be situated a first-class prisoner. A first-class prisoner is also prisoner
- Brahmana should not charge anything, but they can take charity. So the students, they would bring charities naturally. This was brahmana's profession
- Brahmana, fully engaged for enlightenment of the people, knowledge, spiritual knowledge. They are meant for that. They will cultivate that knowledge personally, pathana pathana, and make students, brahminical class
- Brahmana, ksatriyas, vaisyas, sudras. So these four divisions are always. Now you can name in a different way - that doesn't matter - but in every society and for all time these divisions are there
- Brahmana, they are teachers, natural teachers, and there is no fees. No fees. Just like we started this Krsna consciousness movement, teaching, but there was no fees. This is the teaching, real teaching
- Brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas, sudras, they are trained differently. Brahmana - for understanding Vedic knowledge and guide the other three subdivisions
- Brahme carati iti brahma brahmacari. Carati means acts. Actually he acts in life, applies the principles of brahmin in his life, he is called brahmacari
- Brahmin were taken to so much respect, because they're ideal character, learned and godly, knows the science, spiritual science. Therefore they're held in high estimation and topmost of the society
- Brahminical qualification - truthful, controlling the mind, controlling the senses, simplicity, tolerant, full faith in scripture and God, full knowledge, practical application of knowledge. . . This is called sattva-guna
- Breaking a grass blade is equal to keeping a big, organized slaughterhouse
- Breathing is not life. Life is different from breathing. You have to study scientifically. Because breathing can be produced
- Bring all the books which are published in your country and find out a single man who is a Krsna's devotee. Nobody of them. Then what authority he has got to write on Bhagavad-gita? He has no right. It is simply poking your nose in other's business
- Bring God and everything will be nice. Take any question, just like economic question. There is now very acute, especially in our country. Now, the God says that, "Your economic problem will be solved like this." What is that? Annad bhavanti bhutani
- Bring sunlight, and the darkness will automatically go
- Buddha was obliged to deny the authority of the Vedas. And because he did not accept the authority of the Vedas, the Vedantists and the followers of Vedas, they called the Buddhist philosophy as atheistic
- Buddhist, I know that. They are strictly vegetarian, those who are strict followers
- By always being in KC, one can get out of all sinful reactions. How? Niharam iva bhaskarah. Niharam means dews. You have seen in this season, so many dews are on the grass. As soon as there is sunrise, everything finished. It is very nice example
- By argument you cannot come to the conclusion. By simply reading scriptures you cannot come to the conclusion. By following the philosophers you cannot come to the conclusion. Therefore the truth is very confidential. Dharmasya tattvam nihitam guhayam
- By arithmetic calculation the mathematicians say that "The point has no length and breadth." This is a disappointment. Because he cannot measure the length and breadth of the point, therefore he says like that. But point has length and breadth
- By asuric quality we remain conditioned with this material world. But daivi qual. . . By divine quality, we can become free from this material bondage and go back to home, back to Godhead
- By bhakti, you can develop your love for Krsna. That is required
- By chanting Krsna's holy name, one cleanses all the dust from the mirror of one's consciousness. The blazing fire of material existence is then extinguished. This fire is especially severe in the present materialistic civilization
- By chastising the wrongdoer and by giving protection to the right man, and then establish what is real religion. And then Krsna's mission, Krsna consciousness, is perfect
- By chemical process, one can turn the bell metal into gold. That is alchemistry, that bell metal, if it is treated with mercury properly, then it can become gold
- By devotional service one has to become vasudeva-parayana, devotee of Lord Vasudeva. That's all. That is being taught here: how to become lover of Vasudeva
- By discharging one's occupational duties very nicely - not as a machine regulation, no - the result will be dharmah svanusthitah pumsam visvaksena kathasu yah (SB 1.2.8): he will gradually be interested to understand Krsna
- By disciplic succession if you try to understand the truth, then you get infallible knowledge. Your purpose is to get knowledge. As soon as you get the knowledge from authority, your knowledge is perfect
- By drinking urine, they are going to Mars and bringing report. All false propaganda to keep the prestige of the scientists
- By false propaganda if you study something, that is not studied. You have to see the result. Phalena pariciyate
- By following your religious system, if you develop your spontaneous love of God, then whatever religion you are following, that is perfect
- By God's arrangement there is everything. Purnam idam (Isopanisad, Invocation). Everything is complete. Purnam adah. This creation is complete. Purnat purnam udacyate. Because it is created by God, it is complete, so you cannot find out any deficiency
- By God's arrangement, by nature's arrangement, all the necessities of the living entities, they will be supplied. They will be free from all anxieties, diseases. This was practically demonstrated during the reign of Maharaja Yudhisthira
- By impure consciousness we are transmigrating from . . . now this time, you may be very happy that you have got a very nice body, American body, or you are enjoying life. But do you know what is the next life? That you do not know
- By intelligence we have to conquer over the formidable enemy which has captured the three strategic position -That means the senses and the mind and intelligence
- By karma we cannot become perfect perpetually. Just like I have given several times the example that in spite of so much education and universities and advancement of civili . . . nobody is perfect in the modern civilization, even, not even honest
- By karma, you are bound up to accept birth and death; by jnana, you can be liberated for the time being, but you again fall down; but by bhakti, you are firmly fixed up in your spiritual platform
- By keeping yourself always in the fire of Krsna, or Krsna consciousness, you are transferred to the spiritual world. Very nice example, this iron rod, red hot. You cannot use it for any other purpose. It is simply for burning
- By Krsna conscious, by rendering DS, if you want to have some material profit, Krsna will give you. That is not very difficult thing for Krsna. If you want to merge in His existence - the Mayavadi - all right, you can get it. But that is not real profit
- By law of gravitation, such a big mountain, it cannot stay in one man's finger. That is our calculation. But Krsna did it. That means He counteracted the law of gravitation. That is God
- By literary contribution, one's intelligence is tested. All big, big men of the material world, scientists, philosophers, even technicians, they are recognized by their writings, by their contribution, not by their gigantic body
- By machine the seasonal changes are going on, the sun is rising, the moon is rising, the water in the ocean, the waves are there. Everything, machine working. It is machine. Everything being systematically done
- By nature's evolutionary process, we come, gradually, through the 8,400,000 forms of life, we come to human life. And this human life is meant for curing this material disease. What is that? Birth, death, old age and disease
- By omkara one attains impersonal existence in the brahma-jyoti, and by chanting Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare, one attains the spiritual body, and he's situated in the spiritual planets
- By our manipulation of materialistic activities, there are some material dust which are accumulated on the mind; therefore we are unable to see things in true perspective
- By our these blunt senses, speculating, we cannot understand what is God. Therefore His name is Adhoksaja, Adhoksaja, "beyond material speculation." And still you have to apply your bhakti, devotion
- By practicing genuine jnana-yoga, even an empirical philosopher will develop a taste for hearing purely spiritual topics from the scriptures. Eventually he will come to understand the Supreme Lord's transcendental position and potency
- By propaganda you can establish a false thing as real. That's all. This is going on
- By reading Tulasidasa's Rama-carita-manasa, in my experience I've not seen a single man has come to the spiritual platform. I have not seen a single man. That is not transcendental literature
- By serving God, nobody is loser. He serves himself, he serves his country, he serves his family, he serves the human society, he serves the living entity - everyone
- By simply becoming Krsna conscious, you become good member of your family, you become good citizen, you become good, I mean to say, yourself. You become humanitarian, you become philanthropic, altruistic - everything
- By the mercy of guru, by the mercy of Krsna, one can make advancement in spiritual understanding. So one must be sincere. Then every direction is there
- By the order of spiritual master, by the order of the sastras you have to execute this function of bhakti-yoga, and as soon as you become attached to it, you become practiced to it, immediately you become self-realized
- By the power of mantra, just to give evidence of the Vedic mantras, the brahmins would sacrifice a cow, old cow or old bull, in the fire and give . . . give him, again, new life
- By the spell of maya we forget what is the objective of life, what is the aim of life. This is called maya. We are thinking this is our duty. No
- By these blunt senses even we cannot understand what is the name of Krsna, why these people are chanting Hare Krsna. We cannot understand
- By these blunt senses, materially blunt . . . just like with blunt instrument you cannot take any benefit - it must be sharpened - similarly these senses, you utilize these senses to understand the Absolute Truth, but it must be purified, sharpened
- By these blunt senses, we cannot understand Krsna. We cannot understand what is Krsna, what is Krsna's name, what is Krsna's fame, what is Krsna's form, what is Krsna's quality. We cannot understand
- By uncontrolled senses, one is going down and down to the darkest region of material existence
- By understanding, by hearing from authorized sources or by reading from authorized sources, the forgetful living entities will come to his senses. That is the purpose
- By your blunt senses, you can not understand what is Krsna, what is Krsna's name, what is Krsna's form, what is Krsna's activity. Therefore Krsna, by His causeless mercy, has come before us in the form of stone so that we can see Him
- By your these blunt senses it is not possible to understand what is God, what is His form, what is His name, what is His quality, what is His kingdom, what is His paraphernalia. These things are to be understood
- Caitanya could remain a big devotee at His home. But still, He took sannyasa and went door to door, village to village, town to town in India, and He left His order: all over the world, as many towns and villages are there, this KC movement should be
- Caitanya is not recommending this process (chanting the holy name of Krsna) by manufacturing Himself, but He is quoting from the authorized scripture and authorized sources so that people can accept it
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu and all the sastras, they are giving directly in touch with Krsna. Step by step, it is very difficult. So that is the special gift in this age
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu does not give you such prescription. He gives you very nice program: chant, dance and take prasadam. Still we are unwilling. We cannot accept this tapasya
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu exhibited one example, to deliver Jagai-Madhai. They were born in a very aristocratic brahmana family, but by bad association they became illicit sex, woman-hunter, drunkards and meat-eaters and gamblers. But Caitanya delivered them
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu had discussion with some of His principal disciples. One was Ramananda Raya
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu has asked everyone to become guru. Everyone. Because there is need of guru. The world is full of rascals; therefore there is need of so many gurus to teach them
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu has come with the same mission. His mission is not different from Krsna, because He is Krsna Himself. So His mission is to offer prema, bhakti. Prema-bhakti-vadanyata. That is His magnanimity
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu has given nice sample of love. He is playing the part of Radharani. Radharani is the conjugal consort of Krsna
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu has instructed us that "Do not be disappointed. Kindly forbear." Trnad api sunicena taror api sahisnuna
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu has introduced Krsna name, krsna-varnam. Caitanya Mahaprabhu's identification is given in the Srimad-Bhagavatam, krsna-varnam, krsnam varna iti, iti krsna-varnam. He is always chanting, Krsna
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu has no astra. But this is astra, this hari-sankirtana. This is astra. In the Kali-yuga there is no profit by killing them. They're already killed. Therefore this is the astra. To kill the miscreants this is astra, this hari-sankirtana
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu has taught us, apani acari prabhu jiveri siksaya: if you don't behave yourself as an ideal man, you cannot preach. Your preaching will not be successful
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu is always chanting "Krsna," and He's Krsna. He belongs to the category of Krsna, krsna-varnam. Krsna-varnam tvisakrsnam. But in this age His bodily complexion is not blackish. Yellowish
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu is called namo maha-vadanyaya, most munificent incarnation. Why? Krsna-prema-pradaya te (CC Madhya 19.53). Even without understanding Krsna, simply by chanting Hare Krsna mantra they become ecstatic for love of Krsna
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu is canvassing, "Now get up. How you are remaining in ignorance still? You have got this human form of body; still you remain as cats and dogs. How is that? This is spell of maya. You get up
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu is Krsna, merciful. Papi tapi jata chilo hari-name uddharilo. All the demons, full of sinful activities, they are to be delivered by this weapon, Hare Krsna. Otherwise, killing is going on
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu is so strict that He rejected him (Junior Haridasa) from His associates. Then other big, big devotees requested him that: He has committed some mistake, and please excuse him. He is Your servant
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu is teaching personally how to live. And we are not taking advantage? What a suicidal policy
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu is the real leader, and Krsna
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu never meant to start this movement for high-class brahmanas, sages, saintly persons - no. This class of men. For the all fallen. Kali-yuga, all fallen. Don't be disappointed. Go on, go on. Stick to the principles
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu ordered, bharata-bhumite manusya-janma haila yara. It is for the perfect human being. The other parts of the world, they're in darkness. So there is great necessity of spreading the knowledge of Bhagavad-gita all over the world
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu recommends by simply chanting Hare Krsna mantra, your heart will be cleansed. The mirror of your heart will be cleansed. Ceto-darpana-marjanam. And immediately you will be able to extinguish the blazing fire of this material existence
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu said that "As you (Sanatana Gosvami) have decided to relinquish, to resign, your so exalted post, and you have come to Me for spiritual enlightenment, that means you are already liberated from the three material conditions of life
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu said that - Make your life perfect by understanding the Vedic knowledge, and distribute it
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu said that: I am crying for Krsna just to advertise Myself that I have become a big . . . but actually I have not a pinch of devotion to Krsna
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu says that: amara ajnaya, "Just carry out My order." Then you are in disciplic succession. If you do not keep yourself in the order of Caitanya Mahaprabhu, then simply by becoming disciple you are not in the disciplic succession
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu says, guru-krsna-krpaya paya bhakti-lata-bija (CC Madhya 19.151). You can enter into the devotional service by double mercy. One mercy is Krsna; another mercy is the spiritual master
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu says, jivera svarupa haya nitya-krsna-dasa. Because I am part and parcel of Krsna, then what is my duty? To serve Krsna. There is no other duty
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu says: "I am not a brahmin." Then the next question is, "What You are?" He says, gopi-bhartuh pada-kamalayor dasa-dasanudasah: I am the servant of the servant of the servant of Krsna
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu taught that way. That is that if you want to cry for Krsna, then no more crying for this material world. Finished. If you can once learn how to cry for Krsna, then you will no more cry for this material world. That is Vedanta
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu was a high-class brahmana. Not only brahmana, He was a sannyasi, the most exalted post. First of all He's brahmana. Of course, unless one is brahmana, he cannot take sannyasa. That's a fact
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu's, this Krsna consciousness movement propaganda, what is this propaganda? He says that "Every one of you become guru." He wants not rascal, imitation guru, but real guru. That He wants
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu, He recommends, There is no better type of worshiping Krsna than it was planned by the gopis
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu, He said that, "My spiritual master found Me a great fool." Caitanya Mahaprabhu is not a fool, but it is the good qualification of a disciple to remain a fool before the spiritual master
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu, He was ideal sannyasi, and He was living apart from any material attachment. But we have to do preaching work. We have to construct temple
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu, instead of waiting for the last stage of His life, He took sannyasa at an early age, only twenty-four years old, when He should have begun the householder life; but He did not do so
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the inaugurator of this movement five hundred years ago, although He is accepted as Krsna Himself, still, He says that, "Alone, I have no power or strength." Ekaki amara nahi paya (Ohe Vaisnava Thakura). This is the humble submission
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu, when He was chanting and dancing, He sometimes fainted. So in the course of His chanting and dancing, when He fainted, then His personal assistants, they were treating Him
- Caitanya met Ramananda Raya, and He was talking about spiritual subject matter, very highly elevated, simply. Bcause he was born in a sudra family and a grhastha and a politician, so he was hesitating that, Caitanya Mahaprabhu is a brahmana and sannyasi
- Caitanya predicted that this missionary activities will be spread in future in as many towns & cities are there on the surface of the globe & He entrusted Indians, or those who are born in India, that Please convey this message throughout the whole world
- Caitanya said, jivera svarupa haya nitya-krsna-dasa. He's eternally servant. Either he understands or not understands, he is servant. But when he's serving consciousness, conscientiously, then he's deriving the real profit. That is Krsna consciousness
- Caitanya says, param vijayate sri-krsna-sankirtanam: "All glories to the chanting of this Hare Krsna mantra." Why? Because ceto-darpana-marjanam. If you chant Hare Krsna mantra, there is no loss for it, but there is great gain. This is the significance
- Caitanya-caritamrta is the higher studies. Still, we have got all these books, very exalted, authorized books, Bhagavad-gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam, Caitanya-caritamrta, Nectar of Devotion
- Can you float a cup of water in the sky? Is it possible? Let any scientist come and make any arrangement. They have discovered all this . . . what is called? Gravitation. So many things they have discovered. But let them fly a cup of water in the sky
- Canakya Pandita says that, "If you want to make spiritual advancement, then you should always think that, "Death is next moment. Death is next moment." Because there is no guarantee when death is coming
- Candalas means the dog-eaters. In the human society, the division of higher class and lower class is determined by the standard of eating. So first-class men, just like brahmin, Vaisnava, they eat very purified prasadam
- Candi-patha means you . . . if you properly read, you get some material profit. That's all. No spiritual profit
- Capitalists, they have drawn all the innocent people from the village, and they, they think that, "We are getting fat salary." But what is the use of fat salary
- Central point is God, but we are making central point - somebody is making his own self, his body; somebody is making his family; somebody is making his society, community or nation - or somebody is making the whole human race. But they are all imperfect
- Ceto-darpana-marjanam means to solve all the problems. That is Krsna consciousness movement. If you take to this Krsna consciousness movement, then all the problems of the society, human society, of the world, will be solved
- Ceto-darpana-marjanam. Darpana means mirror; marjanam means cleansing. So our heart is just like mirror. It requires to be cleansed, that's all. It is contaminated by the material dust
- Chand Kazi said: "Well, this cow-killing is also recommended in Your Vedas, because there is cow sacrifice." So Caitanya Mahaprabhu replied . . . now, we should know it that the animal sacrifice, according to the Vedic scripture, that is not killing
- Chant this mantra: Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare. There is no charges. There is no loss on your part. But if you kindly chant, you'll understand everything, because your heart will be cleansed
- Chanting and hearing, this was inaugurated by Lord Caitanya and followed by the six Gosvamins, and we are also following in the footprints of the six Gosvamins. Therefore we should offer our respectful obeisances
- Chanting is so nice that as soon as you take to chanting, or hear about Krsna, immediately the cleansing process begins. And as soon as our heart is cleansed, bhava-maha-davagni-nirvapanam, we become freed from the blazing fire of this material existence
- Chanting of the holy name is so powerful that it can immediately liberate the vibrator. But because he is prone to fall down again, therefore there are regulative principles
- Cheater, how he can become guru? The first qualification is cheating. If cheater can become teacher - no. Cheater is cheater. So don’t be misled by cheaters. Go to the real teacher. Tad-vijnanartham sa gurum evabhigacchet
- Cheerful attitude. If . . . cows know. They have got intelligence that "We will be killed." Therefore they are not supplying sufficient milk. They cannot
- Chemical evolution is part of life demonstration. That I have already explained. Just like the chemical, citric acid, coming from lemon tree, a life. It is coming. So all chemicals are being produced
- Chemical evolution, you get the chemicals and make a experiment and produce life. Then your proposal is all right that by chemical evolution there is life
- Chemical Evolution. "From chemical life has come." Just see. And he has got Nobel Prize
- Chiefly the impersonalist and the void philosophers, they are called Mayavadi, because they have no other information. They want to simply negate, nullify, but they have no positive information
- Child is nonsense, so you can trick him to obey you by making some little story and the child will become cheated in the proper behavior. But never apply force
- Cinta will go on; you cannot stop it. Mind you cannot stop thinking even for a moment, either you shall think of this material life or you shall think of Krsna. So Krsna consciousness means instead of thinking of this material life, you think of Krsna
- Cintam aparimeyam ca, that should be transferred to krsna-cinta. Satatam kirtayanto mam yatantas ca drdha-vratah (BG 9.14). If you always be busy in glorifying or chanting the holy name of the Lord, then your cinta, anxiety, is transferred
- Cintam aparimeyam ca. Your cinta will not act. You may think for the safety or satisfaction, but that does not mean we should neglect our duty. But as far as possible we should be detached
- Cit means knowledge. So in this material body we have no knowledge. Even if we have got . . . now imperfect knowledge, limited knowledge. But in the spiritual life you have got full knowledge. That is spiritual life
- Civilization is peaceful life, and we should be satisfied in simple mode of life and always think of Krsna. Therefore Vrndavana life is like that, Vrndavana life, especially those who are engaged in devotional service
- Cleanliness is next to godliness. Very much clean, rise early in the morning, take your bath and perform mangala aratrika, then chant Hare Krsna mantra, then read scriptures. In this way remain twenty-four hours engaged in Krsna's service
- Cleanliness is very essential. In English also it is said cleanliness is next to godliness
- Clear conception. The sastra, Brahma-samhita, clear description of God: venum kvanantam. He is playing on flute. It is not that the Muralidhara, Syamasundara, Krsna, has been imagined by some poet. No. It is described in the sastra
- Combine together, working differently but for the same purpose, for pleasing Krsna, then you will become happy. That is equality. Unity in variety. That is wanted
- Come to the bhakti-yoga by chanting Hare Krsna. Immediately. You haven't got to wait. Immediately take. That is the special gift of Lord Caitanya
- Common man within this material world, he commits mistake: "To err is human." Even big, big personalities, they commit mistake. But narayana parah. He is transcendental. Krsna is transcendental. There cannot be any mistake; there cannot be any illusion
- Complete arrangement comes from the complete, purnat. There is water. This water has come from a water stock. The arrangement is complete
- Complete comprehension of the Absolute Truth is impossible with an unholy, demoniac mind
- Complete means complete brain. Janmady asya yatah (SB 1.1.1). Because He has complete brain. Anvayad itaratas carthesv abhijnah: He's complete aware of everything. Therefore there is complete arrangement
- Completely under the grip of material nature, the rascals, they are thinking, "I am independent. There is no God, there is no control; I can do whatever I like." That is not the fact
- Conditioned souls means one who is identifying with this body, he is called conditioned soul. He is under the condition of this material nature, prakrti. So such persons cannot be perfect
- Conquer over death. Aihistham yat tam punar-janma-jayaya. So that is this highest knowledge. Highest knowledge is to conquer over the death
- Consciousness belongs to the soul. That is the symptom of presence of soul
- Consciousness is eternal, and consciousness is the symptom of the soul. Soul is eternal. When the soul takes shelter in the matter, then the matter develops, not that that combination of matter, you can produce soul
- Consciousness is there. That is a symptom of life, symptom of spirit soul. But the difference is due to material contamination
- Consciousness, that is the main thing in this body. So any intelligent man with common sense can understand it. What is this consciousness? This consciousness is the symptom of the soul
- Constitutionally, we are following the leadership, but we want immediate, temporary relief for our miseries. We do not want permanent solution of all miseries. That is the defect of our life
- Controlling the mind by the yogic process, by meditation, is impossible. It was possible in the Satya-yuga: read so many sastras, the essence of the sastra. That is the duty of the acarya
- Controlling the mind, controlling the senses, & simplicity, very simple in behavior, tolerance; full knowledge; vijnanam, practical application of knowledge; astikyam, full faith in Vedic literature and in God. These are the qualification of sattva-guna
- Controlling the senses, truthful, clean, full of knowledge, believing in the sastra and God, and vijnanam, practical application of knowledge in life, vijnanam . . . simply to know is useless. You must practically apply in life. That is called vijnanam
- Cow has got special importance because it supplies milk, and milk is very essential food
- Cow protection is very essential in Vedic civilization. Therefore we offer respect Krsna, Krsna is the benefactor of cows and the brahmanas
- Cow protection is very, very essential in human society because it gives the milk, the miracle food. You can prepare hundreds and thousands of preparation, all not only delicious, but brain-maintaining. You can get good brain
- Criticize or not criticize, we have to give everything carefully. But our preaching must be to save the people from pitfalls
- Dadati pratigrhnati. You have to give and you have to take. I love somebody. I give him something: "My dear, you take this." And when he offers also, if he also loves you, he also return you. Not exactly for returning. It is love to give and take
- Daiva means godly. You may arrange everything, but if God is against you, in spite of your all arrangement, everything will be failure. That is described in the Bhagavad-gita
- Dangerous civilization that labdhva su-durlabham idam bahu-sambhavante (SB 11.9.29). After many, many millions of years one gets the chance of becoming a human being, especially civilized and especially in India
- Darwin's theory, from monkey, man has come, but you never shown us that a monkey has ever given birth to a man. So all this false propaganda, we are no more interested
- Death is described in the Bhagavad-gita . . . what is that death? That death is Krsna, or God. That is stated in the Srimad Bhagavad-gita: mrtyu sarva-haras ca aham
- Death is not my obligation. Because I am impure, therefore I am dying. Birth is not my obligation. Because I am impure, therefore I am taking birth." Four things: janma-mrtyu-jara-vyadhi (BG 13.9). Janma, birth, is due to my impure consciousness
- Deha means body. Either it is dead or alive, it has no life. Apranasya hi dehasya. Deha is not alive. It is dead. Simply we understand, because we are foolish rascals, we understand that this body is dead when the soul is away. The body is always dead
- Deha, deha means this body. Apatya means children. Kalatra means wife. Here is struggle for existence, and you're thinking that "This my strong body and my nice children and my wife, they are my soldiers. So I am saved." Everyone is thinking like that
- Demigods means those who are devotee of the Lord. Visnu-bhakto bhaved daivah. Visnu-bhakta: the all-pervasive Supreme Personality of Godhead and His devotee. The Godhead is called deva, and his devotees are called daiva
- Demons are full of hate, greed, anger, lust, etc., & they are tireless in their efforts to illicitly amass great wealth merely to gratify their sensual urges. On the other hand, their competitors are no less expert in cheating them of their black wealth
- Demons do not know that "I am not this body. I am spirit soul. Aham brahmasmi." So therefore they do not know this. Therefore they are called nastatmanah. They have lost their spiritual sense. Why? Alpa-buddhayah, not very intelligent
- Demons means material activities. If there is spiritual activity, it remains very light. And if there is too much material activity and materialistic person, it become heavier and troublesome
- Demons' thinking, So long I shall be aspiring more and more, I am getting entangled more & more within this material world. Because Krsna is so kind, He has given me freedom to enjoy this material world, but according to my work, I am becoming implicated
- Demons, they are anxiety. Everyone has anxiety, but their anxiety, aparimeyam. Just like ordinary man, he has got some anxiety: "How to maintain my family? How to get money to maintain family?" like that. But the demons, they are immeasurable, unlimited
- Demons, they do not believe in God or God’s service or next life. These are the demons. They are thinking that this is the chance for sense enjoyment
- Desire must be there. Because I am living there, living being, I must have desires. That is the symptom. A stone has no desire, but a living being, however small, insignificant ant, it has got desire
- Desires you cannot give up. That is not possible. Desires will remain there, but at the present moment, in the conditional stage, the desires are being misused. That is the defect. Therefore the definition of bhakti means anyabhilasita-sunyam
- Devotee is bhagavat-prapannah. Bhagavat means to the Supreme Personality of Godhead; prapannah means fully surrendered
- Devotee means servant - not paid servant, but servant by affection
- Devotee's business is to know that everything belongs to Krsna; it must be used for Krsna. This is Krsna consciousness. He's neither tyagi or bhogi
- Devotees are distributing their possession to these unfortunate people. Therefore he's immediately recognized. That is the process. Devotee does not want any recognition, he knows that, My Lord wants this rascal to go back to home. So let me try my best
- Devotional service are activities of Brahman. Activities in Krsna consciousness means activities in Brahman
- Devotional service is unconditional. Devotional service does not depend on any material qualification
- Devotional service means to accept favorable and reject unfavorable. This is called saranagati
- Devotional service of the Lord that ignores the authorized Vedic literatures like the Upanisads, Puranas, and the Narada-pancaratra is simply an unnecessary disturbance in society
- Dhairyat - and one has to become very tolerant, because so many things will disturb. Caitanya Mahaprabhu therefore said that, trnad api sunicena, taror api sahisnuna (Siksastaka 3). We have to tolerate. We have to do our business
- Dhananjaya is a name of Arjuna, and Krsna said that, "My dear Arjuna, there is nobody greater than Me." So if anyone claims that he is God, he must prove by practical example that nobody is richer than him. That is the first
- Dhanena dhanavan. They say that a rich man means one who has got sufficient stock of food grains. Food grains. Dhanena dhanavan. That is Vedic economic system
- Dharma means the natural instinct. The natural instinct is to obey the superior person. Every one of us, we are meant for obeying the Supreme
- Dharma means the prescribed rules by which one can elevate himself to the transcendental life. That is dharma, religion
- Dharma means which cannot be given up. The so-called dharma, or religion . . . suppose I am Hindu and somebody is Christian. This is called faith. The dictionary meaning is, "Religion is faith." So faith can be changed
- Dhira and adhira, there are two classes of men. One is sober, even there is cause of agitation, still he remains firm. He is called dhira. And adhira means as soon as there is cause of agitation, he became a victim. That is called adhira
- Dhira can be possible when we develop love for Krsna. Then we become dhira. Otherwise, it is not possible. Otherwise we shall be disturbed
- Dhirah means very sober, fully controlled. That is called dhirah. Dhiras tatra na muhyati. Unless you become dhirah, you cannot understand what is spiritual life. That is not possible
- Dhrtarastra was physically incapable, blind, therefore he did not come in the battlefield. Otherwise, even Bhismadeva, in such old age he also came. This is ksatriya spirit. When there is fight, there is no rest
- Dhrtarastra was rotting there. He lost everything. He lost his kingdom, lost his sons, grandsons and everything. Still he could not give up the so-called material happiness
- Dhruva Maharaja worshiped Krsna with a motive. But after being perfect in devotional service he becomes without motive. When he saw actually Krsna, he said: "No, no, no. I don't want anything from You. I don't want any benediction." That is bhakti
- Dhruva wanted the kingdom better than his father, grandfather. So he had to undergo severe austerities. He got Krsna. But when he got Krsna, he said: "I don't want any benediction." This position you can attain any moment. This is the result of tapasya
- Diamond also illuminating, but it is not original. Original luminous is sun, & the illumination expanded by diamond is not so valuable as the sunshine. Similarly, Brahma, although we see him so powerful, he has little power derived from the Supreme Lord
- Different desire means different types of association. We are therefore recommending that you associate with us. Then there will be one desire: how to understand God, that's all. That is wanted
- Different devotees have different inclination to offer his service to different features of God. Therefore, He has got innumerable features of the presentation. They are differently named
- Dina-cetasam means poor-minded, dina; or crippled, cripple-minded. Actually, I see all the householders in Western countries, they are cripple-minded. Just like animal they are living. There is no high thought: what is next life, what is God
- Direct contact is not possible. Neither that is the way of worshiping by the method of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. That is sahajiya-vada
- Discipline is the first law of obedience. If people do not care for the government laws, then there will be chaos
- Disease can be repeated. But if you get your spiritual body, then there is no more question of miseries
- Divyam means "not ordinary." It should not be understood just like we take our birth. Krsna does not take His birth like us
- Do not try to poke your nose which is inconceivable. And that also not assertion
- Do this preaching work - it is not difficult - and be happy
- Do you think simply by bringing a nice physician and nice medicine you can save your son? Then where is your responsibility
- Do you think this nice flower has come out without any brain, this nonsense philosophy? The so-called scientist will put some bombastic word, "this, that. . ." What is that explanation? Nobody can understand
- Do you understand that the soul is immortal and it is transmigrating, tatha dehantara-praptir (BG 2.13)? Do you know all this problem? Then why you have become national leader
- Dogs are thinking, "I am dog," and he's barking. Similarly, if I think, "I am Indian," "I am American," where is the difference between dog & me? There is no difference. Dog does not know that he is not this body, & I do not know that I am not this body
- Doll exhibition you can have in this temple also. People will come to see
- Dolls means the Bhagavata sloka explained by doll display
- Don't be bothering yourself for solution of economic question. That is already provided. Just like all these animals, these birds, they have no question how to live, how to eat, how to mate, how to defend. This is already there
- Don't be disappointed that "Because I am poor, I cannot become devotee." Everyone can become devotee
- Don't be disappointed that many people are not coming. It is a . . . it is a subject matter which is not for many people. Only selected
- Don't be disappointed. Go on with your regulative principles, as they are advised in the sastra and the guru
- Don't be disappointed. Krsna will give you protection. Try to go on with this para-upakara movement
- Don't be members of the society of cheaters and cheated. Then the life will be spoiled. Our only request, this Krsna consciousness movement, is, Take to Krsna consciousness
- Don't be misled. Isa-tantrya, by the laws of nature, we are bound up tight, hands and legs. We are not independent. You cannot do anything independently. You are completely under the clutches of material nature
- Don't be proud, "Because I am man, I don't require protection." Here it is said, Krsna said, er, Arjuna said, purusottamena so 'ham rahitah: "Now I have no protection." Arjuna was so great hero. Still, he required protection
- Don't bother very much to know Krsna. That is not possible. Simply increase your unalloyed love for Krsna. That is perfection of life
- Don't create a situation that "I am this. I am that." Simply create a situation that you completely understand that "I have no other business than to advance in Krsna consciousness, and my only duty is to serve Krsna." This is wanted
- Don't differentiate, that "This is a stone statue of Bhagavan." No. He is Bhagavan, arca-murti, arca-vigraha. Because we cannot see Bhagavan with our present eyes, Bhagavan, out of His causeless mercy, has appeared in a form which you can see
- Don't go all of a sudden to see the face of the Lord, just like the sahajiyas did. Their reading of Bhagavata means rasa-lila. Rasa-lila is the smiling of Krsna, where Krsna is personally enjoying very sweet smiling
- Don't hide your income tax. You simply pay tax to the central government and it will be distributed to the educational department, to the defense department, to the hygienic department, everywhere
- Don't make friendship. Simply beat the mind with shoes and broomstick; otherwise cannot bring in control. And other alternative is kevalaya bhaktya. So if you can engage your mind at the lotus feet of Krsna, then it is possible
- Don't say that Krsna has only one purpose. That only purpose is that you surrender. Now, when you surrender, whatever Krsna says, you do it
- Don't take that Radharani is an ordinary woman, like we have our wife or sister or mother. No. She is the pleasure potency. And the birth of Radharani was not from the womb of any human being. She was found by Her father in the field
- Don't take this nonsense instruction that "Except on this planet there is no life other planet." This is simply nonsense. Every planet is congested with living entities. This is the description in the sastra
- Don't think like the so-called scientists that only this planet is full of living beings and other all vacant. No, that is not the fact. Every planet, it is congested with living entities. That information given there
- Don't think that because Krsna has come in this material world, so He is also affected by the material qualities. No. This is controlling power. Although He comes in this material world, He's not affected by the material qualities
- Don't think that because one has become Krsna conscious there will be no enemy. Of course, Krsna conscious person is always ajata-satru. There cannot be any enemy. There cannot be enemy in this sense - that no enemy can do any harm to them
- Don't think that Krsna consciousness will go without any difficulty. There will be so many difficulties. Even your father will be enemy. This is the history, traced
- Don't think there is no life. There is life. Why not there life? If this planet contains so many living entities, why not in other planets? So from Vedic scripture we understand
- Don't think you are, we are, every one of us, independent. No. No independent. And after death you are completely under the grip of material nature. That time you cannot say, "I don't care for anyone." No, you have to care
- Don't try to be a dry speculator to understand the ultimate truth. Namanta: just become meek and humble. And try to receive the message from authorized sources
- Don't work for sense gratification or personal interest. Real interest is how to satisfy Krsna. That is real interest
- Don’t bother about so-called economic development, because by God's arrangement everything is there
- Doubling book distribution - that is our real mission. Yare dekha tare kaha 'krsna'-upadesa (CC Madhya 7.128). That's all. This is the opportunity of speaking the words given by Krsna
- Dr. O.B.L. Kapoor is a Vaisnava. Although by age he is my younger, we are Godbrothers, for the last forty years, since he was a student at Allahabad & I was doing some business there, we are known to each other. His association is a great blessing for us
- Drinking wine and eating meat, the next stage is illicit sex. Is that the business of the Hindu monk? There are sampradayas, Ramanuja-sampradaya, Sankara-sampradaya. But where the Hindu monk drinks and eats meat