When Arjuna was asked to Kṛṣṇa that, "How can I accept that You taught this philosophy to sun-god? Because You are my contemporary. We are born practically on the same date." So He replied, "Yes. Both you and Me, we took many, many births. But you have forgotten. I know everything." And that is God. That is God. Abhijñaḥ. God must be cognizant of everything. And I do not know everything, and still, I claim I am God, and people accept. How rascals.
The Bhāgavata explains that the Absolute Truth is cognizant of everything, abhijñaḥ. "So how His knowledge is so perfect?"—the next question. Because we become cognizant by taking knowledge or accepting knowledge from spiritual master. But how He has become so cognizant? The answer is svarāṭ: fully independent. He hasn't got to learn anything from anyone. I am . . . I am real . . . realize myself as God by taking knowledge from another Māyāvādī sannyāsī.
But He is God without taking knowledge from anybody. That is real God. Svarāṭ. In this way Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam has explained the Vedānta-sūtras, that Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam is the right explanation of Vedānta-sūtra. Bhāṣyāyāṁ brahma-sūtrānām. The Brahma-sūtra means Vedānta-sūtra. And the real commentary and explanation is Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, of Vedānta.
But these Vedāntists, so-called Vedāntists, they do not read Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam. Even read, they make a different interpretation. Because to make them popular, they have to go through Bhāgavata sometimes. I see Akhandānanda also tries to explain. But they explain in their own way. Just like "This Kurukṣetra, this body, and this means . . ." I, in a . . . long ago in Bombay this Akhandānanda explaining one śloka—I just forget—but I remember his interpretation, that "When I am satisfied, God is satisfied."
He explained like that. And he is passing on as a great scholar and great sannyāsa. He said like that, "When I am satisfied, God is satisfied—because I am God." We say: "When God is satisfied, then I am satisfied." If you say that, "When the finger is satisfied, the whole body is satisfied," it is possible?
Guest (4): No.
Prabhupāda: So in this way, misinterpretation, malinterpretation, and people are gliding down to abominable condition of this material life. So our Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement is a protest against all this nonsense. And therefore we . . . sometimes we are unpopular. But we don't care for that. Popular or unpopular, we must go on with our business. What do you think?
Śyāmasundara: Yes.
Guest (5): Do you mean one has to . . .
Prabhupāda: Yes.
Guest (5): Unpopularity also means you are creating something.
Prabhupāda: Yes. (laughs) That is the reaction.
Guest (5): Here because . . . (indistinct)
Prabhupāda: So therefore so quickly we have become popular in the foreign country. Yes. Even the priestly class, the Christian priestly class, they have recognized that "We are preaching about God, Bible - we could not create such nice boys and girls. And all these young boys, they were Christians and they are attracted, attached to Swami, and they are so nice." They can appreciate that their character and their behavior, everything is so godly. They are astonished.