Īśvaraḥ means God, or controller. So everyone is controller to his limited extent. The ant is also controller, a grain of sugar. You are also controller; you have got limited sphere of controlling. Either you are controlling your children, or in office you are controlling some clerks, or in factory you are controlling some worker, or the President of United States is controlling the whole population, citizens of United States.
Similarly, this controller, one after another, go on, study, study. There are other demigods, they are also controller. Just like in the heavenly planet, Indraloka, he is controlling the sky, water supply, of the planet. So similarly, different grades of controller. You cannot say that there is one kind of controller. Different grades of controller. And when you find the supreme controller, that is God.
So this human form of life is meant for finding out who is the supreme controller. The Vedic literature gives us information that:
- īśvaraḥ paramaḥ kṛṣṇaḥ
- sac-cid-ānanda-vigrahaḥ
- (Bs. 5.1)
That supreme controller is known, His name . . . God’s name, you can give different names. There are many millions of name, God, according to His activities. Because He is the greatest, He is . . . there is no limit of His activities. So according to different activities His name is also given. So this word "Kṛṣṇa," Kṛṣṇa is the final name, final name. Final name, why? This word indicates the all-attractive. God must be all-attractive.
Unless God is all-attractive, how He can be God? Just like you select somebody as president because he is attractive—attractive in some way; attractive by his influence. You see that, "This man is quite able to control over our country," in this way, therefore you give your vote. He must be attractive. You don’t give vote to any person who is not attractive.
So attraction must be there. And what are the attraction? The attraction is wealth, attraction is strength, attraction is reputation, attraction is wisdom, and attraction is beauty, and attraction is renunciation. These six kind of things. In Vedic literature, because it is perfect, it gives the definition of God that anyone who has got these six kinds of attraction in full—not partially.