Everyone should be interested, but svārtha. This is svārtha, that if you get a nice foodstuff, if you put to the stomach, then real svārtha. Not only the fingers which have picked up the foodstuff, not only his interested, tasmin tuṣṭe jagat tuṣṭaḥ. Yathā taror mūla, prāṇopahārāc ca yathendriyāṇām (SB 4.31.14). If you put the foodstuff through this one way, not foolish way, that we have to put the foodstuff within the body. So there are nine holes in the body: this mouth, the eyes, the ears and the genital, the rectum, the navel. There are nine holes. If some rascal says that any hole will do, you put the foodstuff through any hole . . . Sometimes it is done. When one cannot eat, the foodstuff is forced through the body through the rectum, through the nose. That is very troublesome. But the real process is, one process, you put the foodstuff through the mouth. It must go to the stomach, and then the energy will be distributed, everyone will be happy. Similarly, if we serve Kṛṣṇa, if we abide by the orders of Kṛṣṇa and satisfy Him, as He says, sarva-dharmān parityajya mām ekaṁ śaraṇaṁ vraja (BG 18.66), that is the perfection of life. If we work otherwise, forgetting Kṛṣṇa . . . Here it is said, gata-smṛtir vindati tatra tāpān. If we forget Kṛṣṇa, if we make our own plan to satisfy myself, community, society, nation, this is forgetfulness, and the result will be gata-smṛtir vindati tatra tāpān. You get simply trouble. That is being done, actually. The whole world is forgetfulness of Kṛṣṇa, or God. Kṛṣṇa, forgetfulness, and they are making so many plans to become happy, but the result is vindati tāpān, simply suffering, simply suffering. It will never be successful.
The same example, yathā taror mūla-niṣecanena tṛpyanti tat-skandha-bhujopaśākhāḥ (SB 4.31.14). The process is that you have to pour water at the root of the tree, then the tree will luxuriantly grow. But if you do not know the process, if you begin watering leaf to leaf, branch to branch, twig to twig, it will be simply waste of time. You can say, "I am pouring water on this leaf, on that leaf, on that . . ." It will take . . . You cannot. There are so many leaves in the tree, it is not possible individually you can do it. But if you put the water, pour the water on the root, it is very easy, and all the leaves and twigs and flowers and fruits, they get nourishment. That is wanted. Yathā taror mūla-niṣecanena tṛpyanti tat-skandha-bhujopaśākhāḥ, prāṇopahārāc ca yathendriyāṇām (SB 4.31.14). And by offering food to the stomach, all the indriyas, senses, they become vigorous, or strong. Similarly, sarvārhaṇam acyutejyā, if you satisfy Kṛṣṇa, acyuta ijyā, then the whole society, whole community, whole living beings, everyone will be satisfied. If you simply push on this Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement, then all different activities of the human society will be very, very nicely performed. Or if you do this nationalism, communism, it will never be perfect.
So we have got example in our country. Many countries; not only our country. Your country also, that President Kennedy, he was killed. Many other presidents also—in our country Gandhi was killed—because in that way, you cannot satisfy everyone. It is not possible. The so-called socialism, communism, altruism, humanitarianism will never be able to satisfy everyone. That is not possible. Kāmādīnāṁ kati na katidhā pālitā durnideśās teṣāṁ jātā mayi na karuṇā na trapā nopaśāntiḥ (CC Madhya 22.16). These different types of "isms," that is simply satisfying different desires. It is not the program.
- dharmaḥ svanuṣṭhitaḥ puṁsāṁ
- viṣvaksena kathāsu yaḥ
- notpādayed yadi ratiṁ
- śrama eva hi kevalam
- (SB 1.2.8)
So that is simply waste of time. The same thing is repeated, na te viduḥ svārtha-gatiṁ hi viṣṇuṁ durāśayā ye bahir-artha-māninaḥ (SB 7.5.31). Durāśayā. People are trying to be happy by so many bahir-artha, external desires. Artha, artha means actual interests. And anartha, anarthopaśamaṁ sākṣād bhakti-yogam adhokṣaje (SB 1.7.6). Artha means how to satisfy Kṛṣṇa. This is artha. It is said, arthadam. Arthadam. You can get real interest in this life.
- kaumāra ācaret prājño
- dharmān bhāgavatān iha
- durlabhaṁ mānuṣo janma
- adhruvam apy arthadam
- (SB 7.6.1)
This human form of life, although adhruvam . . . Everybody, we cannot continue this body for all the time. It will be ended, dehāntara-prāptiḥ (BG 2.13), another body. So this is the general rule for all living entities, either dog's body or hog's body or man's body. It will not stay; it will not endure. You have to change. Therefore it is called adhruvam. But the special advantage of this human form of life—Prahlāda Mahārāja says—although it is adhruvam, it will not stay, but arthadam, you can have your real interest fulfilled.
- kaumāra ācaret prājño
- dharmān bhāgavatān iha
- durlabhaṁ mānuṣaṁ janma
- tad apy adhruvam arthadam
- (SB 7.6.1)
This we must understand, that although we have got also a body, and the dog has also a body, the same composition, kṣitir āp tej marud vyoma—mind, intelligence and ego . . . There is no difference. The dog has also mind, and I have got mind, you have got mind. The dog has also intelligence; we have got also intelligence. The dog also can eat; you can also eat. The dog can sleep; you can also sleep. So there is no difference so far the bodily constitution. And superficially, if you cut my body there will be blood, if you cut the body of an animal there will be blood. So in every respect, so far the material body is concerned, it is the same, either of the human being or of a small insect. The same construction, physiological, anatomical, everything is the same. But the difference is, in other body there is no arthadam, but in the human body there will be arthadam. You can realize your position, you can act accordingly, you can make your life successful. That is the special advantage of this human form of life.