So this is the general way of life. Everyone is engaged in these material activities, and the basic principle of material activity is gṛhastha, family life. Family life, according to Vedic system, or anywhere, is responsible life to maintain the wife, children. Everyone is engaged. They think this is the only duty. "To maintain the family, that is my duty. As comfortably as possible. That is my duty." One does not think that this kind of duty is performed even by animals. They have got also children, and they feed. So what is the difference? Therefore here the word used, mūḍha. Mūḍha means ass. One who is engaged in such duties, bhuñjānaḥ prapiban khādan. Prapiban. Piban means drinking, and bhuñjānaḥ means eating. While eating, while drinking, khādan, while chewing. Carva cūṣya lehya peya. There are four kinds of eatables. Sometimes we chew, sometimes we lick up, carva cūṣya, lehya,sometimes we swallow, and sometimes we drink. So there are four kinds of foodstuff. Therefore we sing catuḥ vidhā śrī-bhagavat-prasādāt. Catuḥ vidhā means four kinds. So we offer to the Deity so many foodstuffs within these four categories: something is chewed, something is licked up, something is swallowed. In that way.
So bhuñjānaḥ prapiban khādan bālakaṁ sneha-yantritaḥ. The father-mother takes care of the children, how to give them foodstuffs. We have seen Mother Yaśodā is feeding Kṛṣṇa. Same thing. This is the difference. We are feeding ordinary child, which is done by cats and dogs also, but Mother Yaśodā is feeding Kṛṣṇa. The same process. The process there is no difference, but one is the Kṛṣṇa center and the other is whimsical center. That is the difference. When it is Kṛṣṇa-centered, then it is spiritual, and when it is whimsical-centered, then it is material. There is no difference between material . . . this is the difference. There is . . . just like lusty desires and love, pure love. What is the difference between lusty desires and pure love? Here we are mixing, man and woman, mixing with lusty desires, and Kṛṣṇa is also mixing with the gopīs. Superficially they look the same thing. Yet what is the difference?