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Pages in category "Possible"
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- A citizen of the state may be in miseries for want of sufficient supervision by the state authority, but how can it be possible that a citizen suffers from other citizens while the chief of the state is personally present
- A death sentence for the murderer is the lowest possible punishment offered to him
- A demoniac person, in spite of acquiring all the opulences possible to obtain in this universe, continues to be envious of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- A devotee neither claims; neither it is possible. Even he may be very, very big devotee, he will never claim any credit for his glorious activities. His glorious activities means to make Krsna glorious
- A devotee of the Lord who is niskincana, who has nothing to do with this material world, who is simply interested in Krsna. If one has got the opportunity of touching his head to the dust of the lotus feet of such a great devotee, then it is possible
- A good analogy utilizes as many similarities between two objects as possible. A water pot is not an active living force, but we are. Ever silent meditation may be adequate for a waterpot, but not for us
- A good analogy utilizes as many similarities between two objects as possible. A waterpot is not an active living force, but we are. Ever-silent meditation may be adequate for a waterpot, but not for us - CC Intro
- A human being can attain perfection in life by self-realization through the Vedic literature and its practical application. This is possible especially for a human being born in India, the land of piety
- A learned, thoughtful person must realize that material existence is illusion. This is possible only by self-realization. A self-realized person, who has actually seen the truth, should retire from all material activities
- A neophyte should always be careful. One should not discuss about such great devotees' apparent fall-down. Just like one should not discuss about the sun who evaporates urine from the earth; it is possible for the sun to do it, and still remain the sun
- A perfect devotee does not make any discrimination. But if I am not a perfect devotee and I have discrimination, why shall I imitate the perfect devotee? It may not be possible for me to digest everything because I am not a perfect devotee
- A possible answer is that it is very difficult to put any of the citizens of Dvaraka into trouble in the presence of Krsna
- A question may be raised that since any activity performed must have some reaction, how is it that the person in KC does not suffer or enjoy the reactions of work? The Lord is citing Vedanta philosophy to show how this is possible. BG 1972 purports
- A sannyasi is forbidden to hear songs sung by the fair sex. Yet even in the rigid position of a sannyasi He (Caitanya) recommended the mode of worship preferred by the gopis of Vrndavana as the topmost loving service possible to be rendered to the Lord
- A student or neophyte devotee could not possibly understand why Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was chanting the name of the gopis, nor should the student have asked the Lord about the potency of chanting gopi gopi
- Above realization of Narayana is realization of Baladeva, and above that is realization of Krsna. All these realizations are possible when one engages fully in devotional service
- According to her (Suruci), first of all he had to die, then take his next body in her womb, and only then would it be possible for Dhruva Maharaja to ascend the throne of his father
- According to some authorities there are two Varahas. According to others, Varaha appeared during the regime of Svayambhuva & stayed in the water until that of Raivata. Some doubt that this could be possible, but the answer is that everything is possible
- According to Sri Madhvacarya, when consciousness, the living force in the heart, is agitated by the three modes of material nature, then the subtle body of the living entity becomes possible
- According to the time and circumstances, He (Krsna) spoke as follows, "You are the subject of the King of the Bhojas, and you live in the jungle. We are also indirectly his subjects, and We try to please him as far as possible"
- According to Vaisnava principles everyone is welcome to accept this Krsna consciousness movement on the spiritual platform of life and thus be freed from trouble. Neither equality nor fraternity is possible on the material platform
- Actually every living entity is destined to reach the Supreme Lord. Indeed, it is possible for everyone to understand his relationship with the Supreme
- Actually, however, it is not an echo: it is the kirtana of the nonmoving living entities. All this, although inconceivable, is possible by Your mercy
- After being initiated by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the Bhattacarya was perfectly situated in the spiritual order; therefore it was quite possible for him to offer blessings even to a sannyasi. He was always engaged in the service of the Lord, even at home
- Akrura thought, "Today it will be possible for me to actually see the beauty of the spiritual kingdom of Visnuloka because Krsna is the Supreme Visnu and He has advented Himself out of His own good will"
- Alas, is it possible that I shall again see this animal protected by the Lord and fearless of tigers and other animals? Shall I again see him wandering in the garden eating soft grass?
- Alas, Krsna is lying within My heart like Cupid; therefore how can I possibly give up talking of Him? I cannot forget Krsna, whose smile is sweeter than sweetness itself and who gives pleasure to My mind and eyes
- All classes of men can approach the Lord by thinking of Him, for hearing and thinking of Him is possible for everyone. BG 1972 Introduction
- All the daivi sampat means jnana-yoga. It is immediately analyzed. This is possible when you are situated on the platform of knowledge
- All the members of the Kuru dynasty, such as Dhrtarastra, Bhisma, Vidura and Arjuna, thought it an insult to their family tradition that the boy, Samba, could possibly have kidnapped their daughter
- All the senses, they are, being material. So constitutionally, they cannot see God, they cannot hear of God, they cannot chant of the holy name of God. But it is possible. The sastra gives you indication
- All the wives of our students should be especially trained up for Deity worship and cooking, and when possible they should go outside on Sankirtana Party with their husbands and others
- All this was possible by the unlimited power of the Lord, and therefore the Lord is described here as aprameya, for not even the best human brain can estimate His powers and potencies by mathematical calculation
- Along the way, Balabhadra Bhattacarya collected all kinds of spinach, roots and fruit whenever possible
- Although a conditioned soul may be fallen to the lowest position, it is possible for him to advance in spiritual science if he is innocent
- Although it is apparently inconceivable, it is quite possible for the Absolute to reconcile all opposing element
- Although it may not be possible to undergo tapasya like that of Prsni and Sutapa, the sastra has given an opportunity for a method of tapasya very easy to perform - the sankirtana movement
- Although Krsna was not present before her, Kunti offered her prayers to Him as if she were in His presence face to face. This is possible for anyone following in the footsteps of Kunti
- Although Lord Siva was present and he is all-auspicious, it was necessary to sanctify the place because his followers had broken into the arena and committed so many obnoxious acts. That sanctification was possible only by chanting the holy name of Visnu
- Among the many possible claimants, who is the rightful claimant (of the body)? Not to ascertain this but instead to maintain the body by sinful activities is not good - SB 10.10.11
- Amrtatva means immortality. So the modern civilization, they have no idea, either the great philosopher, great politician or great scientist, that it is possible to attain the stage of immortality. Amrtatva. We are all amrta
- Amsuman said to Lord Kapiladeva the Supreme Personality of Godhead "Because You are beyond even the direct and indirect intelligence of Lord Brahma," he prayed, "unless we are enlightened by Your Lordship it will not be possible for us to understand You"
- An administrative head or king like Maharaja Pariksit, with full majestic authority, well equipped with weapons to chastise miscreants, can challenge the agents of the age of Kali. Then only will it be possible to counteract the degraded age
- An ordinary man may possess an ordinary cow, give protection to this animal, take sufficient milk from it, and engage the milk to produce butter and clarified ghee, especially for performing the agnihotra-yajna. This is possible for everyone
- Anartha-nivrttih is possible by sraddha, sadhu-sangah, bhajana-kriya, then anartha-nivrttih, then nistha, ruci, asakti, bhava. In this way, we develop our Krsna consciousness, love of Godhead
- Another devotee in ecstatic reverential affection once said, "When will that glorious day in my life come when it will be possible for me to go to the bank of the Yamuna and see Lord Sri Krsna playing there as a cowherd boy"
- Anyone in any place, in any country can chant Hare Krishna. If it is possible to go to the temple, then take advantage of the temple. A temple is a place where by one is given the opportunity to render direct devotional service
- Arjuna could understand that for a living entity it is not possible to understand the unlimited infinite. If the infinite reveals Himself, then it is possible to understand the nature of the infinite by the grace of the infinite. BG 1972 purports
- Arjuna had to fight in the battlefield, but at the same time he heard Bhagavad-gita. Our motto shall be like that. Neither we shall fight alone, without Krishna Consciousness, nor we shall give up all possible facilities in Krishna Consciousness
- Arjuna knew that Krsna was the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and therefore he surrendered himself unto Him, accepting Him as his spiritual master. Unless one is a devotee of Lord Krsna's, he cannot possibly understand Bhagavad-gita
- Arjuna was able to regain the cows along with some booty taken by force - the jewels set on the turbans of the royal order. Arjuna remembered that all this was possible by the grace of the Lord
- Arjuna was thinking that controlling the mind was simply not possible for him. Are we then to assume that what was impossible for Arjuna in a more advanced age is possible for us in this degenerate age
- As a mahajana (or authority) Bhismadeva was on the level of Brahma, Narada and Siva, although he was a human being. Qualification on a par with the great demigods is possible only on attainment of spiritual perfection
- As a warning, Lord Krsna has herein hinted that what was possible for the gopis is not possible for ordinary women
- As far as possible though, you all should try to learn a little German. One should learn the local native language if one desires to live there
- As for Prahlada Maharaja, he was initiated by Narada Muni, and therefore it was possible for him to become a great devotee, although he was born in a family of demons. For Vrtrasura, however, Indra could not detect such causes
- As for samskara, or reformation, this is possible by good association, for by good association one develops good habits, and habit becomes second nature
- As I have got my permanent residence in America, it is indication of Krishna that I shall live here to organize this movement to the best possible extent
- As indicated in this verse (SB 7.5.54) by the word krta-ksanaih, at the opportune moment when it was possible to preach about Krsna consciousness, Prahlada Maharaja used the time as follows
- As it is materially possible, that a man of this world can work so wonderfully simply by pushing some button, so how much great is God, or Krsna, simply by His desire, "Let there be creation," immediately everything is there
- As soon as the potencies are understood to be instrumental manifestations of the transcendence, one automatically advances to the next step, and gradually the stage of full realization becomes possible for him
- As you are an important worker there and you have so many important duties, especially to take care of the cows, it may not be possible for you to stop your work for chanting 16 rounds. This is no great loss, and you should not feel badly about it
- At that time the meditational yoga process was possible to execute. Visvamitra Muni meditated so intently that Indra, the King of heaven, noticed him and thought, - This man is trying to occupy my post
- At the present moment the so-called democracy means, to tell the truth, all cunning, 3rd-class, 4th-class men, they are doing. They have no sympathy for the general public. Their only aim is, so long he's in the office, gather as much money as possible
- At the present moment we have got this human form of body. We can hear the instruction of God, and we can again elevate. That is possible. That is stated in the Bhagavad-gita - janma karma me divyam
- At the time of death especially, if we can chant this holy name of God, Hare Krsna, then our life is successful. So unless we practice, how it will be possible to chant at the time of death?
- At the time of death, the jiva sets forth on the path to a new life. If one leaves the body at the time designated above, either accidentally or by arrangement, it is possible for him to attain the impersonal brahmajyoti. BG 1972 purports
- Austerity, cleanliness, mercy and truthfulness, the basic principles of religion, prepare the ground for the reception of advancement in spiritual knowledge, and Maharaja Pariksit made this favorable condition possible
- Balabhadra Bhattacarya said, "Since I was present today, it was possible for me to pull the Lord up. But if He starts to drown at Vrndavana, who will help Him"
- Bali said, "Even demigods cannot calculate the expanse of the activities of Your internal potency, so how is it possible for us to know it"
- Be always cool-headed and utilize every moment in the best manner possible. I am successful only because I am following strictly the orders of my Guru Maharaja, and I do not deviate
- Because Brahma qualified himself for such reception, the Lord was pleased to disclose the purpose of Srimad-Bhagavatam. This direct instruction by the Lord to any devotee who is detached from the world of sense gratification is possible
- Because He (Balarama) is omnipotent He can act as He likes, without being obliged to follow the material laws and principles. Thus it was possible for Him to kill Romaharsana Suta simply by striking him with a blade of kusa grass
- Because He (Krsna) was near me (Arjuna), it was possible for me to conquer with great dexterity the powerful King of heaven, Indradeva, along with his demigod associates and thus enable the fire-god to devastate the Khandava Forest
- Because there was no question of personal sense gratification when Sri Ramananda Raya was serving the girls, his mind was steady and his body untransformed. This is not to be imitated, nor is such a mentality possible for anyone but Sri Ramananda Raya
- Being self-satisfied, Maharaja Prthu executed his duties as perfectly as possible according to the time and his situation, strength and financial position. His only aim in all his activities was to satisfy the Absolute Truth. In this way, he duly acted
- Being thus covered by material energy, one cannot possibly overcome its influence. As previously stated, both the material and spiritual natures, being emanations from the Supreme Personality of Godhead, are eternal. BG 1972 purports
- Being too much aggrieved, Arjuna practically became choked up, and therefore it was not possible for him to reply properly to the various speculative inquiries of Maharaja Yudhisthira
- Both victory and defeat are possible, whether on such a battlefield as this or on the battlefield of the struggle for existence. Everything takes place according to the laws of nature (prakrteh kriyamanani gunaih karmani sarvasah) - BG 3.27
- Brahma first wanted to impress upon Priyavrata that although these great personalities are all authorities, they cannot possibly disobey the orders of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is described as deva, which means "always glorious
- Brahma knew this because he was a great devotee; it was possible for him to understand the plan of the Lord
- Brahma said, "You (Krsna) are always eternal. Your appearance and disappearance are made possible by Your inconceivable energy just to give protection to the faithful devotees and to annihilate the faithless demons"
- Brahma-janma is not easy. It is very difficult. But if Brahma is bahir-mukha - bahir-mukha means not devotee of Krsna - it is possible. Because we are in ignorance, maya, at any time we can forget Krsna
- But, my dear sir, I am obliged to you because now I can understand that this material manifestation is without substance, although it appears real. I am confident that by serving your feet it will be possible for me to give up the false idea
- By executing the regulative principles of devotional service, one can fully appreciate the transcendental beauty of the Lord. In any case, such exalted positions are only possible by the extraordinary mercy of the Lord upon the devotee
- By Krishna's Grace you have now a lot of experience travelling with me and I hope it will be possible to manage the restaurant better and better. My blessings to your wife and child
- By Krsna's omnipotency the same Vrndavana is duplicated. It is possible. That is called nitya-lila. Wherever He likes, He can bring in Vrndavana and He can have His pastimes
- By Lord Caitanya's mercy we have been given all concessions possible for this age, so at least we should always remember that neglect of our prescribed duties in devotional service will not make us successful in the mission we have undertaken
- By the empiric process of philosophical research, one can possibly distinguish the metaphysical subjects from the physical objects; but unless such seekers of truth can reach the personal feature of the AT, they gain only dry, impersonal knowledge of Him
- By the empiric process, one can possibly distinguish the metaphysical subjects from the physical objects; but unless such seekers of truth can reach the personal feature of the Absolute Truth, they gain only dry, impersonal knowledge
- By the grace of a bona fide spiritual master like Sukadeva Gosvami, it is quite possible to know everything of the superior energy of the Lord by which the Lord manifests His eternal name, quality, pastimes, paraphernalia and variegatedness
- By the grace of Kapiladeva it was quite possible for Devahuti to understand the Absolute Truth, even though the subject matter is very difficult for ordinary persons, especially women
- Caitanya cited one verse from the scriptures which stated that it is possible for a brahmana, who has studied the four Vedas, to not be accepted as a devotee of the Lord and that a pure devotee could come from a very low family and yet be accepted by Him
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu explains that Krsna is just like the sun, and maya, the illusory material energy, is just like darkness. One who is constantly in the sunshine of Krsna cannot possibly be deluded by the darkness of material energy
- Children should be taught from the very beginning of life to be first-class brahmacaris. Then it will be possible for them to give up household life in the future
- Coming in touch with the Supreme Personality of Godhead is possible through pure devotional service, which begins with sravanam kirtanam visnoh - SB 7.5.23
- Complete attainment of the lotus feet of Lord Krsna is made possible by love of Godhead, specifically madhurya-rasa, or conjugal love. Lord Krsna is indeed captivated by this standard of love. This is stated in Srimad-Bhagavatam
- Complete knowledge is possible, as it is said in the Bhagavad-gita, bahunam janmanam ante (BG 7.19) - after many births
- Completely spiritualized means that no more material activities. That is possible. If we follow the process, we can turn our life from material contamination to pure spiritual life
- Conjecturing on the origin of the storm, they said: There is no wind blowing, and no cows are passing, nor is it possible that this dust storm could be raised by plunderers, for there is still the strong King Barhi, who would punish them
- Constant remembrance of the lotus feet of the Lord is possible only when one engages in His active service
- Cooperation is possible to be made either by life, wealth, intelligence or words. Every one has got some of the above assets of the above four principles, and we can engage them in the service of the Lord
- Decorate the Deity as nicely as possible with nice flowers and dress. You will forget all other false beauty
- Description of Krsna is possible for one who is empowered. Krsna-sakti vina nahe tara pravartana (CC Antya 7.11). Unless endowed with the mercy of the Lord, one cannot preach of the Lord’s name, fame, qualities, form, entourage and so on
- Desireless means your desires are suppressed by forced, "I shall not desire." That is not possible. You have got eyes, and if you want to suppress your eyesight, "I shall not see anything," is that possible? That is not possible
- Despite the statement that one should give up attachment, desirelessness is not possible for a living entity
- Development of conjugal love can be possible only with those who are already engaged in following the regulative principles of devotional service, specifically in the worship of Radha and Krsna in the temple
- Devotees are certainly liberated persons. Therefore, O greatest of the brahmanas, they cannot possibly be absorbed in family affairs
- Dhira can be possible when we develop love for Krsna. Then we become dhira. Otherwise, it is not possible. Otherwise we shall be disturbed
- Dhruva also considered that he was not personally the Supreme. Therefore, if Krsna fulfilled his desires, only then would it be possible. Krsna could immediately understand his mind, and He told Dhruva that his mother was also going with him
- Dizziness caused by anxiety in ecstatic love for Krsna is also possible
- Do you belong to the Arjuna category? No. We are thousand times lower than Arjuna's category. And what was impossible for Arjuna, do you think it is possible for you?
- Does this mean that when Prahlada Maharaja was attacked by the demons, the Raksasas, Govinda was also attacked by the demons? This is not possible
- Don't feel alone. Always chant whenever possible, read our books, and there will be no great difficulty
- Don't make friendship. Simply beat the mind with shoes and broomstick; otherwise cannot bring in control. And other alternative is kevalaya bhaktya. So if you can engage your mind at the lotus feet of Krsna, then it is possible
- Each and every living entity is an individual soul and as such disagreement is quite possible in our dealings with one another but we have to consider the central point of interest
- Each incarnation (of the Personality of Godhead) is distinct from all the others. This is possible by the Lord’s inconceivable potency, by which He can simultaneously represent Himself as one, as various partial forms and as the origin of these forms
- Elevation to this stage of ecstasy can be possible in two ways. One way is constant association with pure devotees. The other way is by the special mercy of Krsna, or by the mercy of a pure devotee of Krsna
- Engagement in Krsna consciousness and application of devotional service unto Krsna make it possible to advance in knowledge and detachment, as well as in self-realization
- Equal vision is possible for a learned man who sees a learned brahmin, a dog, an elephant, a cow on the same basis. What is that basis? Spiritual understanding
- Eternally conditioned means we do not know when we have been conditioned like this. It is not possible to trace out the history
- Even a hundred men cooking on a hundred stoves could not possibly finish all these preparations within so short a time
- Even after millions and millions of births one cannot achieve a sense of devotional service, but if, somehow or other, one desires to attain devotional service, the association of a pure devotee will render it possible
- Even an intelligent class of men may be forgetful in their relation with the Lord. The whole bhakti-yoga process is therefore a revival of the lost relation. This revival is possible in the human form of life
- Even if a man is endowed with the favor of the goddess of learning, it is quite possible for his heart to be full of lust and material desire and his eyebrows to display symptoms of anger
- Even if it is possible to prolong life more than one hundred years, advancement of human civilization does not necessarily follow
- Even Narada used to visit the palace of Maharaja Yudhisthira and what to speak of other celestial demigods. It is only the spiritual culture of the people concerned that makes interplanetary travel possible, even in the present body
- Even though it was possible that his (Uttanapada's) lost son (Dhruva Maharaja) was coming back from the kingdom of death, he thought that since he was most sinful it was not possible for him to be so fortunate as to get back his lost son
- Even though material conditions are miserable, if these qualities are developed by practice, by all classes of men, then gradually it is possible to rise to the highest platform of transcendental realization
- Even though there may be doubts about the cutting of the umbilical cord, and even though it is possible that this was not done, when the Supreme Personality of Godhead appears, such events are regarded as factual
- Even within this material world you cannot minimize the longest distance of time and space. But spiritually it is possible. That is the difference between matter and spirit. Just try to understand this
- Every one of us should be spiritually strong. Otherwise, superficially if we want to manage, it will not be possible
- Everyone is dying. Your father is dying, your mother is dying, your friend is dying, and still if you cannot understand, then how it will be possible to make you understand
- Everyone is subjected to the influence of maya and entangled in all kinds of material desire, and Maharaja Nabhi was no exception. Freedom from maya's influence is possible when one engages in the service of the great devotees - mahac-carana-seva
- Everyone is turning to material subjects for enjoyment and is compiling as much knowledge as possible. Someone is becoming a chemist, physicist, politician, artist, or whatever
- Everything should be done quickly. Because we do not know when we shall die. So everything, Krsna consciousness business, should be done as quickly as possible
- Father and mother is possible in any form of body, but only in this human form of body one can get in touch with Krishna and a bona fide Spiritual Master. That is the highest gain of our travelling in different species of life in different planets
- Fighting between husband and wife is not to be taken very seriously. So if you have any respect for me, I request you not to quarrel with your husband. Live peacefully, chant Hare Krishna and try to serve the cause as best as possible
- First of all one should know that I am neither American nor Englishman nor Indian. I am spirit soul. Then further education can be possible. So we teach from the Bhagavad-gita this principle first, the basic principle of spiritual education
- First you should put the cheese in a frying pan and stir vigorously, adding 1/4 of sugar. While on the fire it should be stirred and mixed as nicely as possible. Then while it is cooling it should still be stirred as nicely as possible
- Following Krsna's instructions is possible when one is a devotee, for Krsna instructs that one should become a devotee. Man-mana bhava mad-bhakto mad-yaji mam namaskuru: "Always think of Me and become My devotee. Worship Me and offer your homage unto Me"
- For a living entity it is not possible to understand the unlimited infinite. If the infinite reveals Himself, then it is possible to understand the nature of the infinite by the grace of the infinite
- For me to publish alone the first three volumes, I had to take so much trouble, but by the cooperation of you American boys and girls now this has become possible
- For the present generation, the chanting, vibration of holy name of God, is recommended in the scriptures. It is said that meditation was possible in the Satya-yuga, when people were cent percent pure. For the present, mostly, people are impure
- For those who are acting in the modes of passion and ignorance, on the other hand, there is no possibility of liberation. BG 1972 purports
- For you especially, who always remain within the palace, it's very difficult to associate with a great personality. Dear friend, most gentle one, would you kindly explain how it was possible for you to hear Narada? Kindly dispel our doubts in this regard
- Fortunately a copy of the manuscript of Sri Caitanya-caritamrta had been kept by a person named Mukunda, and therefore later it was possible to publish the book
- From Him only, all our kingly opulence, good wives, lives, progeny, control over our subjects, victory over our enemies, and future accommodations in higher planets have become possible. All this is due to His causeless mercy upon us
- From the avyakta, nonmanifested material mahat-tattva, this material creation has been, become possible. Before the material creation, beyond the material creation, there is Krsna
- From the beginning to the end, everything could be seen by Arjuna sitting in one place on his chariot. This was possible by the grace of the Supreme Lord, Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- God has created. Not only one, many millions of suns are there. So what is your power? You are challenging God? This is called acintya. You cannot conceive even how it is made possible
- Going from one planet to another does not solve the problems of life. The problems of life will only be solved when we no longer have to accept a material body. This can be possible if one simply becomes Krsna conscious
- Gold is valuable, and if there is flavor, it is more valuable. Of course, in the material world there is no gold which has got good scent. But in the spiritual world that is possible
- Gradually people are understanding that God is not only not dead, but He is factually present with us at every moment. If we have the necessary qualification, to see God eye-to-eye is quite possible
- Gradually such persons (Westerners) will learn that palatial buildings or comfortable apartments are not at all necessary. The real necessity is to become free from material bondage in whatever way possible
- Hanuman is described as being able to lift huge weights as heavy as hills and jump over the ocean. Modern astronomy has confirmed that this is indeed possible
- Happiness is possible when you try to make happy the soul. Then happiness is possible. Just like a bird within the cage. If you simply wash the cage and keep it very nice and don't give any food to the bird, then the bird will never be happy
- Happiness means, which is eternally possible. That is happiness. And we are trying to give people that happiness which will never be exhausted. That is our objective of happiness
- Haridasa Thakura informed her "Today it will be possible for me to finish my chanting. Then I shall satisfy all your desires"
- He (a devotee) simply wants to engage everything in the service of God; therefore he has no problem (with the senses). He stands in his original constitutional position. All this is possible when one receives Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's merciful glance
- He (a qualified brahmana) can understand what his past life was, why he is in the present body, & how he can obtain liberation from the clutches of maya & not accept another material body. This is all possible when one is situated in the mode of goodness
- He (Arjuna) thought to himself that although he was only an ordinary living entity, by the grace of Krsna it had been possible for him to see the spiritual world
- He (Krsna) therefore told Narada, "Under the circumstances, what reception can We offer you, and what can We possibly give you"
- He (Krsna) was coming back very soon after finishing His business. But they could not be persuaded to disperse. The chariot, however, began to head west, and as it proceeded, the minds of the gopis followed it as far as possible
- He (Pradyumna) inquired from her (Mayavati), "How is it possible that first you were affectionate like a mother and now you are expressing the symptoms of a lusty woman? What is the reason for such a change"
- He (Siva) stressed worshiping Lord Krsna, or Govinda, three times in this verse (Bhaja Govindam) and especially warned his followers that they could not possibly achieve deliverance, or mukti, simply by word jugglery and grammatical puzzles
- He (The devotee) should not be anxious to have very palatable dishes. Of course, wherever it is possible, one should offer the Deities the best foodstuffs, prepared within the category of fruits and vegetables, cooked or uncooked
- He (the svami or gosvami) must be master of his senses. This is possible when one does not desire any material sense gratification. If, by chance, the senses want to work independently, he must control them
- He also worshiped many other living entities who presented themselves in the sacrificial arena. With folded hands he worshiped all these, as well as the SPG and the personal associates of the Lord, by offering sweet words and as much wealth as possible
- He engaged himself in devotional service for more than twenty-two and a half hours a day, and for less than two hours he slept, although on some days that also was not possible
- He is full of all opulences. Therefore He could not possibly have suffered because of separation from His wife, nor could He have given up His wife and Laksmana, His younger brother. To give up either would have been absolutely impossible
- He was situated in transcendental bliss & he continued always in that blissful existence, which expanded more & more. This was possible for him by continual practice of bhakti-yoga, which is compared to fire because it burns away all material things
- He who knows God, however, becomes freed from all possible sinful reactions, which no amount of piety can accomplish. If we reject God we can never be happy
- Hearing all these statements, all the people gathered there became a little doubtful. They thought it quite possible that because of attraction for riches one might give up his religious principles
- Hearing is possible by association with devotees, sadhu-sanga. You cannot hear from the rascals. You have to hear from the superior person, one who is self-realized
- Here at Bhaktivedanta Manor the place is the nicest possible. It is calm and quiet and the village is neat and clean. I am daily walking in the morning with all devotees
- Hiranyakasipu was himself very powerful, and he made his younger brother, Hiranyaksa, powerful to assist him in fighting with everyone and lording it over material nature as long as possible
- His (Aghasura's) lower lip rested on the surface of the earth, and his upper lip was touching the clouds in the sky. The borders of his mouth resembled the sides of a big cave in a mountain, & the middle of his mouth was as dark as possible - SB 10.12.17
- How can one describe unfathomable subject matters? It is possible only if Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu gives him the capability
- How can peace in the material world be possible when Krsna, the creator Himself, says that this place is meant for trouble and miseries? a-brahma-bhuvanal lokah, punar avartino 'rjuna, mam upetya tu kaunteya, punar janma na vidyate - BG 8.16
- How can they (the grhavratas) possibly become perfect in Krsna consciousness? Maharaja Pariksit asked Sukadeva Gosvami to resolve this great doubt
- How could He (the Supreme Brahman) be covered by the material energy? If that were possible, material energy would be greater than the Supreme Brahman. Even these simple arguments, however, cannot be understood by the Mayavadi philosophers
- How did it so happen that King Pariksit met this great sage, making it possible for this great transcendental essence of the Vedas (Bhagavatam) to be sung to him?
- How it is possible to make a candala a Vaisnava? - No, that is possible. Prabhavisnave namah. Visnu is so powerful, omnipotent. He can do that. So only by Visnu mantra, by becoming a Vaisnava, one can transcend all this restriction, sociology
- How is it possible for one to become his own friend? This is explained here; atma means mind, body and soul. When we speak of atma, insofar as we are in the bodily conception, we refer to the body
- How is it to be understood that the Supreme Lord is satisfied by our service and labor? It is actually possible to perfect our service or occupational duty. Everyone has some service to perform according to his designations
- How many men can actually practice yoga? It is all farce. This is possible. Even a child can take part, Hare Krsna mantra
- How this could be possible (to inundate the three worlds with nectar) was exhibited by Srila Raghunatha dasa Gosvami and later by Thakura Narottama dasa and Syamananda Gosvami, who all represented the mercy of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- How this purification is possible? Sevonmukhe hi jihvadau (Brs. 1.2.234): by engaging oneself in service of the Lord. And the first service begins from the tongue, jihvadau
- How was it possible for Dhruva Maharaja to capture Brahman within his heart? This question has been very nicely answered by Jiva Gosvami
- How was it possible for Sisupala and Dantavakra in the presence of many exalted persons, to enter very easily into the body of Krsna, whose nature is difficult to attain
- I (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami) have written this book to describe the simple substance as I have heard it from superiors. If I become involved in someone's likes and dislikes, I cannot possibly write the simple truth
- I (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami) purposely avoid extensive description for fear of increasing the bulk of this book. I shall describe the essence as concisely as possible
- I (Prabhupada) request you that each and every one of you just become mahatma, not crippled-minded, but broad-minded. So that is possible when we understand Krsna is the source of all energy
- I (Srila Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami) purposely avoid extensive description for fear of increasing the bulk of this book (Sri Caitanya-caritamrta). I shall describe the essence as concisely as possible
- I always recommend that one should try to remain brahmacari if possible, and if you think that this will be possible for you, you should try for it
- I am negotiating with one Mr. Javarali for purchasing a piece of land priced near about 13,000 Rs. Now, if I send you the equivalent in American dollars, whether it will be possible for you to pay him the above approximate price?
- I am old man, the body is no more possible to be changed; somehow or other then I'll have to accept another body. That is called transmigration. The modern so-called scientists, philosophers, they do not understand this plain truth
- I am very anxious to know whether we are going to have our Mayapur function? I want very much to hold this function this year with all of my students, and I ask you to kindly serve me by making this possible
- I am very much pleased upon all of the nice boys and girls who have helped me in this way. I could never have thought it was possible to distribute so many of our literatures
- I cannot become liberal and tell everybody, "Go ahead and do all nonsense and you can become God conscious." I cannot possibly recommend that
- I cannot control my senses if I am on the material plane. It is impossible. But I can control my senses, this is possible. It is not impossible fact
- I do not know how this house shall be suitable for all of our purposes. It may be very suitable for residence and prasadam distribution, but unless there is nice arrangement for a temple, how will it be possible to rent it
- I do not know if it will be possible for you to come here for some days. Mukunda likes your assistance for coordinating all these opportunities. So please consider these points
- I find that the passport does not belong to me. I am very much surprised how this misdelivery has been possible
- I had planned to preach so much here. But all the work is postponed due to my health deteriorating. Certainly the disciples are doing their best but they need to learn a lot. It is all possible if Krsna bestows His mercy
- I have not heard anything from you since I have come back to India. Vinod Kumar who was supposed to reach U.S.A. on visitor's Visa is not granted the same. Please see if it is possible for him to get Immigration Visa
- I have written Mahamsa Svami one letter asking him if it is possible for you to return to Hyderabad. Wherever you go always be sure to chant at least 16 good rounds and rise early, attend mangala-aroti, study my books and serve Krishna without stop
- I hope the GBC in cooperation with the Sannyasis in their touring program will be able to keep vigilance systematically in order to keep the Society as pure as possible
- I just explained the material world, we cannot reach the limit, and what to speak of going to the spiritual world that is far beyond this sky. But although it is impossible materially, spiritually it is possible. Spiritually it is possible
- I may hope for something which is possible; that is good. But if I hope for something which is never possible, that is hope which will never be fulfilled
- I say the real yogis, they do not come out. Because that will fail. It is clearly stated that he must live in a secluded place alone. Then yoga practice perfection is possible
- I understand from Janardana's letter that there is very good possibilities of spreading our Krishna Consciousness Movement there. So if Krishna desires, it will be possible to have three important centers in Europe very soon
- I want to give this culture to the world, and my idea is that America is advanced country. If they accept it, then it will be possible to broadcast the idea throughout the whole world. That is my idea
- I would like to know if it is possible to print this Hindi magazine from your good press
- I'm so glad to learn that you are eager to serve Krishna in every way possible. This mentality is very rare, and I guess that you must have been engaged in Krishna's service in your previous life
- If all the sannyasis came together, it would not be possible for me to pay them proper respects. Therefore I would be an offender
- If endowment of powers and withdrawal of powers by the Lord are possible even for a great devotee like Arjuna, or even the demigods in heaven, then what to speak of the ordinary living beings who are but figs compared to such great souls
- If he (Arjuna) doesn't practice remembering Krsna while he is struggling for existence, then it will not be possible for him to remember Krsna at the time of death. BG 1972 Introduction
- If I am eternal, whether it is possible to get an eternal body? Or eternal happiness? That is the problem of human society
- If I am eternal, why I am put into this condition of changing, of transmigrating from one body to another? Is there any possibility of not changing the body, to keep eternality? - Yes. That is possible
- If I remain as molecule in the brahmajyoti, that is also possible. The impersonalist wants that. Or if I enter into some spiritual planet and associate with the Supreme Personality of Godhead that is also another spiritual existence
- If it is possible for a devotee to remain transcendental, it is certainly possible for the SP of Godhead to remain in His internal potency without being attached to the external potency. There should be no difficulty in understanding this situation
- If it is possible for a small number of crew - this society or the sect or anything - it is possible to spread all over the world
- If it is possible to divert the whole attention for Krishna's service it is quite possible to remain single even for the whole life
- If it is possible you can make Jagannatha statues in various sizes for sale and I approve this project
- If it were possible to create the living substance by chemical or physical combination or permutation of matter, then surely some disciple or other of these great scientists (Sri Jagadish Chandra Bose, Isaac Newton) would have brought them back to life
- If liberation is possible by simply surrendering unto the lotus feet of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, then why don't these intelligent and hard-working leaders adopt this simple method? BG 1972 purports
- If one continuously sprinkles drops of ghee on a fire, the fire will not be extinguished, but if one suddenly puts a lump of ghee on a fire, the fire may possibly be extinguished entirely
- If one follows bona fide guru's instruction, and he is engaged in devotional service, then it is possible. Then it is possible. Otherwise, if he does whimsically, then it will be a failure
- If one takes shelter of Narada instead of material teachers, this (confidential) knowledge is possible to understand. Understanding does not depend upon high parentage
- If our sincere service is accepted by the Vaishnavas everything is possible and may not have the audacity to speak all these before your holiness who is expert in this service. Please therefore make the transaction complete immediately and oblige
- If somebody says: "Yes, there is God, but I have no business with Him," no. You should know actually what is His name, what does He do, where is His residence, what is His business. And these things are possible to understand in this human form of life
- If somehow we are transported to a country where we are informed that we will no longer have to undergo birth, old age, disease, and death, will we not be happy? If we heard of such a place, surely we would try as hard as possible to go there
- If such a fortunate combination (Maharaja Pariksit and Sukadeva Goswami) is made possible, then krsna-katha immediately becomes revealed, and people may benefit to the highest possible degree from such a conversation
- If such a person (sannyasi) is thus punished (by commiting suicide at the confluence of the Ganges), it is possible for him to attain the shelter of Sri Caitanya. Without such punishment, however, the shelter of Sri Caitanya is very difficult to regain
- If the Absolute Truth can possibly be covered by ignorance, how can it be said to be Absolute?
- If the king of a small state did not accept the emperor's supremacy, there would be a fight, and the king of the small state would be obliged to accept the emperor as supreme; otherwise, it would not be possible for the emperor to rule the country
- If the living being & the Lord were in the same category, then it would have been quite possible for Vyasadeva to see it & there would have been no question of material distress on the part of the illusioned being, for the Supreme Being is fully cognizant
- If the restaurant is completely separate entrance and the activities of the restaurant do not mix with the temple at all, then it is possible, otherwise not
- If there is devanagari character it is still better. Otherwise, correct transliterations will do. So you think over this matter seriously and train your wife for composing, and help her to the best possible way
- If they're really Krsna conscious, they'll have no more taste for sex life. That is not easy. Therefore we say "restricting." And this will be possible if he follows our program
- If we accept this one plan, that immediately surrender to Krsna, then our life is successful. And if we do not accept this proposal of Krsna, and if we make our own plans to be happy, it will be never be possible
- If we actually practice the description of the prescription given in the sastra, then it will be possible that, as it is said, karmanubaddho drdha aslatheta. Then our strong desire to enjoy this material world in different way, that will be slackened
- If we do not believe in the scriptures, that is a different question, but if we have faith in the authority of such descriptions, then we must prepare for our freedom in the next life; that is possible in this human form of life
- If we go deeply into the matter and consider it in the light of modern science, it is possible for us to see that sanatana-dharma is the business of all the people of the world. BG 1972 Introduction
- If we search to see who the father of our father is, and who his father is, and so on back, if it were somehow possible to trace our ancestry back through time, we would arrive at the Supreme Father, the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- If we transfer our reading capacity for these Vedic literatures, as very kindly presented by Vyasadeva, then it is quite possible for us to remember at the time of death the Supreme Lord
- If we want to perform real yoga system, then it is very difficult. Nobody... We are sitting here, so many ladies and gentlemen, is it possible for us to live alone in a secluded place in a mountain?
- If we want to use our anger upon Krsna, and if we want to utilize Krsna for satisfying our lust, then also you become Krsna conscious and highly elevated. So that is possible
- If you actually want to become a pure devotee, then you have to make this material way of life completely zero. Anyabhilasita-sunyam (Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu 1.1.11). Then it will be possible
- If you associate with the modes of goodness, then you are promoted to the higher planetary system, beyond heavenly planets: Janaloka, Tapoloka, Maharloka, Satyaloka, Siddhaloka, Brahmaloka. So that is possible
- If you begin this process (chanting Hare Krsna & eating Krsna prasadam) of service, then it will be possible - one day Krsna will reveal Himself to you: "I am like this." just as Krsna is revealing to Arjuna
- If you manufacture any definition of God, then you cannot define. But if you take the words of God, then it is possible to define God
- If you want to be great soul in terms of the Vedic literature, in terms of Bhagavad-gita, in terms of great saints and sages, then you have to adopt this Krsna consciousness and chanting of Hare Krsna. No other process will be possible
- If you want to speak to a friend a thousand miles away, you have to go there and find him, or he has to come. The process is there. By electricity (telephone), immediately he comes. Is it not be possible?
- If your people can grasp the direct meaning of Bhagavad-gita it will be possible for us all to know the basic principle of cosmic harmony
- Impossible thing can be made possible by the grace of Krsna. That is possible - Krsna is all powerful - provided we are serious and sincere. That is the main business. We must be very serious and sincere. Then Krsna will give you intelligence
- In a mood of His (Lord Caitanya's) own He said - Unless she (Caitanya's mother) nullifies offense at the lotus feet of a Vaisnava (Advaita Acarya), it will not be possible for her to achieve love of Krsna
- In any hellish condition, the conditioned soul thinks he is happy. Otherwise, it would not be possible for him to suffer hellish life
- In distributing love of Godhead one should not consider whether the recipients are Europeans, Americans, Hindus, Muslims, etc. The Krsna consciousness movement should be spread wherever possible
- In human life, our eternal, dormant relationship with Krsna is possible to revive. Therefore Prahlada Maharaja has described this life as arthadam
- In India still, there are many snake charmer. They, simply by mantra, they can get out the poison. Materially if it is possible, how much it is possible in spiritual?
- In material life we shall be always afraid. Afraid. Everyone is afraid. So iccha-bhaya-krodha. Anger is unavoidable because in so many things we are frustrated in our dealing that anger is possible
- In secluded places, engaging her mind, words, body and various paraphernalia, Devayani, the dear wife of Maharaja Yayati, always brought her husband the greatest possible transcendental bliss
- In summary, a maha-bhagavata, a highly elevated pure devotee, sees the Lord everywhere, as well as within the heart of everyone. This is possible for devotees who have developed elevated devotional service to the Lord
- In that way (reading Vedic literatures) it will be possible for us to remember the Supreme Lord at the time of death. That is the only way suggested by the Lord, and He guarantees the result: There is no doubt. BG 1972 Introduction
- In the Bhagavad-gita (BG 2.59) it is said that this sort of material detachment is possible to attain when one is acquainted with the supreme association of life. Param drstva nivartate
- In the case of devotees the same energy (material energy) is transformed into spiritual energy; this is possible because the energy is originally spiritual, not material
- In the Golden Age it was possible to realize God by meditation, when people were all cent percent pure
- In the golden age, when people used to live for 100,000's of years, meditation was possible. Because we understand Valmiki Muni, he got perfection by meditation after meditating 60,000's of years
- In the initial stages, the attempt to fix the mind on Krsna may be unsuccessful, but with regulated practice (abhyasa-yoga) it becomes possible
- In the meantime, if possible you can send me a little description of the house. We require a big hall. That is essential. What is the use of taking the Neapensy Road apartment if kirtana is not allowed? Better forget this place
- In the present day, as you receive sound from a distant place by radio machine, wireless or telegram, like that it is possible to receive the sound vibration in the spiritual sky. You should simply know the process
- In the Satya-yuga people generally lived for one hundred thousand years. Dhruva Maharaja's ruling the world for thirty-six thousand years was quite possible in those days
- In the Satya-yuga this meditation is possible, not in this age. Therefore those who are imitating the process of the Satya-yuga, they are simply wasting time. That's all. That is not recommended. Nobody can meditate in this age
- In the Supreme Absolute Truth there is every possible inconceivable energy existing
- In the Thirteenth Chapter, it was clearly explained that by humbly developing knowledge one may possibly be freed from material entanglement. BG 1972 purports
- In this Age of Kali, real religious propaganda should induce people to chant the Hare Krsna maha-mantra. This is possible for someone who is especially empowered by Krsna. No one can do this without being especially favored by Krsna
- In this age, although people are greatly sinful, simply chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra can relieve them from the reactions of their sins. Eka krsna-name: only by chanting Krsna’s name is this possible
- In this age, Kali-yuga, no other sacrifices are . . . is possible. Only sacrifice . . . this is sacrifice, yajnaih sankirtana, just like we are doing, in a small scale. But it can be done in larger scale
- In this way (by becoming Krsna conscious and render service unto Krsna as extensively as possible) one is liberated from material bondage. By the grace of Krsna, Devayani attained this state through the instructions of her husband
- Indeed, that very person who had been accustomed to reading and teaching Mayavada philosophy was now even hating the word "mukti." This was possible only by the mercy of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Introduce this process of chanting Hare Krishna, distribute as much Prasadam as possible, and if possible see that all our books are translated and distributed as widely as possible
- It (uniting on the spiritual platform) is possible at any time, provided people take to spiritual life. For example, one of the items of spiritual life is no meat-eating. So do you think this philosophy will be taken by everyone?
- It is because I have offered my prayers unto the lotus feet of all of you that whatever I have written about Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu has been possible
- It is because those planets (the Vaikuntha planets and the Goloka Vrndavana planet) are self-illuminating that all effulgence has become possible, and whatever there is that is dazzling is due to the reflection of that sva-dhama
- It is because you are helping me that all this has become possible otherwise how can I do anything alone, ekaki amara nahi paya bol, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu says that I cannot do anything, alone I am helpless
- It is better to chant the Hare Krsna mantra as loud as possible. So that others can hear and take benefit of it. There is no secret
- It is no use to approach professional spiritual masters as a matter of formality or custom. Attainment of spiritual perfection can never be possible without undergoing spiritual discipline
- It is no wonder that this Muslim governor has attained such results. Simply by seeing You, all this is possible
- It is not easy for one to become a Krsna conscious person, but by the mercy of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu it can be possible
- It is not necessary always to be officially initiated, but if they participate in the group chanting of Hare Krsna Mantra and taking of Prasadam weekly or daily as it is possible, that will fulfill our mission
- It is not that the asuras will remain asura. It doesn't matter. Even born in the asura family one can become sura. Just like Prahlada Maharaja. His father was asura, but he was perfect sura. That is possible. It is not prohibited to anyone
- It is not, however, possible for others to perceive directly the touch of the Lord during the probationary stage of regulative devotional service. It was a special gift for Narada
- It is only on this Vaisnava platform that it is possible to awaken one’s dormant love of Godhead, and as soon as one does so, his life is successful
- It is possible by exercising the breathing, one can prolong his life. That is called samadhi. If you can stop your breathing, then you enhance your duration of life. That is possible
- It is possible that some extremely powerful personality, within or without the universe, may sometimes show more power than the Lord Himself. Still the pure devotee knows that this power is a vibhuti delegated by the Lord
- It is possible to understand everything, but we must gain understanding through the right channel. "If one is actually serious about understanding supernatural, transcendental subject matters, one must approach a bona fide spiritual master." - MU 1.2.12
- It is possible to worship a form of the Lord made of physical elements such as earth, water, pulp, wood and metal. In the forest one can make a form with no more than earth and water and worship Him according to the above principles
- It is quite possible to have His association simply by following His instruction because the Lord and His instruction and the Lord and His name, fame, attributes and paraphernalia are all identical with Him, being absolute knowledge
- It is said by Rupa Gosvami that the attachment exhibited by pure devotees for Krsna cannot possibly be perfected in the heart of fruitive workers (karmis) or mental speculators
- It is simply by His glance that plants, trees, animals, and all other living beings come forth. How is this possible
- It is sometimes difficult for elderly people to live in our ISKCON society, so you have to make it as congenial as possible for them and see that they are peaceful in all respects
- It is the king's duty to see that everyone perfectly executes the duties prescribed for the varna and asrama divisions of society. Besides that, as exemplified by King Prthu, he must develop the earth for the greatest possible production of food grains
- It is this devotional attitude of the mystic that makes possible the successful termination of such mystic attempts. One is not, however, elevated to such a successful status without the tinge of mixture in devotional service
- It may be possible for a material scientist to estimate the number of atomic particles which make up this earthly planet, but the scientist cannot enumerate My unlimited names, forms and activities
- It was possible for Him (Balarama) to kill Romaharsana Suta simply by striking him with a blade of kusa grass
- It was possible for Maharaja Yudhisthira to rule the whole world including the seas, because the principles were infallible and universally applicable to everyone
- It was possible for Maharaja Yudhisthira to rule the whole world, including the seas, because the principles were infallible and universally applicable to everyone
- It will be a great pleasure for me to see you personally and if possible we may talk about a program how you may be engaged in the service of Krishna Balarama. You are a very qualified person and can render many valuable services to the Lord
- It will not be possible to bring about a saner condition in society unless we are prepared to accept the modes of action adopted by Maharaja Pariksit, i.e., propagation of the devotional service of the Lord to the common man
- It would not have been possible for an ignorant child to appreciate the supreme form of the Lord had he not been blessed by the Lord, who had touched His conchshell to Dhruva's forehead
- Joyful life is eternally possible when we dance with Krsna, not dance alone or dance with anyone else. So unless we get that position, there is no actually happiness. Because variety is the mother of enjoyment
- Just as a mother produces various children, both male and female, the womb of mother earth produces all kinds of living entities in various shapes. Thus it is possible for mother earth to take on innumerable shapes
- Kaliya said, "My dear Lord, I (Kaliya) am born as a serpent; therefore, by natural instinct I am very angry. How is it then possible to give up my acquired nature without Your mercy? It is very difficult to get out of the clutches of Your maya"
- Kamsa said, "That is my request to you. Now, my plan is to kill these two boys. As soon as They come in the gate, there will be a giant elephant named Kuvalayapida waiting, and possibly he will be able to kill Them"
- King Kulasekhara states: My dear Krsna, please help me die immediately so that the swan of my mind may be encircled by the stem of Your lotus feet. Otherwise at the time of my final breath, how will it be possible for me to think of You
- Kirtana is our first duty. The Deity worship should be simple and the eating should be as meager as possible
- Knowledge without devotional service cannot possibly award liberation. In other words, when jnana, or the cultivation of knowledge, opens onto the path of devotional service, it can give one liberation, but not otherwise
- Krsna bhuliya jiva bhoga vancha kare pasate maya tare japati 'dhare. That beginning is possible at any moment. You haven't got to trace out the history. Even if you are very honest, you can become subjected to these criminal laws at any moment
- Krsna consciousness movement is based on the principle that one should become as perfect as possible in devotional service oneself and also preach the cult for others’ benefit
- Krsna emphasizes practice and renunciation as ways to control the mind. But what is that renunciation? Today it is hardly possible for us to renounce anything, for we are so habituated to such a variety of material sense pleasures
- Krsna is greater than the greatest, being unlimited and all-pervading. How can it be possible for the all-pervading to be measured or bound? Then again, Krsna is the time factor. Therefore, He is all-pervading not only in space but also in time
- Krsna is ready to talk with you. He has come. He has descended in arca-murti to talk with you, to be visible by you. Now you make yourself ready and fit to talk with you; then He will exchange conversation. This is possible. This is a qualification
- Krsna said, "How could it be possible that he has conquered the strength of Balaramaji and taken away My father, arresting him as described by this man? Alas! Destiny is, after all, very powerful”
- Krsna said, "How could Salva possibly enter the city and arrest My father in that way? Whatever Salva may be, his power is limited, so how could it be possible that he has conquered the strength of Balaramaji"
- Krsna said, "They (the trees of Vrndavana) are like a noble person who has sacrificed everything possible - his body, mind, activities, intelligence and words - for the welfare of all living entities"
- Krsna says something, and I understand something. That you go on with your millions of years; it will never be possible. You have to understand Krsna as He says. Therefore we are presenting Bhagavad-gita as it is. That is real understanding
- Krsna sometimes kisses the gopis; therefore the transcendental nectar of His lips is available only to them. They asked, "How is it possible that the flute, which is nothing but a bamboo rod, is always engaged in enjoying the nectar from Krsna's lips?"
- Krte means satya-yuga. People were very restrained, all paramahamsas. In those days it was possible to meditate
- Learned scholars do not praise that charity which endangers one's own livelihood. Charity, sacrifice, austerity and fruitive activities are possible for one who is competent to earn his livelihood properly
- Learning the etiquette of how to deal with women does not free one from sexual attraction. As specifically mentioned herewith (SB 9.19.17), such attraction is possible even with one's mother, sister or daughter
- Let me not be touched by others, for our relationship as husband and wife has been made possible by providence, not by any human being
- Let this lowborn body fall down before You. You can make possible this perfection of all my desires
- Life is meant for to possess complete knowledge of the Supreme. That is perfection of knowledge. That is possible in the human form of life, not in the life of cats and dogs
- Lord Caitanya has announced, according to the scriptural injunctions for this Age of Kali, that in this age no process of realizing the Supreme is possible except the chanting of the holy names of Lord Krsna
- Lord Caitanya instructed Sanatana Gosvami about Krsna through devotional service. This instruction is very important. You should very carefully hear and, if possible, note. This is directly the instruction
- Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu's movement is so superexcellent that we can turn the whole Russia to devotee. That is possible
- Lord Krsna Himself indicates that if anyone wants to understand the Supreme Absolute Truth in perfection, he must take to the process of devotional service in full KC. Then it will be possible for him to understand the last word of the Absolute Truth
- Lord Nityananda said, "In Vrndavana all things are possible." Here I have explained His brief statement in detail
- Maharaj Prahlada offers the following prayers to the Lord, "My dear Lord Nrsimha, if I can be elevated to the position of Your servant, then it will be possible for me to hear about Your activities"
- Maharaja Ambarisa's queen was equally as qualified as the King. Therefore it was possible for Maharaja Ambarisa to engage his life in household affairs
- Maharaja Pariksit asked, "So how was it possible for them to get freed from the material condition just by thinking of a paramour?" One should consider here that Krsna and ordinary living beings are qualitatively one
- Maharaja Pariksit knew this (that Nanda and Yasoda, as well as Vasudeva & Devaki are not ordinary living beings), but he was curious to know from Sukadeva Gosvami whether it is possible for an ordinary human being to come to this stage by sadhana-siddhi
- Maharaja Pariksit, the son of Abhimanyu, is so experienced that by dint of his expert administration and patronage, it has been possible for you to perform a sacrifice such as this
- Maharaja Yudhisthira further inquired: How was it possible for a father to be so violent toward an exalted son who was obedient, well-behaved and respectful to his father?
- Maharaja Yudhisthira was always conscious of the great plight of his uncle Dhrtarastra and aunt Gandhari, and therefore he took all possible care of them in their old age and aggrieved conditions
- Many ages ago Krsna imparted the divine knowledge of Bhagavad-gita to Vivasvan, the god of the sun. To the best of our knowledge, the sun is a very hot place, and we do not consider it possible for anyone to live there
- Many interested people come to honor prasada, and whenever possible they invite members of the Society to their homes and feed them sumptuously with prasada. In this way both the members of the Society and the general public are benefited
- Material life means great risk-at every step there is danger. But, a devotee is not jolted by this. He simply tries to render whatever service possible and accepts everything as the mercy of Krishna
- Mature understanding of Krsna consciousness means that whatever condition of life I am in at present, that is Krsna's special mercy upon me, therefore let me take advantage in the best way possible to spread this Krsna consciousness movement
- Meditation on Visnu was possible in the golden age, or in the Satya-yuga. Satya-yuga means at that time the people used to live for one hundred thousands of years. And they were all perfect in religious life
- Mirror, when it is dusty, you cannot see your face nicely, similarly, when our heart is contaminated with the material infection, we cannot understand our real position. But if we chant this Hare Krsna mantra, then it will be possible to understand
- Modern medical science has not yet discovered how to bring a dead body back to life or bring youthful energy to an old body, but from here we can understand that such treatment is possible if one is able to take knowledge from the Vedic information
- Modern science is trying to generate living entities in test tubes by processing semen, but even long, long ago it was possible for semen kept in a pot to develop into a child
- Most of the cowherd men did not believe the statement of the children. They could not believe that such things were at all possible. Some believed them and told Nanda Maharaja, "Your child is different from all other children. He just might have done it"
- Mukti: It is possible to engage in transcendental loving service to the Lord and become jivan-mukta, a liberated soul, even while in the material body
- My health is not yet recovered, but it is improving very slowly. So, I have been advised to stay here for at least four months, June, July, August and September. After that time it may be possible for me to go to Hyderabad
- My idea is that we should print at least 100,000 of this magazine every month; if not immediately, then in the very near future. And it will be quite possible to do it easily because we have got our own press
- My mind is much stronger than this demon Madhu, - Arjuna is saying. - Please, if You could kill him, then it would be possible for me to execute this yoga system
- My request to you is that you enter into the universities and colleges wherever possible and preach there with a view to recruiting some first-class devotees for helping me manage and push on this movement all over the world
- Narada Muni said, "I will see how You (Krsna) kill the King of Cedi and Dantavakra during the great sacrifice of Maharaja Yudhisthira. Besides all this, it will be possible for me to see many other chivalrous activities while You remain in Dvaraka"
- Narada spoke as follows: "First I may inform You (Krsna) that King Yudhisthira has all material opulences which are possible to achieve in the highest planetary system, Brahmaloka"
- Narottama dasa described devotional service as follows: Only if I become attached to the instructions given by the six Gosvamis, headed by Rupa Gosvami & Raghunatha dasa Gosvami, will it be possible for me to understand the conjugal love of Radha & Krsna
- Narottama dasa Thakura described devotional service as follows: When will my mind be completely freed from all contamination of desires for material pleasure? Only at that time will it be possible for me to understand Vrndavana
- Naturally my health does not allow me to work very hard but still I am working as hard as possible to advance this mission and I request all my disciples to give their full cooperation in this great task
- No meditation is possible while you are walking on the street. But this meditation is possible: Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare. And go on with your work
- No one should be depressed by thinking that he will never be out of the clutches of matter, for there is every possibility of being rescued, exactly as it is possible for a log, which is floating down a river, to come to rest on the bank
- No ordinary human being can possibly describe Gadadhara Pandita's affectionate presentation of food or Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's tasting this food
- No poor man will dare marry the daughter of a rich man. Because of this, when the elderly brahmana offered the young brahmana his daughter, the young brahmana did not believe that it would be possible to marry her
- Nobody can cross over the big ocean in a sudden jump. What was possible for Hanuman by the grace of Lord Rama is not possible for an ordinary man
- Nonbelievers put forward their own theories of the creation, which usually result in statements such as, "It's hard to understand," "Our imagination cannot conceive it, but it's quite possible," "It's incomprehensible," and so forth
- Nor was it possible for Rukmini to choose a new husband at her advanced age, when she had many married sons. To Rukmini every one of Krsna's proposals appeared crazy, and she was surprised that Krsna could say such things
- Nothing in existence is possible unless energized by the will of the Lord
- Now that attachment has become a natural sequence between Ourselves. It is not that it is due to Krsna, the enjoyer, nor is it due to Me, for I am the enjoyed. It is not like that. This attachment was made possible by mutual meeting
- Nowadays it is becoming fashionable for people to claim that they are becoming God by meditation. This means that by meditation it is possible to transform oneself into God; in other words, God meditates, and by His meditation He becomes God
- O great brahmana (Sukadeva), this is my great doubt. How was it possible for a person like King Priyavrata, who was so attached to wife, children and home, to achieve the topmost infallible perfection in Krsna consciousness
- O Lord, as the small sparks of a fire cannot possibly perform the actions of the whole fire, we sparks of Your Lordship cannot inform You of the necessities of our lives. You are the complete whole. Therefore, of what do we need to inform You?
- O mighty-armed son of Kunti, it is undoubtedly very difficult to curb the restless mind, but it is possible by suitable practice and by detachment
- O most merciful Lord, if by Your mercy it is possible, kindly grant my desire
- Of course nothing is possible without the sanction of the Supreme Will of Sri Krishna but still man-made laws must have defects as the lawmakers are deficient in four primary principles of a conditioned soul
- On the higher planets, it is possible to live for incredibly long lifetimes. The time calculation on these planets is indicated by Sri Krsna: sahasra-yuga-paryantam ahar yad brahmano viduh ratrim yuga-sahasrantam te 'ho-ratra-vido janah
- Once it was found that an asura took a benediction from Lord Siva by which the asura would be able to kill someone simply by placing his hands on that person's head. Such benedictions are possible to receive from the demigods
- Once washed off, now keep yourself in that washed-off condition. That is required. So that will be possible if you keep yourself constantly in touch with Krsna by hearing about Him. That's all. You have to remain uncontaminated
- One can derive from the study of the Bhagavatam all benefits that are possible to be derived from the personal presence of the Lord
- One can get all types of information from the Vedas & Brahma was impregnated with all-perfect knowledge so that it was possible for him to create. Brahma knew the perfect description of creation as it was exactly apprised to him by the Supreme Lord Hari
- One cannot understand the glories of the holy name simply by logic and argument. Therefore this man cannot possibly understand the glories of the holy name
- One has to follow the rules and regulations prescribed by the acaryas, and thus, under superior guidance, Krsna-realization is fully possible, even in this material existence
- One may argue, Since he (Ajamila) was constantly chanting the name of Narayana, how was it possible for him to be associating with a prostitute and thinking of wine
- One may ask how this was possible, and Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura reminds us that Krsna, although bound by a small rope, could show His mother the whole universe within His mouth. How was this possible?
- One might ask how this would be possible, since the universal order has been established since time immemorial, but Hiranyakasipu was proud to declare that he would be able to do everything by the power of his tapasya
- One must come to the platform of suddha-sattva, transcending the sattva-guna. Then one is vidhuta-trilinga, cleansed of the contamination caused by the three modes of material nature. This is possible by the mercy of Krsna
- One must conquer this insurmountable spell of maya, and this is possible, by the grace of the Lord, when God reveals Himself to the surrendered soul
- One must know his relationship with the Lord and act accordingly. Then the fulfillment of his life’s mission will be possible
- One serves the Lord by remembering His form, His attributes and pastimes. Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura explains that this is all possible simply by chanting the Lord's holy name because of the Lord's omnipotence
- One should enter the renounced order with full knowledge (jnana-vairagya), for the perfection of life is possible for one who renounces this material world in that way. This elevated stage can be reached very easily, as supported by the statements of SB
- One should first of all hear about the Lord. When one has perfectly and scrutinizingly heard, one must glorify His acts and deeds, and thus it will become possible to remember constantly the transcendental nature of the Lord
- One should know that the association of society, friendship, love, nationalism, and so on are nothing but creations of maya. One's only business is to become Krsna conscious and render service unto Krsna as extensively as possible for a living being
- One should not make distinctions between the pastimes of the Lord and the activities of Prthu Maharaja, and whenever it is possible a devotee should attempt to induce others to hear about Prthu Maharaja
- One should simply try to understand the inconceivable energy of Krsna; otherwise one cannot understand how such contradictions are possible
- One should touch the lotus feet of the Lord with one’s head. This may not be possible for everyone, but at least the pujari should do this. (57) The flowers offered on the previous day should touch one’s head
- One should understand Sri Krsna Caitanya and Lord Sri Krsna from the Six Gosvamis in the parampara system. The Krsna consciousness movement is following as strictly as possible in the footsteps of the Gosvamis
- One should work very moderately, eat very moderately, gratify his senses very moderately and keep his life as free from anxiety as possible. In this way practice of yoga may be successful
- One simply has to become as serious and sincere as Dhruva Maharaja; then it is quite possible to attain Vaikunthaloka and go back home, back to Godhead, in one life
- One simply has to develop the eyes to see how these things are going on. This is possible if we engage the senses in the service of Krsna
- One who does not possess elevated qualities & behavior cannot possibly achieve My favor simply by performance of sacrifices, severe austerities or mystic yoga. But I always remain equipoised in the heart of one who is also equipoised in all circumstances
- One who engages in unalloyed devotional service to Vasudeva, Krsna, automatically becomes aware of this material world, and therefore he is naturally detached. This detachment is possible because of his high standard of knowledge
- One who has this fixed-up mind, that "How I shall render service to Krsna?" and if he tries his best, then he becomes immediately mukta unless he changes his decision. That is . . . every time is possible
- One who is engaged in devotional service, he is liberated. Officially he is liberated. But if he falls down by the attraction of these three modes of nature, that is a different thing. That is possible. That is possible if we are not strong enough
- One who is not taught by a bona fide spiritual master cannot understand the Vedic literature. To emphasize this point, Krsna clearly said that it was because Arjuna was His devotee and confidential friend that he could understand the mystery of the BG
- Only if somebody brings a light into the darkness is it truly possible to see things as they are. Similarly, the light of knowledge is kindled by our preceptors, and we can see things as they are only by our preceptors' mercy
- Only the Supreme Lord Himself or His empowered representative can possibly free us from confinement in this dark well. Under their guidance we can come to know of the limitless ocean of the spiritual sky
- Only Visnu and the devotees of Visnu can give protection to all, and because Maharaja Pariksit was himself protected by Visnu, it was quite possible for him to give complete protection to all who wanted to live under his rule
- Only when the individual living entity surrenders unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead is his liberation from material existence possible
- Other demigods, semi-demigods, Gandharvas, Caranas, Vidyadharas, human beings or asuras cannot possibly know fully about the potencies of the Absolute Lord, Sri Krsna
- Our Bombay should be organized. Work is our life. There is no question of "How long?" As long as possible. Krsna giving us good opportunities. Now we should take it seriously. It is not joke. "Hare Krsna movement is bona fide religion"
- Our business now should be to cross over this sea of danger as soon as possible. As long as we are at sea, we are in a dangerous position, however strong our ship may be. That's a fact
- Our heart is filled up with all dirty things, adharma. And it is very difficult to purify the heart, but it is possible, tad api. Even the hard-hearted, stone-hearted, rajo-guna, tamo-guna, can be melted, can be reformed
- Our humble request to you all is that henceforward you please chant Hare Krsna mantra whenever it is possible. You have got enough time, and there is no rules and regulation, there is no fee, and see how much you are benefited
- Our life, everything, should be dedicated to Krsna. And how it can be possible? Tat-purusa-nisevaya. Simply by serving the Supreme Personality
- Our movement, this chanting Hare Krsna mantra, is so nice that what was possible after many, many births, you can get it within a few weeks. That is a fact. If you chant Hare Krsna mantra as we are doing, then you'll understand
- Our only fault is that we are preaching the sankirtana movement, and there are so many enemies. You see? So that is possible
- Our only request is that you make your life successful. Come to the real understanding of your existence and this is possible simply by chanting Hare Krsna
- Out of so many years, if one could spare ten thousand years for the sake of austerity, he would be assured of success in his future life. This was not very astonishing. Although such a feat is impossible in this age, it was quite possible in Satya-yuga
- Overburdened with their heavy hips and swollen breasts, the gopis could not proceed very quickly toward the house of Nanda Maharaja, but out of ecstatic love for Krsna they proceeded as quickly as possible
- Param & the param dhama mentioned in several places in the Bhagavad-gita are one & the same thing. One who goes to the param dhama does not return to the material world. This freedom is not possible even by reaching the topmost loka of the material world
- Param vijayate sri-krsna-sankirtanam. All glories to the Sri-Krsna-Sankirtana! Practically. So you stick to this principle, go on chanting Hare Krsna mantra anywhere it is possible, and you'll be victorious
- Participation in kirtana, in the public chanting of the names and glories of God, is very possible and is actually easy in this age; but as far as the meditational process of yoga is concerned, that is very difficult
- People do not understand the simple truth that if anyone wants real happiness, he has to get out of the entanglements of this material body, which is only possible by practice of Krishna Consciousness
- People of the world were dominated by such (like Maharaja Yudhisthira) pious kings, they were happy in all respects, and it was quite possible for such great emperors to rule the world
- People should be freed from the entanglement of the three modes of material nature, and the only process by which this is possible is surrender unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This is advised in Bhagavad-gita
- People should learn to check sex life by voluntary restraint. This voluntary restraint is possible when one is dovetailed with the service of the Lord. This is confirmed in Bhagavad-gita
- Perhaps we are the only community in the world which can render the best possible service to the society
- Permanent happiness is possible when one is free from material sources of happiness, for continuation of material bondage means continuation of the threefold miseries. Human life is meant for ending these miseries
- Persons of ordinary merit cannot estimate how it could be possible, but when such activities are accepted as pastimes of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, under whose will everything is possible, then this can be understood
- Please describe the science of Godhead with determination and in a manner by which it will be quite possible for the human being to develop transcendental devotional service unto the Personality of Godhead Hari, the Supersoul of every living being
- Please do not think of me as a wonderful or a mad man when I say that I shall go "Back to Godhead'' after leaving my present material body! It is quite possible for everyone and all of us
- Please dress the Deities in your temple as nicely as possible. Also decorate Them with some jewelry
- Please keep consulting with Bali Mardan on financial matters. It is possible that I may stop at Honolulu sometime in July on my way to Rathayatra Festival, Australia
- Please try for it New Delhi because it is the place where only educated and enlightened Indians are staying in hundreds and thousands, and I think if you work steadily, it will be possible to enroll many thousands of subscribers
- Prajapati Daksa continued: If you think that simply awakening the sense of renunciation will detach one from the material world, I must say that unless full knowledge is awakened, simply changing dresses as you have done cannot possibly bring detachment
- Print books many, as good as possible, and distribute. Let us do our duty
- Prthu Maharaja was a pure devotee, and his wife, Queen Arci, simply followed her husband. Thus they can both be considered pure devotees, and thus they are capable of performing inconceivable activities. Such activities are not possible for ordinary men
- Punya-sravana-kirtanah (SB 1.2.17). That meditation can be possible by hearing and chanting, and then thinking of Krsna will automatically come. That is the process of Krsna consciousness
- Real problem, which very much disturbing us, that we, all of us, we do not want to die, but the science could not give us any formula assuring that "There is no more death." That is not possible
- Realization is possible when one works without attachment to fruitive results and is situated in the fixed conception of the real self
- Recent times have witnessed a concerted and noble effort on all fronts to bring about unity, peace, and harmony in the world, but these are possible only when people worship Lord Krsna and render Him devotional service
- Regarding beautifying the temple, we should always know that every place is temporary, but wherever we live we should decorate and beautify it for Krishna, so go on decorating our temple as nicely as possible
- Regarding dress, I have already written to you that you can dress as smartly as possible to deal with the public, and dress is immaterial in Krishna Consciousness. Consciousness is within
- Regular rainfall will be possible when people are engaged in yajna. Otherwise, nature will control rainfall. For want of rain, all your arrangement - mechanical arrangement, tractors, and all these - will all fail if there is rainfall, no rainfall
- Restraint is difficult, but it is possible if one fully surrenders to Krsna, since these abominable habits gradually become distasteful for a Krsna conscious person. If illicit sex is allowed to increase in a society, the entire society will be condemned
- Restraint is very difficult, but it is quite possible if one fully surrenders to Krsna, since all these abominable habits (illicit sex, meat-eating, gambling and intoxication) gradually become distasteful for a Krsna conscious person
- Right conclusion is that I am not this body. If, somehow or other, I can live without this body, then my distresses are over. This is common sense. That is possible
- Rohini said, "My dear Queen, when Bhaumasura was conquering all the world, he collected wherever possible all the beautiful daughters of the kings and kept us arrested within his palace"
- Rukmini continued, "A foolish woman accepts such a dead body as her husband and, in sheer misunderstanding, loves him as her dear companion. This is possible only because such a woman has never relished the ever-blissful fragrance of Your lotus feet"
- Samadhi is never possible for persons interested in material sense enjoyment, nor for those who are bewildered by such temporary things. They are more or less condemned by the process of material energy. BG 1972 purports
- Samadhi, trance, can be possible in five different ways in terms of one's relationship. Specifically, the trance of devotees on the stage of neutrality is called mental concentration
- Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya considered, "The uncommon ecstatic symptoms of adhirudha-bhava are appearing in the body of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. This is very wonderful! How are they possible in the body of a human being"
- Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya said, "It is not so wonderful, my Lord. Everything has been made possible by the energy and mercy of Him who will eat the food"
- Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya said, "Please accept my invitation for lunch for one month." The Lord replied, "That is not possible, because it is against the religious principles of a sannyasi"
- Seeing all these marks, neither His father nor His mother could understand whose footprints they were. Thus struck with wonder, they could not understand how those marks could be possible in their home
- Self-realization is possible in the human form of life, but not in other forms. There are 8,400,000 species, or forms of life, of which the human form qualified by brahminical culture presents the only chance to obtain knowledge of transcendence
- Sex desire is very strong at a certain stage, the guru may allow the brahmacari to marry; this license is given to a brahmacari who is unable to continue the way of naisthika-brahmacarya, and such discriminations are possible for the guru
- She (Prtha) also served the great mystic sage Durvasa, and being satisfied by her faithful service, Durvasa Muni gave her a mantra by which it was possible for her to call for any demigod she pleased
- Similarly when there is question of greatness, that is possible, that expansion. And because I cannot expand, frog philosophy, therefore Krsna cannot expand, that is nonsense. We are thinking always in terms of my position
- Since Dhruva Maharaja, as a king, had to keep up his status quo or it would not have been possible to rule over the people in general, he did it perfectly
- Since Ganges water rests on the head of Lord Siva and then flows to the other parts of the universe, it is quite possible that the water in which Sati bathed, which was certainly very nicely scented, was Ganges water
- Since I (Visnu) am the Supreme Person without a second and since no one is equal to Me, another personality like Me is not possible to find
- Since knowledge (of Brahman and Paramatma) is imperfect, their conception of liberation is imperfect. Perfect knowledge is possible when one knows the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This is supported by Lord Krsna in the Bhagavad-gita - BG 5.29
- Since Sanatana Gosvami went along the public road to Vrndavana and Rupa Gosvami and Anupama went on the road along the Ganges' banks, it was not possible for them to meet
- Since Vrtrasura was among the demons, Maharaja Pariksit wondered how it was possible for him to have become such an exalted devotee
- Since we have already moved to our new location and everything is going on according to our standard program, we cannot possibly think of moving again or purchasing another building
- Sincere surrender unto the lotus feet of the Lord is possible by awakening the transcendental sense of service. This is made possible by association with pure devotees of the Lord
- Smrtis such as the Brhan-naradiya Purana say the same thing - that in this age of Kali-yuga, the only possible means of God-realization is chanting the Lord's name
- So the ananda, the spiritual happiness is not without varieties, anandamayo 'bhyasat (Vedanta-sutra 1.1.12). Spirit, Brahman, Parabrahman, is full of happiness, and how happiness can be possible without varieties? Variety is the mother of enjoyment
- So you are all good souls, please do not be agitated in trivial things. Do your duty nicely, develop the center as nicely as possible. If you think that your personality has been minimized, you can tolerate it
- So-called devotees like the sahajiyas cheaply imagine they are meeting Krsna in Vrndavana. Such thinking may be useful, but actually meeting Krsna is possible through the attitude of separation taught by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Sometimes a reflection of the sun is experienced in place of the sun, but its illumination is never possible independent of the sun
- Sometimes he imagines a great palatial city in which he desires to live happily with his family members and riches. He thinks himself fully satisfied if this is possible, but such so-called happiness continues only for a moment
- Sometimes in the neophyte stage of devotional service, in order to withstand the attack of Maya and remain strong under all conditions of temptation, young or inexperienced devotees will adopt an attitude against those things or persons possibly harmful
- Sometimes our devotees fall down because he has not come to that platform, ever-existing. Therefore the fire extinguished. That is possible, but everyone should be very, very careful that the fire may not be extinguished. Then again maya
- Spiritualization of the senses is possible through devotional service and love of God
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu did not encourage sannyasis to eat very palatable dishes, for the whole Vaisnava cult is vairagya-vidya, as renounced as possible
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu encouraged the public chanting of the holy name on a huge scale for as many hours as possible
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu replied, "Without cessation continue chanting the holy name of Lord Krsna. Whenever possible, serve Him and His devotees, the Vaisnavas"
- Srila Advaita Acarya Prabhu thought, "If Krsna Himself appears in order to distribute the cult of devotional service, then only will liberation be possible for all people"
- Srila Bhaktisiddhanta remarks - Which Sri Saila is being indicated by Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami is not clearly understood. There is no temple of Mallikarjuna in this area because the Sri Saila located in the district of Dharwad cannot possibly be there
- Srimad-bhagavatam is the ripened fruit of the tree of Vedic knowledge, and therefore all questions that can be humanly possible regarding the universal affairs, beginning from its creation, are all answered in the Srimad-Bhagavatam
- Srimad-Bhagavatam states that the entire cosmic manifestation is but an expansion of the energy of the Supreme Lord. Realization of this is possible simply by chanting the holy name of the Lord, omkara
- Srutadeva thought, "How has it become possible that Lord Krsna, who is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and His associates, the great sages, whose very presence makes a place as sanctified as a pilgrimage site, have agreed to come to my place"
- Still she (mother Yasoda) tried to follow Him (Krsna) as fast as possible. Her hair loosened, and the flowers in her hair fell to the ground. Although she was tired, she somehow reached her naughty child and captured Him
- Study our literatures with the help of your senior God-brothers and sisters, go on Sankirtana when possible, take special care to remain always engaged in some Krsna conscious activity, chant Hare Krsna Mantra always and be happy
- Such a person (who is too much attached to a certain kind of work or to the result) has no desire for higher elevation of life. He is simply concerned with making this world as materially comfortable as possible. BG 1972 purports
- Such an attitude (of a devotee who thinks that everything is Krsna's mercy) is possible for a devotee who engages in the service of Krsna's representative. This is the secret of success
- Such transcendental reciprocation (between Krsna and Radharani) is not even possible to understand from the platform of material goodness. One has to actually transcend material goodness in order to understand
- Suppose if you want to be a medical man, the books are available in the market. You can purchase and read and become a doctor. Is it possible? Is it possible that simply by reading books, purchasing from the market, I become a medical man? No
- Surely some disciple or other of these great scientists (Sri Jagadish Chandra Bose, Sir Isaac Newton, Benjamin Franklin) would have brought them back to life (if it were possible) and would thus have prolonged their scientific contribution to the world
- Take a drop of water, as clear as possible. But if you see with microscope, you will see, "Oh, it is full of germs." So imperfect vision of existence, of the existence of the soul, does not mean that there is no soul. The soul is there
- Take books as much as you like and with the local man's help immediately open a center and try to stay there as long as possible. In your absence the local man may manage. Train him in that way
- Tears from the eyes of a devotee is an automatic reaction, and because Sri Narada Muni in his previous birth attained that stage very quickly after his departure from home, it was quite possible for him to perceive the actual presence of the Lord
- Thank you very much for participating in this sankirtana movement. I am glad to hear that you are enthusiastic about chanting. Keep chanting 24 hours if possible. This constant chanting of Krishna's names will assure you of not falling down
- That is Krsna consciousness. When every step you'll simply see Krsna, that is Krsna . . . That is possible, provided you follow the footstep of Prahlada Maharaja. That will be possible
- That is the way of a God-gifted person. A devotee like Kardama Muni exhibited such opulence by his yogic power at the request of his wife, but when the opulence was produced, he himself could not understand how such manifestations could be possible
- That soul is eternal, but the body is not eternal. For our activity we must have a body; without a body, without sense organs, there is no activity. But people are not inquiring whether it is possible to have an eternal body
- The actual devotees of the Lord are always in disagreement with the Mayavadi philosophers. There is no way that impersonalism can possibly represent eternity, bliss and knowledge
- The Adityas are sons of Aditi, and there are twelve Adityas. Aryama is one of the twelve Adityas, and therefore it was quite possible for him to take charge of the office of Yamaraja during his one hundred years' absence in the form of Vidura
- The answer to that argument is that Sati was not vilifying but defending. If possible she should have cut out Daksa's tongue because he blasphemed Lord Siva
- The atmarama stage, is possible when the Lord bestows His mercy upon a devotee for his advanced devotional activity. It is the highest perfectional stage because one cannot reach it unless one has attained pure love of God
- The attraction of such gardens was that singing birds would sit on the trees, and their chanting voices, as well as the humming sound of the bees, made the whole atmosphere as pleasing as possible
- The best thing is that you engage yourself in chanting the Hare Krishna Maha-mantra as many times as possible and Krishna will save you. I wish that all your family members should chant, your wife especially, for your prolonged life
- The best thing is to revive our original Krsna consciousness and be engaged in the service of the Lord. That is natural life and that is possible in the spiritual sky or the Goloka Vrndavana
- The Bhagavatam says, bhayam dvitiyabhinivesatah syad isad apetasya viparyayo 'smrtih: Krsna consciousness is the only basis for fearlessness. Therefore, perfect practice is possible for a person who is Krsna conscious. BG 1972 purports
- The bhakta, is beyond the karmi and the jnani. The karmi has many desires, and the jnani tries to get rid of all desires, but desirelessness can be possible only when we desire to serve Krsna. Otherwise it is not possible to get rid of desires
- The Blessed Lord said: O mighty-armed son of Kunti, it is undoubtedly very difficult to curb the restless mind, but it is possible by constant practice and by detachment. BG 6.35 - 1972
- The body is just like a chariot or car in which one may go anywhere. One may drive well, or else one may drive whimsically, in which case it is quite possible that he may have an accident and fall into a ditch
- The cloud, accompanied by thunder and lightning, cannot possibly cover the limitless sky. Therefore the Absolute Truth, which is compared to the whole sky, is simultaneously one with the manifested living being and different from him
- The cosmic manifestation has been made possible because of the entrance of the Supreme Personality of Godhead as Maha-Visnu within this material world
- The cowherd boys said, "If we all at one time entered into the mouth of this great serpent, how could it possibly swallow all of us? And even if it were to swallow all of us at once, it could not swallow Krsna. Krsna will kill him, as He did Bakasura"
- The cowherd men and women could not understand that the all-powerful Personality of Godhead was lying there as a baby and that He could do anything. Both the possible and impossible were in His power
- The cultivation of Krsna consciousness is possible where great devotees live together and constantly engage in hearing and chanting the glories of the Lord
- The daityas are devotees of the demigods because they want to derive the greatest possible material facilities from them
- The devotees offered their food everywhere - in front of the car and behind it, on the two sides and within the flower garden. Wherever possible, they made their offering to the Lord, for there were no hard and fast rules
- The dhumayita (smoking) stage is exhibited when only one or two transformations are slightly present and it is possible to conceal them
- The difference (between performing devotional service in this world and in the spiritual world) is that one stage is unripe and the other is ripe and more relishable. It is possible to mature in devotional service only in the association of devotees
- The difficulty of controlling the obstinate mind, as expressed by Arjuna, is accepted by the Personality of Godhead. But at the same time He suggests that by practice and detachment it is possible. What is that practice? BG 1972 purports
- The distinction between the Lord and the living entity is definitely experienced when there is sufficient intelligence to understand His internal potency, as distinguished from the external potency by which He makes possible the material manifestation
- The entire purpose (of performing yajna) being to make people happy, prosperous & progressive in spiritual life. Of course, these things were possible before the beginning of Kali-yuga because there were qualified brahmanas who could perform such yajnas
- The entire Vedic civilization aims at satisfying the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This was possible in Satya-yuga by meditation upon the Supreme Lord within the core of one's heart and in Treta-yuga by the performance of costly yajnas
- The four sections of human society, namely brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas and sudras, are meant to live peacefully in a cooperative mood; this is possible when they are guided by expert Vedic brahmanas who perform sacrifices and distribute wealth equally
- The godly qualities are there, but it is covered. That covering is possible due to our very minuteness, very small quantity. Therefore we are fallible, but Krsna is not fallible
- The gopis dressed themselves as beautifully as possible just to make Krsna happy by seeing them. They had no ulterior desires
- The gopis said, "Dear Krsna, if You say that if we go home our respective husbands will satisfy the lusty flame of our desire, we can only say that that is no longer possible"
- The gopis said, "In that condition, we shall simply think of You (Krsna) and Your beautiful features and give up our bodies immediately. In that way we think it will be possible for us to reside at Your lotus feet in the next life"
- The great sages and saintly persons could beget another person from the body of the dead King Vena, but it was not possible for them to bring King Vena back to life. King Vena was gone, and certainly he had taken another body
- The head is shaved, but they are so practiced to keep the balance that the pot does not fall down. It remains exactly. This is an art - they will dance, and the pot on the head will never fall down, keeping the balance. So by practice it is possible
- The highest benefit that is possible to do to the humanity is this act of preaching for receiving the Divine Consciousness of the living being
- The highest perfectional ingenuity is the personal perception of My (Lord Krsna) abodes, and this has been possible because of your (Brahma) submissive attitude in the performance of severe penance according to My order
- The human life is meant for understanding God, for seeing God, for talking with God, for behaving with God. That is possible. But you require little training
- The husband and wife should live in Krsna consciousness and follow in the footsteps of Laksmi-Narayana or Krsna-Rukmini. In this way peace and harmony can be possible within this world
- The important point in this verse is how it was possible that Arjuna could be defeated by a gang of ignoble cowherd men and how such mundane cowherd men could touch the bodies of the wives of Lord Krsna, who were under the protection of Arjuna
- The incarnation of Lord Siva or Lord Brahma indicates the absence of the supreme power of Visnu. When the supreme power is not there, it is possible to associate with maya, the external energy
- The inhabitants of Dvaraka City were so much pleased that they dressed themselves with the nicest possible ornaments and garments and went to present gifts, according to their means, to the newly married couple, Krsna and Rukmini
- The interaction of the three qualities makes it possible for things to be created, maintained and annihilated. But in the spiritual world, or the kingdom of God, there is no such exhibition, since everything is eternal, sentient and blissful
- The knowledge of technology is not knowledge. That is ignorance. The knowledge of self-realization is actual knowledge. That is possible in this human form of life. That is not possible by the cats and dogs
- The Krsna consciousness idea, is very, very new to them. Krsna, God, can be talked with personally. One can go to God personally. These ideas were unknown in the Western countries. But that is possible. That is a fact
- The Krsna consciousness movement should be spread wherever possible, and one should accept those who thus become Vaisnavas as being greater than brahmanas, Hindus or Indians
- The Krsna consciousness movement, the technique, is that you may be engaged in various types of work, but the mind must be always fixed up in Krsna. That art you have to learn. How it is possible? It is possible
- The level of realization of the Supreme Lord evidenced by Devahuti is possible when one is able to withdraw the senses from material activities
- The Lord Himself says: For one who is attracted by My activities out of his own accord - being neither lured nor repelled by material activities - the path of devotional service leading to the perfection of love of God becomes possible
- The Lord is never impersonal, but He is the Supreme Absolute Personality of Godhead, possible to be visited by devotional service face to face, which is impossible to be done even by the denizens of higher planets
- The Lord knew Dhruva Maharaja's childish ambition, but how was it possible to offer Dhruva a position more exalted than Lord Brahma's
- The Lord should be given foodstuff which is as nice as possible. But we should not make it a point to satisfy our own tongues. As far as possible we should accept simple foodstuff, just to keep the body and soul together to execute devotional service
- The Lord, out of His causeless mercy, first desired to see Himself and all the creation as well, and thus the sun became manifested, the power of vision for all living entities became possible, and the objects of vision were also manifested
- The love is very conducive. Otherwise, love is possible with any living entity. The central object of love is Krsna. That is Vrndavana
- The main instructions are to go on, to push on and preach and distribute books. If possible you can also hold a festival which is also part of preaching. I will be looking forward to seeing you and your bullock cart party in Mayapur
- The mantra to Ganapati is not bona fide. That is another nonsense. Your (Upendra - disciple of Prabhupada) worship of Guru-Gauranga and Nrsimhadeva is very nice. Please make it as attractive and gorgeous as possible though simple
- The meaning of niraham is "without material designations." This word cannot possibly be twisted to mean that the Paramatma has no ahankara, no "I-ness" or identity. He has His transcendental identity as the Supreme. This is explained by Jiva Gosvami
- The meditation process in right earnest was possible in the golden age of Satya-yuga, because the people at that time lived for a hundred thousand years on the average
- The meditation process was possible in the golden age, Satya-yuga, because people in that age used to live for hundreds of thousands of years. If one wants success in practical yoga practice, it is advised that he take to the chanting of Hare Krsna
- The members of the KC movement, being engaged in vasudeva-bhakti, very quickly come to the stage of being nice Vaisnavas, so much so that people are surprised that mlecchas and yavanas are able to come to this stage. This is possible by vasudeva-bhakti
- The members of the Krsna consciousness movement must always follow this principle (bahyabhyantarah sucih). Then it will one day be possible to see the Supreme Personality of Godhead face to face
- The mind belongs to the mode of goodness and therefore is called devamaya, or godly. Perfect purification of the mind is made possible when one is fixed in the conviction of being the eternal servitor of the Lord
- The mind, by nature, is always oscillating, for it is very fickle, but the breathing exercise is meant to control it. This process of controlling the mind might have been very possible in those days millions of years ago
- The modern civilization, they do not take care of this Vedic information, neither they have got any sufficient knowledge how these 8,400,000 species of life are becoming possible. They have no science
- The modern theory that life is made possible by chemical evolution is not correct. Or the Darwin's Theory, evolution of matter. No. The . . . they are missing the soul
- The more gloriously you worship the Deity, decorate the Deity as gorgeously as possible, the more gorgeous you will be. That is the secret
- The opposing princes were determined to defeat Krsna, recapture Rukmini from His custody, they fought with Him as severely as possible. Rukmini, seated by the side of Krsna, saw arrows raining from the opposing party onto the faces of the Yadu soldiers
- The perfection of mystic yoga is possible when one is continuously in connection with the Supreme Personality of Godhead by discharging devotional service. A devotee is always thinking of the Supreme Person at every step of his life
- The perfection of next life is to become free from the laws of material nature. That is the highest perfection. Samsiddhim paramam gatah. That can be possible when you go back home back to Godhead. That is not very difficult at the same time
- The perfection of science will occur when it is possible for the material scientists to know the qualities of the anti-material particle and liberate it from the association of nonpermanent, material particles
- The Pracetas decided to remain always in the society of devotees, and they considered that to be the highest benediction possible in human life
- The practice of jada-yoga was possible for Rsabhadeva and others on the same level of perfection, but such an uncommon practice is impossible for an ordinary man
- The princely friends of Jarasandha instructed him that ordinarily it would not have been possible for him to be defeated by the strength of the Yadu kings; the defeat he had experienced was simply due to his ill luck
- The process is sevonmukha, service. Service, beginning with the tongue, vasudeva realization is possible
- The process of understanding Krsna is sevonmukha - by rendering service. Sevonmukhe hi jihvadau (Brs. 1.2.234). Realization of Vasudeva is possible by rendering service, beginning with the tongue
- The production of grains, grass, etc. becomes possible by rain, and this rain is made to shower properly by performance of recommended sacrifices. Such sacrifices are directed by the rites of the Vedas, namely Sama, Yajur, Rg and Atharva
- The purport is that even though material conditions are miserable, if these (BG 16.1-3) qualities are developed by practice, by all classes of men, then gradually it is possible to rise to the highest platform of transcendental realization. BG 1972 pur
- The purport is that instead of being elevated to the spiritual world where there is no longer any possibility of coming down, one simply revolves in the cycle of birth and death on higher and lower planetary systems. BG 1972 purports
- The purpose of yogic perfection is achieved automatically by the devotee. This is all possible when one becomes a devotee of the Lord through the medium of Caitanya Mahaprabhu's instructions
- The rasa dance was performed during the long period of Brahma's night, but the gopis could not understand that. In order to fulfill their desire, Krsna extended the night to cover such a great period of time. One may ask how this was possible
- The reciters continued: No one will be able to understand the policies the King will follow. His activities will also be very confidential, and it will not be possible for anyone to know how he will make every activity successful
- The rivers have been mentioned here (in SB 10.7.35-36) as the daughters of the mountains (nagams tad-duhitrh). It is the flowing of the rivers that makes big forests possible
- The same gopi spoke, "We think that this boon (listening to Govinda's flute) is not possible or available on any other planet"
- The secret to success is to take refuge under the protection of the Supreme Lord. Without His sanction, nothing can be possible
- The senses engage themselves on behalf of family, society, nation and so on. When they are so engaged, they cannot cultivate Krsna consciousness. The senses must be purified, and this is possible when one purely understands that he belongs to Krsna
- The senses must be purified, and this is possible when one purely understands that he belongs to Krsna and that his life belongs to Krsna
- The senses must be purified, and this is possible when one purely understands that he belongs to Krsna and that his life belongs to Krsna - in other words, that his identity is to be an eternal servant of Krsna
- The situations known as rudha and adhirudha are possible in the conjugal love relationship. Conjugal love exhibited by the queens at Dvaraka is called rudha, and conjugal love exhibited at Vrndavana by the damsels of Vraja is called adhirudha
- The Sun, from millions of years giving us light, giving us heat, but he has not lost its power. If this is possible for a dead matter, then how God will be Form-less after creating unlimited universes with His power?
- The Supreme Personality impregnates that total substance, and thus innumerable universes become possible. This total material substance, the mahat-tattva, is described as Brahman in the Vedic literature. BG 1972 purports
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is the friend of all living entities, and all living entities are eternal servants of the Supreme Lord. Oneness is possible through this understanding, not through artificially thinking that every one of us is God
- The sweet sounds of waterfowl and cranes made the surrounding area (of Bindu-sarovara) as pleasant as possible and created a very suitable spiritual atmosphere
- The symptoms of one's activities must be defined, and one must be educated accordingly. Then spiritual advancement will automatically be possible
- The system of caste, or varnasrama-dharma, is no longer regular even amongst the so-called followers of the system. Nor is it now possible to reestablish the institutional function in the present context of social, political and economic revolution
- The system of varnasrama-dharma, or sanatana-dharma, prescribes retirement from family encumbrances as early as possible after one has passed fifty years of age
- The two examples of the eagle and the cloud are sufficient to prove that flying and floating can be made possible through adjustments of the air. The planets, in a similar way, are floating because material nature adjusts the air
- The ultimate conclusion is that one must surrender to the principles of bhakti-yoga, for then one will gradually attain liberation. No other method of liberation from the material struggle is at all possible
- The whole bhakti-yoga process is therefore a revival of the lost relation. This revival is possible in the human form of life, which is obtained only out of the evolutionary cycle of 8,400,000 species of life
- The whole cosmic manifestation becomes possible by the grace of the Supreme Lord, it exists by the grace of the Supreme Lord, and when annihilated it merges into the existence of the Supreme Lord
- The whole world, especially the Western country, their ideology, philosophy, is this, hedonism. "Enjoy this life very comfortably, as nicely as possible." But that is a great defect and great mistake
- The wonderful explanation the boy has given could not have been possible for a human being. Therefore mother Sarasvati must have spoken personally through His mouth
- The word guru-prasada indicates that the spiritual master is very merciful in bestowing the boon of devotional service upon the disciple. That is the best possible gift the spiritual master has to offer
- The word sva-dhamna means by spiritual energy. Spiritual enlightenment is possible by the mercy of the spiritual energy of the Lord
- The word upakarana indicates a variety of foods, such as dhal, vegetables and other varieties of possible dishes that one can eat very nicely with rice. It is not proper, however, for a sannyasi to eat such palatable dishes
- Their (the wives of the heavenly denizens') eyes moved, their earrings and other ornaments glittered and glared, their dresses were the nicest possible, and all of them had special lockets on their necklaces. Each woman was accompanied by her husband
- Then (when absorbed in thoughts of rendering loving service to the Lord) it will be possible to remain separate from the activities of the material body. This position of neutrality can be possible only for a devotee
- There are innumerable universes - innumerable suns, innumerable moons, innumerable planets. So this is being possible in the effulgence, brahma-jyoti, of Krsna
- There is a ceremony in India, annakuta, Govardhana-puja. So in that ceremony, in each and every temple they prepare as many varieties as possible. Some of them prepare three thousand
- There is one saying from Bible: 'Judge not, lest ye be judged.' So how we can preach unless we are able to make judgements? That will not be possible. Only those who are above suspicion can judge others
- There is said that meditation was possible in the Satya-yuga, when people were cent per cent pure. And they are . . . for the present, mostly, people are impure. So they cannot execute meditation as it is described in the standard scriptures
- Therefore the conclusion is that the formal separation between Spiritual Sky and ISKCON should be concluded immediately. You are requested to make Spiritual Sky a separate entity and apart from ISKCON at the earliest possible
- Therefore, because it was not possible for any of Maha-Visnu's associates to take away the brahmana's sons, He personally came to take them
- These desire trees are not like the ordinary trees of the material world; the desire trees are found in the spiritual world. By Krsna's supreme will, everything is possible, so such desire trees were planted in Dvaraka, the city constructed by Krsna
- These European, American boys, girls, they are practically in the modes of passion. But they have been elevated immediately to the spiritual platform worshiping Krsna. That is possible
- These Goswamis used to work almost 24 hours. They used to sleep not more than 2 hours, & they produced immense literature. Of course, it is not possible to be in their level of activities, but as far as possible, we should try to work as hard as possible
- These regulative principles should act as servants of the basic principle - that is, one should always remember Krsna and never forget Him. This is possible when one chants the Hare Krsna mantra
- These symptoms of ecstatic love are possible only when one is fully situated in a transcendental position
- They (aborigines) do not know that the fighting spirit should be utilized to declare war against maya. That is possible in human life. Athato brahma jijnasa
- They (Caitanya's devotees) said, "Had You (Caitanya) not previously bestowed Your mercy on him (Rupa Gosvami), it would not have been possible for him to express Your internal feelings"
- They (dvija-bandhu, or the less intelligent) argue that birth in a family of sudras or less than sudras is made possible by one's previous sinful acts and that one therefore has to complete the terms of disadvantages due to lower birth
- They (human society) will have to be reinstated in that original position in terms of the above slokas of the Bhagavad-gita. Without this no solution is possible
- They (jnanis) will have to take birth. Their so-called liberation is not possible, because if you have to take birth, then where is your liberation? There is no liberation. Liberation means no more accepting birth in this material world.
- They (Krsna and Balarama) satisfied them (Nanda and Yasoda), along with their friends and neighbors who had come with them from Vrndavana to Mathura, as fully as possible
- They (modern administrators) want the kingdom of God without God consciousness. How can it be possible to adjust two contradictory matters?
- They (the inhabitants of heavenly planets) are all devotees of the Lord, and although their goodness is not unadulterated, still they are known as demigods possessing the maximum amount of good qualities possible within the material world
- They are concerned to have a spiritual life, complete, full of bliss and full of knowledge, and that is possible when you enter into the spiritual planets
- They are not after preaching but material gain and reputation and adoration. Otherwise why they are non cooperating with me? So no cooperation is possible. Do not think or indulge in loose talks. Be careful always
- They have got so much transcendental spiritual pleasure, this sex pleasure - they are astonished: is that pleasure? Phu! (makes spitting sound) That stage is possible. Still there are so many brahmacaris. So everything depends on practice
- They will never be able to learn Sanskrit, and neither it is possible that by learning Sanskrit they will be elevated. There are many Sanskrit scholars. So how they are elevated? They are rotting
- This (being brought to the position of a perfect person) is possible if an unalloyed devotee tries to serve the Lord by delivering him in this way
- This (CC Madhya 10.65) is factual evidence showing that it is possible at any time to fall down from the Lord’s association. One need only misuse his little independence
- This (concentrating upon Krsna without deviation) is the highest stage of perfection, and it is possible for everyone to attain this stage by practice of devotional service
- This (disciples of the Buddhists spiritual master acted as his spiritual masters) was possible only because the disciples of the Buddhist acarya received the mercy of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- This (Maharaja Gaya utilizing all the resources of the earth to benefit his citizens) was possible because he was bathed in sanctified water by the honest daughters of Daksa
- This (transcending all Vedic injunctions) was possible for the gopis because they saw Krsna face to face. This is not possible for any women in the conditioned state
- This association (conditioned soul and Krsna) is made possible not only by personal contact with the Lord, but also by association with His name, fame, form and quality
- This attainment of success (becoming enlivened as a spiritual being) is possible when one is above the modes of passion and ignorance, or, in other words, when one is actually a brahmana by qualification
- This forgetfulness (of bodily existence) is actually possible when we engage our senses in the transcendental loving service of the Lord. In the conditional state, one engages his senses as a member of a family or as a member of a society or country
- This hesitation is also a part of the pastimes of Lord Krsna because the horses of Krsna are not ordinary; it is not possible for ordinary horses to go all over the universe and then enter into its outer covering layers
- This is possible (attaining Krsna's abode) simply by keeping oneself an eternal servant of the Supreme Lord
- This is the result of sadhu-sanga (CC Madhya 22.83) - consequent association with Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and promotion back home, back to Godhead. This result is possible even for a dog, by the mercy of the Vaisnava
- This is very easy (to accept the boat of the lotus feet of the Lord), but we must follow in the footsteps of great personalities, and then success will be possible
- This kind of parental love is generated in a devotee out of his conviction, in love, that he himself is superior to Krsna and that without being taken care of by such devotee Krsna could not possibly live
- This knowledge by which we can gain release from suffering is possible in the human form of life, not in the animal form. To give us knowledge, to give us proper direction, there are scriptures written in various languages in all parts of the world
- This material creation is possible when the Supreme Spirit enters into it. This is a problem to the modern scientist, how creation was possible. They cannot understand that without spiritual touch, there cannot be any creation
- This material world is a transformation of the material qualities (sattva-guna, rajo-guna and tamo-guna), yet no one could possibly explain it perfectly, even in a lifetime as long as that of Brahma No one in the material world is perfect
- This material world is blazing fire. Blazing fire means the forest fire. The example is very typical, because nobody goes to set fire in the forest, neither it is possible to extinguish the fire in the forest by your so many counteractive methods
- This meditation process was possible to be executed in the age when people were very pious and very honest and the duration of life was very long. That is called Golden Age, or Satya-yuga
- This practical realization (pure soul is revived in spiritual realization) of the living being is made possible due to his becoming free from the reaction of the three modes of material nature, namely goodness, passion and ignorance
- This process of controlling the mind might have been very possible in those days millions of years ago when Dhruva Maharaja took to it, but at the present moment the mind has to be fixed directly on the lotus feet of the Lord by the chanting process
- This purification of my existence, is possible. It is simply jnana. Jnana means knowledge
- This realization (since the Supreme Lord spreads throughout one's body and since the individual soul is a part of the Supreme Lord) was achieved by Lord Brahma after he was purified, and it is possible for everyone
- This realization (that God is all-pervasive and yet is situated in His own abode) is possible if one strictly follows the regulative principles of asrama - brahmacari, grhastha, vanaprastha and sannyasa
- This science one has to learn from the authorities: Rupa Gosvami, Sanatana Gosvami and others. Then it is possible to understand what is loving affairs of Radha-Krsna
- This spaceship could also travel all over the universe. Modern scientists labor very hard to make a small spaceship to go to the moon, but Kardama Muni could create a great spaceship that could travel to all planets. This is possible by yogic powers
- This state of affairs is described herein (SB 2.3.12) as pratinivrtta-gunormi, and it is possible by atma-prasada, or complete self-satisfaction without any material connection
- This status of life (of a devotee) is possible only when a person is interested in associating with a pure devotee, who always enjoys the fragrance of the lotus feet of the Lord
- This training is possible in the human form of life. I cannot train a dog to become a devotee. That is difficult. Of course, that also can be done, although I may not be powerful enough to do it
- This ultimate gain (of achieving permanent happiness and eternal life) is possible to achieve in the human form of life
- This was now disclosed by him (Yudhisthira) because of the acute dejection of Arjuna, which could not have been possible otherwise
- To become Krsna conscious is possible by everyone. And actually, it is happening. We are preaching this Krsna consciousness movement all over the world
- To become narottama, or a first-class human being depending completely on the Supreme Lord Sri Krsna, is not possible for any ordinary man
- To maintain the family, that is my duty. As comfortably as possible. That is my duty. One does not think that this kind of duty is performed even by animals. They have got also children, and they feed. So what is the difference?
- To prepare oneself for the better next life, one must get out of one's so-called home. The system of varnasrama-dharma, or sanatana-dharma, prescribes retirement from family encumbrances as early as possible after one has passed fifty years of age
- To surrender unto the lotus feet of the Lord is also not very easy. Such surrender is possible by persons of austerity, cleanliness, mercy and truthfulness. These four principles of advanced civilization were remarkable features in the age of Satya
- Tomorrow I will surely finish, and my vow will be fulfilled. Then it will be possible for me to enjoy with you in full freedom
- Transcendental alertness is possible when the illusory condition is completely overcome. At that stage, when in contact with any reaction of material elements, such as sound, touch or taste, the devotee realizes the transcendental presence of the SPG
- United Nations under Caitanya Mahaprabhu's flag, do everywhere. It is possible. Always that is simply a false attempt. This is the real
- Unity is possible on the spiritual platform, not on the material platform. Material platform means "I am envious of you; you are envious of me"
- Universal brotherhood is possible when one is a pure devotee - panditah sama-darsinah - BG 5.18
- Universal love can be possible when you actually love God. Samah sarvesu bhutesu. In material platform that is not possible. But a devotee, a pure lover of God, he loves everyone
- Unless one renders devotional service unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Vasudeva, one cannot possibly become completely detached from this material world, nor can he possibly manifest real knowledge
- Unless one thoroughly understands this superior or eternal energy of the Lord, it is not possible to leave the material energy, however one may theoretically speculate on the true nature of the Absolute Truth
- Unless providence is in our favor, we shall not be able to gain victory. Therefore we must wait for that favorable time when our defeating them will be possible
- Vaikuntha realization is possible by any devotee of the Lord situated in the transcendental position as a result of devotional service
- Vallabha Bhatta wanted to be initiated by Gadadhara Pandita, but Gadadhara Pandita refused, saying, "The work of acting as a spiritual master is not possible for me"
- Vasudeva did everything possible to save his wife for the sake of begetting Krsna. This indicates that one may act duplicitously for the purpose of saving Krsna and His interests
- Vasudeva wanted to perform a charitable ceremony to celebrate Krsna’s appearance, but because he was shackled within the walls of Kamsa’s prison, this was not possible. Instead, within his mind he gave thousands of cows to the brahmanas
- Vedic knowledge is revelation. Vedic knowledge is not understood by so-called mundane scholarship, by reading grammar. No. Vedic knowledge is possible to be understood by a person who has got unflinching faith in the bona fide guru
- Vidura was astonished. "Daksa is such a great man," he thought, "and is the father of Sati. And Lord Siva is the spiritual master of everyone. How then could there possibly be so much enmity between them?"
- Vita-raga-bhaya-krodha. Here we have got attraction, material, so we have to withdraw this attraction. How it will be possible? If we become more attracted to Krsna, then this attraction will go away
- Voluntary restraint is tapasya, austerity, and this is possible with advancement of Krishna Consciousness. Artificial separation is foolishness. We recommend voluntary restraint, not artificial separation
- Vrndavana is not a material place, just like ordinary city or country. It is transcendental. So appreciation of Vrndavana will be possible when our mind is free from all material desires
- We are not teaching any particular type of religion. We are simply teaching that you love God. And this is possible simply by chanting these three names
- We cannot see God by excercising our material senses, but if by mercy of God, He gives us His darsana, then it is possible. This is the desire of God
- We do not wish to be estranged from the material world. That is another nonsense. We have to deal with persons in the society & perhaps we are the only community in the world which can render the best possible service to the society
- We have got this material body we require a little rest, the minimum rest, as minimum as possible. Because the sleeping means waste of time
- We have made a habit of eating such things (meat). Similarly, we can give it up also. This is possible when there is right bhajana-kriya. In this way, when anartha-nivrtti is finished, perfect, then he becomes firmly stuck up in Krsna consciousness
- We have to create our eyes or purify our eyes to see God. And that purification is possible when you apply the ointment of love of God, daily. How to love Krsna? Take it as ointment
- We know who is God. Therefore this business is possible by us, not by others. We know what is God. We have no vague idea. We know who is God, where does He live, what does He do, His name, address, His father's name - everything we know
- We love our beloved, our child or husband or wife. That is also not love. That is a temporary sentiment. Actual love is possible with Krsna. That is actual love
- We may not believe in the existence of soul, but that is a fact. But if we want to study the subject matter very seriously and scientifically, then it will be possible to understand
- We should know in perfect consciousness that human life is bestowed upon the conditioned soul to achieve spiritual success, and the easiest possible procedure to attain this end is to chant the holy name of the Lord
- We should not remain on this platform, but should go to the platform of sat (om tat sat). This is the Vedic injunction. The material world is asad-vastu; it cannot possibly remain
- We tell our disciples to stop eating meat, but how is this meat-eating stopped? In the place of meat, we are supplying kacauris, rasagulla and many other palatable things. In this way, detachment is possible
- We understand from the description of Sri Caitanya-bhagavata that after Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s acceptance of the sannyasa order, Srivasa Pandita left Navadvipa, possibly because of feelings of separation, and domiciled at Kumarahatta
- We will understand that even if the Lord appears before us in the form of material energy, it is quite possible for Him to convert this energy into spiritual energy
- Were it not for my past devotional service, how could I, a most unclean keeper of a prostitute, have gotten an opportunity to chant the holy name of Vaikunthapati when I was just ready to die? Certainly it could not have been possible
- What is the qualification? (to be a devotee) This qualification, if we simply dedicate these three things: always thinking of Krsna, that is very nicely possible. If we chant and hear, then we must be thinking of Krsna. Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna
- What is the wonder if the maidservant of Krsna, His external energy, begs for love of Godhead? Without the mercy of a devotee and without the chanting of the holy name of the Lord, love of Godhead cannot be possible
- What was possible for Dhruva Maharaja is possible for anyone. Any five-year-old child can be trained, & within a short time his life will become successful by realization of Krsna consciousness. Unfortunately, this training is lacking all over the world
- What was possible for Dhruva Maharaja is possible for everyone. Anyone who very seriously engages in devotional service can obtain, in due course of time, the same perfection of the human form of life
- What was possible for Hanuman by the grace of Lord Rama is not possible for an ordinary man
- What was possible in days gone by and is still being done here and there even today can again be made possible in all spheres of life, by a little adjustment suitable to time, place, and people. In this way, everyone can get free
- Whatever was possible to perform in the Satya-yuga by meditation & the Treta-yuga by offering of great, I mean to say, costly sacrifices, & in the Dvapara-yuga by offering prayers or arcana in the temple, that can be made possible easily by hari-kirtana
- When advanced living entities lived for such lengths of time, it was possible to execute this meditational system of yoga
- When Akrura came to Vrndavana in search of Krsna, he saw the footprints of the Lord on the dust of Nanda-grama and at once fell on them in ecstasy of transcendental love. This is possible for a devotee who is fully absorbed in incessant thoughts of Krsna
- When coming from San Francisco I promised to Janaki and other girls that this time when I come back I shall first come to San Francisco. So I shall return by Pacific route and possibly make a break in the journey in Tokyo and Hawaii
- When Garga Muni was so eagerly requested by Nanda Maharaja, he performed the name-giving ceremony as secretly as possible in the cowshed of Nanda Maharaja
- When he (Arjuna) was unable to find the baby even after searching all possible planets, he then attempted to throw himself into a fire, since he had promised the brahmana he would do so if unable to bring back his baby
- When Krsna kicked the cart with His small and very delicate legs, the ghost (Sakatasura) was immediately pushed down to the earth and his shelter dismantled. This was possible for Krsna because He has full potency
- When Lord Krsna was of a very tender age, His hands & legs resembled soft new leaves, yet simply by touching the handcart with His legs, He made the cart fall to pieces. It was quite possible for Him to act in this way and yet not exert Himself very much
- When more than two or three transcendental transformations are manifest and it is still possible to conceal them, although with great difficulty, that stage is called jvalita - lighted
- When one acts for sense gratification, work entangles him, whether the work be good or bad, but if one works for Krsna (yajnarthat karmano), he will be free, regardless of the possible desirability of his work
- When one has an understanding of things as they are, he becomes full in knowledge; then it is possible for him to surrender to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- When one is actually self-realized, brahma-bhutah, na socati na kanksati. This is the symptom. Then samah sarvesu bhutesu. Then it is possible to see equally everyone
- When one is Krsna conscious, he can realize that material existence, whether one is awake or dreaming, is nothing but a dream and has no factual value. This realization is possible by the grace of the Supreme Lord
- When one sees only to the spiritual existence of a living entity, there is question of seeing equally, equal vision, universal brotherhood. That is possible. Not on the bodily platform. That is not possible
- When such a combination is possible, namely a qualified speaker and a qualified audience, it is then and there very much congenial to continue discourses on the Transcendence
- When the Lord Sri Krsna was present on this earth, the impressions of the special signs of His lotus feet were stamped on the dust, and as a result of this specific grace, the whole earth was made as perfect as possible
- When the mind is clear, it is possible to meditate on the Supersoul. The Paramatma, or Supersoul, is always seated within the heart along with the individual soul
- When the Rbhu demigods attacked the ghosts and Guhyakas with half-burned fuel from the yajna fire, all these attendants of Sati fled in different directions and disappeared. This was possible simply because of brahma-tejas, brahminical power
- When the senses are engaged in devotional service to Hrsikesa, then the senses are completely satisfied. Without this superior knowledge of sense gratification, one may try to satisfy his material senses, but happiness will never be possible
- When the soul is situated in his original constitutional position of existence, he is said to be liberated. It is possible to engage in transcendental loving service to the Lord and become jivan-mukta, a liberated soul, even while in the material body
- When there are some similar points, it is possible to compare one thing to another. One cannot compare the association of a pure devotee to anything material
- When they (the ladies in the higher planetary systems) looked upward they could see how they were being carried in two airplanes to the Vaikunthalokas. All of this is possible simply by durvibhavyena karmana, inconceivable activity
- When we don't eat as simple as possible material attachment will simply increase. Then the real business of life - to advance in Krsna consciousness - will stop
- When we take into account that the moon is 100,000 yojanas, or 800,000 miles, above the rays of the sunshine, it is very surprising that the modern excursions to the moon could be possible
- When you come to the spiritual position there is no such thing - no more lamentation, no lamenting, no hankering. At that time it is possible to see that everyone is equal, because he can see. He does not see - Here is American
- When you love your father, naturally you love your brothers also, because you know, "My father will be pleased." So this is love. That universal love can be possible when you actually love God
- Whenever man raises the question of these miseries before a so-called scientist, the scientist very cleverly replies that material science is progressing and that ultimately it will be possible to render man deathless, ageless and diseaseless
- Why you are expecting that some day will come when science will be perfect? Throughout the whole history of the human society, never it has been possible that one can give life. There is no such instance in the history
- With our blunt eyes and other senses we cannot perceive the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but if we engage our senses in the service of the Lord according to the instructions of the authorities, it will be possible to see Him
- With the blessings of the Lord, all things are possible. The Lord especially blessed the girl (Pramloca's and Kandu's daughter) to surrender equally to all brothers. Aprthag-dharma, meaning "occupational duty without difference of purpose
- With the tongue begins spiritual life. If we restrict our tongue not to talk uselessly, simply talk of Krsna or chant Hare Krsna, read Krsna books, and when you are hungry, take krsna-prasadam, then it will be possible, you can control the tongue
- With these literatures you can immediately start a center wherever it is possible for you. I think that Florida will be a very nice place for this, and I have always had a great desire to open a center there
- With this purpose in view I have taken up the mighty project (of translating Srimad-Bhagavatam) and I wish that you gentlemen cooperate with me fully. The cooperation is possible to be made either by life, wealth, intelligence or words
- Within a second a very big, dark cloud may come and cause devastation immediately. That is possible. These are the wonderful activities of maya. But still, she is under the control of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Years ago, when Stalin had to undergo a surgical operation, he refused the use of chloroform. If this is possible even in an ordinary materialistic life, what to speak of spiritual life
- Yes (it is possible to overthrow a government), if you become all devotee, it is very easy. Because nowadays, the - Government of the people, by the people
- Yes, everyone of you should write something, so if you have completed any small booklets, you may send them to me and I shall see them and send to Hayagriva for possibly printing
- Yet even in the rigid position of a sannyasi He (Caitanya) recommended the mode of worship preferred by the gopis of Vrndavana as the topmost loving service possible to be rendered to the Lord
- You (Visnudutas) are sinless, but those within this material world are all karmis, whether acting piously or impiously. Both kinds of action are possible for them because they are contaminated by the three modes of nature and must act accordingly
- You are your husband's better half and as such it is your duty to assist him in every way possible so that he can nicely execute Krishna Consciousness
- You can have practical solutions of all problems such as social, religious, cultural, political, economic as well as agricultural and industrial - from the Bhagavad-gita. It is possible only simply by assimilating it by direct perception
- You can train the child spiritually. That is possible. Therefore it is said, tasyaiva hetoh prayeteta kovido: use this priceless human form to attain what you could not attain in so many millions of lower forms
- You have to become an ideal society. You live locally and be self-sufficient. They will see that it is possible to live locally without movement, and still highly cultured men, self-sufficient. That is required
- You have to select a sacred place; then you have to sit with half-closed eyes and concentrate on the tip of your nose. You cannot change your posture. There are many rules and regulations which cannot possibly be followed at the present
- You have to take mercy from Krsna. Then it is possible to extinguish. We have to seek mercy
- You live locally, and be self-sufficient. They will see that it is possible to live locally without movement, and still highly cultured men, self-sufficient. That is required
- You must give something more palatable. Then detachment will be possible
- You must give your good husband all assistance so that he can do things nicely. that is you duty. As his wife, you are his better half and it is your duty to help him in every way possible
- You must join this Krsna consciousness movement. That is my request. That is called nivrtti-marga. And gradually, you will be elevated to the topmost position, that you have no more attraction for these material things. That is possible
- You smash the universe and grind it into powder, and you just count all the atoms. That is possible. But still, it is not possible to understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Yudhisthira said, "Such material distinctions are visible in the lives of everyone, even the animals, but pure devotees are freed from these false distinctions. Since these distinctions are absent in Your devotees, they cannot possibly be present in You"