There are different kinds of yogīs. "Of all the yogīs . . ." Yoginām api sarveṣāṁ. Sarveṣām means "of all." Mad-gata āntarātmanā: "one who is always thinking of Me." You can think of one if you are attached to him; otherwise, artificially you cannot do. That's not possible. If you love somebody, then you will always see his picture, his form, always. These are simple yoga.
And it is said . . . as it is said in the Vedic literature, premāñjana-cchurita-bhakti-vilocanena santaḥ sadaiva hṛdayeṣu vilokayanti (Bs. 5.38): we have to create our eyes or purify our eyes to see God. And that purification is possible when you apply the ointment of love of God, daily. How to love Kṛṣṇa? Take it as ointment. As we apply some ointment to increase the sight of our eyes . . . doctor gives some prescription. We use it also. So similarly, how to see God? You will see God with these eyes when it is clarified. Premāñjana-cchurita, by the ointment of love of Godhead.
So these are the function, how to love. One has to rise early in the morning. He doesn't like, but, "No. I will have to satisfy Kṛṣṇa." This is the beginning. "Oh, I have to chant sixteen rounds." He is lazy. He doesn't want to do it. But if he loves Kṛṣṇa, he must do it. He must do it.
So in the beginning we have to learn how to love, but when you come to the stage, oh, there is no question of . . . you may follow the regulative principle or not, because love is there. But don't imitate.
Just like in our ordinary love affairs, if I want to love some girl, I bring some flower, I bring some presentation. In this way she thinks, "Oh, it is very nice boy. He has brought me this, that." In this way there are six principles of love. Dadāti pratigṛhṇāti (Upadeśāmṛta 4). You have to give and you have to take. I love somebody. I give him something: "My dear, you take this." And when he offers also, if he also loves you, he also return you. Not exactly for returning. It is love to give and take.