So sometimes people say, the modern age . . . modern age and past time or future, past, present and future, the real principles of life, they are the same. It does not change. Millions of years ago, the past and present and future as they were, at the present moment also, the same past, present and future are there. So there is no question of modern age or past age; the nature's law is the same. Millions of years ago the sun was rising early in the morning, and it is rising early in the morning at present moment also. There is no change. Millions of years ago all living entities were interested in eating, sleeping, mating and defending; the same thing is going on. There is no change.
So Kṛṣṇa spoke all these words five thousand years ago. Apart from taking account of millions of years, because nature's law is the same, so even in those days, five thousand years ago, you'll find the demonic people as they are now. These words about the demons . . . there were demons like Rāvaṇa and Hiraṇyakaśipu, Kaṁsa. So many demons there were, historical demons. But their process of life was the same as the modern demons. There is no change. Therefore śāstra means it is for all the time, not that śāstra was meant in the past for something else, and now something else. That is not the fact. That is, means, śāstra, that it does not change. The time, place and atmosphere, according to that, everything is the same.
Now, formerly . . . it is said, anyāyenārtha-sañcayān, to secure money by black market, anyāyena. Nyāya means legal, and anyāya means illegal. So anyāyenārtha-sañcayān, the practice was there also at that time. It may be small scale, but the same thing is going on at the present moment which is known as black market. Black market means anyāyenārtha-sañcayān, getting money by unfair means. That is called anyāyena artha-sañcayān. Anyāya means illegal; nyāya means legal. So these demons who are very much eager to accumulate money by black market, they are cintām aparimeyām, immeasurable anxiety. Anything you do in the material world, there will be cintā, anxiety.
Just like in our this Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement, the movement, all the activities, they are not material. They're all spiritual. But still, because it is being enacted in the material world, we have also so much anxiety because we are in the material world, although that anxiety also bhakti. That is nothing else. That is not material. When we are anxious how to protect a property, how to push on this movement, how people will take it, what line of action we shall take, this is also anxiety, but that anxiety is for Kṛṣṇa. Therefore it is bhakti.