Prabhupāda: Yes. No. By birth, there is no brahmin. By saṁskāra. Saṁskārād bhaved dvijaḥ. That is . . .
Indian man (4): Birthright is not brahmin. No birthright.
Prabhupāda: No, no.
Indian man (4): Provided he has got the particular saṁskāra. Abhi apna bole toh, Garbhadan samskar karke . . . (If it is ever said about me then, by doing Garbadhan samskara . . .) that is the beginning of it.
Prabhupāda: Ah, that is the beginning of saṁskāra. There is regular ceremony.
Indian man (5): But a very few people nowadays . . .
Prabhupāda: Still in Bengal, when the husband meets first the wife, there is saṁskāra. There is regular pūjā, pātha. Then the husband and wife meet together. We had the same saṁskāra in our family. It was going on. When we were young men, it was going on.
Indian man (4): Semen ceremony.
Indian man (6): Semen means before the birth.
Indian man (5): After pregnancy, eight or nine months, something like that.
Prabhupāda: No, that is ṣaḍ-lakṣana. That is another thing. Before sex, there is a ceremony. That is called garbhādhāna. (break)
Śrīdhara: (reading) ". . . ceremony takes place after the birth of the child. The family members take baths, cleanse themselves and decorate themselves with ornaments and garlands. Then they come before the child and the astrologer to hear the future life of the child. Nanda Mahārāja and other members of the family dressed and sat down in front of the birthplace. All the brāhmaṇas who were assembled there on this occasion chanted auspicious mantras." (break)
Prabhupāda: . . . Mahārāja. This is kṣatriya king. Who has got so many cows to distribute? They cannot maintain even one cow. He is handed it over to the slaughterhouse. This is our position.
Śrīdhara: "He not only gave cows in charity, but hills of grain, decorated with golden-bordered garments and many ornaments."
Prabhupāda: Anna-vastra. Anna-vastra-dhana. Charity means to give in charity anna and vastra and cows. (break) . . . give in charity some paper, one hundred rupees. (laughs) Another cheating. And he is also satisfied, "One hundred rupees." What is this one hundred? It is a paper, a piece of paper. (break) . . . earned, black market, white market. Because when one does business, he has to do it, but it should be purified. I have seen the Marwaris, they do that. Although when earning money they don't care, they do anything, but they give in charity. (break) . . . purify the body by taking bath, similarly, the wealth is purified by the charity process, giving it to the brahmins and Vaiṣṇavas. Just like Rūpa Gosvāmī. He accumulated much wealth. He brought in a big boat, all gold coins. So . . . so he distributed fifty percent to the brāhmaṇa and Vaiṣṇava, and twenty-five percent he gave to the relatives, and twenty-five percent he kept for his personal emergency. This is example shown by Rūpa Gosvāmī. (break) Kṛṣi-go-rakṣya-vāṇijyam vaiśya-karma svabhāva-jam (BG 18.44). So where is that vaiśya, giving protection to the cows? Although they were village men, but they were very rich. That is the old Vedic civilization. Now you go to the village—all poor. The cows are skinny, people have no home, no nice cloth. This is the position. And we are still advanced, advanced. They are proud of "advanced." And here is the . . . just hear the description of the village, with cows only. So how much fallen we have become, we can just imagine.
Devotee (2): Prabhupāda, in New Delhi the government has banned the use of milk in the sweet shops, and there is no more cheese or any milk products.
Prabhupāda: Yes. And there will be no more. These things will vanish. That is stated in the . . . rice, wheat, milk, sugar and fruits, they will be no more available. You have to eat meat. That day is coming. But before that day comes, you go back to home, back to Godhead.