Amogha: I was reading in the Bhagavad-gītā last night. In Chapter Two there was a verse where it says, something about, "Of the existent, there is no cessation, and the nonexistent, there is no continuation," something like that. But in the purport it says that one can understand the Supreme by studying himself. What does that mean: by analytical study of oneself one can understand the Supreme?
Prabhupāda: So you could not understand? You have got all propensities, different; the similar propensities are there in God. Because you are part and parcel of God. . . The chemical composition in drop of water from the sea is the same. In the sea it is in bigger quantity, and in the drop in smaller quantity. And therefore your composition you can study, and the same things are there. Therefore He is a person, big person.
Śrutakīrti: That is sāṅkhya-yoga?
Prabhupāda: No. This is my interpretation. He is also creating; you are also creating. You can create a motorcar and He can create a huge, gigantic sun globe. The same process. As you are controlling the aeroplane by air condition or by controlling the air, similarly all these planets are there. It is by His plan it is moving with the air. Big, big planets, there is no question of gravitation. That is nonsense. It is by His arrangement it is moving in the air. Just like big, big cloud containing millions of tons of water floating in the air. How it is being done? Eh? Millions of tons of water are floating in the air. That we see daily. So similarly, all these planets are floating by His arrangement. Not only floating. Making center that polestar, all the planets are moving around it, even the sun. So it is by His arrangement.
Śrutakīrti: So the sun is the center, or the polestar?
Prabhupāda: Polestar.
Śrutakīrti: Is the center of the universe.
Prabhupāda: Not in the center. Sun is in the center; the polestar in the extreme north. (break)
Śrutakīrti: You were saying yesterday how foolish it is to think that God is creating planets without putting any life on them. The scientists are saying there is no life on any planet. Then why would He create a planet unless there was life on it?
Prabhupāda: All rubbish theory. Life is mentioned in Bhagavad-gītā, sarva-gaḥ: "everywhere." And why these rascals say there is no life?
Amogha: They want to see with telescope.
Prabhupāda: This is nonsense, this telescope. That is their defect. They do not admit the imperfection of the senses. What we calculated? How many billions?
Śrutakīrti: To the sun?
Prabhupāda: No, no, the length and breadth.
Śrutakīrti: Oh, it is four billion miles.
Prabhupāda: Four billion miles. So how much the telescope can see? Can you see four billion miles? Eh? Where is the telescope? If you cannot see perfectly even ten miles, with telescope you can see, say, a hundred miles or something more, something. But can you see four billion miles?
Śrutakīrti: No.
Prabhupāda: Then? What is the use of this telescope? (pause) Nothing will be finished. God's resources are unlimited. But they will be finished. Making research, research, they will be finished. God's resources will not be finished, but they will be finished. Unnecessarily they have created necessities of life. In this way, in blind capacity, they . . . after fifty years, where this big geographist is going? He does not know. And he is thinking what will happen hundred years' time.
Śrutakīrti: He's thinking that in a few hundred years the resources will be used up. He doesn't . . . He's thinking the resources will be used up.
Prabhupāda: But before that, you will be finished, so why you are anxious?
Amogha: He's worrying about the civilization.
Prabhupāda: Civilization, but you will be finished. You will not take part in the civilization. You have no belief in the next birth. So why you are thinking like that? You will be finished yourself. Why you are worried? Suppose I have come here for three weeks. If I simply think, "What will happen hundred years after I am in Australia?" what is my business? I will go away by three weeks. Why shall I bring so much thoughts about "What will happen, Australia, hundred years after?" You are going to be cats and dogs or something, or grass or anything else. But you will be finished. Then why you are anxious for Australia?
Amogha: This is my country.
Prabhupāda: What is your country? You will be kicked out after some years, that's all. Where is your country? You cannot stay in your country. First of all you make sure that it is country. Where is your country? I have come here for three weeks. Shall I consider it is my country?
Amogha: Your country is India; our country is Australia.
Prabhupāda: No, no. Anywhere, I come here for three weeks or some three years or some three hundred years. What are these in comparison to the eternal time? So why I am thinking like that, "my country," "your country," "this country"? Everyone will be kicked out: "Get out." You country will stay here permanently. This is called fourth-class man.