Category:Big Big
"big big"
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Pages in category "Big Big"
The following 226 pages are in this category, out of 226 total.
- A big scientist or a big medical practitioner, he reads scientific magazines, a scientist. A medical man, a doctor, physician, he reads medical journals. He does not waste his time in big, big chat-chat in the newspaper. He has no time
- A big, big log, weighing one ton, does not go down. Who has made this law? If the law of gravity is there, why does it not apply to the big log?
- A person who is always absorbed in thought of Krsna within himself, he is greater than all such big, big yogis. Greater than the greatest yogi
- According to Vedic system, big, big king, they give up their kingdom and becomes a sannyasi, mendicant, voluntary acceptance of adversity. This is good. To live very comfortably and forget God is not good business
- All big, big yogis, there may be, but a person who is always absorbed in thought of Krsna within himself, he is greater than all such big, big yogis
- All over the world we are getting more respectable and we are getting big big houses for our Radha Krishna Temples, but if yours is the biggest, then I must certainly come there and see it
- All the acaryas, big, big acarya, accepted Him, Krsna is the origin of everything. Arjuna, who heard Bhagavad-gita, he accepted Him, Krsna is origin. Why we should try to understand Krsna otherwise? What is this foolishness
- All the young boys, they are keeping big, big hair. That is foretold in Bhagavata, five thousand years: "In Kali-yuga, they will think by keeping long hair they become more beautiful"
- All these big, big men, let them have one set of books and study. It is not any expenditure for them, but if at their leisure hour they read some of the line - they are all intelligent men - they'll get ideas, what is this Krsna consciousness
- All these Christians, they are violating the First Commandment. That is their business. Simply engaged in killing, big, big slaughterhouse. And they give the example that, - Others are eating vegetable. That is also killing
- All these rascals, they do not understand. There is practical experience, and there is authoritative statement, and still, they do not know, and still, they are big, big professors, big, big learned scholar, doctor, scientist, philosopher. What is this
- All these theories, big, big theories - politician, scientist, philosopher - they simply say "perhaps," "maybe," "missing link." This is not knowledge. Therefore we are reading Bhagavad-gita: sri-bhagavan uvaca. There is no imperfectness
- Americans happy by having big, big cities? No. That is not possible. Now they are trying to imitate, but that is a false attempt. That is not the life
- And people, leaders, andha yathandhair upaniyamanah (SB 7.5.31). Ask big, big scientists, philosopher, "What is the goal of life?" They do not know. They simply theorize, that's all
- Anyone who has accepted this material body, even a small ant, and the demigods, Indra and Lord Brahma, by their pious activities they have got big, big post as demigods, long, prolonged life and many other facilities. But they are all living entities
- Arjuna has given reference that all the great sages... At that time, Vyasadeva... Vyasadeva is still present. So "Vyasadeva accepts You (Krsna), Narada accepts You, and Asita, Devala, big, big, great sages accepts You"
- As you are controlling the aeroplane by air condition or by controlling the air, similarly all these planets are there. It is by His plan it is moving with the air. Big, big planets, there is no question of gravitation
- Ask big, big scientists, philosopher, "What is the goal of life?" They do not know. They simply theorize, that's all. The real goal of life is to understand God. So that can be done, as it is said here, that you make association
- At the present moment, so many big, big scholars and professors and educationists, they are also the same category as the dog. As the dog is thinking, "I am this body," he is also thinking, - I am this body
- Bhisma was lying on the bed of arrows on one side of the battlefield. There was trees & grass, but no dead men were around. Only there was the Pandavas. Krishna & great sages such as Vyasa - big, big men. Krishna was in the forefront in His royal dress
- Big big disciples
- Big big so-called professors, learned scholars, they talk foolishly: "Swamiji, after this body is finished, everything is finished." That is their conclusion. And the body comes by accident
- Big two wars of the world happened only on account of this industry. Do you know that? The cause is the big, big industry
- Big, big advertising, "United Nations." All nations, you... Because all the cats and dogs united. What they can do? If the all the world's cats and dogs meet together to make a formula, will they be able?
- Big, big brain, scientist, they are dealing (atomic energy). Similarly, this big energy - creation, maintenance and destruction of nature - that nature is called Durga. Durga. Duh. Duh means difficult, and ga means going, or to understand
- Big, big men in Europe, very exalted position, they do not know even that there is life after death
- Big, big politician, when they enjoy, they bring naked girls and drinking, and this is their standard of enjoyment. So how you can expect good government? It is not possible
- Big, big professors, big, big scientists, they are putting the theories that life has come from chemicals, chemical evolution, and they are getting Nobel Prize
- Big, big professors, they say that "This body is everything. After the body is finished, everything is finished." But that is not the fact. That is the first spiritual education to understand, that "I am not this body." Aham brahmasmi: I am spirit soul
- Big, big rich men in America, they spend fifty thousand dollars in a week in Florida for seeing naked dance. Is it not? Is it not a fact? Because they are sudras. They do not know how to spend money
- Big, big rsis and yogis, those who are interested in brahma-sukha, or to merge in the Brahman effulgence - the source of Brahman effulgence is here playing: Krsna. - Yasya prabha prabhavato jagad-anda - Bs. 5.40
- Big, big sannyasis, they gave up this material world - brahma satyam jagan mithya - because they did not engage themselves in devotional service, they again come back to this material world for philanthropic work, for altruistic work, for charity
- Big, big scientists talking all nonsense. No. There is no remedy. They are trying to control birth, so many contraceptive method, even killing their own children, abortion - but still the population increases
- Big, big skyscraper buildings have been constructed, and people are making plans, designs, working very, very hard, lifting so many heavy things. These are very heavy tasks, but they are thinking, - It is very happiness
- Big, big stalwart acaryas, mahajanas, they are accepting; therefore we accept. That is sense. And if you sit down, "No, no, I have no faith," you'll sit down and remain a rascal, that's all
- Brahmana does not go to construct big, big house. He simply constructs his character, and the other ksatriyas and vaisyas, they offer him, "Please come here and sit down"
- By literary contribution, one's intelligence is tested. All big, big men of the material world, scientists, philosophers, even technicians, they are recognized by their writings, by their contribution, not by their gigantic body
- Each verse (from SB) is full of so grave meaning that if you study, it will take months and months together. So they (big, big saintly person) developed such nice brain simply by drinking milk, and fruits
- Especially in this age they are so fallen that they do not know what is the goal of life. All these big, big political parties, philosophers, scientists, they have no knowledge. They are in the darkness
- Even big, big advanced spiritually sannyasi, they are thinking that - I am Krsna. I am Krsna. Why shall I go to serve Krsna? This is slave mentality. Just become Krsna. I am Krsna
- Even big, big educationist, big, big doctors, philosophers, scientists, they have got this bodily concept of life. So Krsna is first of all trying to remove this bodily concept of life
- Even big, big political leaders. They will cover: "Kuruksetra means this, dharmaksetra means this." No. Hearing should be ... Our policy is hearing the original, as it is. Then it will be effective
- Even in Africa, in the village, where they have got so big, big earrings, they are also chanting Hare Krsna maha-mantra. They are also chanting. Therefore the African government is a little afraid of this movement
- Everything is manifested practically just like ordinary human being. But at the same time, whenever there is need, big, big demons, beginning from Putana, He (Krsna) is maintaining His position as God, but dealing with His devotees
- First of all we commit mistake. Even big, big men, they commit mistake, because to err is human
- For thousands of years Bhagavad-gita was being read in foreign countries by big, big scholars, philosophers, but there was not a single devotee of Krsna
- Formerly big, big saintly person, they used to live in the forest, and their livelihood was fruits and milk
- Formerly, there were big, big acaryas like Vyasadeva and others, Devala. Many, many acaryas. And the recent, within, say, one thousand five hundred years, there were many acaryas like Ramanujacarya, Madhvacarya, Visnu Svami
- He (Pariksit Maharaja) was emperor of the world and he was going to die. This news was spread, and all big, big men, great saintly persons, even demigods, they also came to see him. And he was asking everyone, - What is my duty?
- He (Rupa Gosvami) has such a position, minister, drawing high salary, and association all the big, big men of the country or the society. But he gave them up - sada tuccha-vat, that "What is the use of this?" This is called vairagya
- He (Rupa Gosvami) was minister. Who can become his friend unless he is also a very big man? So Rupa Gosvami gave up their (big, big leaders, zamindars, big, big men) company
- How they were happy, the inhabitants of Vrndavana with Krsna and living and cows. That I want to introduce. At any cost do it and... Don't bother about big, big buildings. It is not required. Useless waste of time. Produce. Make the whole field green
- However big, big skyscraper building you may have, you have to suffer. But these dull brain cannot understand, because madmen
- Human being has become so degraded. Less than animals. They can attack you. Just like in the forest any ferocious animal can attack you at any minute. The whole big, big cities have become like that
- I am always wondering, why others do not write, so many big big preachers we have got, but none of them write, so if you can inspire them to write in more convincing way, that is great service, do it
- I am spirit soul. I have been engaged in mixing these five things and big, big lumps, gathering them just like children play in the sea beach, gathering so much sand and making like this, big house, and then it is fallen down
- I am the single man speaking of God. Nobody speaks. All big, big leaders, politicians, philoso..., who is speaking of God? We are stressing only God consciousness
- I do not understand why he is engaged in this business of his if there is not any tangible profit. He says that there is big, big money but still he has not yet paid ISKCON the debt that he has. Therefore what is this business
- I don't find any Bhagavata-saptaha any authorized book. There are so many big, big stalwart commentators of Srimad-Bhagavatam, beginning from Sridhara Svami. Nobody has recommended Bhagavata-saptaha. But it has come to existence by the professional man
- I have established about 100 big big temples all over the world; unfortunately, I am getting too much anxiety in my country and I do not know why
- I have got experience by traveling in the Western countries. Especially in America, they have got so many nice arrangements of big, big universities. Unfortunately, nowadays they are producing hippies. So this is not very encouraging
- I have talked with many big, big professors. They are under the impression: atheism, voidism, that after death there is nothing; everything is void, finished. Atheism
- I remember the words of my Guru Maharaja when he told me that wherever there was money it should be used to print books, not that we shall have big big temples and then fight in the court
- I want my gurukula should be in that way; we don't want big big scholars for doing research work. What research work they will do? Everything is in perfect order in the Vedic scriptures
- If anyone depends on the master's mercy, he's a sudra. Here in Delhi, New Delhi, these big, big buildings, big, big officers, as soon as the government will fail, they will be street dogs, that's all
- If Krsna has been accepted as the supreme authority by so many big, big men, why should we not keep our faith in Krsna? Or Jesus Christ? That's all right
- If someone wants to understand a little philosophy, he can purchase one of our books. We have got so many big, big books. So in this spirit carry on with great enthusiastic endeavor and this will please me very, very much
- If we get our headquarters in the very important business quarter of New York, just like I saw those photos, big, big skyscrapers surrounding, millions of people passing daily, oh, that will be very wonderful thing
- If you all, my right-hand men, are doing things without consulting me and making such big big changes within our society without getting my opinion and the opinion of all the GBC members then what can I do?
- If you are cool brain, then you will see that now, in comparison to the Sputnik, there are millions and trillions of planets and stars, big, big planets like sun planet, which is fourteen hundred thousand times bigger than this earth
- If you do not understand Krsna, if you do not surrender to Krsna, then you are simply wasting your time. There is no meaning of writing big, big comments on Bhagavad-gita, uselessly waste you time and waste others' time
- In battlefield, it was a great ocean of fighting, and Bhisma, Drona, Karna, they were compared with big, big sharks, crocodiles in the ocean
- In Calcutta in our childhood I have seen many big, big prostitutes, Vaisnavi
- In India still, they are not so degraded. You see. Even at night you can safely walk on the street. But in Europe, America, you cannot with confidence walk alone in the big, big streets
- In India there is no such big, big universities, facilities, but in your Western country you have got nice universities, nice teaching system. Why the result is hippie?
- In the material prison house they have got so many means - big, big walls, handcuff, chain - but nature is so perfect that simply give you a beautiful woman and you are all prisoner. Big wall, handcuff and chain - everything is complete
- In the present day, big, big politicians all over the world think that by scheming they can occupy the highest political post, that of president or prime minister
- In Treta-yuga, by sacrificing big, big yajna, performing yajna; in Dvapara-yuga by temple worship; and kalau tad dhari-kirtanat, and in this Kali-yuga, simply by hari-kirtana, by chanting the holy name of the Lord, you can get the same result
- In your country it happened, say, fifty, sixty years, the Titanic, or what is that? In the first voyage everything was drowned, all big, big men. So nature's freak is so strong that you cannot say that - Because I have got a nice ship, I'll be saved
- Indra, Varuna and Indra . . . There are big, big stalwart demigods. They also offer their respect. They think themselves as subordinate, humble servants of Krsna
- Industry, in your country also going on, but in spite of all industry and big, big universities, why your young men are becoming confused? Why? Why the universities are producing hippies?
- Invite them, "Come and see." Give them prasadam. This is our policy. We are not constructing big, big buildings and temples for our convenience. For their convenience. This is sannyasi
- It is in the Vedic literature, that you cannot do the yoga practice, meditation or offering big, big sacrifices or construct big, big temples for worshiping the Deity. It is very, very difficult nowadays. Simply chant Hare Krsna
- It is not that we have manufactured. It is stated, dharmam tu saksad bhagavat-pranitam (SB 6.3.19). Nobody knows what is dharma, neither the human being, nor the demigods, nor big, big sages, saintly person, and whatever you say, philosopher. No
- Just like in your country, big, big professors, they do not believe in the spirit. They simply think of this body. So how they can understand about Radha and Krsna and Their pastimes, all spiritual affairs?
- Just like Ramanujacarya: he established hundreds of temples all over India, Laksmi-Narayana temple especially, the Ramanuja-sampradaya. Similarly, Caitanya Mahaprabhu's sampradaya established hundreds of temples Radha-Krsna. Big, big acarya
- Just like this Vivekananda Society, their daridra-narayana-seva. The daridras are lying on the street, but they collect money in the name of serving the poor, and they live very comfortably - big, big belly. You see
- Karmis are constructing big, big houses, skyscraper houses. The purpose is to enjoy himself. The same thing, bhumir apo 'nalo vayuh, mixing together, brick or stone or cement, if it is used for Krsna, then it is yukta-vairagya
- Krsna consciousness movement is so nice that even children without any knowledge of Vedanta - and big, big philosopher - simply by attending the performance of devotional service even a child's mind can be glorious - without an education
- Krsna is instructing us, and we are so fool, we cannot understand. We cannot understand. Big, big politicians, they read Bhagavad-gita, in our country. But by their action it is seen they did not understand even a word of Bhagavad-gita
- Krsna may be taken by low-grade person as a ordinary human, as it is done sometimes. Big, big scholars, philosophers, they also become bewildered. Just like in India, there is a party called Arya-samaji. They accept Krsna as a very big person but not God
- Make your point like that we should not be attracted by the so-called material bodily comfortable life. This is also comfortable. Simply we imagine that city life, having many cars and many skyscraper buildings, big, big roads, that is comfortable
- Many big, big leaders in political field - we have seen this noncooperation movement - they also took sannyasa practically. But they could not live long because they could not tolerate the position of renouncement
- Many big, big sannyasis, they gave up this world - brahma satya jagan mithya: "This world is mithya. Let me take sannyasa." But unfortunately, they could not stand in that position. After few years they come down again in social work, in political work
- Many people gathered. They gave different advices: "Maharaja, you do this at the time of death," and "Do that," "Do this." So there were many big, big persons. He (Pariksit Maharaja) was perplexed
- My creating so many centers, big, big temples, that is not my primary duty. My primary duty is to write books. Therefore I am going on still. These are coming automatically. Maybe this is the secret of my success
- Naimisaranya meeting going on, all the big, big learned brahmanas, sages, they are talking how to do welfare activities to the human society
- Nobody believes Krsna is God. Even big, big leaders, what to speak of ordinary men. Especially the so-called educated men. - Bring money anyhow and enjoy life
- Now big, big cities, they have got big, big Olympian sporting, but no yajna performance. So why there shall not be scarcity of rain? And as soon as there is scarcity of rain, there is scarcity of food grains
- Now big, big scientists, they are trying to prove that life come from matter. But here we understand from Krsna, the supreme authority, that He is the origin of all life
- Now government is encouraging drinking and meat-eating. And illicit sex, that is . . . that has become now a common affair, anywhere you go. Why you should have to go to brothel? Even big, big other places. I don't wish to mention. You see
- Now unless one is shot dead, he would not leave family life. Even Mahatma Gandhi, he got independence and everything; still he would not leave. So he was shot dead. This is our position. All politicians, all big big men, they are not going to retire
- Now you chant, you dance and take prasadam. There is no question of becoming a very highly learned person, very expert in philosophy, and so on, so on, big, big words. But that will not help you
- On the street, Second Avenue, there is always big, big trucks and motorcars going on, heavy sound. Then the garbage carrier sound, the digging sound. So many sound they'll tolerate. And as soon "Hare Krsna," "Oh, it is intolerable." This is demonic
- One gentleman told me that Professor Einstein, he was also reading Bhagavad-gita daily. Hitler was reading. Such, such big, big men. But I know many scholars, even Muhammadans, they also read Bhagavad-gita
- One may say that there are so many big, big men, educated, learned. Krsna says, mayayapahrta-jnana. Although they have learned so many knowledge, still, maya has taken. The real knowledge has been taken
- Our government has got planning commission. The planning commission has brought people in such a condition that they are dying of starvation. And they are taking salary, big, big, fat salary. This is going on
- Our Krishna Consciousness Movement is especially meant for enlivening men in this novel educational system. We have published about 10 big big books of 400 to 1000 pages each
- Our mission is very big. The best welfare work. Other welfare activities, they keep them as go-khara, and promises all sorts of big, big promises. No, we do not say
- Our purpose is not to construct big, big buildings. That is required for propaganda work, for giving shelter to people. But our main business is how to turn the face of the bewildered conditioned souls towards Krsna
- Our so-called svamis and yogis, they never tried. They did not know also. Big, big svamis, they went there. Instead of teaching them, he was taught how to eat meat. Sannyasi eating meat
- People are simply being cheated by so many rascals who pose themselves as big, big leader so you must all strictly follow the principles that I have established and for the general mass of people give them chanting
- People do not understand. I have seen many European big, big professors, they do not have any clear conception that the body and the soul, different
- People generally know God is great. Krsna says, mattah parataram nanyat. It is confirmed by great authorities like Ramanujacarya, Madhvacarya, Visnu Svami, all the big, big acaryas, Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Vyasadeva, authorities. Krsnas tu bhagavan svayam
- People should be sober, that we are giving books. They should understand. And it is accepted by the educated class, big, big professors, big, big philosophers. It is not blind faith
- Physical killing is for very big, big, strong man like Mao, or this Lenin, like that. Not common people. They have to be shown mercy
- Preaching is our real business, not getting big, big buildings and doing business for money just to maintain them, no
- Rascal civilized man does not know what is next life, how death can be stopped. Nothing else. Big, big scholars of Bhagavad-gita, they do not understand. The so-called scholars, they do not understand. These things are there in the Bhagavad-gita
- Remain zero for some time. Again he will want varieties. Big, big Mayavadi sannyasi, they preach so much brahma satyam jagan mithya, but again they come to the political work, social work
- Simple thing. Big, big acaryas, they accepted Krsna as He is. And why shall I not accept? This is parampara system. If others have accepted Krsna as He tells, and they have become big, big acaryas, so what objection can be there from my part? What I am?
- Simply become more concerned with increasing the spiritual content of our lives, and in this way all other problems like management will be easily solved, not that they can be solved by making some legal formula and having big big meetings and talks
- So long you continue to accept this material body, there cannot be any happiness. You may try to become happy by constructing big, big skyscraper house and possessing three dozen motorcars, but happiness is not possible
- So many big, big scholars, they have written comment on Bhagavad-gita, but they, still they have proved that they're rascal number one. Because they did not follow the process of understanding Krsna, therefore they could not understand
- So many things, material things, we saw. But who has made it? The living entities. The matter has not come into so many forms without the touch of the living entity. Everyone can understand. The big, big ships, how it has come into existence?
- So the killing business is going on regularly. In your regular life also. You are maintaining big, big slaughterhouses. Then when you accepted the instruction of Christ?
- Sometimes big, big sannyasis, they gave up this world as brahma satyam jagan mithya, but because they could not get ananda, they come down again. Again they become busy in opening hospital and school and philanthropic work, politics
- Srimad-Bhagavatam. Vyasadeva has given us. We should study very carefully, and we have tried to give each and every word's meaning and the translation and the purport, consulting all the big, big acaryas
- Study the history of Maharaja Pariksit. That is required. Not that simply chronological record, all nonsense, and big, big books, and making research. Why should you waste your time in that way?
- Su-medhasah, those who have got good brain, they will take it (sankirtana movement). So very simple thing, and Caitanya Mahaprabhu is approved by the acaryas, by big, big scholars. So you have no fear of falling down
- Such a big city, there was lake, there was garden, there was maidservant, big, big palaces, and the whole thing was floating in the sky, and he (Kardama Muni) made her (Devahuti) see all the different planets
- Take this formula from the sastras that a living entity is never created. These rascals are trying to create living entity and spending money and going to hold big, big conference. So where is the question of creation? They are already created
- That is called maya. That is the last snare of maya. Maya dictates that, "Now we have failed to become minister, to (become) president, and so many other big, big posts. Now you become Brahman." You are already Brahman. Simply you have to realize
- That is happening now in this Kali-yuga generally. Big, big court justice, magistrate, they are giving favorable judgment, being bribed. This is Kali-yuga
- That is the idea of my Guru Maharaja, a Gurukula. We are not going to make some big, big scholars. We don't require scholars. We require ideal men by character, by behavior, by Krsna consciousness
- The big, big chemist, big, big scientists, they are trying to create living entities. Their theory is, "By chemical evolution there is living symptoms." But it is not possible
- The conception of God, greater than the greatest, and smaller than the smallest. That is God. He can produce these big, big universes simply by breathing, and again - we do not know how many atoms are there in each universe - He can enter in each atom
- The leaders say that "India, giving more stress on the soul, not on the body, India's position is so degraded." This is the leaders' opinion. Big, big leaders, they think
- The ordinary man who is neither Krsna conscious nor a devotee of Krsna, he cannot explain Bhagavad-gita. Whatever they are explaining, they are simply spoiling their time and others' also, big, big scholars - I do not wish to discuss - simply misled
- The original person is being accepted by great authorities - formerly Vyasadeva, Narada, Asita, Devala; later on Ramanujacarya, Madhvacarya, & all big, big stalwart acaryas, Caitanya Mahaprabhu - why don't you accept Krsna the supreme original authority
- The planning commission has brought people in such a condition that they are dying of starvation. And they are taking salary, big, big, fat salary. This is going on
- The preaching work is not easy-going. There are so many difficulties. All the big, big preachers... Sri Ramanujacarya. His life was attempted to be killed. Why Ramanujacarya? My Guru Maharaja was attempted to be killed
- The Ramakrishna Mission began for daridra-narayana seva. They have got so much big, big buildings, institution. And why the daridra-narayana is lying on the street? What they are doing
- The so-called vaisyas - the industrialists or businessmen - are involved in big, big industrial enterprises, but they are not interested in food grains and milk
- The United Nation is giving service in so many big, big building in New York, for the last so many years. What service they have given? The war is going on. Instead of being united, the flags are increasing
- The Vedic civilization is, "All right, you are not satisfied one woman? Don't pollute the innocent girls or in the home, go to the prostitute." Still, in big, big cities, there is a quarter, prostitute quarter, still. They are professional prostitutes
- There are big, big institutions for technology, how a motorcar can move, how aeroplane can move. So many machinery they're manufacturing. But there is no educational institution how the mover, the spirit soul, is moving
- There are so many big, big men, they cannot eat much, but they work more than us, all day and night. Therefore they are called asses
- There are so many big, big person, and they do not surrender to Krsna. So they are all mudhas? Yes, they are all mudhas. That is the verdict of the sastra. We cannot make any compromise. That is not possible, against the principle of the sastra
- There are so many universities, educational institution, big, big professors, scientists, all rascals. All rascals, we declare. Let them come and argue with us. All rascals
- There is explosion of big, big mountains when there is dynamite, and the dynamite is given by some person. So how explosion can take place without the hand of somebody else, some living entity?
- There is no management; then office. Big, big office, but no management. All bogus. Office means management. But there is no management, and the office. Office, what does it mean, office?
- There should be one booth showing all the photographs of our temple buildings. This will be very impressive. Even big, big businessmen, they haven't got such branches all over the world as we have got. And our business is with honor
- These big, big men who are so much eulogized by some rascals, all these big, big leaders, what they are? Because they are not devotee of Krsna, they cannot lead. They simply will mislead. Therefore we take them all rascals
- These so-called, the so-called big, big leaders, big, big philosophers, and big, big scholars, they have accepted Krsna as ordinary human being
- They (big, big saintly person) used to keep cows and draw milk from them, and whatever fruits are available in the forest, and they have given us these literatures, Vyasadeva
- They (big, big scientists or big, big philosophers) talk of millions of years, but personally they live only fifty or sixty years, that's all. This is their position
- They (Jayatirtha and Karandhara) have big, big brains. Why they are failing? Now the Founder-Acarya has to manage. Without my consent the BBT has financed
- They (United Nation) are spending millions of dollars every month, but they cannot stop war. Simply the flag is increasing. That's all. Because it is godless. They may talk big, big words in the assembly, but at heart they are all dishonest, politicians
- They are big, big scientists, philosophers, and cheating others. They are unable to understand, themselves, and the same rascal knowledge they are distributing to others & taking Nobel Prize. This is the mudhas, the society of the cheaters & the cheated
- They are constructing big, big roads, motorcars, and skyscraper building, but there is no assurance that you'll be able to enjoy it
- They are constructing big, big skyscraper buildings. That we can see. But you don't see anywhere a magnificent church or temple or mosque is being constructed. That means people are going down in the matter of understanding God
- They are making so many gorgeous arrangements, big, big skyscraper, big, big roads, and thousands of motorcars. - Maya-sukhaya. - They will enjoy this life for fifty years, sixty years, thirty years, and making big, big arrangements
- They are thinking by constructing big, big buildings, just like in Bhuvanesvara they are doing, and having good, very big, big roads and motorcars, that is advancement of civilization. No. That is not advancement. That is increasing their anxiety
- They are thinking that by constructing big, big, high skyscraper building their civilization is advancing, or machine, or technology. But they do not know this is not the aim of life. Real aim of life - to understand God
- They cannot even understand what is the soul. A minute particle of spirit, it is . . . but they do not understand, big, big scientist, big, big philosopher. But the entire subject matter of Krsna consciousness is not of this material world
- They do not know what is freedom and whose freedom. That they do not know. Therefore they have created so many newspapers for freedom, the so-called freedom. But there is no freedom. Even big, big leaders, they have no freedom
- They do not know what is truth or what is truthfulness. Or, in other words, everyone is liar. I have seen many big, big gentlemen that for nothing they will speak lies
- They do not know. They simply speculate. That is the defect of modern educational system. Everyone is seeking for spiritual emancipation. Therefore in your country, in spite of so many big, big universities, you are producing hippies, hopeless population
- They say, big, big professor, big, big leader, "No, there is no life after death. This is once we get, and finished." That is also another foolishness. Just like a child
- This industry is horrible work. Simply by tilling your ground you get food grains, and keep some cows, you get milk - your economic problem is solved. Why such big, big industries? Ugra-karma
- This is going on now: atheism. Big, big professors, educationists, they're also in this opinion. I have traveled all over the world. One Russian professor said, "Swamiji, after this life, there is no... Everything is finished." But that's not the fact
- This KC movement means we are presenting the BG as it is. That's all. We have no difficulty because Krsna is accepted as authority, the SPG, by all the acaryas; not only formerly, like Vyasadeva, Narada, Asita, Devala, many, many big, big stalwart
- Those who are not devotees of the Lord, they cannot have any good qualities - That is not possible. "Why? There are so many big, big men, doctors, doctorate, having so big, big title from university." No
- Those who say that the Mahabharata battle was fought 3,000 B.C., that is correct. But they had a big, big meeting with big, big professors but was there any conclusion? No. So therefore these kinds of meetings are all useless
- To accept the real fact, so many big, big brains, politician, but they have no sense to understand that the whole earthly planet belongs to God. It is created by God. It is the property of God
- Unfortunately, our system of education is so dull that the authorities do not know that we are not this body; we are spirit soul. Still, they are big, big philosopher, big, big politician and big, big leader and social authorities
- Unless he makes devices and talks very overintelligently, how he'll get money? Just like the so-called scientist says and doctor says, big, big jugglery of words, and they get money
- Unless one has got family affection, love for wife, children, he cannot work. That is the impetus for economic development. It is admitted by big, big economists
- Vaisnava, another qualification is that he is a poet. Poet does not mean to write only big, big poetry; he is also maybe. Poet means one who can write. That is, out of the twenty-six qualifications
- Very nice building (in Detroit). We haven't got such building anywhere. On the waterside, big, big rooms, very nicely decorated, aristocratic, really aristocratic. Really aristocratic
- Vyasadeva or big, big saintly person, they have no business to present before you something mythology. Why they should waste time in that way? It is simply rascaldom to think all the statement as mythology. Not mythology. We have no knowledge
- We accept Ramacandra as God. He brought big, big stones and floated over the ocean. Does a stone float over the ocean? Yes, it floats under the order of God. He can . . . He can do it. The law of gravitation will not act there
- We are accumulating so many things, big, big buildings, big, big estate, big, big bank balance, big, big family. That's all right, but what is the guarantee that we will be able to enjoy this?
- We are not so much after big, big buildings, we are interested to preach only. But if such building will enhance our preaching work and not distract us from the main business, then it is nice
- We do not want to criticize anyone, but sometimes it so happens: big, big scholars, big, big politicians, they misguide people
- We find nowadays, big, big philosophers write volumes of book, simply theorizing without any understanding of the spirit soul
- We have got many books, at least two dozen books, big, big, voluminous. So you can read them, you can try to understand this movement, and join with us
- We have got many, many appreciation by the learned scholar circle, big, big professors all over the world. They are accepting that this is the first time that India's traditional spiritual culture is being spread
- We have no such qualification that we can compose very nice literature. There may be so many mistakes or . . . whatever it may be. But it is revolutionary. Otherwise, why big, big scholars, professors, university authorities, librarians, they are taking?
- We have published so many Srimad-Bhagavatam edition, nicely explained in English. So they are being accepted even educated circle, school, college, and big, big professors
- We have seen many big, big sannyasi, they give up this world as false. But after some times, when they cannot actually realize Brahman, they again come to this jagat for humanitarian work, for welfare activities
- We have seen, that in Moscow, all big, big buildings, they are not recent buildings, they are old, damaged buildings, and (indistinct). So that means their economic condition is not so sound. The old buildings are not very nicely renovated
- We have very good experience, especially in big, big cities. People, just to get money they are doing so many unlawful activities, vikarma
- We see big, big workers, sannyasis. Madhudvisa fell victim. The example is given, fire and butter. You cannot say the butter will not melt even in fire. Woman is like fire, and man is like butter
- We shall take this opportunity to preach. "Crime, Why and What to Do?" We shall give all solution. We can arrange big, big meetings on this point, "Crime, Why and What to Do?" A very suitable heading it is
- We take the words of the authority, that's all. Or we have no respite. This is our process. That is the way of parampara. Not only we accept, but our previous acaryas, all the big, big acaryas, they have accepted
- What is the meaning of Rama? So Rama means ramante, enjoys, rama. So who enjoys? Yoginah, big, big yogis. Ramante yoginah. The greatest of all yogis is the bhakta-yogi
- What is the soul. A minute particle of spirit, it is . . . but they do not understand, big, big scientist, big, big philosopher. But the entire subject matter of Krsna consciousness is not of this material world. All, it is of spiritual world
- What is the use of opening big, big factory? Ugra-karma. What it has helped? You were talking on behalf of them. What it has helped? Keeping them, innocent men, women, they are kept in that factory simply for livelihood
- Whatever big, big activities are there - education, charity, tapasya... Why these things are required? What is the meaning of becoming advanced in such things?
- When I came to your country first, I had no center. But who has provided all these hundred temples, big, big palaces, temples? To remain under the protection of Krsna you get so much facility. Why not be grateful to Krsna?
- When my Guru Maharaja was present even big, big scholars were afraid to talk with His beginning students
- Whenever you'll see Krsna, He's just a perfect young boy, nava-yauvanam ca. You'll never see Krsna's picture as He has become old, He has grown some big, big beard and . . . no. Krsna, you'll never see. Krsna is just like a twenty-years-old young boy
- Where is the actual water, wherefrom the reflection comes, that he does not know. Falsely thinking that "Here is everything." Very big, big scientists, they are thinking only on this planet there is life, and all planets are vacant
- Who knows it? Ask big, big leaders, big, big scholars of Bhagavad-gita. They are concerned with this body. Nobody is interested with the active principle within the body. So what do they know about Bhagavad-gita?
- Why do they not take the daridra-narayanas in the big, big building they have got? Their mission is daridra-narayana seva. Why they are not doing that
- Why they do not deify others? Only Krsna. There were many big, big men. All the Pandavas were very big men. Krsna was contemporate to the Pandavas. Why Krsna was picked up, and not the Pandavas? What is the reason?
- Why this material world is called tama? Because everyone is in ignorance. He does not know what is the value of life. Everyone. In other words, all fools and rascals. Just like big, big scientists. They are theorizing that life is made out of matter
- Yoga siddhis, they are simply material arts. Just like one example is given, that anima siddhi, anima siddhi means to enter into the stone. So we see in the Western countries they are boring big, big hills and entering in the stone
- You (sannyasis) have to teach only these things (patram puspam phalam toyam). Where is the difficulty? You do it personally and teach them. Then you become guru. It doesn't require to learn big, big, I mean to say, grantha like Vedanta
- You ask me: "Give me some payment." "Yes, I give you post-dated check." Will you accept? At present, if you give me five dollar, I see something tangible & you're talking of big, big word, but you'll pay me in the future. So is it very sanguine proposal
- You may have very big, big universities, educational system, but the production will be hopeless, confused hippies. That's all - From the very beginning, the whole system should be changed, rascal civilization
- You will see in big, big cities, how they are going by the daily, passengers how they are hanging in the buses, going. Why? Why they are working so hard?
- You work little, get your food grains produced, and you can sumptuously eat. But it doesn't require a scientific slaughterhouse for bringing big, big cows and live in the city at the cost of the life of the poor animals. This is misuse of intelligence
- You'll find big, big businessmen, they have got very, very long project, "How to do this? How to do this? How to increase this factory? How to make it world-renowned?" and so on, so on, so on. There is no limit of anxiety
- Your big, big cities are full with hippies. You cannot induce them to give up their LSD, and you are making better men. Better men is going to become worse. Just see how cheating
- Your educational system, in the Western countries, the . . . you have got big, big universities. Why the university students becoming hippies?