En every religion, God is accepted as the supreme father. The Christian religion also, they say: "O father, give us our daily bread." So God is accepted, actually He is the father. Must have. We must have original father. You cannot say there is no God. If you are existing, you are existing because of your father. Your father is existing because of his father, his father, his father. There must be somebody original father. That is logical conclusion. Not that, "I am born out of air" or "My father is born out of air, my grandfather is born . . ." No. There must be somebody father. So that is given to understand in the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam that He is the origin of everything. Origin must be there. Anything you take, there must be origin. The modern scientist, they cannot find out the origin. They simply say: "It existed like this." Wherefrom this existence came? "There was chemicals, hydrogen, oxygen, and mixed up, there was water." Who put the hydrogen, oxygen? So these answers they cannot give, because they have no perfect knowledge. So logical conclusion is there must be somebody, origin. That is God, from whom everything emanates, everything takes birth.
Now what is the nature of that origin? He is a stone or living entity? Because we have got two experiences: matter and life. A stone may be very big, but it has no life. But a small ant, although it is very small, it has got life, movement. It has got his independence of moving. That is called life. So if somebody—God or whatever you say—is the origin of everything, then what is the nature of that origin? Is He . . . is it like a stone or having life force?
Naturally we can experience that without God being living, how the living entities are coming? We have got experience that I am a living entity; I am coming out of my father, who is also living entity. He is coming of his father; he is also living entity. So how the origin of everything can be a stonelike chunk? No. This is logic. This is philosophy. Therefore Bhāgavata says that janmādy asya yato 'nvayād itarataś cārtheṣv abhijñaḥ. Abhijñaḥ means He is full of consciousness, knowledge. Sat-cit. Cit means He is living. He is not like a dead stone. That cannot be, because we have no experience that from dead stone life is coming.
Sometimes they put argument, taṇḍula-vṛścika-nyāya. In Sanskrit it is called. You have no experience here. In India we have got experience. Sometimes from heap of rice, one scorpion is coming out. So foolish men, they will think that the heap of rice, piles of rice, is giving birth to a scorpion. No, that is not the fact. One who knows the scorpion . . . this animal is very clever. They lay down eggs within the heaps of rice, and by the fermentation of rice it comes out. So actually, rice is not producing the scorpion; it is coming out under some chemical fermentation process.
There are manifestation of living entities. There are different types. Udbhijja: just like trees, they are coming out of the seed. If the seed is sown on the ground, under favorable condition it comes out. This is also life. And some of the living entities are coming out of eggs: aṇḍaja. Aṇḍa means egg. That you know. The birds, they first of all lay down eggs, and then, by fermentation, the life comes out. And some of the living entities are coming out from perspiration. You have got experience, so many bugs. If you keep your beds very unclean, by your perspiration the bugs are grown. It is called svedaja, coming out of perspiration. Svedaja, aṇḍaja, udbhijja and jarāyuja, and embryo, just like we have come out.