coming | comings
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Pages in category "Coming"
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- A deaf man used to call his wife. She would reply, "I'm coming!'' But, he couldn't hear her. He would think, "The women's deaf.'' Actually he was deaf but he accused her of being deaf. Similarly these people are brainwashed
- A dog is afraid whether another dog is coming, so the so-called civilized men, they are also afraid - "Whether Englishmen are coming to attack? Whether Germany . . .? Therefore there must be atomic bomb. I shall throw. Therefore you must give me tax."
- A mahajana is one who strictly follows the original religion and knows things as they are. And that means he must be coming in the parampara, the system of disciplic succession
- A statement was made by Lord Krsna in Bhagavad-gita. Sa kaleneha mahata yogo nastah: "In course of time the yoga system as stated in Bhagavad-gita was lost." It was coming in parampara, in disciplic succession, but due to the passage of time it was lost
- About the importance of initiation, it is to be understood that initiation means that power is coming from the Supreme by the bona fide disciplic succession. This is required
- About two hundred devotees are coming from Bengal. All of them are greatly advanced and specifically devoted to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Acarya, who is acarya? Then next question will be: who is acarya? Evam parampara-praptam imam rajarsayo viduh (BG 4.2). Those who are coming the acarya-sampradaya. Sri-sampradaya, Rudra-sampradaya, the four sampradayas
- According to its movements in rising above, going beneath or passing through the equator - and correspondingly coming in touch with various signs of the zodiac, headed by Makara (Capricorn) - days and nights are short, long or equal to one another
- According to the opinion of the acaryas, the word krama-yogopalabdhena indicates that by first performing karma-yoga and then jnana-yoga and finally coming to the platform of bhakti-yoga, one can be liberated
- Actually this process of Krsna consciousness or self-realization is not very difficult. Krsna taught it to Arjuna in Bhagavad-gita, and if we understand Bhagavad-gita just as Arjuna did, we will have no problem in coming to the perfectional state
- Actually, at the present age, nobody is interested in spiritual subject matter. Nobody is interested. So nobody is coming to surrender to you. Therefore you have to canvass, "Please surrender. Please surrender." This is our position
- Actually, if we examine carefully, chemicals are coming from life, not life from chemicals
- Actually, one by one, as people are coming to the association of (this Krsna consciousness) Societies, automatically he is becoming Krsna conscious. That is practical. Adau sraddha tatah sadhu-sangah. This is sadhu-sanga
- Actually, rice is not producing the scorpion; it is coming out under some chemical fermentation process
- Actually, the soul is active, not this body and mind. As soon as the soul is out of this body, there is no activity. So the real source of activity is coming from the soul
- Adau sraddha tatah sadhu-sangah (Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu 1.4.15). Spiritual life begins, first of all, sraddha, some faith. Just like you are coming here, kindly, to hear me. You have got little faith. This is the beginning
- Africans, I have seen, they look like gorilla. So why now from gorilla the Africans or any black man is not coming?
- After coming back to his hermitage, Kardama divided himself into nine personalities just to give pleasure to Devahuti, the daughter of Manu, who was eager for sex life. In that way he enjoyed with her for many, many years, which passed just like a moment
- After coming there, the woman offered obeisances to the tulasi plant, and after circumambulating the tulasi plant she came to the door of the cave where Haridasa Thakura was sitting
- After finishing this material world, there is covering of the universe, stock matter, mahat-tattva, wherefrom all these material comings. There is stock
- After some time, the brahmana youth became very anxious. "He has promised to marry his daughter to me, and he made that promise before the Deity. Now he is not coming to fulfill it." He then went to see the old man to remind him of his promise
- After too much material enjoyment, the next stage is frustration. That stage is coming to your country. Therefore the boys are becoming hippies. After too much material enjoyment, the next stage is - that is natural-frustration
- After walking and walking, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu finally arrived at Varanasi, where He met Candrasekhara, who was coming out of the city
- Ajamila is described as fool, rascal, and without sufficient knowledge. Why? Because he's attached to the child, and he does not know that death is coming now. Death is there. This is our position
- All the rsis assembled there (Naimisaranya) neglected to complete the ritualistic ceremonies because there was no positive assurance of the results. All the performers were coated with black ash due to the large amount of smoke coming from the fire
- All you devotees will be able to come and go, and sometimes He may also come to take His bath in the Ganges
- Alone in a field, if one falls into a blind well and no one is there to save him, he may cry for years, and no one will see or hear where the crying is coming from. Death is sure
- Although his commanders and captains were agitated and were about to kill the demigods, Maharaja Bali, seeing that the demigods were coming to him without a militant attitude, forbade his commanders to kill them
- Ample money is already coming without your having to go, and Srila Prabhupad has taken responsibility for providing funds whatever you need himself
- Ananda cannot be impersonal. You can make experiment. Suppose if you are put into a big room without any man coming there, so you cannot feel very comfortable for long time. You will feel lonely. You shall try to come out
- Another gopi told her friends, "Just see! The flames of the forest fire are coming to devour us. Please close your eyes and I shall immediately save you from this imminent danger"
- Any person who has developed the ecstasy of love for the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and who is always merged in transcendental bliss on account of this love, cannot even perceive the material distress or happiness coming from the body or mind
- As King Kartaviryarjuna entered his capital, Mahismati Puri, he saw Lord Parasurama, the best of the Bhrgu dynasty, coming after him, holding a chopper, shield, bow and arrows
- As soon as the living being ceases to act in terms of fruitive work and takes to the service of the Lord (the Paramatma), coming to know of His supremacy, he is immediately freed from all designations, and in that pure state he enters the kingdom of God
- As soon as we get electricity, the sooner it will be fit for my coming there. For my translation work I require electricity
- As soon as we speak "Krsna," you must know there are so many associates. Krsna . . . just like if I say the president is coming, so one should know the president is not coming alone. He must be accompanied by his secretaries, by his military aide-de-camp
- As stated by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, one must get in touch with a bona fide spiritual master coming in the parampara of Krsna consciousness, for by his mercy and instructions one is able to get strength from Krsna
- As things have generally not been so well managed there I have asked him to be ad-hoc President of New York Temple until the coming GBC meeting
- At present there are many commentaries on the revealed scriptures, but most of them are not in the line of disciplic succession coming from Srila Vyasadeva, who originally compiled the Vedic wisdom
- At that time, all the persons assembled in the sacrificial arena - the priests, the chief of the sacrificial performance, and the brahmanas and their wives - wondered where the darkness was coming from
- At the present moment education means many Indians are coming to America to learn how to polish motorcar parts or how to create technology. This is not education. Europeans & Americans, they are going to India for learning brahma-vidya. That is education
- At the present moment everyone is very much anxious to become God and cheat you. There are so many so-called swamis. They are coming, and they are preaching that - You are God. I am God
- Balabhadra Bhattacarya told the Lord, "I can no longer tolerate the disturbance of the crowd. People are coming one after another to offer invitations"
- Because Durvasa and his men were unable to eat anything more, they went away without coming into the house of the Pandavas. In this way the Pandavas were saved from the wrath of Durvasa
- Because I want sense gratification, therefore let me under the name of independence, let me become naked and have sex life on the street. That day is coming. It already has come to some extent
- Before coming to this understanding (Krsna is everything), one has no knowledge. His so-called understanding is simply misunderstanding. Brahmeti paramatmeti bhagavan iti sabdyate
- Being angry and roaring like a lion, the demon Namuci took up a steel spear, which was bound with bells and decorated with ornaments of gold. He loudly cried, "Now you are killed!" Thus coming before Indra to kill him, Namuci released his weapon
- Big bellows in blacksmith shop - that is also made of skin, like our body is made of skin. It has got a big nose, & breathing is coming, "bhas-ghans, ghans-bhas." if you want to increase your life, there are many living entities, living more than you
- Brahma, who was not born of a material source but of the lotus flower coming out of the navel abdomen of the Lord, is the creator of all those who are materially born. Of course, by the grace of the Lord, Brahma was able to see the form of the Lord
- By coming home, taking his bath, eating nice foodstuffs, getting refreshed and searching out his wife, King Puranjana came to his good consciousness in his family life
- By doing this (gather some flowers, leaves & decorate & have some picture or statue of God, offer Him some fruits, flower), he gets the highest perfection of life: no more coming into this material world & suffer all these nonsense. This is our practice
- By gradual evolution, we are coming to the human form of life. So in the human form of life, here there is a prerogative, there is a chance to know what is God and what is my relationship with Him
- By Krsna's grace, money is coming. There is no scarcity. And they are spending here in Mayapur
- By nature's way, when a man cries, there may be two causes. When one cries in great happiness upon the fulfillment of some desire, the tears coming forth from the eyes are very cold and pleasing, whereas tears in times of distress are very hot
- By Prabhupada's influence they (boys and girls) have joined Krsna consciousness and left everything enjoyable. But actually this is not so. They are all intelligent, educated boys and girls, coming from very respectable families; they are not fools
- By spreading this Krsna consciousness movement, we are seeing practical result. The most wretched, most rotten, they are coming to life, they are understanding the value of life, the aim of life, and they are trying to be elevated more and more
- By that only qualification, that he's not a Vaisnava, he cannot become guru, whereas, on the other's hand. If a person, sva-pacah means coming of the family of dog-eaters, candala - if he has become a Vaisnava, you can accept him as guru
- Can any scientist say that this is the vitamin value in dry grass? If there is no vitamin value in dry grass, how the cow is producing so much milk, who is full of vitamins A and D? How, from dry grass, vitamins coming out?
- Canakya Pandita says that, "If you want to make spiritual advancement, then you should always think that, "Death is next moment. Death is next moment." Because there is no guarantee when death is coming
- Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and Vallabhacharya were good friends, and Vallabhacharya many times visited Chaitanya. We get this information from authorized books. So far I know Gopalaji is coming from Madhavendra Puri, the original acharya of Goudiya Vaishnavas
- Coming again to the point of pure devotional service, the Lord is describing the transcendental qualifications of a pure devotee in these two verses (BG 13-14). BG 1972 purports
- Coming before Gopala, the elderly brahmana said, "My dear Lord, please witness that I have given my daughter to this boy"
- Coming in touch with the Supreme Personality of Godhead is possible through pure devotional service, which begins with sravanam kirtanam visnoh - SB 7.5.23
- Coming to His (Caitanya's) external consciousness, He saw them (Svarupa Damodara and Ramananda Raya) both present, and although He was still talking in the ecstasy of Srimati Radharani, He immediately began to question whether He was the same Caitanya
- Coming to the platform of bhakti, pure devotional service, one immediately ceases the blazing fire of material existence. That is the effect of Sri Krishna Sankirtana
- Currents of blood flowed from the gorilla's head with great force, but the stream of blood simply enhanced his beauty, like a stream of liquid manganese coming out of a great mountain. The striking of Balarama's club did not even slightly disturb him
- Dhruva Maharaja also saw many big serpents with angry eyes, vomiting forth fire and coming to devour him, along with groups of mad elephants, lions and tigers
- Do you think these people were coming to offer these 100,000 rupees daily to a stone? And the acaryas established this temple for bluffing these people?
- Dogs can smell many things from a far distance. Many fish can understand by the power of sound that an enemy is coming. All these examples are described in Srimad-Bhagavatam
- Don't be disappointed that many men are not coming here or we are very poorly pushing on. Never mind. Whatever Krsna has given us, chance, let us utilize it
- Don't do anything which is against the will of the SM. Because we cannot see Krsna eye to eye at the present moment. The direction is coming through disciplic succession. We should follow favorably to cultivate KC. Then our life is successful
- Don't think that you are simply here in this planet, and there is no living entity. It is wrong conception, foolish conception. So the president of the sun planet, He is the original person from where this sunshine and heat is coming
- Due to the shortcomings of limited national activities, such a general mass welfare program (in the form of the United Nations) for the whole world is not practically possible
- During the daytime of Brahma they (jivas) exhibit their activities, and at the coming of Brahma's night they are annihilated. BG 1972 purports
- Either you may bring this ism or that ism, this civilization will collapse. People will become mad, being harassed in so many ways. When one is harassed in so many problems, he commits suicide. So that position is coming
- Even a common man, coming to his senses, can know that the real person who was within the body and was hearing and replying was never seen. For that which was never seen, what is the need of lamentation
- Even eating involves fear. A bird, while eating, looks this way and that way, fearful that some enemy may be coming
- Even if one is by qualification a sudra, he must try to improve his position and become a brahmana. No one should try to check a person, no matter what his present position is, from coming to the platform of a brahmana or a Vaisnava
- Even in Australia there also we have got four branches-Melbourne, Sydney - and we have got a very big building, very big temple of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Last year I established, and many hundred thousand devotees are coming
- Even people have no idea what he's going to eat tomorrow. Actually, these things are coming. Manda-bhagya, most unfortunate. And upadrutah, always disturbed by many natural disturbances, health disturbances, political disturbances. This is the position
- Even though advanced devotees hear continually about the Lord for years, they still feel that these topics are coming to them as newer and fresher. Therefore such devotees cannot give up hearing of the pastimes of Lord Krsna
- Everyone is in ignorance because the evolution is coming from the lower species of life, and in Western countries the Darwin's theory of evolution is very prominent, and they believe that man is coming from monkey
- Feel, you may wrongly feel because you are imperfect. That is not good argument. Our argument is that the message is coming from the most authorized personality; therefore it is perfect. And we receive guru-parampara. That is our process
- For coming to Australia, fifty years ago it would have taken six months. Now we come six hours. The process coming is there. By scientific method, the space and time has been shortened
- For our arriving devotees they should all be coming on student visas for learning Sanskrit and Hindi languages and thus they can stay for 3 years
- For those who have developed an attraction to Krsna, attachment can be developed. Before my coming to the West, there was no movement like this Krsna consciousness, but now it is developing
- Formerly the Jagannatha Deity used to come to the temple of Radhavallabha from Mahesa during the Ratha-yatra festival, but in the Bengali year 1262, due to a misunderstanding between the priests of the two temples, the Jagannatha Deity stopped coming
- From a distant place, if you see that a railway engine is coming, you'll see the light. So a rascal will say, "A light is coming." (laughter) But one who knows, he will say a train is coming. So it is less intelligent
- From an insignificant lemon tree, tons of citric acid is coming. You have got experience. This lemon means citric acid. This chemical is coming from life. Without the tree, you cannot get this chemical, citric acid
- From India they are coming, but I am very sorry to inform, they are not giving the real, not delivering the real culture
- From the material nature everything is coming. Therefore according to Vedic knowledge, this earth is also mother. We have got seven mothers according to Vedic civilization: Atma-mata means original mother, real mother. And guroh patni, the wife of teacher
- From the rice, heaps of rice, one scorpion, small scorpion, is coming. The fact is that the parent of the scorpion, they put their eggs within the rice and, being fermented, the scorpion comes out, not that from rice the scorpion is coming out
- From the sun-god the glaring effulgence, the sunshine, is coming
- Full of kama and lobha, lust and greed, the entire population of the world consists mostly of sudras and a few vaisyas, and gradually it is coming about that there are sudras only
- Gajendra was feeling acute pain, but when he saw that Narayana, wielding His disc, was coming in the sky on the back of Garuda, he immediately took a lotus flower in his trunk, and with great difficulty, he uttered the following words
- God is not dead. God is coming to kick you out and kill you. God is not dead. He'll come in due course of time and kill you
- God says that, "You always think of Me. You just become My devotee, worship Me and offer your respect to Me." This is God's will. "And if you do this, then you are coming back to Me." It is clearly said. God's will is declared. There is no secret
- Going to girls and making them pregnant, then talking of Gopis, that is going on, that is nonsense. Without coming to the perfectional stage, if anyone tries to understand the Gopis he becomes a sahajiya
- Gopsi said, "O infallible one (Krsna), You had better know what is the reason for our coming here. In plain words, we are here simply because we have been captivated by the sweet sound of Your flute"
- Gradually, we are coming to very dangerous, I mean to say, pattern of living condition with the age, with the advancement of this age of Kali. And it is said that for earning our bread we have to work like an ass in this Kali-yuga
- Gurukrpa Swami is coming there, and whatever he may advise may be done, regarding the deities
- He (Brahma) wanted to show that even though these two attendants were coming in the forms of demons, they were very powerful, greater than the demigods, who could not control them
- He (Prahlada Maharaja) could not get any opportunity in the palace (of his father Hiranyakasipu), so when he was coming to school, at the tiffin hour he would call his small friends, five years old, and he would preach this Bhagavata-dharma
- He (Srila Jiva Gosvami) later came to Navadvipa to study Sanskrit, and, following in the footsteps of Sri Nityananda Prabhu, he circumambulated the entire Navadvipa-dhama
- He (Vivasvan) spoke to his son, Manu. Manu spoke to his son, Iksvaku. In this way the parampara system is coming. And that is bona fide. This is our philosophy, to accept knowledge from the perfect person or his bona fide representative
- He became a victim of this lusty woman, and then he lost his good character and left home and his young wife, coming of very respectable family. He forgot everything. Then, in association with this prostitute, he gradually became degenerated, degraded
- He must be conscious that - I do not want all these things, miserable condition of life, and they are enforced upon me. I cannot check them; they are coming. No, there must be somebody superior whose law is being forced
- He was coming without any disciples. He made friendship, canvassing that, "You stay with us." And he canvassed that, "I have brought such Australian student." Like that
- Here (in SB 3.29.35) the Supreme Personality of Godhead Kapiladeva perfectly explains that the mystic yoga system, consisting of eight different kinds of yoga activities, has to be performed with the aim of coming to the perfectional stage of bhakti-yoga
- Here also there is a nice big hall, exactly suitable for a temple, and the devotees are enjoying the opportunity by chanting there twice, thrice daily. I have also begun to give lectures here on specific days, but there are no outsiders coming
- Here in Vrndavana so many pilgrims, they come from all parts of India; now all parts of world, they're coming. But it is kept in such unclean state to discourage people not to come here
- Here is a person coming near. He will give me something. This person gave me something last night. Now another person is coming near. He may give me something
- Here is clear proof (those two principal doorkeepers of the Personality of Godhead have now entered the womb of Diti) of how a living entity coming originally from Vaikunthaloka is encaged in material elements
- Hiranyakasipu's coming to this earth and acting as the Lord's enemy was prearranged. Jaya and Vijaya were cursed by the brahmanas Sanaka, Sanat-kumara, Sanandana and Sanatana because Jaya and Vijaya checked these four Kumaras
- His (a realized student of Krsna consciousness) knowledge is perfect because it is coming from perfect books of knowledge such as Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam
- His (Lord Krsna) blackish bodily hue appears just like the indranila jewel. There are reddish signs on His eyes, and small soft hairs are coming out on His body. The appearance of these symptoms has made Him extraordinarily beautiful
- I (Prabhupada) can understand by your activities that you are making good spiritual progress, by Krishna's grace. That is very good news to me. It is not by accident that you are coming gradually to the right point
- I am coming soon to see that the Vrindaban construction is finished by Janmastami. I will take care of the necessary funds
- I am glad to hear new devotees are coming and do not be worried about some of our members leaving; they will come back. Krishna never forgets the service rendered to him by the devotee
- I am glad to learn that you are daily coming to our New York temple to worship the Deity. Most probably I shall be coming to New York next April where we shall meet and talk more about spiritual progress of life
- I am just speaking opposite, from the beginning of my preaching. So why you are coming? So if you stick to your position, real human civilization, people will come, gradually. Because they have got the sense
- I am little observing now, that our men are losing their enthusiasm for spreading on our programmes of Krishna Consciousness movement. Otherwise, why so many letters of problems are coming, dissatisfied? That is not a very good sign
- I am pleased to learn however that the nice girl who was at the Vyas Puja ceremony is now coming more often. Any person who becomes interested, try to educate him or her rightly. Everything depends on preaching
- I am remembering always you and your father, that you so selflessly aided me in my preparation for coming to the western countries and distributing the great gift of Srimad-Bhagavatam to the western society
- I am so glad to hear how Janmastami and Vyasa Puja were celebrated so successfully there in New Vrindaban and devotees were coming from all the centers
- I am training these European and American boys, most of them coming from Christian and Jewish families, and they are accepting to become a pure brahmana and then a pure sannyasi
- I am very encouraged to hear that people are coming. So please manage temple affairs nicely. Nanda Kumar is expert pujari and his wife is already going there. The Deity worship must be done very very carefully
- I beg to inform you that I am coming to Bombay by the 15th of March, 1971, and I wish to see you on some important matter
- I do not want disease. Why it is enforced upon me? And what is the purpose of my coming in this material world, and where I shall go after my death? Or this is the finish? There are so many things to inquire
- I expect to be coming to Bombay as soon as Giriraja completes my new quarters on Hare Krishna Land. At that time I may see you
- I had no objection of your coming to India. But if you can stay there in England and continue your festival program, that will be best. It is a very nice program. You should increase it as much as possible
- I have already explained in a previous letter, if we can establish a bona fide language school then our American and European disciples can acquire student visas for coming to India. This will solve our visa problem
- I have got no children with me; neither my former family is coming to live. If I, suppose, vacate these houses, then I will fill up with my devotees. So why don't you become devotee? I don't charge anything from you
- I have not heard from either of you since my coming this side to Bombay, so I am very anxious to know how you are each making life members
- I have seen in New York that friends are coming to another friend's house because one has no facility for taking shower bath, so coming to a friend's house. So the symptoms of Kali-yuga described that it will be very difficult also to take even bath
- I know, all educated and advanced educated Englishmen, they were coming to Australia for good job. Therefore most of the technical posts, they are occupied by Indians in London
- I require a male secretary because there are so many letters coming daily and which require expert management. At the same time he will be securing advertisements for Back To Godhead
- I shall tell You (Krsna) of my purpose in coming here, Brahma replied, but first I have a doubt which I ask You to kindly remove. Your doorman told me that You asked which Brahma has come to see You. May I inquire if there are other Brahmas besides me
- I think in Darwin's theory there is no such conception of coming to the point of sattva-guna, goodness. They do not know even what it is, sattva-guna
- I think my idea and plan is coming to be true very soon because I have many intelligent and sympathetic disciples, both from America and England
- I told you that in my horoscope it was declared that after seventieth year, I shall go to foreign countries and I shall establish many temples. In my horoscope that is. Now I see it is coming practically
- I want to know if Nectar of Devotion is coming along at proper pace. So you will kindly manage in Columbus that the printing matters are substantially ready for the press
- I was chanting in the Tompkinson Park in New York, and many of them were coming. So I invited them, "Please come with me. Take some prasadam." So they used to take that. In this way, gradually, they developed Krsna consciousness
- I was chanting underneath a tree, and these girls and boys, they were coming, so that was sraddha. Then as they gradually came to me, that is called sadhu-sanga
- I'm glad to hear that you are coming to India in the near future. Yes, Krsna wants you, don't try to avoid Him. You are a sincere devotee
- I've seen in the sea also, as soon as there is fog... When I was coming to your country on ship, the ship stops and they began to bugle: gaonh gongh gonhgonh, like that. But as soon as there is sun, this thousands miles of fog immediately
- If a person, out of sentiment or for some other reason, takes to the shelter of the lotus feet of the Lord and in due course of time does not succeed in coming to the ultimate goal of life or falls down due to lack of experience, there is no loss
- If a rascal is busy, that means he's simply spoiling the energy. Just like monkey. Monkey is very busy. Of course, according to Mr. Darwin, they are coming from monkey
- If new students are coming and they want to live with us in the temple, they must agree before living with us to follow these principles without any exception
- If one person who is not devotee, if he is praised as very exalted, so wherefrom these praising words are coming? Sva-vid-varahostra-kharaih. Such praising comes from the persons who are like dogs
- If one somehow or other hears, utters or remembers the holy name, or if it catches his mind while coming near his ears, that holy name, even if vibrated in separate words, will act
- If someone sees the face of the Lord while aratrika is going on, he can be relieved of all sinful reactions coming from many, many thousands and millions of years past. He is even excused from the killing of a brahmana or similar prohibited activities
- If we analyze our life, we will find that it is full of suffering. Why then are we coming here? The conditioned souls are not very bright. We should inquire, "Why am I suffering?" If there is a remedy, we must take advantage of it
- If we, if simply by coming you can come into the sunlight, if I think that I have become identical with the sun, that is nonsense. Sun, you cannot become identical with the sun. It is so powerful, the temperature is so high and great
- If wife is there, then some money must be coming, that means work, land or factory, children, home, friends, community, nation, like that there is increasing complication of illusion of thinking: This is mine, that is mine
- If you are chanting within this room and if you find nobody is coming to participate in the kirtana, don't be disappointed. There are many germs, worms, cockroaches, within this room - they are being benefited
- If you find a person (one who is coming in disciplic succession & fully convinced about the Supreme Absolute Truth), surrender & try to please him, serve him & question him. Surrender unto him is surrender to God. Question to learn, not to waste time
- If you take the shelter of the plug which is connected with the powerhouse, you get immediately electricity. Similarly, if you take shelter of a person who is coming in the parampara system...
- If you want a religious system, Bhagavad-gita is coming without any contradiction, change, for the last five thousand years. You accept it. Other scriptures are newly introduced, and there are so many doubts, so many interpretations
- In Bengal there was professional guru. They travel from one house to another. Our paternal guru was coming like that
- In Boston, while I was coming, there was three couples married. So they are living peacefully. There is no intoxication. They do not smoke even, do not take even tea or coffee. And they are taking nice prasadam every day. They are happy
- In His (Srila Nityananda Prabhu's) childhood He played like Balarama. When He was growing up, a sannyasi came to the house of Hadai Pandita and begged to have the pandita's son as his brahmacari assistant
- In Krsna's absence, the gopis had been coming dutifully to visit mother Yasoda's house early in the morning. They knew that Nanda Maharaja and mother Yasoda were always grief-stricken
- In spite of coming in contact with the pastimes of the Lord, the impersonalists do not fully realize the benefit to be derived, and thus they become just as morose as the materialists do in pursuing their fruitive activities
- In spite of coming to this material world, the nitya-siddha devotee is never attracted by the allurements of material enjoyment. A perfect example is Prahlada Maharaja, who was a nitya-siddha, a maha-bhagavata devotee
- In that condition she was sometimes going within the house, sometimes coming out of the house. She was constantly looking to see if Govinda was coming back along the road
- In that gigantic pot my body is of insignificant measurement, and even though one of the many universes is created by me, innumerable universes are coming and going from the pores of Your body, just as atomic particles are seen flickering in the sunlight
- In the Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu (1.4.15-16), Srila Rupa Gosvami, a great authority in the devotional line, describes the different stages in coming to the point of love of Godhead
- In the Christian religion, Jesus Christ claimed to be the son of God and to be coming from the kingdom of God to reclaim conditioned souls
- In the material world there are 8,400,000 forms of life, we know very well. And from aquatics to different life-forms and fishes. From water, trees are coming. Water, big water, trees are coming out, and then gradually it is becoming land, like that
- In the meantime, while Dhruva, doubtful of his mystic enemies, was talking with his charioteer, they heard a tremendous sound, as if the whole ocean were there, and they found that from the sky a great dust storm was coming over them from all directions
- In the record the play is going on, but one who does not know who has recorded this speech, he cannot find out. But one who knows voice, he can understand, "It is coming from Prabhupada, or the Swamiji"
- In this kind of disappointment (coming from when one is forced to act in a way which is forbidden, or to refrain from acting in a way which is proper) one becomes full of anxiety, sheds tears, changes bodily color, feels humility and breathes heavily
- In Vrndavana he (Srila Jiva Gosvami) established the Radha-Damodara temple, where, after retirement, we had the opportunity to live from 1962 until 1965, when we decided to come to the United States of America
- Indians are coming in Europe and America to learn technology, but next generation will come here to learn spiritual science, to seek brahmins
- Intelligent boy will always enquire, "What is this, father? What is this, father? Wherefrom the sound is coming?" That is intelligence. So if one is very dull - just like cats and dogs, they cannot enquire, - What is this machine? What is this behind?
- Iron has no power to heat or burn, but after coming in contact with fire the iron becomes red-hot and can then diffuse heat and burn other things. Material nature is like iron, for it has no independence to act without the touch of Visnu
- Is it not dog dancing, these politicians, politics? Who cares for you? Gandhi was there, he has gone. Does it mean the world activities stop? Churchill was there. He has gone. Hitler was there. They are coming and going like so many insects
- It appears from your letter that you are persevering in the attempt to spread Krishna Consciousness movements to the people of Australia. That new devotees are coming is the sign of our success
- It doesn't matter whether they are initiated or not. If they are coming in large number, that is the success of our mission
- It is a very good news that the disciples of Sai and Sai himself are now coming to join with our ISKCON. Because they were chanting Hare Krsna, they developed some love for Krsna and therefore they have decided upon this right course of action
- It is called vrscika-tandula-nyaya. You know that? Vrscika-tandula-nyaya. Vrscika means scorpion, and tandula means rice. Sometimes we see some heaps of rice, the scorpion is coming. But that is not that the rice has given birth to the scorpion
- It is coming not for my credit or another, anyone credit, Krsna's credit, He is giving. As soon as He sees that "They are working for Me," He'll supply everything, whatever you need. Simply we must be sincere
- It is nice the girls are coming to the temple, but unless you engage them in some way of serving Krsna, there will be again trouble
- It is not good that they are always asking me for money. The money is coming from the BBT in Bombay and it will have to be paid back in due course of time
- It is not Vaisnavism, "Oh, this man is coming to kill me. All right, let me embrace him." No. That is not the rule. When there is atatayi, aggressor, you must fight, you must kill. That is religious
- It is our practical experience in the KC movement all over the world that many millions of people are factually coming to the spiritual stage of life simply by chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra regularly, according to the prescribed principles
- It is said, we learn from Bhagavata that also fish within the water, they have got so sensitive power that miles away if some enemy is coming, they can understand and they take shelter
- It is understood that you are not coming in the temple since I left London. Why is this? What you are doing now on behalf of the society?
- It is very nice that Hal Pappa is coming to our temple. Please hand over the enclosed letter which I write to him out of my natural affection for him. I think if he joins with you will feel more encouraged in the service of the Lord
- Jagadananda's coming pleased mother Saci very much. As he talked of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, she listened day and night
- Just coming here from Philadelphia we were talking with the aeroplane crews, the captain, the pilot. They were very patiently hearing us. The question was very intelligent the pilot made, that "If everything is created by God" Yes. That is a fact
- Just like horse, when working very hard, you'll find some foams coming out of the mouth, we sometimes also, when we are very tired after working very hard, the tongue becomes dry and some foam comes
- Just like in New Vrindaban. They are coming to the city for preaching. So not absolutely we can abstain immediately because we have been dependent so long, many, many lives. You cannot. But the ideal should be introduced gradually
- Just like in the stage the dramatic actor is sometimes coming as a king and next time by changing the dress he is coming as (indistinct). This is an example. Similarly, Krsna is the same but He has got different manifestations
- Just like our body is made of skin, that bellow is also made of skin, and it has got a big nose, and breathing is coming, "bhas-ghans, ghans-bhas." So these are the tangible examples
- Just like the electricity energy, is coming from the same source. But it is being utilized for different purposes. Sometimes it is helping to make cooler, and sometimes it is helping to make heater
- Just see how nice flower is coming from the sand. And they say there is no vegetation. How they are coming? Wherefrom they are getting nourishment? If there is no possibility of living being, who is coming to water it
- Just see in this beach. They are coming all dressed, and the man is attracting woman; woman is attracting man. This is business, going on here
- Kamsa was a great asura, but still, he was thinking of future life. When he was informed that his sister's son, eighth son, will kill him, so he was trying to kill his sister: Because sister is the source of the nephew coming, so better finish the sister
- King means the supreme executive head of government. They could understand that, "These things are now coming." Drstva, seeing practically
- Krsna and Canura and then Balarama and Mustika locked themselves hand to hand, leg to leg, and each began to press against the other with a view to coming out victorious
- Krsna said, "My dear Srutadeva, all these great sages, brahmanas and saintly persons have been very kind to you by personally coming here to see you"
- Krsna says that if one simply puts philosophical theories for some utopian ideas, "Now time is coming which will be like this, like that." No. Time is there already. You cannot manufacture time like this or like that. It will go on
- Krsna was aware of the coming of Trnavartasura, who would take Him far away from His mother
- Krsna went on speaking, "Your coming here to see Me, neglecting all the restrictions and hindrances of relatives, fathers, brothers and husbands, is completely befitting"
- Kundalata said, "There are reddish signs on His (Krsna's) eyes, and small soft hairs are coming out on His body. The appearance of these symptoms has made Him extraordinarily beautiful"
- Ladies (fifty or sixty years ago in Calcutta), especially those coming from respectable families, could not be seen by ordinary men. This system is still current in remote places
- Let me know when is the best time for my coming there. Of course the mango season is best, so please inform me so I can make out my schedule, and you can make all arrangements
- Madhumangala was an intimate friend of Krsna coming from the brahmana community. Krsna's friends were mostly cowherd boys belonging to the vaisya community, but there were others who belonged to the brahmana community
- Maharaja Prataparudra and his personal assistants formed a third circle around the two inner circles just to check the crowds from coming too near
- Man is meant, rather, to find out the source from which all these things are coming. The Vedanta-sutra states that Brahman is that from which everything is emanating (janmady asya yatah) - SB 1.1.1
- Many educated. They are coming, trying to understand. But it requires little brain. So-called educated with dull brain cannot understand
- Many of our American and European devotees are coming to our temple in Mayapur and on completion of the Vrindaban temple we shall be able to give facilities to our ISKCON devotees all over the world to visit these two most holy places in the world
- Many, many Brahma is coming and going, this material universe is like that. You come, you take a form, and again this form is vanquished. Again you take another form. That form which you had in your last life, that is gone. So this is called maya
- Maya is coming to kill him, to send him to the darkest region of hell, and you are saving him, Chant Hare Krsna and be saved
- Misusing the energy. We have spent ten million by power, gas, going there and coming, so many cars. Another ten million. So all these twelve million, three . . . thirteen million dollars spent for nothing. Dancing like dogs, independence, maya
- Modern medical science, they see that the energy is coming from the heart, and as soon as the heart stops to work, it is said that the body is dead. So here also the same thing is confirmed
- Money is coming there. Guru Maharaja said that "You do the right work, money will come. Money will fall down on your feet." There is no question of flattering. Do. Work sincerely. Everything will come, whatever you want
- Money is undoubtedly coming in great quantities, but we should not be attached to this money for sense gratification; every cent should be spent for spreading the Krsna consciousness movement, not for sense gratification
- Most of my students are coming from the Christian and Jewish groups but because they agreed to follow our principles there was no difficulty to organize the society. Similarly Mohammedan or anyone else who has no objection to our principles is welcome
- Mudha, he cannot understand. That is the difficulty. More dull-headed, less intelligent persons are coming. Just see
- My creating so many centers, big, big temples, that is not my primary duty. My primary duty is to write books. Therefore I am going on still. These are coming automatically. Maybe this is the secret of my success
- My dear Vallabha Bhatta, your coming to me is not appreciated by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Therefore He sometimes speaks to chastise me
- My mission has come out a success by the mercy of my guru maharaj who sent me on this mission. That was my only qualification in coming to your country, that I had the blessings of my guru maharaj
- My point is that you have so many things, but the suffering is going on. You increase your means of diminishing suffering, but they are coming in a different way. So the sufferings cannot be stopped. That is not possible. This is the conclusion
- My proposal is that you engage yourself in editorial work. Or if you like, you can learn elementary Sanskrit, and when I come there we shall see how it can be put to use
- My purpose of coming here to enthuse the younger generation and it is very pleasing to me that Krishna is sending me younger generation and sincere souls like you
- Nanda Maharaja said: Your (Gargamuni's) coming to our house is to give us some enlightenment about spiritual life. You have no other purpose in visiting householders
- Next book is coming, Nectar of Devotion. It is the authorized translation of Rupa Gosvami's book, Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu
- No one can even count how many waves there are, and similarly no one can count how many incarnations are coming from the Lord's (Krsna's) body
- No one could understand who was coming and who was going, who was dancing and who was singing. Nor could they understand one another's language
- No one should think the Deity in the temple to be made of wood or stone, and no one should think that a person coming from a lower-caste family who has taken to Krsna consciousness is still of the same low caste. These attitudes are forbidden
- No, do not give up the association of devotees. All of your comings and goings are due to restlessness. Use your money to come to Mayapur and associate with the devotees. This restlessness will be cured
- Nobody wants to die; he wants to continue. Why he becomes old? Old means warning and, of the... Just like the, what is that, yellow street light. "Now please prepare for the red light." So this is coming... You stop this
- Not only in Vrndavana; we have seen wherever we held that Hare Krsna festival, thousands of men were coming, even the so-called educated
- Now here we are asking everybody that, "Come here: take your shelter, take your food, chant Hare Krsna and be happy." But who is coming? Eh? Many men come here; after one day, two days they go away, because they cannot get tea, they cannot get cigarette
- Now we have seen that many foreign visitors are coming to India to see the sacred places like Vrindaban, and the KLM Airlines has requested us to guide their tourists in some scheme
- Now, by the laws of nature, the time is coming when dictatorship will put the citizens into more and more difficulty
- Nowadays it has become a fashion that so many "Bhagavans" or "Gods" are coming. But there is definition, there is test, who will be accepted as Bhagavan
- Nowadays Naxalites are coming. It is the time, Kali-yuga
- O my beloved friend Vrnda, where are you coming from? "I am coming from the feet of Sri Hari." "Where is He?" "In the forest on the bank of Radha-kunda." "What is He doing there?" "He is learning dancing." "Who is His master?"
- Old age means deterioration. Just like this body. When I was young man, child, I was also jumping. Now I have to go with a stick. The deterioration . . . this is called de . . . deterioration. Deterioration means now it is coming to be finished
- On coming out of the cave, Mucukunda saw that the human species had surprisingly been reduced in stature to pygmy size. Similarly, the trees had also been far reduced in size, and Mucukunda could immediately understand that the current age was Kali-yuga
- On the fifth day from the birth of a child, as also on the ninth day, the mother bathes either in the Ganges or in another sacred place. This is called niskramana, or the ceremony of coming out of the maternity home
- One can never restrict the coming and going of happiness and distress, so one should be detached from the materialistic way of life and be automatically equiposed in both cases. BG 1972 purports
- One day it will come there will be no water. That you expect, because you are not paying any tax. You are thinking, "Water is coming, my father's property." But you are not father's son at the present moment. You are maya's son
- One has to discharge his devotional duties without being disturbed by the coming and going of material circumstances. This desirelessness for material prosperity is called niskama
- One may be submerged in the waves of the river of maya, but one may also get free from the waves by coming to the banks of knowledge and austerity. Near these banks, however, the waves are very strong
- One may progress from one stage to another, coming from the stage of karmi or fruitive laborer, to the stage of jnani or philosopher, to the stage of yogi or meditator, but in any case one finally has to come to the platform of bhakti, or DS
- One Mr. McPherson, Englishman, he was known to me. He was coming to my shop. He stated that in the First World War, he was in the war, service, and some Belgium refugees came to France because Marshall Foch, he was in charge of that area
- One must approach the acarya. So the acarya is coming by parampara system, disciplic succession. Therefore Krsna recommends, tad viddhi pranipatena pariprasnena sevaya: "One should approach the acarya and try to understand by pranipata, surrender"
- One of the cowherd boys said, "The hot wind that is blowing like a hurricane is his breathing, and the fishy bad smell coming out from his (the snake's) mouth is the smell of his intestines"
- One should take initiation from a bona fide spiritual master coming in the disciplic succession, who is authorized by his predecessor spiritual master. This is called diksa-vidhana
- One who is not disturbed by all these comings and goings of temporary happiness and distress - he alone becomes a fit person to attain eternal life
- Our authorities, the whole Vedic civilization is going on under the authorities of acarya. They are coming by disciplic succession: Sankaracarya, Ramanujacarya, Madhvacarya, Visnu Svami, Lord Caitanya - there are so many authorized acaryas
- Our program in Surat is going on very well. I have just finalized the arrangements for my coming to Calcutta and you may revise the information sent in my previous letter
- Our program requires the assistance of both Sriman Wayne Gunderson and his wife Srimati Citralekha Devi Dasi, who are my initiated disciples. My request is that these two, husband and wife, be granted visa for coming to India
- Padma Purana said, "And when they (people lower than sudra) are properly dressed, with tilaka on their bodies and beads in their hands and on their necks, they appear to be coming from Vaikuntha"
- People from the three worlds used to come visit Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Anyone who saw Him received the transcendental treasure of love for Krsna
- Please come here, chant Hare Krsna, dance, and take sumptuously prasadam, go home - where is the difficulty? And they are coming. Because we have no money - we are doing on a small scale. But if the government gives us facility we can expand this scale
- Raghava Pandita then said, People are always coming and going through that door. The dust from their feet blows up and touches the ceiling
- Regarding Christ coming again, for the time being, you follow his instructions. Then if he comes it will be all right
- Regarding the problem of how to be aggressive on Sankirtana and submissive in the temple, my request to you is that you should go on being aggressive on Sankirtana. I myself was aggressive in coming to your country
- Regarding your coming to me, you are always welcome, and your association is always desired
- Religion is not a kind of faith, but it is a duty, that duty we are forgetting, and therefore we are coming to the level of animals. Because the cats and dogs, they have no duty
- Rsabhadeva says, "My dear sons, this body, human body, this body is not for wasting like, dogs and hogs." They are not wasting. They are in the gradual evolution process. They are coming to the human form of body gradually, by nature's law
- Sa kaleneha mahata yogo nastah parantapa: My dear Arjuna, oh, you are the great hero. Now, that Bhagavad-gita, the instruction which I (Krsna) imparted to the sun-god, was coming by disciplic succession, now it is lost
- Sanatana Gosvami was coming of a very brahmana, aristocratic family. He was very learned scholar in Sanskrit and Urdu; still, he presented himself before Caitanya Mahaprabhu as a foolish man
- Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya, please show me, one after another, all of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's devotees who are coming from Bengal
- Sati tried her best to mitigate the misunderstanding between the son-in-law and the father-in-law by coming to her father's house, even without an invitation, and at that time Daksa should have received her, forgetting all past misunderstandings
- Second class means he must be courageous to fight. So I have no means how to train them, you see? And without training, the second class, if you send him to the war, the experience is they will flee away. The many enemies coming, and they are going away
- Since Devahuti is gradually coming to the point of surrender, her questions are very intelligent. How can one be liberated
- Since everyone is thinking in this way (I am this body), everyone fears bodily destruction. When there was an earthquake in Los Angeles, everyone ran out their houses screaming. Everyone was terrified, thinking, - Now death is coming
- So do you think this flower which is coming out daily in your garden in different colors and different smell and flavor, they are being done without any artistic sense? This is nonsense. There is sense. There is God's potency
- So many people are coming to the New Delhi Temple because of the nice Deity worship. This is very good. Keep the standard of Deity worship very nicely
- So this verse suggests that if a person is chanting Hare Krsna mantra, but his eyes are not tearful or there is no ecstatic shivering of the body, then that means he's not coming to the perfectional point
- So we invite everyone, from all parts of the world, and they are coming, they are joining. So in India Krsna appeared. India has got a special advantage to understand Krsna, and the Indians neglect it. That's a great misfortune
- So we're very shocked and astonished that so many people are coming to the West, to the United States, and posing as holy men and simply making business, charging money, and giving somebody some magical formula whereby they can become God
- So when you further advance you'll find there is no distinction between black and white. Just like a flower is coming out, there are many colors. So it is coming from the same source
- Some of the gopis who joined Krsna's pastimes within this material world were coming from the status of ordinary human beings. If they had been bound by fruitive action, they were fully freed from the reaction of karma by constant meditation on Krsna
- Sometimes coming too near the Deity or the spiritual master degrades the neophyte devotee
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu never even joked with others' wives. As soon as He saw a woman coming, He would immediately give her ample room to pass without talking. He was extremely strict regarding the association of women
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, "I saw in a dream that you were coming, and so this is very auspicious. I have been like a blind man, but your coming here restores My vision"
- Sri Isvara Puri's disciple was Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Thus we are coming in the disciplic succession from Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and therefore our sampradaya is called the Madhva-Gaudiya-sampradaya
- Sri Ramananda Raya is coming within five to seven days. As soon as he arrives, My desires will be fulfilled. I take great pleasure in his company
- Sridama, Subala & Stoka Krsna said, "Not even animals go there, and no birds are living there; they have all left. One can only appreciate the sweet aroma that is coming from that place"
- Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura therefore says in a song, miche mayara vase, yaccha bhese', khaccha habudubu, bhai: "Why are you suffering? Why are you sometimes being drowned in the waves of material nature and sometimes coming to the surface?"
- Sruti means the original Vedic injunction which is coming through disciplic succession, beginning from Krsna down to this day. There are certain axiomatic truths which is called Vedic injunction
- Stopping the demon, the Lord (Narayana) addressed him as follows, "My dear son of Sakuni, you appear very tired, as if coming from a very distant place"
- Sukadeva Gosvami said: Thereafter, the demons became inimical toward one another. Throwing and snatching the container of nectar, they gave up their friendly relationship. Meanwhile, they saw a very beautiful young woman coming forward toward them
- Sukadeva Gosvami tells King Pariksit, "My dear King, as soon as the elderly gopis saw their sons coming, there was an inexpressible sign of parental love, and all of them became absorbed in affection"
- Suppose our students are coming to Krsna consciousness, somebody is coming to us, maya will dictate - Oh, why you're coming here? There are so many restrictions and so rules and regulation. Better give it up - Why, yes, what is this nonsense? Give it up
- Surrender to authority and know Him by signs. Don't surrender to a fool or a rascal. Find one who is coming in disciplic succession, one who is fully convinced about the Supreme Absolute Truth
- Take advantage and enchant those who are coming by your chanting of Hare Krishna Mantra. You will be victorious. And try to introduce our books there and it will be a great missionary success
- Tapasya means brahmacarya. The so-called svamis, they are coming for this so-called yoga practice and. . ., but they are themself victim of sex. This is going on
- The (Bhetnama) room is his for his lifetime only, it is not that anyone coming after him or his sons or family after his demise can use the room
- The beautiful woman (Mohini-murti) was already naked, and when She saw Lord Siva coming toward Her, She became extremely bashful. Thus She kept smiling, but She hid Herself among the trees and did not stand in one place
- The best preparation for the coming of the child is just for the parents to remain perfectly Krishna Conscious, and of course, the best means for that is by chanting the holy Names and listening to Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam
- The coming of the goddess of fortune to Gundica is celebrated as Hera-pancami. Sometimes this is misspelled as Hara-pancami among the ativadis. The word hera means "to see" and refers to the goddess of fortune going to see Lord Jagannatha
- The devotees who had followed the Lord came into His presence and requested Him to return to Puri. They submitted that the devotees from Bengal were coming to Purusottama-ksetra
- The fishes in the water, they touch with the wings. Their wings are so perfect that three miles off, another big fish is coming to eat them, they can understand by the wings. Immediately they take protection. These are all described in the Bhagavata
- The gigantic form of the Maha-Visnu is the source of generation for innumerable universes. Innumerable universes are coming out of His exhaling breath, and the same universes are going back in with His inhaling breath
- The goddess of fortune is called cancala ("restless") because she is very restless and is always coming and going
- The good reports are coming and it is a fact that we are being highly appreciated for our efforts to introduce this pure spiritual life to the society at large, but we must not lose our own status of advancement in Krsna consciousness
- The government can give you the law book. You consult and do accordingly, you’ll be happy. And if you don’t, against, the government man is not coming to stop you. You do, and suffer
- The husband, coming under the control of the wife, sacrifices his quality of goodness and becomes subservient to the qualities of passion and ignorance. In this way the whole situation becomes polluted
- The Indo-European stock, they are also coming from the ksatriyas. From the history of Mahabharata, we can understand the Aryan families who migrated to Europe, they also belonged to this surya-vamsa or candra-vamsa
- The laughing sounds, coming one after another, are compared to flowers falling from the creeper of devotion which grows within the heart of the devotee
- The Lord accepted Srila Haridasa Thakura, a veteran devotee of the Lord coming from a Mohammedan family. And there are many other great devotees of the Lord who came from different communities, sects and castes
- The Lord Himself has no desire to send His pure devotee to this material world, nor does a devotee have any material purpose in coming
- The Lord informed Kardama Muni, "The girl who is coming to be married with you is a princess, the daughter of Emperor Svayambhuva, and so just suitable for your purpose." Only by God's grace can one get a nice wife just as he desires
- The Lord is eternally existing as Krsna, the SP of Godhead, in Goloka Vrndavana. He has also simultaneously expanded Himself in innumerable forms, beginning with Lord Rama, Lord Nrsimha, Lord Varaha & all the incarnations coming directly from Sankarsana
- The Lord is the supreme subject, and the devotees are the object. The coming together of a subject and object is called alambana
- The manifestation of the world is not accepted as false; it is accepted as real, but temporary. It is likened unto a cloud which moves across the sky, or the coming of the rainy season which nourishes grains. BG 1972 Introduction
- The most astonishing feature was that Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, took charge of washing the feet of all the incoming guests (during the Rajasuya Sacrifice)
- The other day when coming to your country I met a secretary of the Japanese government in Tokyo. I wanted to explain to him that he should cooperate with this movement, but he said, - Oh, we cannot cooperate with any religious movement
- The president of the sun planet, He is the original person from where this sunshine and heat is coming. He is the person. And the population there, they are made so that their bodily effulgence is the heat and light
- The process is, as recommended by Srila Rupa Gosvami, adau gurvasrayam. You must select, you must accept the guru who's coming in parampara system
- The residence of Siva was not on this planet but somewhere in outer space, or how could Sati have seen the airplanes coming from different directions towards this planet and heard the passengers talking about the great sacrifice being performed by Daksa
- The sankirtana movement contributed by the Supreme Personality of Godhead as Lord Caitanya is the direct and easiest process for coming to the purest form of consciousness - Krsna consciousness
- The servants are always coming and going without interval. If I touch them, I shall be ruined
- The so-called swamis, they are coming for this so-called yoga practice and..., but they are themself victim of sex. This is going on
- The spirit soul as I have described, one ten-thousandth part of the tip of the hair, it is very, very minute. From that minute spirit so much earth, water, fire is coming. So why not the supreme spirit, huge quantity of water, earth will not come
- The sun is rising punctually, the moon is rising punctually, the fortnight is going on, the season is coming punctually - everything. Why there should be no creator or no superintendent?
- The system of circumambulating all these places is still current among devotees of Lord Krsna, and those coming to Mathura and Vrndavana always feel transcendental pleasure
- The teacher looked at the quart and said, "What is this? Hundreds of people will be coming, and you have only given this much yogurt?" The teacher became so angry that he spilled the yogurt out of the container
- The very first step in acquiring knowledge is coming to understand that - I am not this body. I am spirit soul, and my aim of life is to get out of this material entanglement
- The very nature of the material universe is darkness, which we experience at night. It is being artificially illuminated by the sun, by the reflected light of the moon, and by electricity. Where is this illumination coming from
- The whole material civilization is based on animalism. Therefore now they are coming as naked animals. The basic principle of the civilization is animalism
- The whole material civilization is based on animalism. Therefore now they are coming as naked animals. The basic principle of the civilization is animalism. Now... It was covered by the progress of time. Now they are coming to be naked animals, that's all
- The whole material world or any world, spiritual world, they are manifestation of the supreme energetic. The energies are coming
- There are different periods in your country called summer, winter, fall, spring. They are coming by rotation. Similarly, there is rotation of time which is divided into four millenniums called Satya-yuga, Treta-yuga, Dvapara-yuga, and Kali-yuga
- There are existing man-eaters in Africa. So the human society is coming to that position. Like animal, they will eat their own sons and daughters. So therefore this practice, unnecessarily killing animal, is one of the pillar of sinful life
- There are many different kinds of devotees, but even a Vaisnava coming from a family of mlecchas or yavanas is understood to be a learned scholar, complete in knowledge, if he knows the Vaisnava philosophy
- There are signs of teeth coming out, and He is very mild and gentle. He is described as follows
- There are so many so-called swamis. They are coming, and they are preaching that "You are God. I am God." Then who is God? Everyone is God? No. Therefore you will find in the Vedic literature definition of God
- There are so many things, and you can take any one of them. That is "anything." But the real question should be, "Wherefrom all these things are coming?" That is real question
- There are three stages in chanting the holy name of the Lord. In the first stage, one commits ten kinds of offenses while chanting. In the next stage, namabhasa, the offenses have almost stopped, and one is coming to the platform of pure chanting
- There is a parampara; there is disciplic succession. So one who is coming into that disciplic succession and by coming from that disciplic succession, he is firmly convinced in the Absolute, he is firmly conversant in the Absolute Truth, he is guru
- There is a temple of Lord Siva there (in Vedagiri), and the deity is known as Vedagirisvara. Two birds come there daily to receive food from the temple priest, and it is claimed that they have been coming since time immemorial
- There is no brain in this artistic work. And how wonderfully, because it is automatically coming, artist. Anything you take, flower. So, without brain how this thing can happen? But these rascals, they do not understand
- There is no such strict principle, and we are constructing very nice palatial building with attached bathroom and everything complete. Still, people are not coming
- There is scarcity of anna - grains. That will increase more and more. It will so increase that now you are getting anna by paying high price, but time will come when even if you are prepared to pay price, there will be no more anna. That time is coming
- There should be an educational department to understand what is soul, what it is nature, how it is working, what is the future, wherefrom it is coming. So many things there. But there is no education for this prime factor
- There was a large crowd of people, some coming and some going. Indeed, some people in that great crowd could not even see Nakula Brahmacari
- These are some of the descriptions of the incarnations emanating from Krsna, and from the Srimad-Bhagavatam it is understood that innumerable incarnations are always coming out from the body of Krsna, just like waves in the ocean
- These foreigners, they are neither Hindus nor Indian nor brahmanas. How they are taking? They are not fools and rascals. They are coming from respectable family, educated
- They (birds) know, "Here is . . . enemy is coming," even fishes, animals, they know. As soon as there is enemy, they take protection
- They (the gopis and men) remembered the words of Garga Muni, who had foretold, by dint of his vast knowledge of the Vedas & astrology, that this boy would be attacked by many demons. Now they were actually seeing that this was coming true, word for word
- They (the inferior demigods) were also coming in planes. The word sva-nilayabhyase indicates that they were passing right near her (Sati's) residential quarters. The dresses and bodily features of the wives of the heavenly denizens are nicely described
- They (these European and Americans) are pure devotees. They have no other business. They have sacrificed everything. They are coming from rich family, rich nation, educated, everything. There is no scarcity in their country
- They are all coming here to see You, but seeing that they were delayed, I came alone very quickly
- They are also educated, they are young men, and they are coming from respectable family. They are not dull-headed dogs. So why they are sticking to this principle unless they feel, "Yes, I am making progress"?
- They are not coming to the point of understanding that "We are trying so much, so hard, to become happy, but nature is not allowing me." This is real intelligence. And that is Krsna consciousness
- They do not inquire even wherefrom these living entities are coming, the trees, birds, beasts, lower than human being; wherefrom they are coming they do not inquire
- They do not study all this science, why there are so many varieties of life, of different grades, wherefrom they are coming
- They say, "Oh, it is better to kill him than to give him so much pain." That theory is coming in communist countries
- This (CC Adi 9.40) prediction of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s is now actually coming to pass
- This artificial life is not actual life. We are perceiving. Suppose there have been no rain for one or two years. There is a time when for hundreds of years there will be no rain. You have to wait for that time. That time is coming at the end of Kali-yuga
- This chapter (the ninth chapter of the ninth canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam) describes how Sudyumna became a woman and how the dynasty of Vaivasvata Manu was amalgamated with the Soma-vamsa, the dynasty coming from the moon
- This human form is especially meant for coming to that standard of spiritual life by tapasya, by voluntarily rejecting the materialistic way of life
- This is standard method. Because we gave them the chance of hearing, gradually they're coming. Not that immediately you become brahmin. Now they are becoming more than brahmins
- This is to introduce you to Hari Goswami of the Radha Raman Mandir in Vrindaban. He is coming to Bombay and will meet you, so please receive him nicely
- This Krsna consciousness movement is not five hundred years old. It is coming since very, very long time
- This simplest method of meditation (chanting hare krsna) is recommended for this age. By practical experience also, one can perceive that by chanting this maha-mantra, one can at once feel a transcendental ecstasy coming through from the spiritual stratum
- This Society (ISKCON) was started single-handedly, but because people are coming forward and dealing with the give - and - take policy, the Society is now expanding all over the world
- This system now should stop that somebody's coming for three days - "Prabhupada, initiate him." Why? First of all see whether he's fit for becoming a disciple; then recommend. Otherwise, don't recommend
- This year, we will again celebrate the birth day of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu in Mayapur on March 27th. All the devotees will be coming about a week early for doing parikrama of the different holy spots. About 400-500 devotees will again come this year
- Those who are fruitive laborers and philosophical speculators from time immemorial are constantly going and coming. Actually they do not attain ultimate salvation, for they do not surrender to Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- Time will come in this age when there will be no food, and man will kill man and eat. That time is coming. They are now killing animal, but animal lives on the grass and grains. When there will be no grass, no grains, where they will get animal?
- To come to this platform of spontaneous attraction, you have to execute some other formulas. What is that? That as you are coming here with some faith, sraddha, or respect, "Here is a temple," so you should come. You should come regularly
- To manage centers requires many men, so unless we have got many men this idea will not be very fruitful. Better if there are a few important centers and travelling parties for the smaller towns and villages, going and coming back
- Under certain condition the rain falls, and astral influence. Then so many things are produced - the valuable stones, the pearls. They do not know how these things are coming
- Unless mother is good, the son cannot be good. Our Mahamsa, he is coming from Parsi family. So in the beginning his mother came to fight with me - not fighting - but now she is very happy
- Unless you understand from where the order is coming, how the order-giver is speaking, if you do not know the science, how you can talk with Krsna and receive His order?
- Upananda said, "My dear friends! Now we should leave here for another place because we are continually finding that great demons are coming here to disturb the peaceful situation, and they are especially attempting to kill the small children"
- Vaisnava is Vaisnava. Spiritual master, they are all transcendental. Of course, in this country you are introducing new, but in India we had been at Tirupati. Thousands of people were coming, & their daily collection was not less than 100,000 rupees
- Veda means knowledge and there are two kinds of knowledge - one mundane and another transcendental. Vedas are considered to be originally transcendental because they are coming from the platform which existed before the creation
- Vedic truths are coming in disciplic succession from the Lord to Brahma, from Brahma to Narada, from Narada to Vyasa, and from Vyasa to many of his disciples
- Was this a dream I saw, or was it reality? I saw fearsome men with ropes in their hands coming to arrest me and drag me away. Where have they gone?
- We are coming through parampara system. So we, at the present moment, we are Gaudiya Vaisnava sampradaya
- We are dealing with this subject matter authoritatively from Vedic literature. It is coming since a very long time, so there is no bluff, there is no charge; there is no particular type of labor. You can take advantage of this, and you are always welcome
- We are giving chance to become fortunate. This is our mission. The most unfortunate is getting the chance of becoming fortunate. Any one of us can consider this, how from unfortunate life they are coming to fortunate. This is Krsna consciousness movement
- We are inviting everyone to understand Krsna consciousness, but nobody is coming. What can we do? Those who are fortunate, they are taking advantage. That's all
- We are not simply supplying food. Anyone who is coming, he is getting spiritual education. Not that it is a free hotel
- We are soliciting, "Please come here in this Hare Krsna Land and just become a brahmana-vaisnava, and we shall try to serve you by giving you good place," but nobody is coming. Therefore it is very difficult to revive the old varnasrama-dharma culture
- We are talking of Krsna; nobody is coming. Nobody is coming. Only few, selected. Vasudeva-katha rucih. There is no taste for hearing krsna-katha
- We have divided the Vedic literature into two. The knowledge which is coming in disciplic succession, that knowledge is mother, and this knowledge, by memory, with reference to the context of Vedic literature
- We have to become dhira. We have been adhira in so many different forms of life, because I am coming to this human form of life after evolution of 8,000,000 forms of body. Jalaja nava-laksani sthavara laksa vimsati (Padma Purana). That is evolution
- We must have a guru where exact knowledge is coming, without any mistake. Because we cannot argue. So we must find out such guru, where perfect knowledge is coming
- We often hear that God is coming to Los Angeles or New York and that people are gathering to receive Him, etc. But Krsna is not the type of God manufactured in a mystic factory. No. He was not made God, but He is God
- We saw in our childhood, Europeans were very tall, and now they are not coming typical so. Naturally when they'll not get sufficient nourishment, they'll be stunted
- We see the flowers and fruits are coming every season. Why once? This dogmatic, we have to accept? Our experience is that by nature's way we find the same flower is coming again in the same season
- We should be fixed up on the order of Krsna coming through the spiritual master. Then our life is successful. This is the secret of success in spiritual life. Yasya prasadad bhagavat-prasadah. This is assured
- We should immediately take to spiritual life and try to make our life perfect. Because there is no certainty when our death is coming. That is real intelligence
- We should not be disturbed by the so-called distress and happiness. They are coming and going. Krsna has advised in the Bhagavad-gita, agamapayino 'nityas tams titiksasva bharata
- We want younger generation to participate in this Krishna Consciousness movement. I understand the new place is quite suitable and it will be very convenient for the students coming there
- We're very shocked and astonished that so many people are coming to the West, to the United States, and posing as holy men and simply making business, charging money, and giving somebody some magical formula whereby they can become God in half of a year
- Western, it is common affair. Young man, young woman is embracing, kissing, and everything. And sometimes sexually also engaged on the sea beach, in the garden. We have seen it. So practically you are coming to the hogs' and dogs' life
- What are ISKCON's future plans here? Will a temple be built? - Yes, temple is already there. Here is a temple. Unfortunately, nobody coming. What can I do? We are prepared to give this nice philosophy to everyone
- What have you done? You have simply spoiled money. That's all. In that sense I have done so much. Simply by teaching people, "Chant Hare Krsna," they are coming to such light. What do you think? Huh? I have done most wonderful things than them
- What kind of body we are going to get, nobody knows. "This life is everything. This body is everything." Very risky. They do not inquire even wherefrom this body has come. They are also coming. They are also living. They are also eating
- Whatever thoughts are coming, you note it. Keep it. We shall utilize it with reference, with reference to the sastra
- When all the inhabitants of Vrndavana smelled the good aroma from the smoke of the burning Putana, they inquired from each other, "Where is this good fragrance coming from?" While conversing, they understood that it was the fumes of the burning Putana
- When coming from San Francisco I promised to Janaki and other girls that this time when I come back I shall first come to San Francisco. So I shall return by Pacific route and possibly make a break in the journey in Tokyo and Hawaii
- When Dhruva Maharaja saw the Yaksas coming forward, he immediately took his arrows and cut the enemies to pieces
- When he (Mr. MacPherson) was coming, he was talking with me many past stories of the war. So once he narrated - he was also one of the commanders - that the First War, Marshal Foch? He was in Second World War, or First? I think First World War
- When He exhales, all the universes are created, and when He inhales, they all return into His body. In this way so many universes and Brahmas are coming and going
- When I came in this country in New York, the boys and girls, they were coming, and some of them offered me to become disciple
- When in the sky it is regular speed and balance, it is going nicely. There is no crisis. All crises take place while coming down and going up. Leaving the land and coming the land. I have seen sometimes, they clap as soon as they.... "The danger is over"
- When Krsna disappeared from the scene of the rasa dance, all the gopis began to repent, saying, "You best know the reason for our coming here. You know that we have come because we are captivated by the sweet sound of Your flute"
- When Krsna had only three or four teeth coming out of His gums, His thighs were fatty, His body was very, very short, and He began to enhance the parental love of Nanda Maharaj and Mother Yasoda with the activities of His childish body
- When Krsna manifested His pastimes on earth some five thousands years ago, He passed through many dangerous situations - so many demons were coming - and Mother Yasoda would chant mantras to protect Krsna, thinking, - He may not be put into some calamity
- When Krsna was absent from Vrndavana & was staying in Mathura, Srimati Radharani sent news to Him that His mother, the Queen of Braja, was feeling such separation from Him that there was foam coming from her mouth, like the foam on the shore of the ocean
- When Lord Siva approached Lord Visnu, Lord Visnu inquired about the purpose for Lord Siva's coming there. Now Lord Siva discloses his desire
- When one is lying in coma, so many sufferings is going on, so many dreaming, the Yamaduta is coming. Sometimes the man on the deathbed cries, he's so much suffering. But there is no remedy. Everyone is helpless. So that is the miserable condition of death
- When she saw that it was morning, the prostitute stood up and left. Coming before Ramacandra Khan, she informed him of all the news
- When that leper, the sinful son of a brahmana, saw the chastity of his wife, he finally abandoned his sinful intentions. While coming home, however, he touched the body of Markandeya Rsi, who thus cursed him to die at sunrise
- When the babies (Krsna and Balarama) were sucking their breasts, the mothers would see small teeth coming in. Thus their joy would be intensified to see their children grow
- When the milk is available in the marketplace, what is the use of keeping a cow? It is a very abominable condition in the Western countries - I have seen it. Here also in India, gradually it is coming
- When there is prema these things comes to be manifest, yugayitam nimesena: "One moment will appear just like hundreds of years." Yugayitam nimesena caksusa pravrsayitam: Crying, the tears coming incessantly like torrents of rain
- When we initiate, we inquire from the head of the temple, "How long he is coming? What is his behavior?" If he certifies that "Yes, he is doing nice," then we initiate. Our initiation is not so cheap
- When women become polluted, there is unwanted population - That is coming all over the world, the hippies. Therefore the first thing is how to train up women not to become polluted
- When you will be so much absorbed in love of God, just like Lord Caitanya showed "Oh, I am crying. Just My tears coming, just torrents of rain from My eyes." Sunyayitam jagat sarvam - I am seeing everything vacant
- Where is the economic question? Just the small birds, teeny birds, they are solving their economic question, coming (makes sound) "bup, bup," finished. They are not stocking, they are not thinking of tomorrow, but are satisfied
- Where is your experience that all of a sudden a chunk dropped and there was creation? We have got experience that creation is there. Mother is there, and a child is coming. This is the creation
- Wherefrom the monkey is coming, why there are so many varieties of life, how it is . . .? What do they know? Nothing. All bluff, vague explanation, and that is going on in the name of science. This is the position. All rascals
- While he (Sanatana) was coming, his brother-in-law gave him a nice blanket. That was on the body of Sanatana. And Caitanya Mahaprabhu several times overlooked about that blanket
- While they were coming to Maharaja Prthu from other planets, they did not come by airplane, but personally. In other words, these four Kumaras were also spacemen who could travel in space without machines
- Who can become a magician than this, that innumerable universes are coming and going with the breathing process of God? That is God
- Why should you kill one animal who is coming to attack? No. You must kill. That is necessity
- Why you are coming? I never came to flatter you, neither I never came to say, "Yes, there is no God." I am speaking just opposite, everything opposite. "You are drunkard; no drink. You are illicit sex hunters; no illicit sex"
- With the coming forth of material nature these living entities are again given a chance to act in the material world and prepare themselves to enter into the spiritual world
- Without coming to that central point, our love on the material conception of life - equality, fraternity, brotherhood - are all simply cheating process
- Without power, how the rose flower is coming to beautiful shape from the bud? There is power. That power is Krsna's power
- Without this sampradaya, evam parampara, kick out on their face. All rogues and thieves. I don't care for them. Immediately kick out. If he is not coming by this parampara system, whatever he says, all nonsense
- You are chanting. You can chant twenty-four hours. It will feel fresh and enthusiasm. That is spiritual. This sound is not like this radio, material sound. It is also sound, but it is spiritual sound, and it is coming from the spiritual world
- You are dreaming that you have gone to the jungle. You are meeting some animals. The tiger is there coming to attack you, and you are crying, "Here is tiger! Tiger! Tiger!" And the man who is not dreaming, he says, - Where is tiger? Why you are crying?
- You cannot stop them. But some of them, those who are intelligent, they will see, "Yes, here is life." As they are coming to nakedness, they will come to this, our mode of life. So you have to become an ideal society
- You give a small bird some grains. You'll see like this: "Is there enemy? Somebody's coming. Somebody's killing me." So full of anxieties. This is the condition. This is the condition. So you cannot, you cannot be free from the anxiety
- You have created this animal civilization. Now they are coming out as naked animals. This is the result. Now you have to reform them. That reformation is Krsna consciousness. So you have to make an example, what is actually human life
- You have numberless arms, and the sun and moon are Your eyes. I see You with blazing fire coming forth from Your mouth, burning this entire universe by Your own radiance
- You should not be discouraged if people are not coming to your meetings. We are trying to please Krishna. That is all. We simply must go on with our business, to the best of our ability
- You should rectify, but not reject. Members are coming to join us to be rectified, not to be rejected. So, try to rectify the incorrigible, and if not possible, then change. What can we do?
- You write to say also that everyone is awaiting my arrival, and they ask "When is Swamiji coming?'' So far as I am concerned, I can go immediately because I have no serious engagements here now
- You'll find in the Pacific Ocean in your front, the waves are constantly coming. It is never satiated. So Krsna's incarnation are also like that: incessantly coming, one after another. advaitam acyutam anadim ananta-rupam
- Your honest labor is now coming to be fructified. Always depend upon Krishna and go on working with enthusiasm, patience and conviction
- Your proposal for a varnasrama college shall be discussed at the GBC meeting at Mayapur, this coming March
- Your reports are coming more regularly than any other GBC and from them I can understand that things are developing very steadily under your supervision
- Yudhisthira said, "This nectar coming from the mouth of a devotee is so powerful that if one is fortunate enough to have the opportunity to drink it, he is immediately freed from the continuous journey of birth and death"