Category:Is Not
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Pages in category "Is Not"
The following 2,969 pages are in this category, out of 2,969 total.
- Actually, medicine is not the counteracting agent for either disease or death
- Caitanya-caritamrta is not intended for the novice, for it is the postgraduate study of spiritual knowledge
- Garuda is not vegetarian
- Generally killing is not good at all, but when there is an enemy, an aggressor, then to kill the aggressor is not sinful
- God is not female
- If God is not all-attractive, then how He can be God?
- In the age of Kali, intelligent persons perform congregational chanting to worship the incarnation of Godhead who constantly sings the names of Krsna. Although His complexion is not blackish, He is Krsna Himself (SB 11.5.32) (Books)
- My Guru Maharaja used to say that this world is not a fit place for a gentleman
- Nonviolence is not the business of the ksatriya
- Our principle is not to proselytize from Christian to Hindu or Muhammadan to Hindu. We are teaching simply how to revive his own constitutional position to become servant of Krsna, how to love God. That is Krsna consciousness movement
- Suppose I am not inclined to kill animals or I do not kill animals. I avoid it. But intentionally or unintentionally, sometimes we have to kill animals
- The relative is lamenting, crying, "My father is gone." That means he never saw his father; he saw the body only. But at the time of death of his father he understands that this father is not this body; that is soul
- A brahmana is employed, a ksatriya is employed, a vaisya is employed. Otherwise, if they are unemployed, idle brain, then idle brain will be devil's workshop. That is happening. Because everyone is not employed
- A brahmana is not butcher. Neither a ksatriya. Ksatriya fights, kills, but in regular religious fight. Not that by whimsically he'll fight and kill men. No. So here it is said, nijagrahaujasa virah
- A brahmana is not created by birth, but by education, practice and knowledge. It is not a question of birth, but quality, as pointed out by Krsna in Bhagavad-gita - BG 4.13
- A brahmana, or one who is properly qualified to understand the Absolute Truth, as well as the devotee of Lord Krsna, who is known as Muradvisa, enemy of a demon named Mura, is not subject to the rules and regulations of the state
- A businessman is not satisfied by working the whole week; therefore, wanting a change for the weekend, he goes to a place where he tries to forget his business activities
- A center without a Deity can be closed, but a center with a Deity if closed it is a great offense. The Deity is not an idol; it is Krsna. We cannot say to Krsna personally, now go away
- A chaste woman should engage with affection in the service of a husband who is not fallen
- A chaste, devoted wife whose husband is away from home is never satisfied until she has the association of her beloved husband
- A child sees, "Oh, such a big thing. How it is flying?" He does not know that this machine is not flying independently. There is a pilot. Without this pilot, all this mechanical arrangement is simply void
- A devotee always surrenders to the Supreme Personality of Godhead more and more seriously and is not disturbed by such so-called punishment
- A devotee engaged in service to the Lord is not disappointed in the satisfaction of his senses. If he wants to satisfy his senses, Krsna fulfills that desire
- A devotee gives the nondevotees his association but is not affected by their misbehavior. Thus by the activities of a pure devotee even those who are bereft of love of Godhead get a chance to become devotees of the Lord one day
- A devotee is always anxious to see that his time is not wasted in anything which is not connected with Krsna
- A devotee is like a cow that is cared for by its master. When cared for by its master, a cow is not in anxiety over its maintenance. Such a cow is always devoted to its master, and it never acts independently, but only for the master's benefit
- A devotee is not at all interested in speculative activities. Instead of cultivating speculative knowledge or practicing mystic yoga, a devotee should worship the Deity in the temple and continuously engage in the Lord’s service
- A devotee is not meant to create disturbances to Krsna. As Srila Rupa Gosvami has explained, devotional service is anukulyena, or favorable to Krsna. Acting unfavorably toward Krsna is not devotion
- A devotee is not weak, but the demons think that "These devotees, they are weak..."
- A devotee minimizes his defending propensity. A pure devotee knows he is under the shelter of the all-powerful Supreme Lord, and so he is not very anxious about defending himself
- A devotee never accuses Krsna that "Krsna, I am serving You so nicely, and You are giving me so much suffering?" No. This is not devotee's view. Devotee will take that - This so-called suffering is also Krsna's favor
- A devotee of Lord Siva is not dear to Lord Siva, but a devotee of Lord Krsna is very dear to Lord Siva
- A devotee on the topmost platform of devotional service always humbly thinks that he is not rendering any devotional service. He thinks that he is poor in devotional service and that his body is material
- A devotee who is fully in Krsna consciousness, who is not attracted by any other loka, or planet, including Brahmaloka and Sivaloka, is immediately transferred to Krsnaloka (mam eti). That is the highest perfection of life and of the evolutionary process
- A dhira knows that he is changing his body; he is not dying. He will get another body. Dhira, sober. And one who is not sober, he says: "No, life is finished." Or he can imagine he is going to heaven or hell
- A dog is not afraid of having sex on the street, in front of everyone. We hide it in a nice apartment. That's all. But the activity is the same. There is no difference
- A father may have many children, and some may be intelligent and others not very intelligent, but if an intelligent son tells his father, "My brother is not very intelligent; let me kill him," will the father agree
- A foolish civilization neglects to teach people how to rise to the platform of bhakti-yoga. Without Krsna consciousness a person is no better than a hog or dog
- A fully Krsna conscious person is not at all disturbed by the onslaughts of the threefold miseries, for he accepts all miseries as the mercy of the Lord, thinking himself only worthy of more trouble due to his past misdeeds. BG 1972 purports
- A God conscious person is getting direct instruction from God. How it can be defective? It cannot be. Practical. But if one is defective, he's not yet fully God conscious
- A God conscious person is not subject to such misery (of hankering and lamentations). If something is lost, he knows that it is God's wish, and he thinks - God desired this, so it is all right
- A good analogy utilizes as many similarities between two objects as possible. A waterpot is not an active living force, but we are. Ever-silent meditation may be adequate for a waterpot, but not for us - CC Intro
- A good father and mother never cheat when their son inquires from them; they give exact and correct information. Similarly, if we get spiritual information from an authority and if the authority is not a cheater, then our knowledge is perfect
- A great Vaisnava said that he who has no remembrance of his body is not bound to material existence
- A grhastha is not meant to enjoy sex life without restriction. Indeed, the whole purpose of Vedic life is to become free from sexual indulgence
- A human being is not to eat anything which is not offered to the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- A human being performs sinful actions simply for sense gratification. This is not good. Because of such sinful actions, one receives another body in which to suffer as he is suffering in his present body because of his past sinful activities
- A human being who is not interested in Krsna consciousness is condemned herewith as a nara-pasu - a two-legged animal
- A jealous person in the dress of a Vaisnava is not at all happy to see the success of another Vaisnava in receiving the Lord's mercy
- A juggler or magician displays many wonders with his acts and arts. He can become a cow by his magical tactics, and yet he is not that cow; but at the same time, the cow displayed by the magician is not different from him
- A juggler, a magician or one who speaks nonsense as an academic career is not a guru. Rather, a guru is one who presents Bhagavad-gita, Krsna's instructions, as it is
- A kanistha-adhikari cannot tolerate such blasphemy (against another Vaisnava), he is not competent to stop it by citing sastric evidences
- A king is not allowed to take contribution. Because he is administrator, he can tax, so his source of income is tax. And the brahmanas' source of income is contribution because they are rendering transcendental service
- A king is not supposed to submit, although they submitted to great sages and brahmanas. But generally, their spirit is ordering, commanding spirit
- A Krishna Conscious marriage is not based on sense gratification but rather mutual cooperation between husband and wife for making advancement in spiritual life and also for raising Krishna Conscious children
- A Krsna conscious boy, even if he is not very well educated by the university standard, can immediately give up all illicit sex life, gambling, meat-eating and intoxication
- A Krsna conscious person is not afraid of giving up the body because his position is always eternal
- A Krsna conscious person is not at all anxious for his personal self, because he knows perfectly that he is protected by Krsna in all circumstances. Just like Prahlada Maharaja
- A Krsna conscious person is not attracted to any kind of sense pleasure due to his being a liberated soul. BG 1972 purports
- A ksatriya is allowed to kill only for maintenance of the law and order of the state; he is not allowed to kill or commit violence without reason
- A ksatriya is profited, either dead or alive. That will be explained. Because in a fighting, I mean to say, real religious fighting, on principle it is a ksatriya is not responsible for killing
- A ksatriya may speak lies. That is allowed, because he has to be diplomat, politician. But a brahmin, oh, he's not allowed to speak lie. This is the system, caste system or varnasrama system
- A ksatriya's business is not to beg. A brahmin can beg. A brahmin can accept charity, but ksatriya cannot accept any charity from anyone else, neither he can come down to do business like the vaisyas. That is not
- A leader of the man, if he is ideal, the followers also become ideal. And if the leader of the society or country is not an ideal man, then the followers or the countrymen or the members of the society, they are also of the same type
- A learned scholar or devotee, however, knows who is who. Therefore he directly worships the Supreme Lord and is not diverted by the material, qualitative representations
- A liberated person - one who has completely understood that he is not the body but a spirit soul - disregards past activities performed in ignorance and performs his present activities in such a way that they produce no reactions
- A liberated person is not attracted to material sense pleasure but is always in trance, enjoying the pleasure within
- A liberated person who hears about the loving affairs of Radha and Krsna is not inclined to have lusty desires
- A living being cannot be a nondevotee of the Lord because of his constitutional position, but when one becomes a nondevotee or nonbeliever, it is to be understood that the person concerned is not in a sound condition of life
- A living being in his pure state is not conditioned by the laws because in his pure state he is conscious that a living being is eternally subservient to the Supreme Being
- A living entity appears to be born because of the birth of the material body, but actually the living entity is eternal; he is not born, and in spite of his being situated in a material body, he is transcendental and eternal. BG 1972 purports
- A living entity is eternally an individual soul, & if he wants to merge into the spiritual whole, he may accomplish the realization of the eternal & knowledgeable aspects of his original nature, but the blissful portion is not realized. BG 1972 purports
- A living entity is eternally related with Krsna in the relationship of master and servant. Once that service is wanting - or, in other words, when one is not situated in Krsna consciousness - it is to be understood that study of Vedanta is insufficient
- A living entity is not forced to come into the material world. He makes his own choice, being attracted by beautiful women. Every living entity has the freedom to be attracted by material nature or to stand as a hero and resist that attraction
- A living entity who is not properly enlightened in spiritual knowledge simply takes care of the external body, not knowing that the spirit soul is the principal factor within the body
- A man in knowledge, he never commits any mistake lawfully. So he is not a member or subjected to be punished in the prison house, because he has got full knowledge of the law
- A man is allowed to keep more than one wife because he cannot enjoy sex when the wife is pregnant. If he wants to enjoy sex at such a time, he may go to another wife who is not pregnant. These are laws mentioned in the Manu-samhita
- A man is always famous for his aggression toward a beautiful woman, and such aggression is sometimes considered rape. Although rape is not legally allowed, it is a fact that a woman likes a man who is very expert at rape
- A man is dead, his relative is crying. He says he's gone. He's still seeing. The body is there. That means he has never studied who is his relative. Then at least, he must know after death that the body is not my relative. Something else beyond this body
- A man who eats eight ounces of foodstuffs may have to maintain a big family and earn money by any means to support that family, but he himself is not offered more than what he can eat
- A man who is going to the church, praying, "God give my daily bread," he is pious, but he's not a pure devotee. But there is chance of his becoming pure devotee in future
- A man who is not foolish, who is intelligent enough to understand the constitutional position of the Godhead, is always free from all sinful reactions. BG 1972 purports
- A man, sleeping, but he is not sleeping. He's awakened. But a man is calling, "Mr. Such-and-such, wake up, wake up." But he's as if sleeping. So people who do not want to realize, there is no realization. Otherwise, it is very simple
- A millionaire may very easily possess hundreds and thousands of dollars, but a person with hundreds and thousands of dollars is not necessarily a millionaire
- A mukta-purusa, a liberated person, he is not affected by this so-called suffering or enjoying. That is called liberation
- A neophyte student who is not sufficiently educated or enlightened should not indulge in the worship of Sri Radha and Krsna or the chanting of the Hare Krsna mantra. Even if he does so, he cannot get the desired result
- A person born a sudra is not barred from such spiritual initiation, provided he is approved by the spiritual master, who is duly authorized to award a disciple the right to be a brahmana if he finds him perfectly qualified
- A person born in brahmana family is not acting as a brahmana, he's varna-sankara. So when there are number of people varna-sankara class, then the whole society becomes hell
- A person in bhava is confident in his work, and he is never under the impression that he is not making progress toward the supreme goal of life - going back to Godhead
- A person in knowledge should be in, I mean to say, happiness. That is a sign of knowledge. So one who is in knowledge, he is not disturbed
- A person in Krsna consciousness has no opportunity to engage his senses in anything which is not for the purpose of Krsna. Therefore, a Krsna conscious person is simultaneously a sannyasi and a yogi. BG 1972 purports
- A person initiated into the Vaisnava cult should be offered the respect befitting a Vaisnava, which means that he should be offered service and prayers. However, one should not associate with him if he is not a fit person with whom to associate
- A person is so captivated by this pleasure-giving substance that he is not satisfied by begetting a single child, but increases the number of children, with great risk in regard to maintaining them, simply for this pleasure-giving substance
- A person may appear to be a pounds-and-shillings man interested in money and women, but if he is actually very meek and humble and surrendered to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he is not mundane
- A person may appear to be an ordinary human being, but because he acts on behalf of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the supreme spiritual master, he is not to be neglected as ordinary
- A person may have a bona fide spiritual master and may be attached to a spiritual organization, but if he is not intelligent enough to make progress, then Krsna from within gives him instructions so that he may ultimately come to Him. BG 1972 purports
- A person or an animal is not the material body; rather, the material body is the covering of the living being
- A person properly initiated by a bona fide spiritual master, becomes attached to the Lord's transcendental loving service in one of the five transcendental relationships. Such transcendental service is not a subject matter for gross and subtle bodies
- A person who accepts the path of devotional service is not bereft of the results derived from studying the Vedas, performing austere sacrifices, giving charity or pursuing philosophical and fruitive activities. BG 8.28 - 1972
- A person who accepts the path of DS is not bereft of the results derived from studying the Vedas, performing austere sacrifices, giving charity, or pursuing philosophical and fruitive activities. At the end he reaches the supreme abode - BG 8.28
- A person who doesn't have knowledge of devotional service may think himself liberated, but actually he is not
- A person who has heard a good deal about the path of devotional service, but who is not attached to it, who is not Krsna conscious, is like a pot of liquor. Such a person cannot be purified without at least a slight touch of devotional service
- A person who is not purified by the prescribed process of samskara is called asamskrta
- A person who is not the son of a doctor and has not attended a medical college is sometimes able to practice medicine
- A person who is not well versed in the Vedic injunctions (veda-sastra-vit) should not run for election as president, governor, etc. Formerly kings were rajarsis, which meant that although they were serving as kings, they were as good as saintly persons
- A person who is situated in pure consciousness, he's not afraid. We have got very practical example in the life of a great philosopher, Greek philosopher, Socrates
- A philosopher is not a philosopher if he does not agree with other . . . if he does not agree other philosophers. So in this way, you are perplexed. Therefore it is advised, we should accept the authority, and then we shall be benefited
- A pure devotee (anyabhilasita-sunyam (Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu 1.1.11)) is never misdirected by material opulence. On the contrary, whatever he possesses he engages one hundred percent in the service of the Lord
- A pure devotee attached to devotional service should always remember the activities of a particular inhabitant of Vraja, even though he is not able to live in Vrajabhumi or Vrndavana. In this way he can always think of Vrajabhumi and Vrndavana
- A pure devotee has no demand from the Lord. His only concern is to serve the Lord sincerely and seriously, and he is not at all concerned about what will happen in the future
- A pure devotee is not aloof from the Lord even for a moment
- A pure devotee is not anxious to elevate himself in his next birth. He has already given up that sort of hope
- A pure devotee is not anxious to stop the repetition of birth and death, but is always eager to associate with other devotees who are engaged in chanting and hearing about the glories of the Lord
- A pure devotee is not interested in yogic perfection, travel to higher planetary systems, or oneness with Brahman
- A pure devotee knows well that everything in the universe is the property of the Lord and that a living entity can enjoy a thing as ordained by the Lord. A living being cannot even touch a thing which is not allotted to him
- A pure devotee of Lord Narayana, or Mukunda, is not at all afraid of any circumstance that may befall him. Despite all difficulties, therefore, such a pure devotee asks nothing from the Lord on his own account
- A pure devotee of the Lord is not awarded the material benefits desired by less intelligent living entities who prefer to worship demigods of the material world rather than engage in devotional service of the Supreme Lord. BG 1972 purports
- A pure Vaisnava, he simply always expects, "When that time will come, Krsna will be pleased to accept me?" Otherwise he is not very hasty. But he is interested with the service. That is pure Vaisnava. A pure Vaisnava can go to the hell for serving
- A reflection of the sun in a mirror or on water appears to be the sun but is not. Similarly, the material world is but a reflection of the spiritual world. Although it appears to be factual, it is not
- A relationship between husband and wife without spiritual consciousness but strictly for sense gratification is not at all good
- A sadhu is he who talks in terms of scripture. Similarly, guru is he who talks in terms of scripture. Guru cannot manufacture words which is not in the scriptures. And that is not scripture which does not tally with the words of guru and sadhu
- A sadhu is not a friend of a particular class, particular community or particular country. No. A sadhu, a saint, is he who is friend of all, not only of human being, even of animals and less than animals. These are the qualification of sadhu
- A sadhu, a saintly person, must be saintly in his behavior. Unless one adheres to the standard behavior, one's position as a sadhu, a saintly person, is not complete. Therefore a Vaisnava, a sadhu, must completely adhere to the standard of behavior
- A sannyasi is not supposed to take his wife with him. At the vanaprastha stage of retired life, or the stage midway between householder life and renounced life, one may keep his wife as an assistant without sex relations
- A school life isn't an impediment for becoming full time devotee; it is the question of devoting oneself sincerely to Krishna Consciousness
- A scripture should not be interpreted. A scripture should be taken as it is. As it is. And besides that, interpretation . . . when interpretation is required? When a thing is not properly understood, at that time, interpretation is required
- A self-realized person knows that he is not the body but a spiritual soul (aham brahmasmi). At the present moment practically everyone is unaware of this fact, but one who understands this has attained perfection and is therefore called siddha
- A siksa-guru who instructs against the instruction of spiritual . . . he is not a siksa-guru. He is a demon
- A sincere devotee who is not very intelligent may ask some material benefit from the Lord, but the Lord, being omniscient, does not generally give material rewards but, on the contrary, takes away whatever material facilities are being enjoyed
- A small baby bird is practically never satisfied except when the mother bird comes to feed it, a small calf is not satisfied unless allowed to suck the milk from the mother's udder
- A society devoid of cow protection and brahminical culture is not under the direct protection of the Lord, just as the prisoners in the jails are not under the protection of the king but under the protection of a severe agent of the king
- A soldier is not expected to be Vedantist. Neither very much well versed in all the Vedic literature. That is not the business of ksatriya, that is the business of the brahmana. Brahmana is pandita but ksatriya is not supposed to become a pandita
- A son's duty is not only to make the father the source of supply for all his needs, but also, when he is grown up, to render service unto him. That is the law of creation beginning from the time of Brahma
- A spiritual body is not formless; it is a different type of body, of which we cannot conceive with our present mundane senses
- A spiritual master means he does not place anything which is not in the scriptures. Similarly, sadhu, saintly person, also does not say anything which is not mentioned in the scriptures. He does not manufacture anything by mental concoction
- A spiritualist, inner side is strong. He's not impotent, but he'll don't like sex intercourse. Doesn't like. He hates. That is spiritual life. Inner side is strong enough. He can marry thrice, but he has got a detachment. That is spiritual life
- A strong inclination for sense enjoyment is the cause of the material body. Without full knowledge one cannot be unattached to material enjoyment, but as long as one is not in that position one is not fit to return home, back to Godhead
- A sudra is forbidden to take lessons from the Vedas because a sudra, due to his unclean habits, is not worthy to hear such instructions
- A surgical operation is not meant to kill the patient, but to cure him. Therefore the fighting to be executed by Arjuna at the instruction of Krsna is with full knowledge, so there is no possibility of sinful reaction
- A thief who knows that stealing is not good and who knows that it is followed with punishment by a king or by God, who has seen that thieves are arrested and punished by the police, nonetheless steals again and again
- A Vaisnava is not disturbed. They simply reserve the prerogative to become a devotee. Never mind - next life. Hundreds of lives there may be. Caitanya Mahaprabhu says, mama janmani janmanisvare bhavatad bhaktir ahaituki tvayi
- A Vaisnava is not less intelligent; he can manage anything. But that does not mean that he is attached to anything. This example we get from Sri Raghunatha Dasa Gosvami
- A Vaisnava is not only thinking of the community or society or family, he is thinking of all living entities. That is Vaisnava. Lokanam hita-karinau, all planets
- A Vaisnava is one who has taken the Supreme Personality of Godhead as the ultimate goal of life, but if one is not pure and still has motives, then he is not a Vaisnava of the first order of good character
- A Vaisnava is superior to a brahmana because whereas a brahmana knows that he is Brahman, not matter, a Vaisnava knows that he is not only Brahman but also an eternal servant of the Supreme Brahman
- A Vaisnava sees Lord Siva as being simultaneously one with and different from the Supreme Lord. In this regard, the example of milk and yogurt is given. Yogurt is actually nothing but milk, but at the same time it is not milk
- A Vedic sacrifice is not an ordinary performance. The demigods used to participate in such sacrifices, and the animals sacrificed in such performances were reincarnated with new life
- A wife who is satisfied, who is not greedy, who is expert and knows religious principles, who speaks what is dear and truthful and is not bewildered, and who is always clean and affectionate should be very much devoted to her husband if he is not fallen
- A woman's duty is not to give up her husband, even he is not of good character or if he is unfortunate, if he is old or if he is diseased. Still, husband is worshiped by the wife
- Above them (the four kinds of pious men) are the pure devotees, whose devotion is not tainted by any material tinges of fruitive work or speculative knowledge
- Absolute knowledge consists of Brahman, Paramatma and Bhagavan. This conclusion is not the same as that of the monists
- Absolute Truth, is observed from three angle of vision - Brahman, Paramatma, and Bhagavan - but all of them are the same and one object. So simply by realization of Brahman, impersonal Brahman, is not perfect knowledge of the Absolute Truth
- Acceptance of authority is not new for us; everyone accepts authority in some form or another. For education we go to a teacher or to a school or simply learn from our father and mother. They are all authorities, and our nature is to learn from them
- Acceptance or rejection of material things is not the concern of a sannyasi, a Vaisnava or a learned person
- Accepting these four spiritual and four material principles of life, that is humanity. One who is not within this category, varnasrama-dharma, he's not accepted as a human being or a civilized human being
- Accidental mistake is not dangerous. Willful mistake is dangerous. That we should be careful. We should be very careful always so that accidental mistakes also may not take place. But if it takes place, it is excused
- According to Ayur-vedic sastra, we understand that there is a fire in the stomach which digests all food sent there. When the fire is not blazing, there is no hunger, and when the fire is in order, we become hungry. BG 1972 purports
- According to Canakya Pandita one who has no mother and the wife is not obedient, such a home is as good as living in the desert
- According to Chanikya Pandit one who has no mother and the wife is not obedient, such a home is as good as living in the desert
- According to Manu's law, when a person commits murder, punishment is beneficial for him because if he is not killed he might commit more and more murders and therefore be entangled in his future lives for having killed so many persons
- According to one's attitude, Krsna becomes one's direct adviser, or Krsna becomes unknown. This is not Krsna's partiality; it is His response to one's ability to understand Him
- According to our Indian system, their enjoyment is not meat-eating as in the Western countries. Their enjoyment is eating ghee more, become chubby, fatty. That is their enjoyment
- According to religious injunctions a man is restricted to enjoy sex only once in a month, after the menstrual period of the wife, and if the wife is pregnant, he is not allowed sex life at all. That is the law for human beings
- According to Sanskrit grammar if one says - This man is learned - his composition is in order. But if one says - Learned is this man - the composition is not in order. Such a flaw is called avimrsta-vidheyamsa-dosa, or the fault of unclean composition
- According to the Caitanya-bhagavata, this statement (Acyutananda was a class friend of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu) is not at all valid
- According to the Hindu conception, the drinking of wine is immoral, whereas in the Western world, wine drinking is not considered immoral but is a common thing. So morality is dependent on time, place, circumstance, social position, etc
- According to the laws of man, a person may be hanged when he commits homicide, but he is not hanged when he kills lower animals. But according to the laws of God, one commits the same sin by killing a lower animal as he does by killing a man
- According to the Mayavada philosophy, the cosmic manifestation is an illusory transformation of the Absolute Truth, which has no separate existence outside the cosmic manifestation. This is not the message of the Vedanta-sutra
- According to the Mayavadi philosophy, the cosmic manifestation is but the transformation of the Absolute Truth, and the Absolute Truth has no separate existence outside the cosmic manifestation. This is not the message of Vedanta-sutra
- According to the philosophy of acintya-bhedabheda-tattva, Lord Siva is not different from Lord Visnu, but still Lord Siva is not Lord Visnu, just as yogurt is nothing but milk and yet is not milk nevertheless
- According to the philosophy of Prajapati Daksa, a woman should first become pregnant and then experience the pain of childbirth. Then, if she is intelligent, she will not want to be pregnant again. Actually, however, this is not a fact
- According to the Sanskrit dictionary Amara-kosa, sex life is also called gramya-dharma, material desire, but in spiritual life this gramya-dharma, the material desire for sex, is not very much appreciated
- According to the Sanskrit language, religion is not a kind of faith, but it is a prescribed form of duty to be discharged by the respective divisions of human society, ultimately rising to the platform of KC or God consciousnes
- According to the time, circumstances, men, the different scriptures are there. The ultimate aim of scripture is to bring one to Krsna consciousness. But everything is not explained because the people are unable to understand
- According to the Vedic literature, dharma is not a kind of faith. Faith can be changed, but dharma cannot be changed
- According to the Vedic system, a dog is not allowed to enter the house. Because of their uncleanliness, cats and dogs are not allowed within the apartment of a gentleman, but are so trained that they stand outside
- According to the Vedic system, a woman whose husband is not at home does not dress herself very nicely. But although Rohini's husband was away, she still dressed herself very nicely on this occasion
- According to the Vedic system, intoxication is also discouraged; nor is meat-eating advocated, for human beings should be nonviolent. We have been given sufficient grains, fruits, milk, and vegetables, and there is no necessity to kill poor animals
- According to Vedic civilization, a brahmana, or one who is properly qualified to understand the Absolute Truth - one belonging to the intelligent social order - as well as the devotee of Lord Krsna is not subject to the rules and regulations of the state
- According to Vedic system, a woman should dress very nicely just to satisfy her husband. That is the Vedic system. If her husband is not at home, then she should not dress nicely. There are injunctions
- According to Vedic system, big, big king, they give up their kingdom and becomes a sannyasi, mendicant, voluntary acceptance of adversity. This is good. To live very comfortably and forget God is not good business
- Actually Caitanya-caritamrta is not intended for the novice, for it is the post-graduate study of spiritual knowledge. Ideally, one begins with and advances through Srimad-Bhagavatam to the Caitanya-caritamrta
- Actually maya means which has no existence. Maya has no existence. But sometimes it is there. Just like the sky's cover. This covering is not reality. The reality is this sky, clear sky, but somehow it is now covered. You cannot see the clear sky
- Actually one can be perfectly Krishna-Conscious without being literate. Education is not necessary. Simply it is required to accept the fact, that we are the eternal servants of Krishna, and engage in some tangible service
- Actually Sri Caitanya-caritamrta is not a subject matter for research workers or literary scholars. It is simply meant for those devotees who have dedicated their lives to the service of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Actually the body is not the living entity, but the doctrine of transformation accepts the body as the living entity. Every conditioned soul is undoubtedly contaminated by this doctrine of transformation
- Actually the example of the rope and the snake is not completely irregular. When we accept a rope to be a snake, it is to be understood that we have experienced a snake previously. Otherwise, how can the rope be mistaken for a snake?
- Actually the living entity is not intended to achieve success in religious rituals, economic development or sense enjoyment. The living entity should not even desire success in liberation, what to speak of success in religion, economics & sense enjoyment
- Actually the part and parcel of the Supreme is not eternally subjected to gross and subtle bodily life. The gross and subtle coverings do not comprise the living entity's eternal form; they can be changed
- Actually the purpose of BG is not understandable to those who are sensuous-even if one is not sensuous but is strictly following the disciplines enjoined in the Vedic scripture, if he is not a devotee, he also cannot understand Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- Actually the transcendental sound is the cause of creation, but material sound is not transcendental sound. We have to receive transcendental sound through the transcendental channel
- Actually this pravrtti, this intention or this purpose of enjoying this material world, is not given to you by God. We have created. God's desire is that you become a devotee
- Actually this process of Krsna consciousness or self-realization is not very difficult. Krsna taught it to Arjuna in Bhagavad-gita, and if we understand Bhagavad-gita just as Arjuna did, we will have no problem in coming to the perfectional state
- Actually we are busy with something which is not permanent - a temporary arrangement by the laws of nature. Therefore those who are too much full of anxiety for all these things, they are called demons
- Actually we have given up the real problem to understand what is Brahman, what is soul. We are entrapped, involved in so many problems of so-called eating, sleeping, mating and defense. So this kind of civilization is not very correct
- Actually we should serve God and then everything will be taken care of. This is not some sectarian faith but it is eternal truth
- Actually, beef-eating or flesh-eating is not in the higher stage (of Islam). But those who are inclined to take flesh, for them it is recommended that instead of killing many small animals, one big animal should be killed
- Actually, everyone is dasa because everyone is a servant of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. In that sense, the bona fide brahmana has first claim to the appellation dasa. Therefore in this case the designation dasa is not incompatible
- Actually, maya means "that which is not." It has no existence. Thus it is false to think that the living entity has no connection with the Supreme Lord
- Actually, rice is not producing the scorpion; it is coming out under some chemical fermentation process
- Actually, sastra is not for the loafer class. For highly learned brahmanas and highly elevated ksatriyas. And the vaisyas and the sudras, they are not expected to become very learned in sastra
- Actually, the living entity is not his material body: he is a spirit soul
- Actually, the living entity is not the performer of different activities. He is forced to act because he is situated in a particular type of body, conducted by some particular mode of material nature. BG 1972 purports
- Actually, the process of belief and revelation is not foreign to us. Every day we place faith in something that we have confidence will be revealed later
- Actually, to tell the truth, those who are too much bodily absorbed, that "I am this body," for them this yoga practice is recommended. Not for the intelligent man. Because one who identifies himself with this body, he is not very intelligent
- Adhoksaja means who is beyond the perception of these material senses. This is our subject matter. Our subject matter is not anything material. Material is within the purview of my material senses. But our subject matter is beyond the senses
- Adhyatmic, pertaining to the body. And another part of this adhyatmic misery is due to the mind. Suppose I have suffered a great loss. So the mind is not in good condition
- Adhyatmika means pertaining to the body and mind. "I have got headache today. I have got some pain here in the back. My mind is not very much settled up today. I cannot talk with you."
- Advaita Acarya was a disciple of Madhavendra Puri, and consequently some people think that He was referring to Madhavendra Puri by using the word madhava (in CC Madhya 3.114). But actually this is not the fact
- Advancement in material opulence is not the direct mercy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead; nevertheless, it indicates the indirect mercy of the Lord
- Africans, I have seen, they look like gorilla. So why now from gorilla the Africans or any black man is not coming?
- After all, intelligence to understand Krsna is not within the range of your material senses. You cannot make any experiments and calculations and expect to find Krsna
- After anartha-nivrtti, one is firmly fixed up in devotional service. And if the anarthas are disturbing him, then he's not fixed up. He'll fall down
- After death, he sees, "Yes. The body is not my son. The body is not my husband." So that is foolishness. The foolish person understands late, and intelligent person understands very quickly. That is the difference
- After death, if the same body is going, then why the same body is not going? Why it is lying here? They must be reasonable, not dogmatic. How it is same body?
- After Sankaracarya came Sadananda-yogi, who claimed that the Vedanta and Upanisads should be understood through the commentaries of Sankaracarya. Factually, this is not so
- After self-realization, the jnanis who are actually mature in their knowledge must surrender unto the lotus feet of the Lord, as stated in BG (bahunam janmanam ante (BG 7.19)). Self-realization is not complete unless one comes to the devotional platform
- After understanding the Bhagavata philosophy, or bhagavata-dharma, they (those who are Krsna conscious) become fully spiritually conscious or Krsna conscious, and therefore their chanting and dancing is not material but is on the spiritual platform
- Ajamila had named his son Narayana, and because he loved the boy very much, he would call him again and again. Although he was calling for his son, the name itself was powerful because the name Narayana is not different from the Supreme Lord Narayana
- Akhanditam means not exactly "fragmented" but "constitutionally always infinitesimal." No one can separate the molecular parts of the sunshine from the sun, but at the same time the molecular part of the sunshine is not as expansive as the sun itself
- Akrura continued, "Less intelligent men misunderstand Your transcendental form to be made of material energy. But that concept is not at all applicable to You (Krsna & Balarama). You are all-spiritual, & there is no difference between You & Your body"
- Aksa means eyes or senses. So He is not perceived by these blunt material senses. Therefore He is known as Adhoksaja, adhah-krta aksaja-jnanam yatra, where this direct experimental knowledge is defeated
- All people will find Him (Krsna) attractive. Who is not attracted? just give an example: "This man or this living entity is not attracted to Krsna." Just find such a person
- All religious system of the world, they are taken from Vedas, from different parts. Therefore they are not complete. The age of Bible is not more than two thousand years. The age of Veda you cannot calculate, millions and millions of years
- All the state laws are applicable to the human being, not to the animals. Because if an animal goes to the wrong path or if an animal takes away something from your possession, he is not punished, neither anybody goes to complain in the police court
- All Vedic literature instructs us not to remain in this darkness. The nature of this material world is darkness, but the spiritual world is full of light and yet is not illumined by fire or electricity
- Although a physical body is not present, the vibration should be accepted as the presence of the spiritual master, vibration. What we have heard from the spiritual master, that is living
- Although a tiger is not sinful if he attacks another animal and eats its flesh, if a man with developed consciousness does so, he must be punished
- Although acceptance of tridanda-sannyasa is not distinctly mentioned in the Gaudiya Vaisnava literature, the first verse of Srila Rupa Gosvami’s Upadesamrta advocates that one should accept the tridanda-sannyasa order by controlling the six forces
- Although appearing just like a madman, a person in the ecstasy of devotional service is not mad in the material conception of the term; this ecstasy is the manifestation of the pleasure potency of the Supreme Lord
- Although born of his dead father, King Prthu would still remain just like fire. Just as fire is not easily approached, King Prthu would be unapproachable by his enemies, even though they would appear to be very near him
- Although Brahma is in charge of this material world, he is not exactly like the common living entity. Since he is liberated from the majority of the follies of the common living entities, he was in knowledge of the appearance of the S. P. of Godhead
- Although Brahma is the first created being, he is not independent, for he receives help from the Supreme Personality of Godhead through his heart
- Although brahmajyoti is not different from His (the Supreme Person) personal body, that sort of oneness (merging into the bodily luster of the Personality of Godhead) is not accepted by a pure devotee
- Although demons have created many plans for industry and hard labor so that people will work day and night like animals, this is not the purpose of civilization. Such endeavors are jagato'hitah; that is, they are meant for the misfortune of the people
- Although Devaki is not on the Vrndavana platform, she is near the Vrndavana platform. On the Vrndavana platform the mother of Krsna is mother Yasoda, and on the Mathura and Dvaraka platform the mother of Krsna is Devaki
- Although during the rainy season the high mountains are splashed by torrents of rain, they do not change; similarly, a person who is advanced in Krsna consciousness, even if put into difficulties, is not embarrassed
- Although every living being is seen to come out of the mother's body, it is still a fact that the mother is not the ultimate cause of such a birth. The father is the ultimate cause of birth
- Although He (Caitanya) is Krsna, His complexion is not blackish like Krsna's in Dvapara-yuga but is golden
- Although he (the living entity) falsely claims to be very intelligent, in material consciousness he is not at all intelligent
- Although he (the living entity) is changing bodies, he is not affected by the material conditions. He is placed under the material conditions, and he acts according to the directions of his friend, the Supersoul
- Although he appears to be materially poor, a person in Krsna consciousness is not actually a poor man, but the person who has no taste for Krsna consciousness and appears to be very happy with material possessions is actually poor
- Although I (Krsna) am not easily knowable by the conditioned soul, you (Brahma) have known Me today because you know that My personality is not constituted of anything material, and specifically not of the five gross and three subtle elements
- Although jealous rascals protest that Europeans and Americans cannot be given the sacred thread or sannyasa, there is no need even to consider whether one is a gentleman or a rogue because this is a spiritual movement which is not concerned with the body
- Although Maharaja Yayati remembered Sukracarya's warning, he could not refuse Sarmistha. He thought it wise to give her a son, and thus he had sexual intercourse with her after her menstrual period. This kind of lust is not against religious principles
- Although many great philosophers and teachers in this world are under the impression that after the body is finished everything is finished, this is not a fact
- Although material nature is conducted by the three qualities - sattva-guna, rajo-guna and tamo-guna - nature is not independent
- Although one is sometimes permitted to sacrifice an animal before the goddess Kali and eat it instead of purchasing meat from a slaughterhouse, this is not the order of God
- Although one may think that he is enjoying by the bodily sense organs, the real enjoyer is that spiritual spark. That spark always has the potency of enjoyment, but it is not always manifest due to being covered by the material tabernacle
- Although Prajapati Daksa is not on the same level as Lord Brahma and Lord Siva, he is compared to them because he engages in the service of the Lord
- Although sexual intercourse is not a very exalted requisite in life, both animals and men require some sense gratification because of material propensities
- Although sunshine is not different from the sun, still, if you simply study scientifically, scientifically, what is the molecules, what are these rays, where this brilliant illuminative thing . . . so many things you can go on studying
- Although the Arctic region is not visible to ordinary persons, the sun shines there without impediment
- Although the atma, or soul, is present in every material body (dehino 'smin yatha dehe (BG 2.13)), he is not actually the chief person acting through the senses, mind and so on
- Although the body is changing, the dweller within the body remains the same. Although the boy grows into manhood, the living entity within the body is not changed. It is not that the self who was there as a boy has gone away
- Although the dog simply barks, the owner is held responsible. The dog is not responsible because it is an animal, but because the owner of the animal has made the dog his best friend, he is responsible by law
- Although the individual soul possesses the indriyas, or senses, he is not actually the proprietor, for the proprietor is the Supersoul
- Although the living entity desires freedom from the contamination of matter, he is not given release
- Although the rod is not fire, it becomes red-hot and acts like fire itself. Similarly, all the actions and reactions of material nature are not actually the work of material nature but are actions and reactions of the energy of the Supreme Lord
- Although their (jnanis' and yogis') destination is not so important in comparison to the destination of the devotees, the labor of the nondevotees is far greater than that of the bhaktas
- Although there is no material contamination when one attains the stage of Brahman realization, that stage is not perfect because there is no positive engagement in spiritual activity. Because it is still on the mental plane, it is external
- Although this body is temporary, it is always giving one trouble in many ways. Therefore, to act for sense gratification is not good. BG 1972 purports
- Although Westerners accept that Darwin first expounded the doctrine of evolution, the science of anthropology is not new. The development of the evolutionary process was known long before from the Bhagavatam
- Although what I (Citraketu) have said is not wrong, please let whatever you (Parvati) think is wrong be pardoned
- Ambiguity means he is not clear in his knowledge
- American or many other Western countries, the young men, they belong to a rich nation, so practically they have no want. But still, why they are becoming hopeless and confused? Because this material want is not all
- An actor imitates the activities of a king on stage, although actually he is not the king. Similarly, when the Lord incarnates, He imitates parts with which He has nothing to do
- An advanced devotee is attracted by the service rendered by an eternal servitor of the Lord. This attraction is called spontaneous attraction. Technically it is called svarupa-upalabdhi. This stage is not achieved in the beginning
- An affectionate mother takes great care of her child and is always anxious to see that the child is not disturbed even for a moment
- An asura is not a devotee of Lord Visnu; instead, for his sense gratification he is a devotee of the demigods, bhutas, pretas and so on. Thus one can judge who is a devata, who is a Raksasa and who is an asura by how they conduct their activities
- An elephant is very strong, it has a very big body, and it can work very hard and eat a large quantity of food, but its intelligence is not at all commensurate with its size and strength
- An example given in this regard (being the supreme controller of the laws of nature, the Lord cannot be under their influence) is that although the wind blows through many places, the air is not affected by the qualities of these places
- An incarnation of God has to be accepted by experienced people and by the symptoms described in the sastras. An incarnation is not accepted simply by the adulation of foolish people
- An intelligent man should conclude that material economic development is not at all pleasing
- An unknown object should not be put before the known subject because the object has no meaning if the subject is not first given
- Analogy is not proof; sastra is proof. Foolish people cannot understand or accept, so we use analogy
- Ananta indicates that there is nothing which is not covered by the influence and energy of the Supreme Lord, and devesa means that He is the controller of all demigods and is above them all. He is the center of the whole universe. BG 1972 purports
- Anartha means things which are not wanted. We are accustomed to so many things, rascal things, which is not at all wanted. But we have been accustomed. By bad association
- And out of the four millions, eight million, four..., 400,000 human species, so mostly they are like animals. So unless one comes to the Vedic civilization, he's not human being
- Anger means lust. When you are lusty and your lust is not fulfilled, you become angry. That's all. It is another feature of the lust
- Animal food is for those in the mode of ignorance. Therefore, those who indulge in animal food, drinking, smoking and eating food which is not first offered to Krsna will suffer sinful reactions because of eating only polluted things. BG 1972 purports
- Animal is not aware of the sufferings he is undergoing. There are sufferings both for the animals and for the man, but man is conscious. If a man is not awakened to his suffering, then he is in animal consciousness
- Animal-killing is not encouraged even in a sacrifice
- Animal-killing is not within the category of human civilization
- Animals are walking without clothes, but if a man goes out in the street without clothes, he's arrested. So we are making the point here that man is held responsible for his actions, whereas animal is not
- Another imperfection of the conditioned soul is that he is sure to be illusioned. Being illusioned means accepting something which is not, phantasmagoria to be factual
- Another kind of distress is that he (the child) wants to get some things with which to play, but circumstances may be such that he is not able to attain them, and he thus becomes aggrieved and feels pain
- Another meaning may be krsna-varnam ete. One way you can take, krsna-varnam means caste, or category. So if He comes to the category of visnu-tattva, or Krsna, but His color, complexion, is not Krsna, not black
- Another point in this verse (of SB 9.4.65) is that attachment to daragara-putrapta - home, wife, children, friendship, society and love - is not the way to achieve the favor of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Anuloma, marriage between a brahmana and the daughter of a ksatriya, is permissible, but pratiloma, marriage between a ksatriya and the daughter of a brahmana, is not generally allowed
- Any place where one cannot hear about the Supreme Personality of Godhead from realized souls, even if it be Brahmaloka, is not very congenial to the living entity
- Any relationship the Lord has with His many devotees - whether fatherhood, sonhood, or any other - is not at all material
- Anyone has relative position. Everyone will find somebody is greater than him, somebody is lower than him. He's not absolute, Nobody
- Anyone who denies the existence of God, he is mudha, ass. He is not human being. If you are intelligent enough, by seeing this flower you must admit there is God
- Anyone who goes to Krsna or guru for asking, he is pious. He is not miscreant. Duskrtina. He is not duskrtina. He is pious. Maybe he is in the lower position, but he is pious. That is described
- Anyone who has completely surrendered unto Krsna, Mukunda, giving up all other duties, is no longer a debtor, nor is he obliged to anyone (SB 11.5.41). BG 1972 purports
- Anyone who is a not a Vaisnava, or an unalloyed devotee of the Supreme Lord, must be a materialist
- Anyone who is acting in Krsna consciousness under the direction of the Supersoul or the Supreme Personality of Godhead, even though killing, does not kill. Nor is he ever affected with the reaction of such killing. BG 1972 purports
- Anyone who is engaged in devotional service without any impediment, avyabhicarini, without any stoppage, continuously, he is not on the material platform
- Anyone who is fixed in the transcendental service of the Lord has surpassed all the material qualities and is situated in the status of Brahman realization, in which one is not afflicted by hankering for material objects
- Anyone who is not a devotee, Krsna conscious devotee of God, then he may be in a exalted post, but he is praised by some people who are exactly like sva. Sva means dog
- Anyone who is not interested in this dharma, but he manufactures his own dharma, then what happens to him? Asraddadhanah purusa dharmasyasya parantapa aprapya mam (BG 9.3): "He does not get Me (Krsna)." Does not get
- Anyone who is not spiritually advanced, he cannot avoid the sex
- Anyone who remembers Krsna always, twenty-four hours, he is living in Vaikuntha. He is not in the kingdom of maya
- Anyone who takes to Krsna consciousness in all sincerity, even if he is not very advanced in good behavior, is purified
- Anyone who understand what is Krsna's birth . . . His birth and my birth is not the same. That means you have to study the subject matter very scientifically. Then you will understand
- Anything that changes under the influence of time and circumstances is not sanatana. Therefore anything that changes whatsoever in form or quality cannot be accepted as sanatana
- Anything which goes against this principle (of surrendering to Krsna) is not religion. Krsna therefore says: "Just give up all other religious principles."
- Apart from religious sentiment, from economic point of view cow-killing is not good. And from moral point of view it is not good, because you drink cow's milk, so cow is your mother
- Approaching a spiritual master is not just a fashion but is a necessity for one who is seriously conscious of the material miseries and who wants to be free of them. It is the duty of such a person to approach a spiritual master
- Are the whole situation is not full of rascals? They do not know. They are accepting unhappiness as happiness. This is called maya. Maya-mohita-jiva. And you cannot get out of this illusion and mistakes unless you surrender to Krsna
- Arjuna herein (BG 10.14) confirms that persons of faithless and demonic nature cannot understand Krsna. He is not even known by the demigods, so what to speak of the so-called scholars of this modern world? BG 1972 purports
- Arjuna is not a fool. He said: "Whatever You have said, I accept them as truth." That is real understanding
- Arjuna is not inquiring for himself but for those who do not believe in the Supreme Personality of Godhead or for the demons who do not like the idea that Krsna should be accepted as the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Arjuna is not understanding Krsna by his philosophical speculation. Directly Krsna revealing. This is the process of understanding God. You cannot create your imagination, imaginative God
- Arjuna is not willing to fight and Krsna is inducing him to fight. They misunderstand that Arjuna is better than Krsna. But that's not the fact. What Krsna says, we have to execute that. We should not manufacture our own ideas
- Arjuna knows that in spite of His (Krsna's) being the source of all appearances and disappearances, He is aloof from them. His personality is not lost, although He is all-pervading. That is the inconceivable opulence of Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- Arjuna was not the supreme knower, and his decision to fight or not to fight was confined to his limited discretion. Lord Krsna instructed that the individual is not all in all. BG 1972 purports
- Artificially, if one wants to become something else which he is not, then it is simply botheration. There is no happiness. An artificial life is not happiness. Natural life is happiness. So naturally we are servant of Krsna
- As a living entity, as part and parcel of Krsna, you want ananda. So ananda is required society, friendship and love. That is ananda. That is not impersonalism. That is personalism
- As confirmed in Aitareya Upanisad (1.1), sa aiksata: "The Lord glanced at material nature." The cosmic manifestation did not exist before His glance; therefore His glance is not materially contaminated
- As confirmed in Bhagavad-gita (mayadhyaksena prakrtih suyate sa-caracaram (BG 9.10)), maya is not the ultimate authority for the creation of this material world. Maya acts on behalf of Krsna
- As described in Bhagavad-gita: A devotee who is not dependent on the ordinary course of activities, who is pure, expert, without cares, free from all pains, and who does not strive for some result, is very dear to Me
- As described in Bhagavad-gita: He for whom no one is put into difficulty and who is not disturbed by anxiety, who is steady in happiness and distress, is very dear to Me
- As described in the Bhagavad-gita, dhiras tatra na muhyati (BG 2.13): one who is sober is not disturbed by such phenomenal changes (as transmigration of the soul) within this material world. Such instructions are called tattva-katha, or real truth
- As described in the second verse of this chapter (BG 9.2) , this devotional service is not only easy, but it can be performed in a happy mood. BG 1972 purports
- As explained by Caitanya Mahaprabhu, actually this is not due to practice, for without extra endeavor these symptoms (of chanting and dancing) become manifest in anyone who sincerely chants the Hare Krsna maha-mantra
- As far as a devotee is concerned, he is not eager to see the universal form, but because Arjuna wanted to see Krsna in this way, Krsna reveals this form. BG 1972 purports
- As far as the field of spiritual activities is concerned, when a devotee is self-satisfied and does not preach the glories of Krsna, he is not considered a first-class devotee
- As far as work is concerned, a Krsna conscious person does not do anything which is not connected with Krsna's interest, and thus his work is always regulated and is untainted by sense gratification. BG 1972 purports
- As for the subordinate living entities, they fight under the arrangement of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Victory or defeat is not actually theirs; it is an arrangement by the Lord through the agency of material nature
- As I say, the active principle, I am also the active principle. As I say, the dead body and the living body, difference is, when the active principle is not there, it is dead body
- As indicated in Bhagavad-gita (BG 8.16), one does not escape material miseries even if he is elevated to Brahmaloka. Similarly, one is not very safe even if he is promoted to Sivaloka, because the planet of Sivaloka is marginal
- As it is said, jnana-tapasa, little knowledge and little austerities. Then you become purified, and mad-bhavam agatah, you can go to the spiritual nature, the kingdom of God. I think this process is not at all difficult
- As living entities we want enjoyment. Being, in itself, is not enough. We want bliss (ananda) as well as being (sat). In his entirety, the living entity is composed of three qualities - eternality, knowledge, and bliss
- As living entities, we are eternal. So temporary business is not our business. Our business should be eternal because we are eternal. And that eternal business is how to serve Krsna
- As long as a living entity is not completely self-realized, he cannot be relieved of the conception of duality, which is epitomized by the duality between man and woman
- As long as one has the material body, the demands of the body for sense gratification will continue. The devotee, however, is not disturbed by such desires because of his fullness. BG 1972 purports
- As long as one is absorbed in impersonal thoughts or in thoughts of the void, his entrance into an eternal blissful life of knowledge is not completed
- As long as one is absorbed in the bodily conception, his activities are performed on that platform. This is not very difficult to understand
- As long as one is not compassionate to people in general in his devotional service to the Lord, he is a third-class devotee
- As long as one is not completely free from the cause of birth and death, one cannot enter the sanatana-dhama or the eternal pastimes of the Lord
- As long as one is not freed (from upadhis, designations), he has to continue conditioned life in material existence
- As long as one is not strong enough to fight the illusory energy, there may be accidental falldowns. But when one is strong enough, he is no longer subjected to such falldowns, as previously explained. BG 1972 purports
- As long as one is not transcendental to the service of the limited, he cannot have knowledge of Vedanta
- As long as one is under an impersonal understanding of the Absolute Truth, he is not in pure knowledge, but must still struggle for pure knowledge
- As long as one remains a child, he is not agitated by seeing a beautiful woman. Although the sense organs are present, unless the age is ripe there is no sex impulse
- As long as one's faith is not completely in purified goodness, the faith is subject to contamination by any of the modes of material nature. BG 1972 purports
- As long as such a purified stage is not attained, devotees in transcendental service to the Lord are tainted with fruitive activities, the search for mundane knowledge, etc. BG 1972 purports
- As long as the living entity is not enlightened so that he may understand his real position, he will be attracted to materialistic life, to house, country or field, to society, sons, family, community, bank balance and so on
- As long as we are not making puffed up egocentered claims, we are already liberated. There is no need to actually seek liberation. But as long as one thinks, "I am this body," he is not liberated
- As Lord Sri Krsna has said in Bhagavad-gita, performance of ritualistic ceremonies is not actually religion. The real path of religion is to surrender at the lotus feet of the Lord
- As other material powers are created by the material energy, mystic yogic powers are also material. A perfect yogis mind is not attracted by any material power, but is simply attracted by unalloyed service to the Supreme Lord
- As science is not bogus propaganda, similarly, this Krsna consciousness is also not bogus propaganda. As science means two plus two equal to four, similarly Krsna consciousness means mitigating the all problems of life
- As soon as he (the conditioned soul) comes to his senses, he develops the knowledge that he is not the enjoyer, for the only enjoyer is the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- As soon as one becomes perfect in Krsna conscious activities, he is not going to take birth again in this material world
- As soon as the parampara system is not accepted, the so-called commentary on Bhagavad-gita is lost or rotten. So you are interested with the rotten commentary of so-called politicians, scholars. So how you'll get the benefit? Therefore it is chaotic
- As soon as the water supply is stopped, everything stops? The electricity will stopped, the electric train will stop, the lift will stop, the light will stop, and everything, there will be havoc. You see? So this artificial life is not actual life
- As soon as we see that he is not a devotee of Krsna, then he's a rascal. How do we say? He is not my enemy, but we have to say because it is stated by Krsna
- As soon as we speak "Krsna," you must know there are so many associates. Krsna . . . just like if I say the president is coming, so one should know the president is not coming alone. He must be accompanied by his secretaries, by his military aide-de-camp
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita (BG 18.17): One who is not motivated by false ego, whose intelligence is not entangled, though he kills men in this world, is not the slayer. Nor is he bound by his actions
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita (BG 2.13), dhiras tatra na muhyati: a sober person is not bewildered
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita (BG 2.13): As the embodied soul continually passes, in this body, from boyhood to youth to old age, the soul similarly passes into another body at death. The self-realized soul is not bewildered by such a change
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita, sex life which is not against religious principles is Krsna Himself, and according to religious principles, when one wants to beget a child he must perform the garbhadhana-samskara before having sex
- As stated in the Bhagavad-gita (BG 2.13): As the embodied soul continuously passes, in this body, from boyhood to youth to old age, the soul similarly passes into another body at death. A sober person is not bewildered by such a change
- As stated in the Katha Upanisad (2.3.9, 12): Spirit is not within the jurisdiction of material eyes, words or mind
- As the embodied soul continually passes, in this body, from boyhood to youth to old age, the soul similarly passes into another body at death. The self-realized soul is not bewildered by such a change
- As the embodied soul continually passes, in this body, from boyhood to youth to old age, the soul similarly passes into another body at death. The self-realized soul is not bewildered by such a change - BG 2.13
- As the embodied soul continually passes, in this body, from boyhood to youth to old age, the soul similarly passes into another body at death. The self-realized soul is not bewildered by such a change - Bhagavad-gita 2.13
- As the embodied soul continuously passes, in this body, from boyhood to youth to old age, the soul similarly passes into another body at death. A sober person is not bewildered by such a change - BG 2.13
- As the Socratesian ways of reasoning is not bound up within the walls of Athens so also the Brahminical culture is not bound up within the walls of India
- As there are constitutional laws in the material world stating that the king is not subject to the state laws, similarly God, although He is the creator of this material world, is not affected by the activities of the material world. BG 1972 purports
- As there are constitutional laws in the material world stating that the king is not subject to the state laws, similarly the Lord, although He is the creator of this material world, is not affected by the activities of the material world
- As you are hearing the message of Srimad Bhagavatam or Bhagavad-gita, the process is vidhunoti, washing. Actually, it is brainwashing - but for good. Washing is not bad
- Asakti is also not attained very easily, but there is a process. If we follow the process, as recommended by the authorities, then there is way. And one who is serious to understand God, or Krsna, they must follow the methods prescribed by the mahajanas
- Ascending process is not recommended in the Vedic process of knowledge. Vedic way of receiving knowledge - by aural reception, by submissive aural reception from the spiritual master to the student. This is the way
- Asru-purna: his (Arjuna's) eyes was full with tears. "Krsna, I have to fight with my relatives." So he was crying, that "This is not very good business." So why he was crying? Krpayavistam: being merciful upon them
- Astanga-yoga is not a bodily gymnastic exercise, but a practice to concentrate the mind on the form of Visnu
- At night I am forgetting this body, and daytime I am forgetting my night body. So forgetfulness is not the basic principle of knowledge. The things as they are we have to study
- At once, in the twinkling of an eye, we may have to give up this enjoyment (having a very loving wife and loving children). Death is not under our control
- At such a time (when one becomes attached to the God and surrenders to Him) he can understand that Lord Sri Krsna's mercy is everything, that He is the cause of all causes and that this material manifestation is not independant from Him. BG 1972 purports
- At the present moment a person may consider himself to be matter, but in his liberated state he will understand that he is not matter but spirit soul, part of the infinite
- At the present moment our existence is not purified, impure. Therefore we are suffering. Just like when one's physiological condition becomes infected, he suffers from fever and other symptoms of disease
- At the present moment, the killing of cows and the killing of children is going on unrestrictedly, and therefore this civilization is not at all human, and those who are conducting this condemned civilization are uncivilized asuras
- At the present moment, throughout the world, killing is prominent. Men are killing trees, they are killing animals, and they are killing other human beings also, all for sense gratification. This is not an Aryan civilization
- At the time being, my consciousness is not purified. It is polluted, because I am thinking "I am Hindu," another is thinking "I am Muslim," one is thinking "I am man," another is thinking "I am dog," "I am cat" - so many consciousness
- At the time being, my consciousness is not purified. It is polluted, because I am thinking "I am Indian," you are thinking American, another is thinking African - so many consciousness
- At the time of death all the bodily functions are disrupted, and the mind is not in a proper condition. Thus disturbed by the bodily situation, one may not be able to remember the Supreme Lord
- At the time of death, your destiny is not in your hands - it is in the hands of nature. It is not our duty to speculate on what material body we are going to get next
- At the time of dissolution the Lord sometimes appears as a small baby lying on a leaf of a banyan tree, floating on the devastating water. Devahuti suggests, "Your lying down within the abdomen of a common woman like me is not so astonishing
- At this stage the Brahman-realized person is transcendental to the material position, but he is not actually perfect in Brahman realization
- Atheistic rascals think that there is no God and that the creation has taken place by chance, just as a man and woman meet by chance and the woman becomes pregnant and gives birth to a child. Actually, however, this is not the fact
- Atonement is not as powerful as the chanting of the holy name of the Lord
- Atri Muni wanted a son exactly like the Lord, and therefore he is not supposed to have been a pure devotee, because he had a desire to be fulfilled, and that desire was material
- Attainment of the Brahman conception of life is the first stage in self-realization. At this stage the Brahman realized person is transcendental to the material position, but he is not actually perfect in Brahman realization. BG 1972 purports
- Austerity, celibacy, equanimity and charity are all required for realization of the ultimate or Absolute Truth. Krsna consciousness is not concerned with the relative truth but with the Absolute
- Avisuddha means their knowledge is not very pure
- Awaken your Krsna consciousness, then automatically your atma will be satisfied, oh. Just like Mrs. Sharma was describing, "Now I am so happy." She is not an ordinary woman. She is very rich. She has got business. But she is finding happiness here
- Badarikasrama is situated in the northernmost part of the Himalayan Mountains and is always covered with snow. Religious Indians still go to visit this place during the summer season, when the snowfall is not very severe
- Balabhadra Bhattacarya acted as a brahmacari, or personal assistant of a sannyasi. A sannyasi is not supposed to cook. Generally a sannyasi takes prasadam at the house of a grhastha, and a brahmacari helps in this connection
- Baladeva is not different from Krishna. He is first expansion from Krishna. All the incarnations and expansions begin from Baladeva
- Bali Mardana was punished by Krsna, he is not ordinary person; he is authority. So even a person punished by Krsna becomes authority. Krsna is so nice
- Be cheerful and chant Hare Krishna without any lamentation. As I have told you several times that my Guru maharaj used to say that this world is not a fit place for gentleman
- Because a devotee is not interested in any material activity, he does not become materially contaminated. He is immediately situated on the platform of transcendental life
- Because anyone who is not a devotee of the Lord - he is not rajarsi, devarsi - he is not praiseworthy at all. He is a fool. He is a rascal. That is our conclusion. No, it is real conclusion
- Because Citraketu was undoubtedly a Vaisnava, he might have been surprised that Parvati had cursed him. The goddess Parvati addressed him as putra, or son. Everyone is the son of mother Durga, but she is not an ordinary mother
- Because everyone is not employed, they have discovered machine, and the machine is working hundred men's work. So actually, a hundred men are unemployed. So the machine has not improved the situation
- Because everything is produced of His energy and exists on His energy, the energy is not different from Him - but still the Lord declares, "I am not there
- Because he (a disciple) is not submissive, it is useless waste of time. Guru should not speak to anyone
- Because he (who keeps himself in the mode of goodness) is not attached to the objects of sense gratification, he does not eat more than what he requires, and he controls the activities of his body and mind. BG 1972 purports
- Because he has no other alternative. Either he has to serve this way or serve that way. If he is not attracted to serve in Krsna consciousness, then he has to serve in material consciousness
- Because he is following the words of God, therefore he is not different from the words of God. It is practical. Just like a lawyer is not different from the law, therefore he is called lawyer
- Because in the Western countries constant chanting is not possible, one should not artificially imitate Haridasa Thakura, but should follow this method - of chanting sixteen rounds a day
- Because Lord Caitanya accepted this sannyasa, so we are maintaining that system, but actual point of sannyasa is not mukti, but satisfy Krsna. That is sannyasa, how Krsna will be satisfied, how Krsna's representative will be satisfied
- Because Lord Visnu is in no way touched by matter, He is not subject to enjoy material nature the way the living entities do
- Because my mind, my senses, everything imperfect, so how can I have perfect knowledge? So this is not the process of acquiring right knowledge. Our process of acquiring knowledge: to hear from the right
- Because of ignorance, one speculatively thinks himself liberated from material contamination although actually he is not
- Because of Ravana's material power, he became very proud and puffed up so that he dared kidnap the wife of Lord Ramacandra. In this way he was ruined. To get material benedictions from Lord Siva is not difficult, but actually these are not benedictions
- Because one is not Krsna conscious, one cannot be kind or faultless
- Because people are becoming religious for moksa, liberation. So Sridhara Svami says that up to the end of moksa-vancha, desire for liberation, that is also rejected. Because moksa is also not our ultimate goal of life
- Because people are so poor in knowledge that any magic shown, they think this is not ordinary thing: "I cannot do it." Little magical feats makes the incarnation
- Because that currency (paper currency) is not backed up by gold, the paper they distribute as money is worthless, but nevertheless the people on earth are very proud of material advancement
- Because the atma is within the body, if I pinch or if you pinch my body, I feel pains and pleasures. As soon as the atma is not there, it will be cut with a chopper, there is no protest
- Because the consciousness is there, therefore any part of the body, if we pinch, we can feel pains and pleasure. And when the consciousness is not there, the man is dead
- Because the impersonalists and the voidists are not sufficiently purified in their spiritual activities, arcana is not meant for them
- Because the living entity is not actually the enjoyer of the material resources, his attempt to lord it over material nature is, at the ultimate issue, frustrated
- Because the protection was not given to the cows and the bulls, he immediately took him that, "This rascal is not a ksatriya; he's a sudra. In the dress of a king, he's doing mischievous activities. Immediately punish him." This is government's duty
- Because the root of sinful desire is not destroyed in the heart of a person who is cultivating knowledge but who has no taste for devotional service, there is a possibility that his sinful desires will reappear
- Because the science of Krsna consciousness, or God consciousness, is not meant for the rascals. It is meant for the intellectual person. Krsna yei bhaje sei bada catura
- Because the soul is immortal, eternal, so if somebody kills somebody, the body is destroyed, but the soul is not destroyed
- Because the water has become black, it does not mean the liquidity is lost. Similarly, because we are now in contact with material designation, our services atti..., service attitude is not lost. That is there. But it is being rendered in a different way
- Because there is no such division, people are not trained from the very beginning. Therefore a Sudra is called by the draft board, "Come on," to fight. Now, how he can fight? He is not a Ksatriya
- Because there was no question of personal sense gratification when Sri Ramananda Raya was serving the girls, his mind was steady and his body untransformed. This is not to be imitated, nor is such a mentality possible for anyone but Sri Ramananda Raya
- Because these Mayavadis, they are after mumuksa, so mumuksubhih parityagah, if they are giving up, then phalgu-vairagya. It is called phalgu-vairagya, false renunciation. The world is not false, but the so-called renunciation is false
- Because they (those who are ambitious to derive material benefit from devotional service) engage themselves in the devotional service of the Lord they ultimately come to understand that material enjoyment is not the goal of devotional service
- Because they went to the church with some motive and the motive was not fulfilled, they became atheist. Therefore this type of devotion is not pure devotion. Motive... God is not meant for supplying your orders
- Because unpalatable truth is not tolerated. If we call a black man black, he will be angry because it is unpalatable. So we have to present our case very carefully
- Because we are now dull brain. Anyone who is not Krsna conscious, he is described as rascal
- Because we are now in a condition which is not natural condition. So we have to put ourself in the natural condition, and the service attitude will go on. This is called Krsna consciousness
- Because we do not understand what is dhira, we think that "This man is sitting idly and drawing four thousand rupees." Because we know, "Unless one is active like dog, running there, running there, he is not a busy man"
- Because woman is especially created by the Lord to give service to man. By accepting her service, a man is entrapped. If he is not intelligent enough to know that she is the gateway to hellish life, he may indulge in her association very liberally
- Becoming a family man or king in the material world is not harmful if one accepts everything for Krsna's service
- Becoming a life member of this movement is not the necessary thing. Life membership is a side issue. We want people like you to co-operate with this movement. We want you to work for this movement
- Becoming fat is not a very good qualification in spiritual life because a person who is engaged in spiritual life must reduce the comforts of the body - namely eating, sleeping and mating - to a minimum
- Becoming one with the Supreme Personality of Godhead is not very important for a devotee. Muktih svayam mukulitanjali sevate ’sman - Krsna-karnamrta 107
- Before asking me, if you give me, "I think you may require a glass of water," that is friendship. Friendship means feeling friend's welfare always. Suhrt. Friendship is not simply chatting. Friendship means thinking, "How my friend will be happy?"
- Before Brahma took up the task of creation, he found the Lord sleeping on the serpent bed in the waves of the water of devastation. Therefore, sleeping exists in the internal potency of the Lord, and this is not denied by pure devotees of the Lord
- Before the Spiritual Master a dullheaded fool is required, an over intelligent disciple is not a very good qualification
- Being a householder, Vasudeva Datta needs to save some money. Because he is not doing so, it is very difficult for him to maintain his family
- Being envious of the Lord and His devotees is not at all auspicious for a demon. By such envy, a demon loses everything considered beneficial
- Being illusioned by the conditions of the external energy, one falsely thinks himself to be the served, but actually he is not served; he is servant of the senses like lust, desire, anger, avarice, pride, madness and intolerance
- Being influenced by the three modes of material nature, the living entity tries to dominate material nature, but actually he is not the purusa (enjoyer) but prakrti, as described in Bhagavad-gita (BG 7.5): apareyam itas tv anyam prakrtim viddhi me param
- Being under the influence of illusion, we spend our lifetimes trying to make adjustments to this material atmosphere, but this is not the purpose of human life. Human life is meant for understanding the science of Krsna
- Being unlimited, the master cannot become a victim of maya, for in such a case His unlimitedness would be crippled or limited. Thus the Mayavada explanation is not correct
- Below Vaikunthaloka is the material universe, where Lord Brahma and others in Brahmaloka can live until the annihilation of this universe; but that life is not permanent
- Bhagavad-bhajana is for him who is absolutely disgusted with this material world. And anyone who has got little interest in material enjoyment, he's not fit for bhagavad-bhajana
- Bhagavad-gita begins with the spiritual instruction that one is not the body, but is within the body
- Bhagavad-gita indicates that this material body is not all in all. Beyond this combination of material elements, there is spirit, and the symptom of that spirit is consciousness
- Bhagavad-gita is not a new thing, a new adventure. And the person who spoke Bhagavad-gita to the sun-god, does it mean that He left something to be commented by some, these mundane men to understand the meaning of the Bhagavad-gita?
- Bhagavad-gita is not an ordinary book written by a poet or fiction writer; it is spoken by the Supreme Personality of Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- Bhagavad-gita is not going to make any topsy-turvy of the social order or spiritual order. No. It should be standardized according to the authority. And the best authority is Krsna
- Bhagavad-gita is not meant for anyone else except the devotee. Bhagavan Sri Krsna could explain this Bhagavad-gita to the jnanis, to the yogis, to the karmis. But why He selected Arjuna?
- Bhagavad-gita is not meant for the loafer class. It is to be understood by the heads of the society
- Bhagavad-gita is part of Mahabharata. But the philosophy is not understood properly even by the greatest philosophers. They commit mistake
- Bhagavad-gita says that in any activity performed under the spell of the mode of passion, there is definitely great misery. There may be a little so-called mental happiness - "I have this house or this money" - but this is not actual happiness. BG 1972 p
- Bhagavad-gita says that Krsna first instructed Bhagavad-gita to the sun-god (imam vivasvate yogam proktavan aham avyayam (BG 4.1)). Therefore the sun is not vacant. It is inhabited by living entities, and the predominating deity is Vairaja, or Vivasvan
- Bhagavan means He is also a living being. He is not nirakara. When we say bhagavan nirakara, that means either we have no knowledge of Bhagavan or nirakara means He is not a form like us. Our form and Krsna's form - different
- Bhagavata-dharma is not a faith. It is a fact, characteristic of the human being. Bhagavata means in relationship with God, Bhagavan, bhagavata-tattva
- Bhakti is realizing that one is pure spirit and not matter at all. Our real identity is not this body, which is simply a covering of the spirit, but our real identity is dasa, servant of Krsna
- Bhakti means there must be Bhagavan. Otherwise, what is the meaning of bhakti? Bhakti means to render service. So if the master is not there, then where is the question of bhakti and service? It is all bogus
- Bhakti, or devotional service, is characterized by vairagya and jnana. Jnana refers to understanding that one is not his body, and vairagya means disinterest in sense gratification
- Bhakti-yoga is not sentiment, it is a science. Therefore we have to take it from authorized Vedic instruction. Srila Rupa Gosvami has advised that science means you have to take it from the Vedic knowledge
- Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati explained that "I was little proud. So I was thrice refused by Guru Maharaja," although he was the only disciple. So the scholarship is not a qualification of becoming devotee
- Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura has condemned this process for neophytes. He has stated in a song: Sitting in a solitary place intending to chant the Hare Krsna maha-mantra is considered a cheating process. This practice is not possible for neophytes
- Bhaktivinoda Thakura says that a pseudo Vaisnava is not a Vaisnava at all but a disciple of Kali-yuga
- Bhattacarya replied (to Lord Caitanya) that mukti is not as valuable as bhakti and that mukti is actually a sort of punishment for the pure devotee. For this reason he changed the word mukti to bhakti
- Birth is not always the criterion of goodness; unless and until one is trained in the culture of good association, one cannot become good
- Birth is not mentioned in this verse (SB 3.7.29) because birth is immaterial. Vidura is famous in history as born of a sudrani mother, he is more than a brahmana by qualification because he is seen here to be the disciple of a great sage, Maitreya Muni
- Blaspheming the Supreme Lord or His devotee is not at all good for the conditioned soul, but Krsna, being very kind, punishes the conditioned soul in one life for such sinful activities and then takes him back home, back to Godhead
- Body of Christ is not ordinary body. That is spiritual body
- Both the living entity and material nature are explained as prakrti, the energy of the Supreme Lord, but one of the two, the jiva, is conscious. The other prakrti is not conscious. That is the difference. BG 1972 Introduction
- Both the mayas (yoga-maya and maha-maya) also have connections with the Lord because nothing can exist without being related to Him. As such, the wrong conception of detaching relationships from the Lord is not false but illusory
- Brahma is a living being, jiva-tattva. He is not Visnu-tattva. Just see how much a living being can be powerful. Now, Brahma was created by this Garbhodakasayi Visnu, and Brahma in his turn, he created all these planetary systems
- Brahma is called Svayambhu because he is not born of any material father and mother
- Brahma is invested with multifarious energies, from which all the demigods like Indra, Candra and Varuna are manifested. His transcendental value is not to be minimized, even though he exhibited a tendency to enjoy his own daughter
- Brahma is not an ordinary conditioned soul. He is far, far superior to all the other demigods, and yet he could not comprehend the display of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Brahma-bandhu means a person who is born of a brahmana father but whose activities are not up to the standard of the brahmanas. Such a person is not a brahmana but a brahma-bandhu. Daksa proved himself to be a brahma-bandhu
- Brahma-lina, merging into the Supreme Brahman, is not actual lina, or annihilation, for the subtle form remaining in the Brahman effulgence will return to the material world after the material creation and again assume a material form
- Brahma-samhita states, yasyajnaya bhramati sambhrta-kala-cakrah: the sun rotates in its own orbit according to the order of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The conclusion is that the sun is not fixed in one place
- Brahma-siddhi means that one should know that he is not matter; he is pure soul
- Brahmacarini is not allowed in the sastra. Where is the question of brahmacarini? Because according to Vedic system, as soon as a girl is fourteen years old or sixteen years old, she is at once married
- Brahmaji declined to award him (Hiranyakasipu) the benediction of immortality because he himself is not an immortal being. But Hiranyakasipu derived Brahmaji's benediction in a roundabout way, almost equal to becoming an immortal being
- Brahmajyoti is combination of jiva soul. And brahma-jyotir is emanation from Krsna. Brahmajyoti is coming from Krsna. This is a function. Heat is coming constantly, incessantly, from the fire. But still, heat is not fire
- Brahman is indestructible and eternally existing, & its constitution is not changed at any time. But beyond Brahman there is Parabrahman. Brahman refers to the living entity, and Parabrahman refers to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- Brahman is sometimes described as asthulam ananv ahrasvam adirgham, that which is not large and not small, not short and not long. (Brhad-aranyaka Upanisad 5.8.8) Neti neti: It is not this, it is not that. But what is it
- Brahman realization is not very difficult for a intelligent man, because one can understand that he's Brahman, he's not this body. That is the first instruction in the Bhagavad-gita: dehino 'smin yatha dehe kaumaram yauvanam jara
- Brahmanas and Vaisnavas do not accept any foodstuff which is not first offered to the Personality of Godhead
- Brahmanism is not a system meant to create a monopoly for a particular class of men. Everyone should be educated so as to become a brahmana. At least there must be an opportunity to allow everyone to attain the destination of life
- Breaks means he is not serious
- Breathing is not life. Life is different from breathing. You have to study scientifically. Because breathing can be produced
- But the present emergency - the ministers said (to Kamsa) - is not intended for such mercy or military etiquette. Now you should prepare to fight under any circumstances
- But this demand (to abandon all varieties of religious activities and surrender to Krsna) is not for the benefit of the Supreme Personality of Godhead; rather, it is for the benefit of human society
- By absorbing his (the living entity's) mind in material activities he takes material bodies again and again, and although he falsely claims to be very intelligent, in material consciousness he is not at all intelligent
- By accepting the chain of birth and death, the soul accepts a diseased condition. The soul is not subject to birth, death or disease because it is pure spirit. In BG Krsna says that a soul has no birth - na jayate and that it has no death - mriyate
- By accepting the six Gosvamis as his instructing spiritual masters, the author specifically makes it clear that one should not be recognized as a Gaudiya Vaisnava if he is not obedient to them
- By an analytical study of the truth of Lord Caitanya, one will find that He is not different from the Supreme Personality of Godhead Krsna; no one is greater than or even equal to Him
- By executing your particular type of religion, the result must be there. The result is, "How I shall go back to home, back to Godhead." If that desire is not developed, it is simply waste of time
- By external features one cannot understand who is favored by Krsna and who is not
- By killing a murderer the government shows mercy to him because if a murderer is not killed in this life, he will be killed and forced to suffer many times in future lives
- By Prabhupada's influence they (boys and girls) have joined Krsna consciousness and left everything enjoyable. But actually this is not so. They are all intelligent, educated boys and girls, coming from very respectable families; they are not fools
- By practicing bhakti-yoga, if the performer is not purified from the material contamination, he must be a pseudodevotee. For such an imposter there is no remedy for being freed from material entanglement
- By practicing restraint of the senses by the yoga system one can get relief from the disturbances of desire & lust, but this is not sufficient to give satisfaction to the soul, for this (satisfaction) is derived from devotional service to the P of G
- By sankhya philosophical research one comes to the conclusion that a living entity is not a part and parcel of the material world, but of the supreme spirit whole. BG 1972 purports
- By some fortunate accident, Maitreya reached the place where Lord Sri Krsna was resting. To meet the Lord is not an ordinary incident
- By taking shelter at the lotus feet of Vasudeva, Sri Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, one can get released from all kinds of material tribulations, such kind of immunization is not possible by practicing yoga, tapasya, jnana
- By the force of time one attains whatever material happiness is available within the fourteen worlds, just as one attains distress in due course of time. But since spiritual consciousness is not attained in this way, one should try for it
- By the laws of nature, the living entity is forced to enter the semen of a father and be injected into the womb of the mother. He is not in control of selecting what kind of father he will accept
- By the mercy of the Lord even a layman can compose prayers of the highest spiritual perfection. Such spiritual perfection is not limited by material qualifications but is developed by dint of one's sincere endeavor to render transcendental service
- By the order of a judge, one person is released from jail, and another is imprisoned, but the judge is not responsible, for the distress and happiness of these different people is due to their own activities
- By the presence of consciousness, the presence of the transcendental soul is verified, and as soon as consciousness leaves the body, the material body is not active
- By tricks of chance one may be obliged to adopt a profession which is not very adorable in society, but that does not hamper one in executing devotional service to the Lord
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu has come with the same mission. His mission is not different from Krsna, because He is Krsna Himself. So His mission is to offer prema, bhakti. Prema-bhakti-vadanyata. That is His magnanimity
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu has given Vedic evidences that the Supreme Personality of Godhead has His form, transcendental form, sac-cid-ananda-vigraha, but His form is not material
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu is always chanting "Krsna," and He's Krsna. He belongs to the category of Krsna, krsna-varnam. Krsna-varnam tvisakrsnam. But in this age His bodily complexion is not blackish. Yellowish
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu's body is not material but purely spiritual. One should not, therefore, accept Caitanya Mahaprabhu as an ordinary devotee, although He has assumed the form of a devotee
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu, who is not only considered to be a realized soul but an incarnation of Krsna Himself, has pointed out that in this age of Kali, although men have no real facilities for self-realization, Krsna is so kind that He has given this sabda
- Caitanya-caritamrta is for the devotees. It is not for the neophyte. Those who are actually in devotional service - for them it is
- Caitanya-caritamrta is not intended for the novice, for it is the postgraduate study of spiritual knowledge - CC Intro
- Canakya Pandita says if the wife is not very attached and does not speak very well . . . Means does not like the husband on the whole. If such wife is at home and mother is not there . . . This is ideal Indian happy home
- Certainly if His Divine Grace were physically present at this time, it would have been a great occasion for jubilation, but even though he is not physically present, I am confident that he is very much pleased by this work of translation
- Change is no rectification. If somebody is not working he should be trained up
- Chanting of Hare Krsna, this transcendental vibration is not any material thing. It is imported from the transcendental abode
- Charity in the mode of goodness is recommended by the scriptures, but charity in the modes of passion and ignorance is not recommended because it is simply a waste of money. BG 1972 purports
- Charity in the mode of goodness is recommended by the scriptures, but charity in the modes of passion and ignorance is not recommended, because it is simply a waste of money
- Charity to the poor is sometimes given out of compassion, but if a poor man is not worth giving charity to, then there is no spiritual advancement. In other words, indiscriminate charity is not recommended in the Vedic literature. BG 1972 purports
- Child is playing whole day, and if you ask, "Go to school," "I don't care for future life." It is just like that. It is just like that. How the guardians can tolerate that this rascal is going to be a fool-number-one if he's not educated? We are guardians
- Clearly these statements (of CC Madhya 1.91) are a real account of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s acceptance of the renounced order of life. His acceptance of this renounced order is not at all comparable to the acceptance of sannyasa by Mayavadis
- Combine together (men and women), working differently but for the same purpose, for pleasing Krsna, then you will become happy. That is equality. Unity in variety. That is wanted. Variety is enjoyment. Variety is not disturbing
- Communists and socialists are trying to propagate the philosophy that everything belongs to the mass of people or to the state. Such an idea is not perfect
- Communists think in terms of their own nations, but the spiritual communism instructed here (in SB 8.1.10) is not only nationwide but universal. Nothing belongs to any nation or individual person; everything belongs to the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Compared with the work one expends, the gain is not so profitable. Even if it is profitable, it is not without its distresses
- Complete practice of yoga means bhakti-yoga; unless one comes to the point of bhakti-yoga, or surrender unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead, one's yoga practice is not complete. This same point is corroborated in the Srimad Bhagavad-gita
- Conjugal love for Krsna, either as gopi or as queen, is not limited only to women. Even men can develop such sentiments, as was evidenced by the sages of Dandakaranya
- Conquering the world by means of material education is not desirable. If one engages himself in devotional service, his education is perfected. - CB Adi-khanda 12.49
- Consciousness is active by nature and cannot be stopped from working. Artificially stopping a mischievous child is not the real remedy. The child must be given some better engagement so that he will automatically stop causing mischief
- Contributions for indulgence in intoxication and gambling are not encouraged here (BG 17.22). That sort of contribution is in the mode of ignorance. Such charity is not beneficial; rather, sinful persons are encouraged. BG 1972 purports
- Cow is not very beautiful. (laughter) (break) the human society the Jews are most beautiful. Is it a fact? Jews? Yehudi
- Cow is specially recommended, go-raksya, because very important animal to the society. If those who are meat-eaters, they can eat the hogs and dogs, they can eat. The Vedic injunction is not prohibiting them
- Cow is very important animal. You get from its milk so many nutritious food. So apart from religious sentiment, from economic point of view cow-killing is not good
- Cultivation of the human spirit is not, mere adjustment of materialistic anomalies. It is the process for preparing oneself to be promoted to the spiritual kingdom
- Dampatye 'bhirucir hetuh (SB 12.2.3). The word abhiruci means "agreement." If the boy and girl simply agree to marry, the marriage takes place. But when the Vedic system is not rigidly observed, marriage frequently ends in divorce
- Dancing girl, when she was on the stage, she saw that her relatives are there as visitors. So she began to draw the veil. So this is not required. You are a dancing girl. Now you have to dance. You cannot be shy. You must freely dance. That is your duty
- Daridra-narayana seva, by killing goat narayana. Goat is not Narayana; simply daridras are Narayana. If you accept one as Narayana, why should you not accept the other as Narayana
- Darwin expresses the opinion that the species are evolving from lower forms of life, but this is not the whole truth. The soul may progress from lower forms to higher forms, but in the beginning of creation all species were created by Sri Krsna
- Darwin's theory that life is made possible by chemical evolution is not correct. They are missing the soul. That is their mistake. They are simply observing the material cover. That is the basic mistake of modern civilization
- Death is not accepted in the Vedic literature. So either God or the living creature, nobody dies. Every one is eternal, sasvata purana. Similarly, as we are the oldest & eternal; similarly this Krsna consciousness movement is also the oldest and eternal
- Death is not my obligation. Because I am impure, therefore I am dying. Birth is not my obligation. Because I am impure, therefore I am taking birth." Four things: janma-mrtyu-jara-vyadhi (BG 13.9). Janma, birth, is due to my impure consciousness
- Death is not very much welcome for those who are too much attached to material enjoyment, which culminates in sex. There is an instructive story in this connection
- Death means from the time of your leaving this body and entering into the womb of another mother, and so long another body is not developed, you remain unconscious
- Declaration of independence by the woman class, is not their happiness. They are unhappy. Better to become dependent upon father, upon husband and upon elderly children. That is their happiness
- Definition of the Absolute by negation is not complete. Such negative definitions lead one to create a concept of one's own; thus one imagines that the Absolute must be formless and without qualities
- Deha means body. Either it is dead or alive, it has no life. Apranasya hi dehasya. Deha is not alive. It is dead. Simply we understand, because we are foolish rascals, we understand that this body is dead when the soul is away. The body is always dead
- Deity is not hedonism or idol worship. No. Deity is as good as the original Supreme Personality of Godhead. He's absolute. His form and He is not different
- Demonic civilization is creating problems. Not the increase of population. This is not the fact
- Desa-kala to mean according to time and country. In the Western countries there is no River Yamuna or Ganges - water from such sacred rivers is not available. Does this mean that the arca worship should for that reason be stopped?
- Desire is a subtle form of conditioning of the living entity. The Lord fulfills his desire as he deserves: Man proposes and God disposes. The individual is not, therefore, omnipotent in fulfilling his desires. BG 1972 purports
- Desire or lust (kama) which is not against religious principles should also be seen as Krsna
- Despite all sorts of education, scientific improvement, brainwash and so many things, people are unhappy. Diseased, unhappy, dissatisfaction, confusion, this is going on. Because everything is not properly done. The government is not strict
- Despite the statement that one should give up attachment, desirelessness is not possible for a living entity
- Devahuti is indirectly asking Kardama Muni to leave a representative so that in his absence she might be relieved of her anxieties by a suitable son. A householder is not expected to remain at home for all his days
- Devahuti is not unintelligent. She has enough intelligence to understand that the living entities are not on the level of the Supreme Lord
- Devahuti said: My dear son, Kapila, after all, I am a woman. It is very difficult for me to understand the Absolute Truth because my intelligence is not very great
- Devahuti very intelligently says, "One may theoretically analyze and say that by knowledge he has become freed, but actually, as long as the cause exists, he is not free
- Development of conjugal love for Krsna is not manifested in women only. The material body has nothing to do with spiritual loving affairs
- Development of Krsna consciousness is exhibited by proportionate material detachment, or vairagya. If one does not separate himself from material enjoyment, it is to be understood that he is not advancing in Krsna consciousness
- Devotee means pure devotee, anyabhilasita-sunyam, without any other desires. Devotee means he wants to serve Krsna, that's all. Not that in return he wants something. He is devotee. Devotion is not business
- Devotional service and attachment (of prakrta-sahajiya) are false, and those so engaged are actually gliding down a hellish path. This is not the standard of ragatmika, or devotion. The prakrta-sahajiya community is actually cheated and very unfortunate
- Devotional service to the Lord is one, and the mind of the devotee is not diverted to the many branches of uncertainties. Vidura's purpose was to be situated in that service to the Lord, wherein one merges undivertedly
- Dharma is not a religious sentiment. dharma means our occupational duty, real meaning. I think I have given it in Srimad-Bhagavatam. So when we forget our duty, that is called dharmasya glanih. Glanih means deterioration of our real occupational duty
- Dharma is not actually manufactured by Narayana. the injunctions of dharma emanate from the breathing of Narayana, the supreme living entity
- Dharma is not meant for developing economic condition. That is secondary. But dharma is meant for ultimate goal of liberation. People do not know that. People are not educated that what is the ultimate goal of life
- Dharma means fact. Dharma is not imagination, or religion does not mean something imagined - I imagine something; you imagine something
- Dhruva Maharaja indirectly informed the great sage Narada that there are four kinds of human spirit - the brahminical spirit, the ksatriya spirit, the vaisya spirit and the sudra spirit. The spirit of one caste is not applicable to the members of another
- Dhruva Maharaja plainly says that a devotee has no more bodily interest. He knows that he is not the body
- Diamond also illuminating, but it is not original. Original luminous is sun, & the illumination expanded by diamond is not so valuable as the sunshine. Similarly, Brahma, although we see him so powerful, he has little power derived from the Supreme Lord
- Directly sense perception is not happiness
- Disciple means one who observes discipline. If one does not observe discipline, then he is not a disciple. And one who is not a disciple, his life is chaotic. He cannot be happy
- Disease is not hopelessness. Otherwise why the people go for treatment to a physician? Similarly, out of ignorance you are now in this miserable condition, but if you become treated by bona fide spiritual master, then you'll be cured
- Dishonest men cannot go to back to home, back to Godhead. That is false. God is pure. One must be very, very pure. A thing which is not fire, it cannot be allowed to enter into the fire. One must become fire; then there is no trouble. Fire can enter fire
- Do not try to praise Me in that way, the Lord told Sanatana. Just try to understand the real nature of Srimad-Bhagavatam. Srimad-Bhagavatam is the sound representation of the Supreme Lord Krsna; therefore Srimad-Bhagavatam is not different from Krsna
- Dogs are thinking, "I am dog," and he's barking. Similarly, if I think, "I am Indian," "I am American," where is the difference between dog & me? There is no difference. Dog does not know that he is not this body, & I do not know that I am not this body
- Don't be hypocrite. This is Caitanya Mahaprabhu's movement. He did not like hypocrisy. Nobody likes. But for a person who is seriously engaged in Krsna consciousness movement, for him sex life and material opulence is not very good
- Don't become immediately paramahamsa - no tilaka, no kanthi & no bead bag. This isn't good. Sanketya, so that others may understand, "Here is a Vaisnava. Here is a Krsna devotee." And if he is simple, he'll chant "Hare Krsna." This chance should be given
- Don't followers of Krsna conscious ever get angry? - Yes, we get angry. Why not? We are not artificial. Human nature is to become anger, sometimes satisfied, sometimes . . . so we utilize this. We are angry when one is not KC, when he's against God
- Don't kill my brother, but you can kill my neighbors - not like that. He is not sadhu. Sadhu is kind to all living entities
- Don't take anything which is not Krsna prasadam and don't talk anything which is not Krsna. Then you become liberated. Your path of liberation is open
- Don’t eat anything which is not eaten by Krsna - your tongue becomes your most intimate friend. And don’t talk anything except Krsna. If you follow these two principles, Krsna will be within your grip
- Dress is not important. Practically, as sannyasi, brahmacari, we dress with saffron cloth. But sometimes you do not like, but we have to do business with you - therefore we change. What can be done? Necessity has no law
- Due to absorption of one's identity in his money, when the money is lost he thinks that he is also lost. But actually he is not identical with the money, nor does the money belong to him
- Due to our long association with bodily relationships, bereavement on account of the annihilation of friends and relatives is not at all astonishing, but one has to learn the art of subduing such bereavement with higher, transcendental knowledge
- Due to the material covering, one’s attraction for Krsna is checked. One is not usually attracted by Krsna in the material world, but as soon as one is liberated from material conditioning, he is naturally attracted
- Due to the shortcomings of limited national activities, such a general mass welfare program (in the form of the United Nations) for the whole world is not practically possible
- During my Guru Maharaja's time, even a person was coming from a brahmana family, he was initiated according to the pancaratrika system taking him to be a sudra. So the birthright brahmanism is not applicable at the present moment
- During the summer time you should utilize this program of Sankirtana and book distribution vigorously. Attention diverted to incense business is not a very good sign. We should give all our energy for distributing BTG
- Eating is not prohibited. You have to eat, because you have got this body. But not that simply for eating I am living. This is called yukta-vairagya
- Economic gain for a cobbler is not the economic gain for a brahmana - One man's food, another man's poison
- Eight symptoms of a jivan mukta - 02 Another symptom of a liberated person is vijara, which indicates that he is not subjected to the miseries of old age
- Either illicit sex or legal sex, the after-result is not good. There are so many aftereffects. Even if you live . . . Of course, that is the Vedic training, dharmaviruddho-kamah (BG 7.11), sex life not against Vedic injunction
- English is not my mother language, but I have tried to learn it, and I am doing my business. That's all. Similarly, you can learn any language. You can learn Sanskrit. You can pronounce very nicely. It requires learning. That's all
- Enjoyment alone is not possible. Enjoyment means two - Krsna and you
- Equanimity, refers to freedom from attachment and aversion. To be very much attached or to be very much detached is not the best. This material world should be accepted without attachment or aversion. BG 1972 purports
- Especially in the Western country, I have seen, a girl is not married, but she has got child. What is that? That is varna-sankara. So varna-sankara increases; the world becomes hellish
- Even a monkey, Hanumanji, he became a great devotee. He's not even human. So therefore bhakti is apratihata. It cannot be checked in any condition
- Even a physician - when he is sick he does not devise his own treatment. He calls for another physician, because his brain is not in order. How can he prescribe the right medicine for himself
- Even after coming to the platform of understanding tattva, one must worship Bhagavan, Visnu and His expansions, or one is not yet perfect
- Even Brahma, the creator of the universe, admits that he is not the actual creator but is simply inspired by the Lord Narayana and therefore creates under His superintendence those things already created by Him, the Supersoul of all living entities
- Even Brahma-sukha, the happiness derived from realization of Brahman, is not perfect
- Even if a devotee is not given the advantage of good parentage, if he can attain the benediction of always remembering the lotus feet of the Lord, that is greater than any number of material assets
- Even if he (a person who has developed from faith to the stage of bhava) has no engagement, he will find some work to do for Krsna's satisfaction. Nor does such a person like anything which is not connected with Krsna
- Even if he (Siva) is an enemy or is sometimes angry, such a personality cannot be the object of envy, so Vidura, in astonishment, asked why he was taken as such, especially by Daksa. Daksa is also not an ordinary person
- Even if he is not of very good character, or even if he is not very rich or fortunate, or even if he is old or invalid on account of continued diseases, whatever her husband's condition, a woman should not divorce her husband
- Even if one goes to the higher planetary systems (yanti deva-vrata devan (BG 9.25)), one's place there is not secure; one must return to martya-loka
- Even if one is not a perfect brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya or sudra but takes to the service of the Lord, not caring for the perfection of his social position, he becomes a perfect human being simply by developing the attitude of service to the Supreme Lord
- Even if one is not able to go back to Godhead in one life, the Vedic civilization at least gives one the opportunity to be promoted to the higher planetary systems, where the demigods live, and not glide down again to animal life
- Even if one is not born in a brahmana family but has brahminical qualifications, he must be considered a brahmana. By strictly following this system, one can be happy without extra endeavor
- Even if one is not free from all sinful reactions, simply by the process of surrendering to Sri Krsna he is automatically freed. BG 1972 purports
- Even if one is not greedy for material possessions but is too attached to family life, he also cannot understand Krsna consciousness
- Even if one is not known or recognized by society, he becomes very famous and important if he takes to devotional service and preaching
- Even if our attempt to be Krsna conscious is not complete, our Krsna consciousness will continue in the next life
- Even if the Hare Krsna mantra is not chanted properly, it still has so much potency that the chanter gains the effect
- Even if we want to act very piously, the danger is not over. There are many instances. There was one king. He was very charitable and he was giving many cows to the brahmanas. So there was some mistake
- Even if you receive at home your enemy, you shall treat him in such a way that he is not afraid. Akuto 'bhayam. That "I have come to the house of enemy and he can do me harm at any time," no
- Even if you see sometimes that he is doing something which is not very good, but still, because he has kept himself tight in Krsna consciousness, he is sadhu, he is saintly person
- Even in the topmost level, the President of United States, he was also caught dealing very unfavorably, and he was forced to resign. And what to speak of others? He is not a poor man, he is not uneducated, the topmost man
- Even in your house there is a serpent, see that he is not fasting without food. This is the spiritual communism. They are now after communism, but they do not know what is communism. Everyone will be taken care of. That is communism, real communism
- Even it is little done, you get some asset. That will never be lost. Therefore you have to stick to this activity, Krsna consciousness activity. Whatever you do, if we can complete, it is very nice. If not, whatever we do, that is not lost
- Even knowledge, which is superior to fruitive activity, is not successful if it is devoid of devotional service. Therefore in Srimad-Bhagavatam - in the beginning, middle and end - karma-kanda and jnana-kanda are condemned
- Even Lord Caitanya Himself, He married twice. So marriage is not prohibited, but everything should be under regulative principle according to the law. Then either one is sannyasi or a married man or a brahmacari, it doesn't matter
- Even Mr. Nixon is in such exalted post, he's also full of anxieties, when he'll be kicked out. You see. So find out any man who is not in anxiety. Not only human being but also animals, birds, beasts - everyone. That is the symptom of material existence
- Even one is finished, this material body . . . sometimes they commit suicide out of frustration, that "This desire is not fulfilled. Let me commit suicide." No. That is ignorance. Desires continue in the subtle body - mind, intelligence and ego
- Even one is not fully in sadacara, but if he has taken Krsna consciousness fully, he is a sadhu
- Even one is situated in a very great dangerous point, still, he is not disturbed. This is such a thing, Krsna consciousness. He does not become disturbed
- Even one of the greatest fiction writers in Bengal misunderstood and thought that Krsna of Vrndavana, Krsna of Dvaraka, and Krsna of Mathura were three different persons. But this is not difficult to understand if we know the nature of Krsna's expansions
- Even one's material body, being a gift of the Lord for carrying out a particular type of action, can be engaged in KC. It is beyond contamination by sinful reactions, exactly as the lotus leaf, though remaining in the water, is not wet. BG 1972 purports
- Even ordinary men with little knowledge of the alphabet could read this book (Sri Krsna-vijaya) and understand it. Its language is not very ornamental, and sometimes the poetry is not very sweet to hear
- Even stones are eatables for a particular type of animal or bird. But the human being is not meant for eating everything and anything; he is meant to eat grains, vegetables, fruits, milk, sugar, etc. Animal food is not meant for the human being
- Even that satisfaction (the liberation from the anxieties of material existence) is not the ultimate satisfaction. The jnanis and the karmis have desires, as do the yogis, but devotees have no desires
- Even the advanced yogi Visvamitra broke his mystic practice to unite with Menaka and beget a child known as Sakuntala. The practice of mystic yoga, therefore, is not sufficiently strong to control the senses
- Even the President Johnson, he's not a master. He's also a servant. Every one of us is a servant. But what kind of servant?
- Even the quality of goodness here in the material world is not free from tinges of passion and ignorance. But in the transcendental world, only pure goodness, without any tinge of passion or ignorance, exists
- Even the temple is not open, it is still Krsna's temple. It is not different from Krsna. Sri-vigraharadhana-nitya-nana-srngara . . .. You should always remember that. And the temple management very nicely means to render service to Krsna
- Even the transcendental wives of Lord Sri Krsna did not know completely the unfathomable glories of the Lord. This ignorance is not mundane because there is some action of the internal potency of the Lord
- Even though a person is a very learned scholar of the Sanskrit Vedic literatures, he is not accepted as My devotee unless he is pure in DS
- Even though a person may be born in a very respectable brahmana family, he cannot become a bona fide spiritual master if he is not a devotee of the Lord
- Even though his life may be threatened, he is not at all afraid. He does not even treat an enemy like an enemy. Such are the qualifications of devotees
- Even though Lord Siva associates with maya, he is not influenced. The living entities are affected by maya, but although Lord Siva apparently associates with maya, he is not affected
- Even though one is a brahmana strictly following all the rules and regulations of brahminical culture, if he is not a devotee, a follower of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, one should not accept his invitation
- Even though one may celebrate himself as a learned follower of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and even though one may attempt to preach the holy name of the Lord all over the world, if he is not favored by Caitanya he will find fault with the pure devotee
- Even though such a materialistic person is always suffering threefold miseries, he is not intelligent enough to cease his materialistic way of life
- Even though the hand is working one way and the leg is working in another way, since the purpose is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, they are all one. This is not to be confused with the statement by the Mayavadi philosopher that "everything is one
- Even though the people of the world have forgotten God and may say that God is dead, this is not a fact. One can understand God when one takes to the Krsna consciousness movement, and thus one can be happy
- Even when one poses himself as a devotee of Krsna, but is not engaged in Krsna conscious activities, he also cannot understand Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- Even when the gross body is not acting when the living being is in sound sleep, we know that he is within the body by his breathing. So the living being's passing away from the body does not mean that there is no existence of the living soul
- Every day the consumer's goods are increasing in price. So many poor men, they cannot purchase. Your motorcar machine, that is not meant for the poor man. Poor man requires food grains
- Every moment we see that someone is going to the court of Yamaraja - that means death. That is our experience, everything. Who is not yet dead, still alive, he thinks, I will never die. This is the most wonderful thing
- Everyone in this material world, from Lord Brahma down to the ant, is eager to keep his body comfortable. A pure devotee may also be comfortable, but he is not eager for such a benediction
- Everyone is controller. In that sense everyone is God. But everyone is not supreme God, supreme controller
- Everyone is getting a particular type of body. So one may say: "This body is very nice," "This body is not so nice," and "This body is very good." So why it is so? Because according to the association of the material nature
- Everyone is not expected to hanker after spiritual salvation. That requires also many, many years' qualification. So manusyanam sahasresu. After many . . . out of many, many thousands of people, one is very much anxious for spiritual realization
- Everyone is not of the same intellect. You may be more intelligent than me, another may be more intelligent than you, but that varieties of intelligence does not mean missing the real point
- Everyone is praying to God with some interest, but even if we pray to God, "Give me some money, give me some relief, a nice house, a nice wife, or nice food," that is also good. Yet this is not to the standard of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu's prayer
- Everyone is suffering. Somebody is in ignorance: although he is suffering, he is thinking that he is very well. This is called maya. Maya means you are accepting something which is not
- Everyone is trying to be happy. That happiness is not possible. That peace is not possible unless you have got a leader or king like Bharata Maharaja, after whose name this planet is called Bharatavarsa
- Everyone knows "This is not good," but he is punished; again he does that. So Pariksit Maharaja said, What is the use of this atonement?
- Everyone needs money. Everyone needs. Who is not poor? Anyone find out. So many gentlemen sitting here. Who is not in need of food and money? You are also in need of money. So what do you distinguish poor and rich? Everyone needs
- Everyone should be engaged. If one is not competent to dress the Deity - everyone is competent - he can simply wash the temple and cleanse it. That will also help
- Everyone thinks that there is no use in going to the temple just to worship God. But worship for economic benefit is not recommended in the scriptural injunction. BG 1972 purports
- Everyone who is not in Krsna consciousness must be considered to be in illusion. One's so-called feelings of happiness and satisfaction resulting from material things are also illusions
- Everyone who is not Krsna conscious is to be considered crazy because he exists on a platform which is temporary and transient
- Everyone who is not serving Krsna, he is in the wrong path
- Everyone's enjoyment is not of the same standard. We can see that. Somebody is enjoying some way, another is enjoying . . . "One man's food, another man's poison." What is enjoyed by the hog is not enjoyed by other animal
- Everything is there in nature’s law, and by Krsna’s arrangement. Nature is not independent. Nature is working under the superintendence of Krsna
- Everywhere there is yogins, gosvamins, sannyasins, etc. in many places. The "n" is not required--that I have already informed
- Exhibiting ecstatic symptoms just to get credit from the public is not approved by pure devotees
- Experimental knowledge can be achieved when one has understood the false knowledge. By experimental or proved knowledge, one can understand that he is not the body but spirit soul
- External energy is not affecting Krsna. The urine and stool is affecting . . . there are some worms, they are very much attracted with the stool. You see? They are also creatures of Krsna
- Fame is a material desire, but to desire fame in Krishna Consciousness is not bad. If you think that people may know me as a great devotee of Krishna, that they may acknowledge me a nice devotee of Krishna, that is not at all bad
- Family life is not condemned. But if a man forgets his spiritual identity and simply becomes entangled in material affairs, then he is lost. His life's mission is lost
- Famine is not due to an increase in population, as less intelligent economists think. When human society is grateful to the Lord for all His gifts for the maintenance of the living entities, then there is certainly no scarcity or want in society
- Fasting for some ulterior purpose, such as to promote a purely political end, is not mentioned in the scriptural directions. The scriptures recommend fasting for spiritual advancement, not for some political end or social purpose. BG 1972 purports
- Father is not expected to cheat the son, but if he's cheated by the father, then he must accept himself as the most unfortunate cheated in the world. Then there is no help
- Fever is not his natural condition, but somehow or other, he has got fever. Similarly, we are immortal. That will be explained. Na jayate na mriyate va (BG 2.20). The living entity never takes birth, never dies; therefore immortal
- Fighting amongst ourselves is not at all good
- Fighting between husband and wife is not to be taken very seriously. So if you have any respect for me, I request you not to quarrel with your husband. Live peacefully, chant Hare Krishna and try to serve the cause as best as possible
- Fighting is a matter of duty. That is the ksatriya spirit. Fighting is not killing. Because people have no idea what is the soul, therefore they think that stopping war will help us in peaceful condition of the society
- Fighting is not a very good thing, but still, the fighting spirit is there in the Absolute Truth. Otherwise, how fighting can be exhibited?
- Finally there is the jnana-kanda, which recommends activities that enable one to reach the Absolute Truth and realize His impersonal feature in order to become one with Him. But the impersonal aspect of the Absolute Truth is not the last word
- First class of men will not want to take to spiritual knowledge. But the person who is inquisitive and is not satisfied with this material life, he can hear this knowledge submissively and derive great benefit from it
- First of all, the atomic energy is not powerful enough to destroy the world. And secondly, ultimately it all rests on the supreme will of the Supreme Lord because without His will or sanction nothing can be built up or destroyed
- First understanding is direct perception, pratyaksa. In Sanskrit word it is called pratyaksa, direct understanding. is tenth-class understanding. That is not actually understanding, direct perception
- Food is not bad. One who cannot digest, it is bad for him. This is the conclusion. What is food for one is poison for another. If you cannot use sex power how to use it for better purposes, you should not use sex
- Foolish material scientists have manufactured their own theories of evolution, which are simply concerned with the material body. But actually this is not the real evolution
- For a deer to run after a mirage of water in the desert is not unusual. The deer is also very fond of sex. The conclusion is that one who lives like a deer will be killed in due course of time
- For a devotee, mukti is not a very great achievement. Mukti means being situated in one's constitutional position
- For a devotee, to get liberation is not very difficult. Even one who is unable to establish a relationship with Krsna can achieve liberation by merging into the Brahman effulgence. This is called sayujya-mukti
- For a ksatriya who are engaged in fighting, in religious fight must be religious fight. The cause must be right. Then the fighting is all right. So ksatriya, killing in the religious fight, he's not responsible; he's not sinful
- For example, the performance of rituals in temples or in churches. Generally they are performed with the purpose of material benefit, but that is not in the mode of goodness. BG 1972 purports
- For Krishna we can execute any activity, but this is not free license to act whimsically. Arjuna was able to fight on the Battlefield of Kuruksetra because this was Krishna's desire, not because it was simply his whims
- For Lord Ramacandra to construct a bridge over the Indian Ocean with the help of monkey soldiers who threw great mountain peaks into the water is not at all wonderful
- For one who is not in a transcendental position, to take sannyasa artificially is not a very great credit
- For one who simply makes an academic study of Bhagavad-gita, the science of Krsna remains a mystery. Bhagavad-gita is not a book that one can just purchase from the bookstore and understand by scholarship alone
- For our spiritual advancement of life we must have the sense that "Why we should accept unnecessary things which is not at all important?" The four things are restricted: no illicit sex, no meat-eating, no gambling, no intoxication
- For persons who are still inclined to enjoy material life in different stages or on different planets, the stage of liberation in bhakti-yoga is not recommended
- For relying upon devotees from outside to come there is not very practical business. It is better to recruit some local men and train them to do the work. But I think Madhudvisa can supply you with one or two men conveniently, you may request him this
- For seven days he tried to understand what is his relationship with Krsna, or God. That is imitated at Bhagavata-saptaha. But actually, Bhagavata is not to be studied imitating Pariksit Maharaja for seven days. No
- For the last 50 years Gaudiya Math people are there but their relationship with local inhabitants is not so cordial. If we continue this philanthropic work to give them enlightenment & food without any discrimination, it will be appreciated by all people
- For the royal order to become nonviolent, this is not good. The ksatriyas, when they are fighting in the battlefield, the killing is not a sin for them
- For the soul there is never birth nor death. Nor, having once been, does he ever cease to be. He is unborn, eternal, ever-existing, undying & primeval. He is not slain when the body is slain
- For the soul there is never birth or death. Nor, having once been, does he ever cease to be. He is unborn, eternal, ever-existing, undying and primeval. He is not slain when the body is slain - BG 2.20
- Formless is not the actual realization of God. That is the beginning. That may be beginning. To realize the energy of God, that is formless. Just like the sun. The sunshine is formless, but the sun globe is not formless
- Freedom from doubt and delusion, can be achieved when one is not hesitant and when he understands the transcendental philosophy. Slowly but surely he becomes free from bewilderment. BG 1972 purports
- From the birth he is not a drunkard, from birth he is not a smoker, but by bad association, so-called civilized association, he becomes a drunkard, he becomes a smoker, he becomes a woman hunter, he becomes a gambler - sinful life
- From the description, it appears that the sun moves. According to modern astronomers, the sun is fixed in one place, surrounded by the solar system, but here we find that the sun is not stationary: it is rotating in a prescribed orbit
- From the other explanations of the previous verses (BG 9.1-10) in this chapter (of BG), it is clear that the Supreme Personality of Godhead, although appearing like a human being, is not a common man. BG 1972 purports
- From this statement it appears that town and city planning is not new but has been coming down since the time of King Prthu. In India we can see regular planning methods evident in very old cities. In SB there are many descriptions of such ancient cities
- From within He (Krsna) helps the devotee as caitya, for He is seated within the heart of everyone. Understanding that God is seated within everyone's heart is not, however, sufficient
- Garuda. He is perfect vegetarian. You know what is his food? Snakes. And he is carrying the Lord. It is a devotee, you see? He is not vegetarian
- Generally brahma jijnasa is called neti neti, the process by which one analyzes existence to search out the Absolute Truth. This method continues as long as one is not situated in his spiritual life
- Generally people become devotee of Lord Siva, because easily pliable. Visnu is not so easily pliable. Devi is easily pliable. Say, for a meat-eater, goes to Devi: "My dear goddess, I want to eat meat." Devi will allow
- Generally people execute religious practices for economic development or sense gratification, but that is not recommended for one who wants to advance in yoga
- Generally people think that one should act very piously in order to be relieved from misery, but this is not a fact
- Generally such persons (who are liberated theoretically by knowing simply that the living entity is not material) are very much attached to Vedic rituals and righteous activities, performing them in order to enjoy material prosperity
- Generally the demigods are surcharged with sattva-guna, and therefore when the demons and the demigods fight, the demigods are victorious because of the prominence of their sattva-guna qualities. However, this is not the partiality of the Supreme Lord
- Generally the girls desire good husband and a good home, children, that is their natural propensity, so we want to show some ideal householders also. But the proposal that marriage will solve the question of lust, is not practical
- Generally, householders receive saintly persons to get their blessings, but their real aim is to become happy in the material world. Asking such material benedictions is not recommended in the sastras
- Generally, of course, one is not sexually attracted to his mother, sister or daughter, but if one allows himself to sit very close to such a woman, one may be attracted. This is a psychological fact
- Generally, people go to church, to temple, for some material benefit. Therefore sastra says, "No, no. Dharma is not meant for that purpose." People have become materialistic more and more
- Generally, sannyasa is not accepted until one is sixty years old. But in this age there is no guarantee whether we are going to live up to sixty years old age. So sometimes younger generation also offered sannyasa
- Getting a material father and mother is not a problem. In every form of life, birth after birth, the living entity gets a father and mother
- God created the ingredients and the manufacturer also, and Brahma created this universe. But he's not the original creator. The original creator is Krsna
- God is everyone's father, but He is without father. That is God. So long one has got father, he is not God
- God is good. So sex life which is not against the religious principles, that is good sex life. Otherwise, it is bad
- God is like me also. But He is profuse, unlimited, I am limited. But the same qualities are there." Same qualities. Otherwise, how can you get it? The part and parcel of gold is gold, but that is not whole gold
- God is not cheap. We cannot see anything, not to speak of God, without sunshine. Without sunlight we are blind. At night, we cannot see anything, and therefore we use electricity because the sun is not present
- God is not only your father, he's father of the lamb also. So if by your brute force you want to kill the poor lamb, then you'll be punished. This is natural. You have got your food, you produce your foodgrain and you eat
- God is not partial. Just like nowadays, these rascals, they say, "Why God is unkind to the poor man?" No. God is not unkind to the poor man
- God is not senseless. If He is senseless, then there was no use of speaking this Bhagavad-gita and taking it so very important book so that world is reading very carefully. He's not senseless. He is full sense
- God is not such a subject matter that you can see with this pratyaksa, direct perception. God's another name is Anubhava. Anubhava. Just like in this room we do not see the sun directly. But we know that there is sun
- God is omnipotent. As soon as He understands that I want this, He gives me some facility so that I get it. So it is not chance
- God means that as we are person, He is the supreme person. That's all. Just like you are also persons, you are also Australians, and the president of the Australian government, he is also a person. He is not imperson
- God realization is not possible for animals or for persons who are almost animals, or for animals in the shape of human beings
- God sends His son to canvass, - Oh, this is not your right engagement. Please come back to home, back to Godhead
- Going to the forest is not the main purpose of life. Because in the forest there are many animals. Does it mean they are advanced in spiritual life? That is called markata-vairagya. Markata-vairagya means "monkey renunciation
- Gold-standard currency is based on falsehood because the currency is not on a par with the reserved gold. The basic principle is falsity because currency notes are issued in value beyond that of the actual reserved gold
- Gosvami is not a hereditary title but refers to one’s qualifications. When one is highly elevated in spiritual advancement, regardless of wherefrom he comes, he may be called Gosvami
- Gosvami is not a hereditary title. It is a qualification
- Government is not partial to people; it does not say, "You live in this university and be educated, and you go to the prison and live," It is the individual's choice. Similarly, God has created so many things, it is our duty to follow His instruction
- Govinda, Krsna, is ananda-cinmaya-rasa. He is in the ananda cinmaya. His ananda is not jara-rasa. It is cinmaya-rasa. We should not understand or misunderstand Krsna's lila is just like ordinary human activity
- Gradually surpassing the mode of goodness, one is situated in pure goodness, which is not contaminated by the material qualities. When thus situated, a devotee no longer has any doubts; he knows that he will not come back to this material world
- Grains, fruits, milk and similar foods are allotted for human consumption. One should not be excessively eager to satisfy the tongue and eat that which is not meant for humanity
- Great saintly persons who have attained complete perfection in mystic yoga are not visible in this age on earth because humanity is not worthy of their presence
- Great saintly persons, they are sitting in a lowly place, alone. But he is not alone. He is with Narayana, Krsna. He is seeing always there. So he is not alone
- Grhastha life is a concession for sex life. Actually, sex life is not required for advancement of civilization. That is advancement. Why? That if so long we are attached to sex life, we have to remain within this material world - in any form
- Grhastha life is not bad - never bad. Krsna is grhastha. Our worshipable Lord is grhastha. He’s not sannyasa. Is it sannyasa? Why He should be? He is the supreme enjoyer
- Grhastha means one who remains within the apartment, but he is not compact; he is not bound up within the boundaries of the apartment. He has got other business. What is that business? That is atma-tattvam
- Guru is not manufactured. Guru is in the disciplic succession, one who is strictly follows the footsteps of the sad-gosvamis
- Guru means one who has received the knowledge from the right source and distributed the same knowledge. He is not manufacturing. That is Guru
- Guru's business is not to exploit the sisya. It is the business, how to deliver. So who can deliver? Who is actually guru in the parampara system? Evam parampara-praptam imam rajarsayo viduh
- Hamsaduta is not GBC, you are GBC. No, don't return U.S. Immediately come here and talk with me. Don't do like rascal
- Hanuman is not GBC. If he cannot work under Hrdayananda Gosvami, then he must work under me. He cannot be independent
- Hare Krsna is transcendental sound vibration. Narottama dasa Thakura says, golokera prema-dhana, hari-nama-sankirtana. This hari-nama-sankirtana is not a cinema song. No. It is golokera prema-dhana
- Hare Krsna mantra is not ordinary sound. It is para-prakrti. Golokera prema-dhana hari-nama-sankirtana. Hari-nama-sankirtana is not this material sound. If you think it is material sound, you are rascal
- Harer nama harer nama, harer namaiva kevalam, that is the injunction of the sastra. Simply chant that will help you. Everything, even . . . deity worship is not so important. As chanting is important
- Hari-nama-sankirtana is not a material sound. Therefore it is effective. But if you contaminate it, it will not be effective
- Haridasa Thakura said that the desired result of chanting the holy name of the Lord is not that one is liberated from material bondage or freed from the reactions of sinful life
- Hatha-yoga is not practiced in assembly of so many men. Just you go to a hatha-yoga class. There are hundreds of members practicing, and he is collecting money, five dollars per seat. And you are thinking, "I am practicing." That is useless waste of time
- Having come to understand that even Lord Brahma is not immortal because at the end of the millennium Lord Brahma will also die, Hiranyakasipu is very carefully asking him for benedictions that will be almost as good as immortality
- He (a detached person) has no false ego because he does not accept the body as himself. Nor has he a desire to make the body fat and strong by accepting so many material things. Because he has no bodily concept of life, he is not falsely proud. BG 1972 p
- He (a KC person) knows that he is part and parcel of the Supreme, and therefore the part played by him, as a part and parcel of the whole, is not his by choice but is chosen for him by the Supreme and is done only through His agency. BG 1972 purports
- He (a Krsna conscious person) is not even attached to his personal maintenance, for everything is left to Krsna. Nor is he anxious to secure things, nor to protect things already in his possession. BG 1972 purports
- He (a person who considers the association of Krsna to be the highest perfection of life) has full knowledge of that planet (Krsnaloka), and therefore he is not interested in any other. BG 1972 purports
- He (a person who considers the association of Krsna to be the highest perfection of life) is not satisfied with merging into brahmajyoti effulgence, for he wants to enter the highest spiritual planet, namely Krsnaloka, Goloka Vrndavana. BG 1972 purports
- He (a pure devotee) is not at all afraid if by chance he has to visit the hellish worlds, nor is he eager to enter the kingdom of heaven. For him both these kingdoms are like castles in the air
- He (a pure devotee) is not concerned with either of them, and this is very nicely expressed by King Kulasekhara in Text 6 - of Mukunda-mala-stotra
- He (a spiritually advanced person) is not influenced by the material body but sees a person’s spiritual identity
- He (a too much materially attached person) is very happy if his work is successful and very much distressed when his work is not successful. Such is a man in the mode of passion. BG 1972 purports
- He (Arjuna) is clarifying his own position because he is attached to the personal form of Krsna. He is not attached to the impersonal Brahman. He wants to know whether his position is secure. BG 1972 purports
- He (Hiranyakasipu) then asked Brahma for the benediction of becoming amara, by which one does not die. Brahma said that he could not award the benediction because even he, the material creator who rules all planets, is not amara
- He (King Rsabhadeva) is not dependent on King Indra for water. He can supply water Himself
- He (Krsna) is the original veda-vit, or knower of the Vedas, and vedanta-krt, or compiler of Vedanta. Brahma is not the compiler of the Vedas
- He (Krsna) sends some devotee in the garb of enemy and Krsna comes here to fight with him. At the same time, to teach us that becoming enemy, enemy of Krsna is not very profitable. Better become friend. That will be profitable
- He (mayavadi sannyasi) feels inconvenience without varieties of life. The Bhagavata says, "Their intelligence is not clean." "Although they rise up to the brahma-jyotir," patanty adho tatah, - they again come back
- He (Narada Muni) is himself an authority, and he is able to go to Vaikunthaloka and see the Lord personally; therefore his description of the bodily features of the Lord is not imagination
- He (one who does not develop knowledge through the authorities) is not concerned about acting in terms of the directions of scripture. For him God is money, and knowledge means the satisfaction of bodily demands. BG 1972 purports
- He (one) is not concerned with happiness or distress, curses or favors, or heavenly or hellish planets. He sees no distinction between them
- He (ordinary criminal, thief) does not know that police is not the supreme power. The supreme power is the president or the minister of law and order. He thinks, "This constable is everything." So poor-class thinking, they think nature is everything
- He (Sankaracarya) was born of a widow; therefore he was not accepted in the society. So when his mother died, he called for the neighbors to help him for the funeral ceremony. Nobody came to help him, because he was considered a bastard
- He (the brahmacari) learns how to control his senses and sacrifice everything for the guru. When he is fully trained, if he likes he is allowed to marry. Thus he is not an ordinary grhastha who has learned only how to satisfy his senses
- He (the conditioned soul) is not even satisfied with available amenities on this planet earth, where he has exploited the resources of nature to the best of his ability
- He (the creator of this body) is not conversant in the art of ecstasy but is simply a prosaic creator. He does not know how to arrange things properly so one can see only Krsna
- He (the foolish living entity) thinks that he is able to protect himself from the stringent laws of material nature. This, however, is not possible
- He (the living entity) has his normal way of thinking, feeling and willing. The living being in his original state is not without thinking, willing and feeling power
- He (the self-realized person) is not joyful in achieving something, nor does he lament in losing anything which is related to his body. This steadiness of mind is called sthira-buddhi, or self-intelligence. BG 1972 purports
- He (the self-realized person) knows perfectly well that he is not this body, but is the fragmental portion of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- He (The Supreme Personality of Godhead) may assume the body of a human being, but that body is not material
- He (the Supreme) has all the six opulences in full and beyond comparison, He is the master of material nature, His intelligence is not broken under any circumstances, and He stands aloof, although He is the maintainer of the whole creation
- He (Vasudeva Datta) was far, far above philanthropists, philosophers and fruitive actors. He was the most exalted personality to ever show mercy to the conditioned souls. This is not an exaggeration of his transcendental qualities. It is perfectly true
- He (who is conversant with the science of Krsna knows perfectly that he is not the body) is not concerned with the modes of goodness, passion or ignorance, but with Krsna. One who understands this is a jnani, a wise man, and he is very much dear to Krsna
- He does not say, "Give Me animals." Because we are Krsna conscious, we cannot take anything which is not accepted by Krsna
- He is not a scholar. He's a rascal. We have to follow the acaryas. The acaryas never said. There are so many acaryas. They never say
- He is not making any eternal arrangement - I shall live here for fifty years or sixty years as an American or as an Indian. Make me gorgeous arrangement, defense and so on, so on, so on
- He is not well situated; therefore he is trying to be well situated by some artificial means of intoxication. That's all. He wants to divert his attention, but that is not perfect
- He may be academically a very big title holder, but if he's not God conscious, then his knowledge has been taken away. Real knowledge has been taken away. Asurim bhavam asritah
- He may be, in the calculation of academic education, he may be B.A., M.A., Ph.D., D.A.C., or something like, doctors but if he has got his identification with this body, he's not a learned man according to Bhagavad-gita
- He who is conversant with the science of Krsna knows perfectly well that he is not the body, that he is part and parcel of Krsna, that his real relationship is with Krsna, and he must remain aloof from the three qualities of material nature
- He who is conversant with the science of Krsna knows perfectly well that he is not the body, that somehow or other, although he has been put in the material body, he must remain aloof from the three qualities of material nature
- He who is in Krsna consciousness does not care for material distress, insult or honor because he is aloof from all these. He knows well that distress, honor and insult pertain to the body only and that he is not the body
- He's (Karandhara dasa Adhikari) not very old. And he wants to take sannyasa also. He's a grhastha, he has got a child. And: "Just wait. We shall arrange for your... You are already sannyasi." He lives apart from his wife. So he's very nice boy
- He's not disturbed by mental anxieties, bodily disease, natural disturbances and fighting or quarreling with other living entities
- He's not seeking after where is eternal happiness. Temporarily, he's seeking here, seeking there. Bhutva bhutva praliyate. In this way his life is finished, seeking ananda, and he gets another body, another term
- He's not spiritual man. He's a hypocrite. He must be inside and outside correct. If one is outside correct, inside wrong, he's not spiritual man. We don't accept him
- Here (in) again the word tattvatah, "in truth," is used. One can understand the science of Krsna in truth by becoming a devotee. He who is not a devotee, who does not strive for Krsna consciousness, cannot understand
- Here (SB 4.20.20) the words suhrt satam are very significant. The Supreme Personality of Godhead is always very inclined toward His devotee and is always thinking of the devotee's well-being. This is not partiality
- Here in this verse (in SB 2.1.19), it is definitely assured that the Supreme Lord is not impersonal. He is a person, but His body is different from those of conditioned persons like us
- Here is no inebrieties, in the spiritual world. Here it is full of inebrieties. You'll see that Krsna is enjoying with the gopis but there is no inebriety. There is no pregnancy, there is no abortion. That is the beauty
- Here, in the material world, as we are engaged, unalloyed happiness is not possible. But if you actually want unalloyed happiness, then you have to be advanced in spiritual consciousness, unalloyed
- Higher education is not meant for everyone. Only selected individuals trained in brahminical culture should be allowed to pursue a higher education
- Hiranyakasipu thought that Visnu also becomes partial, like a child whose mind is not steady or resolute. The Lord can change His mind at any time, Hiranyakasipu thought, and therefore His words and activities are like those of children
- His (the Lord's) seeing power existed before the material creation; therefore His body is not material. His thinking, feeling and acting are all transcendental
- His only business is to acquire money. He is collecting money like anything and is not contributing to the society. So what can I do? I did not say anything to him. I am simply praying to Krishna for his welfare
- Householder is not bad. That is not condemned
- How can you support that animal killing is not sin?
- How do you think that the nature machine is working without the supreme operator? God's instruction. How do you think it? This is not very reasonable. We have to judge. There are different evidences. One of the evidence is hypothesis
- How much one has advanced in Krsna consciousness one can test himself, that "How much I have become detestful, all this material way of life?" Everyone can test himself. If he has got still some inclination, then he is not fully Krsna conscious
- How we can accept a avatara, a saktyavesa avatara, whose names are not mentioned herein?
- How we can accept knowledge from a person who is liable to so many defects of life? Try to understand. Therefore our process of knowledge is not speculation. What we shall do by speculation?
- However advanced a man is in academic qualifications, as long as he is not fixed in Krsna consciousness he will simply accept and reject and will never be able to fix his mind on a particular subject matter
- Human being must have intelligence. But that intelligence is given to him for getting out of the clutches of birth, death, old age and disease. He's not utilizing that intelligence for that purpose, therefore duskrtina
- Human being should be still more advanced in knowledge. That knowledge is not comprising only eating, sleeping, mating and defending. That knowledge is to understand the Absolute Truth, God
- Human society, at the present moment, is not in the darkness of oblivion. It has made rapid progress in the field of material comforts, education and economic development throughout the entire world
- I am always thinking of your New Vrindaban. The first thing I find in the taste of the milk. The milk which we are taking here is not at all comparable with New Vrindaban milk
- I am busy, and I have to remember Krsna? Sometimes this argument is put forward. But that argument is not strong
- I am covered by this body and as soon as I go away from this body, the body has no meaning. It may be a very important soul's body, a great scientist's body, but the body is not the scientist, the soul is the scientist. The body is instrumental
- I am different from my soul. "I am" means I am my body, or I am soul, different from the body. So Krsna has no such differentiation. A conditioned soul does not know that, because he's not following Krsna
- I am getting older, naturally the energy is not so strong, but still I hope to prolong as you all Vaisnavas are praying to Srila Prabhupada that by His grace my life may be prolonged and energy safely guarded
- I am not guru. I am... I am... This is... The guru has no material body. Just like the statue is not material, similarly, guru's body is not material
- I am not saying anything which is not given by my Guru Maharaja. I am simply repeating what I have learned from him
- I am preaching in the Western countries. So nobody has checked, the government has not checked, because the time is not so cruel. Although in that Western country, Lord Jesus Christ was crucified
- I am requesting the BBT in Los Angeles to forward you the books which you require. There is no need to deal through Australia. You can place your order directly to Ramesvara Maharaja
- I am so much obliged to you for the fine sentiment you have expressed in connection with my humble service; but this is not very extraordinary - every human being, for his own interest, should accept a Spiritual Master and abide by His order
- I am trying to enjoy. This is material world. We have forgotten that we are part and parcel of Krsna. Our business is not to enjoy but to help Krsna to enjoy. That is our business, part and parcel
- I am very sorry to inform you that the London management is not going on nicely. I have received so many unfavorable reports and the most astonishing report is that our small van which you had purchased in my presence has been taken away
- I cannot stay here, neither in India. This is my position. Neither in my temple. This is my position. Nor India, nor America, nor Europe, nor any place
- I do not advise you take advantage of alchemy for making gold, it it is not certain. We should not waste our time on that which is not very sure
- I do not think you should spend your time at this stage of life in trying to learn so many different local languages. That is not practical
- I have established so many centers. So I have to go from one center to another just to encourage them. Otherwise I am old enough. I am eighty years. So traveling is not very good job for me, but still I do it just to encourage them
- I have got so much bank balance, and I will live very happily. I have got so nice wife and so many children. Now my problem is solved - No, sir, your problem is not solved. Real problem is not solved
- I have received the booklet known as Paramahamsa Sarasvati Goswami issued by the Gaudiya Mission of London. I can understand that this brochure was written by my godbrother, Professor Sannyal, but the essay is not very practical
- I know that George will not ask us to vacate. He is not that type of man. But, still there should be some relationship. We don't want proprietorship
- I learn that in the temple there are sometimes men with no work. This should not be allowed. Every one must be busy with some work in Krishna Consciousness. Idleness is not Krishna Consciousness
- I love my children, I love my wife, or I love my country, my society. Love is there. But this love is not giving me satisfaction. We are disappointed
- I may be very rich, I may have immense wealth, but if my body and mind is not in order, I am in trouble. So simply material opulence, material wealth will not satisfy us
- I thank you once more for your appreciating my mission of one God, Sri Krishna; one scripture, Bhagavad-gita; and one mantra, Hare Krishna. This idea is not manufactured by me, but it is authoritative statement in the Gita Mahatma Skanda Purana
- I understand that due to rain New Vrindaban is not very dry now, but I hope it will be nice by the 18th of May when I wish to go there. Herewith you will find my program in this part of the country, and please do the needful
- I'm explaining that verse: dharmasya glanir bhavati. This is dharmasya glanih: pollution of duty. dharma means duty. dharma is not a kind of faith. In English dictionary it is said religion means a faith. No, no. It is not
- If a bhakta is not completely perfect he takes birth in the material world again, but in a very exalted position, either in a rich family or a family of the purest brahmanas, just to finish his development in spiritual consciousness
- If a burning cinder of a firebrand is whirled about very swiftly, it gives the appearance of a circle of fire. This is called alata-akara or alata-cakra, a firebrand circle. This whole circle is not actually made of fire but is a single fire in motion
- If a census were taken of all the living beings on the surface of the earth, certainly it would be found that the number of humans is not even five percent of the total number of living beings
- If a child is neither a hero nor a devotee, he is not a son but urine
- If a child is not trained in Krsna consciousness and instead becomes advanced in materialism, it is difficult for him to develop spiritual life
- If a devotee is not mature, the Supreme Lord will take away all his opulence. This principle is stated by the SP of Godhead-yasyaham anugrhnami harisye tad-dhanam sanaih: "My first mercy shown to My devotee is to take away all his material opulence."
- If a devotee spends money to construct a beautiful and costly temple, the construction is not material but spiritual (nirbandhah krsna-sambandhe yuktam vairagyam ucyate). A devotee's mind is never diverted to the material side of the temple
- If a human being tries to exist without ego, desire, feelings, dislikes, and so on, he will be converted into inert matter. This is not spiritual elevation
- If a living entity says that he is not controlled but that he is free, then he is insane. The living being is controlled in every respect, at least in his conditioned life. BG 1972 Introduction
- If a man could manufacture a set of machines capable of producing other machines without the man giving the matter any further attention, then a man could be said to equal the intelligence of God. Of course this is not possible
- If a man is not born rich and he wants to purchase a house, cars and other material things, he has to work hard day and night for many years in order to possess them. Thus happiness is not attained without undergoing some distress
- If a man's and woman's attachment is not to each other but to Krsna, then both of them are equally eligible to get out of the material entanglement and reach the abode of Krsna
- If a person engaged in the mystic yoga process is not very advanced in spiritual life, he can be affected by the modes of nature and thus will be agitated by the sex impulse
- If a person is not ashamed of his sinful activities and continues to commit the same sinful activities with the knowledge that the Lord will excuse him, that is a most nonsensical proposition
- If a person is not engaged in the devotional service of the Lord, he falls from his position, regardless of whether he executes his prescribed occupational duty or not
- If a person understands that he is not his body and that he has nothing to do with this material world, he becomes free from material entanglement. But that realization is not the perfectional stage
- If a person's heart is always tied to the lotus feet of the Supreme Lord with the rope of love, the Lord does not leave him. Indeed, even if his remembrance is not perfect, he is to be considered a first class devotee
- If a snake has its poison removed and bites a man, there is no fatal effect. Similarly, wealth accumulated in the cause of the Lord has no poisonous teeth, and the effect is not fatal
- If a woman dresses like a man and wants to act like man, that is artificial. That is not possible. Similarly, a living entity is not purusa; he is prakrti. But because he wanted to enjoy this material world, nature has given him a dress like a purusa
- If anyone desires to be treated, he must live with us. Before admitting him, we must see that he is not a mad man and will not create a disturbance
- If by predestination one is put into a certain condition of life which is not very prosperous in comparison to another's position, one should not be disturbed. He should simply try to utilize his valuable time to advance in Krsna consciousness
- If God has got competitors, then He is not God. There cannot be Hindu God, Muslim God, Christian God, or other conception of God. God is one
- If God is not a person, then how His sons become persons?
- If he (a pure devotee) does not get what he desires, he is not distressed. He is transcendental in the face of all kinds of auspicious, inauspicious and sinful activities. BG 1972 purports
- If he (a sannyasi) is actually advanced and so ordered by his spiritual master, he should preach Krsna with logic and understanding, and if he is not so advanced he should not accept the renounced order of life. BG 1972 purports
- If he (the prospective student) is not (sincerely seeking Krsna consciousness), he should not be accepted. However, Lord Caitanya's causeless mercy is such that He advised all bona fide spiritual masters to speak about Krsna consciousness everywhere
- If he is not satisfied with the standard of lectures in our temple, then he should be permitted to give some lectures himself, but this habit of going outside to hear others should be stopped immediately
- If he reads Srimad-Bhagavatam, Bhagavad-gita, he is not ordinary man
- If he's animal, simply eating, sleeping, mating, what he will understand? Animal is not interested to know how the world is going on. He gets his food and sex. That's all. That is animal propensity
- If he's not a lover of God, how he can distribute love of God?
- If he's not God conscious, he cannot continue such thing. He must fail. Even the, there are so many instances, even amongst the devotees, because this material world is made so that you cannot continue this principle perpetually
- If her husband abandons KC & she gives up her connection with him, she follows in the footsteps of the dvija-patnis, the wives of the brahmanas who were engaged in performing sacrifices. The wife is not to be condemned for cutting off such a relationship
- If here is not Krsna, then all the acaryas, they installed Deity in so many millions of temples, they're all fools and rascals? They ask us to worship some stone and wood? No
- If however, your wife leaves the child with you, then you can take care of him; that will be nice. But I think it is very difficult, because he is not sufficiently grown up
- If I am still in illusion, then I should understand that my business in Krsna consciousness is not progressing; this is the test
- If I am surcharged with electricity, I touch, you also become electric. And if he touches, he'll become. But if one is not in touch with electricity, then it will not act. So one must be electrified. Then if he touches somebody, he'll be electrified
- If I believe a person who is not trustworthy, then there is no meaning of this belief
- If it is possible to go to spiritual master directly, that should be taken chance. But if he's not, it is not possible, then his picture or his idea should be offered respect. Yes. But if he's directly available, one should avail of that
- If its movement is not curved, the planet Jupiter is very favorable to the brahmanas of the universe
- If karmi dress is favorable, then go on with karmi dress. We have to execute missionary activities; dress is not fundamental
- If Krsna is pleased, that is the main point. Not that because you are on the Deity room you are very elevated, and the other man who is cleansing the door, he is not elevated
- If Krsna orders Varuna that "You make a heavy cyclone in this quarter," hundreds and thousands of demons will be killed within a second. So this is not the purpose, for... He does not come for killing
- If money is utilized by unqualified spiritual masters for living comfortably in costly temples without actually doing any preaching work, this is not acceptable
- If Mrs. Nair is not definite of selling to us, then what is the purpose of transferring the required money to India
- If Mrs. Nair is not going to sell us the land then what next step we have to adopt?
- If one accepts this process (of knowledge), then the possibility of approaching the Absolute Truth exists. This is not the interaction of the twenty-four elements, as described before
- If one claims that he can become God by worshiping such and such a deity or by meditating, we should immediately take it that he is not a god, but a dog
- If one commits criminal activities, the state will punish him. Sometimes, however, a criminal may escape punishment by the state, but this is not the case with God's law
- If one does not understand this (that the demigods and himself are part and parcel of the Supreme Lord), he achieves different planets where the demigods reside. This is not the same destination the devotee reaches. BG 1972 purports
- If one earns his livelihood by displaying the Deity in the temple, he is not an acarya or gosvami. It would be better for him to accept service even as a sweeper in the street, for that is a more honorable means of earning one’s living
- If one has a tinge of attachment for the material enjoyments of eating, sleeping, mating and defending, one is not niskincana. But one really should be niskincana
- If one has no money, no intelligence, he can use his words. He can go to the people, and he can say: "Please chant Hare Krsna." So this preaching work, the service of Krsna, is not, blocked by any disqualification if one is ready to serve
- If one has to ultimately surrender unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but instead takes the trouble to understand what is Brahman and what is not Brahman and spends his whole life in that way, the result is simply troublesome. BG 1972 purports
- If one is engaged in these family affairs only, sexual affairs, he's not a gosvami
- If one is exhibiting the symptoms & qualities of a brahmana, ksatriya or vaisya & serving in a brahminical, ksatriya or vaisya occupation, even if he is not born a brahmana, ksatriya or vaisya he should be considered such according to his qualifications
- If one is fixed in devotional service at the lotus feet of the Lord, he is not agitated, for he is introspective. He does not look outside to material nature, but he looks in to the spiritual nature of his existence
- If one is found doing mistake or doing something wrong, but because he is sticking to this principle of Krsna consciousness, he is sadhu. Sadhu means a holy man. He is holy. He is not doing any wrong consciously. But due to habit
- If one is hurt by the arrows of an enemy, one is not as aggrieved as when cut by the unkind words of a relative, for such grief continues to rend one's heart day and night
- One's mind is not purified, however, even in Vrndavana, if one is agitated by lusty desires
- If one is not factually detached from material activities but still proclaims himself advanced in devotional service, he is cheating. No one will be happy to see such behavior
- If one is not purified by the process of the seed-giving ceremony, or garbhadhana-samskara, he is immediately classified amongst the sudras because only the sudras do not undergo this purificatory process
- If one is not spiritually advanced or has no spiritual sense, he's animal. He is not human being
- If one is trained to protect his semen by observing celibacy, naturally he is not attracted by the beauty of a woman. If one can remain a brahmacari, he saves himself so much trouble in material existence
- If one prefers to give up the work of a ksatriya and take up the occupation of a brahmana, he is not assured that in the occupation of a brahmana there are no unpleasant duties. BG 1972 purports
- If one rigidly observes the regulative principle of chanting 16 rounds of the maha-mantra every day, his dealings with the material world for the sake of spreading the Krsna consciousness movement are not different from the spiritual cultivation of KC
- If one simply considers his body to be his self, as do the animals, he is not very sinful. If one needlessly commits sins to maintain his body, he is put into the hell known as Raurava. This is the opinion of Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura
- If one takes up the sannyasa order of life but is not able to control the mind, he will think of objects of sense gratification - namely family, society, expensive house, etc
- If one wants to become educated, he worships goddess Sarasvati. In this way Westerners often think that the Hindus are polytheistic, but actually this worship is not to God, but to demigods
- If one who has something is not God conscious, it is to be understood that he has stolen God's property. That is the nature of material life
- If one worships the demigods, the external energy of the Lord can award some results, but this is not to say that one can attain the Supreme Lord by such worship. Indeed, their worship is discouraged in Bhagavad-gita
- If one's idea of God is not clear, he thinks it is mystical, but one who has got clear idea of God, clear order from God, then it is not mystical but it is practical
- If others try to put a devotee into anxiety, he is not disturbed. It is by the grace of the Lord that he is so practiced that he is not disturbed by any outward disturbance. BG 1972 purports
- If our attachment for Krsna is not yet developed, and there is still attraction for the ordinary life of householder life, together with friends, family, children, working, like that, that is all right
- If paraphernalia is not present physically, one can think of the items and offer them to the Deity by chanting the mantra. Such are the liberal and potent facilities in the process of devotional service
- If philosophical speculation is directed by Sastra and Guru, and if the goal of such philosophical attempts is to achieve Visnu, then that philosophical speculation is not mental speculation
- If sacrifice of one's material possessions is not dovetailed for spiritual realization, then such sacrifice becomes material
- If sacrifice of one's material possessions is not dovetailed for spiritual realization, then such sacrifice becomes material. But one who performs such sacrifices with a spiritual objective, or in devotional service, makes a perfect sacrifice. BG 1972 p
- If sannyasa is not suitable, one may enter the grhastha-asrama and fight maya with great strength. But one should not give up the fighting and go away
- If sastra-vidhi you give up, then where is the question of guru and sadhu? Na siddhim. He's not siddha. He has not attained the perfection, because he has rejected the principles of sastra. So he's bogus. We have to test like that, who is guru
- If semen is not discharged unnecessarily, one becomes extremely strong in memory, determination, activity and the vitality of one's bodily energy
- If some atonement for our sinful activities is not performed, nature will not excuse us. We will have to suffer the effects of our sins in the next life. Such bondage to one's material activities is called karma-bandhanah
- If somebody is at all interested for some spiritual enlightenment, then, unfortunately, mandah sumanda-matayah, they adopt some spiritual method which is not recognized
- If somebody makes distinction between Hindu or Christian philosophy, he is not a philosopher. He can not say the sun is the Indian sun because it shines in India, or it's the American sun because it shines in America. But actually the sun is the same sun
- If somebody pinches my body, because the consciousness is all over the body, so I feel, "Somebody's pinching me." But when the consciousness is not there, if somebody chops up my body I will not protest
- If somehow or other we are able to give up this false dress (of matter), we can reach that spiritual kingdom. If once we can attain that spiritual world, return is not necessary - yam prapya na nivartante
- If someone blasphemes a Vaisnava, one should stop him with arguments and higher reason. If one is not expert enough to do this he should give up his life on the spot, and if he cannot do this, he must go away
- If someone comes, the householder offers him prasadam, and if there is not much left, he should offer his own portion to the guest
- If someone is in contact with the police department, that does not mean that he is a criminal. As long as one does not commit criminal acts, even though there is a police department, he is not punished
- If someone is not willing to enter into hellish life, as in Tamisra or Andha-tamisra, then he must take to the process of Krsna consciousness, which is the first-class yoga system
- If someone is not willing to enter into hellish life, then he must take to the process of Krsna consciousness
- If someone says, "I'm not educated at all, & I cannot read books," he is still not disqualified. He can still perfect his life by simply chanting the maha-mantra: Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare
- If something comes tomorrow, then we shall eat - That is brahminical culture, not that I keep something for tomorrow; even after eating, it is not finished, then I keep it in the refrigerator. No
- If sometimes one falls down, what is the loss there? He's not a loser. Still he's gainer. Because for the time being, whatever he has done sincerely, serving Krsna, that is credited forever, eternally
- If spiritual master says something which is not in the sastra, or scripture, that is not good. Of course, sometimes we cannot understand; but that is the principle. Similarly, a saintly person also, cannot disregard the regulative principles of sastra
- If sufficient care is not taken, then the watering process may only help to breed the weeds (in devotional service), stunting the healthy growth of the main creeper and resulting in no fructification of the ultimate requirement: love of God
- If the bodily pains and pleasures were false, the creation would be false also, and consequently no one would take very much interest in it. The conclusion is that the material creation is not false or imaginary, but it is temporary
- If the body is not properly maintained, it falls down and dries up like an uprooted tree, from which flowers and fruit can no longer be obtained
- If the citizen is not pacified, the king should then offer him some lucrative post as a governor or minister-any post that draws a high salary - so that he may be agreeable
- If the conduct of the pure devotee crosses the lines of ordinary morality it is because he acts on the plan of Absolute Morality which is not known to the conditioned soul and cannot therefore be imitated
- If the conveyance is not yet signed or there is difficulty, then immediately take back the money from the attorneys (3 lakhs), and make a fixed deposit with the bank for six months
- If the cows are not happy, if they are always afraid that, "These rascal will kill us at any moment," then how they can be happy? There was no such thing. Therefore it is said, muda
- If the creation eternally exists, there is no question of dissolution or annihilation. This argument is not very strong because by practical experience we see that material things have a beginning, a middle and an end
- If the father is not intelligent, how the sons and daughters can become intelligent? A dog cannot give birth to an intelligent person. A person who is intelligent, he can give birth to intelligent children. This is our practical experience
- If the governmental head is not aware of life's goal, he should not take charge of ruling the people
- If the head is not there and leg is utilized for jumping, that is monkey's business. The leg must work according to the dictation of the head
- If the king dies, his government is not stopped. We should remember that. That government is prakrti, the material nature. Prakrteh kriyamanani gunaih karmani sarvasah
- If the mind is not engaged in Krsna consciousness at every moment, there is a chance that it will give way to its enemies. In this way we become victims of the mind
- If the offense unto a pure devotee of the lord is very serious, then one's attachment for Krsna becomes almost nil, and if the offense is not very serious, one's attachment can become second class or third class
- If the tax collectors give us too much difficulty because we happen to possess a large house, one simple solution is to destroy the house. However, Bhagavad-gita indicates that this material body is not all in all
- If the world is false, why are they attracted to welfare activities? The philosophy of Krsna consciousness maintains that this world is not false but that it is temporary
- If there is no brain, there is no head. If the brain is not working properly, then he's a madman. And if there is no head at all, then he's a dead man. So do you think in a dead society or in a mad society there can be any peace?
- If there is only one pure devotee in pure Krsna consciousness, he can change the total consciousness of the world into Krsna consciousness. This is not very difficult to understand if we study the behavior of Dhruva Maharaja
- If there were a servant in the office who tried to occupy the position of employer, would the employer like it? Similarly, any living entity who is trying to become God is not very much to God's liking
- If this controlling power is not exhibited by the human being, then he is no better than an animal
- If this system is not introduced by the leaders, then human civilization will be lost. When there is no protection and special treatment for persons who are devotees of the Lord, who are highly intelligent in spiritual life, then the whole society is lost
- If varna is not there, then this is a society of animal. And when the varna is working perfectly, then we give them asrama. Varnasrama. That is later on
- If Visnu is not worshiped, the followers of the varnasrama institution manufacture some concocted God
- If we are sufficiently intelligent, we must know that there is someone who has supplied and has become the ingredients for this cosmic manifestation, who is eternally existing, but who is not within the cosmic manifestation
- If we are to have knowledge, it must come from a superior source which is not conditioned by these four imperfections. That source is Krsna. He is the supreme authority of BG, and He is accepted as the perfect authority by so many saints and sages
- If we can control the tongue not to touch anything which is not offered to Krsna, and if we do not allow the tongue to talk anything except Krsna, Hare Krsna maha-mantra, then you become the greatest yogi
- If we can see by our practical experience there are living entities in the water, so why not living entities in the fire? And in the Bhagavad-gita it is said that living entity, this spiritual spark, is not affected by material influence
- If we forget the purpose of human life and simply take supplies from the agents of the Lord for sense gratification and become more and more entangled in material existence, which is not the purpose of creation, certainly we become thieves
- If we have got a press in our control with full equipment it will be a great boon. If such manipulation is not possible, then I wish to start a nice press in our Indian branch and get all our books and printing work done there
- If we living entities want to actually associate with Radharani, that may be possible, although She is not an ordinary woman. We can become associates of Radharani by qualifying ourselves in advanced devotional service
- If we pass our life in Krsna consciousness, we get our spiritual body, which is not different from the soul
- If we say frankly, everyone is in the bodily concept of life. Therefore the modern civilization is animal civilization. It is not human civilization. Human civilization will begin when one will understand that - I am not this body. I am spirit soul
- If we say that the Supreme Absolute Truth is impersonal, we mean that His personality is not material
- If we take directly to the worship of the Supreme Lord, worship of the demigods is not necessary
- If we take this vow, that "I shall not eat anything which is not offered to Krsna..." Naturally Krsna does not take any chop cutlet, so you cannot offer it. Krsna personally says, patram puspam phalam toyam yo me bhaktya prayacchati
- If you are diseased, you can be cured if you take the proper medicine, treatment. That's all. Disease is not hopelessness. Otherwise why the people go for treatment to a physician? Similarly, out of ignorance you are now in this miserable condition
- If you can produce Krsna conscious children, produce 100 children. There is no objection. But if you cannot do that, then either don't produce children or produce children as much as you can manage. This is Krsna philosophy, it is not simply a negation
- If you commit mistake, by taking less food, that mistake is not bad
- If you consult different kinds of philosophers, you will be bewildered. Because one philosopher is giving one opinion, another philosopher is... Because nasav rsir yasya...: "A philosopher is not philosopher if he does not cut another philosopher."
- If you develop love for Krsna, prema, prema pum-artho mahan, that is the recommendation by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, that dharma, artha, kama, moksa (CC Adi 1.90) is not the aim of life. Prema pum-artho mahan
- If you don't get shelter in some planet - just as they're going in the moon planet, but do not get shelter and come back - similarly, supposing they (Mayavadis) are getting shelter, but that shelter is not very secure; they again come back
- If you eat continually vegetables and fruits, you'll not be attacked with pyorrhea. But if you eat meat - your teeth is not meant for eating meat - you'll very soon be attacked with pyorrhea because breaking the laws of nature. This is one example
- If you go to a person who does not know God, that is your fault. If you go to a physician who is not actually physician, a store-keeper, then that is your fault. You must have the intelligence who is a physician
- If you have committed a murder, then you also be hanged. These are the laws. When the king orders somebody to be hanged on account of his committing murder, the king is not sinful. King is helping that rascal to atone his murdering activities
- If you have got a palatable food, either you put it into a golden pot or if you put it into iron pot, the taste is the same. The taste is not different
- If you make all classes one, very liberal - "Very good idea. There is no classification" - no, there must be classifi . . . But that classification is not by birth. That is not by birth. Guna-karma-vibhagasah
- If you make it a vow that "I shall not eat anything which is not offered to Krsna," that means it is a surrender. You surrender to Krsna, that "My dear Lord, I shall not eat anything which is not offered to You." That's vow. That vow is surrender
- If you make propaganda, if he's not ghost, you can make him ghost. This is propaganda. This is called propaganda. By propaganda you can establish a false thing as real. That's all. This is going on. They know how to do it. They're expert
- If you think that "My dear God, I come to You for my daily bread, and as soon as You give me my daily bread, my business is finished with You..." No. That is also very good, but this is not love. This is business
- If you want sex life, become a grhastha. Just have a wife and live peacefully. But if you want to have sex life and at the same time you want to keep yourself as brahmacari, this is not truthful. This is condemned
- If you want to become associate with Krsna, then you cannot act as a sinful man. Just like a criminal is not allowed to come out of the jail. He has no freedom
- If you want to become pure by your arguments and logic, that is not possible. I may be defeated by another strong man who is stronger in argument than me, so this is not the way of becoming purified
- If you want to eat meat, you can kill an animal at your own house, but state is not going to commit these sinful activities, statewise. That is changed in every respect
- If, by the grace of the Supreme Lord, a devotee achieves extraordinary opulence, he utilizes the opportunity for the Lord's service. He is not disturbed by the opulence
- Ignorance is not bliss, but it is folly to be wise where ignorance is bliss. That is the difficulty, our. The whole world is enjoying ignorance, and when we say about Krsna consciousness, they do not very much appreciate
- Illusion is forced. But affection is not forced. When father loves child, that is not forced; that is reality
- Illusion means something which is not fact. That is illusion
- Impersonal brahmajyoti or localized Paramatma realization is not perfect knowledge of the Absolute Truth because it is partial. BG 1972 purports
- Impersonal Brahman is not the greatest, although it appears to be so. Impersonal Brahman is only the bodily effulgence of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Impersonal kaivalya is not the last stage of realization, but in Krsna consciousness kaivalya, when one understands the Supreme Personality of Godhead, then one is successful
- Impersonalists say that Brahman is without variegatedness and without differentiation. One may say that pradhana is the Brahman stage, but actually the Brahman stage is not pradhana
- In a flower there is honey, but that honey is not eternal
- In a slaughterhouse the butchers certainly get money easily, but such business is not based on religious principles. Similarly, there are many nightclubs for sense gratification and brothels for sex
- In a spiritual body one can dance with Krsna in the rasa dance like the gopis and the cowherd boys. This is not an ordinary dance, but the dance of eternity, in the association of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- In any life in which one is born, as a householder, or even as an animal, one must have some children, some resources or some possessions, but a devotee is not anxious to possess anything. He is satisfied with whatever is obtainable by God's grace
- In Bhagavad-gita (BG 2.11) Krsna rebuked Arjuna by saying: "While speaking learned words, you are mourning for what is not worthy of grief. Those who are wise lament neither for the living nor the dead"
- In Bhagavad-gita (BG 6.1) it is also stated, anasritah karma-phalam karyam karma karoti yah, sa sannyasi ca yogi ca: one who works devotedly for the satisfaction of Krsna is a sannyasi. The dress is not sannyasa, but the attitude of service to Krsna is
- In Bhagavad-gita (BG 8.15), Lord Krsna says that the material world is not only full of miseries (duhkhalayam) but also temporary - asasvatam
- In Bhagavad-gita it is stated that one who is advanced in spiritual knowledge is not disturbed by the pains and pleasures of the material body
- In Bhagavad-gita we are informed that the constitutional nature of the individual entity is spirit soul. He is not matter. As spirit soul, he is part and parcel of the supreme soul, the Absolute Truth, the Personality of Godhead
- In Bhagavad-gita we have studied that sex life for begetting a good child is Krsna Himself. Sex life is not condemned provided the process is used in Krsna consciousness. BG 1972 purports
- In Bhagavad-gita, it is clearly stated that even though a man is not well behaved, if he simply takes to Krsna consciousness he is understood to be a saintly person
- In Brahman realization, the six opulences are not realized in full; therefore Brahman realization is not complete understanding of the Supreme Lord
- In contrast, the process of renouncing the results of one’s activities by offering these results to Krsna is not considered uncontaminated, because, although such a process implies that one recognizes Krsna as the Supreme Person
- In course of time (he who comes to the shelter of a great Vaisnava) falls down because of immature understanding, he is not actually fallen, for his having engaged in Krsna consciousness is a permanent asset
- In different Puranas, the symptoms of Kali-yuga is described. Sastra. Sastra means tri-kala-jna. Sastra is not ordinary book. Therefore our Vedic literatures are known as apauruseya, not written by ordinary human being
- In different ways, Krsna is trying to convince us how the soul is immortal. So Krsna says that if one thinks that, "This man has killed this man," so, or "This man can kill this man," this kind of knowledge is not perfect. Nobody kills nobody
- In Europe, in America, the process of getting money is not the, like here, that I go to any gentleman, "Give us some donation." That is not possible. You cannot enter even one's house without introduction. Then you are trespasser
- In every inquisitive mind the important question of the creation of the phenomenal world arises, and for a personality like Maharaja Pariksit, who was to know all the activities of the Lord from his spiritual master, such an inquiry is not uncommon
- In his Amrta-pravaha-bhasya, Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura states - water sprinkled directly on the twigs, leaves and flowers is not as effective as water sprinkled on the creeper’s root
- In his relative position, everyone is opulent. So relatively, everyone is controller, god; but he is not supreme controller. That is not possible. Supreme controller is Krsna
- In human society there are various religious conceptions characterized as Hindu, Christian, Hebrew, Mohammedan, Buddhist and so on, for without religion, human society is no better than animal society
- In Kali-yuga, people are extremely sinful and bad, they are misusing the benefits of the human form to live like cats and dogs. Under these circumstances Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu has inaugurated the Hare Krsna movement, which is not different from Krsna
- In knowledge the living entity is qualitatively one with the Supreme Brahman, but the quantity of the Supreme Brahman is not the same as that of the living entity, who is part of Brahman
- In Krsna consciousness the results of one's activities depend on the will of the Supreme Person. Indeed, in all cases the result is not dependent on one's own personal dexterity but is completely dependent on the will of the Supreme
- In London our Ratha yatra festival has been held up, and I think behind this obstruction there is some communal feeling. The local religious sect is not always happy on account of our movement being so fast growing
- In material consciousness we are trying to love that which is not at all lovable. We give our love to cats and dogs, running the risk that at the time of death we may think of them and consequently take birth in a family of cats or dogs - CC Intro
- In material consciousness we are trying to love that which is not at all lovable. We give our love to dogs and cats, running the risk that at the time of death we may think of them and consequently take birth in a family of cats or dogs
- In modern civilization people are very much interested in exploiting the resources of material nature through the methods of science. Indeed, this is considered advancement. This is not actually advancement, however, but is simply pleasing to hear
- In modern education there is no knowledge about the spirit; they are simply taking care of the material elements and bodily needs. Therefore academic knowledge is not complete. BG 1972 purports
- In modern human civilization, sex is the central point of all activities; indeed, wherever we turn our face we see sex life prominent. Consequently sex life is not unreal; its true reality is experienced in the spiritual world
- In order to cultivate intelligence, one should be doubtful in the beginning. But doubting is not very favorable when information is received from the proper source
- In Orissa, food offered to Lord Jagannatha is called prasadi, and that which is not offered to Lord Jagannatha is known as amani or ghara-bhata, rice prepared at home
- In other words, as we see by this plea, liberation is not the final word in perfection
- In our country, in India, if one is attacked with syphilis, then he is taken as very abominable. His character is not good, it is understood
- In our Krsna consciousness movement we allow marriage on the basis of religious principles, but the sexual combination of men and women as friends is irreligious and is not allowed
- In pure devotional service there is not even a pinch of jnana or karma. Consequently, when Vaisnavas distribute charity, they do not need to find a brahmana performing the activities of jnana-kanda or karma-kanda
- In quality, you are one (with Paramatma). Because a particle of gold is also gold. But the gold mine is not equal to the gold earring. That is mistake
- In Sankara-sampradaya, strictly, unless one is born in brahmana family, he's not offered sannyasa. He's not given sannyasa. So far we are concerned, we also offer sannyasa to the brahmana, not to the sudras
- In some readings, the word darah is not used, but the word used then is rayah, which means "wealth." In India there are still wealthy persons who are recognized by the state as raya
- In Srimad-Bhagavatam it is stated that although a person may rise to the stage of impersonal Brahman, without going farther, with no information of the Supreme Person, his intelligence is not perfectly clear. BG 1972 purports
- In summer season warm is not very pleasing, but in the winter season the same warmth is pleasing. So warmth is pleasing or painful according to the seasonal changes
- In summer season warm is not very pleasing, but in the winter season the same warmth is pleasing. So warmth is pleasing or painful according to the seasonal changes. Therefore Krsna advised Arjuna that, - Don't be subjected to the seasonal changes
- In the beginning of prema-bhakti, a particular relationship between the Supreme Lord and the devotee is not established, but when prema-bhakti develops, a relationship with the Supreme Lord is manifested in different transcendental flavors
- In the beginning one must know that he is not this body; He is spirit soul. Don't bring in controversy, but try to convince that you are not this body
- In the bhagavad-dharma, the religion dealing with one's relationship with the Supreme Personality of Godhead, animal sacrifice is not recommended
- In the Bhagavad-gita (BG 2.13) it is said: As the embodied soul continuously passes, in this body, from boyhood to youth to old age, the soul similarly passes into another body at death. The self-realized soul is not bewildered by such a change
- In the Bhagavad-gita, worship of different demigods or rendering service to them is not approved. It is stated in the Seventh Chapter, twentieth verse. BG 1972 Introduction
- In the Bible or in any other religious scripture it is said that stealing is not good. So he has heard it, and he has seen it that a man who has stolen, he is going to jail
- In the condition of dreaming, when one's consciousness is almost covered, one may see many unfavorable things which cause disturbance or anxiety, but upon awakening, although he remembers what happened in the dream, he is not disturbed
- In the conditioned state the living being is not satisfied even if he actually becomes the lord of all that he surveys, which he never becomes, and therefore he becomes the victim of all kinds of cheating, even with his nearest and most intimate relations
- In the eyes of a devotee, politicians, social workers, philanthropists, philosophers and humanitarians are simply wasting their time, for human society is not freed from the cycle of birth and death by their activity and propaganda
- In the forty-eighth verse of this chapter (BG 11) Lord Krsna concluded revealing His universal form and informed Arjuna that this form is not possible to be seen by so many activities, sacrifices, etc. BG 1972 purports
- In the human society the body is not meant for spoiling in sense gratification like the cats, dogs and hogs. Don't create a hog civilization. That is the warning
- In the impersonal conception of the Absolute Truth one works without fruitive result, meditates and cultivates knowledge to understand spirit and matter. This is necessary as long as one is not in the association of a pure devotee. BG 1972 purports
- In the impure state of a living being, the various senses are fully engaged in mundane affairs. If the ear is not engaged in the service of God by hearing about Him from Bhagavad-gita or Bhagavatam the holes of the ear will be filled with some rubbish
- In the Kali-yuga everyone is a sudra. Therefore naturally he will elect one sudra. The sudra is not fit for government management
- In the Kali-yuga everyone is sudra. What he'll fight? Fighting is not the business of a sudra. It is meant for the ksatriya
- In the laws of nature, if you commit suicide, that is another criminal act. So suicidal policy, to end this misery of life, is not all. We must have, I mean to say, greater life
- In the lowest stage of devotional life, one is not an unalloyed devotee
- In the material world the conditioned soul is given a chance to satisfy his senses, but at the same time he is informed by Vedic knowledge that this material world is not his actual place for happiness
- In the material world the Supreme Personality of Godhead is not manifested by His personal presence, but the presence of the cosmic manifestation in different varieties is the proof that everything has been created under His direction
- In the material world, the world of duality, the name is not the substance. If you require water, simply by chanting "Water, water," your thirst will not be quenched. You require the substance water
- In the matter of sense gratification, sometimes one who has sufficient food is still not happy in his family affairs or is not even married, whereas another person, even though not economically well off, has greatest opportunity for sense gratification
- In the more mature stage of Krsna consciousness one is not affected by such conditions of material nature, being always fixed in his idea and determined to push on on Krsna's behalf despite all kinds of unfavorable circumstances
- In the mundane world there is also some shadow of such viraha. A loving wife, husband, or friend may for some time be maddened by the absence of the beloved. Such a state of mind, however, is not permanent
- In the Narayana-vyuha-stava it is said: I do not aspire to take birth as a Brahma if that Brahma is not a devotee of the Lord. I shall be satisfied simply to take birth as an insect if I am given a chance to remain in the house of a devotee
- In the original Islam the form is not accepted. That is Vedic description, form and formless. Formless means no material form and form means spiritual form, simultaneous
- In the present age, because society is not guided by brahminical instruction, the whole population is only absorbed in sinful activities. Consequently, everyone is deservedly being punished by the laws of nature. This is the situation in this age of Kali
- In the present age, people have no interest in the disciplic succession. Instead, they have invented many paths of logic and argument. This individual attempt to understand the supreme transcendence (the ascending process) is not approved by the Vedas
- In the previous chapter (SB 3.27) it has been clearly stated that the desired result of yoga is not to achieve some wonderful mystic power
- In the Second Chapter (of Bhagavad-gita) the Lord explains that a living entity is not the material body but is a spiritual spark, a part of the Absolute Truth. BG 1972 purports
- In the Second Chapter of Bhagavad-gita, the Supreme Lord explained that a living entity is not the material body; he is a spiritual spark. And the Absolute Truth is the spiritual whole
- In the society of the servitors and served in Krsna consciousness, one is not subjected to the pains and pleasures of material society, which functions according to sex attraction
- In the spiritual world the body is not made of matter; therefore there is no change. BG 1972 purports
- In the transmigration of the soul through different bodies, everyone, in every form of life - be it human, animal, tree or demigod - gets a father and mother. This is not very difficult. The difficulty is to obtain a bona fide spiritual master and Krsna
- In the Vedas there are recommendation, sometimes animal slaughter. Very rarely. The purpose is another. That animal slaughter is not actually slaughter; it is an experiment
- In the Visistadvaita philosophy, God's energies, expansions and incarnations are considered to be oneness in diversity. In other words, God is not separate from all of these: everything together is God - CC Intro
- In this conception (of pancopasana) the impersonalists imagine one of these five deities (Visnu, Siva etc.) as supreme and reject the others. Such philosophical speculation, which is certainly idol worship, is not accepted by Sri Caitanya or by Vaisnavas
- In this material existence, I may be engaged in some service to some master, but I don't really lovingly serve my master. And the master also is not in love; he takes service from me and pays me. So there is no question of love. BG 1972 purports
- In this material world there are classifications of people, but, after all, this world is not a happy place for anyone. BG 1972 purports
- In this regard, the word yogaya is very significant. The purpose of astanga-yoga, as stated by Madhvacarya, is to link or connect with the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The goal is not to display some material perfections
- In this region (bhauma-svarga, or Kashmir) there are certainly good facilities for material sense enjoyment, but this is not the business of a pure transcendentalist
- In this verse (BG 9.13) the description of mahatma is clearly given. The first sign of the mahatma is that he is already situated in the divine nature. He is not under the control of material nature. BG 1972 purports
- In this verse (Bg. 4.7-8) the word dharma is used. This word has been translated into English in various ways. Sometimes it is translated as "faith," but according to Vedic literature, dharma is not a kind of faith
- In this verse (CC Madhya 20.354) it is clearly stated that a real incarnation of God never claims to be a real incarnation. According to the symptoms described in the sastra, one can understand who is an avatara and who is not
- In this verse (SB 4.16.20) the word yatharkah indicates that the sun is not fixed but is rotating in its orbit, which is set by the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This is confirmed in the Brahma-samhita and also in other parts of Srimad-Bhagavatam
- In this verse (SB 4.17.32) the word mayaya is significant. Maya means "energy." Lord Brahma is not the energetic but is one of the manifestations of the Lord's marginal energy. In other words, Lord Brahma is only an instrument
- In this way (BG 8.11) they (brahmacaris) realize two of Brahman's features. This practice is very essential for the student's advancement in spiritual life, but at the moment such brahmacari (unmarried celibate) life is not at all possible. BG 1972 pur
- In this way (offering food to Krsna according to the Bhagavad-gita), a person in Krsna consciousness becomes automatically trained not to accept food not meant for human consumption, or which is not in the category of goodness. BG 1972 purports
- In this world also, if a person acquires some money by murdering someone, the family is not hanged, although its members are sinfully contaminated. But the man who commits the murder and maintains his family is himself hanged as a murderer
- In this world man is not meant to toil like hogs. He must be intelligent to realize the importance of human life and refuse to act like an ordinary animal. BG 1972 Introduction
- In Vaisnava society there are many types of Vaisnavas. Some of them are called gosvamis, some are called svamis, some are prabhus, and some are prabhupada. One is not recognized, however, simply by such a name
- In Vedic literatures the ultimate source is explained; Brahma is the creator of this universe, but because he had to meditate in order to receive the inspiration for such a creation, he is not the ultimate creator
- In Vrndavana the conjugal love of the Lord is not with His married wives but with His girlfriends, the gopis. Conjugal love with the gopis is called parakiya-rasa
- In Vrndavana, spiritual cows are always supplying spiritual milk. Not a single moment is wasted there - in other words, there is no past, present or future. Not a single particle of time is wasted
- In whichever species of life I have taken birth, compelled by the force of my own activities, I have very painfully experienced two things, namely separation from my beloved and meeting with what is not wanted
- Indeed, that is the law of nature; if money isn't devoted to the service of God, it must be spent as spoiled energy in the form of legal problems or diseases. Foolish people do not have the eyes to see such facts; therefore the laws of the SG befool them
- India you will find in the bazaars. There is crowd, and the cows enter there, and they eat the vegetables to their heart's content. But he is not punishable. Still the cow is not punishable
- India's business is para-upakara. India's business is not exploitation. That is Indian. And para-upakara means not that daridra-narayana bhojana, no. Para-upakara means to give him knowledge, for want of which he is suffering
- Indirectly He (Caitanya) declared that within that eka-danda, one danda, four dandas existed as one. Accepting ekadanda-sannyasa without paratma-nistha (devotional service to Lord Krsna) is not acceptable to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Inert material nature is not the actual cause of the material manifestation, for Karanarnavasayi, Maha-Visnu, the plenary expansion of Krsna, activates all the ingredients. It is in this way that material nature has the power to supply the ingredients
- Initiation means the beginning. The very word initiation means if you are engaged in some work, just in the beginning, that is called initiation. Initiation is not the end. Initiation means you agree to enter into the world of enlightenment
- Innocent child, they are concerned with the immediate problem. But sane man is concerned with the ultimate problem. So our ultimate problem is not this war. The ultimate problem is repetition of birth and death
- Innumerable living entities are engaged in different types of worship of the Supreme, according to their abilities and karma, but everyone is engaged (jivera 'svarupa' haya-krsnera 'nitya-dasa' (CC Madhya 20.108)); there is no one who is not serving
- Inside cleanliness is very important thing. If the bowel is not clear, if the stools are congested . . . the appendicitis disease. Those who are constipated, gradually inside their stool becomes dry, and it becomes a block to the intestine
- Inside cleanliness, daily clearing the bowels. In the yoga system this is very necessary. They have got a system if the bowel is not clear, then dhokhi - it is called dhokhi. The intestines should be cleared
- Instead of thinking oneself in that position (of eternal servant of God), the living entity thinks that he is not servant, that he is the master of this material world, for he wants to lord it over the material nature. That is his illusion. BG 1972 p
- Intelligence is even finer (than the mind). Finer than intelligence is the soul, which is not matter like mind and intelligence but is spirit, or antimatter
- Intelligence is the form-direction of the Paramatma plenary portion of the Personality of Godhead. The presence of Paramatma in everyone's company is not very difficult to realize, even for the common man
- Interest in Krsna consciousness is not commonplace. In Bhagavad-gita it is said that out of many millions and billions of persons, only one is interested in achieving perfection
- Is (the sankirtana-yajna) especially recommended in this age of Kali. In Kali-yuga, performance of other types of sacrifice is not feasible due to insufficient arrangements and inexpert priesthood
- Is it not a service to the humanity to give real knowledge? But the service to the body is not neglected. Just like we are giving this knowledge to the world, it does not mean that we are starving, or anyone who comes to us, he will starve
- Is not because He has become many, therefore His original person is finished. No. That is the injunction in the Vedas: purnasya purnam adaya purnam eva avasisyate (Iso Invocation). He remains still purna
- Is sannyasa so cheap? He will be a victim. He is not fit for sannyasa. His mind is not fixed up
- It (Bhagavad-gita) is not that it is a blind following. It is based on philosophy and science, this Krsna consciousness
- It (constructing the prison house) is not done for the pleasure of the government, which has to spend a great deal of money in constructing and maintaining it
- It (hari-nama-sankirtana) is not ordinary song. It is just the treasure of love of Godhead
- It (the machine) is not growing - all different bodies, all different, every moment, every second. That is the scientific. The blood corpuscles are changing, and the body is different
- It comes as a shock to me that you have stepped down from your duties as president of our Hong Kong center. Your move is not satisfactory to me, but what can I do
- It does not matter that the land is not ours, that we can negotiate later, but we can utilize for the time being and negotiate later to purchase or not, or even he may contribute outright to us
- It doesn't matter whether it is Hinduism, Christianism or Buddhism or Muhammadanism, but there must be a religious system. Without this system, that human society is not considered as human society. That is animal society
- It is a fact that even a person born of good parents can turn into a demon by bad association. Birth is not always the criterion of goodness; unless and until one is trained in the culture of good association, one cannot become good
- It is a fallacy to say that my present engagement with the press is not the best for my spiritual advancement, and if we think in this way we may go on trying out one engagement after another and always say the same excuse
- It is best that one eat only the remnants of foodstuff offered to Krsna. A person in Krsna consciousness does not eat anything which is not first offered to Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- It is better that one engage whatever money and women he may have in his possession in the service of the Lord because sense enjoyment is not for the conditioned soul
- It is called prasada-seva, not "prasada enjoyment"
- It is clearly stated here (in SB 3.21.20) that the material world is not created by the personal will of the Supreme Lord; it is created by His external energy because the living entities want to enjoy it
- It is concluded that Lord Krsna, or Visnu, is not of this material world. He belongs to the spiritual world. One who considers Him to be a material demigod is a great offender and blasphemer
- It is contradictory to be violent and at the same time call oneself a religious person. Such hypocrisy is not approved by Narada Muni and the disciplic succession
- It is explained here (SB 4.21.33) that one must be very frank and open-minded (amayinah). To be situated in a lower status of life is not a disqualification for success in devotional service
- It is fashionable to research to try to find out who is God, but this is not necessary. God is present, and He Himself says - (this verse) BG 7.7
- It is from Him that all other forms have emanated. This boar form is not to be considered the form of an ordinary hog; His body is actually full of yajna, or worshipful offerings
- It is my habit to see that money is not being squandered. If money is spent unnecessarily, I feel very badly. You are collecting with great effort, and I do not like to see it spoiled
- It is not necessary for one to abandon his family, for there were many householders amongst Lord Caitanya's closest devotees. What must be renounced is the propensity for material enjoyment
- It is not responsible government that one poor animal, because he does not know how to give him protection, although there is government, he is taken away to the slaughterhouse. This is not government
- It is not simply a matter of saying "I am not this body," but of actually realizing it. This is not as simple as it may seem at first
- It is not that a child is born smoking. No. He is born searching after milk. The milk is essential; the smoking is not essential. But we are practicing by bad association, so we can give it up also by good association. It is a question of association
- It is not that because one is a grhastha he may marry as many times as he likes and indulge in sex life as he likes. This is not spiritual life. In spiritual life, one must conduct one's whole life under the guidance of the guru
- It is not that by evolutionary process if one has come to the human form of life he is not going to be degraded. If he does not believe in God consciousness, if he does not act nicely, then he is surely to degrade
- It is not that one accepts a portion of Bhagavad-gita according to his own whimsical interpretations and then rejects another portion. This is not sraddha. Sraddha means accepting the instructions of Bhagavad-gita in their totality
- It is not that to save oneself from death one should entangle oneself in sinful activities. This is not good
- It is said in the sastras that if the garbhadhana-samskara is not practiced among the higher castes, the entire family becomes sudra. It is also stated that in this age of Kali, everyone is sudra due to the absence of the garbhadhana-samskara
- It is said that a person in the renounced order of life should not cook for himself. Cooking for oneself is prohibited, but cooking for the Supreme Lord is not prohibited. BG 1972 purports
- It is said that the mudhas deride the Personality of Godhead because they do not have complete knowledge from the undisturbed acarya. One who is disturbed by the whirlpool of material energy is not qualified to become an acarya
- It is said that when conjugal affection between a lover and beloved comes to the point of being destroyed and yet is not destroyed, such a relationship is pure love, or prema
- It is said, sukham aindriyakam: "Happiness derived from the sources which is not related with Krsna. . ." That is sukham aindriyakam. Actually you do that. When we enjoy sense pleasure, that is not for Krsna. That is material sense perception
- It is said: "Man is rational animal." So when the rationality is not there, that means they are still animal
- It is sometimes argued that the sons of King Sagara were burned to ashes by the fire emanating from the eyes of Kapila Muni. This statement, however, is not approved by great learned persons
- It is Srimad-Bhagavatam's opinion that the process of Deity worship is not actually necessary, just as the specific prescriptions of the Pancaratra & other scriptures do not have to be followed
- It is Srimad-Bhagavatam’s opinion that the process of Deity worship is not actually necessary, just as the specific prescriptions of the Pancaratra and other scriptures do not have to be followed
- It is stated here (BG 13.23) that the Supersoul, who is always with the individual soul, is the representation of the Supreme Lord. He is not an ordinary living entity. BG 1972 purports
- It is stated here (in SB 3.20.8) that the Lord assumed the form of a boar by His own potency. His form is not actually the form of a conditioned soul
- It is stated in the Bhagavad-gita (BG 2.13): As the embodied soul continuously passes, in this body, from boyhood to youth to old age, the soul similarly passes into another body at death. The self-realized soul is not bewildered by such a change
- It is stated in the Bhagavad-gita that worship of demigods is also indirectly worship of the Supreme Lord. But such worship is not orthodox, because the worshipable Lord is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Narayana
- It is stated in the Hari-bhakti-vilasa that one should not accept initiation from a person who is not in the brahminical order if there is a fit person in the brahminical order present
- It is stated that he whose mind is not fixed in Krsna consciousness must hover between acceptance and rejection
- It is stated that their (persons) intelligence, whether high or low, is not even purified
- It is the duty of the disciple that even the spiritual master, or senior acarya , they agree to be defeated, it is the duty of the disciple to see that his spiritual master and superior is not defeated
- It is the duty of the king to look after the comforts of the citizens, even at the cost of his own personal convenience. This is not the case, however, in Kali-yuga
- It is to be understood that the voice, the tongue, the skin, etc., suggest that the Lord in His transcendental form is not without them
- It is very difficult for the Western people to understand that body is not important thing; the soul is important thing. First of all, they do not know what is soul, and then consideration of importance
- It is very pleasant to become servant of God. You see so many great reformers, they came, they served the mission of God, and they are still worshiped. So to become servant of God, servitor of God, is not very insignificant thing
- It is warned, Don't talk this, the philosophy of Bhagavad-gita, to the rascals who has no austerities, who has no devotion, who is not prepared to hear
- It is, however, to be understood that the indirect process is not recommended for Arjuna because he is already at the stage of loving devotional service to the Supreme Lord. It is for others who are not at this state. BG 1972 purports
- It may be argued that the demigods are as important as Lord Visnu because the names of the demigods are different names of Visnu. This, however, is not a sound conclusion, for it is contradicted in the Vedic literatures
- It may be free from material contamination, but because there is mental speculation the devotional service is not pure and freed from the contamination of material life
- It may be said that one is liable to be attracted if he is not very advanced in civilized life; however, as specifically mentioned here (in SB 9.19.17), vidvamsam api karsati
- It may be said that there can be no activity without the living force. Although the living force is present in the material condition, this condition is not amrta, immortal - CC Intro
- It may be some fact for fifty or sixty years, but the world is not for fifty or sixty years - for millions and millions of years
- It should be noted that although such a facility for sexual intercourse is achieved by the grace of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, this facility is not offered to advanced devotees, who are free from material desires
- It should be noted that progressive development along the transcendental mystic path is not totally identical with ordinary material progress
- It should be understood that this Sudarsana disc is not exactly the same type of Sudarsana disc used by the Personality of Godhead, Krsna, or Visnu
- Jagannath Puri and Benares is not less than about eight hundred miles distance. So in those days there was no railway, no other conveyance. Caitanya Mahaprabhu had to travel through the jungles, and He came back to Jagannath Puri
- Janma sarthaka kari' karo paropakara. The India is made for doing good to others. India is not meant for exploiting others. That is not India's mission
- Jariwala's letter is not very encouraging. He is prepared to some silver Murtis; Murtis we have already got. Therefore we should not take him for the present very seriously. Later on we shall thank over the matter
- Jnana (or knowledge that one is not this material body but spirit soul) is not sufficient for liberation. BG 1972 purports
- Jnana alone is not good unless the jnani surrenders to Krishna. Unless one does so his knowledge is not perfect
- Jnana is not stereotyped. There is varieties of jnana. Just like in Vrndavana, there is jnana, but there is varieties. Somebody wants to love Krsna as servant. Somebody wants to love Krsna as friend. Somebody wants to appreciate Krsna's opulence
- Jnanam refers to knowledge of self as distinguished from non-self, or, in other words, knowledge that the spirit soul is not the body. BG 1972 purports
- Jnani is nitya-yukta. He is not a jnani, or man in knowledge, who is not eternally engaged in the service of Krsna
- Jnanis and yogis without devotion may think themselves liberated, but actually their intelligence is not as pure as that of a devotee. The jnanis and yogis cannot become factually liberated unless they become elevated to the position of devotees
- Jnanis reject this world, and foolish persons accept this world as reality, and in this way they are both misguided. Although the body is not as important as the soul, we cannot say that it is false
- Joint mess program is not good. "You bring some money, you bring some money and spend us jointly for eating, sleeping." That is called joint mess. You know the joint mess? This word? What is that, meaning?
- Just because there are no men is not a good reason to make someone a brahmana
- Just follow his order. Spiritual master is along with you by his words. Just like my spiritual master is not physically present, but I am associating with him by his words
- Just like a student is working very hard to find out the possibilities of nuclear weapon. That is also tapasya. But what is that? For finding out some means to kill the human society. That sort of tapasya is not required
- Just like Gurukrpa Maharaja. If you say if he's taking by this way or that way, but what he is doing? He is not smoking with that money. He is not drinking. He is sending to Krsna. Therefore he is giving the best service
- Just like high-court judge is a qualification. It is not by birth. The high-court judge's son is not a high-court judge unless he has the qualification of a high-court judge. Similarly, a son of a brahmana by birth is not a brahmana
- Just like if your son is not good, you suffer and the son suffers. Similarly, we are all sons of God. So when we are painful, God is also painful. The best thing is to revive our original Krsna consciousness and be engaged in the service of the Lord
- Just like in the law court, if some clause is not very clear, the lawyers interpret: "It may be like this, it may be like that." But when the things are clear, there is no question of interpretation. That is the system
- Just like the motorcar is not the driver; he is within the motorcar. Now, that driver, or the soul, within the body is immortal. And it is transmigrating from one body to another. So this transmigration from one body to another is not very good business
- Just like the other day one rascal was asking - he is not a surrendered soul - "Swamiji, you know Krsna consciousness?" Just see. So this is not the process of question
- Just like there are many babajis in Vandavana, they are imitating, a small loincloth but doing all nonsense. So imitation is not required
- Just like this Vivekananda philosophy, daridra-narayana-seva, to serve the poor Narayana. Narayana has become poor. These are manufactured things. This is not with reference to the authorized sastras or knowledge
- Just like Vivekananda: "daridra-narayana-seva," the human society, the poor men. And chaga-narayana, the goat narayana, they must be killed for this daridra-narayana-seva. This kind of discrimination is not for the sadhu. He's not a sadhu
- Just like you brush something with broomstick or something and throw away the dust, similarly, the dusty things, so-called sentimental religionism, is not here in the Srimad-Bhagavatam. It is a science. Parama-guhyam: very confidential
- Just make your life successful, and spread this knowledge all over the world. - This is India's mission. India's mission is not to imitate technology and work like ass day and night. This is not India's business
- Just see this philosophy. Cinmayananda or any ordinary person, he has to judge which sloka is suitable, which is not suitable. That means he is more than Krsna
- Just try to understand me clearly. In order to enter the moon planet you have got to prepare yourself for a suitable body. If you make that suitable body, you can enter. But the present body which you have manufactured - the spacesuit - is not suitable
- Kabe hama bujhaba se yugala-piriti. The conjugal love between Radha and Krsna is not an ordinary human affair; it is fully transcendental
- Kali-yuga is not very good age, simply faults. We have several times discussed that in this age, people's duration of life, mercifulness, bodily strength and so many things, eight kinds of things, will be reduced
- Karma is not eternal. Therefore we stated that of the five items (isvara, jiva, prakrti time and karma) four are eternal, whereas karma is not eternal. BG 1972 Introduction
- Karma is not eternal. Therefore we stated that of the five items (isvara, jiva, prakrti, time and karma) four are eternal, whereas karma is not eternal
- Karma, is not eternal. The effects of karma may be very old indeed. BG 1972 Introduction
- Karma, you have to work. You cannot maintain yourself without working. That is material world. Material world is not spiritual world
- Karta means the proprietor or the master. One is not actually master, but under the influence of different modes of material nature he is feeling, "I am master. I am enjoyer. I am bhokta." This is the trouble
- Kaviraja Gosvami is very, very advanced devotee and scholar. He is not ordinary human being. He was empowered by Madana-mohana
- KC is a science which is not for all. It is for all - it is very easy and sublime - but at the same time, the spell and strength of maya is so strong that she does not allow to accept this very easy, at the same time sublime, spiritual process
- Killing business is not very compatible with religious life, or spiritual life. In every religion. In Muhammadan religion also there are devotees that are allowed to kill (animals) on a particular day, not daily. Qurbani. They are called qurbani
- King Kulasekhara is a pure devotee, and as such he is not eager to improve himself by the standards of the empiric philosophers, distressed men, or fruitive workers of this world
- Knowledge acquired in the bodily platform, direct perception, is not real knowledge
- Knowledge is not that you have to get degrees from the university, big, big degrees. No. Real knowledge is that, "I am . . ." aham brahmasmi, "I am spirit soul." If one has realized this one word only, then he is knowledge. He's in knowledge
- Knowledge of self is not complete until one is actually engaged in devotional service
- Knowledge of the Absolute Truth is not very easily understood by ordinary, less intelligent men
- Knowledge received from the bona fide spiritual master is not cheating. Any other knowledge which is manufactured by the conditioned soul is cheating only
- Knowledge which is not contaminated by the three modes of nature is called transcendental knowledge. As soon as one is situated in that transcendental knowledge, he is on the same platform as that of the Supreme Person. BG 1972 purports
- Krishna Consciousness movement can be pushed forward in a favorable atmosphere. If the atmosphere is not favorable, then don't attempt, it will be failure
- Krishna Kirtana is not for earning livelihood. Krishna Kirtana is not meant for entertaining the public for demonstration of arts. It is dynamic service to the Lord
- Krishna wants to see that the life is sacrificed, but also accumulation, money, should be given to Krishna. Life to Krishna and money to wife is not a good decision
- Krsna and His representative is not trying to possess more, just like ordinary man
- Krsna began this teaching to Arjuna first of all, asocyan anvasocas tvam prajna-vadams ca bhasase (BG 2.11): You are talking like learned scholar, but you are lamenting on the body, which is not at all important
- Krsna being richly dressed, richly fed, it will be reflected on you. Krsna is not in necessity, but we should dress Krsna with the first-quality ornaments. In India, the Deities, They are given very, very valuable jewelry
- Krsna came to impress "This is not your place. You are creating so many plans to live here very peacefully, but that is not possible. Therefore you give up all this nonsense plan, just come to Me, surrender to Me, and I shall give you protection"
- Krsna comes in His original form... Original form is two-handed. It is also accepted in the Bible: "Man is made after the image of God." So God has got two-handed. Even the four-handed Visnu form is not the original
- Krsna conscious person who has studied Krsna only, nothing more, perfectly, then he is fit. This body is not permanent. That's a fact. But tyaktva deham, after giving up this body, no more material body; spiritual body, sac-cid-ananda-vigrahah
- Krsna consciousness means if you practice here, following the inhabitants of Vrndavana either as gopi or as cowherd boy or as flowers, trees, water. . . Vrndavana is not vacant. It is full of varieties. Without varieties, there is no enjoyment
- Krsna continued, "Even if a person is as opulent as the King of heaven, Indra, if he is not satisfied he inevitably has to transmigrate from one planet to another"
- Krsna continued, "I (Krsna) have also heard that Dhrtarastra is not only blind from birth but also blind in his affection for his cruel son Duryodhana"
- Krsna continued, "The five Pandavas are the sons of King Pandu, but Dhrtarastra, due to Duryodhana's plans and designs, is not favorably disposed toward them"
- Krsna did not advise him to give up fighting and go to the forest to meditate. When Lord Krsna delineates the yoga system to Arjuna, Arjuna says that the practice of this system is not possible for him. BG 1972 Introduction
- Krsna did not come to establish some sectarian religious system. That is not God's system. God is for everyone. God is not for the Hindus, for the Muslims, for the Christians, or anyone. God is for everyone
- Krsna distinguishes everything very nicely, and one should hear from this source. Simply to hear like the hogs is not sufficient; one must be able to understand from the authorities. BG 1972 purports
- Krsna does not say, "Give Me meat. Give Me eggs. Give Me fish." No. He says, patram puspam phalam toyam yo me bhaktya prayacchati. So if you are devotee, you cannot take anything which is not offered to Krsna. I should offer to Krsna what He wants
- Krsna explains to Uddhava that the mechanical process of speculative knowledge and yoga is not necessary for advancing in devotional service
- Krsna hints of this (material world is darkness, but the spiritual world is light) in the Fifteenth Chapter of BG: That abode of Mine is not illumined by the sun or moon, nor by electricity. One who reaches it never returns to this material world - 15.6
- Krsna indirectly says, "You are a fool," because nanusocanti, "This kind of thinking is not maintained by learned scholars." That means "You are not a learned man." That is going on at the present moment
- Krsna is assuring Arjuna that, "What I'm talking to you is not a religious sentiment, but it is jsanam." Jsanam means it is practical knowledge. Jsanam. Jsanam means theoretical knowledge, and vijsanam means practical knowledge
- Krsna is covered by His yoga-maya potency. He is not to be seen or revealed to anyone and everyone. Only by one to whom He reveals Himself can He be seen. BG 1972 purports
- Krsna recommends amanitvam, humility. Because the real disease of material life is that he is not humble. He is always proud
- Krsna said to Arjuna: "This is not for the Aryan. You are ksatriya, you are meant for fighting for justice, and you are denying to fight? Oh, this is not good. This kind of proposal, cowardice, can be proposed by the anarya
- Krsna says in Bhagavad-gita that His birth is not ordinary - janma karma ca me divyam - BG 4.9
- Krsna says that "I spoke this philosophy of Bhagavad-gita to Vivasvan." Vivasvan is the name of the person who is predominating in the sun globe. We have to know from Krsna that sun globe is not vacant. When the king is there, the kingdom is also there
- Krsna says to Arjuna, "This science of God, Bhagavad-gita, krsna-tattva..." Caitanya Mahaprabhu said: yei krsna-tattva vetta sei guru hay. Guru does not become. Guru is not so cheap thing. One must know what is krsna-tattva
- Krsna says, "Give Me foodstuff prepared from this group." That we do. Accepting that the fruits, they have got life. There are many fruits, it is offered by the tree for eating. The tree's not killed
- Krsna says, "It is (varnasrama) introduced by Me for very good management of the social order." Brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, sudra. So Arjuna belonged to the ksatriya family. Therefore his hesitation to fight in the battlefield is not befitting the Aryans
- Krsna says, "Renounce your work for Me. Renounce your wealth and property for Me." Krsna is not a beggar, for everything belongs to Him, but He does treat us like small children
- Krsna says, dharma aviruddhah kamo 'smi: "Sex life which is not against religious principles, that I am." So if we try to understand this one verse, we become self-realized
- Krsna says, dharmaviruddhah kama aham, "Which is not against religious principle, that kama, that kind of lust, I am." But not for other purposes
- Krsna says: As the embodied soul continually passes, in this body, from boyhood to youth to old age, the soul similarly passes into another body at death. The self-realized soul is not bewildered by such a change - BG 2.13
- Krsna similarly chastised Arjuna (as Jada Bharata chastises King Rahugana). Asocyan anvasocas tvam prajna-vadams ca bhasase: "While speaking learned words, you are lamenting for what is not worthy of grief" - BG 2.11
- Krsna taught to the whole world that Arjuna was a soldier, he was a fighter, and in his fighting also he can be Krsna conscious. It is not that he has to cease from fighting and then become Krsna conscious. No
- Krsna was advising to kill, to fight. That . . . He is explaining that killing of the body is not killing of the soul
- Krsna's body and my body is the same. If He has become God, so why shall not I become God? But that is not possible. His body is transcendental; your body is not transcendental
- Krsna's devotee is not subjected to material condition, even though his bodily features may appear materially conditioned
- Krsna's existence is not relative existence. Everything else but Krsna is a relative truth, but Krsna is the Supreme Absolute Truth. Krsna does not depend on anything but Himself for His existence. Our existence, however, is relative
- Krsna's mercy is not exhibited in partiality towards one and enmity towards another
- Krsna's position is father, but He's simply father. So he voluntarily becomes a son also sometimes to taste how to become a son. Son is not His constitutional position. Father is His constitutional position
- Krsna's quality is proportionately exhibited. This proportionate exhibition of Krsna's power is misunderstood by less intelligent men to be Krsna's partiality, but actually it is no such thing
- Krsna-katha is not palatable. This is maya's influence. So we cannot engage our senses for Krsna. This is the disturbing condition of material world
- Ksatriya will never go away from the battlefield. Ksatriya's business is, in the battlefield, either to become victorious or lay down life. That is ksatriya. He is not coming back from the battlefield without being victorious. No
- Ksine punye martya-lokam visanti (BG 9.21): when the stock of pious activity is finished, one again has to come to this martya-loka. According to the Vedic injunctions, the performance of pious activity is not really the objective of the Vedas
- Land is not very difficult to gain, but we require some men to work for this great mission. The educated younger sections are required to join this great movement
- Leaders who think a hungry man or woman has no use for God and religion should be told emphatically that no man or woman in the world is not hungry - and that it is precisely the hungry man or woman who has to understand God
- Learning is also not very difficult. Here is everything, varieties. You always think of Krsna, and Krsna will give you intelligence. Buddhi-yogam dadami tam. Tesam nityabhiyuktanam bhajatam priti-purvakam
- Lennon. Yes. He has kept a very big photo, naked, near his fireplace. (chuckles) I was talking with him in his house and saw the photograph. And he is not at all ashamed
- Less intelligent men cannot understand the position of the eternal servant of the Lord. Because the word "servant" is used, they become confused; they cannot understand that this servitude is not the servitude of this material world
- Let him become a family, householder life, then retired life, then... But sannyasa at the end, that is compulsory, not that unless he is shot down by somebody, he's not going to give up family life. That is not Vedic system
- Liberated person means he does not commit mistake, he is not illusioned, he does not cheat and his senses are not imperfect. This is the four signs of liberated person
- Liberation is like a state of convalescence, in which one is free from a fever but is still not healthy. Even in the stage of convalescence, if one is not very careful, one may have a relapse
- Liberation is not very important business - it doesn't matter if he (a devotee) is liberated or nonliberated. The idea is that nobody should serve Krishna with motive, even up to liberation, he should serve for service sake
- Licking of the bottle of honey is not tasting. The contents, the honey, real honey, if it is open, and if you take, then you will get taste. So to whom it is open? It is open to the bona fide disciple by the bona fide spiritual master
- Life and death is not in your hand. You don't think that stopping this or increasing this, you'll be able to stop all inconveniences
- Life is not finished by this body. It is a chance, it is a chance only. Just like you are going somewhere and you, on the way you find so many stations, some of them not very good and some of them very nice. Similarly, this human form of life is a station
- Life is not, however, a product of two secretions, but is independent of all material elements. As fully described in Bhagavad-gita, the living entity is not subject to any material reactions
- Life is the symptom of the soul. Because the soul is there, therefore life is there. And as soon the soul is not there, there is no more life
- Life outside of a prison is certainly free from prison activities, but is not devoid of activity. The soul is by nature eternally active, but the impersonalists try to negate the activities of the soul in the spiritual realm
- Like Haridasa Thakura, he's sometimes called Yavana-Haridasa. He's not yavana. He is hundred times, thousand, million times better than brahmana. But because he is born in a Muhammadan family, he was, another name
- Like the ksatriyas, he (Devala) also allowed his daughter to select her own husband in a svayamvara meeting, and at that ceremony all the bachelor sons of the rsis were invited. According to some, he is not Asita Devala.
- Living entities in a pure state are called devotees. The Supreme Lord becomes the devotee of His devotees. If a reciprocal relationship is not present between the devotee and the Lord, then there is no personalist philosophy. BG 1972 purports
- Living entity's activities in manufacturing big skyscrapers are evidence of intelligence, but this kind of intelligence is not at all advanced
- Lord Brahma is a very powerful living entity, and Lord Siva is even more powerful. Therefore Lord Siva is not accepted as a living entity, but at the same time he is not considered to be on the level of Lord Visnu
- Lord Brahma is eager to see the incarnation of the Lord, or the original source of all incarnations; he is not eager to see an imposter. The incarnation's activities are proof of His identity
- Lord Caitanya never played before ordinary men. Only before devotees. But for you to put on such plays for devotees only is not so practical. So plays of Krishna Lila should be avoided, unless it is very gravely performed
- Lord Caitanya stayed at the house of Candrasekhara, a clerk, although a sannyasi is not supposed to reside in a sudra’s house
- Lord Caitanya wanted to impress upon Ramananda Raya that simply by executing the duties of varnasrama-dharma one is not guaranteed liberation. Finally Ramananda Raya referred to the process of bhakti-yoga
- Lord Caitanya was an ideal sannyasi, and when He was at Puri His feminine devotees could not even come near to offer their respects. They were advised to bow down from a distant place. This is not a sign of hatred for women as a class. BG 1972 purports
- Lord Caitanya’s adopting the mood of Lord Siva is not extraordinary, but one should not therefore think that by worshiping Lord Siva one is worshiping Lord Caitanya. That would be a mistake
- Lord Jagannatha's prasadam is sold by shopkeepers, and that which is not sold decomposes after two or three days
- Lord Jesus was jivatattva. He is not Visnu tattva. When a jiva tattva becomes specifically empowered by the Lord, he is called saktyavesa avatara
- Lord Krsna said, "He can very easily cross over ocean of nescience, and he is not subject to the influence he illusory energy. Dear friend, everyone should consider his father to be his first teacher because by the mercy of one's father one gets body"
- Lord Krsna's capital, Dvaraka, was well planned, and similar other cities - Mathura and Hastinapura (now New Delhi) - were also well planned. Thus the planning of cities and towns is not a modern innovation but was existing in bygone ages
- Lord Ksirodakasayi Visnu is celebrated as possessing a blackish color, Siva is whitish, and Brahma is reddish, but according to Srila Sanatana Gosvami in the Vaisnava-tosani-tika, this exhibition of colors is not what is referred to here - in SB 10.3.20
- Lord Siva is always in trance, samadhi. This samadhi is not under the control of the devotee; it is under the control of Vasudeva
- Lord Siva is by nature a Vaisnava, a great devotee, and his name in this connection is Asutosa. He is always satisfied, and therefore he did not become angry as if he were an enemy. He is not inimical to any living entity
- Lord Siva is described here (in SB 4.2.1) as the best of the gentle because he is not envious of anyone, he is equal to all living entities, and all other good qualities are present in his personality. The word siva means "all auspicious
- Lord Siva is generally painted white, but here (in SB 4.24.24-25) we find that the color of his skin is not exactly white but like molten gold, or a glowing yellowish color. Because Lord Siva is always very, very merciful, his name is Asutosa
- Lord Siva is in one sense the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but in another sense he is not, just as curd is milk although we have to distinguish between the two
- Lord Siva is not actually like a living entity, but he is not the Supreme Personality of Godhead. His position is somewhere between Visnu, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and Brahma, the living entity
- Lord Siva is not an ordinary living being. He is the plenary portion of the Lord, but because Lord Siva is in direct touch with material nature, he is not exactly in the same transcendental position as Lord Visnu
- Lord Siva is not an ordinary living entity, nor is he in the category of Visnu, or the Supreme Personality of Godhead. He is far more powerful than any living entity up to the standard of Brahma, yet he is not on an equal level with Visnu
- Lord Siva is not connected with anyone, nor is anyone his enemy
- Lord Siva is not one of the living entities; he is, more or less, Krsna Himself
- Lord Siva, he is in charge of the modes of ignorance, but he is not ignorant. He is the most enlightened devotee of Lord. He has got a parampara, disciplic succession, which is called Visnu Svami-sampradaya
- Lord Sri Krsna is the complete form of all existence, both material and spiritual. Akhila means complete, or that which is not khila, inferior
- Lord Visnu is not subject to perception by material senses, nor can He be realized by mental speculation
- Losing one's individuality is not the aim of bhakti-yoga or of the devotees of the Lord. There are five types of liberation, one of which is called sayujya-mukti, or being merged into the existence or body of the Lord
- Love is not definition; love is the action. Yes, love. I love God. Love is my activity
- Love of God involves the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the devotee, and the process of devotional service. Self-realization, the brahma-bhuta stage, is the beginning of spiritual life; it is not the perfectional stage
- Love of God is not an ordinary commodity. Caitanya Mahaprabhu was worshiped by Rupa Gosvami because He distributed love of God, krsna-prema, to everyone
- Love of God is the fifth and ultimate goal of human life. Compared with the ocean of transcendental pleasure that is love of God, the conception of impersonal Brahman is no more significant than a drop of water
- Love that does not have Krsna as its object leads downward. It is not that Krsna or God is something obscure or something that only a few chosen people can attain
- Machinery is not bad because through the machine one can take advantage of hearing about the Lord, but because machinery is used for ulterior purposes, it is creating rapid degradation in the standard of human civilization
- Maharaja Pariksit, he was cursed by a boy brahmana that within seven days he'll be bitten by a snake and he'll die. The brahmanas were so powerful. So brahmana is not joke. In Kali-yuga there is no such brahmana
- Mahesvara, or Lord Siva, is not an ordinary living being, nor is he equal to Lord Visnu
- Man or woman, you cannot create God. That is the first proposal. God is not your creation. You are creation of God. You cannot say, "God should be like this. God should be like that." That is nonsense. God is not under your dictation
- Manu-samhita is not religion. It is moral principles for conducting society. Religion is how to become devotee of Krsna
- Many others, the so-called gosvamis, have become envious about us, but if you become one of them, then your life is not very successful. You just try to follow the real Gosvamis and make your life as gosvami. Then people will adore you
- Many people have tried to see God, but they do not succeed. That is because their purpose is not strong. That is due to maya, forgetfulness
- Many thanks for your encouraging letter. I am improving and hope to see you all again in due course of time. My habit is not to remain stationary
- Markata-vairagya is not necessary. Real vairagya. We do not indulge in so-called sannyasi or brahmacari. If one is unable, he must become a grhastha
- Markata-vairagya is not wanted. Real vairagya. Real vairagya means one who can sacrifice everything for Krsna
- Marriage is meant for producing nice children, Krsna devotees. So that is our aim. Our aim is not to produce cats and dogs
- Marriage is not for sense gratification, not that we get married twice, thrice in a year. No, if you have got a child there is no need for more marriages. But if you cannot stay in Krishna Consciousness unless you have got a husband, that is all right
- Marriage is not intended for sense gratification but for getting a son fully qualified to deliver his father
- Marriage is not recommended. Are you prepared to get a job, live outside the temple in apartment, provide the wife with bangles, saris and sex? Better you concentrate on this chanting and hearing process, teach others and give them prasadam
- Material achievements are not the ultimate goal of devotional service. The ultimate goal of devotional service is love of Godhead
- Material body means klesada, different degrees of klesada. Somebody is millionaire - but don't think that his body is not klesada. His body is also klesada, giving some pain. Nobody is free from klesa
- Material danger is not meant for devotees
- Material life means enjoyment. Enjoyment is not real enjoyment. Real enjoyment is spiritual enjoyment. Spiritual enjoyment, that is with Krsna. That is not in the material world
- Material life means great risk-at every step there is danger. But, a devotee is not jolted by this. He simply tries to render whatever service possible and accepts everything as the mercy of Krishna
- Material nature is not independant. She is acting under the directions of the Supreme Lord. As Lord Krsna says, "Prakrti is working under My direction." BG 1972 Introduction
- Material nature is not the cause of the birth of the living entities. The seed is given by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and they only seem to come out as products of material nature. BG 1972 purports
- Material world is not spiritual world. In the spiritual world you haven't got to work, neither you have to eat. Everything is complete
- Materialists who try to get the favor of the goddess of fortune only to possess her for personal enjoyment are frustrated. Theirs is not a good policy
- Materially if a man is not very rich, he is not glorious, and spiritually if a man is too attached to family life, he is also not glorious
- Materially we can understand that our father is a person, and that his father is also a person, and that his father's father is a person and so on back to the supreme father, who must also be a person. This is not very difficult to understand
- Matter is not beginningless; it has a beginning. As this material body has a beginning, the universal body does also
- Maya inflicts the miseries of material life upon the jiva. If a person artificially tries to be something he is not, then he can expect only misery
- Maya is not a ghost. Maya is a condition of consciousness. That's all
- Maya is not degraded. Maya is faithful servant of Krsna. She is faithfully serving. That is stated in the Brahma-samhita. You should read
- Maya is so strong, because we are qualitatively one (with God), we are thinking we are the Supreme Brahman. That is another nonsense. "Because I am salty, therefore I am the sea water." This is not very good logic. A part cannot be equal to the whole
- Maya's position is not degraded. Don't think like that. Therefore Vaisnava offers all respect to Maya because she is working under Krsna. She is Vaisnavi. She is also energy of Krsna. Therefore she is also Vaisnavi
- Mayavadi philosophers are jealous of the existence of the Personality of Godhead. Therefore the Vedanta-sutra is not actually meant for them
- Mayavadi philosophers do not understand this simple fact. Their tiny brains and poor fund of knowledge cannot afford them sufficient enlightenment to realize that when a man's energy is transformed, the man himself is not transformed but remains the same
- Mayavadis certainly realize Brahman in certain aspects, but realization of Brahman in the aspects of wine, women and meat is not the same realization of Brahman that devotees achieve by chanting, dancing and eating prasadam
- Mayavadis refuse to accept the form of the Lord, or they say that the form of the Lord is maya, or false, but one should note very carefully that this is not acceptable
- Mayavadis think that Brahman, when merges into the existence of Parabrahman, then business is finished. No. Business is not finished. Because we are individuals. It is not possible to remain without any activity
- Mayavadis try to prove that there is no difference between the living entity and the Lord. This, however, is not a fact
- Mechanical chanting is not as powerful as chanting of the holy name without offenses
- Medical science agrees that at every moment the material body is changing. just as living entities are not bewildered by this, an enlightened man is not bewildered when the body undergoes its ultimate change at death
- Medicine is not the remedial measures for our bodily troubles unless we are helped by Krishna. Therefore, whenever there is bodily trouble we may adopt the prescribed methods of medical science and depend upon Krishna for His Mercy
- Meditation and breathing exercise is not a part of our program, but it is automatically performed by this process of chanting Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama
- Men are accustomed to reaching conclusions according to their capacity for understanding, but the Supreme Lord is not subject to our limited capacity for understanding
- Merely killing a serpent is not sufficient; after it is killed, it must be cut to pieces and burned, and then the danger will be over
- Mind is never unconscious. Mind is not for a single moment unconscious. When you sleep, when your bodily limbs are silent, mind works. Therefore you dream
- Missionary activity is not laziness or sleeping
- Modern education has artificially devised a puffed up concept of womanly life, and therefore marriage is practically now an imagination in human society. Nor is the moral condition of woman very good now. BG 1972 purports
- Modern Raksasas, posing as educationally advanced merely because they have doctorates, have tried to prove that Lord Ramacandra is not the Supreme Personality of Godhead but an ordinary person
- Modern scientists are now venturing to the moon with the help of rockets, but this is not really a new attempt
- Modern scientists have stopped their brainwork by discovering the theory of uncertainty, but factually for a living being there cannot be any brain activity which is not checked by time and space limitations
- Modern society enjoys sex life with contraceptive methods or more abominable methods to avoid the responsibility of children. This is not in the transcendental quality but is demoniac. BG 1972 purports
- Money is not our aim. Our aim is how people will understand Krsna
- Money is not the strength for understanding Radharani. If you have got some money, by the strength of money you'll understand Radharani - that is another bogus thing
- Money may be offered to a devotee, but he should not struggle to acquire it. If automatically, by the grace of the Supreme, money comes to him, he is not agitated. BG 1972 purports
- Money that can help in spreading the Krsna consciousness movement is not a part of the material world, and we should not give it up, thinking that it is material
- Mortality, it is not absolutism. So long you are mortal, you are not on the absolute platform, because you are actually immortal
- Mother earth took the shape of a cow. She was also a woman. Thus she appealed to the King (Prthu) as one who knows the principles of religion. Religious principles also dictate that one is not to be killed if he surrenders
- Mr. George Harrison is sometimes coming forward to help us and sometimes he is not straightforward. But because he is chanting Hare Krishna and he has some faith in Krishna, a little respect for me, I am sure he will come forward to help our movement
- Mukti is not very difficult thing. If you cent percent engaged in Krsna consciousness business, you are mukta. That is mukti. That is the verdict of the sastra
- Mundane philosophers, being imperfect in themselves, disagree with other philosophers because a mundane philosopher is not a philosopher at all unless he presents his own theory
- Muni means mental speculators; manansi, thoughtful muni, thoughtful also - always absorbed in thoughts. So a thoughtful man or a great saintly person is not a great saintly person if he hasn’t got to propound a new theory
- My attraction for family is not for their benefit. By my sense gratification the family members help me, therefore I am attracted. The wife gives me pleasure; therefore I like wife. The wife also likes husband because husband gives pleasure
- My dear Lord, due to my false identification, I have accepted as permanent everything which is nonpermanent, such as this material body, which is not spiritual and is the source of all kinds of miserable conditions
- My devotee who is not dependent on the ordinary course of activities, who is pure, expert, without cares, free from all pains, and not striving for some result, is very dear to Me
- My father used to say, "If you do not allow the servants to steal, so don't keep." Don't keep servants. "A servant who does not steal, he is not a gentleman. He must steal"
- My health is not always going on nicely. Still, why I am trying? I want to begin one revolution against godless civilization. That is my ambition
- My health is not yet recovered, but it is improving very slowly. So, I have been advised to stay here for at least four months, June, July, August and September. After that time it may be possible for me to go to Hyderabad
- My mission is not turn any one from the affiliation of a particular religion but I want to let them know more knowledge about God and devotion
- My point is that war is not the only disturbing principle. There are many other disturbing principles. So we have to make a wholesale solution of all principles
- My students, they offer me so much respect, but all these respects are due to my spiritual master. I am nothing. I am just like peon. Just like peon delivers one letter. He is not responsible for what is written in that letter
- Mysticism is not understandable by common man. It requires a special qualification
- Narada advises Sri Vyasadeva to compose transcendental literature which is not only attractive but can also actually bring liberation from all kinds of bondage
- Narada Muni said, "My dear hunter, such behavior is not at all astonishing. A man in devotional service is automatically nonviolent. He is the best of gentlemen"
- Narayana has His own eternal form, which is not created by the material energy. Simply by worshiping the form of the Lord, one is purified
- Narottama dasa Thakura confirms that "The lotus feet of Nityananda is not illusion; it is transcendental fact, satya." - And anyone who is engaged in the transcendental loving service of Nityananda, he is also transcendental
- Nation - this word is not there in the Vedic language. There's no conception of nation. There is conception of varnasrama, everywhere
- Naturally, here in this material world, every one of us, we have come to enjoy. Material life means enjoyment. Enjoyment is not real enjoyment. Real enjoyment is spiritual enjoyment
- Nature is not independent. We get this information from authoritative sastra
- Nature's law is not ultimate. There is law maker, and that law maker is God. That is stated in the Bhagavad-gita, mayadhyaksena prakrtih suyate sa-caracaram (BG 9.10): "Prakrti," means nature - is working under My superintendence
- Negation is no life. Positive life is life. "Don't do this," is no life. "Do this," this is life.The whole Bhagavad-gita is "do." "Do fight for Me." There is nothing "don't." Arjuna wanted, "Don't induce me." And Krsna did not like that
- Negative cognition of an object beyond the reach of sense perception is the way of indirect knowledge, which is not altogether imperfect but which produces only fragmentary knowledge in the form of impersonal spiritual realization and monism
- Neophyte is neophyte. Why do you bring him to become a devotee? A devotee is different. A "one plus one equal to two," he's not mathematician. He's learning
- Never think that I am absent from you. Physical presence is not essential; presence by message (or hearing) is real touch
- Nirjana-bhajana, which is the silent worship of the Supreme Lord, is not possible for a neophyte devotee. Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura never advised a neophyte devotee to go to a solitary place to engage in devotional service
- Nirmama means that a devotee does not attach much importance to the peace and trouble pertaining to the body because he knows perfectly well that he is not the material body. BG 1972 purports
- Nityananda's not disturbed: "Oh, you have injured Me. I shall go to the police." No. Peaceful - All right, never mind. You do not know how to behave; you have injured Me. It doesn't matter. Please chant
- Nityasyoktah saririnah refers to the living soul, or the living spark, within the body. That soul is eternal, but the body is not eternal
- No history can trace out the origin of Krsna consciousness because the living entities, they are eternal. The bodily concept of life is not correct. Nobody dies, nobody takes birth. Everyone is eternal
- No one can be accepted as an incarnation of the Lord if his father's name, as well as the name of the village or place in which he appears, is not mentioned by the authorized scriptures
- Nobody is perfect, and without being perfect, if we hear from somebody who is not perfect, it is simply waste of time. And that is the symptoms of Kali-yuga
- Nobody questions that a person says "I believe," that means he is not in perfect knowledge. But in Vedic sastra, there is no question of belief. This is the fact. Jalaja nava-laksani. It never says that "I believe there are so many aquatics." No
- Nondevotees think that the activities of the Lord are fictional, manufactured stories because spiritual life is not explained to them in the proper mood
- Nonetheless He (God) keeps Himself distinct from such creation as the purnam (or complete), and so no one should wrongly think that His personal feature is not existent due to His impersonal unlimited expansions
- Nonviolence is not the business of the ksatriya. That is cowardice. They are taught how to become violent. Otherwise, they cannot rule over
- Not by birth one becomes brahmana, and working less than a sudra, and he is still brahmana. This is not. . . This is nonsense. One must be guna-karma-vibhagasah (BG 4.13). The society is divided according to the quality he is working, accordingly
- Not only must a brahmana be qualified, but he must also engage in actual brahminical activities. Simply to be qualified is not enough; one must engage in a brahmana's duties
- Not that artificially I have taken the dress of a sannyasi and talking nonsense. He is not sannyasi. Sannyasi means one who has completely devoted his life for Krsna
- Not that because he is poor man and we are giving prasada, no. This is not our idea. To our eyes, the so-called poor man and rich man, they are all suffering, not that the simply poor man suffering and the rich man is not suffering
- Not that everyone is of the same type. You cannot find. There is not... Because the world is being conducted by the three modes of nature, you cannot find all men of the same category
- Nothing can be solved by placing wealth in the hands of the communists or the capitalists. If a hundred-dollar bill is lying on the street, someone may pick it up and put it in his pocket. Such a man is not honest
- Nothing can manifest itself in this material world which is not in Krsna. That is knowledge; although we know that things are differently situated, we should realize that everything flows from Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- Nothing is apart from the substance, but at the same time the energies are different from the substance. This conception is not contradictory. Srimad-Bhagavatam explicitly promulgates this simultaneously-one-and-different philosophy of the Vedanta-sutra
- Nothing should be accepted which is not recognized. You see? So this (harer nama eva kevalam) is recognized method. Now it depends on us. Let us follow this process and see how we are making progress in the spiritual path
- Now coming to the question of Gitopanisad, I am sorry that the book is not yet ready for printing although I have finished the book I want to get it immediately printed either there in U.S.A. or in India but the editing is not yet finished
- Now these same two brothers (Krsna and Balarama) have again descended, as Sri Krsna Caitanya-Nityananda. Sahoditau: simultaneously They have appeared. Not that one is appeared, another is not there. No. Both of Them
- Now they were to fight, face to face. Now he is not prepared to fight. That means he has become miserly, means he is deviating from his duty
- Now you are having sex as human being in very nice apartment or on the street, on the beach, as you like. In the next life also, as cats and dogs, you will have sex life. The sex life is not denied, because the life is there
- Nowadays it has become a fashion to become bhagavan. So bhagavan is not so cheap. Everyone is aghavan. But if he wants to become bhagavan, or in the higher status, higher level, then it is recommended - Let him take to the devotional service
- Nowadays people are very much inclined to the meditational process, which is not practical in this age. BG 1972 purports
- O descendant of Bharata (Arjuna), better you continue to perform work like an attached materialist who is not conversant with transcendental knowledge, so that you can recruit men to the path of karma-yoga, or work with transcendental results
- Of course marriage is not prohibited in devotional service, but if one can remain brahmacari, in unmarried life, it is a great facility
- Of course no one can become God, but this endeavor to become God or His competitor is not very pleasing to Him. Persons who try are described in Bhagavad-gita as dvisatah, envious
- Of course to call a thief a thief is not faultfinding, but to call an honest person a thief is very much offensive for one who is making advancement in spiritual life. BG 1972 purports
- Of course, after death there must be birth; therefore Yavana-raja thought it wise to kill all the karmis through the agency of Kalakanya and thus try to make them aware that materialistic advancement is not actually advancement
- Of course, anyone who knows Lord Nityananda knows Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu also, but there are some misguided devotees who stress the importance of Lord Nityananda more than that of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. This is not good
- Of course, he (Damodara Pandita) should have known that the Lord (Caitanya) is the Supreme Personality of Godhead and is free to act in any way. There is no need to warn Him, and such an action is not very much appreciated by advanced devotees
- Of course, one may say that he is not disturbed by material happiness, but he does not know that just after one enjoys so-called material happiness, material distress will follow. This is the law of the material world
- Of course, this consciousness (everything related to God) is not for the ordinary person, but if one takes to the path of devotional service, as prescribed in The Nectar of Devotion, he can be trained in this consciousness & attain perfect understanding
- Oh, he's not a good man - therefore we have to hate - No. That is not our business. No. But this is the conclusion. And because the world is full of no good men, therefore we have to preach
- Omkara is not meant to be impersonal, as the Mayavadi philosophers consider it to be. This is distinctly expressed here (in SB 8.3.2) by the word purusaya
- On the full moon there are some spots which may appear to be pockmarks. Still, the illumination spread by the full moon cannot be checked. Similarly, a little fault in the midst of volumes of devotional service is not at all to be counted as a fault
- On the whole, meat-eating is not completely forbidden; a particular class of men is allowed to eat meat according to various circumstances and injunctions. As far as eating beef is concerned, however, it is strictly prohibited to everyone
- Once Caitanya said, "You must at least have enough sense to test to find out who is a spiritual master and who is not." For instance, if we want to purchase something, we must at least have some idea of what that thing is, otherwise we will be cheated
- One becomes drunkard by association. From childhood he is not a drunkard. Smoker, he becomes a smoker by association
- One can be killed if he comes to set fire to the home or to pollute or kidnap one's wife. Lord Ramacandra killed the entire family of Ravana because Ravana kidnapped His wife, Sitadevi. However, killing is not sanctioned in the sastras for other purposes
- One can have any of these five forms of liberation (sayujya-mukti, sarupya-mukti, salokya-mukti, sarsti-mukti and samipya-mukti), but of the five the sayujya-mukti, merging with the impersonal aspect, is not accepted by Vaisnava devotees
- One can perceive one's self-identification and feel positively that he exists. He may not feel it very abruptly, but by using a little intelligence, he can feel that he is not the body
- One cannot argue, How is it that Dhruva Maharaja, who was prevented from getting up on the lap of his father, could press down the whole earth?" This argument is not very much appreciated by the learned, for it is an example of nagna-matrka logic
- One cannot enter into fire and not perish unless he himself becomes fire, and similarly one cannot enter into the spiritual realm in a body that is not spiritual
- One cannot have transcendental knowledge simply by hearing from a guru who is not bona fide. The guru must be bona fide, and he must have heard from his own bona fide guru
- One cannot imagine something about God or His form. Such imagination is not accepted by those who are serious about enlightenment. Here (in CC Adi 3.111) Brahma says that one can know Krsna through the path of properly understanding the Vedic texts
- One grhamedhi is not on good terms with another grhamedhi, and in the extended form, one community, society or nation is not on good terms with another counterpart of selfish interest
- One has to act in such a way that in spite of being in the material nature he is not affected by contamination. Although the lotus flower is in association with water, it does not mix with the water. That is how one has to live
- One has to act in the status of spirit soul, otherwise there is no escape from material bondage. Action in Krsna consciousness is not, however, action on the fruitive platform. BG 1972 purports
- One has to follow the footprints of the great Acaryas then everything is all right. I was also a married man - my family is still existing. So you should always remember that marriage is not impediment
- One has to rise early in the morning and travel in that car at breakneck speed. There is always the danger of an accident, and one has to take great care. In his automobile, the living entity is full of anxieties, and his struggle is not at all auspicious
- One has to transmigrate from lower species of life, aquatic life, to trees; from trees to insect; insect to birds; birds to beasts; and from beasts, that is evolution. That evolution is not Darwin's evolution. That evolution, it is called janmanta vada
- One is authoritatively advised not to accept meat or similar uneatable things nor to allow the tongue to hanker to drink or smoke. Even the drinking of tea and coffee is not permitted
- One is going to God for asking something, and jijnasuh, jnani, is eulogized because they do not ask anything. To ask anything from God is not higher standard of bhakti
- One is not agitated by the waves of the material modes. There are different modes of material nature, and all mundane functions in which a common man is very much interested or in which he takes part become unattractive for the devotee
- One is not allowed to accept one portion of Bhagavad-gita and not another. BG 1972 Introduction
- One is not allowed to enter the room where food is offered to Lord Jagannatha. But in this case, being very eager because of not having seen the Lord for fifteen days, all the people overruled the regulative principles and entered the room
- One is not considered a perfectly cultured man without being initiated and trained by an acarya. It is said, therefore, that one who has approached an acarya is actually in perfect knowledge
- One living entity is the food for another living entity. So when a person eats another living entity, it is not unnatural. This is nature's law. But when you come to the human form of living entity, you must use your discrimination
- One may atone for sinful life and vanquish all sinful reactions by chanting the holy name, although this is not called atonement
- One may be a brahmana in terms of his culture and family and may be expert in Vedic knowledge (mantra-tantra-visaradah), but if he is not a Vaisnava, he cannot be a guru
- One may be advanced religiously, but if he is not trained in devotional service, he has very little credit on the transcendental platform
- One may be in the sunshine, but he is not on the sun itself. Those who live in this material world are living on the bodily rays of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but they cannot see Him personally in the material condition
- One may consider certain acts of a supremely powerful person to be immoral by mundane calculations, but this is not actually the case
- One may doubt that trees have life because they do not breathe. But modern scientists like Bose have already proved that there is life in plants, so breathing is no sign of actual life
- One may either take the step by step process or the direct path (of devotional service). The direct process is not possible for everyone; therefore the indirect process is also good. BG 1972 purports
- One may not fully discharge the injunctions of the Lord, but because one is not resentful of this principle and works sincerely without consideration of defeat and hopelessness, he will surely be promoted to the stage of pure KC. BG 1972 purports
- One may point out that although the devotees of Krsna are trying to enter Krsna's planet, everyone else is interested in going to the moon. Isn't going to the moon also perfection
- One may question that if Krsna is equal to everyone and no one is His special friend, then why does He take a special interest in the devotees who are always engaged in His transcendental service? But this is not discrimination; it is natural. BG 1972 p
- One may take either the step-by-step process or the direct path. The direct process is not possible for everyone; therefore the indirect process is also good
- One may then justifiably ask, "How can I serve?" Obviously this is not simply a matter of meditation, which is just an activity of the mind, but of practical work
- One might say that becoming advanced in spiritual life also involves tapasya, voluntary acceptance of some inconvenience. However, such inconvenience is not as dangerous as material attempts to mitigate all miseries
- One must become the servant of the servant of the servant of the Lord. If one wants to become the servant of the Lord directly, this is not as fruitful as engaging in the service of the Lord's servant
- One must have good discriminatory power to judge a thing on its merit. We should not follow the mild nature of a woman and thereby accept that which is not genuine
- One occupation which is not exactly fitting you, you do not know how to do it, so avyapare suvyaparam yo kartu... If one wants to act in a business in which he is unable to do, then he is killed just like this fool monkey
- One sampradaya must give his commentation on the Vedanta-sutra; otherwise he is not a bona fide sampradaya. So especially in the Sankara sampradaya, they are very much fond of studying Sankhya philosophy and Vedanta-sutra
- One should definitely try to understand that sense enjoyment is not the ultimate goal of human life. Herein (SB 1.16.9) it is said that during the daytime one works "for nothing" because the aim is nothing but sense enjoyment
- One should follow the regulative principles of purascarana & accept Krsna prasada, rejecting foodstuff which is not offered to Krsna. Lord Caitanya also cautioned that one should not indulge in defaming a devotee who has the actual symptoms of a devotee
- One should know by the cultivation of real knowledge that he is not lord of material nature; the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the Lord. BG 1972 purports
- One should know that scholarship is not the qualification necessary to understand Krsna. Even the demigods and the great sages have tried to understand Krsna by their mental speculation, and they have failed to do so. BG 1972 purports
- One should know that without profit the merchant cannot exist. Therefore it should be taken as a simple lie if a merchant says that he is not making a profit. BG 1972 purports
- One should not conclude that because Krsna is unaffected by favorable prayers or unfavorable blasphemy one should therefore blaspheme the Supreme Lord. This is not the regulative principle
- One should not give up pure devotional service. For one's own benefit, one should not imitate Hiranyakasipu or Sisupala. This is not the way to achieve success
- One should not sleep more than five to six hours. Minimize as far as possible. The Gosvamis used to sleep not more than one and a half hour, or two hours. Sleeping is not very important thing. Even big politicians, they used to sleep for two hours
- One should not think that the person who takes to bhakti is one who cannot perform the ritualistic ceremonies recommended in the karma-kanda section of the Vedas or is not sufficiently educated to speculate on spiritual subjects
- One should practice cleansing oneself externally and internally, and he should learn to become simple in behavior. He should not do anything which is not sanctioned by the scriptural injunction. BG 1972 purports
- One should serve the spiritual master first. It is not that one should bypass the spiritual master and desire to serve the Supreme Lord. This is not the principle for a Vaisnava
- One should try to purchase a ticket to go back home, back to Godhead. The price of such a ticket is one's intense desire for it, which is not easily awakened, even if one continuously performs pious activities for thousands of lives
- One should work honestly according to his qualification. He should not earn his livelihood unfairly, by means for which he is not qualified
- One son is very obedient to the father, and the other son is not. That is the difference here. God has not made anyone demon or demigod. For God, everyone is equal
- One thing is that I have asked Jayapataka Swami to make you treasurer so that you can look after things and see to it that such unnecessary expenditure is not made in the future
- One who accepts a visayi disciple is not a bona fide spiritual master. Even if he is, his position may be damaged due to association with an unscrupulous visayi
- One who acts in devotional service, renouncing the fruits of his actions, and whose doubts have been destroyed by transcendental knowledge, is situated factually in the self. Thus he is not bound by the reactions of work, O conqueror of riches
- One who becomes a devotee for some material profit is not a pure devotee
- One who becomes affected by the pleasure potency of the Supreme Lord manifests various symptoms of ecstasy, such as slackening of the heart, laughing, crying, shivering, and dancing. These symptoms are not material
- One who becomes fully Krsna conscious can attain the Absolute Truth. Krsna is the Absolute Truth. Relative truth is not truth in all the three phases of eternal time
- One who begets Krsna conscious children for the benefit of humanity is actually a brahmacari. One who simply begets children like cats and dogs is not a proper father
- One who can approach spiritual sky is not required to descend again to the material sky. BG 1972 Introduction
- One who cannot rise early in the morning, he is not spiritually serious. That is test. Brahma-muhurta, this hour, one hour before sunrise, is very auspicious moment
- One who cannot save me from the impending danger of birth, death, old age and disease, he is not my father, he is not my teacher, he is not my guru, he is not my kinsman, he is not my wife, he is not my husband
- One who cannot understand this fact, that soul is immortal, body is... He is no more human; he is animal
- One who does not know this simple fact, then he may go on indulging, wasting his time by meditation, by cultivation of knowledge, by exercise, by pressing nose, or so many things. He is not in the, actually, in the factual position
- One who does not understand this philosophy of life is not fit to be addressed as gentleman. It is commonsense knowledge
- One who feels that he is not yet ready to live in a temple or undergo strict regulative principles in the temple - especially householders who live with a wife and children - can start a center at home by chanting Hare Krsna and discussing the BG and SB
- One who feels that he is not yet ready to live in a temple or undergo strict regulative principles in the temple - especially householders who live with a wife and children - can start a center at home by installing the Deity
- One who feels that he is not yet ready to live in a temple or undergo strict regulative principles in the temple - especially householders who live with a wife and children - can start a center at home by worshiping the Lord morning and evening
- One who has materialistic motivations cannot become a servant, and one who unnecessarily bestows benedictions upon his servant to keep his own prestigious position is not a real master
- One who has only knowledge or detachment is not necessarily well acquainted with the principles of the bhakti cult. Bhakti is the supermost occupation of the human being
- One who has taken shelter of the Supreme Personality of Godhead is completely protected from all other influences. He no longer serves or is obliged to anyone else. Of course he is not disobedient to anyone
- One who has taken shelter of the Supreme Personality of Godhead is completely protected from all other influences. Of course he is not disobedient to anyone, but his full power of thought is absorbed in the service of the Lord
- One who has taken to Krsna consciousness, devotional service, is not affected by the results of karma
- One who is actually intelligent and has realized the self can see that this growth is not automatic; the cause is the soul, and the forms come out in material bodies under different conditions
- One who is addicted to material sense gratification or material wealth is not really considered to be wealthy
- One who is advanced in spiritual life, he's not agitated by the so-called political upheavals or social disturbances
- One who is attached to the impersonal feature of the Supreme Lord, the brahmajyoti, is not described as mahatma in the Bhagavad-gita. He is described in a different way in the next verse (BG 9.15). BG 1972 purports
- One who is detached from the lotus feet of the SP of Godhead, from whose abdomen a lotus is grown for begetting Brahma, if one is bereft of attachment to the Supreme Lord, then his qualification of vipra is not accepted, or not very fruitful
- One who is fixed in mystic power is not disturbed by the allurement of this world or that world; he is interested in the matters of spiritual understanding or the spiritual situation
- One who is fully aware of this truth (if one is promoted to Brahmaloka, but he is not freed from material bondage he must return to this planet earth) is self-realized (sa atma-drk), but aside from him, everyone suffers in the cycle of birth and death
- One who is in association with great acaryas, even if he is not educated or has not studied the Vedas, can become familiar with all the knowledge necessary for realization. BG 1972 purports
- One who is not a pure devotee of the Supreme Lord Krsna is not completely cleansed in the heart. But a perfectly cleansed person never quits the devotional service of the Lord
- One who is not in awareness of the laws of nature, they commit this mistake. We can say that pouring water on the leaves is also pouring water on the tree
- One who is not trying to stop death is not an intelligent human being. Because Devaki was face to face with imminent death, it was Vasudeva's duty to save her, as he was trying his best to do
- One who is promoted to the higher planetary systems enjoys a longer duration of life and better facilities for sense enjoyment, yet one is not allowed to stay there forever
- One who is promoted to those higher planetary systems (as Maharloka, Janaloka, Tapoloka, etc.) enjoys a longer duration of life and better facilities for sense enjoyment, yet one is not allowed to stay there forever. BG 1972 purports
- One who is simply taking from father, "O God, give us our daily bread," and He is supplying, and eating and enjoying sense enjoyment, he is not real son. The real son is he who sacrifices his life for glorifying his father
- One who is sober, one is advanced, he will little tolerate that itching sensation and be happy. Because this is not my necessity. This is only of the skin. This is my skin disease. Now I am not the skin. I am soul. My duty is how to serve Krsna
- One who is very powerful is not affected by any sinful activity. But here (in SB 9.9.5) we see that mother Ganges fears being burdened with the sins of the people in general who would bathe in her waters
- One who knows that he is not the body is not disturbed, for he knows the soul cannot be caught, tortured, killed or buried
- One who knows that the pure soul is simply an observer of the actions and reactions of these qualities (goodness,passion,ignorance), should be understood to be a liberated person. He is not bound by these qualities
- One who misinterprets Bhagavad-gita, twisting out some meaning for his sense gratification, is a non-Aryan. Therefore commentaries on Bhagavad-gita by such persons should be immediately rejected
- One who rejects everything without knowledge of its relationship to Krsna is not as complete in his renunciation. BG 1972 purports
- One who seeks an improvement in health or aspires after material perfection is no yogi according to Bhagavad-gita. Nor does cessation of material existence entail one's entering into "the void," which is only a myth. BG 1972 purports
- One who speaks on behalf of Krsna, he is guru. That is guru. This is the test: whether he is aware of Krsna. Then he is guru. Otherwise he's not guru
- One who takes to spiritual culture, for them, this place is unfit. Unfit. My Guru Maharaja used to say that "This place is not fit for any gentleman's living"
- One who understands this fact (Krsna's birth and body are not like that of ordinary living beings), either from the Lord or from authorized sources, is not reborn after leaving the present material body
- One who wants to become free, who wants to become liberated, must first of all learn that he is not this material body. Mukti or liberation means freedom from material consciousness. BG 1972 Introduction
- One year later, Brahma returned & because he returned on exactly the same day, Baladeva was again kept at home for His birthday. Therefore, although this verse (SB 10.13.40) mentions that Brahma saw Krsna & all the cowherd boys, Baladeva is not mentioned
- Oneness with the impersonal brahmajyoti is not ultimate liberation; superior to that is the sublime association of the Personality of Godhead in one of the innumerable spiritual planets in the Vaikuntha sky
- Only Lord Jagadisa is in control; everyone else is controlled. The atheists, however, do not like this term because they like to think that they are in control, but actually this is not the case
- Only the devotee can appreciate that, "This prasadam is not ordinary foodstuff. It is Krsna's remnant of." Therefore, he understands Krsna
- Only thieves and rogues in the modes of passion and ignorance and maddened by material opulence offer a man in sacrifice before the goddess Kali. This is not sanctioned by the Vedic instructions
- Only under very extraordinary conditions can a temple be closed when there is consultation. Even then a temple is not to be eliminated but moved to an other place
- Ordinary birth is made by the father and the mother. That father and mother is there even in animal life. So to take birth from father and mother is not very important
- Ordinary men think that a yogi must have an ivory earring in his ear, but this is not the sign of a real yogi. Maharaja Prataparudra also thought that to become a mendicant yogi, one must wear such an earring
- Others say that one's birth according to the guna and karma of his past life is not the essential consideration, since one can change his guna and karma even in this life
- Our aim of life is not to get a comfortable life for few years. Actually, there is no comfortable life. Still, we consider and forget our real business, self-realization
- Our brain is so dull, we will inquire, "Whether the Deity is made of stone or brass or wood," because we are not innocent. We are thinking that this Deity is something made of brass. Even it is brass, a brass is not God? Brass is also God
- Our business is not to be attracted by the glimmer of this material world, but to be attracted by Krsna. That is Krsna consciousness movement
- Our business is not to cheat. We have to say frankly, "This is the fact," that's all
- Our conception of healthy life is not to become too much fatty, or robust body. Robust body or fatty body or any body, this body, everything will finish. Our proposition is that how to conquer death, birth, old age and disease
- Our conclusion was that the real problem is not over-population or pollution, malnutrition etc., but the actual problem is Godlessness. So you are all intelligent boys and girls - therefore my request to you is that you study this science of KC
- Our grhastha is not condemned, but provided he is right grhastha
- Our literature is not sentimental stories. It is meant to be understood by the intelligent class of men
- Our math in Mayapur is not for Bengalis, the math is for you foreigners, to give you facility for offering respects to Lord Caitanya
- Our mission is not to convert; what is the use of converting?
- Our mission is not to keep men in darkness. They should not remain in that way. They should come to the real light. This is our policy
- Our mission is not to make a nonvegetarian a vegetarian. No. Our mission is that "Either you are vegetarian or nonvegetarian, it doesn't matter. You become Krsna conscious." That is our mission
- Our movement is not any local movement. It is for the total human society. It is most authorized on the principles of Bhagavad-gita and affirmed by Lord Caitanya and all the big acaryas
- Our personal power or endeavor is not always supreme. We must therefore accept the position offered to us by the order of the Supreme
- Our philosophy is that expanded - not only human being but animals also. Our philosophy is, if there is one lizard in your room, I should see that he is not starving. This is our philosophy. Not only human being but animals, even an insect
- Our plan is not to sponsor the Hindus or any other individual group. Our real purpose is to spread Krishna Consciousness
- Our point is, the birth problem is not solved. If there are unwanted population, you kill them, that does not mean the population problem is solved
- Our policy is not bhoga-tyaga. Our policy is satisfaction of Krsna. That is pure bhakti
- Our present body is not sac-cid-ananda. It is asat, not sat. It is not eternal; it is perishable. It is not cit, full of knowledge, but it is full of ignorance. BG 1972 Introduction
- Our principle is not to work like the karmi or under a karmi. We are not sudras. Sudras are meant for working under somebody, not brahmanas
- Our process is . . . we . . . killing is not very important or nonimportant for us. If Krsna says, "Kill," we can kill. If Krsna says: "Don't kill," we don't kill
- Our process is not to make enemy. We invite everyone, "Please come here, take prasadam, chant Hare Krsna, dance and go home." Where is enmity?
- Our process of knowledge is not any speculation: "It may be," "Perhaps." No. We don't accept this knowledge. "It may be," "Perhaps" - these are all foolishness
- Our program is not a bogus thing, it is the eternal reality of transcendental life of full bliss and knowledge in the service of the Lord
- Our proposition is not that vegetarian/nonvegetarian. Vegetarian or nonvegetarian, it is not very important thing. Everyone is eating some living entity. Vegetable has got also life
- Our purpose is not to construct big, big buildings. That is required for propaganda work, for giving shelter to people. But our main business is how to turn the face of the bewildered conditioned souls towards Krsna
- Our senses ordering to do something which is not to be done at all. But still we have to do. Lusty desires are so strong, I do not want to do it, but it is forcing. In this way, we are being forced to serve the senses
- Our speculative knowledge, intellectual platform, is not helpful. We must receive knowledge from superior source, perfect source. That knowledge is perfect
- Our strength is not material strength, but spiritual strength. So if spiritual strength is not strong now, try to make Sripati and the others stronger by spiritual means by following the regulative principles and chanting sixteen rounds
- Our students may not be unnecessarily called for fighting, which is not at all suitable occupation for them. So ultimately, if you are required to fight this case let us see how Krishna will help us
- Our Vedic process is not research work. Just like in the mundane scholarship, one has to show his academic career by some research work. The Vedic process is different
- Our whole material existence is due to different kinds of work. So if we make the work also eternal, that is Krsna consciousness activities. Then we come to the eternal. But in the material existence our work is not eternal
- Our, the sastra-jnana, because the spiritual master enlightens the disciple with sastra-jnana, therefore he is spiritual master. If the spiritual master bluffs the disciple, then he is not spiritual master
- Out of millions of persons, one may try to become siddha, perfect - or, in other words, self-realized. A self-realized person knows that he is not the body but a spiritual soul
- Papa-yoni. Papa-yoni means sinful species of life, or born in the family which is not very pious, papa-yoni. Or papa-yoni means lower species of life. So the demonic life is papa-yoni. Demonic life is obtained due to sinful activities
- Param & the param dhama mentioned in several places in the Bhagavad-gita are one & the same thing. One who goes to the param dhama does not return to the material world. This freedom is not possible even by reaching the topmost loka of the material world
- Parama Koruna, 1969 Jan 4 - I can simply think of my misfortune only that Yamaraja, the superintendent of death, he is punishing me in this way, that he is not allowing me to be attracted to this movement
- Pariksit Maharaja, simply by hearing from Sukadeva Gosvami that "A person, if he commits sinful activities, he suffers like that," he is not seeing; he is compassionate: "How such person can be delivered?" This is the inquiry
- Part and parcel of God can be called God, but he is not Supreme God. Therefore there are two words in Vedic language: atma, Paramatma. Atma. Atma means living entities. We are all atmas. And God is Paramatma
- Parvata Muni was surprised, that, This man was hunting and killing animal half. Now, because he has become a Vaisnava, he is not prepared to kill even an ant
- Parvati, young age, beautiful girl, and Lord Siva is meditating naked, and she was offering worshipable flowers on the genital. Still, he was not disturbed. Young girl touching the genital of a person, but he is not disturbed. That is dhirah
- People are becoming inclined to karma-sukha(?). So it is a very difficult position to convince them that this is not needed. The real life is to become Krsna conscious, and for that purpose one should undergo austerities
- People are not very serious. They're so much in ignorance: "All right, let it happen, whatever may happen. We may enjoy life." This is not very good position. At least in human form of life, one should be very sober, considerate (of) what is happening
- People are trying to control birth, but they are not able to control death; and if one cannot control death, one cannot control birth either. In other words, artificially controlling birth is not any more feasible than artificially controlling death
- People cannot understand. That means the modern civilization is not sober. It is just like cats and dog. You cannot make a cat and dog sober to understand the philosophy of life. They have degraded so much. That is described in the sastra
- People may say, "A karmi is dying and bhakta is dying. What is the benefit?" No. He's not dying, but he is dying or giving up this body for living forever. And the nondevotees, he is dying to accept another body. That is the difference
- Perfect knowledge is from the authority. Perfect knowledge is not by speculation
- Perfection in Brahman realization is attained through the auspicious path of devotional service indicates that the so-called Brahman realization, or realization of the brahmajyoti effulgence, is not brahma-siddhi. Beyond that brahmajyoti there is the SPG
- Perfection is achieved by performance of yajna (sacrifice), as described above (BG 4.31). Now, if a person is not inclined to perform yajna according to the Vedas, how can he expect a happy life? BG 1972 purports
- Permission to eat meat after a sacrifice in the presence of the goddess Kali is not the order of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. It is simply a concession for the miserable person who will not give up eating meat
- Personal grudge is not inhuman and as I have told many times, that individualism is the cause of personal misunderstanding. When such individualism is employed in the center of Krishna there is no harm even if there is personal misunderstanding
- Personal hita-karinau is not high-class Vaisnava - "I shall become liberated. Let me give up everything and sit down." Sometimes that is also good, but sometimes we take it to get cheap adoration from innocent public
- Phalena pariciyate. We have to understand by the result. If the result is not very satisfactory, then you must know that progress is not very nice
- Physical presence is not essential; presence by message is real touch. Lord Krishna is present by His message. We feel always the presence of our past Acharyas simply by their immutable instructions. I hope you will understand me right and do the needful
- Please impress on him (Prabhupada dasa Adhikari) that this second initiation is not awarded cheaply or automatically, and that he must be very strict in following the regulative principles of bhakti yoga
- Please write to me occasionally and as Gopal is not accustomed to reply promptly I shall henceforward write to you
- Police force, as the department of government, is not bad. It is doing faithfully service to the government. It is bad to me because I am criminal. Otherwise police force as it is, department, is not bad
- Pradhana is not the time element because in the time element there are actions and reactions, creation and annihilation
- Prahlada advises a person who has taken to the materialistic way of life, which is never permanent but always temporary, to take shelter of the SP of Godhead and leave aside all his so-called responsibilities in order to get free from all anxieties
- Prakrti can give us material bodies, but as spirit souls we are parts and parcels of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This is confirmed in BG (15.7): The living entity, being part and parcel of God, is not a product of this material world
- Pramatta means constitutionally he's not mad, but by some external influence one has become madlike
- Pratyaksa means "direct evidence." Direct evidence is not very good because our senses are not perfect. We are seeing the sun daily, and it appears to us just like a small disc, but it is actually far, far larger than many planets
- Praying to Krsna is not evil. Somehow or other he prays to Krsna, so you cannot say that he is evil. Krsna says in Bhagavad-gita, api cet suduracaro bhajate mam ananya-bhak - BG 9.30
- Premanjana-cchurita-bhakti-vilocanena: a saintly person who has developed love of Godhead by devotional service always sees the Lord's transcendental form of Syamasundara. This Syamasundara form of the Lord within the heart of a devotee is not imaginary
- Present problem is not problem. We are eternal. Our problem is eternal
- Presently it (Bhagavata Acarya's monastery) is not as well managed as in the presence of (Sri Ramadasa) Babaji Maharaja
- Presently the governments are levying taxes without improving the citizens in any cultural, religious, social or political way. According to the Vedas, this is not recommended
- Priesthood is not accepted by learned brahmanas. Nevertheless, the greatly learned brahmana Visvarupa became the priest of the demigods because of his profound respect for them
- Promise that "I shall not talk anything except Krsna's message," and if you promise that "I shall not take anything which is not offered to Krsna," these two things, this prasadam and chanting, will make you perfect to understand Krsna
- Prthu Maharaja argues, however, that if a citizen within the state - be he man, woman or eunuch - is not compassionate upon his fellow men, he or she may be killed by the king, and such killing is never to be considered actual killing
- Prthu Maharaja is asking about auspiciousness not for the sake of the Kumaras but for his own sake
- Publicity like this is not good for us, that people are thinking we are hippies
- Punya means that which is not decomposed; punya is original. BG 1972 purports
- Pure love of Godhead is unadulterated by any tinge of superfluous nondevotional desires and is not mixed with any sort of fruitive action or empiric philosophical speculation
- Rabindranath Tagore is nice poet from materialistic point of view. That's all. To satisfy the materialistic person. He is not a nice poet from spiritualistic point of view. We have nothing to do with him
- Radharani is so beautiful that Krsna becomes enchanted. That is spiritual sex. That is not ordinary. Therefore the attraction of Radha and Krsna is not ordinary thing
- Rainfall is not your arrangement. It is supernatural arrangement. If there is regular rainfall, then it can produce all the necessities of our life
- Rantideva fixed his mind upon Lord Vasudeva and rendered devotional service unto Him. This is the sign of a pure devotee, whose heart is not adulterated by material desires
- Rasabhasa is something that may appear to be a transcendental mellow but actually is not
- Rascaldom is not good, but when it is practiced by Krsna, because He's absolute good, that rascaldom is also good. That one has to understand
- Rascaldom is not nice, but Krsna is absolute. He is God. Therefore His rascaldom is also good. Krsna is all-good. God is good
- Ravana and Hiranyakasipu underwent a severe type of bodily torture to achieve the end of sense gratification. Sometimes modern politicians also undergo severe types of austerities to achieve some political end. This is not actually tapasya
- Ravana or those like him may be very powerful and opulent in this material world, but theirs is not a secure position, because, after all, they are bound by the results of their karma (karmana daiva-netrena) - SB 3.31.1
- Real civilization is not concerned simply with man's animal needs but with enabling man to understand his relationship with God, the supreme father
- Real civilization is to advance in Brahman knowledge. If there are brahmanas, that is advancement. This is not advancement because they do not know what is advancement
- Real enjoyment is beyond these senses.That is stated in the Bhagavad-gita. Sukham atyantikam yat tat. The real happiness is not by these gross senses. By transcendental senses, we can enjoy real happiness
- Real goodness is in the transcendental world. Here in the material world, the quality of goodness is not pure. Goodness may exist, but there must also be some tinges of passion and ignorance
- Real knowledge you will get from guru, from Krsna. Evam parampara-praptam (BG 4.2). That is real knowledge. Otherwise, anything has got some knowledge, that knowledge is not sufficient
- Real leader means who does not commit mistake, who is not illusioned, who does not cheat and who has no imperfect senses, who has, or, other words, one who has got perfect senses
- Real pleasure is Krsna, whereas material pleasure, which is temporary, is not actual. Those who can see things as they are do not take part in shadow pleasure
- Real representative is he who canvassing for Krsna; he is not canvassing for himself that, "I have become Krsna." No, he is not guru; he is cheater
- Real yoga aims at ridding one of the material body. Yoga practice is not intended to keep the body fit and young
- Realization of the impersonal Brahman and localized Paramatma features of the Personality of Godhead is not ultimate realization. When one realizes the Supreme Lord, one does not struggle hard to perform penances
- Realization of the visuddha-sattva platform is beyond the pale of the material world and is not perceived by bodily senses or mental speculation
- Recess means nothing to do. That is brain, I mean to say, rest. All continually you cannot do that. That is not good. Utmost, forty minutes or forty-five minutes. Then give them ten minutes' freedom
- Regarding the art of management, constant changing is not good. Even if there is some fault in management it should be corrected, not changed. Besides that, Vaisnava philosophy is that everyone is addressed as prabhu, or master
- Regarding your marriage, I have all sanction for it, but I do not know what is the legal implication. Besides, that, the girl is not initiated. But if she is working very obediently in the Temple, there is no impediment in your being married with her
- Regarding your question about controversial talks going on, this kind of talk isn't befitting my advanced students. This is childish. In Krishna's service, there is no inferior & superior. Deity worship is just as important as book distribution
- Regarding your questions are the Spiritual Master and the Grand Spiritual Master consciously aware of the prayers of a sincere devotee who prays in love to Them? - the answer is that no conscious prayers go in vain
- Regarding your returning to your own village, a sannyasa is not supposed to go back to his own village
- Renunciation is not possible. If one renounces his palatial building and goes to a forest, there is actually no renunciation, for the palatial building is the property of the SPG and the forest is also the property of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Repetition of the glories of Krsna is not a literary weakness. It is said that at a time of bewilderment or wonder or of great ecstasy, statements are repeated over and over. That is not a flaw. BG 1972 purports
- Responsible fathers should not hinder their sons who are making cultural advancement in association with the Krsna consciousness movement. This is not a father's duty
- Rsabhadeva, He became just like a madman, a deaf and dumb, a rascal, a fool, a ghost. But He is not madman. He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Ruci means you will simply hanker after spiritual things. You won't like to hear anything except spiritual message. You won't like to do anything except spiritual activities. You won't like to eat anything which is not spiritualized
- Rudra, Lord Siva, is actually born from between the eyes of Brahma, who is called Svayambhu because he is not born of any human being or material creature but is born directly from the lotus flower which grows from the abdomen of Visnu
- Sacrifice as mentioned in the Vedas is not actually cow-killing. In that sacrifice an old bull or cow was sacrificed for the sake of receiving a fresh younger life by the power of Vedic mantras
- Sadhu-sanga (CC Madhya 22.83), to intermingle with the persons who are engaged in Krsna consciousness. Adau sraddha tatah sadhu-sangah. Sadhu means who is a devotee of Krsna. Otherwise he is not sadhu
- Samah means equilibrium of the mind. One should be trained up in such a way that he is not disturbed in his mind in any circumstance. That is called samah. And damah, damah means controlling the senses
- Samah sarvesu bhutesu: he can see everyone on equal vision. Because he knows, - Here is also another living entity. He is not a Chinaman. He is a part and parcel of God. He is not a Christian. He is not a Hindu. He is simply thinking like that
- Samba fell in love with the daughter of Duryodhana, and since according to ksatriya custom one is not offered a ksatriya's daughter unless he displays his chivalrous valor, Samba abducted her. Consequently Samba was arrested by the Kauravas
- Samsara is not very palatable thing. Our Vaisnava acaryas say that samsara is just like blazing fire. It is not a very nice... Krsna says in the Bhagavad-gita, duhkhalayam asasvatam
- Sanatana Gosvami informed him (the poor brahmana), Actually, this is not the best benediction. But are you prepared to take the best benediction from me? The brahmana said, Yes, sir. Lord Siva has sent me to you for the best benediction
- Sanga means execution. When you associate with medical association or sharebrokers' association, simply go there and sit down is not your business. You have to do something. You have to do something. Sat-sanga means that
- Sankara has falsely argued that if the transformation of energy is accepted, the Supreme Absolute Truth cannot remain immutable. But this is not true
- Sankaracarya is not at fault, for he has covered the real purport of the Vedas under the order of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Sankaracarya is not at fault, for it is under the order of the Supreme Personality of Godhead that he has covered the real purport of the Vedas
- Sankhya philosophy is the philosophical system enunciated by Kapila, the son of Devahuti. The other Kapila, who is not the son of Devahuti, is an imitation. This is the statement of Brahma
- Sannyasa is not voluntary, but it is compulsory. At the last stage one must take sannyasa. After fiftieth year one must take to vanaprastha, vanam vrajet. This is system. So, system of purification, how to become designationless
- Sannyasi is not enjoyer. But His description is enjoyer. Now how enjoyer can be sannyasi? But He is still sannyasi - renounced, everything. That is the point
- Santa-rasa is not given much importance because as soon as there is a slight understanding between the knower and the known, active loving transcendental reciprocations and exchanges begin
- Santa-rasa, or the neutral stage, is not mentioned in this verse (of CC Adi 3.11) because although in santa-rasa one considers the Absolute Truth the sublime great, one does not go beyond that conception
- Sastra says, na grham grham ity ahuh: "Simply a house is not grha." There must be the housewife. That means wife. Grhini grham ucyate. In Hindi this word is used, garbhali means if there is no wife, that is not grha
- Sastra says, Vedanta says, sastra-caksusah. Pasyanti jnana-caksusah (BG 15.9) in the Bhagavad-gita. Pasyanti jnana-caksusa: eyes should be enlightened by knowledge. That is real eyes. These blunt eyes is not eyes. Therefore guru is worshiped
- Sastra takes of the planets, not of the country. Your idea is very crippled: "country," "national." But sastra is not... There is no such thing as national. They take the whole universe as a whole. They consider from that angle of vision
- Sat means "that which eternally exists," and asat means "that which is not eternal." Unless one is situated on the spiritual platform, he is not sat; he is asat
- Sat means eternal, and the body is not eternal. Therefore it is very difficult to understand what is sat because we have no education, no experience. Everything is annihilated, destroyed, anything material
- Sattva means my existence. At the present moment my existence is not suddha, purified. Just like if your health is contaminated, then you get some disease
- Sattva-guna means everything is clear, prakasa. Just like now the sky is covered with cloud; the sunshine is not clear. But above the cloud there is sunshine, everything clear. And within the cloud there is not clear
- Saturn and Mars are considered impious. When the pious planets shine very brightly, it is an auspicious sign, but when the inauspicious planets shine very brightly, this is not a very good sign
- Say definitely. But nobody can say. They are blind. The doctor is giving medicine, but he is not definitely sure whether his patient will die or live
- Sayujya-mukti, however, is not very secure, whereas sarupya-mukti, salokya-mukti, sarsti-mukti and samipya-mukti are most certain
- Science of God is not material science. Simply material, academic career will not help
- Science of God is not sentiment. It is science. It is... Actually it is science, the science of sciences. Every science takes his, what is called, data, from this science
- Secular state means the state must be very vigilant whether everyone is doing his duty, everyone is employed in his duty; and if everyone is not employed, it is the duty of the government to see. He must be employed
- Seeing Radharani's face exhibit emotion, Lord Sri Krsna felt a million times happier than when He embraced Her. Indeed, Lord Sri Krsna's happiness is not at all mundane
- Seeing the Lord is not as important as appreciating Him from the authentic literature or the authentic statements of authorized persons
- Seeing things through the naked eye is not actually seeing. Seeing things through the authorized books or authorized teachers is the correct way to see
- Seeing Visnu is not liberation. Just like when Krsna was present, so many people saw Him. Does it mean that everyone became liberated?
- Self-complacence with a polished type of animal civilization geared to sense gratification is delusion, and such a "civilization" is not worthy of the name
- Sense gratification means unlawful sex life. Sex life is not sense gratification . . . unlawful sex life is sense gratification. If there is no need of sex life and one uses sex life anyway, that is sense gratification
- Servant is not actually serving the master; it is serving the money which the master gives him. As soon as the payment will be stopped, there will be no more service
- Serving Krsna is not simply a matter of meditation, which is just an activity of the mind, but of performing practical work for Krsna
- $70,000. or $80,000. should have been collected, but Karandhara has only collected $24,000. So where is the rest of the money? This means that the money is not being collected properly. What can be done?
- Sex intercourse in the human form of life and the sex intercourse of the dog on the street, the taste is the same. Taste is not changed
- Sex is not prohibited, but illicit sex, that is controlled, that is controlled. If one is allowed to have unlimited, unrestricted sex, then he is doomed. Better restrict your sex in one. That means gradually it will be controlled
- Sex life is not bad, provided it is executed according to the religious principles
- Sex life is not unreal; its true reality is experienced in the spiritual world. Material sex is but a perverted reflection of the original; the original is found in the Absolute Truth
- Sex life which is not against religious principle, that is I am - So in, I mean to say, regulated sex life, married life, that is Krsna
- She is Krsna. If everything is Krsna and Radharani is not Krsna, what is that? She is Krsna. She is the Krsna's pleasure potency
- Showing compassion and mercy is a relative activity. It is not the Absolute Truth. Apart from this, we also must know what actual mercy is. To give a sick man something forbidden for him to eat is not mercy. Rather, it is cruelty
- Siddha refers to one who has realized the Brahman effulgence and who has complete knowledge that the living entity is not a material atom but a spiritual spark
- Siksa-guru does not mean he is speaking something against the teachings of the diksa-guru. He is not a siksa guru; he is a rascal
- Simply abolishing monarchy and replacing it with democracy is not sufficient unless the government men are religious and follow in the footsteps of great religious personalities
- Simply because one son is not very intelligent and the other desires to kill him to avoid the burden, the father will never agree. Similarly, if God is the supreme father, why should He sanction the killing of animals who are also His sons
- Simply becoming learned, simply becoming very purified is not all. The summit is that one should become the devotee of the Lord
- Simply becoming vegetarian is no great qualification. Somebody is taking meat and somebody is taking vegetable, it does not make any difference
- Simply by votes he is President. Actually he is not; he is the servant of the voters, but he's thinking, "I am President." This is called maya
- Simply executing the duties of all varnas and asramas is not as good as offering all the results of one's activities to the Lord
- Simply jnana, theoretical knowledge, is not good. It must be practical. Jnana, the result of jnana is to become liberated, mukti. Simply I am very jnani and I am doing all nonsense, this is not jnani. He must be liberated from material attachment
- Simply money is not the end; there must be culture. Take that culture, Vedic culture, and use it by American money, then the whole world will be paradise, Vaikuntha
- Simply putting on a saffron dress and having a big beard, he's not mahatma. Mahatma is he who is cent percent engaged in Krsna's service. Mahatmanas tu mam partha daivim prakrtim. He's not in the control of this material nature
- Simply theoretical knowledge, no practical application - he is not brahmana. Therefore Krsna said, guna-karma. Only guna is not good. Guna and karma. Karma means some act
- Simply thinking that "I am now spiritually realized; I am the Supreme," this is not pure. So Lord Caitanya says, vastutah buddhi 'suddha' nahe: "That sort of conception is not purified intelligence. That is still contaminated intelligence"
- Simply to become vegetarian is not the last word. There are many vegetarians. The monkey is vegetarian. He's naked and lives in a jungle
- Simply to defeat scholars and philosophers is not the occupation of a preacher. Preachers must simultaneously introduce the sankirtana movement, for that is the mission of the Caitanya cult
- Simply to have brahma-jnana is not sufficient. When you act like Brahman, that is called Vaisnava. That is Vaisnava. That is Krsna consciousness
- Simply to merge into the Brahman effulgence is not very safe. Because we want ananda. So in impersonal zero standard there cannot be any ananda
- Simply to understand that one is not matter but spirit soul (aham brahmasmi: "I am by nature Brahman") is not sufficient knowledge for understanding the self and his activities
- Simply trust in God is not sufficient. We must know what is God. Trusting something oblivion, something fantasy, that is no trust. You must know where to put your trust. That is Bhagavad-gita. You have to know this, what is God
- Simply we can waste our time by so-called meditation, but real meditation is not achievable at the present age. In this age of Kali, simply by chanting Hare Krsna you can attain the perfection. So these are the prescription. We have to follow
- Since a devotee is completely on the Brahman platform, he is not jealous of any other living entity - samah sarvesu bhutesu
- Since darkness stands in the absence of the sun, it is therefore relative to the sun. The spiritual world is compared to the real sunshine, and the material world is compared to the dark regions where the sun is not visible
- Since every living entity is a residence of the Supreme Lord and can be considered a temple of the Lord, the unnecessary killing of any living entity is not permitted
- Since he (the Mayavadi philosopher) is not aware of his relationship with the Supreme Personality of Godhead and therefore has no spiritual activity, he must come down for further activities in this material world
- Since He (the Supreme Lord) is helping the digestion of all kinds of foodstuff, the living entity is not independant in the eating process. BG 1972 purports
- Since Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is the controller of everything, when He appears He is not within the limitations of material time
- Since Neal is not available here, I am sending the recorded tapes to New York for typing as you have the Dictaphone there
- Since people are becoming atheists, they are stopping capital punishment. This is not wise
- Since such a method (of hatha-yoga) is not practical in this present age, the goldsmith method has to be discarded. The solution is to take the blacksmith's hammer of Krsna consciousness and finish off all sinful reactions immediately
- Since the energy of the Supreme Lord is nondifferent from Him, this material cosmic manifestation is also nondifferent from Him, although it appears different. The sunshine is not different from the sun itself, but it is simultaneously also different
- Since the Lord appears by His internal potency, His incarnations in different species of life are not the creation of the external potency, Maya
- Since the present civilization is not very congenial to the living entities, Krsna consciousness is recommended. BG 1972 purports
- Since there is no sunshine in those subterranean planets, time is not divided into days and nights, and consequently fear produced by time does not exist
- Sisya says, "My dear guru, if I do not eat meat and fish, my health will fail." "All right, I order you. Under my order you can do that." This kind of compromise from guru is not there. That is not guru
- Siva is above the ordinary human beings, yet be is unable to understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Siva is not among the ordinary living entities, nor is he in the category of Lord Visnu. He is between Lord Visnu and the common living entity
- Siva is not different from Krsna, but it is added with this material energy. Therefore Siva has turned into yogurt
- Smrti means regulative, the law book, the statute book. Married life is there. We are preaching the cult of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu. He also married. All the five associates of Lord Caitanya, they also married. Krsna also married. So marriage is not bad
- So everyone is not on the same platform. Everyone is under the influence of some quality of nature - goodness, passion, ignorance. So there is division
- So far as the devotees at our Montreal center working at regular jobs during the winter months, that is not very good, but if there is no other way what can be done?
- So far scriptures are concerned, there are also different scriptures. And a philosopher is not a philosopher if he does not agree other philosophers. So in this way, you are perplexed
- So far we are concerned, Krsna conscious, so long our bodily concept of life is not completely eradicated, we must follow the sva-dharma of the body. Brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, sudra, ity adi. But when actually advanced, that is maha-bhagavata
- So long he is not self-realized, he will try to become something, and so long he'll try to become something, then there will be restlessness. There cannot be happiness
- So long one is not awakened to spiritual consciousness... "What I am? Why I am suffering? Is there any remedy? How I can save me?" - these questions should arise. This is called brahma-jijnasa. The Vedanta-sutra explains this
- So long one is not civilized, he is animal. And the civilization begins when one understands that he is not this body. That is the beginning of civilization
- So long one is not on the perfectional platform, just trying to do it, at that time there are so many works: that asana system, yama, niyama
- So long one is not spiritually inquisitive, jijnasu sreya uttamam, he is animal because he has got only these four principles: eating, sleeping, mating and defending. That's all. He must be inquisitive, "What I am? Why I am put into these miseries
- So long the tongue is active we can chant. Even if the tongue is not active we can think of Krishna. Someway or other if we can keep in touch with Krishna that is our success of life
- So long we are on the platform of mental speculation, we should understand that we are on the material plane, because mind is material. Mind is not spiritual
- So many educated boys and girls, they are hankering after service. Day and night they are working. This is not the effect of education. The effect of education should be peaceful mind, peaceful living
- So that is India's position now. They do not care for their original culture. They are after money. You teach them something to earn money. Therefore they are after technology. This is not experience in India
- So that is my request, that to understand who is a rascal is not very difficult thing. Simply try to know whether he has got any Krsna consciousness, or God consciousness. That will be known
- So the Aryan word is not ordinary. To become Aryan means a perfect human being, as far as possible. That is Aryan civilization
- So this Krishna Consciousness is not a miracle, it is science, and because we are Krishna conscious, therefore we know everything
- So Vyasadeva, he's known as Veda-vyasa. He's the giver of Vedic knowledge. Vedic knowledge is not given by him. The Vedic knowledge is given by Krsna Himself
- So we have got very short-cut criterion to understand a rascal and intelligent man. What is that? If he is a devotee of Krsna, then he is intelligent man. If he is not, then he's rascal. That's all
- So yoga practice is approved process, but it requires long, long period, time, and the time is not at all suitable in this age. And persons are differently cultured. They are eating everything, they are drinking everything, smoking
- So-called philosophers mind is not very broad. What is called? Ah? What is the English word? Crippled. Mind is very crippled. Durasaya. Therefore they are hoping against hope. They will not live here. Still, they are decorating, decorating the dead body
- So-called scientists are now claiming that some time in the future we shall stop death by scientific methods, but this is simply another crazy utterance. Stopping death is not at all possible
- So-called yogis sometimes practice a fashionable form of yoga by closing their eyes and meditating, but we have actually seen such so-called yogis sleeping and snoring while meditating. This is not the practice of yoga
- Soldiers killing and ordinary killing is not the same, but my point is that God gives you the law that you shall not kill. Now if you are violating that law, then how you can become religious? That is my question
- Some believe that in the ultimate issue, the Absolute Truth is not a person. BG 1972 purports
- Some less intelligent men say that Bhagavad-gita is not meant for householders, but such foolish men forget that Bhagavad-gita was explained to Arjuna, a grhastha (family man), and spoken by the Lord in His role as a grhastha
- Some of the followers of the Vedas are attached to karma-kanda, the fruitive activities of the Vedas, in order to be promoted to a higher standard of life. Others argue that this is not the purpose of the Vedas
- Some people become interested in Krsna because they think that His religion allows indulgence in sex. This is not krsna-bhakti, love of Krsna, but prakrta-sahajiya - materialistic lust - CC Intro
- Some people mistake the loving affairs between Krsna and the gopis (cowherd girls) for activities of ordinary sense gratification, but these affairs are not lustful because there is no material contamination
- Some people think that Radha and Krsna are so cheap that They may be seen every night, but this is not the teaching of the gosvamis who were always searching after Krsna crying - Where are You Krsna? Are You on the bank of the Yamuna
- Some people think that Radha and Krsna are so cheap that They may be seen every night, but this is not the teaching of the gosvamis who were always searching after Krsna crying - Where are You Krsna? Are You there by Govardhana Hill
- Some people think that Radha and Krsna are so cheap that They may be seen every night, but this is not the teaching of the gosvamis who were always searching after Krsna crying - Where are You? Where are You Radharani? Where are You Krsna
- Some philosophers say that the manifestation of material nature is false, but according to the philosophy of Bhagavad-gita or according to the philosophy of the Vaisnavas, this is not so. BG 1972 Introduction
- Some philosophers, especially Mayavadi philosophers, say that this world is false, but we can understand from Bhagavad-gita that the world is not false; it is temporary
- Some philosophies maintain that after liberation from material life, after the nirvana of this material body, we become zero, void. That is a dangerous theory. By nature the living entity is not attracted to zero
- Some say that transcendence must be void of all qualities because qualities are manifested only in matter. According to them, all qualities are like temporary, flickering mirages. But this is not acceptable
- Somebody is engaged in sinful activities, but he is not induced by the Lord that he should be engaged in sinful activities. Similarly, somebody is engaged in virtuous activities. So that virtuous activity is according to his own
- Somebody is, argue, that "This is written by some scholar or some learned person." No, Veda is not like that. Veda is coming directly from Narayana, and Narayana means God. God was existing before the creation
- Somehow or other, if he comes before the Lord, he can see himself as shining as the Supreme Lord, although he is not as extensive as the Lord. Because the living entity desires to imitate the Supreme Lord, he is covered by maya
- Sometimes a person melts and manifests these transcendental symptoms (standing of the hairs on end, etc.) yet at the same time is not well behaved in his personal transactions. This indicates that he has not reached complete perfection in devotional life
- Sometimes a person melts and manifests transcendental symptoms yet at the same time is not well behaved in his personal transactions. This indicates that he has not yet reached complete perfection in devotional life
- Sometimes a practitioner deviates from the Vaisnava principles, and there is a chance that he may fall down, but Kasyapa Muni thought that even if one falls while practicing the Vaisnava principles, he is still not a loser
- Sometimes it is seen that spiritually advanced persons become materially impoverished. This is no discouragement. On the other hand, such impoverishment is a good sign as much as the falling of temperature is a good sign
- Sometimes people ask us about Krsna and Caitanya Mahaprabhu, that "What is the Vedic evidences?" So that Vedic evidences will be given, later chapters of Caitanya-caritamrta. He is not falsely asserting
- Sometimes people cannot understand why Radhika's name is not mentioned in Srimad-Bhagavatam. Actually, however, Radhika can be understood from the word aradhana, which indicates that She enjoys the highest loving affairs with Krsna
- Sometimes pseudo spiritualists accept a spiritual master who is not even fit to become a disciple because they want to keep him under their control. This is useless for spiritual realization
- Sometimes Satyaloka, the planet in which Brahma resides, is also called Brahmaloka. But the Brahmaloka mentioned here is not the same as the Satyaloka planetary system
- Sometimes the prakrta sahajiyas claim that they have heard the truth from their guru. But one cannot have transcendental knowledge simply by hearing from a guru who is not bona fide
- Sometimes they paint the picture of God as very old man. Because He is the original person, so by this time He must have become very old. This is imagination. This is not actually the form of the Lord. The form of the Lord is there in the Brahma-samhita
- Sometimes they will advertise, "Our customers are our masters." Is it not? But in spite of the flowery language - "Our customers are our masters" - this is business, because nobody is a qualified customer unless he pays. But service is not like that
- Sometimes when the fire (in the stomach) is not going nicely, treatment is required. In any case, this fire is representative of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- Sometimes, even after renunciation, one becomes attached to a temple or to the few things that constitute the property of a sannyasi, but such attachment is not as strong as family attachment. The attachment to the family is the strongest illusion
- Sometimes, if a spiritual master is not properly authorized and only on his own initiative becomes a spiritual master, he may be carried away by an accumulation of wealth and large numbers of disciples. His is not a very high grade of devotional service
- Sometimes, the politicians and others, everyone thinks (this is not yet finished. I have to do this), so he again comes back to such a, I mean to say, favorable type of body and again executes this. This is going on. This is called material life
- Sometimes, when there is a scarcity of living entities to take charge of Brahma’s post, Maha-Visnu expands Himself as Lord Brahma. This Brahma is not considered to be a living entity; He is an expansion of Visnu
- Space permits the movement of even the atoms and on up to the greatest planets, the sun and the moon. Although the sky (or wind or air) is great, still it is situated within space. Space is not beyond the sky. BG 1972 purports
- Sparrows and pigeons have sex three hundred times daily, although they are strict vegetarians, and the lion, which is not a vegetarian, has sex once a year. Spiritual life is not a question of vegetarianism but of understanding higher knowledge
- Sparrows, the pigeons, they're having sex life three hundred times daily, you see, although they are very vegetarian. And the lion is not vegetarian, but it has got sex life only once in a year. So it is not the question of vegetarian or nonvegetarian
- Spirit is not created at a certain stage of material development. Rather, this material world is manifested only on the basis of spiritual energy. BG 1972 purports
- Spiritual cultivation is not exactly meant for the sannyasi’s or vanaprastha's it is meant for everyone. Everybody, just like our spiritual method we are also, we are women, children, men but the purpose is different
- Spiritual culture is not dogmatic faith but it is based on philosophy, reason and culture. This can be introduced very easily through convenient methods of music, dance and refreshment which are acceptable by all grades of human being
- Spiritual master is the servant of God. He is not God, although he is respected like God
- Spiritual sense is not senselessness. No. Purified senses
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu declared Himself a strict sannyasi. A sannyasi is not supposed to take help from anyone. Retaining a masseur to give Him massages would indicate His dependence on others
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu never discussed the topics of Rasaleela in public audience, but only with the most confidential associates. It is not for materialistic persons. I suggested you film the Srimad Bhagavatam, starting with the First Canto
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's specific mission is to deliver fallen souls. Of course, in this Age of Kali there is hardly anyone who is not fallen according to the calculations of Vedic behavior
- Sri Prabodhananda Sarasvati, a great devotee of Lord Caitanya, said, kaivalyam narakayate: "The happiness of becoming one with the Supreme Lord, which is aspired for by the Mayavadis, is considered hellish." That oneness is not for pure devotees
- Sri Ramacharitamanasa by Goswami Tulasi das is not very authorized, and Ramayana is authorized
- Srila Bhaktisiddhanta remarks - Which Sri Saila is being indicated by Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami is not clearly understood. There is no temple of Mallikarjuna in this area because the Sri Saila located in the district of Dharwad cannot possibly be there
- Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura states that the word vyavahita ("improperly uttered") is not used here (CC Antya 3.59) to refer to the mundane vibration of the letters of the alphabet
- Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura writes in his Anubhasya - On the East Bengal railway line beginning from the Sealdah station in Calcutta, there is a station named Sodapura, which is not very far from Calcutta
- Srila Jiva Gosvami is not prepared to accept any statement which does not refer to the Vedic literatures: Vedas, Puranas, Upanisads, Mahabharata, Ramayana, like that
- Srila Madhvacarya says, anisa jiva-rupena: the living entity is anisa, never the controller, but is always controlled
- Srila Rupa Gosvami is not teaching in the beginning the loving affairs of Radha-Krsna. No. He's training, first of all, the reader, the devotee, how to become first of all pure devotee
- Srila Rupa Gosvami, a great acarya in the line of devotional service, has described this stage as follows: Although appearing just like a madman, a person in the ecstasy of devotional service is not mad in the material conception of the term
- Srila Sridhara Svami rightly commenting on this verse (SB 2.5.39), says that the Brahmaloka mentioned here is Vaikuntha, the kingdom of God, which is sanatana, or eternal, and is not exactly like the material creations described above
- Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura herein (SB 9.5.27) gives a very good example. When one is very eager for more and more money, he is not satisfied even when he is a millionaire or a multimillionaire, but wants to earn more and more money by any means
- Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura suggests that both Draupadi and Subhadra, although her name is not mentioned herein (SB 1.15.50), got the same result. None of them had to quit the body
- Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 11.20.9) says that one should follow other paths to self-realization only as long as one is not convinced of the direct order of the Lord Sri Krsna
- Srimad-Bhagavatam is not a creation of the mental speculators. The sound of Srimad-Bhagavatam is transcendental, and the resonance of Srimad-Bhagavatam is as good as that of the Vedas
- Srimad-Bhagavatam's categorization of the common man without any spiritual enlightenment into the society of dogs, hogs, camels and asses is not at all an exaggeration
- Standing in water during severe cold is not very comfortable, but they (tapasvis) voluntarily do it. In the summer they also ignite fires all around themselves and sit down in the midst of the blazes and meditate
- Stealing is not our business. Our business is to become Krsna conscious. Caesar's wife must be above suspicion. This is our program
- Striyah sudras tatha vaisyah. A woman is meant for being protected. So long she is not young, she is under the protection of the father. And as soon as she is young, she is given in charge, in charity. Kanya-dana. Dana means charity
- Study of the Vedas is not meant for the recreation of armchair speculators, but for the formation of character. After this training, the brahmacari is allowed to enter into household life and marry. BG 1972 purports
- Success in yoga is not acquisition of mystic power, which is condemned in the previous chapter, but, rather, freedom from all material designations and situation in one's constitutional position. That is the ultimate achievement in yoga practice
- Such a devotee who is narayana-parayana, or vasudeva-parayana is not afraid of going anywhere
- Such a liberated person is not attracted to material sense pleasure or external objects but is always in trance, enjoying the pleasure within. BG 5.21 - 1972
- Such a man of understanding acts with mind and intelligence perfectly controlled, gives up all sense of proprietorship over his possessions & acts only for the bare necessities of life. Thus working, he is not affected by sinful reactions. BG 4.21 - 1972
- Such a marriage is not sanctioned by regular scriptures
- Such a person (who is interested in spiritual salvation) is not interested in material enjoyment
- Such a stricture (to become a brahmana) is not an impediment in the path of progress for anyone and everyone, but it is necessary for an unqualified understanding of a particular science
- Such ahimsa is not a religious principle itself, but it is an important quality for persons who are actually religious
- Such Brahmins or Brahmacaris or Sannyasis asking contributions is not against the law, actually that is the way of livelihood for persons who are not karmis
- Such knowledge (as knowing what he is, what God is, what this world is, what our relationship with God in this world is) is not taught in schools, where one is taught how to manufacture or acquire products for sense gratification
- Such negligent utterance (of the holy name) for the sense gratification of materialistic persons is not a vibration of transcendental sound
- Such persons (Those who are thus bewildered are attracted by demoniac and atheistic views) do not know that Krsna's body is not material
- Such pure love of Godhead (when a devotee thinks of Him as his pet son, personal friend or most dear fiance) is unadulterated by any tinge of superfluous nondevotional desires and is not mixed with any sort of fruitive action
- Such transcendental reciprocation (between Krsna and Radharani) is not even possible to understand from the platform of material goodness. One has to actually transcend material goodness in order to understand
- Suddha-bhava, pure Krsna consciousness, is not dependent on an understanding of the Lord’s opulences. Even without such opulences, the devotee in suddha-bhava is inclined to love Krsna as a friend or son
- Suicide is not justified. It is violation of nature's law. Nature gives you a certain type of body to live in it for certain days, and suicide means you go against the laws of nature; you untimely stop the duration of life. Therefore he becomes a criminal
- Sukadeva Gosvami describes every part of His (Krsna's) transcendental beauty, one after another, to teach impersonalists that the Personality of Godhead isn't imagination by the devotee for facility of worship but is the Supreme Person in fact and figure
- Sukadeva Gosvami is not a mental speculator or compromiser of the theory of "as many ways, as many conclusions." Rather, he prays to the Lord only, invoking His transcendental pleasure. That is the way of knowing the Lord
- Sukadeva Gosvami is suggesting the platform of speculative knowledge. When it has failed that a thief, repeatedly committing criminal activities, repeatedly he is being punished but he is not corrected, then what is the remedy? That is vimarsanam
- Sukadeva Gosvami's recommendation to leave home and go to the forest in search of Krsna is not for immature persons. Maharaja Pariksit was mature. Even in his householder life, or from the very beginning of his life, he worshiped Lord Krsna's murti
- Sun at twelve o'clock, midday, is not older than it was in the morning, but it is our calculation that "Sun is now, say, six hours older from His appearance." That is our calculation. So Krsna is always sixteen, but we calculate like that
- Suppose a child commits something wrong. He is not punished
- Suppose one man is educated as medical man, but after taking his degrees he is playing football. He might have the qualification, medical qualification, but because he is not practicing as medical man he is useless. That is the sastric injunction
- Suppose one man is stealing for his personal benefit, and the same stealing, if he steals for his family, is he not a thief? Either he steals for his family or for himself, stealing is stealing
- Suppose somebody is Christian. He sees Krsna Consciousness as a movement of the Hindus. But actually it is not. Therefore, he has to become free from the designation of becoming an American
- Suppose the minister, goes to the criminal department to see the prison house. He is not affected by the prison rules. It is simple to understand. If the prisoner thinks, "Oh, he is also one of the prisoner, because he has come here," this is nonsense
- Suppose we go somewhere and he did not favor us. We should not be sorry. We should know that Krsna did not dictate him. He is not so fortunate now; therefore Krsna did not dictate him. So there is nothing to be sorry
- Supreme God, the supreme controller, is not controlled by anyone. I am controlling, but I am being controlled by somebody else. That is God. So therefore we have to admit . . . we must admit that we are not free. We are controlled
- Svakiya and parakiya conjugal love of Godhead have no existence in the material world, and parakiya is not exhibited anywhere in Vaikuntha, but only in the portion of Goloka Vrndavana known as Vraja
- Svarupa Damodara Gosvami has written a verse which says that although the loving affairs of Radha and Krsna may appear like ordinary material affairs, this is not actually the case. Radharani is the pleasure potency of Krsna
- Svarupa-siddhi is not something artificial. When one becomes perfectly spiritually realized, then he understands what is his relationship with Krsna and he begins his service in that relationship as father, as friend, as guru or as servant, like that
- Svarupa-siddhi is not that you do all nonsense things and svarupa-siddhi. Svarupa-siddhi means when he is actually liberated, he understands what is his relationship with Krsna. That is svarupa-siddhi
- Take care of the new devotees so that they may read our literatures carefully and come to the real standard of understanding. Our strength is not material strength, but spiritual strength
- Taking birth as a vaisya is not all; one must possess hundreds or thousands of animals (specifically cows) and rule over other vaisyas as Nanda Maharaja did in Vrndavana
- Taking shelter of demigods, even those in the highest positions, like Brahma and Siva, is not advised herein. One should take shelter of the Supreme Godhead
- Taking to shelter of God or God’s son, one is saved. That is reasonable. But what is this philosophy that one is destined to go to hell, one is destined to go to heaven? This philosophy is not very nice
- Tapasya is not possible by the cats and dogs or animals. Tapasya is meant for the human being. Therefore the human life is called durlabha-janma
- Tat tvam asi means that the living entity is a spiritual particle of the supreme spirit, but this is not the chief motif of the Vedanta or Vedic literatures. The chief sound representation of the Supreme is omkara
- Technology means sudra. Technology is not the business of a brahmana, ksatriya, or vaisya. No. Just like blacksmith, goldsmith, carpenter, craftsman. These are technology. They are meant for the sudras
- Temple construction is not bad, provided proper care is taken for the propagation of Krsna consciousness. Even if such endeavors are considered greedy, the greed is to satisfy Krsna, and therefore these are spiritual activities
- Temporary time-serving devotional service is not accepted as pure devotional service. Actual devotional service continues even after liberation. BG 1972 purports
- Temporary, material happiness holds no value for a devotee. The devotee is in such an exalted position that he is not interested in the actions of karma or jnana
- That abode of Mine (Krsna's) is not illumined by the sun or moon, nor by electricity. And anyone who reaches it never comes back to this material world. (BG. 15.6) This verse gives a description of that eternal sky. BG 1972 Introduction
- That abode of Mine is not illumined by the sun or moon, nor by electricity. One who reaches it never returns to this material world. BG 15.6 - 1972
- That is spirit, the original source of everything. This body, original source is the spirit. As soon as the spirit is not there, the body will not grow
- That is the characteristic of a pure devotee. Even in the greatest difficulty, even in the greatest danger, he is not shaken; he is steady
- That is the distinction between dog and human being. If he does not become inquisitive how to control the mind, he is not even a human being
- That is the duty of the husband. If wife's a little hair is infringed, he should take steps immediately. That is husband. Not that accept wife today and give it up tomorrow. That is not husband. Husband must be very responsible to take care of the wife
- That is the lesson of Bhagavad-gita. (2.20): For the soul there is never birth nor death. Nor, once having been, does he ever cease to be. He is unborn, eternal, ever-existing, undying, and primeval. He is not slain when the body is slain
- That is the nature of the mind - thinking, feeling and willing. As long as the mind is not engaged in meditation on the lotus feet of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, the mind will desire so many material enjoyments
- That is the parampara system. The newly initiated disciple is immediately supposed to beg alms and make a presentation to the spiritual master. If such presentation is not made, if they do not follow the system, how the effect will be there?
- That is the way of the spiritual and godly life, after attaining which a man is not bewildered. If one is thus situated even at the hour of death, one can enter into the kingdom of God
- That kind of staunch faith is not very easy. It is for the great personality. Immediately accepts. Krsna says, sarva-dharman parityajya (BG 18.66). Immediately accepts: "Yes." Then sa mahatma sudurlabhah. That is not very easily done
- That love (for Supreme Lord, Krsna) is not motivated that, "I want this thing; therefore I shall love." Here in this material world the so-called love, lust, is motivated, - I'll get so much sense gratification; therefore I love a boy or a girl
- That soul is eternal, but the body is not eternal. For our activity we must have a body; without a body, without sense organs, there is no activity. But people are not inquiring whether it is possible to have an eternal body
- That spiritual nature, is not dark. That is full of light. Just like the sun planet there is no possibility of darkness, similarly, every planet there, they are self-illuminated, so there is no darkness
- That the Lord can manifest Himself before His devotees by His inconceivable power is not against the teaching of the Pancaratras
- That this minute living spark, the spirit, is not a material thing is proved by the fact that no material scientist has ever been able to create the living spark by any combination or quantity of material substances
- That which is acintya cannot be ascertained by argument. People generally argue, but our process is not to argue but to accept the Vedic knowledge as it is
- The abode of the Lord is not a myth, as is thought by the unbelievers or ignorant people, but one cannot reach there by any material means like a sputnik or space capsule
- The acarya is not a mercenary order-supplier like the professional reciter of scriptures
- The actual center is the sastra, the revealed scripture. If a spiritual master does not speak according to the revealed scripture, he is not to be accepted. Similarly, if a saintly person does not speak according to the sastra, he is not a saintly person
- The actual fact is that our constitutional position is not one of struggle. Struggle is the position of animal life. Human life should be blissful and should have as its goal spiritual advancement
- The animalistic person who lives simply in the bodily concept of life is not excused. He is put into the hell known as Maharaurava and attacked by ruru animals known as kravyadas
- The aroma of the smoke emanating from a burning fire is not always very favorable. Therefore upon smelling such a wonderful fragrance (coming from the burnt body of Putana), the inhabitants of Vraja were astonished
- The ass is generally engaged by the washerman, whose social position is not very respectable. And the special qualification of the ass is that it is very much accustomed to being kicked by the opposite sex
- The asura is concerned with how much wealth he has in the bank today and how it will increase tomorrow, but unrestricted accumulation of wealth is not permitted either by the sastra or, in the modern age, by the government
- The attempt to directly become the father of Krsna is not recommended. Such a development can become polluted with Mayavada (impersonal) philosophy
- The author of Srimad-Bhagavatam says that the Lord is the origin of all creations. He is not only the creator but the maintainer and annihilator as well
- The Ayurveda-sastra recommends, ausadhi cintayet visnum: even while taking medicine, one should remember Visnu, because the medicine is not all and all and Lord Visnu is the real protector
- The background of all these (sensory) activities is the living being, and the director of the living beings is the Supersoul. The living being is not the all in all. He is directed by the Supersoul
- The basic principle of self-realization is knowledge that the living entity isn't this material body but that he is different from it & that his happiness is in eternal life, bliss & knowledge. These are transcendental, beyond both body & mind. BG 1972 p
- The beginning of Krsna consciousness is there. Because one is giving some money, hard-earned money, for this Krsna consciousness movement, he is getting some spiritual profit. He's not losing. He's getting some spiritual profit
- The best practice of yoga in this age is Krsna consciousness, which is not baffling. A Krsna conscious person is so happy in his occupation that he does not aspire after any other happiness. BG 1972 purports
- The best way to understand Bhagavad-gita is to accept a bona fide spiritual master. This is not very difficult
- The Bhagavatam affirms that any person who is fully in Krsna consciousness, or devotional service of the Lord, has all the good qualities of the great sages, whereas a person who is not so transcendentally situated has no good qualifications. BG 1972 purp
- The Bhagavatam says that because nondevotees neglect the transcendental loving service of the lotus feet of the Personality of Godhead, their intelligence is not sufficient, and therefore these persons fall down
- The Bhagwat Cult is not there at all although it is the only remedy for raising the people in the world in the path of self realization and spiritual salvation
- The bhakti-yoga system is not newly introduced, for even five thousand years ago Lord Krsna recommended this bhakti-yoga as the topmost yoga
- The bhakti-yoga system is not to be practiced for transferral to any material planet
- The body is born and is destined to be vanquished today or tomorrow. Therefore the body is not as important as the soul. One who knows this is actually learned. For him there is no cause for lamentation in any stage of the material body
- The body is not a lovable object. But because the soul is there within the body, therefore we love this body
- The body is not at all good; it is simply a cause of bondage to the material world. Unfortunately, even though the body is destined for destruction, fools and rascals invest all their faith in the body and are never eager to return home, back to Godhead
- The body is not barrier, we should always remember. Bodily concept of life is the consciousness of the animals, and spiritual concept of life is the consciousness of the perfect being. I am servant, eternal servant of Krsna. This we should know
- The body is not eternal; therefore these activities also not eternal. Then what is my real activity, eternal activity?" That is Krsna consciousness, bhakti
- The body is not independent. And the soul goes away. Then body's no more independent. It cannot move. It becomes just like dust. "Dust thou art; dust thou be-est." . . . like this body is moving now, but it is not independent. It is dependent on the soul
- The body is not the self. The self is different. If you analyze this body, what you will find? Suppose we are breathing. What is this breathing? It is air only. Now, when the breathing is stopped, a man is dead
- The body is subjected to birth, death. The body is forgetful. The body is suffering old age. So this is not blissful body. But Krsna's body - just opposite. His body is blissful, full of knowledge, and eternal. So how can you compare with Krsna?
- The body of a fully self-realized soul is not accepted as material. Special ceremonies are observed for such spiritual bodies
- The Brahma-samhita also says, anadir adir govindah sarva-karana-karanam: (BS 5.1) "The Supreme Lord is not caused by anything (anadi), but He is the cause of all causes."
- The brahmajyoti is not independent or self-sufficient. Lord Sri Krsna is ultimately the creator of the brahmajyoti, mentioned in this verse (SB 2.5.11) as sva-rocisa, or the effulgence of the transcendental body of the Lord
- The brahmajyoti is not separate from the Lord, as the glowing sun ray is not independent of the sun disc. Therefore one who desires to merge into the supreme impersonal brahmajyoti must also worship the Lord by bhakti-yoga
- The Brahman effulgence is not visible to material eyes, but to prove that every living being is individual, Krsna had this individual effulgence stay outside the demon's (Aghasura) body for some time, for everyone to see
- The Brahman realization of the tantric cult is not the same Brahman realization as that of pure devotees. Unless one reaches the highest point of Brahman realization, Krsna consciousness, he is punishable
- The brahmanas and Vaisnavas know what to eat, and by their personal example they do not eat anything which is not offered first to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. They eat only prasada, or remnants of the food offered to the Lord
- The brain substance is not the center of intelligence; it is the consciousness of a particular soul that works intelligently
- The bricks, stone and wood used in the construction of the temple are spiritual, just as the Deity, although made of stone, is not stone but the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself
- The Buddha incarnation mentioned in this verse (SB 2.7.37) is not the same Buddha incarnation we have in the present history of mankind
- The Buddhist cult also accepts the philosophy of transmigration, but the Buddhists do not properly explain the next birth. There are 8,400,000 species of life, and our next birth may be in any one of them; therefore this human body is not guaranteed
- The cage is not the bird. But foolish persons, they are taking care of the cage, not of the bird. The bird, out of starvation, is suffering. So we are suffering spiritual starvation. Therefore nobody is happy in this material world
- The case of Jaya and Vijaya is not a falldown; it is just an accident
- The caste system created by the Personality of Godhead, Sri Krsna, and referred to in the Bhagavad-gita is not the same as the caste system of the society of the cheaters and the cheated
- The central idea is that if the boy and girl were on an equal level the marriage would be happy, whereas inequality would lead to unhappiness. Because care is no longer taken in marriage, we now find many divorces
- The change of the gross body is not very important, but the change of the subtle body is important. The Krsna consciousness movement is educating people to enlighten the subtle body
- The childish propensity of stealing is there even in the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and therefore this propensity is not artificial. However, in the spiritual relationship there is no inebriety to this stealing propensity
- The cloud is not big, as big as the sky. Similarly, the material world is also . . . it is insignificant in comparison to the spiritual world. Some portion of it is covered by maya just like this cloud
- The common man also knows that the creation is made by some creator and is not created automatically. We have no experience in the practical world that a thing is created automatically
- The Communist philosophy also, there are so many defects. They also think of equal rights for everyone but why not for the animals? What right you have got to kill the animals? Similarly, the animal also kill you. So this is not organized society
- The complete whole is not formless. If He is formless, or if He is less than any other thing, then He cannot be the complete whole. The complete whole must have everything within our experience and beyond our experience. BG 1972 Introduction
- The computer machine is not brain; the man who is pushing the buttons, he has got the brain. So we have to learn like that. Therefore we have to take knowledge from Krsna, and Krsna is giving knowledge directly in the Bhagavad-gita
- The conception of a snake is not untrue or unreal in itself. It is the false identity that is untrue or unreal
- The conception of various controlling demigods who inhabit the higher planetary systems for the management of universal affairs is not imaginary, as proposed by persons with a poor fund of knowledge
- The conclusion is that nature is not the cause of the material manifestation. The Supreme Lord is the cause of all causes
- The conclusion is that one's being deprived of his wealth is not to be considered the special mercy of the Lord
- The conclusion is that Rudra is not exactly Lord Visnu but rather a transformation of Visnu. Therefore, he does not come within the category of the visnu-tattvas
- The conclusion is that the cosmic manifestation is certainly created at a certain time, and the creator existed before the creation; therefore the creator is not a created being
- The conditioned soul has a tendency to cheat; therefore this quality is also visible in a person like King Indra. It is understood that even King Indra is not liberated from the clutches of material contamination
- The conditioned soul is forced to take a certain type of body and senses under the three modes of material nature. That body is not received according to his own choice
- The conditioned souls who have come to this world on account of forgetfulness of his eternal relationship with God is prone to be cheated, but a person who is sincere is not cheated
- The consciousness of the living entity, although qualitatively one with the supreme consciousness, is not supreme because the consciousness of one particular body does not share that of another body. BG 1972 purports
- The consciousness of the Lord is not materially affected. BG 1972 Introduction
- The creation of His (God's) internal potency, the spiritual world, is not a temporary manifestation like the material world, but is eternal and full of transcendental knowledge, opulence, energy, strength, beauties and glories
- The creator is Para-brahman, or the Supreme Spirit. Matter is not only subordinate to spirit but is actually created on the basis of spirit
- The creator is Parabrahman. Matter is not only subordinate to spirit but is actually created on the basis of spirit. When the spirit soul enters the womb of a mother, the body is created by material ingredients supplied by the mother
- The darah, or wife, is not permitted to be offered to the brahmanas. Everything is offered to worthy persons who are able to accept charity, but nowhere is it found that one offers his wife; in this case the reading rayah is more accurate than darah
- The darkness occurring before the full moon, the lunar eclipse, can be explained as being another planet, known as Rahu. According to Vedic astronomy, the Rahu planet, which is not visible, is accepted
- The deer runs after water in the desert with full speed, and the illusion of water moves ahead at the same speed as the foolish deer. Water is not false, but we must not seek it in the desert
- The demigods prayed - Our dear Lord (Krsna), the way of understanding is not to study Your absolute nature, form and activities by mental speculation
- The demigods said: Our dear Lord, the way of understanding is not to study Your absolute nature, form and activities by mental speculation. One must engage himself in devotional service; then one can understand Your absolute nature
- The description given by Narada Muni (in SB 4.8.46) is not imaginary
- The description of the spiritual world is that there is no rajas-tamah. These modes of passion and modes of ignorance is not there. Suddha-sattva. Suddha-sattva means simply goodness, pure goodness, without any tinge of passion and ignorance
- The desire to go to the moon is not a new thing. The yogis also are interested in entering the higher planets, but in Bhagavad-gita Krsna points out that this will not be of any help
- The desired result of yoga is not to achieve some wonderful mystic power
- The devotee is not interested in liberation, but in serving; as such, the devotee is already liberated. So liberation is not very important business--it doesn't matter if he is liberated or non-liberated
- The devotees are interested only in seeing that the people in general are not misguided by political propaganda and in seeing that the valuable life of a human being is not spoiled in following a type of civilization which is ultimately doomed
- The devotees of Krsna engaged in His personal service are always very cautious because they know that becoming personal servitors of Lord Krsna is not an ordinary thing
- The devotees worship only the Supreme Lord Visnu. This worship is not for any material benefit, as desired by all the materialists, even up to the salvationists, mystics and fruitive workers
- The dhira-lalita aspect is not seen in any other form of the Lord, including Visnu and Narayana
- The distinction between animal and man is that that animal is not aware of the sufferings he is undergoing. There are sufferings both for the animals and for the man, but man is conscious
- The distinction between one's own son and another's son is not unnatural. Many elderly women have motherly affection for the sons of others. They observe distinctions, however, between those other sons and their own
- The doctors, the medical practitioners, they give sugar candy. The physician gives sugar candy. The sugar candy, to the person suffering from jaundice, tastes bitter, "Oh, it is bitter." But actually sugar candy is not bitter
- The dog cannot understand that he is not body, he is something else. But human intelligence is advanced. If they do not try to understand this fact, then what is the difference between him and dog
- The dog is crying, is crying at night because he has lost that woman. Is it not? Just see, even in the dog, what to speak of human being. So this is material life, to be affectionate unnecessarily
- The dowry system is not illegal, as some have tried to prove. The dowry is a gift given to the daughter by the father to show good will, and it is compulsory
- The duality of knowledge and knower is not accepted by the nondualist, but in this verse (BG 6.20-23) transcendental pleasure-realized through transcendental senses-is accepted. BG 1972 purports
- The duty of the government or king is not to increase military power unnecessarily; the real duty of the government is to see that the people of the state advance in Krsna consciousness
- The duty of the spiritual master is to instruct the disciple as long as he does not come to the understanding that this materialistic way of life, fruitive activity, is not at all beneficial
- The embrace of the son is not exactly the embrace of husband and wife from the sexual point of view, but the embrace is satisfaction from the affectionate point of view
- The energy emanated from Him (the Supreme Lord) is not different from Him. But in the actual activity of this material world, the living entity is under the different qualities of material energy and in different forms
- The energy which acts as material nature in a combination of twenty-three ingredients is not the final source of creation. The Lord enters into the elements and applies His energy, called Kali. In all other Vedic scriptures the same principle is accepted
- The enlightened transcendentalist is not captivated by such illusory things (demigod worship) ; therefore he is always absorbed in the transcendental thought of the Supreme in different stages of realization, namely Brahman, Paramatma and Bhagavan
- The entire subject matter of Krsna consciousness is not of this material world. All, it is of spiritual world, but they have no information of the spirit and the spiritual world. Therefore, sometimes they find it very difficult to understand
- The exalted perfection of seeing the Lord is not exaggerated by Kardama Muni. He gives evidence that those who are actually elevated in yoga aspire in life after life to see this form of the Personality of Godhead
- The example given by the Mayavadi philosophers that inanimate matter like nails and hair comes from the living body is not a very sound argument. Nails and hair are undoubtedly inanimate, but they come not from the animate living being
- The example is given that a person may apparently abstain from sleep all day, but as long as he is not spiritually enlightened he is actually sleeping
- The example of the sun and the sunshine is given. The sunshine is not the sun, but still the sunshine is not separate from the sun
- The exchange of feelings between Radha and Krsna is not a subject matter of this material world. Even the greatest mental speculator cannot understand this, directly or indirectly
- The execution of devotional service is not a matter of idle meditation but practical action in the foreground of spiritual life
- The existence of Narayana, or the Personality of Godhead, is not within the jurisdiction of this mahat-tattva, and as such, the name, form, attributes, etc. of Narayana are beyond the jurisdiction of the material world
- The external energy means we are captivated by the external energy. But the external energy is not permanent. The internal energy is permanent. The spiritual world is permanent, and we are also permanent
- The external potency is not exactly manifested by Him, for He expands Himself as the purusas, and it is in these forms that He maintains the features of the material manifestation
- The fact is that the spiritual world is not void, as somebody thinks. They have no information
- The father knows what is the necessity of the child. So this is not very good business to ask God, "Give me this, give me that." Why shall I ask? If God is all-powerful, He knows my wants, He knows my necessities, and that is also confirmed in the Vedas
- The field or the earth is not exploding with the vegetation. It is due to the sunshine. Therefore it is coming out. It is the real cause. Similarly, accepting that chunk, the total material energy, it is agitated by the glance of Maha-Visnu
- The first instruction given by the Lord in BG (2.13): As the embodied soul continually passes, in this body, from boyhood to youth to old age, the soul similarly passes into another body at death. The self-realized soul is not bewildered by such a change
- The first status, the first stage of realization, is ceto-darpana-marjanam, cleansing the heart. At the present moment my heart is not cleansed
- The first thing is enthusiasm, that "I must see Krsna." You are seeing Krsna. The Deity of Krsna and Krsna is not different. But even personally you can see
- The followers, disciples & sons are all on one level for the bona fide spiritual master, he is always kind to them and always speaks to them on transcendental subjects, even though he is not asked by them. That is the bona fide spiritual master's nature
- The form of the Lord, though represented by material qualities such as stone, wood or oil paint, is not actually material. That is the absolute nature of the Supreme Lord
- The fourth symptom is that a guru, the spiritual master, encourages prasada distribution, remnants of foodstuff distributed to the public. Ours is not dry philosophy, simply we talk and go home. No
- The fragment of God, the living entity, may fall down into the material world, but the Supreme Lord (Acyuta) never falls down. Therefore this assumption that the Supreme Brahman assumes the form of jiva is not acceptable. BG 1972 purports
- The Gajendra-moksana temple is sometimes mistaken for a temple of Lord Siva. It is about two miles south of the city of Kaivera (Nagercoil). Actually the Deity is not of Lord Siva but of Visnu
- The general argument of the common man is that since the Lord is not visible to our eyes, how can one either surrender unto Him or render transcendental loving service unto Him
- The Gita is not a speculative treatise for the insignificant mundane scholar but is a standard book of knowledge coming down from time immemorial. BG 1972 purports
- The Gita says that a wise man is not bewildered by this, for he knows what is what. Why then should he bother himself attaining material wealth
- The glowing particles, molecules of the sunshine, is not equal in quantity with the sun globe, but in quality it is the same. Similarly, we living entities, we are minute particles of that supreme spirit soul, Krsna, or God. Therefore we are also shine
- The goddess of fortune is not to be seen by ordinary persons, but the Lord was so kind that although the devotees did not aspire for such an honor, He appeared before them with the goddess of fortune
- The Godless world situation is not very satisfactory. People in this part of the world are feeling for this vacancy, but they do not know how to solve this problem
- The government can give you the law book. You consult and do accordingly, you’ll be happy. And if you don’t, against, the government man is not coming to stop you. You do, and suffer
- The government here is also not very optimistic of such kind of swamis. But in spite of all difficulties, there is ample possibility of spreading pure devotional service of the Lord, or Krishna Consciousness movement, all over the western world
- The government is not partial to any citizen, but if a citizen is law-abiding he receives abundant opportunities from the state laws to live peacefully and fulfill his real interests
- The government is spending millions of dollars to stop LSD and other drug intoxication, but my students are giving up everything simply by following my word. So why isn't the government coming forward to help me?
- The great sages and saints are promoted beyond the heavenly planets to Maharloka, but that also is not the place of complete fearlessness because at the end of one kalpa the Maharloka is annihilated
- The great sages and saints are promoted beyond the heavenly planets to Maharloka, but that also is not the place of complete fearlessness because at the end of one kalpa the Maharloka is annihilated and the inhabitants have to transport themselves
- The greatest acarya, Krsna says in BG 2.13: "As the embodied soul continually passes, in this body, from boyhood to youth to old age, the soul similarly passes into another body at death. The self-realized soul is not bewildered by such a change"
- The Greek history is not more than three thousand years. Maharaja Yayati banished his two sons to the European quarters. Mleccha-yavana. Later on they became yavana, from Vedic culture deviated. This is the history
- The grha-vrtti of the prostitute was to enchant foolish people and induce them to indulge in sex. Here (CC Antya 3.139), however, grha-vrtti is not a suitable word. The proper word is grha-vitta, which means "all the possessions she had in her home"
- The gross external body of the Supreme is manifested at certain intervals, and thus the external feature or form of the Supreme Personality of Godhead is not the eternal form of the Lord, which has no beginning, no intermediate stage and no end
- The guru should not be approached for material benefits. One should not approach a guru just to cure some disease or receive some miraculous benefit. This is not the way to approach the guru
- The happiness of the abode of love is in the happiness of the object of that love. This is not a relationship of desire for personal gratification
- The happiness that we are experiencing in the material world is not real happiness
- The highest perfection of transcendental realization is to take pleasure in hearing and describing the transcendental qualities of the Lord and not in merging into His impersonal Brahman existence, for which the impersonalist monist aspires
- The highest personality in this material universe is no more significant than an ant for a devotee. Such a stage can be achieved by the mercy of Lord Caitanya, who preached pure devotional service in this age. BG 1972 purports
- The Hindu, Muslim or Christian in all circumstances is servant of someone. Thus, to profess a particular type of sect is not to profess one's sanatana-dharma. The rendering of service is sanatana-dharma. BG 1972 Introduction
- The history of the devotees is not different from the history of Lord Krsna's activities. A devotee of the Lord regards both the activities of the Lord and those of His pure devotees on an equal level, for they are all transcendental
- The holy name is as perfect as the Lord Himself in fullness, purity and eternity. The holy name is not a material sound vibration, nor has it any material contamination
- The holy place is Ganges, but Calcutta is not holy place & Haridwar is holy place. Actually Haridwar or Vrndavana, such places are meant to see great saintly persons, to take some knowledge from them. To take some knowledge from them, that is the purpose
- The homosexual appetite of a man for another man is demoniac and is not for any sane male in the ordinary course of life
- The household duty of a man is not to satisfy his sense gratification, but to remain with a wife and children and at the same time attain advancement in spiritual life. One who does not do so is not a householder but a grhamedhi
- The householder's duty is to earn money because a sannyasi is not supposed to earn money but is completely dependent on the householder
- The human being is meant for self-realization, and for that purpose he is not to eat anything which is not first offered to the Lord
- The idea of a life for a life is not a very new concept but can be found in the Manu-samhita, the Vedic lawbook for mankind, where it is stated that when a king hangs the murderer, the murderer is actually benefited
- The idea of loving is not unknown to you. You love somebody. You love your wife. You love your children. You love your country. You love your society. There are so many loving aspect. But when you love Krsna, then your life is perfect
- The idea of society, friendship, and love is not at all false, but the place where we search for it is false. We have to give up this false position and rise to the reality. That is the result of cultivating the human spirit
- The illusion of accepting the perverted reflection, the material or cosmic manifestation, to be real is not present in you, because you are self-realized
- The illusioned living entity who, in his search for eternal happiness, tries to extract happiness from this material world, which is not only full of miseries but is also transient and flickering
- The impersonal aspect of the Absolute Truth is not the highest. Above the impersonal feature is the Paramatma feature, and above this is the personal feature of the Absolute Truth, or Bhagavan
- The impersonal aspect of the Absolute Truth is not the last word. Above the impersonal feature is the Paramatma
- The impersonal Brahman is unknown even to the other directors of the material creation, including Lord Brahma, Lord Indra and even Lord Visnu. This does not mean, however, that Lord Visnu is not omniscient
- The impersonalist may consider himself a brahmana and may be situated in the mode of goodness, but nonetheless he is conditioned by one of the modes of material nature. This means that he is not yet liberated
- The impersonalist puts more stress on the word arupam. But this arupam is not impersonal. It indicates the transcendental form of eternity, bliss and knowledge as described in the Brahma-samhita. BG 1972 purports
- The important visitor is waiting for one hour. So this is enjoyment. The Prime Minister is not the horse, but he is enjoying taking his grandchild on the back and he was playing like a horse and the grandchild was, 'Hut Hut Hut Hut'
- The incarnation of Lord Siva or Lord Brahma indicates the absence of the supreme power of Visnu. When the supreme power is not there, it is possible to associate with maya, the external energy
- The incarnation of the Lord is not the concocted idea of fanciful men who create an incarnation out of imagination. The incarnation of the Lord appears under certain extraordinary circumstances
- The incarnation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead is not forced to act by the material laws of nature
- The incident of Lord Caitanya’s meeting the all-knowing astrologer is not mentioned in the Caitanya-bhagavata, but we cannot therefore say that it did not take place
- The independence of the individual living entity is not real independence, but is just the reflection of the real independence existing in the Supreme Being
- The individual living soul is subject to the laws of fruitive activity, but the Supersoul, Paramatma, is not affected by the fruitive activities of the individual soul
- The individual soul is also situated in the individual heart, but he is not present in all hearts. That is the distinction between the individual soul and the Supersoul. One who is not factually in the practice of yoga cannot see so clearly. BG 1972 pur
- The infatuation and bondage which accrue to a man from attachment to any other object is not as complete as that resulting from attachment to a woman or to the fellowship of men who are fond of women
- The intelligence of the Mayavadis is not purified; therefore even though they practice austerities for self-realization, they cannot remain within the impersonal brahmajyoti. Consequently, they fall down again into this material world - SB 10.2.32
- The intelligence of those who think themselves liberated but who have no devotion is not pure. Even though they rise to the highest point of liberation by dint of severe penances & austerity, they are sure to fall down again into this material existence
- The intelligent class of human being must take a serious note of this opportunity (the human form of life). Not all human beings are intelligent, so the importance of human life is not always understood
- The invincibly powerful deluding energy of the Personality of God, or the third energy, representing nescience, can bewilder the entire world of animation, but still she is not strong enough to be able to stand in front of the Supreme Lord
- The jnanis and yogis are generally impersonalists, and although they attain the temporary form of liberation by merging into the impersonal effulgence, the spiritual sky, according to Srimad-Bhagavatam their knowledge is not considered pure
- The jnanis are mental speculators who simply try to understand what is spirit and what is matter. Their process is neti neti: "This is not spirit, this is not Brahman"
- The kanistha-adhikari, or the devotee in the lowest stage of Vaisnava life, has firm faith but is not familiar with the conclusions of the sastras
- The King was satisfied, thinking, Let there be a son. It does not matter if he is not very obedient
- The king, his duty was that if you are professing yourself as a brahmana, then it is the king's duty to see that you are acting as a brahmana. Brahmana is not by birth but guna-karma-vibhagasah (BG 4.13). Guna means quality. And karma, and work also
- The king, president or head of the state should always remember that he is not the proprietor but the servant
- The kingdom of God is not a myth. Even the material planets, which float over our heads in the millions and billions, are still a mystery to the ignorant
- The kissing of the Lord, either by His wives or His young girl friends who aspired to have the Lord as their fiance, is not of any mundane perverted quality
- The knowledge of technology is not knowledge. That is ignorance. The knowledge of self-realization is actual knowledge. That is possible in this human form of life. That is not possible by the cats and dogs
- The Krsna arca-murti, it is not imagination, as rascals think, that they have imaginated an idol. This is not idol worship
- The Krsna science is not so easy. It is not so easy. So therefore Caitanya Mahaprabhu has advised, yei krsna-tattva-vetta sei guru haya. Yei krsna-tattva-vetta. Any person who knows the science of Krsna, he is guru; not others
- The krsna-katha is not a subject matter for debating club. It is meant for the devotees. Without devotees, nobody can understand. The others who are not devotee, they simply waste their time in reading Bhagavad-gita or Srimad-Bhagavatam, such literature
- The Kulasekhara also says that the reason he is praying to God is not to be saved from the Kumbhipaka hell. Laborers in gigantic iron & steel mills suffer tribulations similar to those in the Kumbhipaka hell. Kumbhi means "pot," and paka means - boiling
- The liberated soul is not affected, although he is in the material nature. Even the Supreme Personality of Godhead is supposed to be in association with material nature when He descends, but He is not affected
- The liberation which is obtained by such impersonal meditation is not complete; therefore Lord Caitanya rejected it
- The living being cannot be supremely conscious at any stage of his perfection, and the theory that he can be so is a misleading theory. Conscious he may be, but he is not perfectly or supremely conscious. BG 1972 Introduction
- The living entities are struggling to become happy, but unless they take to the bhakti cult, their happiness is not possible
- The living entities are the marginal energy of the Lord, and therefore they are meant for being properly utilized in the transcendental loving service of the Lord. When this is not done, one's situation is called maya
- The living entity does not know that he is not at all a material product but is spiritual. His real identity thus being lost, he struggles very hard in the material world, & the Hare Krsna movement, or KCM, is trying to revive his original consciousness
- The living entity is certainly eternal, but because he is covered by a temporary dress, the body, his eternity is not observed
- The living entity is not a product of the material energy; he is spiritual energy, but in contact with matter he forgets his identity
- The living entity is not burned by the fire. It is not dried up, it is not moistened. This is stated. So why there will be no life in the sun globe? There must be. Because nainam dahati pavakah, fire cannot burn the living being
- The living entity is not really connected with this material world, but due to his tendency to enjoy the material senses, he is put into the material condition
- The living entity is unborn and eternal, and as confirmed in the Bhagavad-gītā (BG 2.30), and is not exhausted even though the material elementary body is vanquished
- The living entity misunderstands himself to be a material product. This means that the present perverted way of thinking, feeling and willing, under material conditions, is not natural for him
- The living entity wants to become a prabhu, or master. The word prabhu means "master," but actually the living entity is not a master; he is the eternal servant of God
- The living entity, by his constitutional position, is not independent. He must surrender, either unto the Lord or unto material nature
- The living entity, or the soul, is ever existing and eternal. It cannot be lost, but learned scholars say that it is lost when actual knowledge is not working. That is the difference between animals and human beings
- The living entity, part and parcel of Krsna, starts his own business to compete with the Lord. There are many competitors out to attain the Lord's position, but to become like the Lord is not at all possible
- The living entity, who is also ksetra jna, or the knower of the body, is not the body's only proprietor; the actual proprietor of the body is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is the supreme ksetra jna
- The living entity, without knowledge of the Supreme Person and His agent the material energy, thinks that he is the doer. In fact, he is not at all the doer
- The logic of nagna-matrka states that if a person is not elevated on such and such a date, he cannot become an exalted devotee overnight, as it were. This particular instance offers evidence to contradict that theory
- The Lord (Caitanya) has said that the varnasrama-dharma is not properly executed in this Age of Kali; therefore He ordered Ramananda Raya to go further into the matter
- The Lord (Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu) could understand that it was because of Damodara Pandita’s simplicity that he impudently dared criticize Him. Nevertheless, such behavior by a devotee is not very good
- The Lord existed before the creative energy was set in action. The Lord is not a product of the material energy. His body is completely spiritual, and there is no difference between His body and Himself
- The Lord is also sometimes compared to a tree. The root of the tree is the cause of the trunk, branches, twigs, leaves, and fruits, yet the trunk is not the fruit, the fruit is not the leaf, nor is the leaf the root
- The Lord is expert at guiding a pure devotee, who is not at all anxious for material superiority
- The Lord is never affected by any kind of wrath, so how can there be any place for lust, which is less strong than wrath? When lust or desire is not fulfilled, there is the appearance of wrath
- The Lord is omnipotent, but the living entity is not. The Lord is vibhu, or omniscient, but the living entity is anu, or atomic
- The Lord is omnipotent; simply by His will He can perform anything and everything. When the Lord appeared as Lord Krsna, He played the part of the son of Yasoda and Nanda, and He lifted the Govardhana Hill, although lifting a hill is not His concern
- The Lord is so kind that even though disturbed, He fulfills the desires of such beggars. The pure devotee is anyabhilasita-sunya; he has no motive behind his worship. He is not conducted by the influence of maya in the form of karma or jnana
- The Lord is so merciful that even if there is some impediment for the devotee, He Himself manages matters in such a way that the devotee is not bereft of having audience at His lotus feet. There is a very good example in the life of Haridasa Thakura
- The Lord says in Bhagavad-gita, bhaktya mam abhijanati yavan yas casmi tattvatah: one cannot know even a fraction of the activities of the Lord if he is not a pure devotee of the Lord
- The Lord says that even the topmost planet, known as the Brahmaloka or Satyaloka, (and what to speak of other planets, like the heavenly planets) is not a happy land for residential purposes, due to the presence of material pangs
- The Lord says that even the topmost planet, known as the Brahmaloka or Satyaloka, (and what to speak of other planets, like the heavenly planets) is not a happy land for residential purposes, due to the presence of material pangs, as above mentioned
- The Lord says, maya tatam idam sarvam: "In My (Krsna's) impersonal feature I am spread throughout the world." Therefore, this world is not different from Him. The difference is a difference in names
- The Lord says, My dear friend, you and I are not different. This nondifference refers to qualitative oneness, for it was not necessary for the Paramatma, the Supreme Personality, to remind the conditioned soul that he is not one in quantity
- The Lord selected Arjuna as the recipient of this great science owing to his becoming the devotee of the Lord, but for the demon it is not possible to understand this great mysterious science. BG 1972 purports
- The Lord will not accept a brahmana who has studied the four Vedas if he is not a devotee but He will accept someone from a very low family if he is a pure devotee
- The Lord's fame as a butter thief is not reproachable, for by stealing butter the Lord gave pleasure to His pure devotees
- The Lord's supremacy is equal in both the spiritual and material worlds, but the spiritual world is called the kingdom of God, and the material world is called the kingdom of maya. Maya refers to that which is not actually fact
- The Lord, being infallible, is not forced by material nature to take birth in this material world. He appears in order to reestablish the perfect order of religious principles and to vanquish the demoniac influence in human society
- The Lord, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is already in charge of the maintenance of this creation by virtue of His plenary expansion, Ksirodakasayi Visnu, but this maintenance is not direct
- The Lord, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is already in charge of the maintenance of this creation by virtue of His plenary expansion, Ksirodakasayi Visnu, but this maintenance is not direct - CC Preface
- The love of a woman, that potency and pleasure, is absent in man, and therefore a man wants a woman. But this is not the case with Krsna, who is full in Himself - CC Intro
- The mahatma is not under the control of material nature. And how is this effected? That is explained in the Seventh Chapter (of Bhagavad-gita). BG 1972 purports
- The main business is that one must know God. It is not that because I approach some person and he did not know, he could give me the right knowledge of God, then I give up this idea of knowing God. No. That will not..., that is not good for human life
- The main purpose of asrama-dharma is to awaken knowledge and detachment. The brahmacari asrama is the training ground for the prospective candidates. In this asrama it is instructed that this material world is not actually the home of the living being
- The man must be responsible. To keep more than one wife by trained-up man is not disallowed
- The mantra to Ganapati is not bona fide. That is another nonsense. Your (Upendra - disciple of Prabhupada) worship of Guru-Gauranga and Nrsimhadeva is very nice. Please make it as attractive and gorgeous as possible though simple
- The Manu-samhita, the Vedic lawbook for mankind, where it is stated that when a king hangs the murderer, the murderer is actually benefited, for if he is not killed, he will carry the reaction for his murder and will have to suffer in so many ways
- The marginal jiva, or living entity, misuses his independence and becomes averse to the eternal service attitude when he independently thinks he is not energy but the energetic
- The master should not cater to the desires of the servant. If he does, he is not the real master
- The material contamination is not exactly false; because it is relative truth, it is temporary. There is a difference between something that is temporary and something that is false
- The material energy is spiritual energy covered by a cloud of illusion, or maya. Therefore, the material energy is not self-sufficient in working
- The material energy, or nature, is not independent in its actions. Nature is acting under the superintendence of Krsna. This is confirmed in the Brahma-samhita, which states that material nature, known as Durga, is acting as the shadow of Krsna
- The material mind is not fixed, but the very same mind can be fixed when engaged in the activities of Krsna consciousness. Otherwise, as long as the mind is on the material platform, it is hovering and all this rejection and acceptance is asat, temporary
- The material nature is not at all beautiful, for it is an "imitation peacock." The real peacock is a different thing, and one must have the sense to understand this
- The material nature means maya. That is an energy, or agent of Krsna, to act something, instrumental. Maya is instrumental. Maya is not all in all. Material nature is not all in all. That is foolish observation
- The material potency is not different from the Lord because it is an emanation from Him, but at the same time, that manifestation of potency is not the Supreme Lord
- The material purpose is not true, but spiritual purpose is true. Therefore anything, you use it for the ultimate truth, Absolute Truth, that is realization of truth. This is Vaisnava philosophy
- The material world is not a fit place for living entities because they are spiritually one with the Lord and in the material world the living entities become conditioned by the laws of the material world
- The materialist is never prepared to give up his body; rather, he wants to continue to live in his body to serve his society, family, friends and so on. Therefore by practicing the mystic yoga system one must become detached from bodily relationships
- The materialistic or atheistic theory stating that there is no soul, that there is no God and that consciousness is the result of a combination of matter is not acceptable
- The materialistic theory that God-worship is anthropomorphic is not correct. No living being can become God by undergoing meditation or austerities. God is always God. Krsna as a baby is as complete as He is as a full-fledged youth
- The materialistic theory that there is no soul and that a child is born simply by material combination of the sperm and ovum is not very feasible. It is unacceptable
- The materially situated person is affected by so-called honor and dishonor offered to the body, but the transcendentally situated person is not affected by such false honor and dishonor. BG 1972 purports
- The Mayavada version that when Brahman assumes a form the form is accepted from maya is not acceptable, because although maya is superior to the conditioned soul, she is not superior to the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The Mayavadi philosopher says, the Buddha philosopher says, that "Stop this free will, and then you become happy." But our proposition is not to stop free will but purify free will
- The Mayavadi philosopher's presentation is that the living entity enjoys his pastimes by accepting the body of a hog. This theory is not acceptable because the word "pastime" implies voluntary acceptance for enjoyment. This interpretation is misleading
- The Mayavadi philosophers maintain that the Absolute Truth is the only truth and that this material manifestation known as the world is false. Actually this is not the case
- The Mayavadi philosophers say that this material world is mithya, false, and that one should therefore not bother about this mithya creation (brahma satyam jagan mithya). But this is not correct
- The Mayavadi philosophers think that although all these forms are assumed by the Lord just as the devotees desire to see Him, actually He is impersonal. From Brahma-samhita, however, we can understand that this is not so, for the Lord has multiforms
- The Mayavadi philosophers' conclusion that the Supersoul and the individual soul become united is not supported
- The Mayavadi philosophy is that maya also covers Krsna. When Krsna comes here, He comes covered by this maya. No. This is not. Maya cannot touch
- The Mayavadi says that because one is unable to fix his mind on the impersonal existence of the Absolute Truth, one can imagine any form he likes and fix his mind on that imaginary form; but such a process is not recommended here
- The Mayavadi theory that after liberation the individual soul, separated by the covering of maya, or illusion, will merge into the impersonal Brahman & lose its individual existence is not supported by Lord Krsna, the supreme authority. BG 1972 purports
- The mayavadi, or impersonalist, will say that everything is Brahman. But "everything is Brahman" is not right
- The Mayavadis are also fond of using the example of the water pot, maintaining that when a pot is not filled with water it makes a sound, but that when it is filled it makes no sound. But are we waterpots? How can we be compared to them?
- The Mayavadis are fond of using the example of the waterpot, maintaining that when a pot is not filled with water it makes a sound, but that when it is filled it makes no sound - CC Intro
- The meaningful appearance of the Lord is always distinct from ordinary birth. Even the pure devotees have no connection with the material body, & certainly God, who appears as He is, in His sac-cid-ananda (Bs. 5.1) form, is not limited by a material form
- The method of worship - chanting the mantra and preparing the forms of the Lord - is not stereotyped, nor is it exactly the same everywhere. One should take consideration of the time, place and available conveniences
- The mind does not dissolve, it changes its quality, or rather, it becomes purified. No, thoughts of feelings of love for Krishna is not ego-projected, or emotional, provided it is confirmed by Spiritual Master
- The mind focuses on the Supersoul in the heart and the life force is raised to the top of the head. In the Sixth Chapter (of BG) this process is described in detail. But as mentioned before, this practice is not practical in this age. BG 1972 purports
- The mode of passion is mixed. It is in the middle, between the modes of goodness and ignorance. A person is not always pure, but even if he should be purely in the mode of passion, he will simply remain on this earth as a king or a rich man. BG 1972 pur
- The modern civilization is to give freedom to sense satisfaction, because they cannot control. Just like you are riding on a horse, but the horse is not under your control, then you say, "Let it go to hell, never mind"
- The modern civilization, they do not know what is going to happen after death. But our Vedic culture is not so blind. Vedic culture has got an aim, what is the aim of human life, not aimless life. Aimless life is animal life
- The modern human society is not twice-born by spiritual culture. Therefore the people's government, by the people who are not twice-born, must be a government of Kali in which everyone is unhappy
- The modern theory of dialectical communism, set forth by Karl Marx and followed by communist governments, is not perfect. According to Vedic communism, no one in the state should ever starve
- The modern theory that life is made possible by chemical evolution is not correct. Or the Darwin's Theory, evolution of matter. No. The . . . they are missing the soul
- The modern theory that starvation is due to an increase in population is not accepted by the demigods or the devotees of the Lord
- The modern theory that the moon is full of dust is not accepted in the verses of Srimad-Bhagavatam. In regard to this verse (SB 5.20.13), Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura says, susaspani sukomala-sikhas tesam rocisa
- The monist is not counted amongst the paramahamsas (the most perfect of the renounced order of life)
- The monistic contention that ultimate truth is formless and that form is imposed does not hold true. It is clearly stated here (BG 7.24) that it is not imposed. BG 1972 purports
- The monists and the great mystics know the Supreme Personality of Godhead as one. This oneness is not the misunderstanding that a living entity is equal in every respect to the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The mood of the present age is not spiritually conducive, and hence it is difficult to develop a high degree of faith in the Lord. Still, it is certain that faith in the Lord never goes in vain
- The more you remain strong in your spiritual life, then more it will be impressed, it will act. And if it actually is not spiritual life but theatrical performance, then it will not help
- The mother is not independent in producing children. Similarly, material nature cannot produce living creatures unless in contact with the supreme father, the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The mother is the authority to verify the identity of the father. She is the authority for such confidential knowledge. Therefore, authority is not dogmatic
- The motor accident dying in America is not very astonishment, if one is little slow, immediately: tarak taka tak
- The motor accident dying in America is not very astonishment. Because the motors are, I mean to say, running at the speed of seventy miles, eighty miles, ninety miles, and not only one motorcar, one after another, hundreds
- The mountains, although being struck by torrents of rain during the rainy season, are not shaken, just as those whose hearts are dedicated to the transcendental Personality of Godhead are never disturbed, even when harassed by great misfortune
- The moving of the cloud may appear to the layman's eyes as moving of the moon, but that is not a fact. Similarly, the moving of the body of a pure devotee is not the moving of the pure devotee
- The Muhammadans, they pronounce s as h. So from "Sindhu," it has come to "Hindu." Otherwise, this "Hindu" name is not mentioned in any Vedic literature
- The music is nice for the nondevotee class of men. However, the picture on the album cover is not nice. Why this crazy picture? This will not help our cause
- The name Madana refers to Cupid, but Krsna is the spiritual Madana. His body is not material like the body of Cupid in this material universe. Krsna's body is all-spiritual - sac-cid-ananda-vigraha (Bs. 5.1). Therefore He is called Aprakrta-madana
- The name Vaikunthapati, which means "the master of the spiritual world," is not different from the name Vaikuntha
- The name Viraja indicates a marginal position between the spiritual and material worlds, but the Viraja River is not under the control of the material energy. Consequently it is devoid of the three gunas
- The nature is instrument. Just like any machine. Take typewriter machine. The typewriter machine or any machine, working very nicely, but the machine is not working nicely; the man, the person who is typing, he is doing nicely
- The nature of the demon, to protest always against the theist or godly Vaisnavas. This is not new; it is always there. This world is so made that the predominance of demonic principle is very much aggressed
- The necessity of a spiritual master is for him who is conscious of his material suffering. If one is not conscious of his material suffering, then he is not even on the human being status. He's still in the animal status
- The occupational duty of a brahmana is certainly in the mode of goodness, but if a person is not by nature in the mode of goodness, he should not imitate the occupational duty of a brahmana. BG 1972 purports
- The only auspicious activities are those which lead one to liberation. Any activity which is not aimed at ultimate self-realization or liberation from the material bodily concept of life is not at all auspicious. BG 1972 purports
- The only disqualification - that he is not a devotee of the Lord - that makes everything null and void
- The only effective solutions (of the three miseries) are those mentioned in Bhagavad-gita, and we have to adopt them in our practical lives for our own benefit. The three miseries of material nature are not found in the pastimes of the Supreme Lord
- The Paramatma manifestation is also a temporary all-pervasive aspect of the Ksirodakasayi Visnu. The Paramatma manifestation is not eternal in the spiritual world. BG 1972 purports
- The particular form of the Lord exhibited to a devotee is not mundane, even though the devotee may retain material desire, nor is it manifest under the influence of material energy, as is foolishly considered by the impersonalists
- The path of bhakti is not at all difficult if we follow in the footsteps of previous acaryas and authorities, but those who are too materially contaminated by the modes of material nature cannot follow them
- The people are being educated to become too much lusty, and as soon as their lust is not fulfilled, they'll be angry. Kama esa krodha esa rajo-guna-samudbhavah
- The person acting in Krsna consciousness is really a sannyasi, one in the renounced order of life. By such mentality, one is satisfied because he is actually acting for the Supreme. Thus he is not attached to anything material. BG 1972 purports
- The person who directs a prison is not also a prisoner. Similarly, although the Supreme Personality of Godhead Visnu directs or supervises the qualitative nature, He has no connection with the material modes of nature
- The person who is attached to Krsna and works for Him only is certainly a liberated person, and he is not anxious for fruitive rewards. BG 1972 purports
- The personal form of the Lord is also worshiped in meditation as Supersoul, Paramatma, but the impersonal brahma-jyotir is not worshiped
- The Personality of Godhead appeared as He is before Brahma, and He disappeared from him in the same form, which is not materially tinged
- The Personality of Godhead is not an imagination by the devotee for facility of worship, but is the Supreme Person in fact and figure. The impersonal feature of the Absolute Truth is but His radiation, as the sun rays are but radiations from the sun
- The Personality of Godhead Sri Krsna said, A brahma-bandhu is not to be killed, but if he is an aggressor, he must be killed
- The phenomenal world depends on the noumenal existence; similarly, everything exists by virtue of the potency of the Supreme Lord, although due to our ignorance the Supreme Lord is not perceived in everything
- The phrase atan-nirasana refers to the discarding of that which is irrelevant. (Atat means "that which is not a fact")
- The physician must heal himself first, before treating the disease of the general public. To gratify the senses of the diseased fellow is not the business of a real physician
- The piling of woods and stone is not advanced civilization. My Guru Maharaja used to say that if you are simply engaged how to have a skyscraper building, then we become craftsmen only, how to handle woods and stones, that's all
- The point of liberation is not to see the bodily symptoms of the spiritual master. One has to see the spiritual symptoms of the spiritual master
- The policy followed by India now - that is, to imitate the Western way of life - is not very happy mood. This means they have lost their original culture
- The potency of the Supreme Personality of Godhead that always enriches Him with transcendental bliss is not material, but the Sankarites have accepted it as such because they are ignorant of the identity of the Supreme Lord and His pleasure potency
- The practice of mystic yoga is not sufficiently strong to control the senses. Another example is Prince Agnidhra, whose attention was drawn to the movements of Purvacitti, the Apsara, simply because he heard the tinkling of her ankle bells
- The practice of yoga by physical exercise is not the ultimate goal; the real end is to concentrate and to control the mind and train oneself to be situated in faithful devotional service
- The practice of yoga is similar to the yoga-nidra of Maha-visnu. Yogis are advised to keep their eyes half closed, but this state is not at all one of sleep, although imitation yogis, especially in the modern age, manifest their so-called yoga by sleeping
- The prakrti, nature, is instrument. Nature is not brain. Just like nowadays you have got very complicated machine, computer. The computer machine is not brain; the man who is pushing the buttons, he has got the brain
- The prayer to the ornaments and carriers of the Lord is not false, for they are as good as the Lord
- The preaching work is not easy-going. There are so many difficulties. All the big, big preachers... Sri Ramanujacarya. His life was attempted to be killed. Why Ramanujacarya? My Guru Maharaja was attempted to be killed
- The preliminary instruction in the Bhagavad-gita is that one should know that the identity of the individual living entity is not lost even after the end of this present body, which is nothing but an outward dress only
- The present body may be finished grossly, but the subtle body is not finished; it carries the soul to the next body
- The present city of Vidyanagara is on the southeast side of the river, only 20 to twenty-five miles from Rajamahendri. During the time of Maharaja Prataparudra, Sri Ramananda Raya was the governor there. Vijaya-nagara is not identical with Vidyanagara
- The present democratic government is proclaimed to be a people's government, a government by the people and for the people, but this type of government is not sanctioned by the Vedas
- The primeval Lord, being all-powerful, can do whatever He likes, and therefore His assuming the incarnation of a tortoise or a fish for serving a particular purpose is not at all astonishing
- The problem is not to check the growth of the population, but to generate good population on the level of Vidura, Vyasa and Maitreya
- The process is devotion, bhakti. Bhakti means not idle. Activities. Bhakti is not idle gossip. It is something, activity. Therefore karmis sometimes misunderstand that they are working like us
- The process of chanting is not only the sublime method for practical perfection of life, but it is the authorized Vedic principle and inaugurated by the greatest Vedic scholar and devotee (Whom we consider as an incarnation of Krishna), Lord Chaitanya
- The process of meditation recommended in the Srimad-Bhagavatam is not to fix one's attention on something impersonal or void
- The process of tax exaction is very nicely explained in this verse (SB 4.16.6). Tax exaction is not meant for the sense gratification of the so-called administrative heads
- The process of understanding spiritual or transcendental knowledge from the realized person is not exactly like asking an ordinary question from the schoolmaster. The schoolmasters in the modern days are paid agents
- The process of understanding transcendental subject matter is not by challenge but by submission. The whole bhakti process is submission. That is Caitanya Mahaprabhu's preaching
- The proprietor of an establishment is not responsible for the right and wrong activities of the workers, but the workers are themselves responsible. BG 1972 purports
- The proprietor of the senses is God. Just like we are sitting in this room. This room is allotted for our sitting under some consideration of rent or whatever it may be, but this room is not ours
- The pure devotee, when in need of something, prays only to the Supreme Lord. Asking for material benefit, however, is not a sign of a pure devotee. BG 1972 purports
- The pure living entity is not liberated unless he is completely engaged in spiritual activity
- The purpose of this Krsna consciousness movement is not to make Christians into Hindus or Hindus into Christians but to inform everyone that the duty of a human being is to understand his relationship with God
- The qualities of the ksatriya are described in Bhagavad-gita, and although the general quality of the ksatriya is isvara-bhava, the tendency to rule, a ksatriya is not supposed to rule over a brahmana
- The question of engaging oneself is not always decided
- The rascals, they cannot see. They simply believe in the direct experience. Direct experience is not first-class experience. The first-class experience is to receive knowledge from the person who knows. That is first-class experience
- The real identity of the Absolute Truth must be understood in terms of both His knowledge and His characteristics. Simply to understand the Absolute Truth to be full of knowledge is not sufficient
- The real position, as explained by the Lord Himself, is that although nothing can exist without Him, it is not a fact that everything is Him. He is different from everything
- The real problem of life is not to adjust things materially, change from one form of government to another form of government. These things are temporary things
- The real purpose behind the vow taken during these four months (Caturmasya) is to minimize the quantity of sense gratification. This is not very difficult
- The real regulated life is that if sixteen rounds is not completed, then we have to go . . . forego sleeping. The main thing is that we should always be careful that we are going . . . we have taken up a very responsible task, Krsna consciousness
- The real spiritual conception is that spiritual form is not material form. Brahma appreciated the eternal form of the Lord in that way, and the Personality of Godhead approved of Brahma's spiritual conception
- The real understanding should be that if in the real person all these features are not present, how they can be reflected in the photograph
- The regulative principles according to the injunctions of the sastras are necessary insofar as one’s original dormant Krsna consciousness is not spontaneously awakened
- The representative of Krsna is not different from Him. That is the way of dealing, even in the material field. Anyone’s representative is as good as the proprietor
- The representative of Narayana is as good as Narayana, but he is not to conclude, like the Mayavadis, that he has become Narayana
- The respective qualifications of Visnu and visnu-maya are just like fire and heat. In the heat there is the qualification of fire, namely warmth; and yet heat is not fire
- The respective qualifications of Visnu and visnu-maya are just like those of fire and heat. In heat there is the qualification of fire, namely warmth; & yet heat is not fire
- The result of advancement in spiritual knowledge is not material improvement, but Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu advised Gopinatha Pattanayaka how to use material opulence without incurring reactions to sinful life
- The result of devotional service, therefore, is not temporary, as is the achievement of heavenly planets by worshiping the demigods
- The result of persecuting saintly persons is not only untimely death. The act is so offensive that the perpetrator also gradually loses his beauty, his fame and his religious principles, and thus his promotion to higher planets is checked
- The resultant actions of karma and jnana are so insignificant to a devotee situated on the transcendental platform that he is not in the least interested in them. Bhakti-yoga is sufficient to give the bhakta all happiness
- The risks involved in such love of Godhead (parakiya-rasa) make this emotion superior to the relationship in which such risk is not involved. The validity of such risk, however, is possible only in the transcendental realm
- The role of an acarya is not to earn his livelihood through the income of the temple
- The Saksi-gopala temple is situated between the Khurda Road railway station and the Jagannatha Puri station. The Deity is not presently situated in Kataka, but when Nityananda Prabhu traveled there, the Deity was present
- The same gopi spoke, "We think that this boon (listening to Govinda's flute) is not possible or available on any other planet"
- The Sankarsana form in the second quadruple is not only a representation of Balarama but also the original cause of the Causal Ocean, where Karanodakasayi Visnu lies asleep, breathing out the seeds of innumerable universes
- The sankirtana movement is not manufactured in this material world. It is released from Vaikuntha, the spiritual world. Golokera prema-dhana . . . otherwise, why you are chanting Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna . . .? It is not material sound
- The sannyasi's business is not to become proprietor of so many things and amass money from the innocent public. A sannyasi is proud that he is always thinking of Krsna within himself
- The sastra says, "In this age, Kali-yuga, because this garbhadhana-samskara is not observed regularly," kalau sudrah sambhavah, - everyone in the Kali-yuga is a sudra, because the garbhadhana-samskara is not observed
- The scholarship is not a qualification of becoming devotee. That is Caitanya Mahaprabhu's teaching
- The scorpion lays its eggs in piles of rice, and sometimes it is said that the scorpion is born out of rice. But the rice is not the cause of the scorpion. Actually, the eggs were laid by the mother. BG 1972 purports
- The scriptures and the saintly person and the spiritual master, they are on the same level. Because a sadhu who is a saintly person, he would not place anything which is not sanctioned by the scripture
- The seed of all knowledge, or the Veda, is not a subject matter which can easily be understood by any ordinary man
- The senses and the mind require engagements. Simple abnegation is not practical
- The senses and the mind require engagements. Simple abnegation is not practical. BG 1972 purports
- The simple message of the Gita is self-illuminated like the sun. Its knowledge is not hidden under a gloomy shroud of impersonalism
- The simplest thing for human beings is to follow their predecessors. Judgment according to mundane senses is not a very easy process. Whatever is awakened by attachment to one’s predecessor is the way of devotional service as indicated by Sri Caitanya
- The situation is that we are actually seeking eternal knowledge, but this cannot be acquired by this material body. We are all seeking enjoyment through these bodies, but bodily enjoyment is not our actual enjoyment. It is artificial
- The smallest is not false, and the greatest is not false, but when the small thinks that he is great, that is false
- The snake is dangerous on account of the poison teeth. So if, somehow or other, the poison teeth extricated, then the snake is no more dangerous. So our strong senses, snakelike senses, can be bereft of the poison teeth by accepting Krsna consciousness
- The so-called brahmanas claim that one who is not born into a brahmana family cannot receive the sacred thread and cannot become a high-grade Vaisnava. But we do not accept such a theory, because it is not supported by Rupa Gosvami
- The so-called democracy is no good. Because democracy means by votes. So the votes are given by the rascal sudras. So what is the meaning of electing somebody if the vote-givers are also rascal and fool, and the vote-taker is a big food, big rascal
- The so-called yoga system practiced by the people of this age is not bonafide. They cannot follow all the rules and regulations of yoga practice
- The so-called yogis who practice in Western countries have no idea of this. The aim of pranayama is not to make the body strong and fit for working hard. The aim is worship of Krsna
- The social institution known as varnasrama-dharma - the institution dividing society into four divisions or castes-is not meant to divide human society according to birth. BG 1972 purports
- The son may insist upon getting something from the father, and the father may try to convince him that what he wants is not for his good, saying, - My dear son, don't touch this. This is not good for you
- The soul in his pure state of existence should be in Krsna consciousness. When a person is not acting in Krsna consciousness, he is understood to be acting in material consciousness
- The soul is immortal. Na jayate na mriyate va kadacit na hanyate hanyamane sarire (BG 2.20). The soul is not finished; simply a particular type of body being finished
- The sound is not only in the ether, but sound is on the air. The sound is in the fire, the sound is also in the water, and sound is also on the land. So the basic principle of santa-rasa is there
- The special inclination of the Supreme Personality of God for His pure devotee is not unnatural, nor is it partiality. For example, sometimes a father has several children, but he has special affection for one child who is very much inclined toward him
- The spirit cannot be cut into pieces. This fragment is not materially conceived. It is not like matter which can be cut into pieces and joined together again. BG 1972 purports
- The spirit soul is not contaminated or does not associate with the material modes of nature. It is simply an illusion, misidentification
- The spiritual master is not actually happy if the disciple brings him money, but when he sees that a disciple is following the regulative principles and advancing in spiritual life, he is very glad and feels obliged to such an advanced disciple
- The spiritual master never instructs his disciple, "Take a mantra from me, pay me some money, and by practicing this yoga system you will become very expert in materialistic life." This is not the duty of a spiritual master
- The spiritual sky is not void. There are innumerable Vaikuntha planets, and in each of them the Lord, by His innumerable expansions, predominates, and the pure devotees who are there also live in the same style as the Lord and His eternal associates
- The spiritual world is not dry or abstract; as pointed out before, there is variegatedness there
- The spiritual world is not without its separate paraphernalia. A living being can keep his separate spiritual identity in the spiritual kingdom and enjoy life with the supreme spiritual being, the Personality of Godhead
- The Srimad-Bhagavatam affirms that life is not meant for so-called economic development or advancement of materialistic science for the hedonistic philosophy of eating, mating, drinking and merrymaking
- The Srimad-Bhagavatam confirms that it is not possible for one to become liberated by cultivation of empiric philosophical speculation. Simply knowing that one is not matter but spirit soul, or Brahman, does not purify one's intelligence
- The Srimad-Bhagavatam gives answers to all of the various students of self-realization: this ultimate objective of life is not to be searched out without great labor or perseverance
- The statue which you have received is not Visnu Murti. Visnu Murti is never to be found in fighting spirit with anyone
- The subtle body is made of intelligence, mind and ego. So when a soul does not get a gross body, he has to work with the subtle body. That is ghostly life. So ghostly life is not false
- The sun can absorb water from a urinal or from stool, and the sun is not polluted; rather, due to the influence of the sunshine, the polluted, contaminated place becomes disinfected and sterilized
- The sun evaporates water from filthy places and yet is not infected with the quality of the filth. Similarly, Brahma remains unimpeachable in all conditions
- The sun is not fixed up; sun is moving. The modern scientists or astronomers, they say, "Sun is fixed up. The earth is moving." So we don't say that
- The sunlight is not covered, sun is not covered, but our eyes are covered. Suppose there is cloud. A cloud may expand, say, a hundred miles. But do you think the sunlight is a hundred miles?
- The sunshine is light, the sun globe itself is light, and the sun-god is also light. However, the sunshine is not identical with the sun-god, Vivasvan. This is the meaning of simultaneously one and different - acintya-bhedabheda-tattva
- The superior energy is not produced by the inferior energy. That is nonsense. The inferior energy is produced by the superior energy. This is perfect
- The Supersoul and soul both are unchanged. The difference is that in material contact, the soul appears to be changed. But the Supersoul is not affected by material contamination, therefore there is no sign of change
- The Supersoul, or Paramatma, however, being present everywhere & within everyone, is also conscious of everyone's existence. The theory that the soul & the Supersoul are one is not acceptable because it is not confirmed by authoritative Vedic literature
- The Supreme Absolute Truth is complete in His perfection when He is both infinite and infinitesimal. If He is simply infinite and is not infinitesimal, He is not perfect
- The Supreme Brahman is not inert matter, but He is supreme consciousness and is independent
- The Supreme Lord does not put His semen into that which is not spiritual, but it is stated here (in SB 3.26.19) that the Supreme Person puts His semen into material nature. This means that the living entities are spiritual by nature
- The Supreme Lord is not impersonal, as misconceived by less intelligent thinkers. Rather, He is the Supreme person, as confirmed in all authentic Vedic literatures. But His personality is different from what we can conceive
- The Supreme Lord is not obtained by expert explanations, by vast intelligence, nor even by much hearing. He is obtained only by one whom He Himself chooses. To such a person He manifests His own form - Mundaka Upanisad (3.2.3) and Katha Upanisad 1.2.23
- The Supreme Lord is not obtained by expert explanations, by vast intelligence, or even by much hearing. He is obtained only by one whom He Himself chooses. To such a person, He manifests His own form
- The Supreme Lord is the Absolute Truth, the energetic, and as such He has His energies. When His energy is not properly manifested, or when it is covered by some shadow, it is called maya-sakti
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead cannot be partial; He is always equal to everyone. Therefore when the demigods are favored and the demons killed, this is not His partiality but the influence of the time factor
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is always inclined toward His pure devotees, and by His action it is clear that liberation is not very important for the devotees
- The Supreme Visnu is Krsna. Krsna is the cause of Visnu, not vice versa. Similarly, Brahman is not the cause of Krsna; Krsna is the cause of Brahman. Therefore Krsna is the Para-brahman
- The Svarga mentioned in this verse (SB 10.6.37-38) is not the material heavenly planet, but the transcendental world
- The syama color is not exactly blackish. Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura compares it to the color of the atasi flower. It is not that Lord Krsna Himself appears in a blackish color in all the Dvapara-yugas
- The symptoms of the mind are determination and rejection, which are due to different kinds of desires. We desire that which is favorable to our sense gratification, and we reject that which is not favorable to sense gratification
- The symptoms of the self-realized person are given herein (BG 5.20). The first symptom is that he is not illusioned by the false identification of the body with his true self. He knows perfectly well that he is not this body. BG 1972 purports
- The taking of the renounced order, however, is not always necessary. If one can execute Krsna consciousness in family life, that is also recommended
- The temple is not a free hotel for learning how to gratify senses. No. This is not our aim and object
- The temple work is not suffering
- The temporary material body is certainly a foreign dress. The Bhagavad-gita (2.20) clearly says that after the destruction of the material body the living entity is not annihilated, nor does he lose his identity
- The theory that consciousness develops at a certain stage of material combination is not accepted herein (in SB 3.26.3), for the consciousness which exists everywhere is said to be without beginning
- The theory that consciousness develops under certain circumstances of material combination is not accepted in the Bhagavad-gita. BG 1972 Introduction
- The theory that the symptoms of life are manifest by the interaction of the twenty-four material elements is not supported here (in SB 3.26.19). The living force comes directly from the Supreme Personality of Godhead and is completely spiritual
- The theory that there is a scarcity of food grains due to an increase of population is not a very sound theory. There are other causes that enable the earth to produce profusely or to stop producing
- The thing is that this country is not poverty stricken. So after material opulence the natural tendency is for something which is better. That better is spiritual enlightenment
- The third-class devotee is one whose faith is not very strong, but, by the gradual cultivation of devotional service, he will eventually be eligible for promotion to the second or first-class position
- The three forms of Sankarsana are known as Govinda, Visnu and Sri Madhusudana. It should be noted, however, that this Govinda form is not the same Govinda form that is manifested in Vrndavana as the son of Nanda Maharaja
- The title gosvami is not an inherited designation; it is meant for a person who has controlled his sense gratification and dedicated his life to executing the order of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- The title Mullik is found not only among the Muslims but also among the Hindu aristocracy. This title is not restricted to a particular family but is given to different families and castes. The qualifications for receiving it are wealth and respectability
- The topmost transcendentalist is a liberated soul and is therefore not within the purview of the regulative principles. A neophyte, who is intended to be promoted to the spiritual plane, is guided by the spiritual master under regulative principles
- The total material energy is not the cause of the creation, but actually the Maha-Visnu enters into the mahat-tattva, the total material energy. He is the soul. BG 1972 purports
- The transcendental body of Sri Krsna is not perishable
- The transcendental body of Visnu is not made of material elements. The body of Visnu is the source of all other living entities, as well as the material nature, which is also supposed to be the energy of that Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The transcendental knowledge of the Supreme Lord is not mental speculation by the mundane wranglers, but is uncontaminated, eternal, perfect knowledge beyond the jurisdiction of material modes
- The transcendental position of Sri Krsna Himself is not even slightly tinged by maya. His transcendental state is called turiya, or the fourth-dimensional stage
- The true conclusion of advaita-siddhanta, expressed at the very beginning of the Caitanya-caritamrta (CC Adi 1.3), is not the same as the philosophy of the monists. Here advaita-siddhanta means advaya-jnana, or oneness in variety
- The ultimate goal of life is not to pass a life of irresponsibility like the animals and indulge in a polished way in the four animal principles, namely eating, sleeping, fearing and mating
- The ultimate goal of the Absolute Truth is Krsna consciousness, devotional service. The liberated stage is not final
- The ultimate happiness is not perceived by these gross material senses. The ultimate happiness is appreciated, understood, by transcendental senses
- The understanding of the effulgent rays of the body of the Supreme Godhead is not the perfect stage of brahma-siddhi, or Brahman realization. Nor is the realization of the Paramatma feature of the Supreme Person perfect
- The universal form is not attractive for pure devotees, who are in love with the Lord in different transcendental relationships. The Supreme Godhead exchanges transcendental love in His original form of Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- The universal form of Krsna is not very important; that will be clear in the verses (of BG 11). Yet because Arjuna wanted to see it, the Lord gives him the particular vision required to see that universal form. BG 1972 purports
- The universal form which Krsna showed to Arjuna is not the original form of God. The original is the Krsna form. BG 1972 purports
- The unsatiated seer of Krsna's face nonetheless laments: I do not have thousands of eyes, but only two, and these are disturbed by the movements of my eyelids. Therefore it is to be understood that the creator of this body is not very intelligent
- The upper planetary system in the creation of the Lord is certainly not vacant or devoid of living entities. From Srimad-Bhagavatam we understand that every planet is full of living entities, just as earth is
- The Vaisnava is not a member of a manufactured community of this material world. A Vaisnava is a real knower of the Vedas
- The varnasrama-dharma, or the institution of the four divisions and orders of social and spiritual life, is not a new invention of the modern age, as proposed by the less intelligent
- The varnasrama-dharma, the institution of four varnas and four asramas, is very scientifically designed. As stated in Bhagavad-gita, varnasrama-dharma is not a man-made institution, but is God-made
- The Vedas are called apauruseya, for they are not written by any man or demigod, including the first living creature, Brahma. Brahma is not the creator or author of the Vedas
- The Vedic culture is not for any sect of country, it is meant for the whole human society. In other words, Vedic culture is also known as Sanatana Dharma which means - eternal function of the eternal living entities
- The Vedic culture means to execute the varnasrama-dharma. Now we are known as Hindus. The Hindu word is not to be found
- The Vedic knowledge is infallible. It comes down through the perfect disciplic succession. Therefore Vedic knowledge is not a thing of research
- The Vedic knowledge, will give you: "Here is your ideal place, Krsna. Come back to Krsna. Try for it. Try your best for this." That is the life. That is human life. And unless one is not conscious to this platform, he is defeated
- The Vedic sociological conception is that a sannyasi should not be restricted; he is allowed to go anywhere and everywhere he wants, and he is not refused any gift he might demand from a householder
- The Vedic system is not fatalistic. It is fatalistic only in the sense that one's material destiny cannot be changed. But your spiritual life is in your hands
- The Vedic system of religion we have been describing - the varnasrama system created by Krsna - is not to be confused with the present-day caste system - determination of social divisions by birth
- The vendor saw that her whole basket of fruit had become filled with jewels. The Lord is the bestower of all benedictions. If someone gives something to the Lord, he is not the loser; he is the gainer by a million times
- The version of Sankaracarya is not the only commentary. There are many Vedanta commentaries, but because the Vaisnavas did not present the first Vedanta commentary, people are under the wrong impression that Sankaracarya's is the only Vedanta commentary
- The vibration of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra is not a material sound, and similarly the form of the Lord and His appearance and activities are all nonmaterial
- The Viraja River is filled with material planets floating in the Causal Ocean. The name Viraja indicates a marginal position between the spiritual and material worlds, but the Viraja River is not under the control of the material energy
- The virat-rupa is not an eternal form of the Lord exhibited in the spiritual sky; it is a material manifestation of the Lord
- The virat-rupa or visva-rupa, the gigantic universal form of the Lord, is not an eternal form of the Lord
- The virat-rupa or visva-rupa, the gigantic universal form of the Lord, which is very much appreciated by the impersonalist, is not an eternal form of the Lord. It is manifested by the supreme will of the Lord after the ingredients of material creation
- The Visnudutas particularly inquired about who is punishable and why Yamaraja has been designated to discriminate between who is punishable and who is not. How is one to be judged? What is the basic principle of authority?
- The Visnudutas smiled, thinking, "What is this nonsense they (the Yamadutas) are speaking? If they are actually servants of Yamaraja they should know that Ajamila is not a suitable candidate for them to carry off
- The weaker is exploited by the stronger; this is nature's law. Traditionally, Vaisnavas, or devotees of Krsna, do not eat meat. This is not just for the sake of vegetarianism, but for the furtherance of God consciousness
- The Western countries, their brain is not so sharp to clearly understand the difference between visistadvaita, suddhadvaita advaita-dvaita, dvaitadvaita or advaita. (laughs) Their brain does not allow to think very deeply
- The Western theory that all the luminaries in the sky are different suns is not confirmed in the Vedic literature. Nor can we assume that these luminaries are the suns of other universes
- The whole relationship, as we have got experience in this world, the same relationship are there in the spiritual world. But that relationship is not contaminated with matter. Therefore they are pure and transcendental
- The whole world is dissatisfied because the spiritual hunger is not satisfied. Krsna is the central point. So spiritual hunger means . . . we are, our general propensity is to satisfy our hunger. So Krsna is the center
- The whole world is now corrupted with these two kinds of philosophies: nirvisesa-sunyavada, impersonalism and voidism. But Vaisnava philosophy is not voidism, not impersonalism. Vaisnava philosophy means to know the Absolute Truth as person
- The wife of a brahmana is mother. Actually every woman is mother. That is moral instruction. Matrvat para-daresu. Anyone, any woman who is not your wife . . . except your wife, everyone, every woman is to be considered as mother. This is education
- The wise man becomes by knowledge, not by age. Even an old man, if he has no knowledge, what is...? He is not wise man. Wise means one who has attained knowledge. He may be young, he may be old. It doesn't matter
- The women of Mathura said: "What austerities must the gopis have performed? With their eyes they always drink the nectar of the form of Lord Krsna, which is the essence of loveliness and is not to be equaled or surpassed"
- The word anusasmara is very significant. God consciousness is not imaginary or concocted
- The word avadhuta means "most free." A person is not under the rules and regulations of any injunction when he has attained the stage of avadhuta. In other words, he can act as he likes
- The word brahma-bandhu is significant. A person who happens to take birth in the family of a brahmana but is not qualified to be called a brahmana is addressed as the relative of a brahmana, and not as a brahmana
- The word eva is particularly important in the context of this verse (BG 8.4) because by this word the Lord stresses that the Paramatma is not different from Him. BG 1972 purports
- The word love can be actually applied only in relationship with the Personality of Godhead. In the material world, love is not applicable at all. What goes on under the name of love in the material world is nothing but lust
- The word mahatma is generally heard in the West in connection with Mahatma Gandhi, but we should understand that mahatma is not the title of a politician
- The word siddha is very significant. Siddha refers to one who has realized the Brahman effulgence & who has complete knowledge that the living entity is not a material atom but a spiritual spark. This understanding is described in the BG as brahma-bhuta
- The word siddha is very significant. Siddha refers to one who has realized the Brahman effulgence and who has complete knowledge that the living entity is not a material atom but a spiritual spark
- The word smaran (remembering) is important. Remembrance of Krsna is not possible for the impure soul who has not practiced Krsna consciousness in devotional service. BG 1972 purports
- The words hiranmayena patrena indicate that this soma beverage is not an ordinary intoxicating liquor. The demigods would not touch any kind of liquor. Nor is soma a kind of drug. It is a different kind of beverage, available in the heavenly planets
- The words prakrteh param are used in this verse (SB 4.22.51) because everything within this material world is created by the external, material energy of the Lord, but the Lord Himself is not a creation of this material energy
- The words suddhena karmana are significant in this verse (SB 5.4.6). If work is not carried out in devotional service, it is contaminated by the modes of material nature
- The words tat tvam asi, also found in the Vedic hymns, are not the chief vibrations but are explanations of the constitutional position of the living entity
- The world beyond the twenty-four elements (5 gross material elements, 3 subtle material elements, 5 knowledge-acquiring senses, 5 active senses, 5 objects of sense pleasure, & mahat-tattva) is not inexplicable, for it is explained in the BG as eternal
- The world or the cosmic creation is not false, as maintained by the Mayavada school. It simply has no permanent existence. A nonpermanent thing cannot be called false altogether. But the conception that the material body is the self is certainly wrong
- The worship of the demigods is not very difficult, but becoming a devotee of Lord Vasudeva, Krsna, is not so easy
- The writing of Vaisnava literatures is not a function for ordinary men. Vaisnava literatures are not mental concoctions. They are all authorized literatures meant to guide those who are going to be Vaisnavas
- The yogi should know that Visnu is not different from Krsna. Krsna in this form of Supersoul is situated in everyone's heart. BG 1972 purports
- The yogis accept the eternity of the Supreme Person in one of their mantras - sa purvesam api guruh kalanavacchedat: Such a person is always supreme and is not influenced by the element of time
- The yogis who engage in devotional service are full in knowledge and renunciation. If there is a lack of knowledge and renunciation, it is to be understood that one is not in full devotional service
- The yogis, they want to play wonderful magic: anima, laghima, prapti-siddhi, isita, vasita. There are eight kinds of yoga siddhis. That kind of siddhi is not recommended here
- The younger brother of desire is anger. If one's desire is not fulfilled, the younger brother, anger, follows
- Their (the impersonalists') conception of Krsna is not clear, although everything is clearly mentioned in all the Vedic scriptures
- There are 8,400,000 species of life, forms of life. You have to accept one of them. That is our real problem. If we forget the real problem and blindly or foolishly say that "God is dead . . ." God may be dead, but God's law is not dead
- There are certain philosophical speculations that even the Lord is under the obligations of fruitive action. But actually this is not the case. He does not depend on the action of any good or bad work
- There are different kinds of cleanliness. Inside, vacah bhyantaram. Cleanliness, simply soap and water cleanliness, is not cleanliness. Inside cleanliness also required
- There are different varieties of sinful activities, just like there are different varieties of diseases. To become diseased is not our normal life. To remain healthy is our normal life
- There are many foolish propagandists who say that worship of the demigods is also a way to reach the supreme goal, but in the authorized statements of Srimad-Bhagavatam and Bhagavad-gita this is not accepted
- There are many fools who claim that worship of Krsna began only about five thousand years ago, after the appearance of Lord Krsna in India, but this is not a fact
- There are many pseudo-devotees, claiming to belong to Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu's sect, who artificially dress themselves as the damsels of Vraja. This is not approved by advanced spiritualists, or advanced students of devotional service
- There are many similar Vedic hymns which definitely establish that the Supreme Absolute Truth is a person who is not of this material world
- There are many so-called devotees who think Vedanta is not meant for devotees. Such people are ignorant of the fact that Vedanta is the only platform of pure devotees
- There are many vegetarians animals also; the monkeys are vegetarians, the pigeons are vegetarians, so to become vegetarian is not very good credit. But to become Krishna Consciousness is the most important business of life
- There are multifarious miseries in material existence - those pertaining to the body and the mind, those imposed by other living entities and those imposed by natural disturbances. But a sadhu is not disturbed by such miserable conditions
- There are persons who are puffed up with the thought that they have become liberated or one with God or have become God, but in spite of thinking in such a puffed-up way, their intelligence is not laudable. They are less intelligent
- There are principles that govern even fighting. If an enemy has no chariot, is unmindful of the fighting art because of fear, or is unwilling to fight, he is not to be killed
- There are so many different forms of life that is in our presence. Before us there are so many examples. If you get a life of a tree, naked . . . tree is naked. He's not ashamed to remain naked. And for ten thousand years you stand up
- There are so many Mayavadis, they are going on perpetually: "What is God?" Neti neti: "This is not, this is not, this is not. What is Brahman?" So by that process you'll never be able to understand what is God
- There are so many societies. They are very seriously discussing Vedanta philosophy and smoking, with wine glass, and very enjoying life. You see. So that sort of jnana, that sort of knowledge, is not necessary
- There are so-called mahatmas. They think that they are very much exalted, they do not require this sankirtanam. Sridhara Swami says that this sankirtana movement is not only for the persons who are sinful, but mahatam api
- There are thousands of my disciples, European and American; their background is not Hindu culture, and still they are accepting this Krishna Consciousness philosophy
- There are two kinds of duties - mundane duty and duty performed for the sake of yajna, or sacrifice (yajnarthat karma). Any karma (activity) one performs which is not for the purpose of yajna is a cause of bondage
- There are two kinds of men - dhira and adhira. Adhira means senseless, crazy, and dhira means with sense. He's not bewildered
- There are two kinds of men: one is attracted, one is not attracted. Those who are not attracted, they are called nitya-siddha, eternally liberated. And those who are being attracted, they are called nitya-baddha, eternally conditioned
- There have been many cases, even in the present day, in which women have killed their husbands to take advantage of their insurance policies. This is not a criticism of women but a practical study of their nature
- There is a class of philosophers who condemn the material creation as false. They say that Brahman is truth but the creation is false. This is not good
- There is a proverb in Sanskrit that you speak truth but don't speak unpalatable truth. When you speak the truth it must be very palatable. So this social convention is not applicable to a person who is preaching the Absolute Truth
- There is a purpose for the exhibition of such a tendency by Brahma (the tendency to enjoy his own daughter), and he is not to be condemned like an ordinary living entity
- There is also quality in the Lord's own establishment, the kingdom of God. It is stated here that Goloka is His personal situation. There is also quality in Goloka, but that quality is not divided into creation, maintenance and annihilation
- There is another world. That we get information from Bhagavad-gita. Paras tasmat tu bhavah anyah (BG 8.20). There is another nature, which is sanatana, eternal. This world, this material world, is not eternal
- There is every chance of falling from the platform of karma to hellish conditions, but on the platform of jnana one is saved from hellish life, although one is still not completely free from infection
- There is no cause of quarrel between the two countries China and India over land which is not very suitable for habitation, and certainly there is no cause for fighting on this issue
- There is no difficulty in finding out who is a third-class or fourth-class man, for one's position can be understood simply by this crucial test: is he or is he not a devotee of Krsna?
- There is no educational department how to love a young girl or young boy. It is already there. It is not taught. Similarly, the Krsna consciousness is not the subject matter of being taught. It is already there
- There is no fault of these hippie boys and girls. They have not been trained. Not only here, every part of the world, the educational system is not very satisfactory
- There is no harm in giving "jaya" to Vaisnava, provided they follow the Vaisnava principles. Otherwise, to glorify Vaisnava is not bad
- There is no material. When you forget Krsna, that is material. Just like madness. Madness is not our natural position, but when your brain is deranged, then it is madness
- There is no need to check the growth of population if the children are born as human beings with all precautions regarding their birth. So-called birth control is not only vicious but also useless
- There is no one in the creation who can claim that he is not controlled. Everyone, regardless of how important or powerful, has a controller over his head. Krsna, however, has no controller; therefore He is God
- There is no other alternative. Either serve Krsna or serve maya, that's all. So unless one is rascal, how he will accept maya's service? Maya's service is not very palatable. But maya is ready
- There is no qualitative difference between him and the Supreme Lord, but because he is not so quantitatively powerful as to never be put under the influence of material nature, he is quantitatively different from the Lord
- There is no question of God, but with the gravitation why the green apple is not drawn downward
- There is no question of going a few thousand miles away from this planet and then returning. This sort of journey is not very heroic
- There is no sex life except in the grhastha, or householder, asrama. The brahmacari is not allowed any sex, a vanaprastha voluntarily refrains from sex, and the sannyasi is completely renounced
- There is none among them (the demigods) who is not attracted by the spell of maya in the form of woman
- There is nothing in the phenomenal world that is not produced by the supreme energy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- There is now a system of Bhagavata business, with recitations called bhagavata-saptaha that continue for one week, although this is not mentioned in SB. Nowhere does SB say that the Bhagavatam should be heard for one week from professionals
- There is two, amongst the workers also, there are two classes, manager class, worker class. You have to divide. Without division... Just like this body is not a lump of matter. There is division. Without division, the body cannot work
- There may be a learned brahmana-Vaisnava who can explain clearly and eradicate all doubts, but if he does not follow the Vaisnava principles, then he is not situated on a higher level
- There may be loss or gain, there may be victory or defeat, there may be distress or happiness, it doesn't matter. He's not affected with this duality. That is being taught now
- There may be motor accident. There may be something, something. So to live is wonderful. To die is not wonderful. Because you are meant for death. As soon as you took your birth, immediately you begin to die
- There must be engagement, proper engagement. If the engagement is not Krsna consciousness, then this so-called sannyasa will be failure
- There should be no instance in which the disciple or the son says, "This is not correct. I cannot carry it out." When he says that, he is fallen
- Therefore, one who has renounced the fruits of his action, whose doubts are destroyed by transcendental knowledge, and who is situated firmly in the self, is not bound by works, O conqueror of riches. BG 4.41 - 1972
- These (brahma-bhuta) living entities have been described as vimukta-maninah, meaning that they falsely consider themselves liberated although their intelligence is not yet purified
- These actions (so-called society, friendship and love) are, I mean to say, performed even by so-called learned man. Actually, one who is not spiritually learned, one who is not spiritually conversant, he is not a learned man
- These all (austerities, pious duties, and mystic yoga) reward different results to their performer. The rewards of these practices, however, appear to be very glittering as long as one is not elevated to the transcendental loving service of the Lord
- These are the preachings of a sadhu. He is not satisfied with his own liberation. He always thinks about others. He is the most compassionate personality towards all the fallen souls
- These boys and girls are worshiping God, and people criticize them, but when a man worships a dog, he is not criticized. In this way society has progressed. When one worships God, he is criticized, and when he worships dog, he is considered a gentleman
- These brahmacaris, they voluntarily change. Otherwise there are many students, just like we have got two, three students, they are working. They come like ordinary American gentlemen. There is no objection in that way. Dress is not very important thing
- These four principles are common between human being and animal. So advancement of these four principles is not human civilization. That is animal civilization. That is not human civilization
- These godless persons, when they're actually in danger, they think of God. I have seen it. Automatically they think of God. So this godlessness is not our natural life. To love God, that is our natural life
- These hippies, they are also giving up all work, that is sannyasa, but there is no guide. There is no guide. And because they have no guide, therefore their intelligence is not being purified. Simply there is a propensity for renunciation
- These illusions (identifying with the body and his so-called father and mother) continue as long as one is not enlightened about the situation of the living entity
- These questions are asked by Arjuna for their (the demons and atheists) benefit. The superior devotee is not only concerned for his own understanding, but for the understanding of all mankind. BG 1972 purports
- These roads (not frequently used) are exactly like a brahmana who is not accustomed to studying and practicing the reformatory methods of the Vedic injunctions - he becomes covered with the long grasses of maya
- They (Caitanya's feminine devotees) were advised to bow down from a distant place. This is not a sign of hatred for women as a class, but it is a stricture imposed on the sannyasi not to have close connections with women. BG 1972 purports
- They (jnanis) will have to take birth. Their so-called liberation is not possible, because if you have to take birth, then where is your liberation? There is no liberation. Liberation means no more accepting birth in this material world.
- They (low-class men) sometimes kill a human being before the deity (Bhadra Kali). They generally choose a person who is not very intelligent - in other words, an animal in the shape of a man
- They (Mayavadis) wrongly think that everyone is God or that everyone is equal to God. Therefore, since the real position of the living entity is not clear to them, how can they advance further
- They (Nondevotees) think that these activities are fictional, manufactured stories because spiritual life is not explained to them in the proper mood
- They (people) aspire for an eternal body because even though they engage in sense enjoyment, that sense enjoyment is not eternal
- They (people) do not know how to become free from their material encagement. Rsabhadeva said that such activity is not at all good, since it encages the soul again and again in a body subjected to the threefold miseries of the material condition
- They (people) say, "This bhakti-marga is slave mentality. Instead of becoming God, they want to become servant or slave of God. So this is slave mentality." No, this is not slave mentality. This is actual liberation
- They (so-called swamis) deny that whatever pertains to matter can pertain also to spirit. According to them, spirit is the denial of matter. The fact is, however, that spirit is not a negation of matter, but matter is a perverted reflection of spirit
- They (the devotees) are depending on Krsna, and Krsna is supplying them. Krsna says, "If anyone is completely engaged in spiritual advancement of life then," "I take charge of yoga-ksemam." yoga-ksemam means what is not in possession, to supply that thing
- They (the inhabitants of heavenly planets) are all devotees of the Lord, and although their goodness is not unadulterated, still they are known as demigods possessing the maximum amount of good qualities possible within the material world
- They (the Mayavadis) want to meditate upon impersonal Brahman, but it is very troublesome. Because Brahman is not impersonal, but force, they want to make Brahman impersonal
- They (the modern scientists) have so far traveled at a speed of 18,000 miles per hour, but here (in SB 3.30.24) we see that a criminal passes 792,000 miles within a few seconds only, although the process is not spiritual but material
- They (those who are ambitious to derive material benefit from devotional service) do not know that the result of devotional service is not material benediction
- They (those who are following the impersonal way to spiritual realization) have to learn the language, understand the nonperceptual feelings, and they have to realize all these processes. This is not very easy for a common man. BG 1972 purports
- They are (human beings, animals, birds), rather, controlled by demigods. Such control is not superfluous; it is as necessary as the controlling departments in the affairs of a modern state
- They are not interested in all these political affairs or so-called social affairs and resolution, because they know this is not the method of becoming peaceful or prosperous. This is not the method
- They can appreciate that we know better than them. The same example: just like we accept cow dung is pure. Why pure? Because Vedas says. Their scientific way is not like that. Is not that
- They can do so (become engaged in material activities) because the speaker is not bhagavat-pradhana and the audience is not susrusatam
- They do not know that the goal of life is not to increase the material necessities of existence, because the body will not exist more than a few years. The living beings are eternal, and they have their eternal need
- They do not know. They are thinking this is life. But this is not life. They have no information. So this sinful life, suffering. Sinful means, when we are sinful, then we suffer
- They humbly (the sages present) submitted, "Our dear Lord, we think that Your action is not in line with the religious principles"
- They put argument that "You are vegetarian, and you are also killing vegetable life." Of course, we are killing. But we are not killing vegetables. First of all, vegetables are not killed. If I take a fruit from the tree, the tree is not killed
- They will have to come to this point gradually. They're disappointed. Life is not very pleasing
- They're all rascals, all rascals, cent percent. They do not know what is arrangement in the hospital and they go, poke their nose in which is not their business
- Thief knows he has heard it from law books that stealing is not good, and from religious scripture also, that "It is sinful. Do not commit theft. Do not become criminal" But still he does
- Things are contemplated on the ephemeral or external platform, but actually this is not the truth. The actual protector and shelter of everyone is Brahman, the Supreme, not the king
- Thinking is not to be stopped. That is not possible. You cannot stop thinking even for a moment. Simply you have to practice. Instead of thinking these material things, you think of Krsna. That is wanted
- Thinking the Absolute Truth to be without form, the Mayavadis say that the word bhakti can apply to any form of worship. If this were the case, a devotee could imagine any demigod or any godly form and worship it. This, however, is not the real fact
- This (CC Adi 2.74) rhetorical rule appears in the Ekadasi-tattva, 13th Canto, in connection with the metaphorical use of words. An unknown object shouldn't be put before the known subject because the object has no meaning if the subject isn't first given
- This (chanting once) material calculation is not made by a devotee. When one is devotee, he'll chant more and more. He'll aspire, "If I could get millions of tongues and trillions of ear, then I could finish." That is devotee
- This (chanting the omkara) is the way of changing the habit of the mind. The mind is not to be killed
- This (divisions as brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas and sudras) is not an artificial imposition due to birth or social status but is according to guna, or the mode of nature under which one is operating
- This (hear Srimad-Bhagavatam from a person who has no connection with material activities, or, in other words, from a paramahamsa Vaisnava), of course, is not possible unless one takes shelter of the lotus feet of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- This (presenting Bhagavad-gita) is not a "different role" for the Vedic culture. It is the actual role. Nobody had tried for it; therefore Krsna had been unknown in the Western countries
- This (Teachings of Lord Caitanya) is not only the philosophy of Caitanya-caritamrta but of Srimad-Bhagavatam as well. There are no other literatures in the world in which God is treated as the son of a devotee
- This (that Krsna refresh our heart) is not a concoction of childish imagination but a factual experience of spiritual realization. One who has sincerely followed the footsteps of Krsna or His bona fide servants has also realized this simple truth
- This (the conditioned soul is is subjected to the results of his past deeds) is carried out by the laws of nature, but one foolishly thinks himself the doer, which in fact he is not
- This (to be rewarded by her husband) is not to be expected by a woman who is the wife of an ordinary person
- This age called Kali, it is not very good time. Simply disagreement, fighting, quarreling, misunderstanding
- This arca-vigraha, sometimes called the arca incarnation, is not different from Him - the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- This artificial civilization for sense gratification is not very good. It is not good for us. We may gratify our senses while we are living, but when we quit this body, we are completely under the grip of material nature
- This artificial life is not actual life. We are perceiving. Suppose there have been no rain for one or two years. There is a time when for hundreds of years there will be no rain. You have to wait for that time. That time is coming at the end of Kali-yuga
- This attack of Maya's agent is not very uncommon. When Krishna Himself was present He was being attacked by Maya's agent almost everyday during His childhood
- This basic principle of increasing attachment is not our business, although it is the general tendency. Grha, ksetra, suta (home, land, sons). But if one can reduce and stop it, that is first class
- This begging business is not for a householder or a military man
- This Bhagavata system, or Vedic system, is not research work. It is not research work. Nowadays it is a fashion that . . . just like the theosophists, they're searching out God
- This Bhagavata-dharma is not a cheating dharma. Bhagavata-dharma means in relation with the Supreme Lord. Bhagavati bhaktih. Bhakti can be applied only to Bhagavan. Bhakti means the business between Bhagavan and bhakta
- This body is not false. Not only this body; everything material. We don't take it is false. We take it as temporary. And temporary, how it should be utilized for our best purpose
- This body is not meant for such enjoyment for the senses, but this body is meant for tapah, austerity, as Raghunatha Dasa Gosvami showed example. He came to the point of neti
- This caste system is not only in India. In everywhere the caste system is there. And enviousness between one community to another, that is also existing everywhere. This is human nature
- This causal form of the Lord is not at all pleasing to the asuras, and therefore they think of the Lord as formless in order to feel secure that they will not be vanquished by the Lord
- This child who was dancing before me, he's not ordinary child. Otherwise how he could dance symmetrically? He had his practice in his previous life, and he has got the chance to get Vaisnava father and mother
- This clear understanding of God is not available anywhere else but from our books, so if you are convinced on this point, then produce books voluminously
- This concept of being lost is due to false ego, and it continues as long as one is not awakened to the sense of his existence as an eternal servitor of the Lord
- This conception (of varnasrama-dharma) is not transcendental. As long as one is in the material world, he must follow the principles of varnasrama-dharma, but devotional service is transcendental
- This consciousness (that one is not the body, but is within the body) can be possible only if one chants the holy name of Krsna, the Hare Krsna maha-mantra, and always keeps oneself in the association of devotees. This is the secret of success
- This dancing is not ordinary dancing. So anyway, if you think that this dancing is a sentimental caricature - you may think like that, but if you want to understand through philosophy and science, we can supply you immense literature
- This Deity worship is not heathenism. It is actually worship of God, provided you know the process
- This detachment (a devotee naturally hates the association of so-called society, friendship and love) is not dry but is due to achieving a higher status of life by relishing transcendental mellows
- This freedom is not very good. This freedom means that as soon as you become so free that to have sex life on the street like cats and dogs and hogs, you will get your next life
- This glorification of the Lord is not a product of research, but the result of hearing submissively from the authority of the spiritual master
- This hankering for advancement in devotional service is not the same as hankering for sense gratification in material existence. In other words, hankering remains in spiritual life, but it becomes purified
- This Hinduism, Hindu, this word, is not a Sanskrit word. It is given by the Mohammedans. You know there is a river, Indus, which is..., Sanskrit name is Sindhu
- This human form (of Krsna) was explained by Krsna Himself after He manifested the virat-rupa. The virat-rupa is not the original form of the Lord; the Lord's original form is Dvibhuja-syamasundara, Muralidhara, the Lord with two hands, playing a flute
- This incident (of a Brahmana cursing Lord Caitanya in CC Adi 17.63) is not mentioned in the Caitanya-bhagavata
- This incident (of CC Adi 17.37-38) concerning Gopala Capala is not mentioned in the Caitanya-bhagavata
- This inconceivable power of the Supreme Personality of Godhead is not understood by the impersonalists; therefore they are puzzled and always denying that the Absolute Truth is a person
- This information (of BG 7.7) is not only given in BG but in other scriptures as well, and it has been accepted from the very beginning by great acaryas (teachers) like Sankaracarya, Ramanujacarya, Madhvacarya, Caitanya and many other stalwart authorities
- This initiation is the beginning of cleaning the contamination. Therefore this mantra suggests, apavitrah pavitrah va: either you be contaminated or not contaminated. When one is not contaminated, he's relishing this Hare Krsna mantra
- This injunction (the qualifications of a spiritual master depend on his knowledge of the science of Krsna. It does not matter whether he is a brahmana, ksatriya, sannyasi or sudra) given by Caitanya is not at all against the injunctions of the sastras
- This instruction (one should not accept initiation from a person who is not in the brahminical order) is meant for those who are overly dependent on the mundane social order and is suitable for those who want to remain in mundane life
- This is going on, so-called industrialization, producing unnecessary thing which is not required, and they are neglecting producing food grains
- This is illusion. Sunyayitam. Jagat is not sunyam. Just like we have got practical experience. If somebody's beloved has died, he sees everything zero. Nothing is appealing to him
- This is India's mission. India's mission is that janma sarthaka kari': "Just make your life successful, and spread this knowledge all over the world." This is India's mission. India's mission is not to imitate technology and work like ass day and night
- This is Indian culture, para-upakara. Indian culture is not meant for exploiting others. Para-upakara. That is human life, para-upakara. And that is Caitanya Mahaprabhu's mission
- This is not a very difficult process (always remembering the Supreme Lord). However, one must learn it from an experienced person, from one who is already in the practice. BG 1972 Introduction
- This is not difficult to understand, but envious persons do not accept that Krsna has bestowed His favor upon a particular devotee in accordance with his advanced position
- This is not life, that "Because I can run in more speed than the dog, therefore I am civilized"
- This is not my business to make intimate relation with woman and get money. I could do. There was chance. When attempt was failed, the man who introduced that woman to me, he one day said, "I have seen many swamis, but none like you"
- This is not only the duty of Indians (to spread the Krsna consciousness movement) but the duty of everyone, and we are very happy that American and European boys and girls are seriously cooperating with this movement
- This is not optional, that "If I don't take to Krsna consciousness, that is my wish, my desire." No. If you desire in that way then you'll be punished
- This is not possible (leaving home & reside in sacred places such as Prayag, Mathura, Vrndavana, Hrsikesa, and Hardwar and in solitude practice yoga where the sacred rivers like the Yamuna and the Ganges flow), especially for Westerners. BG 1972 purports
- This is not possible for ordinary men (Krsna expanded Himself into 16,108 forms to maintain different establishments for each wife). Therefore although the kings had to maintain many, many servants and wives, not all of them had different establishments
- This is not the case with KC (as in the world without completely construct the building it's useless), for even if one does not come to the perfectional point, whatever work he does is his permanent asset, & he can begin from that point in his next life
- This is not the proper way to discharge devotional service (desiring some material benefit in exchange for service). Out of ignorance, of course, sometimes a devotee does so, but Dhruva Maharaja regrets his personal behavior in this connection
- This is not very difficult to understand (that the supreme father, who must be a person), and it is noteworthy that God is called the supreme father not only in the Vedas but in the Bible, Koran, and other scriptures
- This is now formal accepting of sannyasa, but real sannyasa purpose will be fulfilled when you'll be able to induce the people of the world dancing like you. That is real sannyasa. This formal dress is not sannyasa
- This is real education, that "You are thinking on terms of the body; therefore it is not very important subject matter." Real subject matter - what will happen to the soul - that is real, important
- This is the divinity of the P of G: He is not affected by the qualities of material nature, even though He is in contact with them. Similarly, the devotees who have taken shelter of the Lord do not become influenced by the material qualities
- This is the divinity of the Personality of Godhead. He is not affected by the qualities of material nature, even though He is in contact with them - SB 1.11.38
- This is the position of sadhu. He is not disturbed. Titiksavah. In all circumstances he is tolerant. That is sadhu
- This is the statement of Brahma, that one should give up the nonsense process of mental speculation, "God may be like this; God may be like that." No. God is not manufactured by your mental speculation
- This is the sum total meaning of this Hare Krsna mantra. Simply praying, "Please engage me," that is real profit. Not that, "Please give me, instead of hundred dollars, give me thousand dollars." No. This is not pure devotion
- This isolation that has been imposed on the New York temple that you speak of is not good and it should be dissolved. Your program of travelling to the nearest temples is a good program
- This kind of action is not buddhi-yoga, however, because such philanthropic works can at best replace one set of people's mundane desires with a new set, but they can never completely root out these unwanted desires from within the heart
- This knowledge (process of evolution) has existed since the Vedic time, and all these sequences are disclosed in Vedic literature; the theory of gradual evolution or anthropology is not new to the Vedas
- This Krsna consciousness movement is educating people how to become advanced in devotional service and how to go back home, back to Godhead. And this is not a very difficult task. It is very easy
- This Krsna consciousness movement is giving information to the people in general how to make life successful. What is that successful life? To go back to home, back to Godhead. This is not our home. This material world, this is foreign country
- This Krsna consciousness movement is preaching that "This material world is not your home. Don't try to be happy here"
- This Krsnadasa (of CC Madhya 7.39), known as Kala Krsnadasa, is not the Kala Krsnadasa mentioned in the Eleventh Chapter, verse 37, of the Adi-lila
- This lamentation you have got is not good. Brahma-bhutah prasannatma na socati na kanksati. This is not Krishna consciousness. Do not lament, but go on with your collecting engagement enthusiastically
- This living being is combination of the superior and inferior energy. But the superior energy is not matter. It is spirit
- This mark (the Srivatsa mark) is not for ordinary devotees. It is a special mark of Visnu or Krsna
- This material body continues as long as one is not detached from the false conception of lording it over material nature
- This material body, if it is shirt and coat, then this is cut according to the spiritual body. The spiritual body is not nirakara, without form
- This material civilization has come to the degree of atomic heat, you see. Now everyone has got this atomic energy, and it is going to be finished. So that kind of advancement is not needed
- This material world is not actually a place of residence for an intelligent person or a devotee because here there is danger at every step. Vaikuntha is the real home for the devotee, for there is no anxiety and no danger
- This material world is not created for those who do not want to enjoy sense gratification, who constantly remain in transcendental loving service and who are eternally Krsna conscious
- This material world is not for the purpose of the Lord Himself, but is for the conditioned souls who wanted to be controllers due to misuse of their God-gifted minute independence. Thus the conditioned souls are subjected to repeated birth and death
- This material world, in which there is fear and danger at every step (padam padam yad vipadam), is not meant for those who have taken shelter at Krsna's lotus feet. Such persons are delivered from this fearful world
- This materialistic way of life is not human life. It is less than animal life
- This Mayavada philosophy, voidism, impersonal philosophy, is not very good. You cannot remain impersonal or in void, because your position is . . . because you are living entity, because you are part and parcel of the supreme living entity, Krsna
- This method of submissively receiving transcendental confidential knowledge is not merely based on mental speculation
- This misconception (of the living entity that he is not energy but the energetic) of his own existence leads him to the attitude of lording it over material nature
- This movement is not limited only to the cities, but is also visible outside the cities from one place to another, or from one city to another, by different means of vehicles
- This obstacle by the Kazi is not new to our Krishna Consciousness Movement. It was there even during the time of Lord Caitanya, but we must steadily go on with our activities without caring for these so-called custodians of law
- This painting of Krsna is not an artist's imagination. It is exactly the form. So here is the form of the Lord. Here is the name of the Lord. Here is the activities of the Lord. This is clear conception
- This person who is born in the sva-paca family, candala family, he is called papa-yoni. Yoni means mother, and bija means father. Bija may be nice, but if the yoni is not nice, that is called varna-sankara
- This pleasure-giving substance is not false because it originates from the transcendental body of the Lord
- This practice is very essential for the student's advancement in spiritual life, but at the moment such brahmacari (unmarried celibate) life is not at all possible
- This process is very pleasant: we chant the Hare Krsna mantra, we dance rhythmically, and we eat nice prasada. While enjoying this life, we are preparing to enter into the kingdom of God in our next life. This is not a fabrication - it is all factual
- This process of surrendering by following the instructions of the Supreme Personality of Godhead is not meant for any particular caste or creed. A brahmana can surrender, and so can a ksatriya, vaisya or sudra. Everyone can adopt this process
- This recording business is not our line, so you should not divert your attention for the time being for such things
- This saffron robe is not very essential, or cut the hair, but it creates some good situation, mental
- This saying is very nice that, "Birds of the same feather flock together." So this propensity of combination of society, community, amongst the human being, is not very important improvement
- This science is not known in the world - how the soul is transmigrating from one body to another, and how he is being entrapped in different types of bodies. This science is unknown
- This sort of preaching (worshipping demigods gives the same result as worshipping God) is not only against the teachings of the Bhagavad-gita, or those of the Srimad-Bhagavatam, but is also foolish
- This Srimad-Bhagavatam is not ordinary type of religious system, because from this Bhagavatam, kaitava, cheating type of religion, is completely swept away, kicked out, thrown away
- This threefold austerity, practiced by men whose aim is not to benefit themselves materially but to please the Supreme, is of the nature of goodness. BG 17.17 - 1972
- This universal form is not possible to be seen by any ordinary man. Krsna must give one the power to see it. BG 1972 purports
- This unmada (madness) (described in CC Madhya 1.87) is not ordinary madness. When Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu talked inconsistently, almost like a crazy fellow, He was in the transcendental ecstasy of love
- This vairagya is not possible for the Western people. Therefore we require this building. That is the contribution. Unless they live comfortably, it is not possible. And we have to preach all over the world
- This very word "created" suggests that before the creation of the cosmic manifestation, the Lord was existing. Therefore God is not under the creation. If God were under the creation, how could He have created?
- This woman (Diti), my wife, has adopted a means that follows her nature, and therefore she is not to be blamed. But I (Kasyapa Muni) am a man. Therefore, all condemnation upon me!
- Those transcendental planets (Vaikunthalokas) are of a different nature altogether, and that nature is not subjected to the rules and regulations of material creation, maintenance or annihilation
- Those who are devotees of Radha and Krsna are most fortunate. The bitter nimba fruit is not at all eatable; it is simply full of dry speculation and is only fit for crowlike philosophers
- Those who are engaged in Krsna conscious activities are better situated than the sannyasis engaged in simple speculation about what is Brahman and what is not Brahman
- Those who are freed from all material contaminations surrender unto the Supreme Lord and engage in His devotional service. As long as the material contamination is not completely washed off, they are by nature nondevotees. BG 1972 purports
- Those who are honoring prasadam, accepting the remnants of food offered to the Deity, must always remember that prasadam is not ordinary food. Prasadam is transcendental
- Those who are householder, family men, they may have some deposit for emergency. Otherwise, those who are renounced order, those who are brahmacari, for them to keep money separately for his maintenance or for accumulating bank balance is not allowed
- Those who are in the spiritual world are known to be completely self-realized because on the spiritual platform the living entity is not forgetful of his service to the Lord
- Those who are interested in material enjoyment are known as bhukti-kami. One who is interested in merging into the effulgence of Brahman or perfecting the mystic yoga system is not a devotee at all
- Those who are interested in the impersonal Brahman effulgence, which is not different from the Supreme Personality of Godhead, can attain that goal by speculative knowledge
- Those who are liberated theoretically by knowing simply that the living entity is not material may still have desires, although they may be technically classified amongst liberated souls. Their main desire is to become one with the Supreme
- Those who are little advanced in understanding Bhagavad-gita, the A-B-C-D of spiritual knowledge, at least theoretically, one knows that he is not this body. But still, when the body is in danger, we become fearful
- Those who are not engaged in sinful life, naturally they are peaceful. Their mind is not agitated. Vegetarians are naturally peaceful. Just see between a dog and a cow
- Those who are sannyasi, brahmacari, they have no sex life, there is no question of sex life. Sex life is prohibited. But it is a concession for them who cannot live without sex life. That is married life. Otherwise, sex life is not very important thing
- Those who are serious students of Vedic literature accept authority. Bhagavad-gita, for example, is not a scholarly presentation which arose out of so much research work
- Those who are thinking that "I am now liberated simply by some volumes of philosophical speculation," so Bhagavata says, "No, your intelligence is not yet purified because you have not yet approached Krsna"
- Those who engage in the loving service of the Lord become sudhiyah, intelligent, but this is not so of a Vedic scholar who does not understand Krsna's name, fame and qualities
- Those who have got background of pious life. So even one goes to the church, "God, give us our daily bread," he's not ordinary person. He's pious man. He has gone to God to ask. He has not gone to anyone
- Those who understand simply that the living being is not matter but spirit soul and who desire to merge into the Supreme Spirit Soul are in the lowest transcendental position
- Though the soul is immortal, violence is not encouraged, but at the time of war it is not discouraged when there is actual need for it. That need must be justified in terms of the sanction of the Lord, and not capriciously. BG 1972 purports
- Thus (by professing a particular faith or religion) we have chosen a center of attraction that many others cannot share with us - because for them, our center of attraction is not all-attractive
- Thus the acquisition of wealth by a devotee is not a source of anxieties, as is the case for a worldly man. And because a pure devotee accepts everything in the sense of serving the Lord, the poisonous teeth of accumulation of wealth are extracted
- Time and tide wait for no man. So the time indicated by the sunrise and the sunset will be uselessly wasted if such time is not properly utilized for realizing identification of spiritual values
- Time is not subject to any form of psychology, nor are the moments objective realities in themselves, but they are dependent on particular experiences
- Time is the potency of the almighty Personality of Godhead, Hari, who controls all physical movement although He is not visible in the physical world
- To act on the material platform, even if one's activities are sanctioned by the Vedas, is not the ultimate goal of life
- To be a good king is not necessarily the qualification for being Lord Rama, but to be a great personality like Krsna is the qualification for being the Personality of Godhead
- To be convinced firmly with all reasons and argument, firmly conviction, this is called faith. Faith is not flickering. One must be firmly convinced. So then you immediately become joyful
- To become a brahmana by a birthright claim is not at all bona fide, although it may be a fulfillment of one of the conditions
- To become a devotee is not to become impotent, but everything has proper use. Just like if you are lusty, that lust should be utilized for Krsna. I am lusty to accumulate money. Yes, you bring money, but utilize it for Krsna
- To become free from birth and death is not an easy task. Birth and death are natural to this material body
- To become impotent is not good, but you have got full potency, but you can have sex life when it is required. To become impotent is not required. You should be fully potent, but not misuse it. That is required
- To become king is not the ultimate goal of life. No. He has got another ultimate goal of life. He (Maharaja Yudhisthira) remained as a king as a matter of duty
- To become married is no impediment for advancement in Krishna Consciousness. One should be vigilant only that he is not diverting from Krishna Consciousness
- To become narottama, or a first-class human being depending completely on the Supreme Lord Sri Krsna, is not possible for any ordinary man
- To become representative of Krsna is not very difficult. Simply one has to become very sincere. That's all. That whatever Krsna says, he will say. Just like Arjuna
- To become sannyasi is not very great credit, according to our Vaisnava philosophy. To become perfect house-holder, that is credit
- To become Vaisnava is not so easy thing. One has to become brahmana, then when he surpasses the stages of becoming brahmana, then he becomes Vaisnava. Suddha-sattva
- To become vegetarian is not very good qualification. It is better than the nonvegetarian, but that is not the ultimate solution. The ultimate solution is when you become a lover of God
- To become very big businessman is not ordinary thing; it requires tapasya, very great labor, brain, yat tapasyasi
- To control over Krsna is not a very easy job; unless one is a great devotee, he cannot... Just like the cowherd boys. They used to rise on the shoulder of Krsna. Krsna was defeated in play
- To deny an offering that has come of itself is not commendable even for one absolutely free from all attachment, much less one addicted to sensual pleasure
- To eradicate doubts in the minds of unbelievers, this verse (in SB 3.33.7) affirms that the stage of chanting of the holy name of the Lord is not sudden, but that the chanters have already performed all kinds of Vedic rituals and sacrifices
- To get a material body is not at all pleasure. It is always miserable condition, from the very beginning and up to the point of death, simply miserable condition
- To gratify the senses of the diseased fellow is not the business of a real physician. A good, qualified physician cannot indulge the patient by merely satisfying him, but must prescribe the real medicine, whether it satisfy the senses or not
- To install Deities in a moving vehicle is not very good. There is always danger of falling and breaking
- To know God, it is not very easy job. And the Vedas also, it is stated, nayam atma pravacanena labhyo na medhaya na bahuna srutena. So this process is not good
- To know Krsna is not very easy job. Manusyanam sahasresu kascid yatati siddhaye (BG 7.3). Still, if Krsna is pleased, then He can make Himself known to a devotee
- To know the Absolute Truth is not possible by our present senses. Because at the present moment we have got material . . . materially affected; not material senses. Our sense are originally spiritual, but it is covered by material contamination
- To make economic development by our own endeavors on the strength of tools and machinery is not all. The sanction of the Supreme Lord must be there, otherwise despite all instrumental arrangements everything will be unsuccessful
- To make one God conscious is not artificial. God consciousness is there, even in the life of aborigines, most crude people. It has to be awakened by education
- To obtain such (transcendental) knowledge, one must develop all the spiritual qualities. One who thus develops the spiritual qualities is not affected either by the creation or the destruction of the material world. BG 1972 purports
- To our feeble imagination, a castle in the sky is an impossibility, but if we scrutinizingly consider the matter we can understand that it is not impossible at all
- To please Rukmini, Balarama personally untied Rukmi, and to further please her, Balarama, as the elder brother of Krsna, spoke some words of chastisement. "Krsna, Your action is not at all satisfactory"
- To preach Bhagavat religion sometimes we have to quote from the sastras what is not palatable to unscrupulous so called religious persons. But in preaching we cannot do without quoting the proper verses
- To remain in Krishna Consciousness is actual understanding of Vedanta. Anything which is not Krishna Consciousness is polluted profane consciousness
- To remain strong is not difficult, but we don't want to remain strong. That is our decision
- To see God everywhere and in every living entity is not the final word in self-realization; one needs to see Him in all events, in every activity, in every thought influencing everyone's life, including one's own
- To see one woman is not dangerous, but to think of enjoying, that is dangerous. Similarly, to see one man is not dangerous, you cannot avoid that; you are on the street here, but to see with the spirit of enjoyment, that is dangerous
- To see personally the Supreme Personality of Godhead or His pure devotee is not an ordinary incident. When such things happen, they should be understood to be caused by previous pious activity, as confirmed in Bhagavad-gita
- To stand within water in winter, severe cold, is not very comfortable business, but they voluntarily accept it. This is called tapasya
- To stick to Krsna bhajana is not so easy, that you will go on committing all sinful activities and you will become Krsna devotee. That is not possible. You have to give up, and you have to come
- To stop this attraction of the tongue, one is authoritatively advised not to accept meat or similar uneatable things nor to allow the tongue to hanker to drink or smoke. Even the drinking of tea and coffee is not permitted
- To take birth in a family of brahmanas is not the ultimate finishing touch; one must have the power of a brahmana, which is called brahma-tejas. Similarly, taking birth in a royal family is not the all in all; one must possess the power to rule the world
- To talk with a person is not mixing. You see? Mixing means, intimate mixing, there are six symptoms. When you eat, when you call him to eat, when you give, when you take, when you talk your heart, when you hear his heart. These are called intimate mixing
- To the impersonalists liberation means merging into the existence of impersonal Brahman. But factually this is not moksa because one has to again fall down into this material world from that impersonal position
- To think oneself the same as the Supreme is not self-realization. Here it is clearly explained that the Supreme Lord is anadi, or purana, and He has no other cause. The living entity is born of the Supreme Godhead as part and parcel
- To think that because material existence is realized in forms therefore spiritual existence must be formless is only a negative material conception of spirit. The real spiritual conception is that spiritual form is not material form
- To travel to different places of pilgrimage means to attain emancipation from material bondage. This emancipation, however, is not the highest perfectional stage
- To understand God, to understand Krsna, is not very easy job; very, very difficult job. Therefore we don't find anyone is interested in Krsna. Anywhere you go, all over the world, you make a statistic: nobody is interested in Krsna
- To understand Krsna is not so easy, but if you follow the mahajana, if you try to understand the philosophy through the parampara system, then you'll realize Krsna and your life will be successful
- To understand Krsna is not very easy job. But by the grace of Krsna you can understand Krsna. Krsna is explaining Himself. That is Krsna, great. You take
- To understand that Brahman, the Supreme, is conscious is not sufficient. One must know how He consciously acts through His different energies
- To work in Krsna consciousness is to work with the complete knowledge of the Lord as the predominator. Such work is not different from transcendental knowledge. BG 1972 purports
- To work very hard like dogs and hog for sense gratification is not the ambition of human life. Human life is meant for little austerity. Tapo divyam putraka yena suddhyet sattvam. We have to purify our existence. That is the mission of human life
- To write about the transcendental pastimes of the Supreme Personality of Godhead is not an ordinary endeavor
- Today many scholars defend the science of religion, and they have some conception of the SPG, but religion without practical experience of the Supreme Personality of Godhead is no religion at all. Srimad-Bhagavatam describes this as a form of cheating
- Today we find that our this small endeavor to preach this Hare Krsna mantra is not very successful. But it has got the potency if the workers try for it
- Too much eating of these palatable dishes is not good. That makes our senses very strong. So we should not take much of it, but we can take something of krsna-prasadam and satisfy ourself
- Transcendence is not at all static, but full of dynamic variegatedness
- Transcendental love of Godhead is not under the jurisdiction of the material energy, for it is the transcendental bliss and pleasure potency of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Transcendental sound is not ordinary language, although it appears to be written in ordinary language. Evidence from the Vedic literature should be accepted as final authority
- True oneness is not equivalent to the conception of the Mayavadis. The true understanding is that the differences are manifested by the energy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Try to convince them (Tusta Krsna or Siddha-Svarupa Goswamis) to return to our Society and work cooperatively. That they have gone away is not good thing and it is a deviation from our line of parampara
- Tulsi leaves are very important for satisfying Lord Krishna. But tulsi devi is not pleased by the nice tune of singing but by the nice devotion
- Twelve thousand years on the celestial planets is not a very long time for those who live in the upper planetary system, although it may be very long for those who live on this planet
- Ultimately there is no difference, either sadhana-siddha or krpa-siddha or nitya-siddha, but we should always remember that Prahlada Maharaja is not ordinary devotee; he is nitya-siddha
- Under the circumstances, the Lord's various expansions, such as Lord Brahma, Lord Siva, Candra and Indra, all thought - Gajendra is not asking our help. He is asking the help of the Supreme, who is above all of us
- Unfortunately, for want of proper protection by responsible kings, the system of social and spiritual orders has now become a hereditary caste system. But this is not the actual system
- Unfortunately, in this age of Kali, the executive is not selected by very intelligent people, nor is he guided by qualified brahmanas. Consequently, chaos results
- Unfortunately, unscrupulous commentators divert the mind of the reader to that which is not at all feasible. Such commentators do not know that there is no difference between Krsna's mind and Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- Unless God is one, there cannot be God. God means, in the dictionary it is said, "Supreme Being." The Supreme Being can be one. If there is competition of Supreme Being, then he is not Supreme Being. That is the philosophy
- Unless one comes to the platform of transcendental knowledge and offers devotional service to the Lord, one is not perfect
- Unless one comes to this position of understanding Krsna and engages in devotional service, however intelligent he may be in the estimation of some common man, he is not perfectly intelligent. BG 1972 purports
- Unless one eats prasada, he is certainly a thief. It is the duty of governors and kings to punish such thieves and maintain the world nicely. If this is not done, grains will no longer be produced, and people will simply starve
- Unless one is awakened to this position of questioning his suffering, unless he realizes that he doesn't want suffering but rather wants to make a solution to all sufferings, then one is not to be considered a perfect human being. BG 1972 Introduction
- Unless one is in the paramahamsa stage, he is not eligible to understand the Srimad-Bhagavatam. For paramahamsas, or sannyasis in the Vaisnava order, preaching is the first duty
- Unless one is initiated by a bona fide spiritual master, all his devotional activities are useless. A person who is not properly initiated can descend again into the animal species. Hari-bhakti-vilasa - 2.10
- Unless the father releases the son from the cycle of birth and death, he's not father
- Unless there is a relationship, the loving affairs between the Lord and His devotee are not actually fixed
- Unless there is rationality, how can an animal maintain its body by working so hard? That the animals are not rational is untrue; their rationality, however, is not very advanced. In any case, we cannot deny them rationality
- Unless we come to the original consciousness, then we are crazy in different degrees. Everyone who is not in Krsna consciousness, he is to be supposed crazy because he is talking on a platform which is temporary, transient
- Unmixed devotional service is transcendental and is called para bhakti. It alone can promote a person to the transcendental kingdom of God. Such a transcendental kingdom is not a myth, but is as factual as the moon
- Unrestricted sense enjoyment is not allowed in the human form of life by the laws of nature. If one enjoys his senses unrestrictedly, he leads a sinful life. The animals do not violate the laws of nature
- Until a person achieves this perfection (as achieving his constitutional position of immortality), he cannot be peaceful. He may artificially think he is one with the Supreme, but actually he is not; therefore, he has no peace
- Vaisnava acarya said - Spirit is the basic principle. Matter is false. But that spirit is not void. There is spiritual construction. As in the material world there is material construction, in the spiritual world there is spiritual construction
- Vaisnava philosophers say that the Absolute Truth God is described as nirguna because He has no material qualities. This is not to say that He has no spiritual qualities
- Vaisnava will always think like that, how people will be happy. Sarve sukhino bhavantu. Vaisnava desire is not exploitation. Vaisnava desire is that - How others will be happy, how they will understand Krsna, how they will get happiness in this life
- Valmiki Muni meditated for fifty thousands of years, and then he wrote Ramayana. The Ramayana is not an ordinary book. You see? Therefore Ramayana is so much popular in India. Before the appearance of Rama, he wrote Ramayana
- Varnasrama-dharma is not a man-made institution, but is God-made
- Vasudeva is not formless, for it is stated in this verse (SB 4.3.23) that as soon as the Lord reveals Himself, the devotee offers his obeisances. Obeisances are offered to a person, not to anything impersonal
- Veda means knowledge. Knowledge means truth. Unless you come to the knowledge of truth, your knowledge is not perfect
- Vedanta-sutra is the crucial point of sampradaya. One sampradaya must give his commentation on the Vedanta-sutra; otherwise he is not a bona fide sampradaya
- Vedic civilization desires that everyone be happy. Sarve sukhino bhavantu. Vedic civilization is not animal civilization, exploiting others
- Vedic civilization is different. The accusation implied in the question is not correct. In the Vedic system, people are not lazy. They are very busy working for a higher purpose
- Vedic civilization, is not meant for working day and night like animals only for maintaining the foodstuff and sense gratification. It is not civilization. According to our Vedic civilization, this is not civilization. This is another form of animal life
- Vedic knowledge is not imparted by defective living entities. It was imparted unto the heart of Brahma and Brahma disseminated this knowledge to his sons and disciples, as he originally received it from the Lord. BG 1972 Introduction
- Vedic knowledge was given by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who created this material world. This is also accepted by Sankaracarya, although he is not a Vaisnava
- Vedic literature is not written at a certain time. It is coming. It is called apauruseya. It is not man-made. So you have to study very scrutinizingly, then you will understand
- Vedic process is not to acquire knowledge by ascending process, inductive process. Vedic knowledge is to receive knowledge by descending process, knowledge coming from authority
- Vigraha means "form." Thus the Complete Whole is not formless. If He were formless, or if He were less than His creation in any other way, He could not be complete
- Vikarsato antar hrdayad, from the core of the heart. Now, from the sastra you can understand where the soul is. Soul is not in the brain or not in the here, there. Therefore when the soul is taken away, or goes away from the heart, we say, heart failure
- Violence and duplicity accompany political affairs, but a ksatriya is not supposed to give up his occupational duty and try to perform the duties of a brahmana. BG 1972 purports
- Violence, committed in the act of fighting for Krsna, is not violence at all because, at any rate, the man, or rather the soul, cannot be killed; so for the administration of justice, so-called violence is permitted
- Visnu is not a product of material nature, but material nature is a product of Visnu's potency
- Vivekananda, he prescribed daridra-narayana-seva. The same thing - hospital. We kill all animals, and the hospital patient is given the meat for improvement of the health. But he does not know that this is not curing; he is become implicated in his karma
- Vrindaban is of course, very impressive for devotional service, but that also is not advisable to remain alone
- Vrndavana is not a material place, just like ordinary city or country. It is transcendental. So appreciation of Vrndavana will be possible when our mind is free from all material desires
- Vrndavana is not vacant. It is full of varieties. Without varieties, there is no enjoyment. Variety is the mother of enjoyment
- Vyasadeva is not Mayavadi. He is Vaisnava. We belong to Vyasadeva's sampradaya, Brahma-sampradaya. Therefore we worship our spiritual master as Vyasadeva's representative, vyasa-puja
- Vyasadeva is the authority. So Vyasadeva is not Mayavadi. He is Vaisnava. We belong to Vyasadeva's sampradaya, Brahma-sampradaya. Therefore we worship our spiritual master as Vyasadeva's representative, vyasa-puja
- War is not always bad. Nothing is bad, nothing is good, unless it is used for God. That's it. Our philosophy is everything is good. God is all-good. So if He advises to fight, that is also good
- We accept knowledge from such person who knows past, present and future. Persons who do not know even present what is going on, how we can accept knowledge from him? This is not our process
- We are engaged in philanthropic work, to give food to the poor, as if God is unable to give food to the poor, because we have taken the position of God. So this is not our business. God has food for everyone
- We are eternally related to Krsna, but at the present moment this relationship is simply forgotten or suppressed. Consequently we think that we have no relationship with Krsna, but this is not a fact
- We are going to learn technology. That is our misfortune. Technology is silpa-karma. Just like an artistic man - that is not real education. Real education is how to solve the problem of life, janma-mrtyu-jara-vyadhi-duhkha-dosanudarsanam
- We are hankering after happiness, but happiness cannot be enjoyed so long our existence is not purified. So for purification of our existence we have to undergo tapasya
- We are minute particles, just like the sun and the sun rays. The sunshine, the sun rays, they are also combination of molecules of some shining material. So that sunshine is not different from the sun, but at the same time, sunshine is not the sun
- We are not so much disturbed in the land as we are disturbed in the ocean, because we know that our position in the ocean is not our natural condition. So we should note, that disturbance is due to our unnatural condition
- We are small particles, part and parcel of the Supreme, and they are distributed all over His creation, brahma-jyotir. That is nirakara. But this brahma-jyotir is not the ultimate truth
- We are trying to be the enjoyer of this material world. That is maya. The world is not maya, but the intention of the living entities to enjoy this material world, to satisfy his senses, that is maya
- We are trying to gain success in these material activities, but by God's will, there are different living entities. They have already all the successes. So therefore our real business is not to waste our time to get any material success
- We can definitely see that to advance in Krsna consciousness one must control his bodily weight. If one becomes too fat, it is to be assumed that he is not advancing spiritually
- We can find that instead of becoming a great preacher of Krishna Consciousness, this gentleman has become artificially a head of a mundane institution. To become a very important man in the mundane estimation is not success in Krishna Consciousness
- We can follow Harida Thakur's example by chanting sixteen rounds of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra on beads every day and offering respect to the tulasi plant. This is not at all difficult for anyone
- We can say, that writing book at night and inducing these devotees: go and sell, go and sell, go and sell. In this way it is going on. This is not contribution. George has given contribution, but that is house. But nobody gives us money for it
- We can see such signs (of the ascending process) in the method of preaching espoused by Gandhiji. Although he chants the name of Rama, he is not aware of the transcendental science of the name
- We can understand about the Absolute Truth by evolving transcendental knowledge, and the result of such transcendental knowledge will be manifested by renunciation. That renunciation is not temporary or artificial, but is very strong
- We can understand that liberation is not the final word in perfection. There must be activities in liberation. Sanatana clearly says, "You (Lord Caitanya) have saved me from the material existence. Now, after liberation, what is my duty?"
- We can understand where we are going. So one who is going to a higher level of life - and the most perfection of life is go back to home, back go Godhead - he's not afraid of death
- We cannot eat anything not offered to Krishna, and we cannot offer anything to Krishna which is not cooked by a devotee
- We cannot talk with any one who is not within the purview of human understanding. You are completely right when you refuse to debate and accept invitation for chanting Hare Krishna Mahamantra
- We cannot treat the Supreme Personality of Godhead as an inferior who is dependent on our charitable gifts. When we give charity, it is to a person who is inferior in his material or economic condition. Charity is not given to a rich man
- We do not publish anything which is not approved by the acaryas. We are not like ordinary press, that anything and anything will come and we shall publish. No. That is not our business
- We do not want liberation. We want to serve the purpose of the Gosvamis, in association with pure devotees. To stop birth and death is not our purpose
- We do not want to be killed just to end our miseries. Thus the theory that after material life there is void is not at all attractive. Nor is it a fact
- We don't deprecate the meditational process. But we simply say that this process is not very fruitful in this age
- We don't have a large number of followers. As soon as you try to sell a diamond, you cannot expect many customers. Nonetheless, a diamond is a diamond, even if there are no customers. The number of customers is not the test
- We don't say anything which is not spoken by Bhagavan, the Supreme. We don't manufacture concocted ideas, dogmas. No, that is not our business
- We don't talk anything which is not authorized by the Vedic literature. That is our process
- We don’t accept any source of knowledge which is not authorized. So according to Vedic culture the Vedas are the authorities. Therefore among the learned circle even at the present age, if you can give evidence from the Vedas, then the truth is accepted
- We find so many living entities within the ocean, if we go deep. Surface acquaintance with the ocean is not sufficient; one must have complete knowledge of the aquatics living in the ocean depths. BG 1972 purports
- We find that those who engage in Krsna consciousness are materially poor, but one who has eyes can see who is the greater. Although he appears to be materially poor, a person in Krsna consciousness is not actually a poor man
- We forget this material nonsense. That's all. But don't forget ourself. Our identity is there. We are all servants of God, Krsna dasa. And this is real ego. So ego is not dissolved. Ego is there, but it is purified
- We get this knowledge that this body is not all in all. There is soul. As soon as the soul is out of the body it is a lump of matter. But in spite of all our experience we are interested only with this body. This is called ignorance
- We have been discussing the aim of life. That is described in the Srimad-Bhagavatam, that kamasya nendriya-pritih. Kama... Labho jiveta yavata. The purpose of life is not sense gratification
- We have got experience that if we infect some disease, contaminous disease, then we must suffer from that disease. So it is not God's creation that somebody is suffering from some painful condition and somebody is enjoying. No
- We have got our senses with limited power, and there are so many defects in our conditioned stage. Therefore inductive process is not always perfect. The deductive process, from the authority, the knowledge received, is always perfect
- We have got very simple test in Krsna consciousness movement how to distinguish between an intelligent man a rascal. As soon as we understand that he's not Krsna conscious, he's a rascal. Bas. There is no need of testing
- We have no quarrel either with the vegetarian or non-vegetarian, because according to Bhagavad-gita both of them are sinful. Anyone who is not eating Krishna Prasadam, either vegetarian or non-vegetarian, he is a sinful person
- We have seen in the Western countries, in the name of independence, so many women are unhappy. So that is not recommended in the Vedic civilization and varnasrama-dharma
- We have seen, that in Moscow, all big, big buildings, they are not recent buildings, they are old, damaged buildings, and (indistinct). So that means their economic condition is not so sound. The old buildings are not very nicely renovated
- We have to become designationless. Not that, "Here are some foreigners. Pick up some quarrel with them and try to drive them away. Why they have come?" So many nonsense things are going on for want of actual spiritual education. This is not good
- We have to execute tapasya, austerity. Why? Now, to purify our existence. This present existence is not purified; therefore we have to meet death. Otherwise we are eternal
- We have to see through the sastra characteristic of a rascal, that he is not Krsna conscious. That's all. We may be fool, but we take lesson from Bhagavad-gita. That's all. And from the lesson we understand you are rascal number one. That's all
- We have to study authorized books and Vedas, and we have to follow their example, then Krsna consciousness or God realization is not difficult. It is very easy. There is no, I mean to say, any stumbling block on the path of your understanding what is God
- We have to take little patience. That is preaching work. Don't be impatient. Let us do our duty on behalf of Krsna. Even the result is not very appreciable, still we have to do it
- We have to understand from authoritative literature. The subtle body is working, just like when you sleep your gross body is not working, but the subtle body, the mind, intelligence and ego, is working; therefore you dream
- We know sanatana-dharma. We have heard it only. But sanatana-dharma is not limited to a certain class of men or certain class of society or certain kind of country
- We Krishna Conscious men have to deal with women and money in course of preaching work, and the only prophylactic measure to save us is not to accept them for our sense gratification. Then we shall remain strong enough
- We may also remember in this connection that the process of gradual emancipation by the devotees in the manner mentioned above, although authoritative, is not viable in the present age because of people's being primarily unaware of yoga practice
- We may be imperfect, it doesn't matter, but because we are accepting the words and statement of Krsna, then our knowledge is not imperfect
- We may discover many fine medicines, but it is not possible to stop the sufferings of disease or death. Actually, medicine is not the counteracting agent for either disease or death
- We may find some mailboxes on the street, and if we post our letters in those boxes, they will naturally go to their destination without difficulty. But any old box, which is not authorized by the post office, will not do the work. BG 1972 purports
- We may shudder to think, "Oh, after liberation will I still be a servant?" This is because we have experience that being a servant in the material world is not very enjoyable, but transcendental service is not like this
- We may try to satisfy Mother Durga by worshiping her or by giving her some bribe, but Durga is not so easily bribed
- We must find out a person who is actually bona fide spiritual master by this test, that he's not, I mean to say, adulterating Krsna's message. He's not playing havoc with the message of Krsna in order to introduce himself
- We require the association of wife or girl because we feel the need, if God is in need, then He is not God. He must be full
- We say "No illicit sex." It will save you from so many encumbrances. Sex life is not denied, but this unrestricted sex life is very very abominable in human society. But they are encouraging unrestricted sex life
- We say frankly that we know God, His father's name, His address, everything. Let anyone come and challenge. He cannot say that, "No, this is not God," because he has not approached God. He does not know what is God
- We say that in the perfectional stage we merge into the Supreme but keep our individuality. How is that? An airplane starts from the airport &. climbs up & up, & when it goes very high we cannot see it: we can simply see sky. But the airplane is not lost
- We say that on the ekadasi day you should fast. So fasting is not very, I mean to say, pleasant, but one has to do. This is called tapasya
- We see in your country, every house: "Beware of dog. Don't come here." Because... What is that? Because they cannot trust anybody. Anybody. So this is not advancement of civilization
- We should always remember that our body is not for sense gratification; it is for Krishna's service only. And to render very good sound service to Krishna we should not neglect the upkeep of the body
- We should always remember that to become a bona fide devotee of the Lord is not an easy task, but in this age, by the mercy of Lord Caitanya, it has been made very easy
- We should be careful not to eat anything which is not offered to Krsna, prasadam. That should be determination. We cannot purchase things from the market and eat. No. That is not possible. We cannot eat
- We should not become servant to make some material profit. He is not, he is not suddha-bhakta
- We should not die like cats and dogs. We should die like brahmana. Even in one life a solution is not made, then you get next life opportunity
- We should not think, that just because a planet is not composed primarily of earth, or because the atmosphere does not duplicate ours, that there is no life on these planets - where fire is prominent, water is prominent, and air and space are prominent
- We should not trust the mind, that "Now I have become liberated." Never think so. We should always remember that liberation is not so easy thing, but if we follow the rules and regulation, then there is every possibility of becoming liberated
- We should not try to be beautiful like seasonal flowers or greenery that flourish in the rainy season but are weary in the winter. To be enlivened by the clouds of ignorance overhead and to enjoy the sight of temporary greenery is not at all desirable
- We should specially note in this verse (SB 2.2.31) the description of gatim bhagavatim. To become merged in the rays of the Parabrahman, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, as desired by the brahmavadi impersonalist, is not bhagavatim perfection
- We simply want everyone, to become God conscious. That is our mission. Our mission is not that to convert. What is the use of converting?
- We want to understand God through philosophy. "Through philosophy" means logic. Blind faith is not our business
- Western civilization is not brahminical culture. There is no brahminical culture. And brahminical culture is needed. That is the head. That is the brain
- What Caitanya Mahaprabhu understand, we also understand. So where is the difference? Difference should be that is the fact that he is not acarya. As soon as he differs from the previous acaryas, that means he is not acarya
- What is essential today is not so much the rehabilitation of schools and libraries or shops and factories but the rehabilitation of man; we must re-create man if we are to create a new world community
- What is good for you is not good for me. One man's food is another man's poison
- What is the benefit of taking the trouble to engage in the service of the Lord? This is not a valid objection
- What is the use of changing one's dress, sometimes wearing long hair and a long beard and sometimes dressing otherwise? This is not good. One should not waste his time in such frivolous activities
- What is the value of the children's decision? Is there any value? Because he's not in proper understanding, what is the meaning of his decision? So one child makes one decision. Another child makes another decision. There is fight
- What is this lust? lust generally means sex life, but here kama refers to sex life which is not against religious principles, that is to say, sex for the begetting of good children
- What the living entity is considering to be bad or good is only so for the living entity, for he is conditioned. But because Krsna is not conditioned, for Him there is no question of bad or good
- Whatever existence is not founded on the energy of Krsna is called maya, that which is not. BG 1972 purports
- Whatever service we can do for Krishna, even if somebody is not able to execute fully Krishna Consciousness, whatever amount of service he does it never goes in vain
- Whatever we (Narada Muni) can understand by the nomenclature, characteristics and features of a particular thing - superior, inferior or equal, eternal or temporary - is not created from any source other than that of Your Lordship (Brahma)
- Whatever we can understand by the nomenclature, characteristics and features of a particular thing - superior, inferior or equal, eternal or temporary - is not created from any source other than that of Your Lordship, thou so great
- When a child dies, mother becomes mad, cries like madman, madwoman, that person dies. But one who has once cried in separation for Krsna, that crying is not stopped; that will continue
- When a devotee is actually engaged in the devotional service of the Lord, his apparently material opulences are not material; they are all spiritual
- When a devotee understands that the Lord is satisfied, liberation, or merging into the effulgence of the Lord, is not very difficult
- When a devotee, in spite of possessing all the qualities of pure realization, is not proud of his position, he is called prideless
- When a king thinks that because he is the head of the state, he can utilize the citizens for his sense gratification, he is in error. Such an attitude is not appreciated by learned scholars
- When a less intelligent person has some power, he wants to use it for sense gratification. This is not the behavior of a devotee
- When a living entity forgets his constitutional position, he prepares himself to be an enjoyer of the material resources. Sometimes he is also misguided by the thought that service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead is not absolute engagement
- When a living entity transfers from one body to another, a process generally known as death, a sane man does not lament, for he knows that the living entity is not dead but is simply transferred from one body to another
- When a man steals some money, if he is caught and agrees to return it, he is not freed from the criminal punishment. By the law of the state, even though he returns the money, he has to undergo the punishment
- When a person fully realizes that the material body and world are temporary, he is not concerned with pain and pleasures of the body
- When a person gives up all other duties and simply takes to the transcendental service of Krsna, he has no desire and is not subjected to or likely to perform sinful activities
- When a pure devotee receives material opulences, this is not because of his pious activity but for the service of the Lord. When one engages in devotional service, one is automatically pious
- When a scientist discovers something impressive to the ignorant mass of people, the common man, without inquiry, accepts such a discovery as wonderful. But the intelligent man is not struck with wonder by such discoveries
- When a soldier kills under the command of a superior officer, he is not subject to be judged. But if a soldier kills on his own personal account, then he is certainly judged by a court of law. BG 1972 purports
- When an expert physician treats a patient, he tries to find the original cause of the disease and is not diverted by the symptoms of that original cause. Similarly, a devotee is never disturbed by reverses in life
- When an expert priest is not available, the animal sacrifice in the fire of the sacrificial altar is forbidden
- When government employs some police force, some military force, that does not means impious. That is required. Similarly, fighting or violence is not always impious. But a responsible person, he does not take violence unnecessarily
- When he (a living entity) is actually out of the body, then he is out of the clutches of the material modes of nature. But as long as he is not out of the material body, he should be neutral. BG 1972 purports
- When he (a person) gives up all such obligations for the sake of the service of the Supreme Lord, he is not punished for such renunciation of obligation
- When he (the living entity) is not thus engaged (in devotional service), he is in a diseased condition, but as soon as he engages all his senses in the transcendental loving service of the Lord, he is in his normal, healthy condition
- When He saw Arjuna that he was not willing to fight, then Krsna said - My dear Arjuna, you are lamenting for something which is not the subject matter of lamentation
- When Hiranyakasipu asked immortality from Lord Brahma, Lord Brahma expressed his inability to offer such a benediction because he himself is not immortal
- When I become servant of maya, even I do not wish to do something which is not very good, still I am obliged to do it
- When it is nice, why you are changing it? Unnecessary spending is not...
- When Krsna is not manifest before the inhabitants of Vrndavana, they are always absorbed in thoughts of Him
- When Krsna jumped into the water, the river overflooded its banks to a distance of one hundred yards, as if something very large had fallen into it. This exhibition of Krsna's strength is not at all uncommon, because He is the reservoir of all strength
- When Krsna sees you or Krsna sees, then you can see. Just like I have got these spectacles. The spectacle is not seeing, my eyes are seeing, therefore spectacle is seeing. Similarly, actually all the senses are acting because Krsna is acting
- When Krsna speaks, we must understand that whatever He says is not limited but is universally true. He claims to be the father of all living entities - even the animals, the aquatics, the trees, plants, worms, birds & bees are all claimed to be His sons
- When Lord Krsna delineates the yoga system to Arjuna, Arjuna says that the practice of this system is not possible for him
- When Narada saw that the hunter was trying to save the lives of the ants in this way, he was reminded of a verse from the Skanda Purana: Is it not wonderful that a devotee of the Lord is not inclined to give any sort of pain to anyone, not even to an ant
- When one engages in austerities, his body generally becomes lean and thin. Becoming fat is not a very good qualification in spiritual life
- When one is constantly being agitated by such desires (of attaining mystic powers or merging into the existence of the Supreme Lord), he is not peaceful
- When one is fully convinced that he is not his body, there is no question of fearing death, since the spirit soul does not die
- When one is in the renounced order, saving money is not recommended. However, if one saves money for the service of the Lord or a Vaisnava, that is accepted
- When one is liberated, he theoretically understands that the living entity is not composed of material elements but is spirit soul, distinct from matter. Simply by theoretically understanding this doctrine, one can be called liberated
- When one is not affected by the bodily conceptions, one can advance to the Lord's devotional service. The more we advance our freedom from the bodily conception, the more we are fixed in devotional service, and the more we are happy and peaceful
- When one is not attached to anything, but at the same time accepts everything in relation to Krsna, one is rightly situated above possessiveness - Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu 1.2.255
- When one is not attached to anything, but at the same time accepts everything in relation to Krsna, one is rightly situated above possessiveness. (Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu 2.255-256). BG 1972 purports
- When one is not in the modes of ignorance and passion, one is supposed to be situated in the mode of goodness in the material world
- When one is not Krishna Consciousness, then he is Maya conscious, or in illusion. Just like when one is not in light, he is sure to be in darkness
- When one is not situated in Krsna consciousness, he does not necessarily get a human body again; he can get the body of a cat, dog, hog, demigod or one of many other forms, for there are 8,400,000 species. BG 1972 purports
- When one is realized in that way that, "I am eternal servant of Krsna," he does not require to be a brahmin or sudra. He transcends. He is postgraduate. So long he does not realize that, he has to follow varnasrama-dharma. Otherwise, he is not civilized
- When one is separate, one may fully devote in Krishna, but no more marriage. If this is not followed, I will not take part in anyone's marriage in the future. I hope you will understand me right and do the needful
- When one is situated within the material world, it is not possible to experience this Brahman effulgence. In other words, in the material world this effulgence is not manifested, whereas in the spiritual world it is manifested
- When one is transcendentally inspired, the sound he produces exactly corresponds to the sound vibration of the Vedas. This is not the ordinary sound vibration of this material world
- When one knows of Krsna's birth and activities in truth, the result is: tyaktva deham punar janma naiti mam eti so 'rjuna (Bg. 4.9) - when he leaves this material body, he is not born again but goes directly to Krsna
- When one surrenders to Krsna, he has complete faith that he is not in danger because Krsna is protecting him
- When one takes sannyasa... These are the processes. He is not practiced to beg from door to door. Therefore in the beginning he makes a cottage outside the village, and the foodstuff comes from his home. But he has no connection
- When one understands the truth about this life but is not completely cleansed of material contamination, he is not factually situated in the transcendental abode, Vrndavana, although he may understand spiritual life
- When one understands this karma-kanda elevation is not the aim of our life, our real aim of life how to go back home, back to Godhead, then these things are not required
- When one who is not even interested in the activities of Krsna consciousness gives charity to some hospital or some other social institution, he gives up the hard-earned results of his activities. That is also recommended. BG 1972 purports
- When one who is not inspired by material desires and is not contaminated by the processes of fruitive activity and empiric speculation fully engages in the favorable service of the Lord, his service is called bhagavad-dharma, or pure devotional service
- When one's heart is not cleansed, one cannot awaken the transcendental nature of devotional service
- When pure knowledge is beyond all material affinity but is not dedicated to the Supreme Personality of Godhead (Krsna), it does not appear very beautiful, although it is knowledge without a material tinge
- When spiritual knowledge is not complete, one will be hindered in his attempt to cleanse the mind of all material variegatedness
- When the Absolute Truth is not credited with having any transcendental senses or sensory activities, certainly He is supposed impotent. An impotent Godhead, of course, cannot hear the prayers of His devotees, nor can He ameliorate the distress
- When the atheist Hiranyakasipu asked his son Prahlada Maharaja how it was he became attracted to devotional service, he replied, As long as one is not favored by the dust of the feet of pure devotees, he cannot even touch the path of devotional service
- When the God sees by His eyes, the sun, then you can see. As soon as the sun is not there, then where is your power of seeing? So why you are so much proud of seeing?
- When the gross material body is not manifest, the living entity cannot factually act in the modes of material nature
- When the king orders somebody to be hanged on account of his committing murder, the king is not sinful. King is helpful. King is helping that rascal to atone his murdering activities
- When the Lord is described as impersonal it should be understood that His personality is not exactly the type of personality found within our imperfect speculation
- When the mind is in touch with the impersonal Brahman one becomes satisfied, but one must advance further to render service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, for one's remaining merged in the Brahman effulgence is not always assured
- When the sun is not visible at night or when it is covered by a cloud in the day, it is not possible to uncover it, either by bodily or mental strength or by scientific instruments, although the sun is there in the sky
- When the sun sets, it does not mean the sun is finished. Of course, some of the former theosophists and scientists, they used to think that this is. . . at night the sun is dead. That is not fact. The sun is not visible to our limited eyes
- When the Supreme Personality of Godhead descends to this material world, He appears just like an ordinary human being, but He is not resting on any material condition
- When there is a red light, if you do not stop you'll be punished. But if a cat or dog transgresses - "Never mind the red light; I shall go" - he's not punished
- When there is gain, don't be puffed up. You should think that this gain is for the Lord. And when there is loss, you should know that "This is not my responsibility. It is God's work. He'll see." Then you'll be happy
- When there is very, very acute reverse condition of life, one is not disturbed. That is spiritual life. And samah sarvesu bhutesu, at that stage only there is possibility of so-called unity, fraternity, friendship
- When they (so-called jnanis, yogis, karmis and tapasvis) say they are as good as we are, we must say that only we are good and that they are not good. This is not our obstinacy; it is the injunction of the sastras
- When things are described about God which is not conceivable by us, they say, "It is mythology. It is imagination." But that is not the fact. The fact is that Krsna or Krsna's incarnation, They have got spiritual expansion
- When this material creation is not yet manifested from the mahat-tattva, it is called avyakta, and when it is demonstrated from that total energy, it is called vyakta
- When we are bewildered, we do not distinguish what is religious and what is not religious, do not use our position properly. That is karpanya-dosopahata-svabhavah. At that time there is need of guru. That is the Vedic instruction
- When we buy a suit or dress, it is made to fit the body. The spiritual spark must have form, otherwise how is it the material body has grown to accommodate it? The conclusion is that the spiritual spark is not impersonal. It is an actual person
- When we come into this material world, we become contaminated, we become affected by this, by the influence of this material nature. But Visnu, although He is looking after the management of creation of this brahmanda, He is not affected
- When we speak of external energy or material nature, the question may be raised, "Whose energy? Whose nature?" Material energy or nature is not active independently. Such a concept is foolish
- When you take to Prasadam, it is directly on the spiritual platform. Annamoya concept of life is not on the spiritual platform. Our process is therefore very easy and effective in this age
- When you take your birth, that birth is not significant - a sudra, fourth-class man. Everyone is born fourth-class man. So if you keep them fourth class and degrade them into fifth class, sixth class, then how there will be peace
- When, by mistake, we consider the rope to be a snake, that is our ignorance. But the very idea of a snake is not in itself ignorance
- Whenever there is mention of an incarnation of God, Krsna, there is specific duty. When Lord Ramacandra, His specific duty was to kill Ravana and to construct a bridge over the ocean, this is not possible by ordinary man
- Where a rascal is not worshiped, where foodstuff is kept very carefully and when there is no fight between husband and wife, or family-wise there goddess of fortune is always present
- Where has the Mathura-puri of Yadupati gone? Where has the Northern Kosala of Raghupati gone? By reflection, make the mind steady, thinking, ‘This universe is not eternal - the note written by Srila Rupa Gosvami to Sanatana Gosvami from Bakla
- Where is the benefit of equal right, independence? Phalena pariciyate. We have to see the result of every action - whether the result is beneficial. If the result is not beneficial, the action is not beneficial
- Wherefrom this life comes? It requires thought. Why the world is not full of one kind of forms of life? Why there are different types of life? Because different desires and nature's law
- Wherever Lord Krsna, the original Narayana, and Rukminidevi, the goddess of fortune, live is not different from the spiritual planets, Vaikunthaloka
- Wherever one turns his face, he sees sex life predominant. Therefore, sex life is not unreal. Its reality is experienced in the spiritual world
- Whether one is a man or a woman, he is not interested in serving others; everyone is interested in satisfying his or her own senses. Krsna consciousness, however, provides first-class training for a man or a woman
- While in material existence (bhavam asritah), a person fully competent to distinguish wrong from right must endeavor to achieve the highest goal of life as long as the body is stout and strong and is not embarrassed by dwindling
- Who is a sadhu? A sadhu is not just an ordinary man with a saffron robe or long beard. A sadhu is described in Bhagavad-gita as one who unflinchingly engages in devotional service
- Who is guru? Whom shall I approach? So the next line explains that approach such guru, srotriyam, who has heard from his guru perfectly, that guru. Who had no chance of hearing from perfect guru, he is not guru. This is called guru-parampara
- Who is Jesus Christ? What is his number? - That means they thought, - "Jesus Christ must be one of the workers, and every worker has a number, so what is his number?" So - No, Jesus Christ, he's son of God. So he has no number. He's not worker
- Who is not afraid of death? Everyone is afraid of death. Why?
- Who is worshiping God but his character is not good, he is sadhu. And those who are talking and no connection with God, he is mudha, duskrtina, naradhama
- Who's not full of anxieties? Those who are in this material world, who can say, "No, I have no anxiety"? That is not possible. Either you become President Nixon or in the street beggar, there is anxiety. At any moment danger may come
- Whoever engages in hearing the transcendental activities of Krsna is not on the material platform, but on the transcendental, spiritual platform
- Why do such persons (devotees) hold open class? It is explained here (in BG 18.71) that although everyone is not a devotee, still there are many men who are not envious of Krsna. They have faith in Him as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. BG 1972 pur
- Why does He (Krsna) say, sa mahatma sudurlabhah? Because the path is not very easy. Spiritual path and to attain complete perfection is not very easy, especially in this age
- Why I am getting this temporary body? This is called brahma-jijnasa. Unless a man is awakened to this consciousness, "Why?" - Kena Upanisad - he is not human being; he is animal. The animal cannot question
- Why is there fighting and why are there miseries? Unless these "why" questions, which in the Vedas are called Kena Upanisad, arise in one's mind, one is not fulfilling the proper function of his human life
- Why manufacture nation and create trouble and again united? Nation - this word is not there in the Vedic language. There's no conception of nation. There is conception of varnasrama, everywhere. Not for any particular nation or any particular country
- Why not clear? That means your intelligence is not clear
- Why one is getting better position, and why one is not getting? Why one is dog, and why one is millionaire? So it is due to our association with different modes of material nature
- Why the world is not full of one kind of forms of life? Why there are different types of life?
- Why there should be any misunderstanding between a Krishna conscious husband and wife. This is not good
- Why these universities are there? Because we do not know what is what. Therefore we are being educated. So that means this body is not full of knowledge. It is full of ignorance
- Widow means one who hasn't got husband or husband is dead. So if the husband's representative is there, strictly speaking, she is not widow
- Wife should get enlightenment from the husband, and she should give service. The husband is well situated; she is not discomforted, always looking to the comfort of the husband. And it is the duty of the husband to enlighten the wife always
- Within this material world we are not eternal on account of material contamination. But time is eternal. Time is eternal; God is eternal; you are also eternal, living entity. Simply our work is not eternal. That can be changed
- Without any connection with God, oh, that is not accepted as religion. Religion, generally understood - searching after God, understanding about God, relationship with God. This is religion. Atheism is not religion
- Without being liberated, when one speaks that, "I have become liberated," that means avisuddha-buddhayah: the intelligence is not clear. He does not know what is liberation. Liberation means prasanna-manasa, full of joyfulness
- Without being specifically favored by the Lord, no human being can become the spiritual master of the whole world. He certainly cannot succeed by mental concoction, which is not meant for devotees or religious people
- Without understanding "Why I am put into the jail?" if I simply think that "It is all right. Let me remain here and suffer the punishment . . ." Jail life is not for happiness. That is, everyone knows. Jail life is for punishment
- Woman are considered less intelligent. In the Bhagavad-gita... Their heart is very soft. Just like children, their heart is very soft. But their intelligence is not very sharp. That is the difference. Striyah sudras tatha vaisyah
- Worship of the arca-vigraha is not idol worship
- Worship of the Supreme Lord for material gain is not approved by authorities
- Worshipers of the demigods are less intelligent because they don't know to what part of the body food must be supplied. Some of them are so foolish that they claim that there are many parts & many ways to supply food. This isn't very sanguine. BG 1972 p
- Worshiping means appreciating high qualities. Worshiping is not blind. If I know that you have some high qualities, I worship you
- Yamaraja approached them (the relatives of the dead body) as a child because a child is not restricted but is granted admittance anywhere, even to the palace of a king. Besides this, the child was speaking philosophy
- Yamaraja is not a fictitious or mythological character; he has his own abode, Pitrloka, of which he is king. Agnostics may not believe in hell, but Sukadeva Gosvami affirms the existence of the Naraka planets
- Yasya prasadad bhagavat-prasadah: by satisfying the senses of the spiritual master, one can satisfy the senses of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Thus this behavior is not only mentioned in scriptures but also followed by acaryas
- Yoga practice is not meant for attaining any kind of material facility; it is to enable the cessation of all material existence. BG 1972 purports
- Yoga system is not that, that you go on doing all nonsense in sense gratification and simply sit down meditation. This is simply colossal hoax. It has no meaning
- You (Lord Krsna) are the eternally irreproachable factor covered by the curtain of deluding energy. You are invisible to the foolish observer, exactly as an actor dressed as a player is not recognized
- You are a rascal. Because you are giving stress on the body. The body is a lump of matter. It is not the subject matter for discussing or lamenting. It is a lump of matter
- You are the possessor of the shirt and coat. The shirt and coat is not you. You are different from the shirt and coat. Similarly, we have got our two kinds of body - the gross body and the subtle body
- You are the proprietor of the three creations and the maintainer of the entire universe. Therefore Your potency is not reduced by Your submissive behavior. Rather, by submission You exhibit Your transcendental pastimes
- You are the same Krsna. I am the same Radharani. But the place is not the same. You are here in Kuruksetra, and we are coming from the village. So if You again please come to Vrndavana. This was Radharani's request. And it is very ecstatic feeling
- You are thinking of this body of your relative, and because they will be in the war, they will be killed. You are thinking like that. But actually this is not the subject matter of pondering. The real subject matter is how to save the soul
- You can become very healthy. But does it mean that health is the perfection of life? Do you mean to say healthy life will not die, will not change his body? So health is required, but health is not the ultimate goal of life
- You can kill one lower animal, not cow. The cow is not available in the jungle. You can have some deer or some boar. So these unimportant animals were killed by them. That is the sixth class, not the 1st class, second class, third class, fourth class. No
- You can open your path of liberation even without marriage, remaining brahmacari, but for girls brahmacari system is not recommended. Therefore girls are advised to get a husband
- You cannot defy authority. This is not possible. From the beginning of your life, when you were child, you asked your parents, "Mother, father, what is this?" Why? That is the beginning of life. You cannot go even a step without authority
- You cannot do anything which is beyond your power. But you are limited, your power is limited. That you must agree. Your power is not unlimited. You are finite. That you must admit
- You cannot expect all men to understand what is religion and what is not religion, general mass of people. So what is the position of a person or any being who does not know to make distinction what is dharma and adharma?
- You cannot say that sunshine is not the sun. But at the same time, it is not the sun. It is the sun and not the sun - both. That is our philosophy. Acintya-bhedabheda - inconceivable
- You cannot say that sunshine is not the sun. Without the sun, where is the sunshine
- You cannot understand what is God, but God will reveal to you, "Here I am." Just like you cannot ask the sun, "Please rise up. I want to see you." Oh, he is not your servant
- You come here and chant Hare Krsna maha-mantra, and automatically you'll be ecstatic. Because this Hare Krsna maha-mantra is not ordinary sound. It is spiritual sound. Narottama dasa Thakura has sung, golokera prema-dhana hari-nama-sankirtana
- You do not think that only woman is woman. The man is also woman. Don't think that the woman is condemned; man is not. Woman means enjoyed, and man means enjoyer. So this feeling, this feeling is condemned
- You go on searching who is the most powerful. If you are fortunate enough, if you can find out such a person, the most powerful, nobody is more powerful than Him, that is God. So God's definition is not very difficult
- You have to approach such guru. And who is that guru? Vaisnava. Not any ordinary person. Therefore anyone who is not Vaisnava, you should not approach
- You have to come above, transcend this position of goodness also. So goodness is not qualification for spiritual advancement, but it is helping. If a man is very good man, then it is helping to spiritual life. But that is not the cause
- You keep your intimate relationship with Krsna, it doesn't matter whether you are in family or without family. Just like I have given already example. Arjuna, he is a family man, he is not a sannyasi. But he was prepared to sacrifice everything for Krsna
- You may have faith in Hinduism; tomorrow you may have faith in Christianism. Or you may have faith in Christianism, tomorrow in Muhammadan . . . This kind of faith is not Krsna consciousness
- You may know that he is not a liberated person, and therefore, he cannot initiate any person to Krishna Consciousness. It requires special spiritual benediction from higher authorities
- You may perform the religious, ritualistic ceremonies, but if your heart is not cleansed, simply by performing these ritualistic ceremonies you'll not be purified
- You may postpone sending Nitai Das here, because my program for Africa and Australia is not yet fixed up
- You must be detached. Vairagyam. Anabhisvangah. Putra-dara-grhadisu, family life. Putra means children. Dara means wife. Grha means home. In this way you have to be situated on the devotional service. Devotional service is not sentiment
- You must find out a suitable person where you can question and get the proper answer, a spiritual master. That means surrender. Then question. Question is not a challenge. Question is to understand
- You practice yoga just to become master of your senses. Not that officially I sit down, fifteen minutes' meditation, and next moment I am master of my senses. This is not yoga
- You read it (Prabhupa's books) or not read it, but you have to realize. Suppose one is illiterate, he cannot read, but he can follow. Anyone can follow the instruction of guru. Even he does not read because one is not educated
- You should always remember that marriage is not impediment. The greatest enemy is forgetfulness of Krishna. There are many Impersonalists and voidists - they renounced this material world very early in their life
- You should know it that Krsna is not a plaything. These things should strictly not be done
- You should know, guru means who carries the order of the Supreme Lord. That is guru. Any rascal who manufactures some idea is not guru
- You should not give publicity. You must even in the beginning verify that we are not hippies. Hare Krsna movement is not for hippies. In many places this is a notion, that we are hippies
- You think that to kill an animal is no sin?
- You understand that this colorful life of material existence is not good. But what is your positive engagement? Unless you are positively engaged in another superior colorful life, you cannot give up this base colorful life
- You want to establish your conclusion of religious experience by taking the opinions of laymen. A laymans sentimental expression about religious problems is not a practical understanding of religious problems
- Your endeavor to prove scientifically the existence of re-incarnation is not very practical. It is like bringing a cannon to kill a mosquito
- Your idea of putting the disassociated sloka below the original is not good. Do not do it
- Your life is not for hundred years or sixty years or thousands years or millions of years. You are eternal. You have to attain your eternal life. That is the whole problem
- Your photograph is not yourself? Yes, similarly, it is Krsna's painting. But the difference is that you cannot talk with your photograph, but we can talk with Krsna's photograph
- Your report that book sales are not very satisfactory is not very encouraging. if it is not selling well in New York, why not dispatch to other centers for distributing?
- Your statement about Brahmananda that he is a wonderful devotee is 100% agreed by me. He is in charge of the New York center, and, therefore, if proper obedience is not given to him it will be impossible for him to manage the affairs of the temple
- Yudhisthira Maharaja is not only thinking of the human being who were killed in the Battlefield of Kuruksetra. He is thinking of all the horses, elephants - because they are also living entities
- Yuktahara means to take food is not forbidden, but you have to take food only just to maintain your body, not for, I mean to say, taste of your palate or tongue