Category:Human Life Is Not Meant For
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Pages in category "Human Life Is Not Meant For"
The following 30 pages are in this category, out of 30 total.
- A man should lead a healthy life with a sound mind just to realize vidya, true knowledge, which is the aim of human life. This life is not meant for working like an ass or for culturing avidya for sense gratification
- As human beings we are meant not simply for solving economic problems on a tottering platform but for solving all the problems of the material life into which we have been placed by the laws of nature
- As pointed out before, human life is not meant for sense gratification, but for understanding God, the universe and our own identity
- Hogs and dogs, they are always busy. So this human form of life is not meant for that purpose. Jivasya tattva-jijnasa. Earn money, but... Be comfortable, but utilize time - tattva-jijnasa, athato brahma jijnasa. That is your aim of life
- Hogs work hard day and night simply eating stool, and because stool contains chemicals, hypophosphates, the hog gets strength, becomes very fat and enjoys sex. In any case, human life is meant not for imitating the life of a hog but for tapasya, austerity
- Human life is never meant for sense gratification, but for self-realization. Srimad-Bhagavatam instructs us solely on this subject from the very beginning to the end. Human life is simply meant for self-realization
- Human life is not meant for becoming naked. That is according to Vedic civilization a great sin. You see. So their, their propensity they are increasing to become naked like... What's his name? Lennon, Lennon
- Human life is not meant for making the senses unnecessarily strong so that one suffers from disease and one increases in an envious, fighting spirit
- Human life is not meant to be wasted, like that of the animals, in sense gratificatory activities
- I can help you. But you must want to be helped. Life is not meant for simply eating, sleeping, mating and defending as the animals are doing
- In the human society this form of body is not meant for simply toiling hard only for gaining these four principles of life. Because these necessities are supplied even to the hogs, the stool-eater
- In the Srimad-Bhagavatam you will find the instruction is by Rsabhadeva, that this life is not meant for that simply hard labor for sense gratification. If you work hard, you try to work hard for attaining Krsna consciousness
- One who wants to eat the flesh and blood of other animals may be given a tiger's body equipped with suitable teeth and claws. But the human being is not meant for eating flesh, nor does he have any desire to taste stool, even in the most aboriginal state
- Our existence is now polluted, and it must be purified (sattvam suddhyet). The human life is meant for this purification, not for thinking of happiness in terms of the external body, which is the cause of material bondage
- Responsibility of human life. This human life is not meant for working day and night like the dogs and hogs for sense gratification
- Rsabhadeva clearly states that human life is not meant for this kind of existence, which is enjoyed even by dogs and hogs
- Rsabhadeva says that this human form of life is not meant for working so hard like cats and dogs. That is not recommended. Ayam deha. But the material world, people are so enchanted that working day and night they think I am enjoying
- Since human life is not meant for our enjoying sense gratification like the animals, the four orders of human life are so arranged that one may become perfect in spiritual life. BG 1972 purports
- So human life is not meant for hog civilization. So modern civilization is hog civilization, although it is polished with shirt and coat. So, we shall try to understand. This Krsna consciousness movement is for understanding Krsna
- That (learn to control the senses) is the purpose of human life. Human life is not meant for imitating the life of cats and dogs and hogs. That is not human life
- The best of the forms is this human form. But this form of life is not meant for working so hard like an ass and gratifying the senses like the hogs and dogs
- The human form of life is not meant for cheap happiness. The human life is meant for attaining eternal and unlimited happiness by spiritual realization
- The human life is not meant for hard labor for economic development, nor is it meant for sex indulgence like that of the dogs and hogs. It is specially meant for making a solution to the problems of material life and the miseries thereof
- These mudhas do not know that if they want to purify themselves, they must worship Lord Vasudeva (Krsna) by performing penances and austerities. This purification is the aim of human life. This life is not meant for blind indulgence
- This life is not meant for wasting time like cats and dog. Because after all, we have to give up this life. But before giving up this life, we must gain something. That is described in the Upanisad. Etad viditva yah prayati sa brahmanah