Therefore, Vyāsadeva saw, apaśyat puruṣaṁ pūrṇam (SB 1.7.4). He saw... Just like in airplane, you go above the cloud. The sun is not affected at all by the cloud. Although below the airplane you'll see vast mass of cloud. Similarly, māyā cannot affect Kṛṣṇa. Therefore, Bhagavad-gītā says daivī hy eṣā guṇamayī mama māyā. Mama māyā (BG 7.14), Kṛṣṇa says, "My illusory energy." Kṛṣṇa is never affected by the illusory energy. Exactly like the cloud. But the Māyāvādī philosophers, they say that when impersonal Absolute Truth comes, appears, they also accept the incarnation, but their philosophy is that ultimately the Absolute Truth is impersonal. When He appears as a person, He accepts the māyā body. This is Māyāvāda. Kṛṣṇa may be accepted as the Supreme God, but He has accepted a material body. That means they want to compare Kṛṣṇa with ordinary living entity, and that is condemned in the Bhagavad-gītā. It is said that avajānanti māṁ mūḍhā mānuṣīṁ tanum āśritam (BG 9.11). Because Kṛṣṇa comes in His original form... Original form is two-handed. It is also accepted in the Bible: "Man is made after the image of God." So God has got two-handed. Even the four-handed Viṣṇu form is not the original form. Viṣṇu form is secondary manifestation of Saṅkarṣaṇa. So Kṛṣṇa is never affected by māyā. This is point.
Krsna comes in His original form... Original form is two-handed. It is also accepted in the Bible: "Man is made after the image of God." So God has got two-handed. Even the four-handed Visnu form is not the original
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"Krsna comes in His original form... Original form is two-handed. It is also accepted in the Bible"
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Bhagavad-gita As It Is Lectures
Kṛṣṇa comes in His original form... Original form is two-handed. It is also accepted in the Bible: "Man is made after the image of God." So God has got two-handed. Even the four-handed Viṣṇu form is not the original form. Viṣṇu form is secondary manifestation of Saṅkarṣaṇa. So Kṛṣṇa is never affected by māyā. This is point.
- Krsna's Coming
- Krsna Is The Original Form of God
- Krsna's Two Hands
- Accept
- Bible
- Man is Made After God
- Made in the Image of God
- Have Got
- God's Four Hands
- Krsna Is Lord Visnu
- Is Not
- Prabhupada Speaks - Lectures, 1966 - 1977
- Prabhupada Speaks - Lectures, 1973
- Prabhupada Speaks - Lectures, Bhagavad-gita As It Is
- Prabhupada Speaks - in Europe, England - London
- Prabhupada Speaks - Pages with Videos
- Imperfections of the Living Entity - videos
- Krsna's Omnipotence - videos
- Explanatory Stories - videos
- Maya's Potencies - videos