- prajahāti yadā kāmān
- sarvān pārtha mano-gatān
- ātmany evātmanā tuṣṭaḥ
- sthita-prajñas tadocyate
- (BG 2.55)
Now, for the last few days, we were discussing these symptoms, symptom of the person who is situated on the platform of pure consciousness. So this is... We, we should remember that this is spoken as the basis of when we attain the stage of perfection, the symptom. It is not that we have already attained that perfection. Of course, some of you might have attained that perfection, but how to attain that perfection, that will be described in the Third Chapter. We are reading the Second Chapter. We are just giving the contents, how it will be. We have discussed to some extent, and we are still proceeding.
So the Lord says that kāmān sarvān pārtha mano-gatān. The mental speculation, so long we are on the platform of mental speculation, we should understand that we are on the material plane, because mind is material. Mind is not spiritual. So mano-gatān. The special word is used here, mano-gatān. Whatever we create in our mind, that is material, all creations. Mind is the leader of the senses. So the activities of the mind—thinking, feeling and willing—are expressed through our senses. And these sensual activities are known as our living condition. Therefore the Lord says, "When one shall be free from mental speculation, then he's to be understood that he is in the perfect stage of spiritual consciousness." Mental speculation. So by mental speculation we cannot understand what is our position. Generally, people, they indulge in mental speculation. Different philosophy of the world, they are established on the principle of mental speculation, especially in Europe, Aristotle, Schopenhauer, Kant. They're more or less... And, imitating the Western philosophers, in India also, recently, the persons who are very well known... Perhaps you know Śrī Aurobindo. He's, he's also speculated very nicely on the mental platform. Mental platform cannot give us the actual freedom or the happiness. Therefore Lord says, "One should give up all mental speculation and should be satisfied in the understanding that 'I am consciousness, and there is Supreme Consciousness, and I am subordinate to the Supreme Consciousness. Therefore let me dovetail my consciousness with the Supreme Consciousness.' " Last day also, we discussed on this point. And the point is very clearly manifested in the teachings of the Bhagavad-gītā, that Arjuna mentally speculated in the beginning that "Whether I should take up this fighting or not?" But at the ultimate issue he gave up his mental speculation and agreed with the Lord that "Yes, I shall fight."
Now, this "Yes, I shall fight", this "I", and the former "I"—"I shall not fight"—so there is vast difference. The former "I" is the representative of mental speculation, when Arjuna decided that "I shall not fight. They are my relatives, they are my brothers; I cannot fight with them for the matter of kingdom. Rather, I shall forego; I shall become a beggar. I shall... I don't want this kingdom." He argued like that. But after reading Bhagavad-gītā, he said that "My illusion is now removed." Naṣṭo mohaḥ smṛtir labdhā: "My illusion is now removed, and I have got my consciousness by Your mercy. By Your mercy."
So here is the point, that without Lord's mercy, we cannot stand up on the pure consciousness platform. Therefore we have to pray to the Supreme Lord always. That is the instruction of Lord Caitanya. He, He has put up His prayers. I have got this paper. I'll distribute you, to you, after the meeting is over. That He says that "My dear Lord, Kṛṣṇa, somehow or other, I am fallen into this ocean of misunderstanding. Ocean of misunderstanding." The prayer is just like this. I'll utter the whole Sanskrit structure: ayi nanda-tanuja patitaṁ kiṅkaraṁ māṁ viṣame bhavāmbudhau, kṛpayā tava pāda-paṅkaja-sthita-dhūlī-sadṛśaṁ vicintaya. He's addressing the Lord, "Oh, Lord, the son of Nanda Mahārāja..." This Nanda Mahārāja, son of Nanda Mahārāja, it is very significant. I shall describe it later on. "O My Lord, the son of Nanda Mahārāja, I am Your eternal servitor, and, somehow or other, I am now fallen in this ocean of misconception. Kindly pick me up and fix me up as one of the atoms of the dust of Your lotus feet." That is the prayer.