Ahaṅkāra-vimūḍhātmā, those who are carried by the material egotism, they cannot understand. They are thinking that by material adjustment everything will be done nicely. No. That is not possible. Therefore lokasya ajānata. These foolish persons, they do not know it. Therefore vidvān. Vidvān. Vyāsadeva is the most vidvān. He is giving vid. Vetti veda vida jñāne. Vid means knowledge; vān means one possessing. Vidvān. That is Vyāsadeva. He knows actual knowledge. So lokasyājānato vidvāṁś cakre sātvata-saṁhitām (SB 1.7.6). Saṁhitām means Vedic knowledge, and sātvata means eternal, or for the devotees.
So this Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam is meant for persons who want to finish this life of anartha, meaningless life. For them is Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam. Vyāsadeva has given us. We should study very carefully, and we have tried to give each and every word's meaning and the translation and the purport, consulting all the big, big ācāryas. Ācāryavān puruṣo veda. One who is following the footsteps of the ācārya, he knows. He knows everything. So that is explained everywhere. Evaṁ paramparā-prāptam (BG 4.2), by the ācāryas. We don't create any meaning. Ācāryavān. One has to accept a bona fide spiritual master and take knowledge from him. Vidvān. Vidvān means who is following vidvān. I have given this example many times, that I may be a fool, but if I have learned from a person that this is called microphone . . . So a child, if he says, "This is microphone," that is correct. Because the child is fool, when he says, "This is microphone," that is not foolish, because he has heard it from the authorities, from his father or from his teacher, that "This is called microphone." And if he says correctly that "This is microphone," that statement is correct, although he may be a child, a fool. Similarly, ācāryavān puruṣo veda. Anyone who is following ācārya, whatever he says, it is correct, because he does not manufacture. He says what he has heard from the ācārya, exactly like the child, what he has heard from his father, from the superior, he speaks.
So that is the position of guru. Guru is respected as good as God. Why? Only for this qualification, that he does not speak anything nonsense. He speaks only what he has heard from the ācārya. Ācāryavān puruṣo veda (Chāndogya Upaniṣad 6.14.2). Ācāryopāsanam. In the Bhagavad-gītā it is said ācāryopāsanam. So Vyāsadeva is our ācārya; therefore we offer vyāsa-pūjā. On the birthday of guru we offer vyāsa-pūjā. Actually, it is not directly Vyāsa, but because the bona fide guru represents Vyāsadeva, his pūjā is also vyāsa-pūjā. Mad-bhakta-pūjā abhyadhikā. To worship Vyāsadeva, worship the bona fide spiritual master and worship the Lord, they are the same. Rather, Kṛṣṇa says that if you worship His bona fide representative, that worship is better than directly worshiping. Directly it is not possible to worship the Supreme Lord. One has to go through the ācārya. Therefore Vyāsadeva is the original ācārya. Lokasyājānato vidvāṁś cakre sātvata . . . (SB 1.7.6). He's vidvān. So we have explained many times how to become vidvān. Vidvān does not mean one has to become a big grammarian, logician. No. Vidvān means one who follows the previous ācārya who is representative of Kṛṣṇa. He is vidvān.