Prabhupāda: That is stated, kalau śūdra-sambhavaḥ: "In this age, practically all men will be śūdras." That is . . . that is predicted. But if there are simply śūdras, then the social order will be disturbed. You . . . just like in spite of your state of śūdras, a brahmin is found here. And that is necessity. So if you do not divide the social order in such a way, then there will be chaos.
That is the scientific estimation of the Vedas. You may . . . you may belong for the time being to the śūdra class, but to maintain the social order you have to train some of the śūdras to become brahmins, some of the śūdras to become kṣatriyas. It cannot depend on the śūdras. Then there will be chaos. Neither you can depend only on brāhmaṇa.
Just like to fulfill the necessities of your body there must be a portion called the brain, there must be a portion called the arms, there must be a portion called the stomach, or the belly, and there must be a portion which is called the leg. The leg is also required, the brain is also required, the arm is also required—for cooperation, to fulfill the mission of the whole body. So any, any society you conceive, unless there are these four divisions, there will be chaos. It will be . . . not be properly, I mean to say, going on, smoothly going on. There will be some disturbance. Brain must be there.
So at the present moment there is scarcity of brain. I am not talking of your state or my state. I am taking the world as it is. The brain . . . formerly the Indian administration was going on in monarchy. Just like this picture. This picture is a kṣatriya king. Before his death he renounced his, I mean to say, royal order, and he came to the forest to hear about self-realization.
So if you want to maintain the peace and prosperity of the whole worldly social order, you must create a class of men very intelligent, a class of men very expert in administration, a class of men very expert in production and a class of men to work. That is required. You cannot avoid it. That is the Vedic conception. Mukha-bāhūru-padebhyaḥ. They say, mukha . . . mukha means this face. Bahu means the arm. Uru means this, this, on our waist. And pada.
So anywhere, either you take this state or that state—doesn't matter—unless there is a smooth, systematic establishment of these four orders of life, the state or the society will not go very smoothly.
Prof. Kotovsky: Generally it seems to me that this old varṇāśrama system to some extent practiced the nature of division of labor in ancient society. So now division of labor among people in any society is much more complicated and sophisticated. So it would be very . . .
Prabhupāda: Not complicated.
Prof. Kotovsky: . . . conditionally to group them in four classes, because . . .
Prabhupāda: The, the confusion, confusion has come into existence because in India, in later days, the son of a brahmin, without having the brahminical qualification, claimed to be brahmin, and others, out of superstition or traditional way, they were accepted as brahmin. Therefore the Indian social order has disrupted. But our this Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement, we are picking up from everywhere brahmins—everywhere—because the world needs the brain of a brahmin.
Just like Mahārāja Parīkṣit, although he was a monarch, he had a body of learned sages and brahmins to consult—advisory body. It is not that the monarchs were independent. In the history it is found that some of the monarchs were not in order. They were dethroned by the brahminical advisory committee. Although the brahmins, they did not take part in politics, but they would give advice to the monarch how to, I mean to say, execute the royal function. Just like not . . . not very old, very, say, about . . . what is the age of, I mean to say, Ashoka? Say about thousands of years ago.