Lord Caitanya says: "In this age . . ." This age is called quarrel, age of quarrel. So He says that in this age especially . . . of course, this chanting of holy name of Kṛṣṇa, or God, that is always; throughout the history of Vedic literature you'll find. But especially in this age it is recommended. Why? Now, kalau nāsty eva nāsty eva nāsty eva gatir anyathā. Three times He has said that "There is no other alternative, there is no other alternative, there is no other alternative." Nāsty eva means "There is no other alternative." This is the only process, this is.
Harer nāma harer nāma harer nāmaiva kevalam. He says that, "In this age, simply chanting of God's name, that is the only process, that is the only process, that is the only process. And there is no other alternative, there is no other alternative, there is no other alternative." Why does He say three times? Three times means that this yoga process was possible in the Satya-yuga. Kṛte yad dhyāyato viṣṇum (SB 12.3.52).
In those age people could very easily and nicely meditate upon the Viṣṇu. Sometimes it is recommended that yoga system is meditation in the void. But we do not find in the Vedic literature that yoga system meditation on void. No. It is meditation on Viṣṇu. That will be explained in the Bhagavad-gītā.
Now, after sitting in a secluded place, in a sanctified place, and according to the sitting arrangement, with tiger skin or deer skin and straw, as it is recommended, then one should sit down there. He should not change his āsana, sitting place. Then after sitting, what he has to do? He says, samaṁ kāya-śiro-grīvaṁ dhārayann acalaṁ sthiraḥ (BG 6.13).
Now, one has to sit down straight. One has to sit down straight so that his skull, this head, and the body and everything should be straight like that. Samaṁ kāya-grīvam. Grīva means this neck. The neck and the skull and the body should be in one straight line. Samaṁ kāya-śiro-grīvaṁ dhārayann acalam. And should not move. Sit down like this.
Samprekṣya nāsikā agram: and one has to see the top portion of the nose. Not that one has to close his eyes completely. No. Then you cannot see. Samprekṣya nāsikā agram. You have to see the upper portion of the nose. That means if you . . . I have seen in some of the yogic societies, they close the eyes completely, and some of them, about fifty percent of them, are sneezing (snoozing) or sleeping, regularly.
Because as soon as you close your eyes, and if you have no subject matter to think, and you have been posted to meditate, you do not know to what to meditate, then the next result is sleeping and nothing more. That is practical. So one has to sleep very hard.
Somebody and, and . . . was inquiring here . . . (chuckles) Of course, some of the students, they were sleeping, so he was sarcastically (asking) that "Are they sleeping or meditating?" So I said: "Yes, they are meditating by lying down." Yes. So sometimes meditation goes on in sleeping. No. That is not the process. You cannot close your eyes completely. Then you will invite the queen, sleep, and she will capture you. Whole process will be like that.
Here it is said that in order to keep yourself alive, you have to always see the upper portion of your nose. Samprekṣya nāsikāgraṁ svaṁ diśaś cānavalokayan. And you cannot see that who is coming there, "Oh, who is here? Some tiger is coming or something is coming?" No. No fear. Because you are put in a Himalaya, in a secluded place, and a sanctified place. So you haven't got to, any for any other reason, you haven't got to, I mean, to move your neck.
That is not possible in the society. You must have to go in a secluded place. There are so many disturbance. At once disturbance is there and I have to look, "Who is there?" This is the position here. But here it is said that you cannot move your head. You have to sit down straight, that your neck and skull and body should be in one straight line, and you have to see the upper portion of your nose always. That is the system. Praśāntātmā vigata-bhīr, brahmacāri-vrate sthitaḥ (BG 6.14).
Then one should be undisturbed in mind. A man who is always disturbed in mind, he cannot perform yoga. That is not possible. And vigata-bhīḥ. Bhīḥ means fearfulness. One who has no fear. If he has got fear, then how he can go out of home in the jungle? That is not possible. That is another qualification for executing yoga. Not only for yoga; any person who is trying to elevate himself with the spiritual line, he has to become fearless. Vigata-bhīḥ.
And brahmacāri-vrate sthitaḥ. Brahmacāri-vrata means celibacy, no sex life at all. Completely prohibited. Brahmacārī. Brahmacāri-vrate. Vrata means with a vow that "I'll have no sex life." With a vow. Such person can execute yoga system. Praśāntātmā vigata-bhīr brahmacāri-vrate sthitaḥ, manaḥ saṁyamya. When the ātmā is . . . there is no demand. When you have no demand, then your mind is naturally becomes controlled.