I take it for granted that you are one of the selected devotees of Lord Caitanya, and therefore from within your heart He has inspired you to go to such a distant place, leaving your parents and home, just to satisfy Krsna. This is a great transcendental adventure. Try your best, and I am sure you will be successful. Formerly your forefathers, many European and American gentlemen, were courageous to go outside their country for colonization, and Australia is vivid example of such adventures. Now, by the grace of Krsna, yourself and Upendra, the descendants of your adventurous forefathers, have gone there with a great mission, and try to execute it to your best capacity.
Krsna will certainly help you. The only thing we require for this purpose is to remain in our spiritual strength by chanting regularly and following the rules and regulations. I am sure you are already strict on this point, and still it is my duty to remind it for your steady strength.
Just try to convince the younger section about the importance of this movement and how this one single venture can solve all the problems of the world. Krsna Consciousness is not dry. It includes all the varieties of human cultivation of knowledge. We can give direction in politics, in sociology, in religion, in philosophy, in arts, in music, in aesthetics, and in what not? It is complete. Simply we have to administer this novel idea to the people in general very magnificently. The program is already there, and it is very simple. I wish that you establish at least ten centers in Australia or in the adjoining islands. That is my desire.
I shall always pray, as I am duty bound, for your long life and prosperity in Krsna Consciousness.