If this energy, electric energy, can work so wonderful, how much wonderful energies are there in Kṛṣṇa that He is working and it is coming out, automatically. You say . . . cannot explain, you will say it is nature. No. The same working is there. Just like if you paint one flower, you have to take the brush, color, and nicely . . . you cannot do as nice. So Kṛṣṇa has also to do the same thing, but the energy is so fine and quick, svābhāvikī jñāna-bala-kriyā ca. Kṛṣṇa's energies will go on. Just like if you want to create something, a house, you have to apply your engineer, your contractor, the ingredients. But Kṛṣṇa also will do the same thing. But His energies are so fine and expert, He desires, "Let there be a skyscraper," immediately there is. But the process is there. Don't think it has come automatically.
The same thing: If you want to speak to a friend a thousand miles away, you have to go there and find him, or he has to come. The process is there. By electricity, immediately he comes. Is it not be possible? Process is there that he has to come or you have to go. But by electricity, it has shortened. Similarly, the working capacity is going there, but it is so shortened and perfect, you see, "Oh, it has come automatically by nature." Not automatically. The process is so nice and short. That is real explanation. Process is there. You cannot say that . . . it appears like miracle because your brain cannot accommodate how quickly all these things come. You have got poor brain; you cannot accommodate. You are thinking, "If I have to . . . I have to paint this, simply painting I have to take so much time."
Just like if a man asks you one thousand dollar, he is thinking, "He has to collect and pay me." But if you write a note, give it to Nanda-kumāra, and he keeps it as check, and Nanda-kumāra pays immediately one thousand dollar. So he will be surprised, "How is that? What is this writing, this immediately one thousand dollar came?" Because he is thinking, "To all one thousand dollar, it will take one thousand days, and Swāmījī wrote like this, and immediately." The process is there.