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Pages in category "Engineer"
The following 117 pages are in this category, out of 117 total.
- A man who is engaged in the medical or engineering fields has a particular duty and designation. All these human activities have been divided by the Supreme Lord into four varnas, namely brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya and sudra
- A part of the purusa lies down within the water of the universe, from the navel lake of His body sprouts a lotus stem, and from the lotus flower atop this stem, Brahma, the master of all engineers in the universe, becomes manifest
- A section must be there who knows perfectly well about the science of soul. So as there is need of medical men, engineer or lawyers or other, similarly, there is need of one section of expert who knows the science of soul
- A section of the people may be lawyers. Another section may be other - engineer, medical man. So all these qualification must remain there
- According to quality and according to work, there are four divisions of men. Just like you can understand there are engineers and there are medical practitioners. So do you take them as caste
- All the universities, they have got these departments - medical department, engineering department, law department - but there is no department which is teaching perfectly well about the science of soul
- All the universities, they have got these departments, medical department, engineering department, law department, but there is no department which is teaching perfectly well about the science of soul
- Although there is a Brahma who is the engineer of each universe, Krsna is the original source of all of them
- Although they (engineers) invent imitation wings for the airplane or rocket, they cannot invent a soulless body. When they are able to actually do this, they will deserve credit
- An electrical engineer is producing electrical energy. In our homes we are experiencing this electrical energy as coldness in the refrigerator or heat in the electric stove, but at the power plant electrical energy is neither cold nor hot
- An intelligent devotee of the Lord, by studying the Bhagavad-gita, can know that behind the creation is the hand of the Supreme Lord, just as in the generating electrical powerhouse there is the resident engineer
- Anyone. Just like engineering college is open for anyone. He must be ready to take up the training. Similarly, this varnasrama college, he must be ready, the student, must be ready to take up the training
- As cities are constructed in the modern age with great engineering and architectural craftsmanship, so in days gone by there were neighborhoods called rsi-kulas, where great saintly persons resided
- As far as ordinary education is concerned, people are involved with so many departments: politics, sociology, physics, chemistry, mathematics, astronomy, engineering, etc. BG 1972 purports
- As soon as the electric energy is stopped, the fan is stopped. The room is dark. So there is powerhouse behind this electric energy, and the powerhouse is being managed by one engineer. This is natural conclusion
- As there are schools & colleges to train students to become chemical engineers, lawyers or specialists in many other departments of knowledge, there must be schools and colleges to train students to become brahmacaris, grhasthas, vanaprasthas & sannyasis
- As there are schools and colleges to train students to become chemical engineers, lawyers or specialists in many other departments of knowledge, there must be schools and colleges to train students to become brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas, sudras
- As we are training a medical practitioner and an engineer or any particular type of line, similarly, there must be training school and college where a person or a boy may be educated as a brahmana or as a ksatriya
- Ask anybody, very learned scholar, scientist, philosopher, or medical man, engineer, lawyer, that "What is the aim of life?" Nobody knows. They think aim of life - eat, drink, be merry and enjoy, that's all. This is aim of life
- Behind all the jugglery of the natural laws is a great living being, who is a person like the mechanical engineer in the powerhouse. It is by His intelligence that the entire cosmic creation moves in a systematic way
- Bhagavata says that whatever capacity you may have, either you are a scientist or a lawyer or an engineer or a rich man, a capitalist, whatever you may be. Your duty is to utilize your talent for Krsna consciousness. That's all
- Both the energies are neither equal to nor greater than the Lord, who is the generator of all energies; such energies are always under His control, exactly as electrical energy, however powerful it may be, is always under the control of the engineer
- Brahma became the engineer of the universe, and the Lord Himself took charge of the maintenance of the universe as Visnu
- Brahma holds the post of the creator of all planetary systems, but his engineering energy is generated from the abdomen of the Lord. Any creative function in the universe always has a direct connecting link with the Lord
- Brahma receives his mind, intelligence, materials and everything else from Krsna, and then he becomes the secondary creator, the engineer of this universe
- Conditioned souls, beginning from Brahma, the engineer of this particular universe, down to an insignificant ant, are all creating something, but none of them are independent of the Supreme Lord
- Conditioned souls, beginning from Brahma, who engineers the entire universe, down to the insignificant ant, are all creating, but none of them are independent of the Supreme Lord
- Electric energy sometimes working for cooling, sometimes working for heating. But to the engineer of electric energy, who is generating, for him there is no such distinction. But those who are using it, they are thinking it is hot, it is cool
- Electricity is power, but it is generated from the powerhouse. People generally understand that electricity is coming from the powerhouse. But the powerhouse is maintained by the resident engineer, a person. That is real understanding
- Even in the material world if one wants to learn to be a musician, he has to search out a musician to teach him, or if one wants to be an engineer, he has to go to a technological college and learn from those who know the technology
- Everyone is becoming engineering, technologist or medical man or so many. But the real problem of life is to understand the self
- Executive engineer
- For comfortable life the scientist is engaged, artist is engaged, engineer is engaged, the technician is engaged, all in different branches of human activity. But they do not know how to make the activities purposeful to fulfill the mission of human life
- From His (Garbhodakasayi Visnu) navel the stem of the lotus flower sprouted, and on the flower petals the birth of Brahma, or the master engineer of the universal plan, took place
- From the navel of Garbhodakasayi Visnu has sprung the stem of the lotus flower, the birthplace of Brahma, who is the father of all living beings and the master of all the demigod engineers engaged in the perfect design and working of the universal order
- From the navel of Garbhodakasayi Visnu sprouts the lotus that is the birthplace of Brahma, the engineer of the universe. The stem of that lotus is the resting place of the multitude of planets
- I am very glad that you are already working on the model. Finish it nicely and when I go to Calcutta on the 24th we shall take up the matter of engineering work, consulting with others
- I am very glad to hear that the building work is going on with full speed, including both day & night shifts of workers. Do not worry, I am sending you two first-class men from England, both of them have got good experience in engineering & building work
- I offer my full obeisances unto the feet of Sri Nityananda Rama, a partial part of whom is Garbhodakasayi Visnu. From the navel of Garbhodakasayi Visnu sprouts the lotus that is the birthplace of Brahma, the engineer of the universe
- If someone is being educated, one can understand that when he passes his examination, he is going to be an engineer or medical practitioner. Similarly, in this life, you can prepare yourself to become something in the next life
- If you are engineer, you can explain also Krsna through engineering. Krsna can be explained. But the person who is explaining, he must be intelligent
- If you have got a bona fide spiritual master and if you simply follow the instruction, the perfection is guaranteed. Just like a perfect engineer and a neophyte working under his instruction, however foolish he may be, all his work is perfect
- If you have got the qualification of a shopkeeper, you cannot act as engineer. That is not possible. If you have got the qualification of a teacher, educationist, then you can become a teacher. So the whole world is going like that, guna-karma-vibhagasah
- If you want to be a lawyer, or if you want to be an engineer or a medical practitioner. You have to receive the knowledge from the authoritative lawyer, authoritative engineer
- If you want to create a house, you have to apply engineer, contractor, the ingredients. But Krsna also will do the same thing. But His energies are so fine & expert, He desires, "Let there be a skyscraper," immediately there is. But the process is there
- If you want to understand that science, you must approach a bona fide spiritual master - This is very simple thing. If you want to learn engineering, then you must admit yourself in engineering college
- In education anyone can become engineer, anyone can become medical practitioner or anyone can become lawyer if he takes such education from the very beginning, similarly, brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, sudra, there are natural division of the society
- In the modern age, there is a necessity for engineers, medical practitioners and electricians, and they are properly trained in different scientific institutions
- In the same way that you have begun everything at Mayapur, just bring along one engineer and see that he is doing everything properly. That will relieve me of so much anxiety, as I want to display something very wonderful in Vrindaban
- In the Vayaviya Tantra, it is said that Brahma, the engineer of this particular universe, contemplated a great wheel which could enclose the universe. The hub of this great circle was fixed at a particular place known as Naimisaranya
- In their grown-up age, by accepting different departmental knowledge, one becomes a medical practitioner, one becomes engineer, one becomes lawyer or one becomes vagabond
- It is not difficult to understand the necessity of going through the disciplic succession to understand Bhagavad-gita. If we wish to be a lawyer, an engineer or doctor, we have to receive knowledge from the authoritative lawyers, engineers and doctors
- Just like for our usual life we require lawyers, we require engineer, we require medical practitioner, we require so many; similarly, in the society there must be a class of men who are fully God conscious and ideal. That is necessary
- Just like if you want to be an engineer, you must be trained under some engineer. Similarly, if you want to be trained up spiritually, then you must accept a spiritual master
- Just like one is being educated, when he passes his examination one can understand that he's going to be engineer or a medical practitioner. Similarly, in this life you can prepare yourself to become something next life
- Just like when you see a wonderful bridge or wonderful engineering work, you must think that there is a brain behind it. This nice construction, there is a brain behind it
- Just like you can train anyone as lawyer, you can train anyone as an engineer or medical practitioner, similarly you can train anyone as brahmana. That is wanted
- Just like you can understand there are engineers and there are medical practitioners. So do you take them as caste? "Oh, he is engineer caste. He is medical caste." Do you say like that?
- Krsna sometimes acts on what appears to be the principles of passion or ignorance, but for Krsna there is nothing but Krsna, just as for the electrical engineer electrical energy is simply electricity and nothing else
- Krsna was asked by King Yudhisthira to help in constructing a suitable house to be planned by the great architect Visvakarma, the celestial engineer in the heavenly kingdom
- Nature is only a power, and behind the power is a powerhouse and a brain, just as behind electrical power there is an electrical powerhouse, where everything is conducted by the brain of the resident engineer
- No ordinary architect could construct such a fort within the sea, but an architect like Visvakarma, who is considered to be the engineer among the demigods, can execute such wonderful craftsmanship anywhere in the universe
- Not by birth one becomes engineer or medical man or this or . . . no. Everything by culture, by education. Similarly, the Vedic culture means everyone is given the chance to become first-class brahmin. That is called brahminical culture
- Now the occupational duties have expanded, but it doesn't matter whether one is an engineer, a doctor or whatever. Simply try to serve Krsna by the results of work. That is bhakti
- One may remain a householder, a medical practitioner, an engineer or whatever. It doesn’t matter. One only has to follow the instruction of Sri Caitanya, chant the Hare Krsna maha-mantra and instruct relatives and friends in the teachings of the BG & SB
- One must not only have the qualities of a brahmana, but one should also work as a brahmana, for one's qualities are tested by his work. If one is a qualified engineer but simply sits down at home and does not work, what is his value
- One needs to be trained to become a brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya or sudra, just as one is trained to become an engineer, doctor or lawyer
- One should not be amazed by the mechanical arrangement of the complicated engine or dynamo, but one should praise the engineer who creates such a wonderful working machine. That is the difference between the devotee and the nondevotee
- Ordinarily we know, we understand an engineer by qualification, a medical practitioner by qualification. We don't ask, "Whose son you are, Mr. Engineer?" No
- Our Krsna consciousness movement is teaching how to serve Krsna from any position. It doesn't matter. Whether you are a brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, sudra, lawyer, engineer, or film actor or anything, it doesn't matter
- Simply by satisfying the central point, Krsna, then you get samsiddhi. It doesn't matter whether you are a sudra or a brahmana or engineer or lawyer. The real point is how to satisfy Krsna
- So anyone can be trained up. Just like these boys. They were fourth class, fifth class. And now they are trained up to become first-class men. Just like anyone can become geographer, anyone can become engineer by proper training
- Such a devotee is empowered by Garbhodakasayi Visnu. In this way, an incarnation of Krsna in the form of Brahma engineers the total creation of the universe
- Suppose if you want to learn engineering, so you cannot go to a butcher; you must find out an engineer. You must admit yourself into the engineering college, learn how to practice engineering
- Suppose you want to become educated. After this decision that you are going to be an engineer or you are going to be a medical practitioner, with that objective you prepare and educate yourself. Similarly, you can decide what you are going to do next life
- The architectural plans were made personally by Visvakarma, the engineer of the demigods, and in the construction of the palaces he exhibited all of his talents and ingenuity
- The chief engineer of a complicated construction does not personally take part in the construction itself, but it is he only who knows all the nooks and corners of the construction because everything is carried out under his instructions only
- The chief engineer of a complicated construction does not personally take part in the construction, but he knows every nook & corner because everything is done under his direction. He knows everything about the construction, both directly and indirectly
- The electricity is being generated. So behind this energy there is the living entity, engineer. Otherwise it is useless; no more energy. If you drive away that resident engineer, the electricity will fail. No more energy
- The first engineer of this universe, Lord Brahma, he comes from Krsna. Not directly Krsna, but from Garbhodakasayi Visnu
- The intelligent man knows that even the electrical energy is generated by an expert engineer in the localized powerhouse, and thus the energy is distributed everywhere under the resident engineer's supervision
- The Lord is very interested in manifesting the exalted qualities of His devotees, and that is why He engineered this incident
- The material scientists can merely observe the reactions of the material nature without understanding the direction behind such activities, as a child can see the action of electricity without any knowledge of the powerhouse engineer
- The modern system works on the same principle of boring the ground, but modern engineers are still unable to dig immediately wherever necessary
- The Personality of Godhead, who is the supreme engineer of this cosmic creation, knows very well what is happening in every nook and corner of the cosmic creation, although activities appear to be performed by someone else
- The SPG, who is the supreme engineer of this cosmic creation, knows every nook and corner, although affairs are being carried out by demigods. Beginning from Brahma down to the insignificant ant, no one is independent in the material creation
- The Supreme Lord inspired Brahma, the secondary creator, and enabled him to carry out his creative functions. In this way the Supreme Lord is the supervising engineer; the real mind behind all creative agents is the Absolute Personality of Godhead
- The tiny material scientists and engineers who have discovered vehicles to travel over a few thousand miles in outer space will not be allowed entrance. That is not the way to reach the better planets
- The total material energy is created by Krsna, and later, taking advantage of all that has necessarily been created, Lord Brahma engineers the entire phenomenal universe
- There are many powerful kings, leaders, learned scholars, scientists, artists, engineers, inventors, excavators, archaeologists, industrialists, politicians, economists, business magnates
- There is a small, tiny spirit soul, the engineer or the architect, who takes the matter and decorate it and creates a skyscraper building. That is our experience. So how we can say that the matter is working automatically?
- There is electric energy, there is powerhouse, there is the superintending engineer in the powerhouse. So at the end there is living force. Matter cannot work independently. We have no such experience
- They (Krsna and Balarama) saw that all the crossroads were decorated with gold and that there were copper and brass storehouses for stocking grain. And there were many rich men's houses, all appearing symmetrical, as if constructed by one engineer
- They (scientists, artists, engineers and technicians) do not know how to make the activities purposeful to fulfill the mission of human life
- They say, "It is too difficult a subject." Or they brush it aside: "It is irrelevant." Thus engineers direct their attention to creating and attempting to perfect the horseless carriage and wingless bird
- This Krsna consciousness movement is meant for creating some brahmanas, or the most intelligent class of men. There is no hindrance. Anyone can become brahmana. Just like in education anyone can become engineer
- We are training engineer, similarly, a class of men, those who are very intelligent, they should be trained up as brahmana. They should be trained up how to speak truth any circumstance. Even to the enemy he will speak truth. This requires training
- We are using electric power, but behind this power are the powerhouse and the engineer. Rascals do not understand this
- When Lord Brahma is empowered by Lord Krsna as the engineer to create the phenomenal world, he becomes the supremely powerful feature within this universe
- When we consult an engineer, a doctor or a lawyer, we do not ask whether he is a brahmana or a sudra. If he is qualified, he can help with a particular subject. Similarly, if one knows the science of Krsna, he can be a guru
- Why don't you take this (Hare Krsna) advantage? Be situated. Oh, you are medical practitioner? That's all right. You are engineer? That's all right. You are a clerk? That's all right
- You cannot purchase the books and read at home and become expert engineer, expert. No. That is not the process. Therefore the Vedic knowledge is called sruti. So we have to hear by parampara system
- You may be a businessman, you may be engineer, you may be whatever you may be; it doesn't matter. But bhakti must be added there. Then you are successful. If you are devoid of bhakti, then it is useless, waste of time. That is the verdict of the sastra
- You may be a medical practitioner. You may be engineer. You may be any other man, mercantile man. Whatever you may be, it doesn't . . . you may be a learned man. You may be a foolish man. It doesn't matter. But you hear
- You may be industrial administrator or engineer you make your profession perfect. And that perfection is achieved by satisfying the SPG by your profession. Just like Arjuna: He was a soldier. He knew how to fight. So by his profession he satisfied Krsna