At the time of death, the situation of your condition, bhāvaṁ . . . we have got some bhāvaṁ, some situation. So that is situation in the mind, intelligence. Because this gross body, at that time, stops working, but the mind, intelligence, ego, works. That you do not know. Even a dead body, the mind. So therefore you will see one man is in coma, cannot speak, but he is crying. Crying means his subtle body is working. His subtle body is working. Just like in sleep, this gross body is silent, but the subtle body is working. He is seeing some dream, some good or bad dream. If he sees some bad dream, sometime he cries.
So subtle body, people do not know there is another, subtle, body. They simply see . . . their intelligence is so gross that they simply see this gross body. But there is another, subtle body, and within that subtle body there is soul. So, so condition of the subtle body will carry you to another gross body. Just like it is exemplified, just like air. Air is carrying some flavor from flower garden or some filthy place. The . . . you cannot see the air, you cannot see the smell, but you can perceive the bad smell or good smell. So the subtle body carries like that. The subtle body carries the soul, and good or bad, there are two things. If you have created . . . created your mental situation very good, then you will get next body very good.