Category:One Man
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Pages in category "One Man"
The following 138 pages are in this category, out of 138 total.
- One man (Books)
- One man (Conversations 1968 - 1973)
- One man (Conversations 1974)
- One man (Conversations 1975)
- One man (Conversations 1976)
- One man (Conversations 1977)
- One man (Lectures, BG)
- One man (Lectures, Other)
- One man (Lectures, SB cantos 1 - 2)
- One man (Lectures, SB cantos 3 -12)
- One man (Letters)
- All fifty princesses then accepted him (Saubhari Muni) as their husband, although he was only one man
- As soon as you see one man is sitting on the bench of the high court, you must know he is very learned man and learned lawyer - he has passed already. That is the test
- At the present moment if one man is attacked, the passersby will not care for it because they have lost their sympathy or mercifulness for others. Our neighbor may starve, but we don't care for it
- Because I want to deliver the real thing, therefore in my feeble health I am prepared to go. If one man can understand, that I want to see. I am traveling all over the world to see that at least one man may understand
- Because of different reactionary activities, one man is born in a rich family, and another is born in a poor family, although both of them are born in the same place, at the same moment and in the same atmosphere
- Because of the bad qualities of the age of Kali, human beings will become shortsighted, unfortunate, gluttonous, lustful and poverty-stricken. The women, becoming unchaste, will freely wander from one man to the next
- By law of gravitation, such a big mountain, it cannot stay in one man's finger. That is our calculation. But Krsna did it. That means He counteracted the law of gravitation. That is God
- By one man's endeavor all these foreigners they're getting real life of Krsna consciousness
- Disciple means who accept discipline. If there is no discipline, where is disciple? And "disciplic succession." We have used this word. Not that discipline is finished by one man, no. It will continue to go by succession
- Don't you see that two men, they are working day and night, very hard. One man has become all of a sudden millionaire, and another man, he has no employment. Why? Why this distinction?
- During the rainy season, lightning appears in one group of clouds and then immediately in another group of clouds. This phenomenon is compared to a lusty woman who does not fix her mind on 1 man
- During the rainy season, lightning appears in one group of clouds and then immediately in another group of clouds. This phenomenon is compared to a lusty woman who does not fix her mind on one man
- Fighting for the country and killing the enemies, that is taken into good account, but fighting for one's personal cause, fighting or killing one man for personal cause, that man is hanged by the laws of the state
- Fighting is a ksatriya's duty, you see. I can give you one example: Just like one man is ordered by the state that "This man should be hanged." Does it mean that the state is enemy of this man?
- Follow my example as I did in the beginning at 26 2nd Ave. That is preaching, cooking, writing, talking, chanting everything one man's show. I never thought about the audience. I was prepared to chant if there were no man to hear me
- For one man's fault a whole state is sometimes attacked. This kind of wholesale attack is not approved by Manu, the father and lawgiver of the human race. He therefore wanted to stop his grandson Dhruva from continuing to kill the Yaksa citizens
- Formerly, and still in Indian villages, suppose one man is going to give his daughter to a boy. So he will go and see how much grains he has got in store, how many cows he has got. Then yes, he is going to agree, like that
- I am traveling all over the world to see that at least one man may understand. They have spoiled the whole situation by misinterpreting, by malinterpreting, and by bringing some rascal and pose as leader. The whole world is spoiled
- I came here alone, without any expectation, & this movement has become so nice. Actually, by one man's effort it was not possible. This is acintya-sakti, Krsna's, inconceivable. Even a modern businessman, he cannot organize such a worldwide organization
- I wish to narrate one short story, that one man, one boy, was attracted by a beautiful girl. So the girl does not agree, and the boy is persistent
- I would like to have a letter of introduction sent here from Mr. J.B. Patnaik. When we have a positive letter introducing our organization, we can send one man to see Mr. Patnaik in Bhuvanesvara
- If one man is turned by this, the movement is successful. So there is good prospect, good hope. And you all combine together, try. Push this movement more and more
- If our men are trained, one man can run a place. One experienced man can sit down in a hut and simply talk about Krsna and organize the local people. This is how I started in the beginning
- If there is a beautiful girl and one man is attracted, still, he will feel shame to capture that girl. Of course, here I see the boys and girls, they are kissing in the street, and in India it is very uncivil
- If there is one moon, that is sufficient. What is the use of millions of stars twinkling. So that is our propaganda. If one man can understand what is Krsna philosophy, then my preaching is successful, that's all
- If there was no Krsna's grace, how this institution would have come into existence? It was not possible, such a big institution, all by one man's endeavor, starting with forty rupees. Simply Krsna's grace. So don't spoil that
- If we want to save ourself-We do not know how to save. Gadurika-pravaha. Gadurika-pravaha-nyaya. There is a logic of gadurika-pravaha. One man is doing something, and another man is following
- If we were to put many bags of flour on the sidewalk and invite people to come and get them, one man would take ten or twenty bags and another would take fifteen or thirty bags and so on
- If you can deliver even one man in your life, then you'll be doing a great service for Krsna
- If you can train only one man, that's a great service to Krsna
- If you can turn one man to become Krsna conscious, then your going back to Godhead, back to home, guaranteed. That is real purpose of sannyasa
- In a monarchy, one man sufficiently trained was competent enough to conduct alone the business of the state
- In the Manu-samhita it is stated there that when the king kills one man, or hangs one man who is a murderer, that is benefit to him
- In the Manu-smrti it is said that if a man, a murderer, one man has killed another man... Why man? Even animal. He's a murderer. Now murdering is no offense. They are killing daily so many babies within the womb, murderers
- It does not mean that one man is eating meat; therefore he is killing. But even vegetarians, they are also killing
- It doesn't matter whether you kill a big animal or a small plant. You are responsible. Just like a soldier. He kills hundreds and thousands of men and he is given gold medal. And as soon as he kills one man for his sense gratification he is hanged
- Just like one man is put in the prison house. He has come from his free home. By his work he is criminal; therefore he is put into the prison house. Similarly, we are all part and parcel of God. Our real home is Vaikuntha. But we have come here
- Just like there are a few blind men, and one, another blind man, is proposing to help them crossing over the street. So this blind following is there in this sense, that we do not know what is the aim and objective of human society
- Laksmi, the goddess of fortune, is called cancala. She does not remain at one place. We have got experience. Today one man is very rich; next generation is no longer rich
- Let people be engaged. Machine means one man or two man working... That will mean unemployment
- Like a man is fallen in a dark well. He's crying, "Save me, save me," and one man drops a rope, "Please catch it, I'll save you." If you don't catch, then whose fault it is
- Maharaja Pariksit was so pious that, that when he was touring in his kingdom all over the world, he found one man, one black man was trying to kill one cow. Immediately, Maharaja Pariksit took his sword and wanted to kill the man. He was Kali
- Manu is supposed to be the law-giver to the humankind. So in the Manu-samhita it is stated there that when the king kills one man, or hangs one man who is a murderer, that is benefit to him
- Many people are saying that "Swamiji, we have to give food to the poor, starving." That's all right. You give, if you think. But according to our philosophy, nobody is starving. You show me one instance that one man is dying here out of starvation
- My Guru Maharaja used to say that, After propagating this missionary activities, if I see one man has understood this philosophy, I will take my mission as a success. I don't want many
- My position is very precarious. This morning, one man came to challenge me that how I am converting these mlecchas and yavanas to Vaisnava
- Natural tendency is that not to work. Therefore as soon as one man gets some money, he wants to live peacefully in a country place, a nice bungalow, without any working, without any turmoil
- Nature is so strong that you must die. "I am very strong." You may be very strong, that's all right. There is a, I mean to say, joking story that one man thought how to avoid death
- Nobody is trying for becoming perfect, and there is no perfect; then who will understand? And still, He is speaking. Still Caitanya Mahaprabhu is coming. So our endeavor should be there. Our endeavor should be. If one man can take it up
- Now I can see that it is a miracle. Otherwise, your city of New York, one single old man, with only a few books to sell for barely getting eatables, how he can survive, what to speak of introducing God-consciousness movement for saving the humankind?
- One bamboo, automatically many bamboos grow side by side. So this dynasty also grows like that. One man, one woman, united, they beget children
- One black man was trying to kill a cow, and Maharaja Pariksit was on tour, and immediately he punished him. That is Kali. The black man means Africa
- One can experience that one man engages in the service of a dog, another serves plants and creepers, another the demigods, and another humanity, or his boss in the office - but no one is engaged in the service of Krsna
- One man felt the trunk and said, "This is a huge snake." Another man felt a leg and said, "No, this is a great pillar." And so forth
- One man has got hundred dollars income. He is trying to be happy, more happy, by increasing the income to a thousand dollars, because his sense gratification is not sufficient in one hundred dollars
- One man has got this car, and next year another car, another car. And the car manufacturer also giving fashion. "This is 1974 edition, this is 1975 edition." And they are earning money with hard labor
- One man is kicking on your face, and you are saying: "Yes, in future, when I shall become strong, I shall kick him." But you are, my dear sir, being kicked now. What you are doing now? "Yes, I'm getting strength by your kicking"
- One man is maintained by the state very nicely, and nowadays these democracies' mob rule means instead of one king there are 300,000 kings in a state, and they are looting the hard-earned money by income tax, and everything is so polluted
- One man is supposed to be very expert who has learned how to fill up his belly. That's all. No other knowledge is required. Whether you have sumptuously put foodstuff within your belly. And then it is . . . you are very expert person
- One man is trying to exploit another; one nation is trying to exploit another nation; one society is trying to... This is struggle for existence. They have invented this law that "Might is right"
- One man paints a little different from your face; another man paints . . . but on the whole, it is the same. In that way Krsna is not depending on the painting but on the features of His description as it is in the sastra
- One man said that "I have got many sons in this orphanage." That is very good. So this natural inclination for loving an orphanage is there, is there. So this give and take, this inclination, is there in the human being
- One man said that, "He has kicked me, he has beaten me with shoes, and again he has said that, 'I shall insult you.' " Where is the scarcity of insult? If he is beaten by shoes and kicked by his leg, and still he's expecting some more insult?
- One man was challenged, "You have no intelligence." So he said, "Yes." He was searching these . . . "No, why you are searching here?" - No, here is intelligence. If here is money, then my intelligence can work. Otherwise what is the use of intelligence
- One man's food, another man's poison - That is going on everywhere. But for that reason one cannot accept poison as food. Is it not? Just like stool is food for the pigs. But that does not mean stool is food. It may be food for a certain class of animal
- One man's food may be poison for others; similarly, what is recommended for those in the mode of ignorance may be poison for those in the mode of goodness
- One man, one medical practitioner, he killed his servant in the operation room very mercilessly. The servant was implicated with his wife
- One scientific man, who had no belief in God, was very much enthusiastic in making plans for his material existence and therefore opened a hospital to save the living. But after opening the hospital, he himself died within six months
- Others may die for, out of starvation, and one man takes all the money and spends it for wine and women and motor car. - That's all. This is advancement of civilization
- Our business is to be recognized by Krsna. Whether one man is converted or not converted, that is not our business
- Our incense trademark should be registered now. I understand that there is one man in Bombay who has plagiarized our Spiritual Sky label, so we are serving him the proper notice to stop this plagiarizing business
- Our preaching is: Let one man understand Bhagavad-gita As It Is. We don't want disciples. I never collected disciples. I never compromised that "You can do whatever you like, and you become my disciple"
- Our process, the sankirtana movement, is to awaken that consciousness. That's all. Just like one man is sleeping. To awake him: "Get up! Get up!" So this is our process. It's not that artificially we are making somebody K.C. K.C. is there already
- Our traveling each time, lakhs of rupees, I am traveling. But one man cannot see once in life London or New York from India. I see four times in a year. So I have no problem - because Krsna is there
- So formerly the kings were trained up in such a way that one man is sufficient to govern the whole universe, whole..., at least one planet. That was the system
- So I am one man alone, yet now there are so many nice boys and girls like you to help me push on this movement in my old age
- So not only in America, everywhere, it is not easy that one man is born immediately very rich and one man is born in very poor family or very ugly family. There is distinction. There is some superior authority. It is not accident
- So there is no credit for me, but it is only a teeny attempt, and humble attempt. So if one man could do, if you say, some success, why not all of us? Caitanya Mahaprabhu has given power of attorney to all Indians
- So this is a forgotten story, truthfulness. That is brahminical qualification. All these qualifications are mentioned. It is not possible to acquire all the qualities by one man
- Soldier, when comes home, if he kills one man, he is hanged. Why? He can say in the court, "Sir, when I was fighting in the battlefield, I killed many. I got medal. And why you are hanging me now?" "Because you have done for your own sense gratification
- Suppose one blind man says, "All right, come, follow me. I shall help you crossing this busy Mulberry Street." He is blind, and the followers are also blind. The result will be that they will be hit by some car or truck and they will all die
- Suppose one man earns ten rupees a day, and if he has to purchase ten rupees simply rice for the family, ten..., what for others? Then he becomes dishonest. He wants to earn money by taking bribe in his own capacity. So bribing has become a custom
- Suppose one man is educated as medical man, but after taking his degrees he is playing football. He might have the qualification, medical qualification, but because he is not practicing as medical man he is useless. That is the sastric injunction
- Suppose one man is stealing for his personal benefit, and the same stealing, if he steals for his family, is he not a thief? Either he steals for his family or for himself, stealing is stealing
- That the sun appears on top of everyone's head when at the meridian does not imply that the sun becomes divided. One man thinks that the sun is on his head only, whereas five thousand miles away another man is thinking that the sun is only on his head
- That was the version of my Guru Maharaja that, "I have got so many temples and buildings. If by selling all these buildings, if I can save one man from this material disease, then my mission will be successful." He used to say like that
- The British Empire was established on management. They did not bring men from England. Few managers, that's all. That is called management. One man can control hundreds and thousands of men, that is management. Locally attracted
- The idea is that provocation and misunderstanding may remain between one man and another. But our staunch faith in Krishna Consciousness may not allow any material disruption. Please therefore try to be sympathetic with any person even if they differ
- The so-called human society means the society of the cheaters and cheated. One man is cheated, another man is cheater, and alternately he is also cheated and others are cheated. This is going on
- The so-called philosophers, scientists, they have been taught by another not scientist, so he is also not scientist, not philosopher, because he has been taught by another andha. Just like one blind man leads other blind man. So what knowledge he will get
- The state orders you to fight, so you are fighting, you are killing so many men. There is no reaction. But without state's order if you kill one man, immediately becomes a murderer. There is reaction immediately. This is very simple to understand
- The whole material world is trying . . . one man is trying to exploit another; one nation is trying to exploit another nation; one society is trying to . . . this is struggle for existence. They have invented this law that - Might is right
- There are many descriptions of sacrifices and special functions of the pumundi or special work in which the result of one's previous action may be applied. Thus one may gradually become elevated to the state of knowledge. BG 1972 purports
- There are many, many very artistic Bhagavata reciter, but they could not turn even one man to Krsna consciousness, because they are not self-realized, svanubhavam
- There is a very humorous story that one man... He was a yogi
- There is no credit for me, but it is only a teeny attempt, and humble attempt. So if one man could do, if you say, some success, why not all of us?
- There is one man Mr. Bansal, you may remember that he came to Delhi and Vrindaban trying to arrange for a pandal program in Agra. He has one house in mind which he says will be very suitable for our needs
- There was a prostitute whose charges was one lakh of pieces of diamond. It doesn't matter, a big diamond or small diamond. That was her charges. So one man was suffering from leprosy
- They (Pandavas and Kauravas) were generous because in the Battlefield of Kuruksetra they would fight like anything, but at night they were friends. The one man is going. Just like sportsman. They fight during the play, but after that, they are friends
- They (women) should be respected as goddess of fortune. If one man has got nice wife, actually he has got goddess of fortune. That is astrological calculation
- Those who are thoughtful should take this (Krsna consciousness) movement very seriously and try to understand its value. It is not something manufactured by one man or a group of disciples
- To see one woman is not dangerous, but to think of enjoying, that is dangerous. Similarly, to see one man is not dangerous, you cannot avoid that; you are on the street here, but to see with the spirit of enjoyment, that is dangerous
- We don't want these nonsense followers, many thousands. What they will do? But if we can turn one man into Krsna consciousness perfectly, he can do tremendous work in the world
- We find that one man is working very hard day and night. Hardly he is getting his morsel of food. Another man, simply by going, sitting in the office, earning thousands and thousands. Why? Because the difference of the field of activities
- We give equal roles spiritually. Materially, one man is servant; one man is master. How you can avoid this?
- We have actually seen that when one man was about to die he requested his physician to give him a chance to live four more years so that he could finish his plans. This means that while dying he was thinking of his plans
- We have to do something, so one man requires little training. But whatever capacity he has got, he is posted, so immediate change, that is not very good management. Let him be reformed and whatever inability he has got, he should be instructed
- We hope that people will derive the greatest benefit by studying Bhagavad-gita As It Is as we have presented it here, and if even one man becomes a pure devotee of the Lord we shall consider our attempt a success. BG 1972 Preface
- We practically see that one man is ordered to be hanged by the justice, he has to be hanged. That is destiny. One has not seen who has ordered, but he sees that, "This man is being hanged." He cannot explain; he says: By chance
- What did you go to take shelter of another? That means you condemned Vaisnavism that is not good of you. The same thing because one man is bad as soon as I condemned Christianism you're argument is bad
- What is this dambhah? Why I should be pride? What is this pride? So that is ignorance, due to ignorance. When one man is unnecessarily proud, that means it is due to ignorance
- When one man is ghostly haunted, he speaks so many nonsense. Similarly, when one is entangled by the illusory energy, maya, he also speaks all nonsense
- Wherever an advanced devotee is insulted, for one man’s fault the entire town or place is afflicted
- Why there are dissimilarities? One man is born millionaires; another man is born, he cannot even have full meals twice a day, although he's struggling very hard. Why this discrimination
- Without marriage, the man and woman will be open to so many other men and women. Therefore it is to restrict. One man, one woman. Otherwise, if you associate with so many men and so many women, this is animalism
- You are all intelligent boys, so you should judge the desire of my guru maharaj and help me in that way. Regarding the temple management, one man can be left behind, while the others go out, to take care of the Deity
- You will see one man is in coma, cannot speak, but he is crying. Crying means his subtle body is working. Just like in sleep, this gross body is silent, but the subtle body is working. He is seeing some dream, some good or bad