Woman reporter (Anne Jackson): It's been reported that the Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement has been what some people would consider sexist or racist, because certain propensities for women and for blacks have been defined, either by the devotees or by the Vedic scriptures, I'm not sure which. And I wondered if you would comment on that.
Brahmānanda: It has been alleged that our movement is against women and against Negroes because we do not give them . . . what is it?
Anne Jackson: Well, not necessarily against them, but defining inferior roles for them by their natural traits.
Brahmānanda: Give inferior roles to women and to Negroes.
Prabhupāda: We give equal roles spiritually. Materially, one man is servant; one man is master. How you can avoid this? Do you think everyone will be master, nobody will be servant, materially? Materially, one is father, one is son; one is master, one is servant; one is man, one is woman. How can you stop this? But spiritually, they are all equal.
Anne Jackson: So then what is happening materially is unimportant?
Prabhupāda: Materially, there is distinction, but when you come to the spiritual platform, then, when you discern the spirit soul within everyone, that is equal. That is . . . just like you are differently dressed in red shirt; I am differently . . . this dress, this difference, must be there. There are so many men and women; they are differently dressed. You cannot say they are all equal by the dress. But within the dress, the living entities, they are all the same. We make this distinction: material, not spiritual.