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Pages in category "Materially"
The following 353 pages are in this category, out of 353 total.
- A brahmin is estimated the high-class man. Why? That is also materially estimation. But if he has no devotion to the Lord, then that is . . . that means he has no spiritual qualification
- A godless civilization cannot cleanse the mind because it has no idea of God, and for this simple reason people under such a civilization cannot have good qualifications, however they may be materially equipped
- A human being is very much materially inclined. Indeed, all living entities are materially inclined. They prefer grhastha life because there is a concession for sex
- A man engages in sinful activities because he does not know what he did in his past life to get his present materially conditioned body, which is subjected to the threefold miseries
- A paramahamsa accepts only the association of pure devotees and rejects others, who are too much materially addicted
- A patient who is suffering from a disorder of the bowels due to overindulgence in milk products is cured by another milk product, namely curds. The materially absorbed conditioned soul can be cured by KC as set forth here in the Gita (4.24). BG 1972 pur
- A person becomes materially attached to family, property and children, although all of these are temporary. The possessor unfortunately identifies with his property and wealth
- A person may be materially very rich, opulent or respectable, but if he at all wants to transfer himself to the spiritual kingdom, back home, back to Godhead, then he has to be freed from the puffed-up condition of material possessiveness
- A pure devotee can see the presence of the Supreme Personality of Godhead in everything materially manifested
- A rich man attracts the attention of others, whereas a poor man does not. An educated man attracts attention, but a fool attracts no attention at all. Materially, therefore, such opulences are very beneficial
- A sannyasi eats as much as necessary to maintain his body, but he does not enjoy satisfying his senses materially. Thus a sannyasi becomes perfect in his spiritual advancement in knowledge
- A Vaisnava is unhappy to see others materially enmeshed. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu taught these activities of a Vaisnava although He is the worshipable Deity of all Vaisnavas, the complete and independent Supreme Personality of Godhead
- A Vaisnava should always avoid the association of ordinary people. Common people are very much materially attached, especially to women. Vaisnavas should also avoid the company of those who are not devotees of Lord Krsna
- A Vaisnava, a sannyasi or a learned person has no conception of the material world; he has no conception of anything materially important
- A Vaisnava, or worshiper of Lord Visnu, gradually becomes poorer in material possessions because God does not trick His devotees into becoming materially entangled by possessions. Visnu gives His devotees intelligence from within, as Bhagavad-gita says
- According to authorized sastras, such a jayanti ceremony for an ordinary man, however exalted he may be materially, is an offense to the Lord because jayanti is reserved for the day when the Lord appears on the earth
- According to devotional vision, a man is poor if he is not in Krsna consciousness. A man may be very rich materially, but if he is not Krsna conscious, he is considered poor
- According to karma, the living entity sometimes goes up & sometimes goes down. He wanders in this way, thinking how he can become materially happy & satisfy his senses. The sastras say that we should not do this, we should endeavor to understand Krsna
- According to one's karma, he is going to get another body. These are the subtle laws. Therefore kula-ksaya-dosam. You cannot destroy your family. Materially, you cannot destroy your family
- According to the sakta-sampradaya, a person called kaulavadhuta thinks materially while externally appearing to be a great devotee of Lord Siva. When such a person is in an assembly of Vaisnavas, he appears like a Vaisnava
- Advancement in Krsna consciousness does not depend on any materially prosperous or distressed condition; it is free from the conditions imposed by material life
- All these charities were meant for the brahmanas, whose lives were devoted entirely to the welfare of society, both spiritually and materially. The brahmanas were not giving their services as paid servants
- All these thoughts are basically material. To think either positively or negatively is still thinking materially. Knowledge accepted from the superior source of the Vedas is standard
- Although a person may desire material benefits from Krsna, the Lord, being all-powerful, considers the person's position and gradually liberates him from a materially ambitious life and engages him more in devotional service
- Although he appears to be materially poor, a person in Krsna consciousness is not actually a poor man, but the person who has no taste for Krsna consciousness and appears to be very happy with material possessions is actually poor
- Although the material world is only a shadow of the spiritual world, the materially encaged living entities seek spiritual happiness here in a form perverted by materialistic attachment
- Although the purpose of life is to become spiritually rich, unfortunate men, misguided as they are, are always engaged in trying to become materially rich. Such material engagements, however, do not help one in the actual fulfillment of the human mission
- American people are materially comfortable. But why they are producing hippies now
- An assembly house is never meant for any state on the globe because the human being on the earth is unable to construct it, however far a particular state may be materially advanced
- An enlightened devotee no longer has any material activities, nor has he any interest in being materially engaged. This process of purifying the senses and engaging them in the service of the Lord is known as bhakti, or devotional service
- An invitation accepted from a person who is materially very sinful is in the mode of ignorance
- An invitation accepted from a pure devotee is in the mode of goodness, an invitation accepted from a person who is pious but materially attached is in the mode of passion
- Ananta, or Sesa, is the source of the power which sustains all the planets in their different positions. Materially this sustaining power is known as the law of gravitation, but actually it is a display of the potency of Sankarsana
- Any materially elevated person can be condemned to an abominable species of life if he is not careful. It is a misconception that after reaching the human body one is never degraded
- Anyone materially born is subject to bewilderment. This pastime is therefore called brahma-vimohana-lila, the pastime of bewildering Brahma
- Apaurusa means "not spoken by any person materially created." It is stated in the beginning of Srimad-Bhagavatam, tene brahma hrda
- As confirmed in Aitareya Upanisad (1.1), sa aiksata: "The Lord glanced at material nature." The cosmic manifestation did not exist before His glance; therefore His glance is not materially contaminated
- As for the small aquatics living in the reservoirs, they cannot understand that their ponds are diminishing day by day, as the materially engrossed persons cannot understand that their duration of life is being reduced day by day
- As it is materially possible, that a man of this world can work so wonderfully simply by pushing some button, so how much great is God, or Krsna, simply by His desire, "Let there be creation," immediately everything is there
- As long as one is materially attached, one must accept the process of birth, death, old age and disease
- As soon as the body is finished, all material achievements are also finished. No one takes with him anything he has achieved materially in this world
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita, a materially contaminated person transmigrates to another material body by material consciousness. At the time of death he thinks materially and is therefore transferred into another material body
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita, the Lord descends on the earth by His own internal potency, and therefore there is no question of His becoming materially contaminated, changed or otherwise affected by the modes of material nature
- As stated in the Padma Purana: One cannot understand the transcendental nature of the name, form, quality and pastimes of Sri Krsna through one's materially contaminated senses - CC Madhya 17.136 quoted in SB 10.2.36
- Asat is one who is too materially attached, who is not a devotee of the Lord and who is too attached to women or enjoyable material things. Such a person, according to Vaiṣṇava philosophy, is a persona non grata
- Atah sri-krsna-namadi na bhaved grahyam indriyaih: (CC Madhya 17.136) Krsna and His name, fame, qualities and paraphernalia cannot be materially understood
- Because of their (who are puffed up by material possessions) ignorance, however, they cannot understand that since their minds are materially polluted, neither the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Krsna, nor the Vaisnavas accept their offerings
- Because such politicians, philosophers and scholars are interested in using Bhagavad-gita as a vehicle for adjusting things materially, for them constant thought of Krsna, or Krsna consciousness, is impossible
- Because the demons are ordinary human beings, their minds change, and being materially conditioned, they think that the Supreme Personality of Godhead is conditioned also
- Because they (materialistic men) are too materially absorbed, the conception of retaining the personality after liberation from matter frightens them. BG 1972 purports
- Because they are spiritually enlightened. That is the cause of brightness. And materially involved - moroseness. Because it is ignorance. Material life means life of ignorance, and spiritual life means life of enlightenment. That is the difference
- Because we are materially contaminated, our stealing is abominable, whereas on the spiritual, absolute platform the same stealing is so nice that it is enjoyable
- Because we are materially diseased, we are in the difficult position of birth, death, old age and disease. Krsna says. This is real problem. Janma-mrtyu-jara-vyadhi-duhkha-dosanudarsanam
- Becoming materially and financially embarrassed, the conditioned soul unnecessarily chastises his family. In the material condition there are four principal needs, out of which sleep is compared to a python
- Brahma and Siva, who can satisfy all materially ambitious men by giving them the rewards they desire, then manifested their own identities before King Rantideva, for it was they who had presented themselves as the brahmana, sudra, candala and so on
- Brahma became entangled in Krsna's maya. After all, Brahma was born materially. As mentioned here (in SB 10.13.15), ambhojanma janih: he was born of ambhoja, a lotus flower
- Brahma, who was not born of a material source but of the lotus flower coming out of the navel abdomen of the Lord, is the creator of all those who are materially born. Of course, by the grace of the Lord, Brahma was able to see the form of the Lord
- By its (omkara) chanting by the mind, in conjunction with the breathing process, a transcendental but mechanical way of getting into trance, as devised by the experience of great mystics, one is able to bring the mind, materially absorbed, under control
- By possessing all these material assets one becomes artificially puffed up, intoxicated by such temporary possessions. Consequently, such materially puffed up persons are incapable of uttering the holy name of the Lord by addressing Him feelingly
- By such understanding, one is not so much materially active. One is satisfied with income which can simply maintain his body and soul together and he is no more interested to increase the bank balance unnecessarily for sense gratification
- By the grace of the Lord, a pure devotee is at once raised to the place of the Absolute, and there is no chance of the devotee's becoming materially entangled again in conditioned life
- By the mercy of Lord Caitanya even such materially absorbed persons can be extricated from their entanglement in the maya by contact with offenseless chanting of the Lord's Holy Names Hare Krsna Mantra
- By these blunt senses, materially blunt . . . just like with blunt instrument you cannot take any benefit - it must be sharpened - similarly these senses, you utilize these senses to understand the Absolute Truth, but it must be purified, sharpened
- Daksa, being materially puffed up, could not tolerate the high position of Lord Siva, so his anger at Lord Siva's not standing up in his presence was only the final manifestation of his envy
- Don't try to elevate yourself materially. That will not make you happy. Just try to get out of these material clutches and begin your spiritual life. That will make you happy
- Educate the girls how to become faithful, chaste wife and how to cook nicely. Let them learn varieties of cooking. Is very difficult? These two qualifications, apart from Krsna consciousness, materially they should learn
- Either materially or spiritually, one should be very alert in utilizing the time which he has at his disposal. A conditioned soul lives in a particular body for a fixed measurement of time
- Especially the transcendental forms of the Lord are beyond the reach of the impersonalists, who can only understand, through studying the Upanisads, that the Absolute Truth is not matter, or is not materially restricted
- Even if one is materially inclined, one may take to the shelter of the lotus feet of Krsna and Balarama, or Gaura and Nitai, so that he will very soon be purified of all material desires - ksipram bhavati dharmatma sasvac chantim nigacchati
- Even in this material world, a devotee does not see materially manifested things; instead he sees Govinda in everything. When he sees a tree or a human being, a devotee sees them in relation to Govinda
- Every living entity is by nature joyful, spiritually, and because he is materially covered, his joyfulness is hampered. That is the real position
- Every man is imperfect by constitution under conditions of material existence, and there is not the least possibility that even the most materially advanced man can enact perfect legislation
- Every spirit soul is son of God, but materially we think somebody as father. But real father is God. That is stated in the Bhagavad-gita - BG 14.4
- Everything is good; everything is bad - materially. The real good for him: that he has forgotten his spiritual identification; revive him to that consciousness. That is real good
- Foolish men should take lessons from the drying pools of water and should know, in their own interests, that life is eternal, continuing even after death. Only the body changes, whether spiritually or materially
- Foolish scientists are thinking that they have advanced materially. When Kalakanya, the invalidity of old age, attacks them, they become fearful of death, if they are sane
- For a pure devotee, it is the same whether he materially constructs a path or constructs one within his mind. This is because the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Janardana, is bhava-grahi, or appreciative of the sentiment
- For one who is too entangled in material life, it takes a little more time to come to the standard point, but even such a materially engrossed man is raised to the spiritual platform very quickly
- For spiritual advancement, one should be materially satisfied, for if one is not materially satisfied, his greed for material development will result in the frustration of his spiritual advancement
- For the deliverance of those who are materially conditioned and attached to material enjoyment, performing yajna and following the rules and regulations of the four divisions of society and of spiritual life are recommended
- For those who are materially engaged, control of the senses is required, but a devotee's senses are all engaged in the service of the Lord, which means that they are already controlled
- From Krsna consciousness, we can utilize all facilities in the proper channel. But not materially
- Generally, neophyte devotees are anxious to see Krsna, or God, but God cannot be seen or known by our present materially blunt senses
- Godless, unfaithful words and actions, however materially enriched, are never to be trusted. That is the purport of this important verse. A grain of devotion is more valuable than tons of faithlessness
- He (a devotee who has attained the title of gosvami) should always remember that as soon as he becomes materially puffed up, he immediately falls down
- He (a materially attached person) is generally very greedy, and he thinks that anything attained by him is permanent and never to be lost. Such a person is envious of others and prepared to do anything wrong for sense gratification. BG 1972 purports
- He (a too much materially attached person) is very happy if his work is successful and very much distressed when his work is not successful. Such is a man in the mode of passion. BG 1972 purports
- He (Carvaka) also maintained that one should not be afraid of death, the next life, the past life or an impious life because after the body is burnt to ashes, everything is finished. This is the philosophy of those who are too much materially addicted
- He (Krsna) has no material body. You are seeing materially because you have material eyes. Because you have material eyes, you cannot see the spiritual form
- He (Sanatana Gosvami ) was always mixing with materially inclined people, particularly with Muslims, meat-eaters. Although he was in intimate touch with them, by Krsna’s mercy he came to find such association distasteful. Therefore he left them
- He (Siva) is very great & his renunciation of all material enjoyment is an ideal example of how one should be materially unattached. One should therefore follow his footsteps & be unattached to matter, not imitate his uncommon acts like drinking poison
- He (the Supreme Lord) is the most sincere friend. Whatever you want from Him, you can get. But the intelligent man does not want anything that is materially contaminated
- He (Vidura) accepted out of his own mercy what was offered to him by Maharaja Yudhisthira, but the purpose of living in the palace was to deliver his elder brother, Dhrtarastra, who was too much materially attached
- He eternally had nothing to do with the four principles of material misery (birth, death, old age and disease). Nor was He materially attached. He was always equipoised, and He saw everyone on the same level
- Here (in this world) those who are materially prosperous, they are also criminals but first-class criminals. That is the difference & those who are suffering materially, they are also criminals. They are third-class criminals. But all of them criminals
- His (Krsna's) transcendental body has nothing to do with anything materially created
- Household life is actually a kind of license for a materially attached person by which to enjoy sense gratification under regulative principles. Otherwise there is no need of entering household life
- I am traveling all over the world. My opinion is that, materially, America is happy. And spiritually some portion of India is happy. Otherwise, there is no happiness all over the world
- I just explained the material world, we cannot reach the limit, and what to speak of going to the spiritual world that is far beyond this sky. But although it is impossible materially, spiritually it is possible. Spiritually it is possible
- If a devotee tries to show a materially intoxicated rascal, "Here is God," the rascal will not be able to understand it
- If a neophyte devotee becomes materially opulent, he forgets the service of the Lord. However, if an advanced devotee is favored by the Lord with opulence, it is not material opulence but a spiritual opportunity
- If a race appears strong in body, their country is materially considered to be among the highly advanced nations of the world
- If he is in the association of passion, he is materially busy. And if he associates with the quality of ignorance, he becomes animals or animals-like man
- If I think that death is next moment, that is not any utopian. The next moment may be my death. Canakya Pandita says: "if you want to be materially happy, you should always think that, 'I shall never die,' " although it is false idea. Everyone will die
- If it is accepted that when He comes to the material world He (Krsna) accepts a material body, it should be concluded also that because the material energy is not different from Him, this body does not act materially
- If Krsna orders we shall do, but not purposely at your whims. There is nothing wrong for a Krsna conscious person. But what we think materially wrong, if it is ordered by Krsna, we shall do it. For Krsna there is no wrong
- If materially they are after material enjoyment, so if he gets hundred rupees, he thinks that, "I will enjoy more. Why shall I be sticking to the service?" Then the village program will fail. They will go for the hundred rupees
- If one becomes very rich through his professional activities, through trade or through agriculture, this does not mean that he is spiritually advanced. To be spiritually advanced is different from being materially rich
- If one is materially well equipped it is welcome but devotional service does not depend on material qualifications
- If one is not a devotee, even if he has some materially good qualities, they have no value. That is the verdict of the Vedas
- If one is thinking that he's happy materially, he's a fool. Nobody can be happy. This is the place for distress
- If one's mind is always engaged in the service of the Lord, there is no possibility that one will think, feel or act materially
- If our workers are feeling tired, then that means he's working materially. And if he's feeling enthused, more and more, that is his, he's working spiritually
- If people become irreligious, then the whole world becomes a hell. Just like at the present moment, anywhere you go, it is hellish condition. Nobody is peaceful, nobody is happy, although materially very much advanced
- If the Australian people like to hear me, I invite any scientist, any philosopher to understand. But I don't think they are interested. Because they are too much materially involved with this bodily concept. They think this body is everything
- If they are eager to accept a guru, they accept a false guru, and they are materially disturbed. This is the position of the people of this age. So against so many disturbances and counter-facts, we have to preach
- If we are practiced to think of Krsna always, naturally, at the time of death, at the time of end of this body, if we are so fortunate to think of Krsna, His form, then we become materially free, no more this material body
- If you engage yourself in the service of Krsna, you'll find new and new encouragement. That is spiritual. If you find it hackneyed, then you must know that you are not yet serving spiritually, you are serving materially
- If you find it hackneyed, then you must know that you are not yet serving spiritually, you are serving materially
- If you go on dancing in the club and eating in the club, then gradually you become diseased materially. And the same dancing and same eating here, you become spiritually advanced. So nothing has to be stopped
- If you want to show any mercy at all to the living entities, then enlighten them in Krsna consciousness, as Prahlada Maharaja did. Otherwise, it is materially beyond your power to show mercy
- If your lover is away from you, say thousand miles away, or a few miles away, if you simply chant the name of your friend, you cannot relish the actual meeting association. That is not possible; that is materially not possible
- In a home affectionate mother is present, and very beloved wife is present, and He (Lord Caitanya) was twenty-four years old, and His wife was sixteen years old. Materially that is the age for sense gratification, but He renounced
- In any case, the man always thinks of the woman, and the woman always thinks of the man. Thus a person becomes materially attached to family, property and children, although all of these are temporary
- In India still, there are many snake charmer. They, simply by mantra, they can get out the poison. Materially if it is possible, how much it is possible in spiritual?
- In plain language it is advised that an exalted saintly person avoid the association of those who are materially inclined
- In spite of being materially ambitious, such devotees, by rendering transcendental service, are gradually purified of desires for material enjoyment, and they come to desire the pleasure of devotional service
- In village they have got their family, husband, wife, some children. If one lives spiritual life, he is actually happy. Materially, nobody can be happy. In your country, although there is enough facility for material enjoyment, actually they are not happy
- India is advertised very poor country. But still, majority of the people in India, they are happy. People do not know. Although materially they haven't got possession...
- Instead of serving materially the different humors of the body the living entity's intelligence then becomes freed from the unhappy illusion of materialistic temperament and by unalloyed intelligence, the mind is brought into the service of the Lord
- It is a part of my missionary work; I want to see that the Western boys and girls who are very much loose with their sex life should get themselves married and take to Krishna Consciousness seriously and they will be happy both materially and spiritually
- It is advised that one read them (the life and history of Prthu Maharaja) at least three times. Those who are materially afflicted will so benefit by hearing of the Supreme Lord and His devotees that they need not go to any demigod
- It is also the custom that the husband gives some ornaments, but it is particularly mentioned that her (Sati's) husband, being materially almost nothing, could not do so; she wanted to decorate herself with the ornaments given by her father
- It is essential for the people in this age to perform the sankirtana-yajna in order to be materially happy and to advance spiritually
- It is good credit for you, materially, that you have so nice cars, nice skyscraper building, and so many nice things you have created. Spiritually, it is not good credit. It is waste of energy
- It is possible, in spite of our false engagement, if we love somebody, to think of him always. If materially it is possible, why not spiritually? That is the whole teaching of the Bhagavad-gita
- It is recommended that unless we follow the rules and regulations, then there is no possibility of curing our material disease. The whole process is we are in materially diseased; otherwise we are as good as Krsna
- It is said that although the air and the atoms rest within the huge expansion of the sky, which is like the resting reservoir of everything materially created, still the sky remains separate and unaffected
- It is the duty of the parents to see that the children are growing luxuriantly not only materially, but spiritually also. So spiritual training should be given from the very beginning
- Jatayu was a bird. So how they satisfied? The Jatayu fought with Ravana. Yesterday you saw. Ravana was kidnapping Sita devi, and Jatayu, the bird, he was going, flying. Ravana knew how to fly without machine. He was very, very materially powerful
- Just to tolerate little and chant HK, pray to Krsna, "Please save me from these disturbances." And we should materially also control. Control means atyaharah prayasas ca prajalpo niyamagrahah (NOI 2). Atyaharah, too much eating, that is also agitating
- Krishna cannot be known by the materially blunt senses. When you utilize your tongue in the service of the Lord then Krishna reveals Himself
- Krsna can offer anyone anything, from liberation to anything materially conceivable. Therefore, there cannot be any doubt of the salvation of Putana, whose bodily milk was sucked by Krsna for such a long time
- Krsna is addressed as akincana-vitta. - When one becomes materially impoverished, You are the only wealth
- Kuntidevi is humbly submitting: Although He (Krsna) has come to me, materially, as my nephew to offer me respect, but He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Liberated souls can join in this blissful reciprocation of predominator and predominated without materially concocted ideas. example of such a transcendental exchange between the predominator and the predominated is the Lord's rasa-lila with the gopis
- Living entities are fallible because when they come in contact with the material world they lack their spiritual identity, and thus the body materially obtained becomes subjected to birth, growth, transformation, situation, deterioration and annihilation
- Lord Ramacandra manifested the truth both spiritually & materially. Materially those who are attached to women suffer, but spiritually when there are feelings of separation between the Lord & His pleasure potency the spiritual bliss of the Lord increases
- Lord Rsabhadeva was the head of all kings and emperors within this universe, but assuming the dress and language of an avadhuta, He acted as if dull and materially bound
- Lord Sri Krsna, appearing within and outside of all materially embodied living beings by His own potency in the forms of eternal time - that is, as Paramatma and as virat-rupa - gave liberation to everyone, either as cruel death or as life - SB
- Man is endowed with free will, and as such if he does not want to free himself from the material world he may enjoy the life of brahma-pada (occupation of the post of Brahma) and visit Siddhaloka, the planets of materially perfect beings
- Material nature awards and punishes the living entity. When the living entity is materially opulent, material nature is rewarding him. When he is materially embarrassed, material nature is punishing him
- Materially born persons cannot fully understand Krsna. Even the demigods cannot understand Him
- Materially he helped Guru Maharaja how to organize. Therefore he liked him, that "This man is expert manager"
- Materially if a man is not very rich, he is not glorious, and spiritually if a man is too attached to family life, he is also not glorious
- Materially speaking, every living entity dies; death is inevitable. But those who are karmis, jnanis and yogis return to this material world after death, whereas bhaktas do not
- Materially the father agitates the mother and the body is formed, similarly, spiritually, the spiritual master agitates the mother of Vedic knowledge, and the spiritual body is formed. This is called dvijah
- Materially we are limited to impregnate by only one particular part of our body, but the Supreme Lord, Krsna or Maha-Visnu, can impregnate by any part. Simply by glancing the Lord can conceive countless living entities in the womb of material nature
- Materially we are limited to impregnating by only one particular part of our body, but the Supreme Lord, Krsna or Maha-Visnu, can impregnate by any part - CC Intro
- Materially we can understand that our father is a person, and that his father is also a person, and that his father's father is a person and so on back to the supreme father, who must also be a person. This is not very difficult to understand
- Materially, everyone wants to satisfy his senses, & he wants God to be the order supplier for such satisfaction. The Lord will satisfy the senses of the living entities as much as they deserve, but not to the extent that they may covet. BG 1972 purports
- Materially, everything is one man's food, another man's poison. Therefore there is no distinction - "This is good; this is bad." The stool is very bad, bad smell for you, but it is food for the pig
- Materially, it appears very nice that Arjuna is giving up his claim of kingdom for satisfying his relatives. Oh, he's very good man. But Krsna did not approve it. Why? Because the basic principle was Arjuna decided to satisfy his own senses
- Materially, we can directly perceive the sunshine spreading itself according to different names and activities, but ultimately the sun is one. Similarly, sarvam khalv idam brahma: everything is an expansion of the Supreme Brahman
- Materially, when a man becomes tired by rendering service in his physical body, he is allowed retirement, but in the transcendental service there is no feeling of fatigue because it is spiritual service and is not on the bodily plane
- Misguided by the blind leaders of society, people consider the body to be everything, and they are engaged in trying to keep the body materially comfortable
- Mr. Alexander Shellkirk, he is lamenting, he was thrown in isolated island, that society, friendship and love, divinely bestowed upon man. This is of course true. The society, friendship and love as we materially experience have got some fascination
- My obeisances are unto You, who are the property of the materially impoverished. You have nothing to do with the actions & reactions of the material modes of nature. You are self-satisfied, & therefore You are the most gentle & are master of the monists
- Narayana-parah sarve na kutascana bibhyati: because a devotee is engaged in transcendental activities, he is not afraid of being materially embodied
- Niyamena: one should offer the greatest respect to the acaryas according to the standard regulations. A devotee should also be compassionate to the poor. This does not refer to those who are poverty-stricken materially
- No one can control the whims of the ocean, however one may be materially well equipped
- Not only are demons always anxious to kill God with words and philosophy, but they think that if one is materially powerful he can kill God with materially fatal weapons
- O King, if a yogi maintains a desire for improved material enjoyments, like transference to the topmost planet, Brahmaloka, or the achievement of the eightfold perfections, then he has to take away with him the materially molded mind and senses
- O King, if a yogi maintains a desire for improved material enjoyments, travel in outer space with the Vaihayasas, or a situation in one of the millions of planets, then he has to take away with him the materially molded mind and senses
- On the whole, the kayastha community is a mixture of all castes, and it especially includes those engaged in clerical or secretarial work. Materially such people are always busy occupying responsible government posts
- One can never be happy by advancing materially
- One cannot infiltrate materially concocted ideas into spiritual advancement. That is deviation
- One may be materially considered an illiterate man, but if he has faith in the spiritual master as well as in the Supreme Personality of Godhead, then the meaning of scriptural revelation is immediately manifested before him
- One may be materially, academically very learned, so-called learned, but he does not know what is the aim of life, why he's put in this material condition, ke ami kene amaya jare tapa-traya. They are trying, tapa-traya, and miseries of life
- One who is free of all material jubilation, hatred, lamentation and desire, who renounces both materially auspicious and materially inauspicious things, and who is devoted to Me is very dear to Me
- One who is not in Krsna consciousness is considered a thief. Even though he may be materially very advanced, a thief cannot be placed in a comfortable position. A thief is a thief, and he is punishable
- One who is not inquisitive, for him there is no progress, either spiritually or materially
- One who is not materially infected and who does not forget Krsna as his master is called nitya-mukta. In other words, one who is eternally liberated from material contamination is called nitya-mukta
- One who sees a Vaisnava guru as an ordinary human being, or one who materially conceives of a Vaisnava as belonging to a particular caste is naraki, a resident of hell
- One would never grudge parting with it (king's claim) because due to the pious king and religious harmony there was enough natural wealth, namely grains, fruits, flowers, silk, cotton, milk, jewels, minerals, etc & therefore no one was materially unhappy
- Only pure devotees, they are, they are simply satisfied to carry out the orders of Krsna. Therefore, they have no demands. And anyone who is wanting something predominance, materially or spiritually, they are not pure devotee. They are impure
- Only those who are akincana-gocaram, who are not materially puffed up, can see the Supreme Personality of Godhead; others are bewildered and cannot even think of the Absolute Truth
- Our consciousness, at the present moment, is materially contaminated. The Bhagavad-gita teaches that we have to purify this materially contaminated consciousness. BG 1972 Introduction
- Our point is that you may live materially comfortably - there is no harm - but if you forget your spiritual identity, then you'll remain like animal
- Out of many millions of materially liberated people who are free from ignorance, and out of many millions of siddhas who have nearly attained perfection, there is hardly one pure devotee of Narayana
- Pariksit Maharaja was the emperor and was full in power both spiritually and materially, but out of compassion and out of respect for the brahmana community, he did not counteract the action of the brahmana boy but agreed to die within seven days
- People are accustomed to talk so many things unnecessarily just in clubs, amongst friends' circle, which has no benefit either spiritually or materially. So that sort of talking should be avoided
- People, they do not know that Krsna consciousness business is essential, imperative. We must take to it. Na te viduh svartha-gatim hi visnu. They do not know it. Durasaya ye bahir-artha-maninah. Out of false hope they are trying to be happy materially
- Prahlada Maharaja was the son of the most atheistic person and the most materially powerful as well. Because the society was materialistic, this boy had no opportunity to glorify the Supreme Lord
- Professional speakers and a materially absorbed audience cannot derive real benefit from such (on Transcendence) discourses
- Professional speakers make a show of Bhagavata-saptaha for the sake of family maintenance, and the materially disposed audience hears such discourses for some material benefit, namely religiosity, wealth, gratification of the senses, or liberation
- Propaganda that one can enjoy this life materially and at the same time spiritually advance is simply bogus
- Ravana was a great personality, a great devotee of Lord Siva also, and materially his kingdom was very much advanced. It is said that Lanka was made of gold. Actually there were many palaces. And he was a very big Vedic scholar also
- Ravana, who was very materially powerful, with ten heads on his shoulders, committed a great offense against Him and was thus ultimately vanquished
- Regardless of whether materially high or materially low, anyone engaged in the service of the Lord is spiritually very dear to Him. In this regard, Srila Madhvacarya gives quotation from the Tantra-nirnaya
- Saintly person means they should be interested with the public welfare, real public welfare. And public welfare means every citizens should be Krsna conscious, and then they will be happy both materially and spiritually
- Sanatana advised the jailkeeper to gladly accept the five thousand coins from him and let him go because by accepting the money he would not only be materially benefited but would also be acting very righteously by freeing Sanatana for spiritual purposes
- Sanatana Gosvami was a minister in the service of Nawab Hussain Shah. He was always mixing with materially inclined people, particularly with Muslims, meat-eaters
- She (Kunti) was the most intelligent, for she recognized Krsna to be the Supreme Godhead - He has come to me to offer me respect, materially appearing to be my nephew, but He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- She can become equal with man. Spiritually advanced man and woman, they are equal. So long one is materially encaged, this is not possible
- So intelligent men and women should take interest in this great movement. It is a very scientific spiritual movement. People are suffering for lack of spiritual knowledge. They have become materially like animals. Materialism means animalism
- So long we are materially contaminated, we require this material body for enjoying senses. And the spiritual world, we get our spiritual body developed. So there is no question of becoming ghost
- So long we are materially engrossed, bodily concept of life, there will be always anxiety. This is the test. Anyone who is in anxiety, means he is materially situated. And anyone who is elevated to the spiritual platform, he is prasannatma. He is jolly
- So long we'll make program how to become happy materially, your mind being absorbed in material things, not in the spiritual matter, you'll have to accept another body. This is your problem
- So this consciousness, though lying dormant in those who are materially contaminated, is found in every living entity. And, when purified, this is called Krsna consciousness
- Some people are too materially attached and therefore do not give attention to spiritual life, some of them disbelieve in everything, being angry at all sorts of spiritual speculation out of hopelessness. BG 1972 purports
- Some people are too materially attached and therefore do not give attention to spiritual life, some of them want to merge into the supreme spiritual cause. BG 1972 purports
- Sometimes a materially powerful man is accepted as God or the incarnation of God without any knowledge of the factual God
- Sometimes we may think that the word sadhu refers to a person who is materially good or moral, but actually the word sadhu refers to one who is on the transcendental platform
- Spirit soul has original form. When he is in the material energy the dress is evolved materially and when he is in the spiritual energy, the dress is evolved spiritually
- Spiritually everyone is equal. But materially a woman cannot be given Sannyasa. But you should not be bothered because you are serving on the spiritual platform
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu plainly explains that Srimad-Bhagavatam cannot be understood by those who are materially situated. In other words, one has to become a madman like Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu wanted to make the point that material things have already been experienced by materially absorbed persons who are interested only in sense gratification
- Sri Sukadeva Gosvami has described how the foolish materially attached men are wasting their valuable time 2) by developing economic conditions and maintaining a band of relatives who are to be vanquished in the air of oblivion
- Sri Sukadeva Gosvami has described how the foolish materially attached men are wasting their valuable time in the improvement of the material conditions of life 1) by sleeping, indulging in sex life
- Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Maharaja says in this connection (person who may be materially exalted but doesn't worship Gaura): “O living entities, simply engage yourselves in Krsna consciousness. This is the message of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.”
- Srila Sukadeva Gosvami said to Pariksit Maharaja: Those who are materially engrossed, being blind to knowledge of the ultimate truth, have many subjects for hearing in human society, O Emperor
- Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 2.1.2) says: Those persons who are materially engrossed, being blind to the knowledge of ultimate truth, have many subject matters for hearing in human society, O Emperor
- Srimati Radharani continued, "Being completely freed from the contamination of material attachment, one gives up attachment for this material world, including family, home, wife, children and everything else materially dear to every person"
- Stealing is there in Krsna. Does it mean that it is bad? No. It is good. Because it is connected with Krsna. Otherwise how people are worshiping a thief? When it is used materially, when I steal something for sense gratification, I am beaten with shoes
- Such a (materially attached) person is unclean, and he does not care whether his earning is pure or impure. BG 1972 purports
- Such a person (who is too much attached to a certain kind of work or to the result) has no desire for higher elevation of life. He is simply concerned with making this world as materially comfortable as possible. BG 1972 purports
- Such is the wonderful action of maya (the covering of maya makes the conditioned soul eternally ignorant), or external energy manifested as if materially produced
- Such unfortunate creatures can never become materially prosperous. Behavior like that of cats and dogs keeps them in the position of cats and dogs
- Tactics are generally followed by every statesman, even in modern warfare, but they are all done materially by powerful espionages, military tactics and diplomatic maneuvers
- The basic principle of KC is to receive one & all as our Master, & serve them with prasadam as diet & Krishna Kirtana as medicine for being free from materially diseased condition. We shall follow this principle & Krishna will help us on our onward march
- The best method is that one should live at a place where the transcendental form of the Lord is worshiped. The temple of the Lord is a transcendental place, whereas the forest is a materially good habitation
- The conditioned soul living within the purview of the material world cannot be an expert in every type of materially enjoyable asset, but one can have considerable influence over a particular matter by worshiping a particular demigod
- The creative function of the living entity is properly manifested in the liberated state. If the living entity's activities are manifest even when he is materially conditioned, then how is it possible for his activities to stop when he attains liberation
- The demigods said: Let Maharaja Nimi live without a material body. Let him live in a spiritual body as a personal associate of the S P of Godhead, and, according to his desire, let him be manifest or unmanifest to common materially embodied people
- The devotee must be clean, inside and outside, both. Outside cleaning by taking bath, washing the body with oil or soap or soda, and inside, materially, there will be no unclean things, stool, unnecessary stool
- The first day I arrived we had talks about two hours with the Beatles, but because they are materially very rich, it is little difficult for them to understand Krishna Consciousness philosophy
- The first living creature, Brahma, is called ajah because he did not take his birth from the womb of a mother materially born. He was directly born from the bodily expansion of the lotus flower of the Lord
- The foolish leaders cannot see that even the people who are most sumptuously materially satisfied are still hungry. And what is their hunger and poverty?
- The fortunes of the Yadu dynasty and that of the inhabitants of the land of Mathura cannot be materially estimated
- The glowing effulgence known as brahma-tejas is nothing but the rays of the Lord (Krsna), just as the sun rays are rays of the sun disc. So this Brahma weapon also, although materially irresistible, could not surpass the supreme strength of the Lord
- The goal of love of Godhead is not to become materially rich or free from material bondage. The real goal is to be situated in devotional service to the Lord and to enjoy transcendental bliss
- The great scripture Srimad-Bhagavatam, compiled by Maha-muni Vyasadeva from four original verses, describes the most elevated and kindhearted devotees and completely rejects the cheating ways of materially motivated religiosity
- The human form of life is meant for God realization, but this process, which begins with sravanam kirtanam visnoh - hearing and chanting of the holy name of the Lord - is disturbed as long as our senses are materially attracted
- The impersonal and localized conceptions of the Supreme Lord are more or less materially contaminated. The real spiritual process is bhakti-yoga. As the Lord says, bhaktya mam abhijanati: (BG 18.55) "Only by devotional service can I be understood
- The impersonal feature of the Lord is the abode of great oceans, and His belly is the resting place for the materially annihilated living entities. His heart is the abode of the subtle material bodies of living beings
- The land is in your possession, you can cultivate as you like. Similarly, this body is land, & I am the tiller. I am the krsaka, or agriculturist. So by using the land, I can become spiritually advanced or I can become materially advanced. It is up to me
- The law of satiation acts materially, but there is no scope for it in the spiritual realm
- The less intelligent class of men (avipascitah), attracted by the flowery language of the Vedas, engage in fruitive activities to become materially benefited. Thus they continue life after life, in different bodily forms, to search very, very hard
- The living entities are not without spiritual senses; every living being in his original, spiritual form has all the senses, which are now materially manifested, being covered by the material body and mind
- The living entity cannot be desireless or senseless, but he does have to change the quality of the desires. A materially desireless person certainly knows that everything belongs to Krsna
- The Lord is always eager to have the living entity come home, back to Godhead. Sitting with the living entity as witness, the Lord gives him all chances to enjoy himself materially, but whenever there is an opportunity, the Lord gives good counsel
- The materially absorbed mind of the conditioned soul does not allow him to transcend the limit of the bodily conception of self
- The materially attached are very eager to promote themselves to the heavenly planets such as the moon
- The materially situated person is affected by so-called honor and dishonor offered to the body, but the transcendentally situated person is not affected by such false honor and dishonor. BG 1972 purports
- The mind’s activities are thinking, feeling and willing, by which the mind accepts materially favorable things and rejects the unfavorable
- The mind’s activities are thinking, feeling and willing, by which the mind accepts materially favorable things and rejects the unfavorable. This is the consciousness of people in general
- The path of bhakti is not at all difficult if we follow in the footsteps of previous acaryas and authorities, but those who are too materially contaminated by the modes of material nature cannot follow them
- The path of perfection frees one from all material attachments, and thus one becomes fit to enter into the spiritual kingdom. Those who are materially poverty-stricken are better candidates than those who are materially prosperous
- The people of Kali-yuga will not perform any sacrifice. The mleccha population will care very little for performances of sacrifices, although performance of sacrifice is essential for persons who are materially engaged in sense enjoyment
- The people of this age are very lazy, not only materially but in the matter of self-realization. The human life is especially meant for self-realization. That is to say, man should come to know what he is, what the world is & what the supreme truth is
- The Personality of Godhead appeared as He is before Brahma, and He disappeared from him in the same form, which is not materially tinged
- The real problem of life is not to adjust things materially, change from one form of government to another form of government. These things are temporary things
- The real problem of life is not to adjust things materially, change from one form of government to another form of government. These things are temporary things. It will not give relief
- The second stage of perfection is to become materially rich. The third stage of material perfection is the attainment of complete sense enjoyment
- The senses and the mind are naturally inclined to work, but when they are materially contaminated they work for some material benefit or for the service of the demigods, although actually they are meant to serve the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The sex desire is diminished along with its various forms by the process of bhakti-yoga because bhakti-yoga automatically, by the grace of God, effectively results in knowledge and renunciation, even if the devotee is not materially very well educated
- The smarta-brahmanas reject the fact that maha-prasadam (food offered to the Deity) is transcendental and materially uncontaminated
- The society, friendship and love as we materially experience have got some fascination
- The society, friendship and love as we materially experience have got some fascination, but such fascination is compared by the poet Vidyapati as a drop of water of the ocean
- The special mercy of the Lord for the neophyte devotee is that he becomes materially poor
- The spirit cannot be cut into pieces. This fragment is not materially conceived. It is not like matter which can be cut into pieces and joined together again. BG 1972 purports
- The symptom of this Krsna consciousness is that he (the mixed devotee) is no longer interested in any sort of materially elevated life. He does not even aspire to become a personality like Lord Brahma
- The transcendental message of the Absolute is not understandable by those who are materially absorbed
- The ultimate purpose of Veda is to understand Krsna. - Vedais ca sarvair aham eva vedyam (BG 15.15). So Krsna or the sadhu and sastra does not stop your material activities. Because you have to act materially so long you have got this material body
- The ultimate state of this pranayama system is to be fixed in trance, technically called samadhi. But experience has proven that even the samadhi stage also fails to control the materially absorbed mind
- The Vaisnava devotee may offer formal respects to such a materially puffed-up person, but he may not deliver transcendental knowledge to him. Indeed, the devotee sees him as a non-brahmana or sudra
- The Vedas should be vibrated as they are, although they are symbolically represented with letters which are known to us materially
- The virat-rupa, or the gigantic feature of the Supreme Lord, includes everything materially manifested, and therefore the virat or gigantic feature of the Lord is the Supersoul of all living and nonliving entities
- The woman is attractive for man and the man is attractive for woman. Pumsah striya mithuni-bhavam etam. This is the general platform of attraction between man & woman. And when they are united by such attraction, then they become more materially knotted
- The world is miserable for the materially infected person, but for a devotee the entire world is as good as Vaikuntha, or the spiritual sky. BG 1972 purports
- The younger section of this country should take it very seriously, that they should take to Krishna Consciousness, and the next generation will be a different public, in the western world, who are materially and spiritually advanced & they will be happy
- There are many heavenly planets to which they (those materially attached) aspire just to achieve more and more material happiness by getting a long duration of life and the paraphernalia for sense enjoyment
- There are men who want to understand the Absolute Truth through philosophy, through science. It is the duty of those who are scientifically advanced, philosophically advanced or materially advanced or wealthy, to engage all this for Krsna's service
- There are two classes of men. Some of them are full of polluted material things within their hearts, and some of them are materially free. Krsna consciousness is equally beneficial for both of these persons. BG 1972 purports
- There are two things. One material, one spiritual. Spiritually, India is happy, those who are actually spiritualists. But materially, India is unhappy
- There is a distinction between the body and the soul of the materially existing living being, but because Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Lord Jagannatha do not possess material bodies, there is no distinction between Their bodies and souls
- There is no difference between the Personality of Godhead and the impersonal Brahman. How then can the Lord have so many things to do, whereas the impersonal Brahman is stated to have nothing to do either materially or spiritually
- There is no independence, either materially or spiritually. But we're falsely thinking to become independent. That is called illusion, maya
- There is no question of happy life within this material world. This is to be understood first. Very pessimistic. Those who are intelligent, they are very pessimistic. Even materially they are pessimistic
- There was enough milk, grains & metals & all the rivers and mountains were full of potency. So materially everything was satisfactory. Therefore, there was no question of untimely giving up his kingdom and life. The sages were eager to hear about all this
- These are inconceivable conceptions of the Lord (Brahma was born of God's abdomen), and one should not think materially: How can the father give birth to a child
- These are Vedic injunctions. One must take shelter of a self-realized spiritual master, not a materially educated scholar or politician
- These rascals are trying to adjust things here materially and becoming more complicated, killing father, mother, and child even
- These rascals, they do not know that his self-interest, ultimate goal of self-interest, is Visnu. Durasaya ye bahir-artha maninah (SB 7.5.31). Simply by the false hope, hope against hope, they are trying to adjust things materially
- These semiliberated souls falsely claim to be liberated, but unless one engages in devotional service to the Lord, he is still materially contaminated
- These symptoms appear to be very inauspicious materially, but the beauty is that the Pandavas have not lost their faith and love for You, in spite of all these tribulations
- This (perpetual freedom from all material contaminations) distinguishes the Lord from the individual, common living entities who have the aptitude for being subordinated by nescience and thus becoming materially designated
- This entire world resembles a phantasmagoria, and every materially situated person has attachment for it. But Khatvanga Maharaja, because of his advanced Krsna consciousness, was not interested in such things
- This last class of men (who are too materially attached) take to the shelter of some kind of intoxication, and their affective hallucinations are sometimes accepted as spiritual vision. BG 1972 purports
- This process (hearing the holy name of God) is recommended not only for the successful execution of devotional service, but also even for those who are materially attached
- This so-called perfection of human life is a concoction. It is said that the materialist, how materially qualified he may be, is worthless because he is hovering on the mental plane, which will drag him again to the material existence of temporary life
- This threefold austerity, practiced by men whose aim is not to benefit themselves materially but to please the Supreme, is of the nature of goodness. BG 17.17 - 1972
- Those persons who are materially engrossed, being blind to the knowledge of ultimate truth, have many subject matters for hearing in human society, O Emperor
- Those who are considered materially powerful and rich are always full of anxieties because of governmental laws, thieves and rogues, enemies, family members, animals, birds, persons seeking charity, the inevitable time factor and even their own selves
- Those who are enlightened in spiritual life, should not try to agitate such materially engrossed persons (such as nationalists or altruists). Better to prosecute one's own spiritual activities silently. BG 1972 purports
- Those who are materially attached to women and sense gratification gradually become entangled in material consciousness and suffer the miseries of birth, old age, disease and death
- Those who are materially passionate or those who want to exhibit their intelligence for material advancement in life are generally worshipers of Lord Brahma, and persons who are in the gross ignorance of identifying with the body worship Lord Siva
- Those who are materially upset take care of the body and manufacture daridra-narayana - poor Narayana
- To accept more material enjoyment means to bind oneself more and more to the miseries of material existence. More wealth, more women and false aristocracy are some of the demands of the materially disposed man
- To be materially impoverished is the first qualification of a devotee. One who does not possess anything in this material world but simply possesses Krsna is called akincana
- To be spiritually advanced is different from being materially rich
- To deliver all the materially contaminated people of the world, that same Krsna has descended in the moving form of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- To one who wants to be materially satisfied or who wants to lord it over material nature, the Lord gives the opportunity to forget His service and engage in the so-called happiness of material activities
- To show His special favor to a devotee, Krsna usually takes away all the objects of his material affection, thus forcing the devotee to be materially helpless, with no alternative but to accept the lotus feet of Krsna
- Under illusion & the modes of passion and ignorance, all his (atheist's) plans are baffled, as in the case of Hiranyakasipu & Ravana, whose plans were smashed to dust although they were both materially learned as scientists, philosophers, etc. BG 1972 p
- Unfortunately, materially affected conditioned souls are all more or less averse to topics of the Supreme Lord because some of them do not believe in the existence of God and some of them believe only in the impersonal feature of the Lord
- Unless such materialists are able to cleanse the materially absorbed mind, it is impossible for them to concentrate upon thoughts of transcendence. And to do so one may fix one's mind on the gross material or external feature of the Lord
- Vaisnavas do not require to practice any yogic power to become materially powerful. He doesn't require. Simply his surrender to Krsna makes him all-powerful. This is the position of Vaisnava
- Vidyadhara was a materially elevated demigod, and he was very beautiful. He also held a great material position and was able to travel all over by airplane. Yet he was condemned to become a serpent in his next life
- Vidyapati, a great Vaisnava devotee and poet, says, "My dear Lord, undoubtedly there is some pleasure in the midst of society, friendship and love, although it is materially conceived, but such pleasure cannot satisfy my heart, which is like a desert"
- We find that those who engage in Krsna consciousness are materially poor, but one who has eyes can see who is the greater. Although he appears to be materially poor, a person in Krsna consciousness is not actually a poor man
- We give equal roles spiritually. Materially, one man is servant; one man is master. How you can avoid this?
- We should be careful not to carry materialistic ideas into the spiritual realm. Whatever we have materially experienced is but a perverted reflection of things in spiritual life
- We should not waste our time, either you act materially or spiritually. But materially we have no business, although we have taken it the material business as very important and spiritual business has no meaning
- We think ourselves created by material nature exactly as we think ourselves experiencing so many things in a dream. The spirit soul is always transcendental. There is no question of becoming materially covered
- Whatever translation work I have done is through the inspiration of my spiritual master, because personally I am most insignificant and incompetent to do this materially impossible work
- When a person becomes materially engrossed, he has no capacity to hear about spiritual existence. Forgetfulness of spiritual existence entangles a man more and more in material existence
- When all my material assets were taken away, then I approached Krsna, saying, "You are the only shelter." Therefore Krsna is akincana-vitta, the property of the materially impoverished
- When He (Krsna) descends into the material universe, His consciousness is not materially affected. If He were so affected, He would be unfit to speak on transcendental matters as He does in the Bhagavad-gita. BG 1972 Introduction
- When he (living being) thinks, feels and wills materially, he becomes entangled, and conversely when he thinks, feels and wills for the service of the Lord, he becomes gradually freed from all entanglement
- When Krsna descends in this material world, His consciousness is not materially affected. Had His consciousness been materially affected, He was unfit to speak about the transcendental subject matter in the Bhagavad-gita
- When Maharaja Pariksit entered the door of Samika Rsi, he did not expect a royal reception by the rsi because he knew that saints and rsis are not materially rich men
- When one becomes too much materially attached, he takes a woman to be everything. This is the basic principle of material attachment. In such a condition, one cannot realize his own self or the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- When one is materially engrossed, he is satisfied only by sense gratification, but when one is liberated from the conditions of the material modes, he is satisfied only by rendering loving service for the satisfaction of the Lord
- When saintly persons go from door to door to see those who are too much materially engaged, it is to be understood that they do not go to ask anything for their personal benefit
- When the Supreme Personality of Godhead becomes angry or kills a demon, materially this may appear unfavorable, but spiritually it is a blissful blessing upon him
- When we forget our position and try to satisfy ourselves, we become conditioned materially. When we forget that our duty is to serve Krsna, we fall into the material world and become implicated in personal sense gratification
- Whenever the Lord descends and acts in this material world, He does so in His spiritual position. Although His activities materially appear different, spiritually they are absolute and nondifferent
- Why a poor man, he does not attract anyone's attention? But a rich man attracts. Educated man attracts the attention. A fool, rascal, does not attract attention. So similarly in beauty, in opulence, these things are materially very beneficial
- With one’s materially contaminated senses one cannot understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead or His name, form, qualities or paraphernalia, but if one renders service unto Him, the Lord reveals Himself - Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu 1.2.234
- Without becoming Krsna conscious, everyone's life is baffled. He's demon. So demons, they are trying only to adjust things materially, which is impossible. So they are busy, prabhavanti, flourishing
- Without sex life one cannot be materially enthusiastic. And if you stop sex life, then you become spiritually advanced. This is the secret
- You can assure your parents they will be better off materially after you are initiated. Anyway, now I do not know what to do with you
- You get some thousand miles away in the radio: this sound and the person who is transmitting the sound is identical, although materially we cannot derive the same benefit. That is the difference between material sound and spiritual sound
- You have got body, shape, very minute shape. That we cannot see, we cannot measure. But the spirit soul has a form. How, what is the length and breadth of that form, that is not in your power. In your power, but not materially
- Yudhisthira said, "If one takes to Krsna consciousness, his life becomes fulfilled both materially and spiritually"