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Pages in category "Work"
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- Capricious work
- Even the lion cannot sleep; he has to work to eat
- Free yourself from the bondage of works
- Handwork
- There is a story in Sanskrit, udarendriyanam. Udarendriyanam. There was a meeting of all the parts of the senses, that, "We are working, and the stomach is sitting idly, and he is simply eating. So let us get into strike. We shall not work."
- They have to work
- Work of the Ramakrishna mission
- You are all working
- Capricious work means
- Did not work means
- Karma-mimmamsa means
- Karmana means...
- Kurvanti means
- Outside work means
- Sangam tyaktva means
- Sarva-karmani means
- The computer machine can work for thousands of men. So thousands of men means
- To work on the spiritual plane means
- Vyarthata means
- Working without sleep means
- Yajnartha-karma means
- A brahmana especially should execute his occupational duties not for material gain but to please the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The ksatriya, vaisya and sudra should work in a similar way
- A businessman is not satisfied by working the whole week; therefore, wanting a change for the weekend, he goes to a place where he tries to forget his business activities
- A chemist can manufacture water in the chemical laboratory by mixing hydrogen and oxygen. But, in reality, the living entity works in the laboratory under the direction of the Supreme Lord
- A chemist can manufacture water in the laboratory by mixing hydrogen and oxygen, but in reality the living entity can only work under the direction of the Supreme Lord. Indeed, all materials used by a chemist are supplied by the Lord
- A citizen is supposed to remain free, but sometimes is put into the jail because he has worked under different criminal energy. But when he becomes perfectly civil, so there is no jail for him - he is free to move
- A common man must execute the rules & regulations of varnasrama-dharma by working in his prescribed duty according to the caste system (brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya and sudra) and the spiritual-order system - brahmacarya, grhastha, vanaprastha and sannyasa
- A dedicated devotee should prosecute his work according to the rules and regulations described in devotional service. The results of his activities are completely dependent on the supreme will of the Lord
- A demon cannot calculate the unlimited potency of the Supreme Lord. As stated in CC Madhya 13.65 (purport), the different potencies of the Lord are always working as an automatic exhibition of His knowledge
- A demoniac person believes in the strength of his personal work, not in the law of karma. BG 1972 purports
- A devotee is not weak, but they think that, these devotees, they are weak. They cannot do any materialistic work. They cannot build skyscrapers. They cannot build a subtle machine. So they have taken to Krsna consciousness. They are chanting Hare Krsna
- A devotee of the Lord also can earn money in the same spirit, working day and night. Superficially it will appear just like this man and that man. There is no difference. They are working the same day and night for earning some money
- A farmer does not like an old bull who has ceased to work. Similarly, when an attached person in family life becomes old and is unable to earn, he is no longer liked by his wife, sons, daughters and other kinsmen, and he is consequently neglected
- A glossary and index to Sanskrit verses and a general index have been added for the convenience of scholars. This monumental work is immensely valuable alike to historians of religion, linguistic scholars, cultural anthropologists, pious devotees
- A great scientist may make discoveries in atomic energy for the quick destruction of the world, but he has to undergo the reactions of his work by rotating in the cycle of repeated births and deaths under the superhuman law of material nature
- A hog, he is working day and night to find out where is stool. He likes stool. He eats stool and becomes very fatty. He enjoys
- A karmi, however, although externally working like a devotee, is entangled in his nondevotional activity, and thus he suffers the tribulations of material existence
- A Krishna Conscious person is never tired of working and the symptoms I can see in you as you want to be overloaded with work. This is the test of how one is advancing in Krishna Consciousness. Nobody becomes tired but wants to work more and more
- A Krsna conscious person is never under the false conception that he is one with God. Knowing that he would not be happy by working for himself, he engages all his energies in the service of the Supreme Lord
- A Krsna conscious person knowing that he would not be happy by working for himself, he engages all his energies in the service of the Supreme Lord and thereby gains release from the clutches of illusory material energy
- A lion is sleeping. If he does not work, he'll also starve. He'll also starve. And what to speak of cats and dogs. So this is not possible. Therefore, there is sva-dharma. Sva-dharma means, you are in brahminical quality, your work is this
- A living being cannot be vacant of desires. He is not a dead stone. He must be working, thinking, feeling and willing
- A living entity has constitutionally mind, intelligence, and ego, but they are contaminated in contact with matter. At the present moment, our ego is working under some designation
- A lot of migratory fish and crabs, for example, are no longer migrating to their traditional breeding grounds. So our work, our approach, is to attempt first to understand what has happened
- A machine, there is electronics working very wonderfully. But behind that electronic work, there is a great scientist who is pushing the button. It is very simple to understand
- A man engaged in devotional service rids himself of both good and bad actions even in this life. Therefore strive for yoga, O Arjuna, which is the art of all work. BG 2.50 - 1972
- A man engaged in devotional service rids himself of both good and bad reactions even in this life. Therefore strive for yoga, which is the art of all work
- A man is working whole day and night, and because he's getting some paper where it is written, "We trust in God. Take this paper, hundred dollars. I cheat you"
- A man may be director of this company and trust of that company and so many where he is working. But his wife is seeing that he is her husband, that's all. He does not see anything, although he is working in aneka-rupam
- A materialistic person, making his wife the center of attraction, works very hard day and night. His only enjoyment in material life is sexual intercourse. Therefore karmis are attracted to women as friends or wives. Indeed, they cannot work without sex
- A mercantile man, he is doing some business and working very hard day and night to accumulate some money, similarly, a devotee of the Lord also can earn money in the same spirit, working day and night. Superficially it will appear just like this man
- A motor car is working. All of a sudden it stops. So there are technologists who can repair the car and it will again start. That is technology. Now the man is working, stopped. So where is that technology to make it move again
- A new lawyer has to become an apprentice of an experienced lawyer, or a young man studying to be a doctor has to become an intern and work with those who are already licensed practitioners
- A person in bhava is confident in his work, and he is never under the impression that he is not making progress toward the supreme goal of life - going back to Godhead
- A person in KC has nothing to do with any work which depends upon five immediate and remote causes: the doer, the work, the situation, the endeavor and fortune. This is because he is engaged in the loving transcendental service of Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- A person in Krsna consciousness is pure in his existence, and consequently he has nothing to do with any work which depends upon five immediate and remote causes: the doer, the work, the situation, the endeavor and fortune. BG 1972 purports
- A person in Krsna consciousness or in the mode of goodness does not hate anyone or anything which troubles his body. He does work in the proper place and at the proper time without fearing the troublesome. BG 1972 purports
- A person in the mode of goodness is satisfied by his work or intellectual pursuit, just as a philosopher, scientist, or educator may be engaged in a particular field of knowledge and may be satisfied in that way. BG 1972 purports
- A person who can perform various types of work at once is called clever. In this connection one of the gopis said
- A person who continues to work until his desired goal is achieved is called steadfast
- A person who has understood little value of this Krsna consciousness, he should take this movement very seriously and distribute to the fallen souls. That is the best work
- A person who neither takes advantage of the dust of the lotus feet of great devotees nor smells the tulasi leaves offered to the lotus feet of the Lord must be considered dead even though he is supposedly working
- A philanthropist works in the same way for love of the greater family, and a nationalist for the cause of his country and countrymen. That force which drives the philanthropist, the householder and the nationalist is called rasa
- A policeman knows that he is not working independently but under government orders. This knowledge is required in order that the policeman, who has some power, will not think that he has become God
- A polluted woman is doing all household work, but she is always thinking when she will meet with her paramour at night. This example. Similarly, we may be engaged in different material activities, but if we keep our faith in Krsna, then it will save us
- A question may be raised that since any activity performed must have some reaction, how is it that the person in KC does not suffer or enjoy the reactions of work? The Lord is citing Vedanta philosophy to show how this is possible. BG 1972 purports
- A sannyasi does not hate any kind of work
- A scientist can work with the help of such an awarded brain, but it is not possible for the scientist to create his own or a similar brain. No one is independent in the matter of any creation, nor is such creation automatic
- A self-realized man has no purpose to fulfill in the discharge of his prescribed duties, nor has he any reason not to perform such work. Nor has he any need to depend on any other living being
- A self-realized man has no purpose to fulfill in the discharge of his prescribed duties, nor has he any reason not to perform such work. Nor has he any need to depend on any other living being. BG 3.18 - 1972
- A sincere worker is always recognized by Krishna. I do not know how shall I thank you, but I am confident of my future hopes in the sincere students like you, Brahmananda and others; & now if I die I will die blissful, the work will go on
- A sinful man cannot earn money honestly. Just like a thief: because he has adopted the means of earning money by sinful activities, he cannot take to honest work. He can work, but he is accustomed to steal
- A tape recorder works, but it works according to the plans and under the direction of a living entity, a human being. The machine is complete, but unless it is manipulated by a spirit soul, it cannot work
- A tenant in an apartment may pay rent and somehow or other occupy the apartment and enjoy its utilities, although he may not actually know how the heat and tap water are working
- A transcendentalist who wants to work from spiritual platform, he has no botheration, "Whether I am doing good or bad?" He has only to see, "Whether I am acting on the platform of spiritual consciousness or material consciousness?" That's all
- According to Ayurvedic medical science this body is working under three elements: kapha, pitta, vayu. Therefore it is called tri-dhatu. So the whole world is going on on this concept of life
- According to his previous work, the living entity must capture another body before giving up the one he has. This is because the mind is the reservoir of all kinds of desires
- According to his status of work, a living entity is placed in a particular father's semen, and because Vidura was not an ordinary living entity, he was given the chance to be born from the semen of Vyasa
- According to our mental concoctions we work in various ways, desiring various achievements
- According to quality and work, there are four divisions of men: the brahmana, the intelligent class of men; the ksatriyas, the administrative class of men, the martial class of men; and the vaisyas, the productive class of men; & the worker class of men
- According to Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 4.29.49), tat karma hari-tosam yat sa vidya tan-matir yaya: Work meant for pleasing the Supreme Lord is the best, and education that enhances one’s Krsna consciousness is the best
- According to the 3 modes of material nature & the work ascribed to them, the 4 divisions of human society were created by Me (Krsna). &, although I am the creator of this system, you should know that I am yet the non-doer, being unchangeable - BG 4.13
- According to the conclusion of the philosophy known as karma-mimamsa, one's karma, or previous fruitive activity, is the cause of everything, and therefore there is no need to work. Those who arrive at this conclusion are foolish
- According to the Skanda and Vayu Puranas, the word sutra refers to a condensed work which carries meaning and import of immeasurable strength without mistake or fault. The word vedanta means - the end of Vedic knowledge
- According to the three modes of material nature & the work ascribed to them, the four divisions of human society were created by Me. Although I am the creator of this system, you should know that I am yet the non-doer, being unchangeable. BG 4.13 - 1972
- According to the three modes of material nature and the work ascribed to them, the four divisions of human society were created by Me (Krsna). And, although I am the creator of this system, you should know that I am yet the non-doer, being unchangeable
- According to these (material) modes, the living entity gets the opportunity to perform different types of karma with different types of knowledge, thinking, feeling and willing. Thus the bodily machine begins to work
- According to Vedic scripture, one is classified according to his work and quality, not by birth. That is the classification of sastra. Just like in the Bhagavad-gita the Lord says, catur-varnyam maya srstam guna-karma-vibhagasah
- Activities intended to satisfy the senses of the Supreme Lord, Krsna, are called krsnarthe 'khila-cestah. This indicates that one can attempt all kinds of work, but one should do so to satisfy Krsna. This is described in Bhagavad-gita as yajnarthat karma
- Activities out of these three qualities of material nature, they are called karma, work
- Activities such as seeing, hearing, speaking, evacuating, etc., are actions of the senses meant for work. A Krsna consciousness person is never affected by the actions of the senses. BG 1972 purports
- Actual life is that there should be no work. Why? Ananda-cinmaya-rasa-pratibhavitabhis tabhir ya eva nija-rupataya kalabhih
- Actually all the senses are acting because Krsna is acting. As soon as Krsna desires that these senses will not work, it will not work. So in spite of your claim that this is my hand, this is my eyes, this is my mouth, it will not work
- Actually if you want peace, then you have to work. The process is there. The process open for everyone, but you have to take it. Otherwise it is not possible
- Actually it is all illegal, for to work for one's self-interest is both unlawful and destructive. Even the cultivation of spiritual realization for one's own self-interest is unlawful and destructive
- Actually my teeth have gone all bad. It is useless. But on account of this toothpaste it is still working
- Actually nobody wants to work but he is obliged to work because his necessities are not sufficiently met. Therefore he has to work. He has created such society that he has to work hard
- Actually our desire is that "There must be easygoing life. I shall not work very much. I shall live in a comfortable house in a secluded place and live peacefully." That is his desire
- Actually the faith to perform acts is called knowledge. The inspiration to work is the same if it comes from the scripture or from the instruction of the spiritual master. BG 1972 purports
- Actually we see that different people are engaged in different ways; therefore there must be divisions according to work
- Actually, householders work very hard day and night, but all fatigue of the day's labor is minimized as soon as they meet, husband and wife together, and enjoy life in many ways
- After all qualification, if one has to do the same thing just to fill up the belly, working twelve hours, fourteen hours, then what is this civilization?
- After all, the human race is divided into two sections. The one is legitimate and the other is illegitimate. Those who do not care about any laws of life, but simply work on the principle of sense gratification - they are all illegitimate
- After finishing Parasurama's work as a ksatriya, he again became a brahmana and returned to Mahendra-parvata
- After giving up this material body he (the living entity) does not accept material body, but he has got already spiritual body. That remains, and that works, and that is transferred to the spiritual world. That is the highest perfection of life
- After human being, if we do not work properly with our advanced consciousness, then we go down again in the hellish planet that are down this universe. And if we act piously, then you go to the upper planetary system
- After Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and all the Vaisnavas cleansed the temple for the second time, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was very happy to see the cleansing work
- After the destruction of this body, you accept another body, tatha dehantara praptir. These are the versions in the BG, authoritative. And dehantara means another body. There is no guarantee what kind of body you will get. That will depend on your work
- After understanding the position of the conditioned souls in relation to material nature, Devahuti wanted to know how nature works under the direction of the Lord and what the relationship is between the material nature and the Lord
- Afterwards (those who are in the material world, must first of all know how the external energy of the Lord is working) one may try to enter into the activities of His internal energy
- All a devotee's works are technically sacrifices because sacrifice aims at satisfying the Supreme Person, Visnu, Krsna. The resultant reactions to all such work certainly merge into transcendence, and one does not suffer material effects
- All actions will produce reactions that will cause bondage. If work is done for the sake of Yajna, then one can become free from all bondages
- All his (Krsna conscious person's) works are technically sacrifices because sacrifice involves satisfying the SP, Krsna. The resultant reactions to all such work certainly merge into transcendence, & one does not suffer material effects. BG 1972 purports
- All living beings in all the planets of this universe, including the presiding deities of all the planets, are fully under the control of the Lord. They work like birds caught in a net, who cannot move independently
- All of these bodies (tiger, hog and human being) are made according to the work done in past lives by the living entity. Our next bodies are being prepared according to the work which we are now doing
- All other demigods work for him (Brahma); therefore he is described here as svarat
- All other senses, both for working and for acquiring knowledge, are controlled by the different demigods. The demigods are assistants of the Lord in the management of material affairs
- All the affairs of the entire world and the entire cosmic manifestation are working under His (Krsna's) direction, through His different energies. Still, when there is a need to take care of His friends, He does this personally
- All the domes of the city palaces as well as the pinnacles of the airplanes were decorated with ornamental work in gold, and, being reflected by the sunshine, they were all glittering
- All the members of this Krsna consciousness society must themselves be perfect sadhus in order to give a chance to fallen conditioned souls. This is the best humanitarian work
- All these different types of sacrifice are approved by the Vedas, and all of them are born of different types of work. Knowing them as such, you will become liberated. BG 4.32 - 1972
- Although a housewife is always busy working around the house, she always takes care that her hair is nicely combed. Regardless of her engagements, she never forgets to arrange her hair in an attractive way
- Although apparently Brahman seems to be devoid of energy, factually it has different energies working under the headings of knowledge and ignorance. On account of these different energies, there is continually a manifestation of vidya and avidya
- Although Brahma has one head in each direction, he voluntarily brought all his heads to the ground & touched Krsna's feet with the tips of his four helmets. Although his intelligence works in every direction, he surrendered everything before boy Krsna
- Although demons have created many plans for industry and hard labor so that people will work day and night like animals, this is not the purpose of civilization. Such endeavors are jagato'hitah; that is, they are meant for the misfortune of the people
- Although it (Srimad-Bhagavatam) is especially meant for the paramahamsas, or those who are totally engaged in self-realization, it works into the depths of the hearts of those who may be worldly men
- Although ordinary citizens work under the direction of the government, they cannot understand how they are being governed or what the government is
- Although our material eyes cannot perceive the dimension of the soul, the soul is nonetheless within the body, and as soon as it departs, it takes another body according to its work
- Although qualified medical men may consider him (a man who becomes a doctor by practical knowledge) a quack, the government will recognize his work
- Although the great soul Jada Bharata was unfit for such work, they nonetheless unhesitatingly forced him to carry the palanquin
- Although the living entity has many holes in his body, he nonetheless has to work with his hands and arms
- Although the living entity is primarily related to the causal portion of maya, he is nevertheless conducted by the ingredients of maya. Three forces work in the causal portion of maya: knowledge, desire and activity
- Although the living entity is working from within the body, he is nonetheless unknown. The living entity enters the material creation, but because he is bewildered by the material energy, he appears to be hidden
- Although the rod is not fire, it becomes red-hot and acts like fire itself. Similarly, all the actions and reactions of material nature are not actually the work of material nature but are actions and reactions of the energy of the Supreme Lord
- Although the volume of work has.... a hundred times, but these American disciples, they are helping me, so I haven't got to work personally so much
- Although Vyasadeva was an empowered divinity, he still felt dissatisfaction because in none of his works were the transcendental activities of the Lord properly explained
- Although we appear combined together in a family, society or nation, each of us has an individual destiny. Everyone takes birth according to individual past work; therefore everyone must individually enjoy or suffer the result of his own karma
- Although we do not know the details of how the body works, we are using this body, which actually belongs not to us but to Krsna. This is the real fact. The body consists of the senses and the mind, and therefore the senses and mind also belong to Krsna
- Although working for the liberation of conditioned souls, the messenger of the Supreme Lord remains untouched by the material energy
- Among human beings, the society which is divided according to quality and work is best, and in that society, the intelligent men, who are designated as brahmanas, are best
- Among the followers of Vedic knowledge, most are following the process of fruitive activity and distinguishing between good and bad work. Out of many such sincere fruitive actors, there may be one who is actually wise
- Among the sons of Sagara Maharaja was one named Asamanjasa, who was born from the King's second wife, Kesini. The son of Asamanjasa was known as Amsuman, and he was always engaged in working for the good of Sagara Maharaja, his grandfather
- An electrician knows how to take work from electricity. With the help of electricity he can turn water into cold or heat
- An ignorant person may see that a devotee is acting or working like an ordinary man, but such a person with a poor fund of knowledge does not know that the activities of the devotee or of the Lord are not contaminated. BG 1972 Introduction
- An ordinary family man who works very hard day and night and is successful in giving comforts to the members of his family thereby relishes a kind of mellow
- An ordinary man works for his own sense enjoyment, and when this principle of sense enjoyment is extended to include his society, nation or humanity in general, it assumes various attractive names such as altruism, socialism, communism, nationalism etc
- An ordinary worker conducts business in order to earn money for his sense gratification. A devotee may perform the same work in exactly the same way, but his aim is to satisfy the Supreme Lord. Consequently his activities are not ordinary
- Anasaktasya visayan yatharham upayunjatah. The same advice is given in several places, that - Work, but do not work with attachment. Just to make the best use of a bad bargain, that's all. You go on working like that
- And the working class, or sudras, are those who haven't the intelligence of the brahmanas or the ksatriyas or the vaisyas, and therefore they are meant to help these higher classes by bodily labor
- Animals do not have developed consciousness by which to recognize the Lord, but a human being is sufficiently intelligent to take lessons from the Vedic literature and thereby know how the laws of nature are working and derive profit out of such knowledge
- Another news is that Mother Syama dasi came to L.A. with some of her Gujarati devotees. She appeared to be nice Vaisnavi. And she wants to work in cooperation with me. I have told her that I have no objection but how we shall cooperate...
- Any individual living being can become the sun-god or even Brahma or any other god in the upper planetary system by a higher grade of pious work, and similarly one becomes controlled by the higher demigods by lower grades of fruitive activities
- Any living entity engaged in rebellious activity is more or less condemned by the laws of material nature, which work under the subordination of the Lord
- Any person authorized by either the Lord or by His bona fide representative is already blessed, as is the work entrusted to him
- Any responsible executive agent at the top of administration has to tolerate different types of onslaughts from the very persons for whom he works. Brahmaji was criticized even by the gopis, the highest perfectional devotees of the Lord
- Any solution arrived at before work is actualized is a subtle form of work
- Any work one performs that does not lead to the state of religious life is useless activity
- Anyone knows that an unbridled horse is dangerous to ride. He can go in any direction at any speed, and his rider is likely to come to some harm. Insofar as the mind is unbridled, Krsna agrees with Arjuna that the yoga system is very difficult work indeed
- Anyone who can understand the process of karma, the process of work, in this way, he is the most intelligent person in this world. - Most intelligent person. Not that a person who has passed M.A., Ph.D. examination from the university
- Anyone who does this work in disciplic succession from Srila Vyasadeva is considered as representative of Vyasadeva and as such the bona fide Spiritual Master's Appearance Day is worshiped as Vyasa Puja
- Anyone who has got this material body, he has to work. Everyone has to work
- Anyone who is concluding that "On the street the red light and green light is working automatically; there is no brain behind it," he's a rascal. Similarly, the whole material cosmic manifestation is working
- Anyone who is working, he is working with some taste. Suppose one has got wife and children. So to maintain them he has to work very hard. But there is some pleasure in serving the wife and children. Similarly, bhakti means service with some taste
- Anyone who makes a gift of this great work on a full moon day attains to the highest perfection of life by returning to Godhead
- Anyone who misunderstands this perishable body to be the self and who works for it in the name of sociology, politics, philanthropy, altruism, nationalism or internationalism, under the false plea of the bodily conception of life, is certainly a fool
- Anyone who takes pride in doing responsible work but does not give credit to the Supreme Lord is certainly falsely proud and cannot execute anything nicely
- Anyone whose work is not meant for elevating him to religious life, anyone whose religious ritualistic performances do not raise him to renunciation, must be considered dead, although he is breathing
- Anyone whose work is not meant to elevate him to religious life, anyone whose religious ritualistic performances do not raise him to renunciation, must be considered dead, although he is breathing
- Anyone, whether a grhastha or a sannyasi, can keep small Deities of God and thus worship Them by offering food prepared in ghee & then offering the sanctified prasada to the forefathers, demigods & other living entities as a matter of routine daily work
- Anything performed without the direction of the Vedas is called vikarma, or unauthorized or sinful work. Therefore, one should always take direction from the Vedas to be saved from the reaction of work
- Anything performed without the direction of the Vedas is called vikarma, or unauthorized or sinful work. Therefore, one should always take direction from the Vedas to be saved from the reaction of work. BG 1972 purports
- Apart from Bhagavad-gita, in every society a man is known according to his quality and work. For example, when a man is constructing wooden furniture, he is called a carpenter, and a man who works with an anvil and iron is called a blacksmith
- Arjuna said: O Krsna, first of all You ask me to renounce work, and then again You recommend work with devotion. Now will You kindly tell me definitely which of the two is more beneficial? BG 5.1 - 1972
- Arjuna understands that renunciation in knowledge involves cessation of all kinds of work performed as sense activities. But if one performs work in devotional service, then how is work stopped? BG 1972 purports
- Arjuna was Krsna's friend, but He never said that "You stop your working." Rather, He engaged him in his real work. He was a fighter
- Arjuna, while fighting on the Battlefield of Kuruksetra, was not really fighting at all; he was simply carrying out the orders of Krsna in full Krsna consciousness. Such a person is never entangled in the reactions of work. BG 1972 purports
- As a machine part requires oiling and cleaning for maintenance, similarly, a Krsna conscious man maintains himself by his work just to remain fit for action in the transcendental loving service of the Lord. BG 1972 purports
- As a result of this process of cheating, others are reluctant to accept a religious process, and instead they advise people in general to work for material advancement. This is going on all over the world
- As clouds pour water on a blazing fire in the forest and thus extinguish it, the intelligent men who work as the spiritual masters of society pour water on the blazing fire of miseries by disseminating spiritual knowledge
- As described in Bhagavad-gita (BG 4.13), human society must be divided into four orders according to quality and work. In every society there must be an intelligent class, administrative class, productive class and worker class
- As described in Bhagavad-gita, the caste system is the creation of the Lord and is arranged according to the quality of work rendered to society and not in terms of birthright, as falsely claimed in the present degraded society
- As far as a centralized medical plan for the whole society, no such plan or facility or insurance has seemed practical as yet. The best thing is to work it out locally
- As far as the farm being authorized, you discuss with Kuladri and Kirtanananda Maharaja. Whatever they say I agree. Kuladri is an experienced man so you may organize things there taking his advice. Please just work sincerely and Krsna will bless you
- As far as work is concerned, a Krsna conscious person does not do anything which is not connected with Krsna's interest, and thus his work is always regulated and is untainted by sense gratification. BG 1972 purports
- As far as work is concerned, one should transfer his energy entirely to Krsna conscious activities. No work should be done by any man except in relationship to Krsna. This called Krsna-karma.BG 1972 purports
- As God hasn't got to do anything, we, being Krsna's part and parcel, we have got that tendency that we don't want to do anything, but we want to enjoy. But we have fallen under certain conditions, and we have to work. This is our position
- As husband & wife, a man & woman plan together to attain happiness & decrease unhappiness, working jointly in many ways, but because their activities are full of desires, these activities are never a source of happiness, and they never diminish distress
- As husband and wife plan together to attain happiness and decrease unhappiness, working jointly in many ways, but because their activities are full of desires, these activities are never a source of happiness, and they never diminish distress
- As in your body so much subtle energies are working, just imagine this universal body of Krsna, virat-rupa, how much subtle energies are working and there. So that we do not know. That is our ignorance
- As is commanded in the Bhagavad-gita by Sri Krsna, the thoughtful give up the reaction of work, being situated on the level of pure consciousness
- As it is materially possible, that a man of this world can work so wonderfully simply by pushing some button, so how much great is God, or Krsna, simply by His desire, "Let there be creation," immediately everything is there
- As long as he (a pure soul) is in contact with matter, he has to execute work in terms of material necessities. BG 1972 purports
- As long as human society works on the basis of false material identification, all the so-called advancements of science and philosophy are simply useless. They only serve to mislead human society. In the material world, the blind simply lead the blind
- As long as the heart is not purified, one has to work on the fruitive platform. But action in Krsna consciousness automatically helps one escape the result of fruitive action so that one need not descend to the material platform. BG 1972 purports
- As long as the vital life-force is there, the mind works, and under the mind the senses work, and the senses give rise to so many material desires
- As long as their tendency for foolish work remains powerful, all their plans in the struggle for existence will be cut to pieces. I therefore offer my obeisances unto Him who acts as eternal time
- As long as we are in the material world, it is not possible to classify everyone in the same category because each and every person is working under the influence of the modes of material nature
- As Madhvacarya passed through that area (Maharashtra) with his disciples, he was also obliged to help in the excavation (of lake). After some time, when Madhvacarya visited the king, he engaged the king in that work and departed with his disciples
- As mentioned in Bhagavad-gita (BG 4.13), catur-varnyam maya srstam guna-karma-vibhagasah: there must be four divisions of human society according to the work and qualities of men
- As one has to work in ordinary life by the direction of the state, similarly, one has to work under direction of the supreme state of the Lord. BG 1972 purports
- As some of the old prisoners in government jails are entrusted with some responsible work of prison management, so the demigods are improved conditioned souls acting as representatives of the Lord in the material creation
- As soon as a living entity is placed in a particular type of body, he has to work under the spell of that bodily situation. BG 1972 purports
- As soon as Krsna desires that these senses will not work, it will not work. So in spite of your claim that this is my hand, this is my eyes, this is my mouth, it will not work
- As soon as they heard Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu say this, everyone became ashamed. Thus the devotees began to work with great attention
- As soon as we work on the level of bodily consciousness we become bound by the reaction of our work. But when we work through spiritual consciousness, we are not bound either by pious activities or by vicious activities. That is the technique
- As soon as we work on the platform of bodily consciousness, we become bound up by the reaction of my work
- As soon as you work for your personal benefit, that is material. And as soon as you work for Krsna's benefit, that is spiritual. That's all. This is the distinction between material and spiritual
- As stated (kalau sudra-sambhavah), practically the whole population of the world will be sudra. A sudra is a fourth-class man who is only fit to work for the three higher social castes. Being fourth-class men, sudras are not very intelligent
- As stated by Prahlada Maharaja, maya-sukhaya bharam udvahato vimudhan: those who work very hard for material benefits are vimudhas, foolish rascals, because such happiness will not endure
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita (BG 3.9), "Work done as a sacrifice for Visnu has to be performed, otherwise work binds one to this material world
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita (BG 4.13), catur-varnyam maya srstam guna-karma-vibhagasah: the four divisions of human society were created by the Supreme Lord according to the three modes of material nature and the work ascribed to them
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita, any work that does not lead ultimately to the standard of devotional service is a cause of bondage in the material world
- As stated in Caitanya-caritamrta (CC Adi 9.41): "One who has taken birth as a human being in the land of India (Bharata-varsa) should make his life successful and work for the benefit of all other people"
- As stated in this verse (SB 4.29.61), sayanam imam utsrjya svasantam. The gross body may lie on a bed and rest, and even though the machinery of the gross body is working, the living entity may leave, go into a dream, and return to the gross body
- As the modes of material nature work, in illusion we accept others as friends, enemies, sons or fathers in terms of the reactions of different dealings under different conditions
- As the various servants in the different departments of big establishments cannot see the supreme managing director under whom they are working, the conditioned souls cannot see the supreme friend sitting within their bodies
- As You (Krsna) have said, material nature works under Your superintendence, just like a government officer working under the orders of the chief executive. The influence of subordinate activities cannot affect You
- As you are working in apprenticeship for jewelry work, you should continue that occupation, and even if your father comes and sees that you are engaged in your occupation as well as looking after management of the temple, he will not be displeased
- Ass is called mudha. Mudha, he works very hard, a big load of washerman's cloth is laden on his back, and he works, and the washerman gives little grass. He thinks, "He is giving me grass; therefore I must bear this load"
- Asuras, they are engaged for fruitive result. They are working, but they are expecting that "I shall enjoy the result" So that freedom is given to everyone, that "You can work at your responsibility and enjoy or suffer"
- Asvatthama, he's born of a brahmana father, but his work has been proved just like a butcher
- At every home, every family, you can sit down together at the end of their work and simply question about Krsna and try to understand the answers. The books are already there. Answers are already there. So this is our Krsna consciousness movement
- At least, we have got this experience in India. There are so many unemployed, educated. Because they have been educated as dog, they must find out a master. Otherwise, they have no independent power to work
- At night he (a person of Kali-yuga) spends his time in sleep and sex indulgence, and by day he spends time working very hard to earn money. Is that his mission in life? How horrible such a life is
- At night I will work with the dictaphone, and I am sorry if I cannot work. This is Krsna consciousness. One must be very anxious to work
- At night the gross body does not work. We are thinking, "I am sleeping." Sleeping means the body is so much tired, it is no more working
- At the present moment human society is overly influenced by the mode of passion, and consequently people are engaged in working in big factories. They forget how distressful it is to live in such places
- At the present moment they're very active, but they're all foolish. Therefore the world is in danger. Active foolishness. Foolish, if he stops, he does not work, it is better. But as soon as he becomes active he becomes more dangerous
- At the present moment we are all working on the platform of bodily concept of life but when you come to the platform of understanding that aham brahmasmi, I am not this matter, I am spirit soul, then my occupational duty changes
- At the present moment, the computer is a very subtle machine. But this computer cannot work without an experienced mechanic who pushes the button and it works. These people, they cannot understand that without spiritual touch, matter cannot work
- At the present moment, we are not in a position to make charities but for the devotees we can sacrifice anything. So you can stop preparing prasadam for persons who are not willing to work neither to pay
- At the time of death, atheists' attempts to use their so-called scientific knowledge and philosophical speculation to deny the supremacy of the Lord cannot work
- At the time of death, when finishing this body, mind works. So, according to that process, the mind carries the small spirit soul to another body, just like the air carries the flavor
- Atri Muni, by his breathing exercise, concentrated on the Supersoul, or the Lord of the universe. As confirmed in Bhagavad-gita, the Lord of the universe is Vasudeva and, by the direction of Vasudeva, Lord Brahma and Lord Siva work
- Balance time, utilize for Krsna consciousness. And if you have got temple, it is very happy life. Just for your food work little, and balance time engage yourself in Krsna consciousness. This is ideal life
- Because everyone has got that tendency, the sastra gives them chance to act, fruitive activities. Because by working, working, one day it will come when he will be not interested working any more. Then athato brahma jijnasa
- Because everyone is not employed, they have discovered machine, and the machine is working hundred men's work. So actually, a hundred men are unemployed. So the machine has not improved the situation
- Because he cannot fix up his mind, he cannot work properly. Therefore he is called madman. So our process is that we cannot control the mind. But if we engage the mind on the lotus feet of Krsna, then everything is controlled. Krsna will help
- Because he has got already natural tendency. And if he is . . . there is sanction by religiosity, ritualistic, religious process, then he will stick to it. So you have not done very nice work
- Because I am put into jail, "All right, it is very good. Without working, I am getting two times food. Let me remain in the jail," oh, that is not very intelligent question. You see? We must get out of the jail
- Because men are so deeply absorbed in the bodily concept, these sacrifices (mentioned in BG 4.25-30) are so arranged that one can work either with the body, the mind, or the intelligence. BG 1972 purports
- Because of our ignorance we engage in so much work which is connected with the bodily or material conception of life
- Because of the actions and reactions of the mode of ignorance, whether the living entities are awake or sleeping, they can see only the workings of material nature; they cannot see Your Lordship
- Because of working in the Muslim government, these three brothers (Rupa Gosvami, Sanatana Gosvami and Anupama) were given the title Mullik
- Because one who works in Krsna consciousness is servant to all, he is very dear to everyone. And, because everyone is satisfied by his work, he is pure in consciousness. BG 1972 purports
- Because people are not educated in terms of the goal of life, they are working like madmen and becoming more and more attached to the material atmosphere
- Because that minute spirit soul is there, you are moving, you are acting, your brain is working, you are denying the existence of God, you are doing all these things
- Because the bright-faced saintly person was lying down and not working and yet was quite fat, Prahlada Maharaja was puzzled and wanted to question him about this
- Because the Lord is perfect, everything works as if He were directly supervising and taking part in it. Atheistic men, however, being covered by the three modes of material nature, cannot see Narayana to be the supreme cause behind all activities
- Because the machine and industry, therefore, now they are producing from the university hippies. Unemployed. Thousands and thousands of young boys and girls. Girls are not meant for working outside. Girls are meant for working inside
- Because the maya, this wonderful material energy, is acting in such a big curtain, they cannot understand that beyond this there is something else. They are thinking this material energy working, that is everything - nothing beyond this
- Because the soul is present within the body, consciousness pervades the entire body; similarly, because the supreme soul, or Krsna, is present within this universe, everything is working in order
- Because the working principle is the soul - soul is living force - so he is busy. Living body means there is movement. There is work. He cannot sit idly
- Because their lusty desires have created heavy work that puts them always in trouble, Krsna comes to introduce the system by which one can get relief from this continuously troublesome life
- Because we are part and parcel of God, Krsna, we are also trying to achieve that life, that "There will be no more to work. Let me accumulate some bank balance, the interest will come, and I shall sit down in a nice apartment, and everything will come"
- Because we have come to this conditional state of life, bhutva bhutva praliyate (BG 8.19), we sometimes . . . once we take birth and again we die - this is not very good proposal. But these rascals, they do not know how nature is working
- Because you are doing the field work of book distribution, Krishna has immediately recognized them as true servants. Just like during war, a farm boy or ordinary clerk who goes to fight for his country, immediately becomes a national hero for his effort
- Because you have heard it from a pure devotee of the Lord, therefore it is transmitted from you to another. Just as an aerial message, is transmitted from one place to another, similarly, this Guru parampara system is working
- Becoming a life member of this movement is not the necessary thing. Life membership is a side issue. We want people like you to co-operate with this movement. We want you to work for this movement
- Before one acts, there is some impetus, which is called inspiration. Any solution arrived at before work is actualized is a subtle form of work. Then work takes the form of action. BG 1972 purports
- Before these motorcars, the people were living very happily. They were transporting. But there was no such civilization that for your earning livelihood you have to go hundred miles away from your home to work there. Therefore you require vehicle
- Being full of contradictions, all forms of religion but bhagavata-dharma work under conceptions of fruitive results and distinctions of "you and I" and "yours and mine"
- Being very much afraid that the time factor will end our existence, we offer presentations unto time by performing our work as time dictates. The time factor himself, however, is afraid of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Bhagavad-bhakti-hinasya jatih japas tapah kriyah: "Great nationality, great work, great achievement, minus bhagavad-bhakti, God consciousness, is just like decorating the dead body." That's all
- Bhagavad-gita (4.23): "The work of a man who is unattached to the modes of material nature and who is fully situated in transcendental knowledge merges entirely into transcendence"
- Bhagavad-gita 3.9 says: "Work done as a sacrifice for Visnu has to be performed, otherwise work binds one to this material world." Karma-bandhanah, or the bondage of karma, is administered under the regulations of the stringent laws of material nature
- Bhagavad-gita is recognized and accepted as scripture by all classes of men in India, and as far as outside India is concerned, many scholars, theologians, and philosophers accept Bhagavad-gita as a great, authoritative work
- Bhagavad-gita recommends that any work done should be done for om tat sat, or for the Supreme Personality of Godhead. When one performs penance, charity, and sacrifice with these three words, he is acting in Krsna consciousness. BG 1972 purports
- Bhagavatam must be finished before my mortal body stops to work and your help in this connection will be very much helpful
- Bhakti does not mean stop your work. Bhakti does not mean sentimental fanaticism. That is not bhakti. Bhakti means to engage all your senses for the satisfaction of the proprietor of the senses. That is called bhakti
- Bhakti-yoga is pure and unalloyed, being entirely beyond all the preliminary steps - like regulated work, transcendental knowledge and mystic powers
- Bhaktivinoda Thakura said, "I am going, my work unfinished"
- Bhukti, material enjoyment, and mukti, liberation, are only by-products of devotional service. A devotee need not work separately to attain mukti
- Brahma attempts to create the different planetary systems and their inhabitants, expanding the population through his progeny, like Manu and other progenitors of living entities, who work perpetually under the order of the Supreme Lord
- Brahma desires to create a universe, we desire to create a skyscraper, and an ant desires to create a hole in a room, but the quality of the work is the same
- Brahma, the first spiritual master, supreme in the universe, could not trace out the source of his lotus seat, and while thinking of creating the material world, he could not understand the proper direction for such creative work
- Brahmacari, working under the guidance, under strict disciplinary guidance, of a spiritual master, he is blessed
- Brahmacarya has many rules and regulations. For example, however rich one's father may be, the brahmacari surrenders himself to be trained and works in the ashram of the spiritual master just like a menial servant. How is this possible
- Brahmaji explained to Naradadeva that this temporary world is the work of the external potency of the Lord and that the conditioned souls struggling here for existence are the marginal potency of the Supreme Lord, the Personality of Godhead
- Brahmana he may excuse, but a ksatriya, the government, the ruling power, he cannot do so
- Brahmana is not going to work in the factory. That is not brahmana's business. But in modern civilization, everyone should go to factory. Never mind whether you are brahmana or sudra or a... This is the mistake
- Brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas and sudras are distinguished by their qualities of work, O chastiser of the enemy, in accordance with the modes of nature. BG 18.41 - 1972
- Brahmanas, they would simply advise about health and the future, so that is their profession and people give them eatables, cloth, so they have nothing to do for working outside
- Brain should be utilized for some benevolent work for the good of the living entities
- Buddhi-yoga is the transcendental quality of the work that we perform. BG 1972 purports
- Business offices close at a fixed hour no matter what balance of work remains. Similarly, after the age of fifty one must retire from the active, external life and devote oneself to the introspective cultivation of the human spirit
- Busy-ness is so important that Prahlada Maharaja says, kaumara acaret prajno: (SB 7.6.1) "Beginning from childhood, one should work for self-realization." One should not lose a second's time. So that is Vedic civilization
- By accepting the knowledge imparted in Bhagavad-gita, anyone can immediately know that this great cosmic machine, of which the earth is a part, is working so wonderfully because there is a driver behind it - Krsna
- By acting in the mode of goodness, one becomes purified. Works done in the mode of passion result in distress, and actions performed in the mode of ignorance result in foolishness. BG 14.16 - 1972
- By acts of so-called benevolence the leader may get recognition from his followers for some time. But the followers for whom this kind of leader has endeavored to do good will never get any lasting benefit out of such temporarily beneficial work
- By advanced knowledge in science and transcendental realization, one can try to control the material energy, which works against our endeavors
- By devotional service or by the most confidential knowledge, one can understand very easily how the different energies of the Lord are working
- By fulfilling the process of evolution from the aquatics to the animal platform, a living entity eventually reaches the human form. The three modes of material nature are always working in the evolutionary process
- By his (my spiritual master, Srimad Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura's) grace the work of translation is gradually progressing, and the European and American devotees who have joined the Krsna consciousness movement are helping me considerably
- By his work, thoughts and words, an intelligent man must perform actions which will be beneficial for all living entities in this life and the next
- By machine the seasonal changes are going on, the sun is rising, the moon is rising, the water in the ocean, the waves are there. Everything, machine working. It is machine. Everything being systematically done
- By mystic yoga and the practical application of knowledge from the scriptures, Kapila Muni, who is characterized by His golden hair, His eyes just like lotus petals and His lotus feet, will uproot the deep-rooted desire for work in this material world
- By observing this vrata, a diseased man can gain relief from his disease and have an able body with which to work
- By practical knowledge of how to perform a surgical operation, how to mix medicine and how to give certain medicines for certain diseases, a person can do a medical man's work and be known as a doctor
- By satisfying the spiritual master, you satisfy the Supreme Personality of Godhead. That is very natural. Just like when you go to your work, the immediate person who is in charge of your work, he must be satisfied. You don't jump up to the proprietor
- By such acts (teaching the people in general about the way one can get rid of the tangle of action and reaction in ordinary work), the karma-yogi himself and the world at large are simultaneously benefited
- By the example of Arjuna we are to learn that we should only perform work which is sanctioned by Krsna. This is the mission of human life, but we do not know it
- By the hearing process this realization of the presence of the Lord in the temple is made possible. As such, the first process in the routine work of devotional service - hearing - is the essential point
- By the law of the Supreme, different places are meant for different grades of living beings according to the work they have performed
- By the order of the Supreme Soul, material nature fashions a particular type of body to a particular type of living entity to work according to his past desires. BG 1972 purports
- By this work with transcendental results, you (Arjuna) can get rid of the bondage of ordinary work. In this process there is no loss or diminution. Even if very little of this work is done, it can save one from the greatest trouble
- By work with transcendental results, or karma-yoga, not only does one become immune from the bondage of work, but also one develops his transcendental devotion toward the Absolute Personality of Godhead
- By working to please the Lord by engaging his senses in the Lord's loving service, the devotee is immediately situated on the transcendental platform, and he enjoys unlimited blissful life
- By your own work, you suffer or enjoy. There is no enjoyment, simply suffer. That's all. Material world, there is no question of enjoyment. Simply we concoct, - This is enjoyment
- Caitanya has advised this para-upakara, and He has especially advised the inhabitants of India: One who has taken his birth as a human being in the land of India should make his life successful and work for the benefit of all other people - CC Adi 9.41
- Castes are classified in terms of one's work and qualification and not by birth. Then again there are four orders of life, namely the student life, the householder's life, the retired and the devotional life
- Cetas, everything is working within the heart, the whole thing. Heart is the central point of this body
- Chant Hare Krsna, read Bhagavad-gita. Then take prasadam. Then go to office or work
- Civic and other popular leaders should center their activities upon Visnu, and by this act of transcendental work, they will themselves be benefited and shall be able to do good for their respective followers
- Combine together, working differently but for the same purpose, for pleasing Krsna, then you will become happy. That is equality. Unity in variety. That is wanted
- Compared with the work one expends, the gain is not so profitable. Even if it is profitable, it is not without its distresses
- Demons have created many plans for industry and hard labor so that people will work day and night like animals. Ksayaya: such activities lead to annihilation
- Demons, who are less than human beings but are not called animals, do not know the meaning of pravrtti and nivrtti, work to be done and work not to be done
- Describing how material nature works, the Brahma-samhita says that the sun moves as desired by the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Development of this knowledge of eternal servitorship to the Lord is compared to fire. Such a fire, once kindled, can burn up all kinds of reactions to work
- Devotional activities when mixed with the culture of knowledge are technically called jnana-yoga. But when such devotional activities transcend the limits of all such work or mental knowledge, this state of affairs is called pure transcendental devotion
- Devotional service and ordinary work, they look almost equal
- Different limbs of the body may act in different ways, but the ultimate objective is to maintain the entire body. Similarly, if we work for the satisfaction of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, we will find that we satisfy everything
- Do not think that, "There was no work; automatically it comes." No. There was work, but it is so subtle and perfect. The same thing: so many things are working, going on within the machine, that simply I push it on and it acts
- Do You enjoy or suffer the good or bad results of actions under the influence of time, past work and so forth?
- Do you think it is progress to become busy fool? This is not progress. The progress means lazy intelligent, that he will not have to work but he will get all the comforts automatically. That is wanted
- Does the work of protection
- Dogs and cats, they have no idea that the dog is not this body. It is a soul also. It has taken a dog's body. Cat is also a soul, but by his karma, by his destiny, by his past work, he has to accept this body
- Don't think nature is blind. Nature is matter, material energy. It cannot work independently, just like machine. Machine, it is made of matter. But if there is no driver, however efficient machine may be, it is useless
- Don't work for sense gratification or personal interest. Real interest is how to satisfy Krsna. That is real interest
- Due to His presence (Lord Visnu), everything is working, and there are actions and reactions
- Due to monetary transactions, relationships become very strained and end in enmity. Sometimes the husband and wife walk on the path of material progress, and to maintain their relationship they work very hard
- Due to sunshine, the seasonal changes are taking place, and the varieties of trees, plants are growing. Everything is going on. The moon is also working under sunshine. And due to the moon, there are waves in the sea
- Durga is working simply just like shadow. As the shadow moves when the original substance moves, similarly, she is only working under the direction of Krsna. That's all. She is the external potency
- During the daytime the dogs and asses think, - We are working, but these spiritualists, they are not working
- During this period, one has to work under the spiritual master as an ordinary menial servant. There are many rules and regulations for a brahmacari living under the care of an acarya
- Each (community in human society and in the animal kingdom) is to work in cooperation for the total benefit of all society, which includes not only animate objects but also inanimate objects like hills and land
- Each one should serve according to his guna-karma, quality and capacity to work. Then the whole society will be perfect, there will be peace, no war, nothing, and gradually making progress back to home, back to Godhead. Otherwise it will be chaos
- Education means brahma-vidya: to understand what is that living force within this body that is working, what is his position, constitutional position, how it is working, wherefrom it has come, so many things. That is called brahma-jijnasa
- Effects of the original cause become the causes of other effects, and thus everything, either permanent or temporary, is working as cause and effect
- Either you are born in a very big family or nation, or either you have got a very advanced academic education, at the time of death your work will be judged and you will get another body according to that work
- Electric energy sometimes working for cooling, sometimes working for heating. But to the engineer of electric energy, who is generating, for him there is no such distinction. But those who are using it, they are thinking it is hot, it is cool
- Envious persons cannot appreciate how wonderfully the Lord creates, maintains and annihilates the universe, but devotees of God can understand this perfectly well. Devotees can see how God is acting behind the wonderful workings of the material nature
- Equal vision to all living entities that the self, that active principle, is working in the fish, in the insect, within the tree, within the plant, within the animals, within the birds and within me. This is self-realization
- Even if I don't try, I will be supplied with whatever I am to achieve because of my past work and my particular type of body. Your real concern, therefore, should be to seek out the higher goal of human life
- Even if you do not know any practical work, simply you give your reception, aural reception, submissive aural reception, and understand that what is the nature of God, you'll be free from this material bondage
- Even in our present experience we can know that nothing is generated from inert matter, but inert matter can be generated from the living entity. For instance, by contact with the living entity, the material body develops into a working machine
- Even kings like Janaka and others attained the perfectional stage by performance of prescribed duties. Therefore, just for the sake of educating the people in general, you should perform your work. BG 3.20 - 1972
- Even President Kennedy in his procession had to submit to nature's law and change his body for another body. He could not say, "Oh, I am the President; I am Mr. Kennedy. I cannot do that." He was forced to do it. That is the way nature works
- Even Ramakrishna Mission. They are working for the last eighty years, and I have worked only for six years. And my result is eighty times more than them. They also acknowledge. Phalena pariciyate
- Even the demigods must return to earth to work like ordinary men when the results of their pious activities expire
- Even though the hand is working one way and the leg is working in another way, since the purpose is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, they are all one. This is not to be confused with the statement by the Mayavadi philosopher that "everything is one
- Even when someone kills someone else, it is to be understood that the person who was killed met the fruitive results of his own work and that the man who killed him acted as the agent of material nature
- Every endeavor is covered by some sort of fault, just as fire is covered by smoke. Therefore one should not give up the work which is born of his nature, O son of Kunti, even if such work is full of fault. BG 18.48 - 1972
- Every one of us within this world is perpetually engaged in some sort of service, and the impetus for such service is the pleasure we derive from it. Driven by affection for his wife and children, a family man works day and night
- Every one of us, because we have got different types of body according to my desire, we are acting differently. So if we come back again to the spiritual platform, then we will not work differently. We shall work concomitantly
- Every work which you are doing, good or bad, we have to suffer or enjoy the reaction of our work. And so long we have to suffer or enjoy the reaction of our work, as long as we shall go on like this, so long we have to accept this material body
- Everybody is suffering for want of God consciousness, or Krsna consciousness. Therefore it is the greatest humanitarian work, welfare activities, is to distribute this Krsna consciousness. So it was the duty of the Indians
- Everyone acts in this world to maintain his family and their paraphernalia, but no one is working without some self-interest, some personal gratification, be it concentrated or extended. BG 1972 purports
- Everyone busy, but when one is busy in such a work that leads to devotional service of the Lord, that busyness, that occupation, is the supermost. That occupation is the supermost
- Everyone comes in his own ability according to karma. Nobody is responsible for his birth. Everyone is responsible for his work
- Everyone engages in work with his hands, legs and other senses just to achieve a certain goal according to his concocted ideas
- Everyone has to work for maintenance of his body and soul together, & Krsna recommends herein (BG 9.27) that one should work for Him. Everyone has to eat something to live; therefore he should accept the remnants of foodstuffs offered to Krsna. BG 1972 p
- Everyone in this material world is working like a madman under certain impressions falsely acquired in the material condition
- Everyone is actually a servant, not an enemy or friend, and everyone is working under different directions from the Lord, who directs each living entity according to his mentality
- Everyone is by nature inclined to some sort of work, and when that work leads one to religious life and religious life leads one to renunciation and renunciation leads one to devotional service, one attains the perfection of work
- Everyone is eligible to become Krsna’s devotee. One simply has to be trained according to the approved process. It is the work of Krsna’s confidential devotees to turn everyone into a Krsna bhakta
- Everyone is trying to be happy by his work. A man, ordinary worker, he is also trying to be happy by working, and a great capitalist, he is also trying to be happy by work. But Bhagavad-gita says that they are trying to be happy in what sense?
- Everyone is under the impression that he is of this material world, and with this concept of life everyone is working in ignorance in different forms of life. The activities of the particular type of body are called karma, or fruitive action
- Everyone is working and expecting some result. One may ask what is the purpose of working if no result is expected
- Everyone is working for his personal benefit, - How much money I shall get? How much name and fame and reputation I shall get?
- Everyone is working in the material world due to lust (kama), but the wise man is free from the dictations of this lust (kama-sankalpa-varjitah). How is this possible
- Everyone is working in this material world for some salary or for some remuneration, but if one works as a matter of duty . . . anasritah karma-phalam karyam. Karyam means "It must be done." In such a way if somebody acts, then he is sannyasi
- Everyone is working to get some money, and money means to satisfy my senses, my demands of the senses. This is called karma
- Everyone is working to get some result. That is called fruitive activities. So a pure devotee has no such desires
- Everyone is working under some impure consciousness, just like nationalism: "I am American," "I am Indian," "I am Englishman," "I am German." This desire is polluted, because I am spirit soul, part and parcel of Krsna
- Everyone is working, daridra-narayana seva or this community seva, the country seva, nationally seva, this seva, that seva ... Nobody is for Krsna seva. Nobody will be happy, sir. Go on with your so-called seva. It will never be successful
- Everyone must be engaged in his particular duty, but the perfection of such work should be tested by how far the Lord is satisfied with such activities
- Everyone shall help to spiritualize all the activities of the world. By such activities, both the performer and the work performed become surcharged with spirituality and transcend the modes of nature
- Everyone should act yajna. Yajna means work to satisfy the Supreme Lord. That is called yajna. If we do not do that, then we shall be obliged
- Everyone should be engaged according to the particular mode of nature he has acquired, and he should decide to work only to serve the supreme cause of the Supreme Lord
- Everyone works according to the inspiration given by the Supersoul. Because everyone has a different goal of life, everyone acts differently, as guided by the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Everyone works under the influence of various modes of material nature, and when the various modes are prominent, the demigods or demons appear victorious under the influence of these modes
- Everyone, according to his quality and position, has a particular type of work to discharge, and all such duties may be discharged in Krsna consciousness. That will lead one to the path of liberation. BG 1972 purports
- Everyone, including the demigods headed by Lord Brahma, is working under His control, just as a bull, prompted by a rope in its nose, is controlled by its owner
- Everything depends on your present karma, work - how you are making up your next life. But these rascals, they do not know there is a next life, and they are doctor of philosophy
- Everything in existence works in proper order because of Lord Visnu. Andantara-stha-paramanu-cayantara-stham. Even paramanu, the small atoms, work because of Lord Visnu's presence within them
- Everything is done automatically by the laws of nature, which work under the direction of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Everything is done under the superintendence of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The process by which the results of action are ordained is called niyatam, always working
- Everything is perfectly being done by nature. Nature is appointed by Krsna. Krsna says in the Bhagavad-gita, mayadhyaksena prakrtih suyate sa-caracaram: "Under My control." So prakrti will work very nicely provided you are also nice, Krsna conscious
- Everything, complete arrangement by Krsna. We have to little work. Sarira-yatrapi ca te na prasiddhyed akarmanah (BG 3.8). If you sit idly, then you'll starve. Otherwise everything is there
- Everywhere this law of relativity is working. You do not think, because you cannot stand in the midst of the water of the ocean, therefore nobody can stand. That is nonsense
- Factually all of material existence is only a dream. Thus there is no question of past, present or future. Persons who are addicted to karma-kanda-vicara, which means "working for future happiness through fruitive activities," are also dreaming
- Factually Lord Brahma does not create the living entities. In the beginning of the creation he is empowered to give different bodily shapes to the living entities according to their work during the last millennium
- False egoism carries one from one species of life into another perpetually, and there is no rest in any species of life. The jnani understands this fact and therefore ceases to work and takes to karma-sannyasa
- Farming, cattle raising and business are the qualities of work for the vaisyas, and for the sudras there is labor and service to others. BG 18.44 - 1972
- Fever subsides, that's all right. Fever has subsided. But healthy life is when he will work as a healthy man. Simply saying: "No, no more fever," no more fever, lying down on the bed, is the nirvana stage
- First thing is, why you are working? What is the purpose of working?
- Following such conclusions, the demoniac, who are lost to themselves and who have no intelligence, engage in unbeneficial, horrible works meant to destroy the world. BG 16.9 - 1972
- Foolish materialists, in the garb of leaders of the people in general, stick to family affairs without attempting to cut off relations with them, and thus they become victims of nature's law and get gross bodies again, according to their work
- Foolish people say that the creative energy is independent and acts automatically, as electrical energy works
- For a while, he (the living entity) is a child, but he has to become a boy. From a boy, he has to change into a youth, and from youth to manhood and old age. Finally, when the body is no longer workable, he has to accept a new body in a different species
- For all our activities there are witnesses; therefore it is said in the scriptures that the living entities are under superior supervision and that they are rewarded and punished according to their work
- For any ordinary man, how this tape recorder is working? There is a process. But because we have no brain, we think, - How it has become? One who does not know, it is complex. One who is in knowledge, for him it is not complex
- For example, in the office everyone is working under the direction of the manager; therefore they have no responsibility. They have only to discharge their duties. Either pious or impious duties - never mind
- For example, one can observe the personal artistic work in a painting of a flower, and one can understand that the color adjustment, the shape and so on have demanded the minute attention of an artist
- For Krsna, we are working day and night. The karmis are also working day and night, but they are not happy. We are happy
- For one who is a neophyte in the eightfold yoga system, work is said to be the means; and for one who has already attained to yoga, cessation of all material activities is said to be the means. BG 6.3 - 1972
- For one who is a neophyte in the eightfold yoga system, work is said to be the means; and for one who is already elevated in yoga, cessation of all material activities is said to be the means
- For one whose mind is unbridled, - Krsna further says, "self-realization is difficult work." - Bg. 6.36
- For one whose mind is unbridled, self-realization is difficult work. But he whose mind is controlled and who strives by appropriate means is assured of success. That is My (Krsna) opinion
- For one whose mind is unbridled, self-realization is difficult work. But he whose mind is controlled and who strives by appropriate means is assured of success. That is My opinion
- For one whose mind is unbridled, self-realization is difficult work. But he whose mind is controlled and who strives by right means is assured of success. That is My opinion. BG 6.36 - 1972
- For ordinary work, if you do good work, then you have to take good result. And if you do bad work, or sinful work, then if you have, you have to take the effect of such bad and sinful work
- For providing myself, my body and soul together, I have to, work so much. But Krsna, He is providing millions and trillions of living entities without any endeavor
- For the comforts of life, the so-called comforts of life I shall be able to enjoy, I am forced to work day and night. And I am thinking I am happy. This is called maya
- For them (conditioned living entities), this material world, the external energy: "All right, you do whatever you like." But still, there is canvassing work
- For those who think that He has no form and no work to do, Krsna comes to show that indeed He works. He works so gloriously that no one else can perform such uncommon acts
- For upkeep of the society, human society, there must be intelligent class of men, there must be administrator class of men, there must be productive class of men and there must be worker class of men
- Forcible restraint by regulative family planning or similar artificial means cannot work very long; one must be attracted by the Transcendence
- Foreseeing the degraded condition of Kali-yuga, Lord Krsna hardly discusses varnasrama religion in the Bhagavad-gita and instead stresses the performance of work as sacrifice
- Formerly I (Rupa Gosvami) wrote the two dramas as one composition. Now I shall divide it and describe the incidents in two separate works
- Formerly there was no industry - people generally depended on agricultural work - therefore the mercantile community, they used to produce food grains and distribute them, and protection of cow was their duty
- Formerly, a man used to work on his field, a few steps from his house. Now we have created facility of transport; therefore we have to go to work three hundred miles away from home
- From Mayapur I may go to Haridasapur and begin work immediately. Our architect has been ordered to make a design plan. The boundary wall you can begin immediately
- From that brahma-bhuta status, we have to work, for work is recommended here. So long as we have this material body, we have to work. We cannot stop working; it is not possible
- From the highest executive in his skyscraper office down to the coolie in the street - all are working with the thought of accumulating wealth, legally or illegally
- From the history of Parasurama we can understand that although Parasurama belonged to the brahminical group, he circumstantially had to work as a ksatriya
- From the very day on which Brahma stole the calves and boys, yogamaya acted in such a way that the residents of Vrndavana, including even Lord Balarama, could not understand how yogamaya was working and causing such uncommon things to happen
- From this verse (SB 5.4.13) we have good information of how the castes are qualified according to quality and work
- From Vyasadeva, I (Sukadeva Gosvami) was born, and from him I studied this great work of literature, Srimad-Bhagavatam
- Garuda at once asked the ocean to return her eggs lest he himself take up the work of the sparrow (drying up the ocean). The ocean was frightened at this, and returned the eggs. Thus the sparrow became happy by the grace of Garuda. BG 1972 purports
- Garuda was very pleased by the determination of the small sparrow, and he promised to help. Thus Garuda at once asked the ocean to return her eggs lest he himself take up the work of the sparrow. BG 1972 purports
- Garuda works as the carrier of the Lord; therefore he is considered the transcendental prince of all carriers. With his two wings Garuda began to vibrate the Sama Veda, which is chanted by great sages to pacify the Lord
- Generally they take it that, "Why I am working for my family? If I work for my community, or if I work for my society . . ." Extended. So the quality does not change
- Generally this (to accept God is great & surrender to Him) is not our position in the material world. We are characteristically envious and consequently think, - Oh, why should I surrender unto God? I am independent. I shall work independently
- Genuine devotees of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu must take pride in the spread of the Krsna consciousness movement instead of viciously criticizing its propaganda work
- Go ahead with your translation work. This is very important and work together with Yasomatinandana. We want very much to publish Hindi publications and distribute throughout India
- God is attainable only through devotional activities. We can get rid of the results of our work only by the intelligent process of work with transcendental results
- God is supreme. Law of gravitation did not work when Krsna lifted the Govardhana Hill
- God is witness. He is along with us always. Whatever we are desiring, whatever we are working, He is witness and He is giving the result
- God says that, "I am the enjoyer of everything." We are acting in this material world to enjoy something. We are working day and night to get some fruit of our labor and enjoy it
- God's arrangement is so nice that everyone has got his particular body according to his work. It is so nice arrangement. You see. You'll find millions of persons, and everyone you'll find different from the other. You won't find two similar persons
- Good qualities can be attained automatically when you work on spiritual platform. But if you work on material platform, means the gross body and the mind, then good qualities cannot be attained
- Gopinatha Acarya continued, "One can understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead only by His mercy, not by guesswork or hypothesis"
- Govinda can impregnate simply by glancing. In other words, His eyes can work as His genitals. He does not need genitals to beget a child. Indeed, Krsna can beget any one of the living entities with any part of His body
- Gradually, we are coming to very dangerous, I mean to say, pattern of living condition with the age, with the advancement of this age of Kali. And it is said that for earning our bread we have to work like an ass in this Kali-yuga
- Gravitation works on condition. It is not final. Under certain condition it works
- Greatest relief work for all human society
- Guna means quality, and karma means work. One must be qualified for the work, and he must actually work
- Gunesu, or maya consciousness, involves attachment to the three material modes of nature, under which one works sometimes in goodness and knowledge, sometimes in passion and sometimes in ignorance
- Harikesa Prabhu has been working in that connection also. He has shown me some film script which appears nice, so if conjointly you are able to do something for Krsna in this way, that will please me very much
- Harikesa was doing nice preaching work and recently he has received one letter from Sucandra. Both of them can work there very nicely
- Having the opportunity to use his one thousand arms, he rushed toward Krsna, simultaneously working five hundred bows and two thousand arrows. Such a foolish person could never measure Krsna's strength
- He (a big man) simply pushes one button, and everything, agreement and everything, comes immediately signed. So because his management is so perfect, his business is so perfect that so many men are working in his office
- He (a common man) has to take shelter of a bona fide spiritual master and work under his direction faithfully and sincerely; then he becomes perfect, without a doubt
- He (a person acting in Krsna consciousness) is intelligent in human society, even though he is engaged in all sorts of activities for Krsna. Akarma means without reaction to work. BG 1972 purports
- He (a person) may sleep at night and perform his duties in the daytime, but as long as he does not come to the platform of working in spiritual enlightenment he is considered to be always sleeping
- He (a too much materially attached person) is very happy if his work is successful and very much distressed when his work is not successful. Such is a man in the mode of passion. BG 1972 purports
- He (Arjuna) thinks that sannyasa, or renunciation in knowledge, should be altogether free from all kinds of activity, because work and renunciation appear to him to be incompatible
- He (Arjuna) thinks that sannyasam, or renunciation in knowledge, should be altogether free from all kinds of activity because work and renunciation appear to him to be incompatible. BG 1972 purports
- He (Asvatthama) manufactured this deadly weapon. It is material. Still, it is so deadly weapon, brahmastra. He was not working in a laboratory, finding out so many chemicals to make an atomic nuclear weapon. Simply water
- He (Bhrgu) explained how the air in the stomach works and regulates the intestines. As a great philosopher, he logically established the eternity of the living entity. He was a great anthropologist the theory of evolution was long ago explained by him
- He (God) Himself also instructs in His speeches of Bhagavad-gita. This propaganda work goes on side by side with the creation to convince the misguided living entities who are rotting in this material world to come back to Him and surrender unto Him
- He (Krsna) appears not to have understood that work in full knowledge is nonreactive and is therefore the same as inaction. He inquires, therefore, whether he should cease work altogether, or work with full knowledge. BG 1972 purports
- He (Krsna) comes by His internal potency, and He does not take help from anyone. He possesses a variety of energies, all of which work correctly and perfectly - parasya saktir vividhaiva sruyate svabhaviki jnana-bala-kriya ca
- He (Krsna) descends on the material world to reclaim His devotees and to annihilate the disturbing elements in groups of political parties and kings who are supposed to be in charge of administration work
- He (Krsna) does not appear under the control of the material potency. The material potency is under His control. In the Bhagavad-gita it is stated that the material potency is working under His superintendence
- He (Krsna) is very much pleased with the devotee. Therefore, His supplies are very immediate; and the demonic supply, that will depend on his work, karma. It will depend on the karma
- He (Krsna) never said that "Simply fight" or "Simply chant," because in the material world that is not possible. Therefore chanting must be there, but at the same time, you have to work how to continue this movement
- He (Narada Muni) also explained how by execution of pure transcendental service one can get rid of the fruitive action of accumulated work and how he transformed his material body into a spiritual one
- He (Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu) asks all Indians to take up His mission: One who has taken his birth as a human being in the land of India (Bharata-varsa) should make his life successful and work for the benefit of all other people - CC Adi 9.41
- He (Srila Jiva Gosvami) has composed this text (of CC Adi 3.81), which is, in effect, an explanation of the Bhagavatam verse, as the second verse of the same work
- He (technician) comes out and does his work; and we do not notice, because he knows the technique. So, one must know how to connect with Krsna
- He (the jnani) also knows that there are three aspects that complicate all material gain - one wants profit from his work, one wants adoration from others because of his riches, and one wants fame because of his wealth
- He (the jnani) knows that all of these (riches and wealth) apply but to the body and that when the body is finished, they also go. When the body dies, one is no longer a rich man but a spirit soul, and according to his work, he has to enter another body
- He (the living entity) does not know that after death he will be thrown into the hands of a very strong material nature that will force him to accept a certain type of body according to his present work. This body may not even be a human body
- He (the living entity) is endowed with inconceivable minute energy that works inconceivably within the body. However, the living entity, forgetting his position, is situated in material energy
- He (the Supreme personality of Godhead) acts just like the supreme emperor, and many thousands of kings and chiefs work under Him
- He (the Supreme Personality of Godhead) is called sarvadhyaksa because everything in the material world works under His supervision. This is confirmed in Bhagavad-gita - BG 9.10
- He (the svami or gosvami) must be master of his senses. This is possible when one does not desire any material sense gratification. If, by chance, the senses want to work independently, he must control them
- He (the transcendentalist work) never views any activity as an object of enjoyment or renunciation on his own account
- He does not know that this (valuable things left on road for repairing road or electrical work) is all government property. He takes it away. That is stealing. And when he is caught, he is arrested, and he is punished
- He executes the orders of Lord Krsna in the work of creation, and in the form of Lord Sesa He serves Krsna in various ways
- He hasn't got to work. Because people are very much perplexed how to get shelter, how to get food. But he has got the chance. He hasn't got to endeavor for food and shelter and other necessities of the body
- He Himself helps in the pastimes of Lord Krsna, and He does the work of creation in four other forms
- He is actually learned who has attained to perfection of knowledge. Development of this knowledge of the eternal servitorship of the Lord is compared to fire. Such a fire, once kindled, can burn up all kinds of reactions to work. BG 1972 purports
- He is my old friend and Godbrother, and so you should offer him all due respects whenever he comes, but do not try to engage him in some work in his old age
- He is not happy, he is distressed (by being forced to work), but he is thinking, "I am happy." This is called maya. So this knowledge is required that, - Why I am forced?
- He may be an Indian or American, Hindu, Muslim or Christian, man, woman, brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, sudra or whatever - in any case he is meant to do some sort of work, and that work is his occupational duty
- He says especially to people born in India (CC Adi 9.41) - Anyone who has taken his birth as a human being in India, Bharatavarsa, should make his life successful and work for the upliftment of the whole world
- He thus remains steadfast and never works to achieve another material body under the influence of the three modes of material nature
- He was respectful to everyone and worked for the benefit of all. Diplomacy, envy and jealousy were unknown to his heart
- He who is temperate in his habits of eating, sleeping, recreation and work can mitigate all material pains by practicing the yoga system
- He who is temperate in his habits of eating, sleeping, working and recreation can mitigate all material pains by practicing the yoga system. BG 6.17 - 1972
- He works very hard day and night exactly like a merchant who enters a forest to acquire some articles to sell later for profit. However, he cannot really achieve happiness within this material world
- He's (Karl Marx) thinking that the capitalist, they are satisfying only their senses in luxuriously, why not the laborers who are actually working. That is his philosophy
- He's eating sumptuously, and by working, by pulling on the thela, hard labor, whole thing is digested and again goes in the evening he eats very sumptuously, he is very pleased. That is his success of life
- Here (SB 4.25.11) the words vimana iva are very significant. In this material world even the great King of heaven is also full of anxiety. If even Lord Brahma is full of anxiety, what of these ordinary living entities who are working within this planet
- Here everything is duality, relative knowledge, relative world, but in the absolute world everything is one, spirit. Because here we have got experience two energies, spiritual energy and material energy, working
- Here I see the Europeans, they are working as the ksatriyas, government, and the Indians they are working as vaisya, and the Africans, they are as sudras. But where is brahmana? There is no brahmana; therefore it is not good
- Here if we enjoy in the hotel some dancing, and next morning I'll have to go into the garbage for bringing money for that dancing. I'll work, go underground to dig out garbage. It is not like that, that Krsna has to go next morning to garbage
- Here is a machine working, and pushing some button it is recording, and pushing some button it is stopped. A child may think that it is being done automatically. No. There is a big brain behind this machine
- Here it is clearly mentioned that the inhabitants of Vrndavana were extensively busy in the hard labor of their day's work, and due to the day's hard labor they were engaged in sound sleep at night
- Heroism, power, determination, resourcefulness, courage in battle, generosity and leadership are the natural qualities of work for the ksatriyas
- Heroism, power, determination, resourcefulness, courage in battle, generosity, and leadership are the qualities of work for the ksatriyas. BG 18.43 - 1972
- His (Absolute Personality of Godhead) energies are multi, multifarious, various kinds of energy. - And the energies are working so nicely as if, natural gift, knowledge, art, sva bala-kriya, and strength
- His (Krsna's) different potencies work in a perfect plan of natural sequence, and doing everything by the agency of His different potencies, He remains eternally the supreme independent
- His (Krsna's) energy is displayed in different ways, as electrical energy works in manifold capacities
- His (Krsna's) energy is so fine and nice that automatically it appears that the color has come, the painting has come, but there is working, very fine work
- His (Narayana's) work is manifested in terms of the nature of the three modes, his form and bodily features are designed according to his work, and his name is designated according to his bodily features
- His plenary parts and associates perform the work of weapons as their own specific duties. Please hear from me another meaning of the word "anga."
- Hog means he can eat any nonsense thing, whole day working, if he gets sex. Never mind whether mother, sister or daughter or any. You see the hog's family. They are very much sexually inclined, without any discrimination, and eating stool
- Honest businessman, he works, he works according to the law. He does not play any blackmailing, and he pays the proper income tax to the government and the other taxes. He does nicely. This is called work, karma
- Householders who perform their work with a view to transcendental results, out of sympathy for all others, are really eligible to become public leaders. All others who claim to be public leaders are mistaken
- How do you think that the nature machine is working without the supreme operator? God's instruction. How do you think it? This is not very reasonable. We have to judge. There are different evidences. One of the evidence is hypothesis
- How is she (Prakrti) working? Just like a shadow. Below our hand is its shadow, and as our hand moves, the shadow moves. Behind all manifestations there is motion. I have sometimes given the example of the shunting of the big cars in a railway line
- How is the energy diverted? How, by different manipulations, is the energy working differently? For instance, electrical energy. By different handling it is operating the heats and it is operating the refrigerator
- How long should we do it (engage ourselves in Krsna's service)? As long as this body keeps working. We do not know when it will stop functioning. The great saint Pariksit Maharaja got seven days notice: Your body will fall in a week
- How the external energy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead works within this material world is explained in this verse. Everything is happening by the energy of the Supreme Lord
- How the material force is working cannot be explained just on the basis of chemical reaction. A suitable example in this connection is that of the potter and the potter's wheel
- How this gigantic material manifestation can work independently? They have no sense. Therefore they say, "There is no pilot. It is moving automatically." This is asuric conclusion
- How we shall exist - what kind of body, either demigod's body or dog's body or tree's body or fish's body - that will depend on my work. Or we go back to home, back to Godhead, Krsna, we get the spiritual body like Krsna. Everything is possible
- Human life is meant for plain living and high thinking. Since all conditioned living beings are under the control of the Lord's third energy, this material world is designed so that one is obliged to work
- Human society is working, living comfortably and enjoying food due to the supply from the Supreme Lord. Otherwise, mankind could not survive. BG 1972 purports
- I (Brahma) adore the primeval Lord, Govinda, of whom the state of Sambhu is a similar transformation for the performance of the work of destruction - BS 5.45
- I (Prabhupada) have worked alone, now you are so many. Our scope is unlimited, resources unlimited, so we must be exceptionally enthusiastic and sober-minded and responsible for working in that spirit
- I (Prabhupada) think also that Gargamuni also should be supplied with another bride. Because karmis without association of woman, cannot work. So as he is going to be a karmi - not exactly karmi, karma-yogi, so if he likes, he can marry again
- I (Rupa Gosvami) have brought together in one work all the pastimes performed by Lord Krsna in Vrndavana and in Dvaraka. Now I shall have to divide them into two dramas
- I always say, man is good, and woman is also good, but when they combine, then they become bad. Before there was so much difficulty, but now you are doing well and Yamuna dasi is also doing well, and I am very pleased with your work
- I am already in negotiation with an American Federation and if proper work is done, such foreign federation will also help us
- I am glad to learn that your good wife is now days taking interest in Krishna Consciousness. Please offer her my blessings. I think a good and sincere husband's influence is working in her
- I am not exercising myself. I am an old man of seventy-two years. I was ill, I went back to India; but I want to work. Actually, I could retire from all these activities, but as far as I can, I want to work; I want to learn day and night
- I am so glad the press workers have become enlivened in their work. This is required if we at all wish to be a truly worldwide organization. Worldwide means worldwide distribution of literatures. That is the business of ISKCON Press
- I am so much pleased that you are carrying on our Krsna Consciousness program with such nice enthusiasm and devotion in St. Louis. I think St. Louis is an important city in your country, so you must do the large work of making the whole place KC
- I am so much thankful to you that you came to see our temple under construction in Vrindaban and supervised the work going on there. As you came all of a sudden, we could not make arrangement for your proper reception
- I am very glad and proud that you have so much appreciated the character, discipline and devotional service to the Lord of my six young disciples who are working there with faith and confidence
- I am very much anxious to have a center in Calcutta, so both those places are very suitable for our purpose. Now you have to decide which one we shall take and work for it immediately
- I am working as American, I am working as family man, I am working as this, that. These are all designations. When I shall work as eternal servant of Krsna, that is real mukti. That is Krsna consciousness
- I appear or any living entity appears in this material world. That is not under my control. As soon as I give up this body, I am fully under the control of nature. The nature will offer me a particular type of body according to my work
- I consider my hand as a part of my body. Now, it is moving in its own way. "As I want, let my hand be moved. Let my legs be moved. Let my eyes be opened and see." So, I am dictating, and these parts are working
- I have become very, very weak. No appetite. The brain is not working. Brain is working, but body is not allowing... Don't worry. Everyone will die, today or tomorrow. I am also old man. There is nothing to be regrettable
- I have got a different type of field, and I have to work on it and reap the result out of it and suffer pains and pleasure. That is already settled up
- I have got this nice typewriter by the Grace of the Lord and I am very much satisfied with it working
- I have instructed that these copies be displayed in our international literature display at our festival in March. Please continue with the nice work
- I have no ambition to become the proprietor of any temple or house in America because what shall I do with them after becoming a Sanyasi but for the facility of work our own house is absolutely required
- I have no objection if you can develop the Press by making outside profit with commercial work and investing, that is all right
- I have no objection if you make some profit on outside work. That is very nice. My only point is that we have got our press for printing our own literatures more and more. We should not miss this point
- I have to work, after all. Constitutionally, every living entity is a servant. He's serving, eternal servant of Krsna. If he does not serve Krsna, then he will have to become servant of maya. That's all
- I may say, "I have only killed a poor man. There was no need for him in society. Why should such a person live?" But will the state excuse me? Will the authorities say, "You have done very nice work"? No
- I may sit down conveniently in one place for the work of translation - if my young disciples take charge of traveling all over the world
- I pray only to engage in His service in the creation of the material world, and I pray that I not be materially affected by my works, for thus I may be able to give up the false prestige of being the creator
- I request you to come here for a week with the full manuscript so that I can see it personally, along with you, and finish the editorial work, within a week
- I shall be much pleased if you kindly introduce to me some good presses who can take up the work. To print my books in U.S.A. is five to ten times more expensive than in India. I therefore want to get the books printed in a first class press in India
- I speak of this hand as "my hand" because I can work with this hand and move it according to my desire. But I am not the controller of your hand. If I desire to move your hand, that is not in my power; that is in your power
- I think there is a great plan of Krishna that you should not get suitable service till now. It may be that you are required for preaching work 100%. So depend on Krishna, chant Hare Krishna, and everything will work out
- I think under your leadership every camp of our god brothers should supply a man good for this purpose and they must agree to work under my direction
- I want to begin work immediately on constructing a temple exactly like Jagannatha's temple in Puri. You can immediately begin to get estimates from contractors. It will be a very important temple
- I was born in an inferior family, and my body is most abominable. I always engage in low work. Therefore, I am the lowest, most condemned of men
- I was hearing that in Japan they are very much, the people have very much liking for working, but, by law, they are being prohibited, "Don't work." So this civilization has been created that they do not know anything more
- I would write, then publish, and then distribute without any help. So how much pleased I am with you that you are helping me in this mission. So you go on with your work. Krishna will help you
- I'm getting old and can not move, so if you all my students work 10 times more than me that will be great pleasure for me
- I'm very much anxious to begin printing here if Macmillan company does not take up the work. Please therefore let me know yes or no from Macmillan; if he is serious or not, then immediately send the manuscripts, finished or not
- I'm very much obliged to you that you write to say, "It is clear to me that you are great powerful Acarya in the Vaisnava world at present." Sometimes Sridhara Maharaja also says like that. So, actually if you are feeling like that let us work conjointly
- If a person is Krsna conscious, he can work like a young man even if he is seventy-five or eighty years old
- If a person who is working in the factory, if you stop sex, he cannot work. And when he's unable to enjoy sex life, then he takes intoxication. This is material life. So energy must be there. Here in the material world the energy is sex
- If all philanthropic and humanitarian activities were directed toward achieving the ultimate goal of life - to please the Supreme Personality of Godhead - they would all be perfect. Humanitarian work without Krsna is nothing
- If and only if we can establish our relationships with one another upon the central attraction of Sri Krsna, the prime cause of all causes, will we really turn the concepts of fraternity and equality into workable means of lasting peace
- If by chance he (nitya-baddha jiva) meets a saintly person who works on Krsna’s behalf to deliver conditioned souls, and if he agrees to abide by his order, he can gradually approach the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna
- If I (Lord Krsna) should cease to work, then all humanity would be misdirected. I would also be the cause of creating unwanted population, and I would thereby destroy the peace of all sentient beings
- If I am not this body, then why should I act for this body? I should act for myself. Then, how can I work for myself? What is my position? I am consciousness. But what kind of? Subordinate consciousness - I am part of the supreme consciousness
- If karma-yoga, or work with transcendental results, is systematically performed, we shall transcend & more than fulfill all fragmented endeavors - by the laborites toward a mundane heaven wherein laborers surpass capitalists in the acquisition of wealth
- If karma-yoga, or work with transcendental results, is systematically performed, we shall transcend and more than fulfill all fragmented endeavors
- If karma-yoga, or work with transcendental results, is systematically performed, we shall transcend and more than fulfill all fragmented endeavors - whether by the socialists toward equality, by the Bolsheviks toward a grand social order of fraternity
- If Krsna has nothing to do, then - I am also part and parcel - I will also have nothing to do. Everything will be there, present. But that is our real constitutional position. We don't require to work
- If moving the press to New York is convenient, I have no objection. You must have all facility of work—that I want
- If one executes his duties as a perfect ksatriya, vaisya, sudra or whatever, Visnu will be pleased. The purpose of work is to please Visnu. Unfortunately, people have forgotten this
- If one has not the taste what is Krsna consciousness, simply accept sannyasa, then he will do all this nonsense work
- If one is a little literate and can read Bhagavad-gita As It Is and Srimad-Bhagavatam, that is so much the better. These works are now available in an English translation and are done very authoritatively to appeal to all classes of men
- If one is absent-minded, he cannot work nicely because mind is absent or not in order. Therefore our method of controlling the senses is to engage the senses in the service of the Lord
- If one is under this consciousness that "I am eternal. Why I am changing body? How to solve it?" that is intelligence. And not to work like cats and dogs and die. That is not intelligence
- If one performs activities for the satisfaction of the Supreme Personality, the yajna-purusa, his work does not produce reactions, whereas karmis, who act for themselves, are bound by the reactions of their work
- If one prefers to give up the work of a ksatriya and take up the occupation of a brahmana, he is not assured that in the occupation of a brahmana there are no unpleasant duties. BG 1972 purports
- If one works according to the varnasrama-dharma system and does not desire fruitive results, he gets satisfaction gradually
- If one works for the sake of pleasing the Supreme Lord - Yajna, or Visnu - one is in liberated life. If one fails to do so he remains in a life of bondage
- If one works in this way (not expecting results of his activities), then he is actually a sannyasi; he is in the renounced order of life
- If one works piously one may be elevated to the higher planetary systems or achieve liberation and return home, back to Godhead, but otherwise one may be degraded to a life as a dog, a hog and so on
- If one's mind is distorted, then the indriyas cannot work. That is madman. You try to cure the mental disease just to bring him in proper position to control the senses. Otherwise, he does not know how to control the senses
- If people are advised not to collect too many goods, eat too much or work unnecessarily to possess artificial amenities, they think they are being advised to return to a primitive way of life
- If somebody criticizes, "Oh, Caitanya Mahaprabhu walked on leg and you are travelling in the jet plane?" Shall I have to take that ideal? These are rascaldom. When you have to work, you have to work with the greatest facility
- If the creator took my advice, he would give millions of eyes to the person who intends to see Sri Krsna's face. If the creator will accept this advice, then I would say that he is competent in his work
- If the devotees can learn to tolerate, as you say they are determined, and can stay and work there that is very good. And I give all encouragement to them
- If the directors of the different material elements do not work properly, they are punished by their master, Krsna
- If the head is not there and leg is utilized for jumping, that is monkey's business. The leg must work according to the dictation of the head
- If the members of human society do not understand Him, the Supreme, through their advancement in knowledge and activities, but simply work very hard like cats and dogs all day & night for temporary happiness, what will be the benefit of their activities?
- If there is no brain, there is no head. If the brain is not working properly, then he's a madman. And if there is no head at all, then he's a dead man. So do you think in a dead society or in a mad society there can be any peace?
- If there is no Krsna consciousness, any kind of activity, be it philanthropic, political or social, simply causes karma-bandhana, bondage to material work
- If varna is not there, then this is a society of animal. And when the varna is working perfectly, then we give them asrama. Varnasrama. That is later on
- If we acquire the qualities of a brahmana and work as a brahmana, we become a brahmana. If we act as a dog and do the work of a dog, we become a dog. Nor should one think that simply because one is born as a brahmana, one is automatically a brahmana
- If we act virtuously, then we shall get good result. So what is the use of worshiping God? Let us work virtuously
- If we are engaged in real business, then how the economic question will be solved? We have to work. That's all right, you work. But work simple
- If we at all want our activities to he auspicious, then we should work under the directions of the Supreme Lord. Such directions are given in authoritative scriptures such as Srimad-Bhagavatam & BG, or from a bona fide spiritual master. BG 1972 purports
- If we can present unified form of Krishna Consciousness - one God, Krishna; one scripture, Bhagavad-gita; one mantra, Hare Krishna; and one work, His service, then certainly we shall get very good encouragement from Indians also
- If we create such civilization like cats and dogs and hogs, then Krsna will give us the chance to work day and night simply for eating, sleeping, mating and defending. That is the position now. We wanted it
- If we do impious work, we may have to take birth in a low class or animal family, or become illiterate or foolish, or very ugly. Although we engage in very pious work & take a good birth, we will still be subject to the stringent laws of action & reaction
- If we do not act in Krsna consciousness we shall be entangled, like silkworms in cocoons. The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, appears in order to teach us how to work so that we will not be entangled in this material world
- If we do not perform our duties in this manner, for the satisfaction of Visnu, then certainly all and any work done by us will produce nothing but poisonous material results, and ultimately there will be disaster in the world
- If we do not work according to the rules and regulation of nature, then we have to accept another body, and we do not know what kind of body you are going to accept. But it will be a gift by nature. Prakrteh kriyamanani
- If we go further toward a hill, we shall find that there is something distinct - a hill. And if we go all the way to the hill itself, we shall find many people working there, many houses, streets, cars, and so many varied things
- If we have got a press in our control with full equipment it will be a great boon. If such manipulation is not possible, then I wish to start a nice press in our Indian branch and get all our books and printing work done there
- If we have got our own press, we can earn some money by outside work when there is on pressure of our own work. So this is very important subject matter and keep me informed about the advancement of the idea
- If we place our hand before a light, we can see its shadow move on a wall. Similarly, material nature is working due to the touch of spirit soul
- If we think that because Krsna acts in a particular way - as on the battlefield He gave instructions to Arjuna to fight - He is bound by the reactions of His activities, we are mistaken. "Works do not defile Me," Sri Krsna says - na mam karmani limpanti
- If wife is there, then some money must be coming, that means work, land or factory, children, home, friends, community, nation, like that there is increasing complication of illusion of thinking: This is mine, that is mine
- If you acquire the qualification of a brahmana and if you work as a brahmana, then you are accepted as a brahmana. Similarly ksatriya, similarly vaisya. This is the authoritative statement of Narada. Yasya hi yad laksanam - SB 7.11.35
- If you act very piously, in the mode of goodness, then you are promoted to the higher planetary system. And if you do not work in the modes of goodness - in the modes of passion - then you remain in this planet and become changed into so many bodies
- If you add little apples and fruits, oh, it is heavenly. Your whole day free from any food anxiety, and you can work. You can chant Hare Krsna. Make this ideal life here
- If you agree then take it for granted that I am one of the worker of the Sri Mayapur Chaitanya Matha. I have no ambition for becoming the proprietor of any Matha but I want working facilities. I am working day and night for my Bhagwatam publication
- If you are a ksatriya, you have to work in that way. But don't stop working. Krsna says that, - A man cannot even maintain his physical body without work
- If you are administrative class, then you must take to the politics or election, be elected the mayor, be elected the president or something like that, and work in that way
- If you are family man you have to work for maintaining your family, therefore you have to enjoy the fruits of your work. So this is possible only for a person who has completely dedicated for service of the Lord
- If you are intelligent class, then you have to take to intelligent quality of work, just like you must become a scientist, you must become politician, not politician, philosopher. You must be a religionist or so many intelligent class of work
- If you are not engaged in good work, then you must act badly. That is natural. You have to work. Therefore idle brain is devil's workshop. If you are sitting idly, then brain also will work, mind also will work
- If you are so abominable that you do not work as a human being and just like animal, then you go to the hellish condition. This is nature's law
- If you are unable to work under the direction of Hrdayananda Gosvami, then you must work under my direction, but you are not independent
- If you are uselessly working, then you are monkey. Monkey is busy, but useless
- If you become conscious of Me, you will pass over all the obstacles of conditional life by My grace. If, however, you do not work in such consciousness but act through false ego, not hearing Me, you will be lost. BG 18.58 - 1972
- If you can pull on with the center without having to work outside, it is the best. If it is not possible, then the question of working outside arises
- If you can understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead, or the Absolute Truth, then sarvam evam vijnatam bhavati: you can understand everything, how it is working. Because everything is display of His energy
- If you do not work for pleasing Krsna, then that work will entangle you in the cycle of birth and death
- If you forget, you go down to the cats and dogs and ants and germs and so many things, become a worm of the stool. He will give you all facilities. This is called karma-cakra, cycle of work. As you desire, so God gives you facility
- If you go to a tailor's shop, so you have to pay for if you want a better garment. Similarly, what kind of body you will get, that will depend on your work
- If you have the qualities of a ksatriya and if you work as a ksatriya, then you are ksatriya. If you have the qualification of a mercantile man, businessman, and if you work as a businessman or cultivator, then you become vaisya. This is very scientific
- If you know something like swimming, then the law of gravitation will not work, and who knows better than Krishna how to do everything
- If you like you can go to the Pitrloka. If you want to remain here as human being, you can also remain here, but you have to work for it to keep your position, status
- If you send the typewriter to heaven, what does it mean? It is to be worked as typewriter. Does it mean because it has gone to heaven, the work has changed? No. The work will continue. Either in this hell or heaven, typewriter will kat-kat-kat-kat-kat
- If you study that history millions of years, what is that history and what you'll learn from that history? You learn history of the really great men, how they worked, how they ruled. That is a... You study history of Maharaja Yudhisthira
- If you think that "This body is required for acting, for working on behalf of the Supreme Lord; therefore I must keep the body fit to work" - that is not your identification with the body
- If you train them to work as a servant, they will work it. So in the gurukula they should live just to be trained up how to control the senses. Brahmacari. Brahmacari mean life of celibacy, no sex
- If you want to maintain peace and prosperity of the worldly social order, you must create a class of men very intelligent, a class of men very expert in administration, a class of men very expert in production and a class of men to work. That is required
- If you want to work, well, work day and night, but you work for Krsna. That is Krsna consciousness. If you don't work, if you are simply eating, if your father has got money and you are eating, oh, eat for Krsna
- If you work for maya, then you'll never be happy
- If you work in your factory, if you chant Hare Krsna, then what is the loss there? But you remain always in touch with Krsna, smartavyah satatam visnur
- If your philosophy accepted that everyone is authority, you cannot say: "Do your own work." Why should you say? Then you become authority. You should not speak at all
- Illusion cannot work on one who is awake in the devotional service of the Lord
- Immediately send the translation work to me in Bombay or you can read it yourself, compare with the original book and if possible re-write or copy and send it to me at the Bombay address
- In a big establishment, the energy, or the organization of the supreme boss, is working in every nook and corner of the business, but that does not mean the original proprietor is present there
- In a machine all the parts may be iron, but the machine includes varied activities. Although the whole machine is iron, one part works in one way, and other parts work in other ways
- In all living entities, one spirit soul is there, although they have different bodies in terms of their previous work. BG 1972 purports
- In Bhagavad-gita (3.8) it is said, sarira-yatrapi ca te na prasiddhyed akarmanah: "one cannot even maintain one's own body without work." Krsna never advised Arjuna, - I am your friend, and I shall do everything. You just sit down and smoke ganja
- In Bhagavad-gita (6.1), the PG says - One who performs his duty for duty's sake, without seeking the fruitive results of such work, is the true renunciant and mystic - not he who has discarded all his duties and relieved himself of his responsibilities
- In Bhagavad-gita (6.17) Krsna says: He who is temperate in his habits of eating, sleeping, working and recreation can mitigate all material pains by practicing the yoga system
- In Bhagavad-gita (BG 3.9) it is said, yajnarthat karmano 'nyatra loko 'yam karma-bandhanah: one should act or work only in order to please the Supreme Lord, otherwise one becomes entangled in the resultant reactions
- In Bhagavad-gita (BG 3.9) Lord Krsna advises, yajnarthat karmano 'nyatra loko 'yam karma-bandhanah: "Work done as a sacrifice for Visnu has to be performed, otherwise work binds one to this material world"
- In Bhagavad-gita (BG 6.1) it is also stated, anasritah karma-phalam karyam karma karoti yah, sa sannyasi ca yogi ca: one who works devotedly for the satisfaction of Krsna is a sannyasi. The dress is not sannyasa, but the attitude of service to Krsna is
- In Bhagavad-gita (BG 6.3) karma-yoga is recommended: "For one who is a neophyte in the yoga system, work is said to be the means; and for one who has already attained to yoga, cessation of all material activities is said to be the means"
- In Bhagavad-gita it is clearly stated that material nature does not work independently
- In Bhagavad-gita it is described that the Lord has divided the social system into four classifications of castes, or varnas, according to quality and work
- In Bhagavad-gita it is recommended that instead of keeping yourself lazy without working, better to steal. Better to steal
- In Bhagavad-gita it is said that one has to work to satisfy Yajna, or Visnu, for any work done without the purpose of satisfying the Supreme Personality of Godhead is a cause of bondage
- In Bhagavad-gita it is very simply stated (BG 2.22): You are covered by a dress, by a shirt. When this shirt is unuesable, you change it. Similarly, this body is just like a shirt and coat. When it is no longer workable, we have to change it
- In Bhagavad-gita Sri Krsna also says: "O son of Prtha, there is no work prescribed for Me within all the three planetary systems. Nor am I in want of anything, nor have I need to obtain anything - and yet I am engaged in work" - BG.3.22
- In Bhagavad-gita such activities (working in big factories) are described as ugra-karma, that is, distressful activities
- In Bhagavad-gita we find: (BG 9.10) the material world works under the direction of the goddess Durga, the material energy of the Lord, but she acts under the direction of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This is also confirmed in the Brahma-samhita
- In Bhagavad-gita, Sri Krsna says: "By following one's qualities of work, every man can become perfect" - BG 18.45 - BG 18.45-46
- In Bhagavad-gita, Sri Krsna, the Personality of Godhead, has elaborately discussed karma-yoga, work with transcendental results, to douse the fire of materialism and brighten the future of humankind
- In Bombay there are so many karmis, working very, very hard. If you want to see him, "No, sir, no, I have no time." What you are doing? "Working." What are you eating? "Four capatis. That's all." Why four capatis you are working so hard?
- In Brahma-samhita (5.44) it is said that material nature is so powerful that it can create, maintain and destroy in itself: Srsti-sthiti-pralaya-sadhana-saktir eka. However, material nature is working just like a shadow
- In Brahma-samhita it is stated that the workings of the supremely powerful superintendent, Durga, are but shadowy indications of the workings of the Supreme Lord
- In childhood we had small bodies which now no longer exist; therefore it can be said that we have changed our bodies. Similarly, because of the nature of material things, we have to change this body when it ceases to work
- In conditioned life, all work is contaminated by the material modes of nature. Even if one is a brahmana, he has to perform sacrifices in which animal killing is necessary. BG 1972 purports
- In contrast with the ordinary living entity, those who are transcendentalists are really learned. Such transcendentalists do not perform any work in the manner of the common mundaner
- In daiva-varnasrama there cannot be acknowledgement of social status according to birthright because in Bhagavad-gita it is said that the determining considerations are guna and karma, one's qualities and work
- In doing so (satisfying material desires), one becomes conditioned by the laws of material nature, and the material body is changed in terms of his own work
- In dream you are thinking your lover is there, you are embracing, and you get discharge, not that that you are not working and it is not, there is no result
- In either case, whether the soul is conditioned or liberated, the Lord is supreme. As stated in BG 9.10, mayadhyaksena prakrtih suyate sa-caracaram: it is by the order of the SPG that the material energy, mahamaya, works upon the conditioned soul
- In every field of life we enjoy the results of our work, or we suffer the results. This is called karma. BG 1972 Introduction
- In his (Marutta's) daily performances of the sacrificial ceremonies, some of the inhabitants of the Vayuloka (airy planets) were invited to expedite the cooking work of the ceremony. And the assembly of the demigods in the ceremony was led by Visvadeva
- In his own book, known as Narada Pancaratra, Bhagavan Narada has very vividly described how to work to achieve the ultimate goal of life - devotion - through knowledge and through execution of the mystic yoga system
- In India still, because they are not so materially advanced, even the poorest man has got some certain fixed-up place, his cottage, he has got his wife, he has got his child, and he works, whatever he can do
- In India the labor is cheaper extensively than in America. My idea is that if we are able to have a nice branch in India we can do the printing works nicely under your supervision
- In India we make life members simply from the high quality and appearance of our books with illustrations. Our society is unrivalled in this respect and this is your credit who are working so selflessly to illustrate my books
- In material conditional life, no works are completely purified. They are mixed. They are not in pure goodness
- In material conditional life, no works of material nature are completely purified. They are mixed. They are not in pure goodness. BG 1972 purports
- In order to dissipate the ignorance of the human beings who work under the material energy, which is separated from the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the Lord comes down to revive their original nature of spiritual activities
- In order to perceive the Supersoul within the individual soul, one has to cease the sensual activities of seeing, hearing, tasting, working, etc. Then one comes to understand that the Supreme Soul is present everywhere. BG 1972 purports
- In order to please his wife, children and society and to keep up his prestige, one has to work. Therefore, the whole material world is more or less in the mode of passion. BG 1972 purports
- In order to rectify this misgiving (I am independent. I shall work independently), we have to work for many births. In this regard, the name of Krsna is especially significant. Krs means "repetition of birth," and na means - one who checks
- In our London branch, already about six young English men have joined seriously, and although they are not officially initiated, they are exactly following my other initiated, American disciples who are now working there
- In previous ages, however, these (great saintly) kings were rsis - great learned scholars and devotees - and because they were not ordinary men the government which they headed worked very nicely
- In relation to Krsna there is no distinction between the energies, but for our understanding we discriminate and say that sometimes the energy is working in a material way and sometimes in a spiritual way
- In spite of being promoted to the moon one has to come back to this earth again when the merits of his works in sacrifice are finished. This is also confirmed in Bhagavad-gita (BG 9.21): te tam bhuktva svarga-lokam visalam ksine punye martya-lokam visanti
- In spite of performing apparently material activities, spiritualized persons are free from the bondage of work. This process is explained in the seventh verse of the fifth chapter of Bhagavad-gita
- In spite of so much bodily strength, the elephant works as a menial servant for a human being
- In Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 4.29.50) it is stated that that work which pleases the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the highest work, and that science or knowledge which places one in full Krsna consciousness is the highest knowledge
- In Srimad-Bhagavatam Lord Kapiladeva told His mother that the living entity gets a particular type of body in accordance with his work and that this body is decided upon by higher authorities
- In Stotra-ratna (46), Yamunacarya writes: "My Lord, those who keep themselves independent of Your service are helpless. They work on their own account, and they receive no support from superior authority"
- In the 4th Chapter (of BG), Krsna told Arjuna that all kinds of sacrificial work culminate in knowledge. However, at the end of the Fourth Chapter, the Lord advised Arjuna to wake up and fight, being situated in perfect knowledge. BG 1972 purports
- In the beginning, during the presence of Om Visnupada Paramahamsa Parivrajakacarya Astottara-sata Sri Srimad Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura Prabhupada, all the disciples worked in agreement; but just after his disappearance, they disagreed
- In the Bhagavad-gita (BG 9.27-28) the remedy is suggested that such actions and reactions of the path of work can be checked only when work is done on behalf of the Supreme Lord
- In the Bhagavad-gita also that is mentioned, and in the Srimad-Bhagavatam is also mentioned (that brahmacari, householder & retired - everyone has got specific duty). And one is to be understood what he is according to his quality and work, not by birth
- In the Bhagavad-gita it is stated that one can serve the Lord by offering the result of one's own work; it does not matter what one does. Generally men may say that whatever they are doing is inspired by God, but that is not all
- In the Bhagavad-gita, where Krsna states - Under My superintendence the whole material nature is working. All wonderful things that you see in this material world are due to My supervision, My supreme control
- In the Bhakti-Rasamrita-Sindhu it is enjoined by Srila Rupa Goswami that any work, either prescribed in the Vedas or ordinary mundane activities, if the target is to satisfy Krishna, then everything is devotional service
- In the Brahma-samhita it is said that beginning from the indra-gopa germ up to the great Indra, King of heaven, all living beings are subjected to the law of karma and are bound to suffer and enjoy the fruitive results of their own work
- In the Brahma-samhita it is stated that beginning with the microbe, which is called indragopa, up to Indra, the king of the heavenly planets, all are bound by karma, the reaction of work
- In the evening the report of the preaching work was submitted to the Lord, and He was glad to learn that Nityananda and Haridasa had attempted to deliver such a stupid pair of fellows
- In the first of these verses (CC Adi 1.53) the transcendental nature of Lord Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is explained. The second verse (CC Adi 1.54) further explains that the Lord is detached from the workings of the material energy, maya
- In the Gita it is clearly mentioned that material energy works fully under the direction of the Supreme Lord. It has no independant authority. BG 1972 purports
- In the human society, whether one is a laborer, merchant, warrior, administrator, or farmer, or even if one belongs to the highest class, a scientist or a theologian, he has to work in order to maintain his existence. BG 1972 Introduction
- In the impersonal conception of the Absolute Truth one works without fruitive result, meditates and cultivates knowledge to understand spirit and matter. This is necessary as long as one is not in the association of a pure devotee. BG 1972 purports
- In the life of a materialist, activity means working in lust and greed. However, when he comes to his senses, he wants to retire. According to Vedic civilization, such retirement is positively recommended, and this portion of life is called vanaprastha
- In the material stage we think that it is being controlled by the laws of material nature. That is also fact. But behind the laws of material nature there is Krsna. The material laws of material nature is not working blindly
- In the material world a servant works when money is paid, wages. A devotee is not like that. A devotee serves Krsna out of duty. That is God consciousness
- In the material world means for your maintenance you have to work. But that work is very simple. Grow some food grains and keep some cows, take the milk, and just prepare nice foodstuff and eat
- In the material world one has to work for the maintenance of the body and soul, but how can one perform such work in a way that is favorable for the execution of Krsna consciousness
- In the material world, after working for some time, we want an interval for rest. But if you are actually engaged in spiritual activities, you won't like to be rested. You want to continue always: work, work, work. Rest will be disgusting
- In the material world, if one is working as manager and the other is working as menial servant there is difference of pay or difference of service. No. In the spiritual world there is no such thing
- In the material world, in the bodily concept of life, everyone is working in the wrong direction
- In the material world, there are three qualities: the quality of goodness, the quality of passion, and the quality of ignorance. And either human being or animal or demigods or American or Indian, everywhere these qualities are working
- In the material world, this (God's) potency, working as mahamaya, acts upon the conditioned souls to deprive them more and more of devotional service
- In the material world, we do a little work and become exhausted. 24 hours we should be engaged in some service to our capacity. That is real spiritual life
- In the meantime you devote your attention for first-class editorial work, and try to manage things there how to keep the inmates peaceful
- In the ocean we always see that there are great waves moving. Water is dull matter, but the air is pushing these great waves and dashing them onto the earth. Scientists say that nature works in this way and that, but nature is not independent
- In the rules of celibacy written by the great sage Yajnavalkya it is said: "The vow of brahmacarya is meant to help one completely abstain from sex indulgence in work, words and mind-at all times, under all circumstances, and in all places." BG 1972 pur
- In the scriptural injunctions we find what sort of work should be performed and what sort of work should not be performed. Those who do not care for those injunctions engage in work not to be done, and such persons are generally materialistic. BG 1972 p
- In the second chapter of Bhagavad-gita, the Personality of Godhead, Sri Krsna, advises as follows: Thus far I have explained to you (Arjuna) about transcendental knowledge. Now I shall explain to you about work with transcendental results
- In the spiritual body also you have to work. In the material body also you have to work. Because the working principle is the soul - soul is living force - so he is busy
- In the spiritual world there is another energy: the superior, spiritual energy, or internal energy, known as Yogamaya. She also works under the Lord's direction, but in the spiritual world
- In the spiritual world there is only spiritual energy working. But in the material world, two energies are working: material and spiritual. Material energy is dependent on spiritual energy
- In the Vedas it is distinctly said that the perfection of life is never to be attained either by voluminous work, or by accumulation of wealth or even by increasing the population. But it is so attained only by renunciation
- In the Vedas it is stated: ubhe uhaivaisa ete taraty amrtah sadhv-asadhuni: One overcomes both the pious and impious interactions of work. BG 1972 purports
- In the Visnu Purana, kala-sakti is mentioned as avidya. The symptom of the influence of the kala-sakti is that one has to work in the material world for fruitive results
- In the warfield, scarcity of water is a well-known fact. Water is very rare there, and both the animals and men, working strenuously on the warfield, constantly require water to quench their thirst
- In this age the human being is actually engaged in the work of an ass, carrying heavy burdens and driving thela and rickshaws
- In this material world one must suffer from material miseries, but rascals do not care to understand this, for they are absorbed in ignorance. A smuggler may go on with his work, even though he knows that he will be arrested and punished
- In this way (one need only work to produce grains and take care of the cows. The wood found in the jungles may be used for constructing cottages) the economic problem of humanity can be solved
- In transcendental work, the material results are gained automatically, without any separate endeavor
- In Yamuna's letter I understood that many people are interested in our temple work, and they are prepared to contribute items such as deities. All such things being favorable, why you are not taking a temple at your own risk
- In your old age you cannot work actively in propaganda work, therefore you should take advantage of the chanting and krsnakatha of Srimad-Bhagavatam
- Incarnations or sons of God are not making propaganda for going back to Godhead only within the human society. Their work is also going on in all types of societies, amongst demigods and those other than human beings
- Initiation means the beginning. The very word initiation means if you are engaged in some work, just in the beginning, that is called initiation. Initiation is not the end. Initiation means you agree to enter into the world of enlightenment
- Instead of indulging in sense gratification of different grades with the fruits of one's labor, one should work just to maintain the body and soul together, with the aim of inquiring into the ultimate aims and objects of life
- Instead of working foolishly for sense gratification, if we work one hundred times, one-hundredth portion of that labor for Krsna, our life will be successful. That is the teachings of Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Instead of working uselessly, if we use our legs for going to the temple then it is spiritualized work. And instead of going to the cinema, if we go and see Deity then it is spiritual eyes
- Intelligent men well know that both good and bad work equally bind one to the material miseries. Consequently they seek that work which will free them from the reactions of both good and bad work
- Irresponsible work is carried out in the light of one's personal experience. This is called illusion. And all such illusory work is a product of the mode of ignorance. BG 1972 purports
- Irresponsible work is destructive because it destroys the regulative principles of scriptural injunction
- Irresponsible work is distraction because it destroys the regulative principles of scriptural injunction. It is often based on violence and is distressing to other living entities. BG 1972 purports
- It (matter) cannot work unless the superior energy, the living entity, touches it. So how can we conclude that life develops from matter? Rascal scientists may say this, but they do not have sufficient knowledge
- It (the yoga) is something like a long staircase, and the upward steps are variously designated as regulated work, transcendental knowledge, mystic powers, and ultimately bhakti-yoga, or devotional service
- It appeared as though Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu were cleansing and washing with a hundred hands. He approached every devotee just to teach him how to work
- It appears from the exchange of Daksa's head that the modern scientific theory that the brain substance is the cause of all intelligent work is not valid
- It brings about the end of the phenomenal world, it carries on the work of creation by bringing one individual into existence from another, and likewise it dissolves the universe by destroying even the lord of death, Yamaraja
- It does not matter what one is, whether a brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, sudra or a degraded woman. If one engages seriously in devotional service, working with body, mind and intelligence, he is sure to be successful in going back home, back to Godhead
- It is a very big work and we require many men to come now to Vrindaban and assist
- It is also confirmed in the Ninth Chapter of Bhagavad-gita that under His (God's) glance, adhyaksena - under His direction and by His will - nature is working. It is not that nature works blindly
- It is also said that whoever makes a gift of this great work on a full-moon day attains to the highest perfection of life and goes back to Godhead
- It is because of the presence of that vital force, the soul, that the whole body works. Similarly, there is a supreme vital force. That supreme vital force is Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Therefore, where is the question of His taking birth
- It is confirmed in the Bhagavad-gita (BG 9.10), He (the Supreme Personality of Godhead) acts only through His different energies. Mayadhyaksena prakrtih: Krsna directs the material energy, and that potency works in this material world
- It is confirmed in the Vedic literature that the Lord's diverse energies are working so nicely that it appears that everything is being done automatically
- It is due to one's work that one becomes a criminal and is therefore put in jail. It is not compulsory for everyone to go to jail. As living entities, we have our proper place in Vaikunthaloka
- It is evident from this verse (SB 5.9.18) that the devotees of goddess Kali are not at all favored by her. It is goddess Kali's work to kill and punish the demons
- It is foolish also to think that natural laws are ultimately powerful. Material nature's law works under the direction of the Lord, as confirmed in the Bhagavad-gita. The Lord says there that natural laws work under His supervision
- It is incumbent, to install a temple of Visnu in all the aforementioned institutions, and in individual homes, for the same purpose - worshiping the Absolute Godhead in the same spirit of work with transcendental results
- It is necessary to know how to conduct work so that when we leave the material body we will no longer be forced to take another but will be free to enter into the spiritual sky
- It is necessary to know which activities are genuine and which are not, which are bona fide and which are not, which are prohibited and which are not. If we understand the principle of work, we can become free from material bondage
- It is not possible to make everyone on the same standard. It is not possible, because each and every one is working under the influence of different modes of nature. Therefore there must be division, natural division
- It is not that we have to change our process of work, but we do have to understand for whom we are working. Whatever activity we have to do we must execute, but we should not be carried away by kama, desire
- It is not that when one is in samadhi he doesn't eat, work, sleep or enjoy himself in any way. Rather, samadhi can be defined as executing regulated activities while absorbed in the thought of Krsna
- It is not uncommon in India for a person to go to a svami and say, "Swamiji, could you give me some medicine? I am suffering from this disease." He thinks that because a doctor is too expensive, he can go to a svami who can work miracles
- It is said in Bhagavad-gita that one can never give up work at any time. Therefore he who works for Krsna and does not enjoy the fruitive results, who offers everything to Krsna, is actually a renouncer. BG 1972 purports
- It is said that anyone working in the government secretariat at this time was a kayastha
- It is said that on the moon the inhabitants are fit for greater sense enjoyment by drinking soma-rasa & the Pitrloka is obtained by good charitable work. So there are various programs for sense enjoyment, either during this life or in the life after death
- It is simply foolishness that nature is working automatically. This is rascaldom. They do not know. The so-called scientists who are thinking that everything is going on automatically
- It is stated in Bhagavad-gita (BG 3.26): Let not the wise disrupt the minds of the ignorant who are attached to fruitive action. They should be encouraged not to refrain from work, but to work in the spirit of devotion
- It is the greatest relief work for all human society, and the workers thereof are the greatest well-wishers, for they follow in the footsteps of Lord Caitanya, who is the greatest friend to all living entities
- It is the opinion of expert transcendentalists that the ultimate goal of performing all traditional good works, penances, sacrifices, charities, mystic activities, trances, etc., is to invoke My satisfaction
- It is very difficult to ascertain which exigency is the cause of the other, but we can describe this process of reciprocity as the wheel of work. And to travel all over the universe is to circumambulate the wheel of work
- It is very risky civilization. Because nature's process is that as you create your mentality, you get next life a similar body. You, in this body, you have to work, because this material world means one has to work
- It is very simple to understand. Machine is matter. It cannot work out of its own accord. It is working under some spiritual direction
- It may be that government may take action against me because I'm speaking something revolutionary. Yes. But that is the fact. Why you should work?
- Jada Bharata used to work only for food. His stepbrothers took advantage of this and engaged him in agricultural field work in exchange for some food, but actually he did not know how to work very well in the field
- Janayaty asu vairagyam. A man is tested how much he has advanced in bhakti-yoga by his detachment from material enjoyment. If one is attached to sense enjoyment, at the same time he poses himself as a great devotee, that cannot work
- Japan's 75% business is done in America. We are not impractical. Because there are so many workers, but they refuse - to work
- Jnana indicates the senses which are sources of knowledge, and their controlling deities. Work entails the working organs and their controlling deities. All these are generated in the second creation
- Jnanam, must be profoundly wise; vijnanam, practical application in life; jnanam vijnanam astikyam, full faith in scriptures and in God, or Krsna, astikyam. Brahma-karma svabhava-jam: These are natural duties, or work, of a Brahmin
- Just as there are five kinds of air functioning within the body, and so many organs - the hands, legs, tongue, genitals, rectum, etc. - all working differently
- Just as there are many physiological constructions within the body they work in one order for the satisfaction of the stomach, and just as in a machine there are hundreds & thousands of parts yet they run in harmony to fulfill the function of the machine
- Just because Krsna is not personally present before us, we should not assume that there is no direction. Indeed, there is direction. In the last chapter of Bhagavad-gita the proper work which we are to perform is given - BG 18.68-69
- Just because the summer is hot, should I give up cooking? Work must be done. Similarly, just because water is cold in the winter, should I give up my bath? No
- Just like 2 plus 2 equals four is mathematical truth. Anyone who accepts this axiomatic truth and works on this principle is also authority. To become authority is simply to follow the authority
- Just like a big machine, computer, or any other machine, it is combination of matter, but it cannot work independently until and unless there is touch of the spiritual nature, a human being
- Just like expert electrician - the same energy, electric, converting into heat, converting into refrigerator. The energy is the same. Both places the electricity is working, but by his expert management, one is heater, one is cooler
- Just like here the nature is working in that way. You build a very nice house. Gradually, the nature's course is it will become old and you'll fall down. This is the way of nature here. You cannot keep anything fresh always
- Just like if you have achieved the quality of a medical practitioner, then your work shall be a medical practitioner. Similarly, if one has achieved the quality of a brahmin or Vaisnava, then his activities should be like that
- Just like in dream at night we also work. So this is gross dream and that is subtle dream. But real life is spiritual life. But we foolish people, we are taking this life as permanent life, permanent settlement. It is not permanent settlement
- Just like my finger cannot be separated; or can be separated, but in the diseased condition it cannot work. It cannot work in its original, constitutional position. Similarly, due to our this material disease, we cannot properly serve the SPG, the whole
- Just like one man is put in the prison house. He has come from his free home. By his work he is criminal; therefore he is put into the prison house. Similarly, we are all part and parcel of God. Our real home is Vaikuntha. But we have come here
- Just like one may possess a very valuable land, one may possess not so valuable, ordinary, and one may possess a third-class field, similarly, we living entities, we are given a certain type of body to work with it and enjoy or suffer the resultant action
- Just like ordinary machine and a complicated machine. The machine has to be worked by somebody. Not that because it is highly developed valuable machine it works automatically. This simple thing these rascals, they do not understand
- Just like our children, they are seeing this Deity worship, this kirtana - they will learn. Similarly, those who have to work to earn their livelihood, mechanical or some, they can go to the . . . What is the use of wasting time going to the university
- Just like when you see a wonderful bridge or wonderful engineering work, you must think that there is a brain behind it. This nice construction, there is a brain behind it
- Just like you are working as a medical practitioner. So you earn lakhs of rupees. Give to Krsna. That is tam abhyarcya. Then you become perfect. That is also confirmed in Bhagavata
- Just like your father, and if you are a trustworthy son of your father, then the work done by your father and by you is the same
- Just see how foolish leaders. In the field there is food. They will not work for the food
- Just see, all these people are working, and they are madmen. They are not Americans or Indians, Germans or Japanese. They are nothing of the kind
- Just stop this unemployment, you will see the whole world is peaceful; there is no complaint. And they'll very happily chant Hare Krsna. Hmm? Nobody's working in this field. They're all drawn to the cities to work in the factory. Condemned civilization
- Kapila said: The senses are symbolic representations of the demigods, and their natural inclination is to work under the direction of the Vedic injunctions. As the senses are representatives of the demigods, so the mind is the representative of the SPG
- Kardama Muni was a yogi living in a cottage, and Devahuti was a princess, a king's daughter. Not being used to work, she became very skinny
- Karma means general activities on moral principle. That is called karma. Real karma means that you have to live, so you have to work. So work in such a way that you may not be entangled
- Karma means ordinary work. I work whole day; I get some remuneration and enjoy for my sense gratification. That is called karma, in this life or that life or next life
- Karma means work. One should not think that "Because I am not this body, so I shall cease to work." No. You cannot cease to work. If you cease to work, then idle brain will be a devil's workshop. No
- Karma, you have to work. You cannot maintain yourself without working. That is material world. Material world is not spiritual world
- Karma-mimamsa followers accept God to be subject to one's work. Their conclusion is that if one works nicely, God is bound to give good results
- Karmana daiva-netrena jantur deha upapatti. Karmana, by our work, and by the supervision of the supreme power we are getting different types of body
- Karmana daiva-netrena: (SB 3.31.1) we work under the influence of material nature contaminated by the three modes, and thus we get a certain type of body according to superior order. This is called karma-bandha
- Karmis are working for some affection, for family affection or dog’s affection - one who hasn’t got family, he has got a dog. So there is some affection and they are working so hard, but capala sukha-laba lagi re. That happiness is very flickering
- Karmis work day and night to improve their economic condition, jnanis undergo severe austerities in order to get liberation, and yogis also undergo severe austerities by practicing the yoga system for attainment of wonderful mystic powers
- Karmis, marriage is necessary, because without sex life they cannot work. And for jnanis, yogis, bhaktas, sex life prohibited
- Karmis, they have been described in the Bhagavad-gita: mudha, ass, simply unnecessarily working day and night, whole day and night. You see. Without taking care of the atma, without taking care of the religion
- Karyam karma samacara: Do your duty as duty, as you are duty bound. But don't be attached to that work. Because you should always know that your real work is self-realization
- Kausalam means expert service, expert, kausalam. Kusala. Kusala means auspicious, and from kusala it comes to kausala. That means if you learn the trick how to work on the platform of yoga, then that is the highest technique of doing work
- Kilbisam means resultant action of sinful life. Kilbisam. So if we don't desire more than our necessary, then we are not implicated, involved in sinful activity, kurvan api, even though he is engaged in working
- Killing business can be done without the presence of Krsna. Because there are so many natural forces - war, pestilence, famine, anything - just set on working
- King Nrga said, "My Lord (Krsna), You are the supreme witness. You are aware of every bit of work done by the living entities - past, present and future"
- King Prthu addresses the Lord (Krsna), saying, "My dear Lord, it may happen that the goddess of fortune becomes dissatisfied with my work"
- Kings such as Janaka attained perfection solely by performance of prescribed duties. Therefore, just for the sake of educating the people in general, you should perform your work
- Knowledge, the object of knowledge and the knower are the three factors which motivate action; the senses, the work and the doer comprise the threefold basis of action. BG 18.18 - 1972
- Knowledge, the object of knowledge, and the knower are the three factors that motivate action; the senses, the work and the doer are the three constituents of action
- Krishna Kaliya Temple will be in many respects similar to the Vrindaban Temple as regarding the architectural work
- Kriya means varnasrama-dharma, everyone is engaged in his own work. Brahmana is engaged in his own work. Ksatriya is engaged in his own work. That is all right. But the ultimate goal should be hari-tosanam
- Krsna came to speak this truth, that "I am the Supreme." He appeared to speak this philosophy. And if you do the same work, that "Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead," then you are serving the mission of Krsna, great service to Krsna
- Krsna can revive one's original identity at the time of one's death, even though the mind may be flickering. Although the mind may work imperfectly at the time of death, Krsna gives a devotee shelter at His lotus feet
- Krsna claims, "All these eight elements (earth, water, fire, air, ether, mind, intelligence, and false ego) are My separated energy." Then how are the body and mind ours? Although I claim that the body is mine, I do not even know how it is working
- Krsna consciousness movement means we are creating some brain. We are not creating the technological expert, but we are creating brain to know the purpose of human life and work on it under a systematic way
- Krsna does not say that. He says "according to quality and work." He never says "according to birth." So this so-called caste system in India is a false notion of catur-varnyam, the system of four social divisions
- Krsna explained to His father, "The cloud is caused by the action of the mode of passion; therefore it is the mode of passion which causes the rainfall. And after the rainfall, the living entities derive the result - success in agricultural work"
- Krsna has explained the material elements: bhumir apo 'nalo vayuh kham mano buddhir eva ca (BG 7.4). But these material elements cannot work independently
- Krsna has got different venues of rendering service. You can serve Krsna in so many ways. We have got three venues: by working, karmana; by thinking, manasa; and by speaking we can do things
- Krsna says here that everything that is working in this material or spiritual world, they are different energies of Krsna. He is the original source of creation, He is the original source of maintenance and He is the original source of annihilation
- Krsna says in Bhagavad-gita (4.13), According to the three modes of material nature and the work ascribed to them, the four divisions of human society were created by Me
- Krsna says that "You must be engaged in some work. You cannot sit idle. That is not good." Idle brain is a devil's workshop
- Krsna says that either on this planet or in other planets in the outer space, three qualities or 3 modes of material nature is working - modes of goodness, modes of passion and modes of ignorance. Everywhere you'll find these 3 classes of living entities
- Krsna says that how the brahminical class should be educated. This should be taken very seriously by educational department of all countries. And it is the duty of the government to see that every man according to his quality is working, is employed
- Krsna says, "I have created the four divisions of society, according to quality and work." If someone is working as a brahmacari-brahmana and has acquired the quality of understanding Krsna, the Supreme Lord, then why should he be called for army action
- Krsna says, catur-varnyam maya srstam guna-karma-vibhagasah (BG 4.13) according to their qualities & work, you take some men & put them in the brahminical class, others in the ksatriya class, still others in the vaisya class, & the rest in the sudra class
- Krsna says, mayadhyaksena prakrtih suyate sa-caracaram: (BG 9.10) - You are seeing the energy displayed in the wonderful actions and reactions of this material cosmic manifestation, but don't think that they are working independently. No, I am behind them
- Krsna specifically states in the Bhagavad-gita (BG 4.13): According to the three modes of material nature and the work associated with them, the four divisions of human society are created by Me
- Krsna tells Arjuna of the knowledge of yoga whereby one can work without fruitive results. "O son of Prtha, when you act by such intelligence, you can free yourself from the bondage of works"
- Krsna tells Arjuna of the knowledge of yoga whereby one can work without fruitive results: "O son of Prtha, when you act in such knowledge you can free yourself from the bondage of works" - CC Preface
- Krsna's power is variegated, and thus the same sakti, or potency, works in variegated ways
- Krsna's transcendental activities are specifically described in the Tenth Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam, the canto which is considered to contain the substance of the whole work
- Krsna, the greatest authority, says that the body will change. And as soon as the body changes, one's whole program of work changes also
- Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami was requested to write CC by the devotees of Vrndavana. Although he began this work at a very old age, by the grace of Lord Caitanya he finished it. Today it remains the most authoritative book on Caitanya's philosophy and life
- Laborer class, they are neither intelligent, nor, I mean to say, they want to take part in politics, nor they are able to do independent business. Under the circumstances, they are to give their labor and work under somebody and get some remuneration
- Leg can walk, but leg cannot do the work of brain. So at the present moment we have got all walking men, no brain. Therefore the society is in chaotic condition
- Let not the wise disrupt the minds of the ignorant who are attached to fruitive action. They should not be encouraged to refrain from work, but to engage in work in the spirit of devotion. BG 3.26 - 1972
- Let people be engaged. Machine means one man or two man working... That will mean unemployment
- Let the logicians compare all the results of other humanitarian work with the merciful activities of Lord Caitanya. If their judgment is impartial, they will understand that no other humanitarian activities can surpass those of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Let there be one mantra only - Hare Krsna. And let there be one work only - the service of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. BG 1972 Introduction
- Life in the higher planets, known as the abodes of the denizens of heaven, is obtained not by the strength of spacecraft (as is now being contemplated by the inexperienced scientists), but by works done in the mode of goodness
- Life should be molded in such a way that one cannot remain alone without thinking of Krsna. We should live in Krsna so that while eating, sleeping, walking and working we remain only in Krsna
- Life's desires should never be directed toward sense gratification. One should desire only a healthy life, or self-preservation, since a human being is meant for inquiry about the Absolute Truth. Nothing else should be the goal of one's works
- Like a police constable is working under the direction of magistrate or superior officer, similarly, prakrti is giving us various types of miserable condition of life directed by the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Lion is supposed to be the king of the forest. Still, he has to work. It is not that a lion will sleep, and some animal will come, "My dear lion, please open your mouth. I shall enter." (laughter) That is not possible
- Liver doesn't work nicely, teeth does not work nicely, there is susceptibility to cold. Old age. All my young friends, they have all died. Nobody's living. One or two still
- Living body means there is movement. There is work. He cannot sit idly. In the Bhagavad-gita it is said, "Not even for a moment one can be idle." That is the symptom of living being
- Living outside and working are not prohibited, and it is not recommended that such strict rule as no outside living should be enforced, but living in the association of devotees is better
- Local work
- Lord Brahma therefore engaged Daksa in the work of generating living entities and maintaining them. In due course of time, Daksa also engaged other Prajapatis (progenitors) in the process of generation and maintenance
- Lord Brahma, Lord Siva, the Manus, all the other demigods in the higher planetary systems, and you prajapatis, who are increasing the population, are working for the benefit of all living entities
- Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu gave him (Sanatana Gosvami) His blessings to do all the works and also explained to Sanatana Gosvami the import of the atmarama verse from sixty-one different angles of vision
- Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu was Krsna Himself, and we should take this to be Krsna's indication of our proper work. But we should be careful to present Bhagavad-gita as it is, without personal interpretation or motivation
- Lord Caitanya taught this process of devotional service, or work with transcendental results, to Srila Rupa Gosvami at Dasasvamedha-ghata in Prayaga
- Lord Jesus Christ taught like that: If you lose your soul and gain the whole world, what do you gain? People do not know what they are, and yet they work just like madmen
- Lord Krsna said, "All living entities achieve higher or lower bodies and create enemies, friends or neutral parties only because of their different kinds of work"
- Lord Krsna said, "We can actually see that one becomes busy according to the natural tendency of his work; and according to that natural tendency, all living entities - whether human beings or demigods - achieve their respective results"
- Lord Parasurama, being expert in killing the military strength of the enemy, worked with the speed of the mind and the wind, slicing his enemies with his chopper (parasu). Wherever he went, the enemies fell
- Lord Siva is full of wisdom and tapasya, austerity. One who knows the modes of work is understood to be situated on the path of devotional service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Lord Siva, who is dedicated to auspicious, benevolent work for humanity, compassionately took the whole quantity of poison in his palm and drank it
- Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu wanted to purify the whole atmosphere of the polluted world by sending qualified preachers all over the world, and it remains with the Indians to take up this task scientifically and thus do the best kind of humanitarian work
- Love is there. Unless there is love, you cannot work. That is not possible. So this is material way of life
- Maharaja Pariksit's statement regarding the workings of the creative energy of the Lord discloses that he knew everything of the process of creation. Why then did he ask Sukadeva Gosvami for such information?
- Mahatma Gandhi sacrificed everything - his family, his profession. And many other leaders. But what for they were working? They were working for some material benefit, that's all, not for any spiritual benefit. So that is not transcendental activities
- Maitreya said: Eternal time is the primeval source of the interactions of the three modes of material nature. It is unchangeable and limitless, and it works as the instrument of the Supreme Personality of Godhead for His pastimes in the material creation
- Man-made laws cannot work any rupture in Krsna's plan. Better let us remain now under Krsna's shelter fully dependent, and we shall remain unaffected by all the man-made difficulties
- Many big, big sannyasis, they gave up this world - brahma satya jagan mithya: "This world is mithya. Let me take sannyasa." But unfortunately, they could not stand in that position. After few years they come down again in social work, in political work
- Many men come here and by their talents, earn huge amounts of money, but it remains here, and he goes alone with his works only to accept another different kind of body, forgetting everything behind
- Material advancement of material science, people have got so many machines, facilities. But actually, they are in trouble. I gave you one example: the computer machine. It can work for thousands of men. That means the thousands of men must be unemployed
- Material contamination is so strong that everyone is working very hard day & night for material happiness. The show of religion, austerity, penance, humanitarianism, philanthropy, politics, science - everything is aimed at realizing some material benefit
- Material energy is very powerful, and the atheist, due to his godless temperament, cannot know how it works; nor can he know the plan of the Supreme Lord
- Material energy works as the shadow moves, in accordance with the movements of the object. But still it is very powerful, and the atheist, due to his godless temperament, cannot know how it works; nor can he know the plan of the Supreme Lord. BG 1972 pur
- Material energy works fully under the direction of the Supreme Lord. It has no independent authority. It works as the shadow moves, in accordance with the movements of the object
- Material nature appears to be just the opposite of the spiritual energy. The fact is that the material energy can work only when in contact with the spiritual energy
- Material nature is also controlled by the Lord, as He has claimed in Bhagavad-gita (BG 9.10). Mayadhyaksena prakrtih suyate sacaracaram: "Under My direction only is material nature working, and thus are all things moving
- Material nature is not working independently, not by accident. It is not accident that exactly at 6:30 or 6:15 the sun is rising. Do you think accident takes place every day?
- Material prosperity consists of 2) by pious work, attainment of accommodations in the higher celestial planets for better facilities of material amenities
- Material resources and the capacity and knowledge to work are all generated in the second term of creation, after the mahat-tattva
- Material world is not spiritual world. In the spiritual world you haven't got to work, neither you have to eat. Everything is complete
- Matter can never work automatically, without a living hand, and therefore we must admit the existence of God, the supreme living being, behind the laws of nature
- Matter cannot work without being directed by a living being. We cannot say that matter works independently
- Matter does not work automatically. It requires higher brain, higher manipulation, therefore higher order. Just like in this material world we have got the highest order, the sun, movement of the sun, the heat energy, light energy of the sun
- Matter does not work. The Supreme Personality of Godhead, by His different energies, He is working. That is Krsna. You have to understand like that. Krsna is in the background
- May it please Your Excellency, enclosed please find one copy of my letter addressed to Sri Jai Prakash Narayanji. I wish that both of you may sit together and agree to join together to work on the basis of the instructions given in the Bhagavad Gita
- Maya-sukhaya, that illusory happiness. And for that reason, they are making huge, gorgeous arrangement and working day and night, which will be zero
- Mayadhyaksena prakrtih suyate sacaracaram: (BG 9.10) only under His (God's) direction does prakrti, or material nature, work. Similar information is given in the Brahma-samhita - BS 5.38
- Mayavadi sannyasi. Again they fall down in this mithya jagat. They come for political work, they come for social work, daridra-narayana-seva and this and that. That's all. Because they are not pure
- Medical and other relief work to the distressed persons are not objectionable items, but actually the people of the whole world are suffering on account of lacking in Krishna Consciousness
- Members are to be recruited from all sections of people and I am sure when actual work is begun there will be no dearth of financial help
- Men in this world desire success in fruitive activities, and therefore they worship the demigods. Quickly, of course, men get results from fruitive work in this world. BG 4.12 - 1972
- Men with the lowest qualities cannot do any work that requires higher intelligence. However, although such a division of men must exist according to their quality and work, it is suggested here (SB 7.14.11) that everyone must have the necessities of life
- Mind is never unconscious. Mind is not for a single moment unconscious. When you sleep, when your bodily limbs are silent, mind works. Therefore you dream
- Mind that always, that we are not going to be idle. We shall go on with our work, as we are doing. But at the same time, we must perform yajnas, or sacrifice for the Supreme. Then we'll have sufficient for our necessities
- Misguided persons, who are interested in the mundane affairs of philanthropic and altruistic work under the misconception of the body as the self, could better take advantage of the Mahabharata
- Modern airplanes like the 747 jet aircraft work in a similar way: by controlling the air, they float high in the sky, resisting the tendency to fall to earth
- Modern education means simply a craftsmanship. If you can prepare a nice motorcar, oh, that is advancement of the . . . And what is this? This is craftsmanship. It is the blacksmith's work. It is not knowledge
- Modern medical science, they see that the energy is coming from the heart, and as soon as the heart stops to work, it is said that the body is dead. So here also the same thing is confirmed
- Modern scientists mistakenly think that material nature is working independently and that things evolve by some chemical process only. However, life does not merely come from life or some chemical evolution
- Modern scientists say that there are no demigods and that there is no God, that all events are being carried out by nature. It is true that nature is working, but nature, after all, is nothing but matter
- Money is coming there. Guru Maharaja said that "You do the right work, money will come. Money will fall down on your feet." There is no question of flattering. Do. Work sincerely. Everything will come, whatever you want
- More work; more use your intelligence. Pranair arthair dhiya vaca: with life, with money, with intelligence, with words to serve Krsna. Etavaj janma-sa-phala tvam. This is the perfection of life
- Mudha means ass. The karmis have been described as ass, whole day working, a beast of burden
- Mukti means when there is no more working of the subtle body also. This death, this annihilation of this gross body, that is not mukti, because the subtle body will work, and subtle body will carry you to the next gross body
- Murti is made according to his mentality. The nature's work is so perfect, as you say, "The face is the index of mind." You can understand one's mind from the face. The murti is made like that
- My (Kamsa's) dear sister Devaki, all good fortune unto you. Everyone suffers and enjoys the results of his own work under the control of providence. Although your sons have unfortunately been killed by me, please do not lament for them - SB 10.4.21
- My dear boy, all of us are bound by the Vedic injunctions to the divisions of varnasrama according to our qualities and work. These divisions are difficult to avoid because they are scientifically arranged
- My dear father, what is the source of your knowledge? Under whose protection are you standing? And under whom are you working? What is your real position? Do you alone create all entities with material elements by your personal energy
- My dear Lord, everyone in this material world is under the modes of material nature, being influenced by goodness, passion & ignorance. Everyone - from the greatest personality, Brahma, down to the small ant - works under the influence of these modes
- My Godbrothers are envious because they could not do even half of Guru Maharaja's work, and I am doing ten times. So therefore they are envious. So if an ordinary man like me can do ten times, you are Americans - twenty times, then you are successful
- My Guru Maharaja ordered me when I was twenty-five years old that, "You go and preach." But I thought, "First of all, I shall become a rich man, and I shall use that money for preaching work." So that's a long history
- My Guru Maharaja used to say that don't accept spiritual life for living. Just like we are sending the sankirtana party. If we take it, "Oh, it is very easy method for living without working. We are getting money for our livelihood," this is not wanted
- My proposal is that you engage yourself in editorial work. Or if you like, you can learn elementary Sanskrit, and when I come there we shall see how it can be put to use
- My request is that I am working now with my American disciples and European disciples. Why not Indians? I think in this meeting there are many young men, educated, learned scholars. Join this movement
- Narada Muni continued to speak to King Pracinabarhisat: My dear King, any person who works according to the directions of the Vedic scriptures does not become involved in fruitive activities
- Narada Muni continued: You must understand that Puranjana, the living entity, transmigrates according to his own work into different types of bodies, which may be one-legged, two-legged, three-legged, four-legged, many-legged or simply legless
- Narada Muni replied: My dear King, those who stay at home as householders must act to earn their livelihood, and instead of trying to enjoy the results of their work themselves, they should offer these results to Krsna, Vasudeva
- Narada said, "They (Pandavas) are now living in the forest incognito. Sometimes they must work as ordinary laborers in someone else's house"
- Natural tendency is that not to work. Therefore as soon as one man gets some money, he wants to live peacefully in a country place, a nice bungalow, without any working, without any turmoil
- Naturally their (the materialists') hearts are always burning, but in spite of all inconvenience, they still work to maintain such false families because they have no information of the real family association with Krsna
- Nature cannot work automatically. Just like mother, nature mother. The mother cannot produce child without father
- Nature has given you sufficient means to live very comfortably everywhere. If you get a piece of land and one cow, your whole economic question is solved. You haven't got to go fifty miles for working. There is no necessity
- Nature is working under the superintendence of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. That is confirmed in Bhagavad-gita
- Nature's law is working, you cannot interfere with the nature's law. That is not possible. You may think yourself very much advanced in science, but nature's law, you cannot interfere. Just like now there is movement, man and woman, equal
- Nature's work is going on so nicely there is no necessity of phoning Yamaduta. They will come. But this rascal civilization do not know this, how things are going on
- Neither any sinful nor any virtuous act can bring freedom from the bondage of work, as we have explained above. On the contrary, both sinful and virtuous acts will bind the worker up in the wheel of action and reaction
- Neither the sinful nor the pious materialist can understand the essence of karma-yoga as the means to attain liberation from the always uncongenial bondage of work
- Nine months they were free to advance in spiritual culture and only three months they used to work for accumulating their foodstuff
- Nirvana means the cessation of all material desires. Sometimes desirelessness is understood to imply an end to the workings of the mind, but this is not possible
- No one can check the thinking activities of a living being, nor the feeling, willing or working processes; but if one wants actual happiness, one must change the subject matter only
- No one can order God to come before him and dance, but we do have to work in such a way that Krsna will be pleased to reveal Himself to us
- No one is working as a paid servant so if the dealings are not friendly everyone will decide to leave
- No one knows whether he will receive a human body again; there is no guarantee, for according to one's work one may get any body, from that of a demigod to that of a dog
- No one should think that nature is working automatically, without superintendence
- No one should worship different demigods who work as different hands of the Lord for creation, maintenance or destruction of the material world
- No one wants to work; as soon as one gets some money, he wants to retire from work and become happy. But that is not possible. One cannot become happy in that way
- No work is condemned. Every work is dignified provided it is meant for Krsna
- Nobody is going to work without any remuneration. Everyone is working for getting some profit. That is called karma. But that ordinary karma and karma-yoga is different. You can engage yourself in ordinary work, but, at the same time, become a yogi
- Nobody is working uselessly. He must have some gain. But one who does not utilize that gain for his sense gratification but works as a matter of duty, karyam karma karoti sa sannyasi sa yogi ca. Such person is actually a sannyasi and yogi
- Nondevotees engage their senses in very troublesome and extensive work, and they suffer insomnia at night because their intelligence constantly breaks their sleep with various mental speculations
- Not a single living entity can remain unengaged even for a moment. One must act by his natural tendency according to the three modes of material nature because this natural tendency forcibly makes him work in a particular way
- Not by birth one becomes brahmana, and working less than a sudra, and he is still brahmana. This is not. . . This is nonsense. One must be guna-karma-vibhagasah (BG 4.13). The society is divided according to the quality he is working, accordingly
- Not by birth. Guna-karma. Just like you are ksatriya, but because you have acquired the qualification of medical man and you are working as a medical man, therefore you are medical man. Nobody asked you, "You are a ksatriya or you are a brahmana?"
- Not by merely abstaining from work can one achieve freedom from reaction, nor by renunciation alone can one attain perfection
- Not by merely abstaining from work can one achieve freedom from reaction, nor by renunciation alone can one attain perfection. BG 3.4 - 1972
- Not considering the propaganda work of the Hare Krsna movement, simply because these disciples (of ours) addressed their spiritual master as Prabhupada they (foolish so-called devotees of Lord Caitanya) became so envious
- Not necessarily in every case the boy is rich man or educated. If he's healthy and if he can work, he'll take charge. Then fortune, faith
- Nothing exists without Him (the Supreme Personality of Godhead), and therefore everything, however wonderful it may appear to our meager knowledge, is but the work of the magical wand of the Supreme Lord
- Now the farmers, the father is working on the farm, and the sons, they do not come. They live in the city. This is the tendency all over the world. They are not producing food grain. Therefore there is scarcity
- Now we are working under the designation of this body. Everyone is working under this designation of this body. When we become above the designation of the body, that is our real, constitutional position
- Now we have created facility of transport; therefore we have to go to work three hundred miles away from home. This is the position. But they have no brain. They're thinking they're advancing
- Now we have these material bodies, and it is our duty to cultivate them properly. That cultivation is called karma, or work
- Now, taking it for granted that I am doing all pious work. That's all right. And I am getting my birth in a very rich family or very pure family, just like brahman