Regarding Miss Bowtell I have already written to you. If Pandit RupaVilasa Brahmacari writes you in this connection you can reply him as I shall say. We cannot write directly to RupaVilasa Brahmacari. If the Gaudiya H.Q. wants our cooperation why Miss Bowtell does not write RupaVilasa Brahmacari. Otherwise end the negotiation, we shall do everything independently. Yes, you ignore the request of Miss Bowtell!
As soon as you finish the Gitopanisad business and the matter is handed over to the MacMillan Co. we begin on the Bhagavatam work without delay. Bhagavatam must be finished before my mortal body stops to work and your help in this connection will be very much helpful. You can stop for the time being the London scheme. Brahmananda is shortly going there and after his return, we may all go together to London and start a branch there in grand scale, so also in Amsterdam and in Berlin or Moscow. We have to save the world-people from the misconception of voidism and impersonalism. "The absolute is sentient Thou hast proved all impersonal calamity Thou has moved." These lines were presented by me to my spiritual master and He was highly pleased with me. Let me follow the same principle and my Guru Maharaja will bless me. I have always my good wishes and blessings for you all because you are cooperating in a great mission. Thank you.