Category:Work Very Hard
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Pages in category "Work Very Hard"
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- A devotee should not be very enthusiastic about attaining any material goal. He should not be like persons who engage in fruitive activities, who work very hard day and night to attain material rewards
- A family man is responsible. Because he has got responsibility to maintain the wife, children, therefore he works hard. That is impetus. So love is there
- A human being should be inquisitive to know these things: Who am I? Why am I put into this condition of working very hard to get only a few grains? Why am I in this uncomfortable situation? Where did I come from? Where do I have to go
- A karmi may work very hard to acquire a million dollars, but as soon as he gets a million dollars he desires another million. For the karmis, there is no end of desire. The more the karmi gets, the more he desires
- A laborer cannot claim to be a proprietor of a thing just because he has worked hard to manufacture it
- A man in the mode of passion wants to work very hard to derive some benefit, but he does not know that time will never allow him to enjoy anything permanently
- A man is working and thinking: "Let me work now very hard, and let me have some bank balance so when I shall get old, I shall enjoy life without any working." That is the inner intention of everyone. Nobody wants to work
- A man works very hard day and night to become rich just to make a show that, "My dear friends, my dear relatives, you see that how I have become now rich." This is the only purpose. Nobody is working hard for serving Krsna
- A man works very hard, being energized by his wife or mother. That is the history of the whole world
- A materialistic person works throughout the whole week very, very hard. He is always asking, "Where is money? Where is money?" Then, at the end of the week, he wants to retire from these activities and go to some secluded place to rest
- A materialistic person, making his wife the center of attraction, works very hard day and night. His only enjoyment in material life is sexual intercourse. Therefore karmis are attracted to women as friends or wives. Indeed, they cannot work without sex
- A mercantile man, he is doing some business and working very hard day and night to accumulate some money, similarly, a devotee of the Lord also can earn money in the same spirit, working day and night. Superficially it will appear just like this man
- A person must work very hard, and when he attains the result of his hard work, he thinks himself happy
- A person who accepts his body as his self works very hard day and night for money to maintain his own body and the bodies of his wife and children. While working to maintain himself and his family, he may commit violence against other living entities
- A person who works very hard for others only, forgetting his personal interest available in the human form of life, is compared to the ass
- A person who works very hard, no matter in what occupation, and who offers the result of the work to the service of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, is called a karma-yogi
- A public leader, a politician, he's thinking that - Without me, all the members of my nation will die. So let me work day and night. Up to the point of my death or up to the point until I am killed by somebody, I have to work so hard
- A working man thinks, "Let me work very hard now and put money in the bank, so that when I get old I shall enjoy life without working." This is the inner intention of everyone
- According to atheists, if one makes nice plans and works very hard for economic development, automatically the result of economic development will come
- According to the materialistic way of life, if a poor man, after laboring very, very hard, gets some material profit at the end of his life, he is considered a success, even though he again dies while suffering the threefold miseries
- Actually, everyone should fear the so-called society, friendship and love for which he works so hard all day and night
- After hard working, when man comes home, if he finds out good foodstuff and nicely satisfied by eating, and then the woman gives satisfaction by sex, then both of them remain fully satisfied, and then they can improve their spiritual understanding
- All living beings are living at the cost of the Supreme Lord, and therefore one who is intelligent should not work very hard for material comforts. Rather, one should save his energy for advancing in Krsna consciousness
- Although one may be spiritually advanced, if one is attached to the impersonal feature of the Absolute Truth one must still work very hard, as indicated by the words kleso 'dhikatarah, which mean "greater suffering"
- An elephant is very strong, it has a very big body, and it can work very hard and eat a large quantity of food, but its intelligence is not at all commensurate with its size and strength
- Anyone who is working, he is working with some taste. Suppose one has got wife and children. So to maintain them he has to work very hard. But there is some pleasure in serving the wife and children. Similarly, bhakti means service with some taste
- As confirmed in BG, the miscreants who are simply concerned with material enjoyment, who work very hard like beasts of burden, can hardly know the Personality of Godhead at any stage due to asurika-bhava, or a spirit of revolt against the Supreme Lord
- As long as one is hankering after these things (some honor in society, or in the nation, a happy family, with nice children, wife, and house), he has to work very hard. BG 1972 purports
- As soon as one gets a material body, he has to work very hard to maintain it. He may engage in different fields of activity, but whatever the case, everyone has to work very hard to maintain the material body
- As we are informed in Bhagavad-gita (BG 3.9), yajnarthat karmano 'nyatra loko 'yam karma-bandhanah: if we do not perform yajna, we shall simply work very hard for sense gratification like dogs and hogs. This is not civilization
- Ass cannot understand that he's suffering, loading so much cloth upon his back. That is ass, one who cannot understand the suffering. And we are taking it, - This is not suffering, this is pleasure. I am working so hard
- Ass is called mudha. Mudha, he works very hard, a big load of washerman's cloth is laden on his back, and he works, and the washerman gives little grass. He thinks, "He is giving me grass; therefore I must bear this load"
- Bhakti-rasa is a mellow different from the ordinary rasa enjoyed by mundane workers. Mundane workers labor very hard day and night in order to relish a certain kind of rasa which is understood as sense gratification
- Big, big skyscraper buildings have been constructed, and people are making plans, designs, working very, very hard, lifting so many heavy things. These are very heavy tasks, but they are thinking, - It is very happiness
- By painting one picture, you enjoy some rasa, or mellow; otherwise why you are working so hard? There is a pleasure. So Krsna is raso vai sah. - He is the reservoir of all pleasure
- Don't you see that two men, they are working day and night, very hard. One man has become all of a sudden millionaire, and another man, he has no employment. Why? Why this distinction?
- Due to the living entity's ignorance of his eternal blissful life, he becomes attracted to material activities under the spell of maya. In this world, he can never experience happiness, yet he works very hard to do so. This is called maya
- Europe, America, they work very diligently, hard, and they have got material prosperity. And the Eastern countries, they are not working, intelligent. From material point of view. From spiritual point of view that is another thing
- Even very old man, he is working very hard, very big business magnate, very big politician, working very hard, and at night he goes to the nightclubs, pays $50 for entrance fee, and then he spends for wine and women lots of money. So this is his happiness
- Everyone is very . . . working very hard, struggling for existence, but they do not know how they can actually become happy. Na te viduh svartha-gatim hi visnum (SB 7.5.31). That they do not know
- Everyone is working so hard. So when one becomes intelligent, then he understands that, What I am doing? I am thinking that I am master, I am proprietor, I am the head of the family, but what I am doing actually? I am acting as servant of my senses
- Everyone works very hard to earn money, but no one knows that his real self-interest is in serving the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Everything, all Krsna's lila were vanished. Not vanished; it was not visible. Caitanya Mahaprabhu saw one small hole, little water, and He indicated, "This is Radha-kunda." Then Radha-kunda was discovered. So these Gosvamis, they were working very hard
- Generally people are trying to elevate his position, economic condition, working day and night very hard. Similarly, we can also work very hard for our future happiness
- Great business magnates, industrialists who work very hard to earn money by different ways and questionable means eat the thorny results of their actions mixed with their own blood. The Bhagavatam has situated these diseased fellows along with the camels
- He (Yamaraja) wanted to preach the glories of the Lord, and therefore by the will of the Lord he was cursed by Manduka Muni to come into the world in the incarnation of Vidura and work very hard as a great devotee
- Human nature should be like that, that "Why should we work so hard, simply for eating, sleeping, mating?" This is a wrong type of civilization
- Husband and wife, the wife is supposed to be the energy. The husband works day and night very hard, but when he comes home, the wife gives him comfort, eating, sleeping, mating, in so many ways. He gets fresh energy
- I (Prabhupada) am especially glad to note that everyone is feeling so much enthusiasm to work very hard in this preaching mission. That enthusiasm must be maintained under all circumstance
- I am working very hard day and night to decorate my country, my society, my family, my house, everything. That is not very happiness, working very day and night. But it is maya
- I think of you very often that you are a most ideal devotee wife. Your husband is working very hard and nicely in KC, and when the husband is executing his activities very nicely it is credit not only to the husband, but it is a credit to his wife also
- If a man fails to discharge his duties as a human being, he is forced to transmigrate to the asurya planets and take birth in degraded species of life to work hard in ignorance and darkness
- If any man wants to become rich man, he has to first of all accept unhappiness, to work very hard, day and night. Then he can get some money
- If one wants to become a millionaire in the future and enjoy his riches, he has to work very hard at the present moment in order to accumulate money. This is karma-kandiya. Those who are too much attached to such a path undergo the risk anyway
- If one wishes to enjoy something in the future, he has to endure trouble in the present. If one wants to become a millionaire in the future and enjoy his riches, he has to work very hard at the present moment in order to accumulate money
- If one works very hard, suffering the threefold miseries, and then is successful in getting some small benefit, what is the value of this benefit
- If we do not care for self-realization, the laws of nature force us to work very hard, even though we may not want to do so. Human beings in this age have been forced to work hard like the asses and bullocks that pull carts
- If we have to construct a skyscraper building, then we have to work so hard to collect the materials, and piling them and making them secure, so many things. But this material creation, this universe, was created not like that
- If we want something, we conditioned soul, we have to work very hard for it. But Krsna, He can by simply will, He can create the whole universe. So why should He work? Na tasya karyam karanam ca . . . this is the Vedic information
- If we want to participate in the unlimited happiness, knowledge and eternal life which constitute our actual heritage in the spiritual world, we should not waste this life by working hard for sense gratification and worshiping hogs
- If we work very hard under their (Marxists, Freudians, nationalists and industrialists) guidance instead of adopting the process practiced by Nara-Narayana, we shall waste our valuable human form of life. Thus we shall certainly be cheated and misled
- If you want to remain in this material world and do hard work for sense gratification, that chance will be given to you. But if you want to go back to home, back to Godhead, that chance also will be given to you
- Impeded by this ignorance and passion they are working very hard, just like an ass, and still they are thinking that "I am happy"
- In Bombay there are so many karmis, working very, very hard. If you want to see him, "No, sir, no, I have no time." What you are doing? "Working." What are you eating? "Four capatis. That's all." Why four capatis you are working so hard?
- In economic development it is seen that if two men work very hard day and night, still the results are not the same
- In European and American cities we have seen how people are working very hard, beginning from morning at five o'clock till four o'clock next night, for sense gratification. So this is not civilization. This is condemned civilization
- In every yuga the same thing is there, they forget the Lord and to maintain their body they work very hard day and night
- In material world this is always. The plan is . . . There is planning commission by the government. Why? To engage them to work very hard. That is going on
- In the beginning you must work very hard; you come to the stage of pure devotional platform. Then you can fully engage yourself meditation or chanting. Not in the beginning. In the beginning you should be very expert and active. That is wanted
- In the human society, this is not meant for working so hard, like an ass, like an hog, simply for sense gratification. This is Krsna consciousness philosophy. Nayam deho deha-bhajam nrloke
- In the human society. - This is not meant for working very hard like the dogs and hogs. Kastan kaman arhati vid-bhujam ye. Simply by working hard day and night for sense gratification, this is done by the dogs and hogs
- In the lower than human being condition, we have to work very hard simply for four necessities of life: eating, sleeping, mating and defending. Sense gratification
- In the material world, opulences are achieved by materialistic persons by dint of their labor. One cannot enjoy material prosperity unless he works very hard to achieve it
- In the previous verses, Kuntidevi has explained that those who have come to this material world are working very hard like asses and have such a hard burden that they cannot bear it
- In the Upanisads it is clearly said that the SPG can never be known simply by working very hard and taxing the good brain, nor can He be known simply by mental speculation and jugglery of words. The Lord is knowable only by one who is a surrendered soul
- In the Upanisads it is clearly said that the Supreme Personality of Godhead can never be known simply by working very hard and taxing the good brain, nor can He be known simply by mental speculation and jugglery of words
- In this material world there are jnanis and karmis. The karmis are fools who unnecessarily work very hard
- Independence for women means they become like prostitutes, struggling to capture some man who will take care of her. In this way the so called independent woman has to work very hard to make herself attractive by artificially wearing cosmetics
- Industrialists, businessmen or karmis are called mudhas in the sastras. They work very hard, accumulate money, and are satisfied to see that this money is plundered by their sons and grandsons
- It is very difficult to keep the high standard of living in this age, so one must work very hard and engage one's son in the same way
- Karma, jnana, yoga, they are all material enjoyment. Karma, karmis, generally we see everywhere. They are working so very hard, making plans how to improve material enjoyment. So they are called karmis
- Karmi also works very hard, harder and harder but all for this amisa-mada-seva. Amisa-mada-seva. Vyavaya, only for sex life, eating meat, and intoxication. And a devotee works in the same way, hard, but for Krsna's satisfaction
- Karmis are always anxious to accumulate wealth for their sense gratification, but for that purpose they must work very hard. Yet even though they work hard, the results are not satisfying
- Karmis are considered like asses because they are working so hard day and night without profit
- Karmis think that the material body is an instrument for material enjoyment, and that is why they work extremely hard. A devotee, however, has no such desires
- Karmis work very hard simply to enjoy sex. Modern human society has improved the materialistic way of life simply by inducing unrestricted sex life in many different ways. This is most prominently visible in the Western world
- Karmis, they are called asses. Not for his personal benefit, but he does not know for whose benefit he is working so hard, but still he is working, without benefit. Therefore sa eva go-kharah
- Krsna is asking to work for Him, giving up everything. That is clear, everyone knows. "Here also I am working very hard, but here I am working hard to be happy, but the viparitani, I am becoming unhappy. So why not work for Krsna?" This is intelligence
- Material life means to work very hard day and night and get some money and then eat sumptuously. Eat, drink, be merry and then enjoy sex life. That's all
- Material thought means these fruitive activities. "I shall work very hard, and I shall get so much wealth, and for this purpose I can go to church & temple. If God gives me millions of dollars, then I am ready to go." Real purpose is sense gratification
- Most often, those who work very hard day and night to clear the burden of self-created duties say that they have no time to hear of the immortality of the living being. BG 1972 purports
- Mucukunda continued, "Before taking the enjoyment of material life one has to work so hard that there is scarcely an opportunity for peacefully enjoying"
- On the whole there is no happiness in this material world, but an illusioned person works very hard for so-called happiness. Indeed, this process of working hard is actually taken for happiness. This is called illusion
- One has to be judged by the result. You have worked very hard and supposed to be very rich man, but if I see that you have no nice apartment, neither any car, neither any opulence, so what kind of businessman you have earned
- One person may enjoy great opulence without even working, whereas another person, although working very hard, does not even get two sufficient meals a day
- One's selfishness must be aimed at the point of going back to Godhead. The ass does not know its self-interest, and it works very hard for others only
- Ordinary karma, a person is working hard, day and night, going here and there. Where is santi? But because he's a fool, therefore working very hard, when he gets some money, he thinks it is santi. He thinks it is santi. But it is not santi
- Ordinary people, they are working day and night very hard, but what is the purpose? The purpose is sense gratification. The same desires, strong desires that, "I must get it done; I must have it," for Krsna, then it becomes Krsna consciousness
- Our philosophy is "Don't try to get money." Tasyaiva hetoh prayeteta. "You should simply engage your life for advancing your Krsna consciousness." So who will hear us? We say, "There is no need of working so hard for money"
- Pa indicates parisrama, labor, and pha is for phena, which means "foam." While working very hard a horse foams at the mouth, and similarly human beings must also work hard in this way
- Pavarga means "material existence." In material existence, one always works very hard but is ultimately baffled. One then dies & has to accept another body to work very hard again. This is the cycle of material existence. Apavarga means just the opposite
- People are after peace, santi, but this is the santi formula, that we must know Krsna - the supreme enjoyer of everything. If tapasya, you undergo severe austerities... Suppose you are doing business; that is also tapasya. You have to work very hard
- People are attached to household life for sex only. They are always harassed in many ways by their material engagements, and their only happiness is that after working very hard all day, at night they sleep and indulge in sex
- People are being educated and trained to work very hard for sense gratification, and there is no sublime aim in life
- People are being taught in this way, that "Work very hard day and night, earn money, and enjoy senses, nothing more." So this sort of civilization is condemned. The real civilization is that one has to control
- People are doing like that. They are eating in the morning and working very hard whole day, and in the evening again he becomes hungry and eats more sumptuously. That is his happiness
- People are engaged to earn money, working very hard day and night. So if there is such thing that simply by pleasing Krsna you can get as much money as you want, then why shall I earn money?
- People have no information, no education, no culture. They are put into the darkness and working so hard without knowing what is going to happen next. A civilization of complete darkness, very dangerous
- People without spiritual education do not know that the ultimate goal of life is to go back home, back to Godhead. Forgetting this aim of life, they are working very hard in disappointment and frustration
- Simply open a factory in which to manufacture nuts and bolts and work very hard and drink, and eat meat? What kind of civilization is this? It is because of this so-called civilization that people are suffering
- So in this material world we have to work very hard under these three kinds of miserable conditions of life, and we are actually doing that. Still, we are thinking that we are happy
- So long the life is there, everyone is thinking, "I have got this responsibility. I have got this responsibility. I have got this responsibility," and they are working very, very hard and doing all nonsense
- So-called scientific education means people become more attracted with this temporary world, and he works very hard, just like an ass
- Somebody is working very hard. Nobody is interested to work very hard for others. That is not the material philosophy. Everyone wants his own satisfaction, means sense gratification
- Such (members of the ISKCON who work very hard in their office or in the factory or some other place, & whatever they earn they give to the Society) highly elevated souls are actually sannyasis and are situated in the renounced order of life. BG 1972 pur
- Such a person (a grhamedhi) works very hard throughout his life to become very rich and eat very nicely and drink
- Suppose I am a businessman and have worked very hard with intelligence and have amassed a great bank balance. Then I am an enjoyer. But then say I have lost all my money in business; then I am a sufferer. BG 1972 Introduction
- Suppose you are doing business; that is also tapasya. You have to work very hard. Money does not come so easily. Then you get some money. So it is also the result of your tapasya
- That is human life, not that to work hard like hogs and dogs throughout the whole day for find out some stool, where it is. That is not human life. So people are being educated to work very hard. That is not human life
- That is the Vedic civilization, that you work for three months, not very hard, simply till the ground and sow some food grain seed, and within three months it will grow, and you will have ample food grains, and you'll keep it in stock. And keep some cows
- The actual happiness of the karmis is sex life. They work very hard outside the home, and to satiate their hard labor, they come home to enjoy sex life. King Puranjana went to the forest to hunt and after his hard labor he returned home to enjoy sex life
- The animal is also working very hard for these four principles, and the man is also working very hard. That is common. But that is not security
- The ass is an animal who is celebrated as the greatest fool, even amongst the animals. The ass works very hard and carries burdens of the maximum weight without making profit for itself
- The asuras are always fighting to overcome these impediments, and by the illusory power of material nature the foolish living entities work very hard within this material world and take this to be happiness. This is called maya
- The bhogis are the karmis, those who are working very hard to exploit the resources of the material nature, like the scientists, for example, who are doing research to further such exploitation. Their intention, actually, is to steal
- The body of a devotee who tries his best to work very hard for the satisfaction of Krsna by fully engaging in the Lord's service must be accepted as transcendental
- The demoniac work very hard all day and night, but the purpose of their hard work is to enjoy sex life
- The demons or atheists have faith in their own endeavors, but although they work very hard day and night, they cannot get any more than their destiny
- The end is the same - sex, that's all, which the cats and dogs enjoy in the street. And they have made this civilization, you see. Working very hard, and enjoy the sex. Is it not
- The general mass of people work very hard, especially in the age of Kali
- The great business magnates, industrialists who work very hard to earn money by different ways and questionable means, eat the thorny results of their actions mixed with their own blood
- The hogs are stool-eater, and they are working very hard day and night, and the business is kastan kaman, to satisfy the senses, these two business: where to find out source of income, and eat anything without any discrimination
- The idea is that people can be self sufficient and raise their own foodstuffs and have sufficient milk to save time and chant Hare Krishna. Why should they work so hard in the hellish factories? Let everyone live simply and be Krsna conscious
- The less intelligent are lazy and unable to evaluate the gift of the human body to achieve liberation from the material bondage; they become more interested in so-called economic development and work very hard throughout life
- The letter pa is for parisrama, which means "labor." In this material world, one must work very hard to maintain oneself
- The mammonist philosophy of work very hard and enjoy sense gratification is condemned herein (in BG 3.16) by the Lord. BG 1972 purports
- The separated, material energy bewilders the living entities (jivas), and thus they work very hard under its influence, not knowing that they are not fulfilling their mission in life
- The six couples who are working very hard there have been very much appreciated by the people of London, and their character, behavior, and devotion are attracting sincere people to our movement. I want similar thousands of couples for my disciples
- The stool-eater is also working very hard day and night and gratifying senses. So is the human civilization meant for imitating the hogs and dogs to work very hard day and night and gratify the senses, that's all?
- The typical example of the beast of burden is the ass. This humble beast is made to work very hard by his master. The ass does not really know for whom he works so hard day and night. BG 1972 purports
- There are many members of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness who work very hard in their office or in the factory or some other place, and whatever they earn they give to the Society. BG 1972 purports
- There are three qualities in the material world: goodness, passion and ignorance. Because people are in the mode of passion, they love to work very hard. That hard work is considered happiness
- They (karmis) are fools and rascals, because for illusory happiness for a moment, they are working so hard. Therefore they are rascal number one. How they can have peace? There is no question
- They (people) like it, to work very hard. But our Krsna consciousness movement is transferring that hard working to the business of Krsna. That tendency for hard working may be utilized
- They (Western people) work very hard in the office or factory, and again they spend three or four hours in transportation returning home. Then they retire at ten o'clock and again rise early in the morning to go to their offices and factories
- They have been engaged in the lives of hogs and dogs, work very hard, get some money & enjoy for sense gratification. This is not human civilization. So following their own mental concoction they automatically fall down into the dark region of existence
- They have created this working civilization, "Work very hard, very hard." That's all. In this Rome city you can see. There are evidences. These buildings are constructed with hard labor. Now those rascals have gone, and they are maintaining that
- They think that after working very, very hard, twenty-four hours, and driving the motorcars in three hundred miles speed, this is civilization
- This (CC Madhya 3.41) is the ideal householder’s life. The husband and wife live together, and the husband works very hard to secure paraphernalia for worshiping Lord Visnu
- This human form of life is not meant for working very hard like cats and dogs. It is meant for tapasya. Tapasya: simple life, and realize yourself. And then you stop the miserable condition of your life
- This is the nature of material life, that he will work very hard and he will think, "That is my life." This is material life. But actually, if you are actually happy, then why you have to work so hard? But that is nonsense. He is nonsense
- This is the way of materialistic life. Life means that they should not work. Working hard, very hard working, that is the animal's business
- This life is not meant for, simply for this hard work like animals, and satisfy oneself by sex life. This is hog’s life. The hog is also working whole day very hard, eating all nonsense, and very much satisfied with sex life
- This material world is pavarga, means here we have to labor very hard. Sometimes by laboring, as you have seen in animals, bulls and horses, they produce foam in the mouth, that is pha
- Those living beings within the jurisdiction of the material energy sometimes engage themselves like dogs and hogs in working very hard simply for sense gratification
- Thus they (karmis) engage their energy in working very hard for such material acquisitions. Such materialistic people have lost their good intelligence. They must search out their intelligence within the heart
- To accumulate material possessions, one must labor very hard, and when he gets them he creates many enemies because this material world is always full of rivalry. If one becomes rich, his friends or relatives are envious
- To achieve understanding, such persons (who are attached to impersonalism) work very hard and undergo severe austerities, but their hard labor and austerities themselves are their only achievement, for they do not actually achieve the real goal of life
- To become president or prime minister is not easy; one must work very hard (aruhya krcchrena) to achieve the post. And even though one may reach his goal, at any moment one may be kicked down by material nature
- To have unrestricted sex life, the karmis work very hard. They have concluded that the best course is to have sex with any woman and simply pay the price for her, as though she were a mercantile commodity
- To keep oneself fit to work hard, one must eat meat, and to digest meat, one must drink liquor, and to keep the balance of drinking wine and eating meat, one must have sufficient sexual intercourse to keep fit to work very hard like an ass
- To maintain the grhastha life-style, one has to work very hard to acquire money. Thus one is implicated in material life, and he suffers the thorn pricks
- To such mudhas (who work very hard day and night), material gains, which are destructible, are life's all in all-despite the fact that the mudhas enjoy only a very small fraction of the fruit of labor. BG 1972 purports
- To work very hard like dogs and hog for sense gratification is not the ambition of human life. Human life is meant for little austerity. Tapo divyam putraka yena suddhyet sattvam. We have to purify our existence. That is the mission of human life
- Try to understand what is karma. Karma means anyone who is working very hard day and night for his own benefit. That is called karma
- We are always full of anxieties, and at last there is death. This is material life. We work very hard, struggle for..., struggle hard for existence, and that also, at the end, we die
- We are given this human form of life not to work hard like asses, swine and dogs but to attain the highest perfection of life
- We are not meant to manufacture a society of monkeys or tigers or asses - or rascals who work very hard. Do you mean to say a society of asses will derive any benefit from life? No
- We are publishing all our books in a scholarly way so that professors, teachers, philosophers, they . . . they can read it. And it is very easily done. Word-to-word, Sanskrit word, English, and diacritic marks. So we are working very hard
- We are thinking we are very happily living with nice wife and children and working very hard, getting money. But sastra says, - You are fallen in the dark well
- We are working very hard. So if it (Krsna consciousness) is introduced among the scholarly sections, professors, teachers, it will be very beneficial to the human society
- We can practically see how the devotees who have dedicated their lives for the service of the Lord in the Krsna consciousness movement are getting immense opportunities for the service of the Lord without working very hard
- We have fallen under certain conditions that we have to work. This is our position. We have to work very hard, so that foam will come out of the mouth, and still, we are not assured success; always fearful
- We think we are enjoying, but we are suffering actually. And we cannot understand what is suffering. Sometimes we come to understand. But we are accepting this suffering as enjoying. A man is working very hard, whole day. This is not enjoyment
- Whatever you do, you just become Krsna conscious, and at least he will feel that, "I am . . . my future hope is there. There is Krsna." That is successful life. At least he is hopeful that he is going to Krsna, even he is working very hard, never mind
- When the asses will come to this standard, "Why I am working so hard?" then he's human being; otherwise he's no better than the cows and the asses