Gaṇeśa: So one day the material scientist, after many, many births will come to understand Vāsudeva, or Kṛṣṇa.
Prabhupāda: Yes.
Gaṇeśa: They will become devotees.
Prabhupāda: But that is their foolishness. We, people, Kṛṣṇa conscious people say, "Here is your ultimate goal of this science. Take it." That they will not take. That is foolishness. They will come to the same point. But when you offer him, he will not take. That is less intelligent. (break)
Paramahaṁsa: You were saying that inquisitiveness is the. . .
Prabhupāda: That is human life. That inquisitiveness cannot be found in cats and dogs. That is the difference between cats and dogs and human being. Human being, unless he becomes inquisitive for what is the ultimate source, he is not human being. These all people, 99.9% people, they are not inquisitive. They are searching after some happiness, but they are not inquisitive what is the source of happiness. They are being baffled in the material world. They have, for happiness they have discovered this horseless carriage and so many things, but there is so much unhappiness also when the motorcar is crashed between two, then life is lost. They are not inquisitive that "We have invented this machine for happiness. Why this disaster?" That intelligence is not there. That is the difficulty. They are simply going on searching after, but when we say, "No, not in this way. Come this way, you'll get happiness," they'll not. . . That is the difficulty.