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Unless you follow the rules and regulations given by the authority, then where is the meaning of becoming within that community?

Expressions researched:
"Unless you follow the rules and regulations given by the authority, then where is the meaning of becoming within that community"

Conversations and Morning Walks

1974 Conversations and Morning Walks

Unfortunately, even the Christians, they do not follow. They are killing. So how there can be religious life? Unless you follow the rules and regulations given by the authority, then where is the meaning of becoming within that community?.

Prabhupāda: God's creation is not limited. Suppose the sun is creation of God. It is not for India or for Australia—it is for everyone.

So whatever created by God, that is not monopoly of a certain class of men. Yes. This is the idea. So these people, they do not know what is the meaning of a Vaiṣṇava or brahmin. That is not limited with a certain circle or certain country or certain society. Just like Christ says: "Thou shall not kill." This is applicable to every man, not only that the Christians should follow. Unfortunately, even the Christians, they do not follow. They are killing. So how there can be religious life? Unless you follow the rules and regulations given by the authority, then where is the meaning of becoming within that community?

Reverend Powell: Yes.

Prabhupāda: And God or God's representative, whatever they say, that is not meant for a limited area.

Reverend Powell: Right.

Prabhupāda: That is not. Either you take Christian principle or Hindu principle, what is real principle, really principle, that is applicable everywhere.

Reverend Powell: Yes.

Prabhupāda: Yes. Just like Christ says that, "Thou should be . . . one should be meek and humble to go to back to home, back to . . ." Eh? It is not?

Satsvarūpa: Yes.

Prabhupāda: So this is for everyone.

Reverend Powell: Yes. Blessed are the meek.

Prabhupāda: Yes. It is not limited within the Christian community. Everyone.

Page Title:Unless you follow the rules and regulations given by the authority, then where is the meaning of becoming within that community?
Created:2024-10-23, 12:50:23.000
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