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I may be now American or Australian, very nice living, very nice motorcar, roads, everything, but why I am forced to leave immediately? This is the problem of life. Janma-mrtyu-jara-vyadhi

Expressions researched:
"I may be now American or Australian, very nice living, very nice motorcar, roads, everything, but why I am forced to leave immediately? This is the problem of life. Janma-mṛtyu-jarā-vyādhi"


Bhagavad-gita As It Is Lectures

I may be now American or Australian, very nice living, very nice motorcar, roads, everything, but why I am forced to leave immediately? This is the problem of life. Janma-mṛtyu-jarā-vyādhi-duḥkha-doṣānudarśanam (BG 13.9).

This is intelligence. When a man comes to inquire this point that, "Why I am forced to leave my comfortable position?" I may be now American or Australian, very nice living, very nice motorcar, roads, everything, but why I am forced to leave immediately? This is the problem of life. Janma-mṛtyu-jarā-vyādhi-duḥkha-doṣānudarśanam (BG 13.9). Bhagavad-gītā says that: "You may think of yourself as very happy within this material condition. You may think. That is called māyā. Actually, it is not happiness. I am working very hard day and night to decorate my country, my society, my family, my house, everything. That is not very happiness, working very day and night. But it is māyā. I am working day and night very hard, and I am still thinking I am very happy.

Natural tendency is that not to work. Therefore as soon as one man gets some money, he wants to live peacefully in a country place, a nice bungalow, without any working, without any turmoil. That is our natural tendency, peaceful. But we are forced to work, especially in this modern world—so many factories, so many work, so many . . . unless we work, we cannot get the so-called comforts of life. So for the comforts of life, the so-called comforts of life I shall be able to enjoy, I am forced to work day and night, and I am thinking I am happy. This is called māyā. He is not happy, but he is distressed, but he is thinking, "I am happy." This is called māyā.

So this knowledge is required that, "Why I am forced?" Just like he is fanning me. Why? Because I am feeling unhappy due to warmth of this room. Then again, in winter season, I'll not like this fanning. This fanning will be uncomfortable. So a thing which is now comfortable, a few days after, it will be uncomfortable.

Page Title:I may be now American or Australian, very nice living, very nice motorcar, roads, everything, but why I am forced to leave immediately? This is the problem of life. Janma-mrtyu-jara-vyadhi
Created:2024-07-02, 10:21:35.000
Totals by Section:BG=0, SB=0, CC=0, OB=0, Lec=1, Con=0, Let=0
No. of Quotes:1