Yesterday, they came? So they did not come. They're not willing to become devotee. They want to be God—by intoxication. You see?
This nonsense theory is killing so many persons. Artificial intoxication, forgetting his present ex . . . just like sleeping, one forgets, and he becomes a God. Oh, it is very dangerous theory. And this is going on. And as soon as one is said that "You become God's servant," "Oh, again servant?" But he's actually servant of intoxication.
That will continue. But as soon as he's requested that, "You become servant of Kṛṣṇa," "Oh, this is nonsense. They are old-type people." (chuckles) "We have invented something new, to become servant of sex and intoxication." And if somebody says: "Yes, it is all right. You go on with this. Simply meditate for fifteen minutes daily and you'll be . . . actually realize that you are God." This is asuric. This is asura.