Allen Ginsberg: Well, your plan here in America, then, is to set up centers so that those who are that concerned can pursue their studies and practice a ritual?
Prabhupāda: My . . . personally, I have no, I mean to say, ideal or ambition.
Allen Ginsberg: Yeah.
Prabhupāda: But it is the mission of human life to come to that point. So at least there must be some center or institution who may give them this idea. It is not that everyone will come. Just like there are many educational department. I know in Calcutta in our boyhood age, at that time Sir Ashutosh Mukherjee was vice-president.
So he opened some classes in the university. In each class there were four or five professors, and at that time the professors' salary was 1300 dollar, 1400 dollar. And the fees were collected, utmost thirty-six dollar per month. You see? But still the classes were to be maintained, because the ideal must be there.
So our mission is that intelligent persons of the world may know that this is not . . . simply seeking after sense gratification is not the aim of human life. Human life is meant by . . . just like Bhāgavata says, jīvasya tattva-jijnasa. Vedānta says, athāto brahma jijñāsā. The same thing. Bhāgavata is nothing but explanation of Vedānta. So Vedānta says that this human form of life is meant for inquiring about Brahman.
Atha. Ataḥ: "now." Atha means now. Atha, hereafter. That means after passing through all animalistic way of life, when a man comes to the stage of civilized life, perfect civilized life, at that time his business is to inquire about the Absolute Truth, what is the Absolute Truth. That is the whole Vedānta philosophy, "What is that Absolute Truth?"
The same thing is explained in Bhāgavata, jīvasya tattva-jijñāsa. Jīvasya means all living entities. The main business is to inquire about the Absolute Truth. So people, by education they are misled. Instead of getting them to the highest topmost stage, to the platform of inquiring about the Absolute, they are giving facilities how you can satisfy your senses nicely.