If you go to see a friend who is multimillionaire. Now, if you offer him, suppose, three apples or four bananas, or such like, so what is that in comparison to his wealth? That is nothing. But he's pleased still, "Ah, you are my friend. You have brought some fruits. That's nice." So Kṛṣṇa is . . . when we offer our service, He's very kind to accept. He says that patraṁ pus . . . only thing is devotion. That He accepts. Bhāva-grāhī janārdanaḥ (CB Adi-khaṇḍa 11.108). What is your feeling? How you are feeling for Kṛṣṇa?
Therefore, in the noontime I was saying that you should feel, "Oh, Kṛṣṇa is seated down. Oh, no. He should not be. He cannot sit for long time. It must be finished." That feeling . . . Bhāva-grāhī janārdanaḥ. Kṛṣṇa accepts our feeling. Just like this little child, if she comes before me with some little fruit like this, that is nothing for me. But the feeling is nice, "Oh, you have brought this? Nice. Very good." So bhāva-grāhī janārdanaḥ: "Janārdana, Kṛṣṇa, He accepts the feeling."