Indian man (3): I request, Swāmījī, on what basis we can say that it is a different meaning or distorted meaning and not the meaning which the Gītā says . . .?
Prabhupāda: Because you say that nobody knows. You say. And whatever meaning, that is in your mind, but you said nobody knows.
Indian man (5): No, that is quite mistaken talk.
Prabhupāda: That mistake . . . then what can I talk? It is mistake.
Indian man (3): I said nobody knows until he knows.
Prabhupāda: So if one does not want to know, how he'll know?
Indian man (5): Whatever Swāmījī says, that . . .
Prabhupāda: Yes. And Kṛṣṇa says, sarva-dharmān parityajya mām ekam (BG 18.66). Why don't you do that? Who has got the . . .?
Indian man (5): We want to be student. Sarva-dharmān is word.
Prabhupāda: That . . . that means you become student; hear me and you'll learn it. It is not the one minute's business.
Indian man (5): Somehow you can give some that, advice from you. But whatever . . .
Prabhupāda: Advice . . . well, you come here. Stay here. We shall teach you. Not that you have come here for five minutes, I have to teach you sarva-dharmān . . .
Indian man (5): No, you don't have time.
Prabhupāda: No, I have got time. So that's all right. You have to . . . you have to learn it.
Indian man (3): Swāmījī, you bless ourselves in such a way that we will not . . .
Prabhupāda: You have come. You are welcome here and take the blessings. But you won't come. When I say: "Come here and take the blessings," you won't come. What can I do? If one has fallen in the blind well—"Please get me up! Get me up!"—so I give him a rope: "Yes, catch it. I'll get you . . ." "No, no, I shall not catch." Without catching, there is no . . . so if you want to learn, come here. Stay. We shall teach you. That you won't do. Then how can I teach you? You learn from them. Just see these European and Americans, how they are . . . you have to learn from them by their behavior. These are American boys.