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The temperature in the moon planet is 200 degrees below zero. It is very cold. So therefore they use a certain kind of vegetable juice, which is called soma-rasa. Beverage. Just like you drink in your country beers and liquors

Expressions researched:
"the temperature in the moon planet is 200 degrees below zero. It is very cold. So therefore they use a certain kind of vegetable juice, which is called soma-rasa. Beverage. Just like you drink in your country beers and liquors"


Bhagavad-gita As It Is Lectures

The temperature in the moon planet is 200 degrees below zero. It is very cold. So therefore they use a certain kind of vegetable juice, which is called soma-rasa. Beverage. Just like you drink in your country beers and liquors, similarly they also drink the soma-rasa.

Guest (3): In your book Easy Journey to Other Planets, you've got here after death someone is promoted to the moon, and you receive the capacity to enjoy drinking of soma-rasa. What is that?

Prabhupāda: In soma . . . the moon planet is very cold. That is also accepted by the Russian scientist. He said—perhaps you know—that the temperature in the moon planet is 200 degrees below zero. It is very cold. So therefore they use a certain kind of vegetable juice, which is called soma-rasa. Beverage. Just like you drink in your country beers and liquors, similarly they also drink the soma-rasa. Is that clear?

Guest (3): And when it's brought up in the Ṛg Veda, what was it they worshiped there?

Prabhupāda: Yes. Vedic literature gives you direction how you can go to the moon planet. There is direction. There is also direction in the Bhagavad-gītā: yānti deva-vratā devān (BG 9.25). Devān means the planetary system occupied by the demigods. You can go there if you prepare yourself to go, next life. But you cannot go by these sputniks. That is not possible. You see? You have to prepare. Just like to come to your country one has to prepare to take the visa, to take the passport, take the permission—so many things.

Page Title:The temperature in the moon planet is 200 degrees below zero. It is very cold. So therefore they use a certain kind of vegetable juice, which is called soma-rasa. Beverage. Just like you drink in your country beers and liquors
Created:2024-08-24, 12:48:13.000
Totals by Section:BG=0, SB=0, CC=0, OB=0, Lec=1, Con=0, Let=0
No. of Quotes:1